
Realm Reborn: New Life as a Demonic Fae

Nathaniel Cromwell's life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident claims him at a construction site on Earth. Summoned by the God of Balance, Nate is given the choice to reincarnate into a new world with the option to customize his rebirth. Now born as a charming Half-Fae, Nate continues on starting new adventures and finding plenty of power and love along the way.

CirceCat · Fantasía
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86 Chs

Off to Stop a Cult

Waking up the next day, Nate reluctantly moved Gwen off of him and began to finish packing up his belongings.

It didn't really take long since all he really needed to do was throw the bags he had already packed into the storage ring he had received yesterday from Professor Jodi. The magical space within the ring made the process quick and efficient, swallowing up his possessions with ease.

With that finished, he quickly cleaned himself up before grabbing the new gear he had received from Angus yesterday. The armor appeared rather ordinary, just simple brown leather pants and a matching vest, but remembering what Jodi had said about it, he decided to appraise it.

[Armor set: Dexterous Newbie Set (Unique)]

Description: leather armor that was created by a legendary craftsman who even while half-assing his way through making it still crafted a masterpiece