
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Supreme Workout

This session was quickly finished. And right after, he began sitting down in a comfortable position, this time not using his psychic powers.

Concentrating on the flow of energy inside his body, that was rapidly fixing his muscle tissue, he knew that he needed to get a better understanding of it.

First he tried mapping out how the energy flowed.

At first, he felt almost no direction or system to the energy's flow pattern. After a short time of observation however, the energy seemed to follow an odd kind of circulation, where the energy first flowed to his brain from the surroundings, where its amount greatly diminished from what he felt entering his body. The small amount that left his brain then went to his body to fix it.

Following the flow of energy to his brain with his senses, he searched for where the majority of that energy was disappearing to. With his senses following the energy, he quite quickly reached his goal.

Would any creature of the Nightmare World, that knew of what he was currently doing, learn that he had managed to find this place with such ease, they would probably die of embarrassment, deeming themselves to be inadequate creatures that may as well not exist.

Kalvin knew none of it though. He simply found the process to be quite easy, seeming almost natural to him.

The moment his sense made contact with that place, he found that the world had grown dark around him once again. He had entered the dark space with only the mist floating around in its midst again.

Here he saw a bit of mist slowly entering. Though compared to the amount already present due to him absorbing the leftovers of the moth, it seemed to be almost negligible.

But with time passing, more and. ore of the mist would eventually gather.

Exiting the space again, Kalvin thought about what he had just learned aloud.

"So that energy enters that black space and all that the space cannot absorb due to a lack of ... lets call it bandwidth, is given to the body to make use of."

Indeed, his Hypothesis had been mostly correct. The space could only take in a certain volume of energy at any given time.

"If this is true, than that means the more energy I get into my body the more gets to my body. That much should be obvious."

A way to increase the efficiency of his training was to simply find a way of getting more energy directly into his body.

For now, the only way of getting loads of energy into his body was to train his body, tearing his muscles over and over again, which for some reason increased the amount of energy he was gaining.

The only other idea he had at the moment was to consciously absorb the energy.

So instead of constantly thinking on his idea, he just decided to try it. The energy did not seem to be harmful to him anyway, so getting a bit more of it should only be beneficial to him.

Before trying to take hold of the energy, he first had to be able to sense it outside his body.

He knew that it had to be somewhere outside his body. Obviously. It had to come from somewhere did it not?

Weaving through the air with the psychic power, he felt the air brush against and be displaced by his push.

At first he felt nothing unusual with his power. But after a short amount of time and a bit of following the energy stream leading to his brain in reverse, he managed to sense the energy in the air.

Still sitting in a comfortable position, he willed his psychic power to hold on to the energy, like he had done with the pebble and the paperclip while attempting to drag it towards his body. A problem soon arose though. He could not properly gain hold of the energy. It was like trying to, with bare hands, hold onto the air and carry it around with you. Utterly impossible. The moment he tried pushing the energy, it would simply slip out of his grasp.

For a few more minutes he tried grabbing the energy but failing every time he tried. It was quite frustrating for Kal, who was constantly trying to get hold of it but failing no matter how hard he seemed to concentrate.

Seeing how this approach was not crowned by success, he focused on other possible ways of moving gas like substances. First he tried to form some kind of barrier, which he would move around to fan the energy in his direction

Forming the barrier was difficult at first but with a little more concentration, a two centimeter

large barrier was formed.

"Thats actually pitifully."

"This really won't do much in helping me heal faster."

One top of this,

every time he tried to move it , it fell apart.

Ten times. Twenty times... Over a hundred times.

"Getting the barrier to move while not immediately breaking down is not easy."

While after many attempts, he managed to move the barrier successfully, although only at a very slow speed. Also, when pushing something heavier than air and that energy, it simply collapsed.

"It seems like my body has already healed properly while I was practicing forming the barrier. Looking at the time I can manage about one more session of healing and training each."

Oddly, even when he was not needing to regenerate his body and it was not sucking in energy from the surroundings through his brain, now that he could feel the energy when using his telekinesis on it, the space that was connected to his brain would still suck in all the energy it could.


Once more he went around each of the stations to work out. Every workout making him last a little bit longer while being able to lift more and more weight each time. Simultaneously he would fan a bit of energy to his body in the places that needed it the most. As such, the regeneration time was slightly shortened.

This surprised Kalvin a lot. He initially thought that such a small amount of energy would not have any noticeable impact. The main reason why he did this was so he could improve his psychic ability. Yet the difference actually amounted to an almost 3% increase in his regeneration rate. While this sounded like a small amount, it shortened the time he needed to regenerate by about one and a half minutes.

There were more benefits to his actions though. The durability, the surface area and the speed at which he could move the barrier all seemed to hav improved.

While normally each high intensity workout session should be spread two to three days apart, the regeneration shortened this required amount of time to a mere half hour.

Managing about 12 Workouts in a single day of training (While he was in the nightmare World), would with amount to between 24 and 36 days of high intensity training on earth.

The Nightmare Realm was truly something Miraculous. From the energy it contained to the weird and at times illogical architecture of the city and much more. And Kalvin had made use of it as well as he could.

Finishing the regeneration part of his workout, he did not start another right after. Knowing that if he started training now, he would not have the time to regenerate anymore. This would cause him to suffer from muscle pains for longer than required. Since it would also make his day to day life more difficult, it would not be worth it for him to train at the moment.

He would instead train his telekinesis some more while waiting for the alarm to wake him up.

"I wonder how I would be able to get out without my alarm. Would I just be able to wake up normally or would I just remain in this world forever?"

"Maybe I should try waking up without my alarm as an experiment."

Concentrating, he imagined himself waking up. But nothing happened.

Next he tried closing his eyes for a few seconds and concentrating hard on the sensation of waking up.

This did not work either.

Another possible way he had thought of, was using his telekinesis to try and affect his body in the real world. Since he was still receiving injuries while asleep, he seemed to have some kind of connection with his body even while asleep. This, he figured, should allow him to exert some power on his real body.

A question this brought up, was why he did not wake up while training or when being slashed by the moth, since such pain would usually wake up everyone who experienced it.

If someone slashed your arm while asleep, you would without wake up from the sensation.

However, no matter how hard he tried pinching himself from this world, he just could not manage.

"Lets approach it from this angle, when a person usually sleeps, and is having a lucid dream, they can simply choose to wake up, at least that is how it has always been for me."

"But this is no simple dream obviously."

"Maybe I should try first going into the state of a normal dream before waking up from there."

Now two options presented themselves before Kal. He could ether try and fall asleep in the nightmare world to see if this worked, or he could try to somehow make that barrier appear that had been present every time he went into the dream world until now. The same that had been destroyed by the mothe the first time and had been opened once more by his own hands this time.

"Since even after having been destroyed by the moth, that barrier reappeared although a bit weaker, it seems to be something created by myself unconsciously. So if I want to make it myself it should be possible."

Since he had not enough time to dream anyway, because his alarm would probably go off while he was attempting to fall asleep, the only other thing he had the time to really try was putting up the barrier himself (consciously).

Just like how he had manifest the barrier inside his dream, he tried to do so again, just that this time.

And indeed, a barrier started to form from the ground. it was quite a weird sight.

It looked as if a blanket made of colorfully mist was lifted from the ground all around him. The barrier appeared extremely weak, as if it would break under the slightest touch.

When the barrier completely closed around his head, the barrier appeared to change completely, and the scene that looked as if painted on it, suddenly gained depth. Light from the blue sky, that seemed to be the norm underneath the barrier, reached his skin and he felt its warmth.

Unlike the light from the real sun or the crimson moon however, this light felt unreal along with the whole world in general. Almost like an illusion.

He also noticed that the energy from the outside had been mostly blocked. Now that he could feel the energy and not just the tingling from his wounds, he knew that unlike what he had thought before, there was energy present here. Its density however was way less dense than outside. Only just being enough for the space in his brain to absorb a bit of energy.

He had entered a normal dream. Everything here felt fake when compared to either of the other worlds he visited.(Earth and the nightmare world)

When he finally decided that he had wasted his time for long enough in this dreamworld, he simply willed to wake up and promptly found himself in his bed.