
Realm of Rigor: The Perilous University

If you were trapped in a university where the assignments posed a deadly threat, would you resort to taking lives to ensure your own survival, or would you passively accept your fate and let others end your life? This university, which was once thought to be a haven of intellectual advancement, evolves into a battleground where the decision is between killing or being killed, in a terrible story of survival instincts tested to their limits. Koa, gifted yet financially constrained, discovers an alternative university offering hope. Yet, what begins as a promising opportunity swiftly turns sinister. Assigned tasks escalate into deadly challenges, pitting students against each other. With alliances tested and betrayal lurking, Koa must unravel the university's dark secrets to survive.

msso_o · Adolescente
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10 Chs

Entrance Exam

Koa sat in the classroom, her heart pounding with anticipation as she waited for the entrance examination paper to be handed to her.

Today was the day that could potentially change her life forever – the day she would take her first step toward attending one of the most prestigious universities in the Philippines.

As she fidgeted nervously in her seat, she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence coursing through her veins. She had spent countless hours preparing for this moment, studying diligently to ensure that she was ready for whatever questions lay ahead.

Finally, the proctor began distributing the examination papers, and Koa eagerly reached out to take hers. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves as she flipped open the booklet.

"Here we go," she muttered to herself, her eyes scanning the first question.

"Excuse me, do you have an extra pen?" a voice interrupted her concentration.

Startled, she looked up to see a fellow examinee, a young man with a friendly smile, standing beside her desk.

"Oh, um, sure!" she replied, quickly digging through her bag to retrieve an extra pen.

"Here you go."

"Thanks," the young man said, taking the pen with a grateful nod before returning to his seat.

Koa turned her attention back to the examination booklet.

University Entrance Exam: Science Section

She breezed through the questions, each one feeling like a familiar friend thanks to her thorough preparation.

Question 1:

What is the function of mitochondria in a cell?

a) Energy production through cellular respiration

b) Storage of genetic material

c) Synthesis of proteins

d) Regulation of cell cycle

Question 11:

Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)

b) Methane (CH4)

c) Nitrous oxide (N2O)

d) Oxygen (O2)

Question 24:

What is the chemical formula of water?

a) H2O

b) CO2

c) H2O2

d) HO

Question 26:

What is the basic unit of heredity?

a) Gene

b) Chromosome

c) Nucleotide

d) Allele

Question 31:

Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?

a) Coal

b) Natural gas

c) Solar

d) Petroleum

Question 36:

What is the main function of red blood cells?

a) Transportation of oxygen

b) Defense against pathogens

c) Regulation of blood sugar

d) Production of antibodies

Question 47:

Which law of motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction?

a) Newton's First Law

b) Newton's Second Law

c) Newton's Third Law

d) Law of Inertia

Question 48:

What is the process by which plants make their own food called?

a) Photosynthesis

b) Respiration

c) Transpiration

d) Fermentation

Question 49:

Which of the following is a non-metallic element?

a) Sodium (Na)

b) Chlorine (Cl)

c) Iron (Fe)

d) Calcium (Ca)

Question 50:

What is the SI unit of force?

a) Newton (N)

b) Joule (J)

c) Watt (W)

d) Ampere (A)

Remember, each correct answer earns you points towards your university entrance. Good luck!

With a deep breath, she prepared herself for the next challenge: the math portion of the examination. Math had always been her strong suit, but the thought of encountering unfamiliar or difficult questions still made her nervous.

As she whispered a silent prayer and crossed her fingers for luck, she gingerly opened the math paper. Her heart skipped a beat as she scanned the first few questions. 

University Entrance Exam: Mathematics Section

Question 1:

Simplify the expression: 3x^2+2x−5+2x^2−4x+7...

Glancing around the room, she noticed the tension in the air as her fellow examinees furrowed their brows in concentration. But for her, the questions on the math paper felt like a breeze, each one a simple puzzle waiting to be solved.

"This is basic," she whispered to herself with a grin.

"The answer was 5x^2+2x+2"

Time seemed to fly by as Koa worked her way through the exam, she had reached the final page of the exam. With a sense of satisfaction, she carefully reviewed her answers one last time before confidently closing the booklet.

As she handed her completed paper to the proctor, a smile of quiet confidence graced Koa's face. Whatever the outcome may be, she knew that she had given it her all – and that was all she could ask for.

Koa exited the university building, she reached into her pocket to retrieve her wallet, only to find a single 10-peso coin nestled there. A wave of disbelief washed over her, mingled with a tinge of embarrassment.

"I know I'm poor, but I never knew I was this poor," she murmured to herself, a hint of self-deprecation in her tone.

She sighed, feeling a twinge of frustration at her financial situation.

With a resigned shrug, she squared her shoulders and began to walk.

"I'll just have to walk home," she muttered to herself, trying to push aside any feelings of disappointment.

As she walks home, she looks at her phone to check the time, only to realize that she has missed several messages from her manager. Her stomach churned with anxiety as she read the most recent text.

[ Don't tell me you're running away. You have work to do, girl! ]

A sense of panic gripped Koa as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had completely forgotten about her shift at the convenience store.

She broke into a sprint, her feet pounding against the pavement as she raced towards her workplace. Each breath came in ragged gasps as she pushed herself to run faster, desperate to make it to the convenience store before her absence caused any further trouble.

As she rounded the final corner, she pushed herself to sprint the last few meters, skidding to a stop in front of the entrance.

Breathless and flushed with exertion, Koa pushed open the door and rushed inside, her eyes scanning the store for her manager. Relief flooded her as she spotted him behind the counter, his expression a mixture of annoyance and relief.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" she panted, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

"I completely lost track of time with the exam, I didn't mean to—"

Her manager held up a hand to silence her, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

"Save it. Just get to work and make sure it doesn't happen again."

Nodding fervently, she wasted no time in rushing to her designated station. 

"Hi there! Find everything okay?" she greeted the customers with a warm smile, doing her best to mask the slight panic she felt at being late.

"Yeah, just these, thanks," he replied as he approached the counter with purchases in hand.

"Great! Will that be cash or do you have any store credits you'd like to use today?"

"Cash, please," he stated as he handed her the cash.

"Perfect, thank you. Here's your change. And thank you for coming to our convenience store. Have a wonderful evening!" 




Well, well, well, gather 'round, folks, and let me introduce myself - the one and only Koa Devias, at your service. Yep, that's right, 18 years young and residing in the bustling metropolis of Manila. 

So, here's the scoop: my oh-so-loving mother decided to trade me in for a shiny new husband, leaving me in the dust. And what do you know? Dear old dad couldn't handle the drama and decided to take an early exit, leaving yours truly to pick up the pieces. Classic family dysfunction, am I right?

But fear not, for I am the epitome of resilience. At the tender age of 15, I rolled up my sleeves and dove headfirst into the wild world of survival, hustling my way to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly. Oh, the glamour of poverty, you can practically taste it.

And here's the kicker - despite my razor-sharp intellect and wit that could cut through steel, I'm stuck in the perpetual cycle of being broke. Ah, the joys of life's little ironies.

So, there you have it, folks - the life and times of Koa Devias, where sarcasm reigns supreme and adversity is just another punchline. Cheers to being smart and poor, what a combo, am I right?