
Realm Reborn: New Life as a Demonic Fae

Nathaniel Cromwell's life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident claims him at a construction site on Earth. Summoned by the God of Balance, Nate is given the choice to reincarnate into a new world with the option to customize his rebirth. Now born as a charming Half-Fae, Nate continues on starting new adventures and finding plenty of power and love along the way.

CirceCat · Fantasía
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86 Chs

Strategy Meeting

Nate awoke, his body screaming in protest after days of sleeping on the hard ground. He stretched, causing cracking sounds to echo through the basement. Groaning, he continued until his limbs felt less stiff.

"You should get used to rough living. It's important for any adventurer," a soft but stern voice said.

Looking over, he saw Selene decked out in full plate armor, a large broadsword strapped to her back. Her icy blue eyes examined him intently.

"I'm starting to get that feeling," he replied jokingly.

"Well, you should begin getting ready. My master wants to hold the strategy meeting in two bells," she said, turning away.

"Don't worry, not everyone is as insanely dedicated as her. That girl was even offered her own room, but she said she hadn't earned the privilege yet," Rob called out from across the room.

"How come she was offered a room?" He grumbled.