
Reaper's Angel

In the new war against hell and earth, Silver has an ‘unholy’ obsession with death. Killing anything and everything she pleases. When her kill gets sabotaged, she soon learns that another force is against her. Getting kicked out of hell is hard, but having to live among the ones she hates most, is the biggest challenge yet.

Yumi_Ito · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Black, just black. Trapped in my thoughts, blank like an unused journal. As I closed my eyes the world seemed like it didn't exist, time stopped and everything was just in peace for a moment. Just me in a dark room by myself. It was nice, but it wasn't what I wanted. I open my eyes to be met with a bright light, only to be replaced with the face of someone I didn't recognize.

I slightly flinch when the face gets closer to mine, examining it. I could now identify it to be a man, in his 30's roughed up tanned skin and dark brown short hair. He poked my face with a stick, I don't think he knows I'm awake. He poked me again but with more pressure on my forehead. "Can you stop doing that?" I said annoyed at all his pricking. "Ah, I didn't see that you had awakened." he seemed nervous and a bit shocked that I was awake, almost suspiciously, like I wasn't supposed to see him.

I tried to sit up but there was a force holding me down, I was tied to the bed. I pulled my arm up and did my best to look around, it looked like a white plain room, with gray accents. It wasn't a room from the dorms. "Excuse me, but why the hell am I tied up?" My voice came off more annoyed than confused. "Well, you might not wanna move, since the sedatives have almost fully worn off." He made his way to a table and picked up a small scalpel, "They shouldn't have worn off that quick, but that just confirms my suspicion." Who is this man?

He put the scalpel up to his thumb, slowly dragging it across the skin. "I bet if I cut just a little deeper…"

Crimpson flowed from his fingertips, taunting me, teasing me. I shut my eyes to take my focus off of it. Calming myself the urge slowly going away, slowing down my racing heart. But he didn't like that.

A liquid smeared against my face and in surprise, I opened my eyes to see him rubbing his cut finger against my face. He knew what he was doing. I gasp trying to back my face away from him but the back of my head was already against the wall. Seeing my mouth open, he took the opportunity to put his finger in my mouth. That's all it took. My eyes grew red as I shook violently, thoughts clouded, no longer able to control myself.

I ripped the ropes holding me down and tackled the man who started it all. I grabbed the scalpel he dropped on the floor, the urge overwhelming. I set the scalpel up to his throat, slowing putting more pressure. "H-hold on now you don't have to-" I didn't want to hear that fuckers voice, he didn't deserve to speak. A short scream was heard, then silence, all confirmed that he had bled out, the smell thrilling to my senses. As I licked the blade, the blood's taste was shit, fitting for such a disgusting being.

Then it hit me-

Where the hell am I?