
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantasía
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152 Chs

Bloodline Awakening - Part 2

"So, my dear may you please place the child in the middle of the altar?" Penelope asked after taking out three canisters of purified holy water and an orb of condensed holy light. Just in case, Rin's bloodline was more powerful than she anticipated, and she was drained of her power during the process. 

Upon hearing her orders, Crystal stepped forward and gently placed Rin on the altar, right under the moon's luminosity just as a small black tendril appeared and pricked Rin's finger.

Plip. Plip. Plip.

Leading to a few droplets of his blood staining the altar, which caused the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth to rumble as the altar transformed. Casting away its original blackened appearance and becoming something akin to a white marble statue.

That contained hints of gold and purple, however, that was beside the point, as shortly afterward a drop of golden blood fell from the tree branch and slammed the altar. 

Swoosh! Boom!

Before merging with Rin's body, leading to an explosion of lights that caused everyone within the vicinity of the temple to close their eyes, during which Rin woke up to a woman in all white smiling at him.

Before she tapped his forehead and suddenly vanished as if it was all but a figment of his imagination as he returned to sleep. While, his body began to exude four distinct colors without him knowing namely: Burning Red, Frosty White, Golden Black, and Dullish Purple.

Which began to revolve around his body like moths attracted to light, as they gradually expanded and formed a cocoon around him. As grayish flames appeared from the altar and slithered across its surface like snakes.

Just as the moon cast its light upon the altar, signaling Penelope to begin infusing her energy into the cocoon. Yet, just before that she first opened one of the canisters and began to drizzly holy water all over the altar. Seemingly awakening something deep within the temple as it caused all of Asia to quack as if an earthquake was about to occur.

Alarming even those overseas since no one knew what triggered the phenomenon, forcing various experts throughout Earth to turn their attention toward Asia as even the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth was in great turmoil.


"So, it seems the Higher Realms have finally gained a worthy candidate to fulfill the throne? Hopefully, you will be able to walk the path forsaken by humanity this time... Luke," A masked individual with flaming red hair muttered as they gazed at the sky, before disappearing into the night as they laughed hysterically in joy.


"FUCK! Just what type of bad luck is this?!" Angel complained after being informed his new task was to track down the cause of the phenomenon in Asia.


"So, the Kurama Clan finally has a talent worthy to be killed… I wonder what his blood will taste like?" A fox demon whispered as she licked her lips while sitting on top of a pile of dried-up corpses. While her eyes gleamed with curiosity and a hunger for a new playmate.


Yet, just when everyone thought things were starting to calm down, the guardian spirit of the temple that had not appeared for centuries appeared. As the phantom of a tiger, manifested above the temple and growled at the sky as if it were declaring its return as a wild, oppressive, and regal aura. 

Spread throughout the world without care causing nature to rebel in protest as the earth fractured, volcanoes erupted, tsunamis formed, blizzards ran rampant, and tornadoes raged throughout the night without end.

However, that did not faze it as with just a wave of its paw, it ended nature's riot before briefly gazing at Rin and returning to its slumber. Bestowing him a trace of its divinity just before its departure which helped remold and cleanse his physique.

While unlocking the first form of his bloodline, a unique variant of the Kurama bloodline, gifted to them by Archangel Uriel, the wielder of the Cosmic Fire. Yet with the addition of the Divinity of a Tiger God Rin's bloodline has now become something akin to an Empyrean Bloodline.

Nonetheless, while powerful it does have its limitations as now Rin requires twice the number of resources to strengthen and develop his bloodline after each subsequent refinement.

Also, as things finally calmed down and returned to normal for the Kurama Clan, the outside world was not so peaceful as the eyes of various major powers worldwide burned with greed.

As they turned their gazes toward Asia, the one place no one wanted to piss off at the moment. However, in the face of acquiring absolute power even a mouse could gain the courage to challenge a lion. 


Meanwhile, back at the temple...

The elders of the Kurama could only stand awestruck as they wondered just what type of heavenly luck, they must have had to gain such a fortune.

"So, so w-w... what's going to happen now that everyone is aware that a heavenly-defying genius has appeared in our clan?!" One of the elders shouted with fear as no one seemed aware of the trouble they had just brought upon themselves.

Forcing everyone to somber up as they began to think of ways, they could hide such information from the world, especially those sneaky bustards. As while Asia might show a united front to the world, only those who truly lived here knew the Nine Supreme families were far from cordial.

Yet, these were worries for another time as the power within Rin's blood surpassed the very limits known to humankind as his body underwent nine revolutions and used all three canisters and half an orb of condensed holy light—something no Kurama has ever done before during a bloodline awakening.

Since most bloodlines only undergo one to six revolutions, which is an indicator of the number of abilities a person can gain after each refinement of their bloodline. Until it reaches maturation enabling the person can call upon their Bloodline Ancestor. 

However, right after Rin's body absorbed half the orb, the Grand Priest fell to the ground and passed out, due to energy deficiency as Rin's bloodline was something akin to a bottomless hole.

Luckily, she managed to hold on and help him pass through the Dragons Gate, a process that destroys and recreates an individual's physique into the most suitable body to wield their given bloodline.

That in Rin's case gifted him with an imperfect yet perfect constitution, which blessed him with the ability to cultivate mind, body, and soul simultaneously in harmony. Whilst cleansing his body of its impurities and announcing the end of Rin's bloodline awakening.