
Reaper: The Archon of Death

After a false accusation leads to a family's execution, one soul becomes trapped in an eternal abyss, unable to move on. However, a shimmering light brings forth an ethereal being who provides limited but invaluable guidance. With this guidance, the soul embarks on a new journey, paving the way for a new odyssey.

Antivoid · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Memory Loss...?

We returned to Obirokuro Bomu, stopping first at Arisu's residence. The smell of smoke, mixed with the antiquity of the place, gave the whole lodging a peculiar fragrance.

Arisu studied the trinket on her palm for a moment before arranging it gently on the circular coffee table between the couch and the fireplace.

"The Black Heart... Perhaps potent enough to overpower this... thing from 'The Void'?"

My musing trailed off, but Kei gently grasped my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

"Lyssa, you seem troubled... Those words from that Phantoul, can you really believe them?"

"Aren't you supposed to have hyper-awareness?" Arisu uninvitedly interjected, resulting in her getting downright disregarded.

I took a moment to think, reflecting on how the Phantoul has been guiding me all this time.

"Possibly, it may be telling the—"

I paused.

My mind returned to the one person who had betrayed me and gotten me into all this mess.

It made me think about my decision to trust people so easily.

"Have I not learnt from my mistake?" I thought.

My gaze shifted to both Kei and Arisu.

Arisu's kind-hearted eyes met mine, and Kei's forbearing expression hinted at his concern.

"Lyssa? You were going to speak. Why did you stop?"

"I... Never mind..."

Arisu looked slightly concerned as she walked over to me, letting the trinket out of her sight.

"Hey, Lyssa. Don't be so gloomy! You have us, and if that Phantoul thing was lying—which it probably was—we'll be just fineeee~. There's nothing to worry about."

As I listened to her words, I knew, deep down, that they wouldn't help me in the slightest. However, I decided to accept them anyway and reassured her that I was fine. Even though Kei didn't believe me, he didn't push the issue any further and just let it rest.

"Now about that trinket."

Kei turned to Arisu as he took calculated steps towards the coffee table.

"If what that Phantoul was saying is true, then Arisu, please never buy mysterious items from mysterious people."


"No 'buts'."

Arisu looked down at the ground in sadness as she slouched down on the couch.

"What, or who even are the six beings anyway?"

I trekked towards the table where Arisu had placed the trinket.

"What would happen if we just left it? Or destroyed it?"

"I doubt either would work."

"So you're saying the only two ways to defeat this thing is to find this mysterious Black Heart item or find the six beings?"

"Who knows," she said, a hint of wonder in her voice, "maybe this thing possesses a level of sentience we never imagined?"

"Basically, yes."

Kei let out a deep sigh as he sank into the soft cushions of the couch and turned his gaze towards me.

"Personally, I don't believe what that Phantoul said was true."

Arisu, who was sitting across from us, nodded vigorously in agreement with Kei's sentiments. She was clearly sceptical as well.

"Why do you even trust it so much?"

Kei directed his question at me with curious eyes.

"It's a major risk not trusting it."

Kei, originally reluctant to believe the Phantoul's words, now considered them.

As I spoke, Arisu reached out and picked up the small trinket from the coffee table. She held it up to the light from her glowing palm, examining it closely before turning her gaze back to me.

"Maybe this thing has sentience?"

Kei shot his usual gaze at Arisu, who seemed like she was trying to be genuine.

"And how would that work?"

"Well, the Phantoul thing did say that the trinket can control people's minds."

I took a chance to speak up about the trinket and the 'Being from The Void'.

"Arisu is surprisingly right for once. The Phantoul did say that. And it makes me wonder if the being from 'The Void' has something to do with mind control."

Kei and Arisu pondered my words, and the room fell silent, other than the fire from the fireplace and the chatter from outside.

Four knocks played their blunt tune on the front door, startling Arisu—why wouldn't it?

"Who would be knocking now?"

"Arisu, tell us next time if you have visitors."

"I-I didn't know about this!"

The knocks continued, echoing through the room. Arisu, still slightly startled, hesitated before cautiously approaching the door.

A small child was waiting at the doorstep as Arisu opened it.


It was Kurochi.

"Ku...rochi, yes?"

Arisu had trouble remembering her name, and Kei gazed intently at her.

"You're that girl from earlier. What business do you have here?"

"I found this in the river near the fields. It might be of use to you."

Arisu grinned slightly and knelt to be at eye level with the youthful girl as she took the thing from her.

"That's kind of fortunate, but thanks."

Kurochi's keen gaze was fixed on my abdomen, specifically where the crystal was lodged.


Arisu waved her hand in front of her, probably assuming that she was staring into space.

"What?" Kurochi responded.

"Oh, I just thought you were staring into space, that's all."

"Oh, I apologise for the misunderstanding."

Arisu smiled and giggled; it was clear she had an interest in young girls.

"Those are some big words for an eight-year-old."

As Kurochi and Arisu conversed, the similarities between them and my own relationship with Mother became apparent to me. I caught glimpses of Mother in Arisu's affectionate conduct and of myself in Kurochi's forbearing but inquisitive temperament.

"I will be going now."

Arisu's gaze followed Kurochi as she made her way towards the exit. She looked at her with a sort of fondness, the kind that only a mother could express.

It reminded me of the way my own mother used to look at me, and it brought back memories from my childhood.

Finally, Kurochi said her goodbyes and made her way out the doorway. Arisu waved one final time, and the moment was gone.

Arisu's fingers delicately shut the door, and Kei's eyes shifted to her, taking in the mysterious object that Kurochi had gently passed into her care.

Meanwhile, a question lingered in my mind—a question for the Guide Phantoul since it seemingly knew everything. I was grappling with an uncanny suspicion: Was I truly reincarnated into some foreign world to enact vindication on an individual from an entirely separate one?

"So what do you think it is, Lys?"

I was taken out of my trance when Arisu called out my name—or rather, nickname.

"You mean that heart-shaped amulet?"

"Well, duh!"

I walked over to Arisu, who handed me the amulet. It had a crevice, the shape of a heart, and was black.

"This must be for that 'Black Heart' that the Phantoul was talking about."

"Eh? Really."

"It seems reasonable. However, I find it convenient that we obtained such an item at a time of need."

Kei, the ultimate stoic, raised a sceptical eyebrow, his gaze fixed on the mystifying amulet that lay before us.

"Should we just call the Phantoul thingy?"

Arisu, once again, offered a remarkably valid option; we all agreed. But how to call it was an issue we got over pretty quickly.

All by yelling its assumed name.

"Guide Phantoul!"

A bright light quickly formed, signalling the arrival of the Guide Phantoul.

As the bright light faded, the Phantoul stood before us, a tall and imposing presence. Its voice resounded through the room as it spoke.

"You have summoned me for a purpose, I assume?"

The Phantoul's gaze bore into us, seeking the intent behind our conjuring.

In unison, we nodded, our collective attention now drawn to the mysterious heart-shaped amulet in Arisu's grasp.

"And I see you have a heart amulet."

"Heart... amulet?"

The Phantoul nodded sagely.

"It is the very artefact employed by the six beings to harness and store their formidable power."

As the Phantoul unveiled its profound knowledge, a lingering thought crept into my mind, whispering: "This is almost too convenient. Is someone orchestrating these events with deliberate intent?"

"Do you just, like, know everything?"

Arisu's inquiry cut through the mystical atmosphere, probing the limits of the Phantoul's knowledge.

"There is some knowledge that is beyond my reach."

"And I'm guessing this 'Being from The Void' was a tyrant that had something to do with controlling minds?"

The Phantoul nodded once more, confirming Kei's query.

"That sounds a coo—"

"This amulet confirms that a Black Heart is lurking somewhere." Kei interjected.

"You didn't know originally?"

"It was something I had speculated."

As the conversation between the two individuals went on, my curiosity about the possibility of my existence being for a specific purpose grew stronger. When their discussion finally came to an end, I couldn't help but approach the Phantoul and inquire about it. I approached it carefully.

I motioned for the Phantoul to follow me into an empty corridor and let Arisu know I would be back soon.

Once we were alone, I asked my question in a quiet voice.

"So your purpose is to enact revenge... on someone from another world?"

I nodded; the Phantoul looked at me, and for a moment, there was silence.

"That seems highly unlikely."

"But I don't see anyone else who I'd want to take revenge on."

The Phantoul paused before speaking.

"Your soul and mind are separate entities, and they may harbour different desires. In your case, I can sense that it is a memory issue."

"Memory issue?"

"As I just said, your mind and soul are different entities; if one loses its memory, the other will not."

I frowned, trying to make sense of this.

"So you're saying that my desire for revenge isn't for Fides, but for someone else entirely?"

The Phantoul shook its head gently. "It is not that you do not know about this person; your mind has simply forgotten them, while your soul has not."

"But why would I want revenge on that person?"

"It is your task to figure that out. If you want to ascend to the afterlife, that is."

And with that, the Phantoul faded back to wherever it came from, leaving me more confused than ever before.

Making my way back to the living room, I decided to approach Arisu and Kei.

"Where did you go?"

"I think Lys is keeping a secret from us!"

I looked at Arisu and Kei, still trying to process what had happened.

The words of the Phantoul echoed in my mind, urging me to seek revenge on someone I had forgotten. But who could it be? And why would I desire retribution against them? I couldn't shake off the nagging sense that there had been vital information I had forgotten.

As I pondered, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"What secrets would I keep from you?"

Arisu's voice was tinged with amusement, but I could sense an underlying curiosity.

I tilted my head in slight confusion, wondering what she was referring to, only to realise she was talking to Kei.

"A lot of secrets."

"Well, you're not wrong there..." Arisu chuckled.

"So what did you talk about with the Phantoul?"

Kei turned his gaze towards me.

My mind revolved like a cog at the mention of the Phantoul. I hesitated for a moment, considering my response. Finally, I decided to keep it vague.

"I'd rather keep that a secret."

"See! She does keep a lot of secrets!"

Arisu's eyes narrowed, but she didn't press the matter. I couldn't help but smile at her playful tone, grateful for the momentary distraction from the weight of my thoughts.

My encounter with the Phantoul had left me with more questions than answers.

"It was something personal." I sighed.

"I had anticipated that."

Kei turned to face Arisu and then turned away, giving her a chilly, indifferent look, before walking off.

"I would greatly appreciate it if you two accompanied me right now."


Arisu looked back at Kei with confusion etched into her face—like ninety per cent of the time.

"I would like to show you something."