
Realm Of Deaths

Mated by fate to a snow wolf as a mermaid, it a rare occurance. A mixture not supposed to be linked, Being the ever first merman blessed with one from my realm. someone striped me from that golden opportunity I've been gifted with, for greed, selfishness and lust for power. who ever dares to touch or hurt my mate have to settle it with me. Because no one is born a hero or a villain, they're made by those around them and the world is about to turn me into a villain, then I'll be the villains lord.

Ivoryaseems · Fantasía
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21 Chs


" I heard some visitors caused commotion at the gate yesterday," A maid whispers.

" They even made the master step outside," Another added.

" Am sure they must be new in Whitehaven, no one dares to do that in the master's territory," the final maid among the three maids added.

Nora and Lyra can hear the whispers of the maid as they passed down the hallway, it was early morning, too early for the activities being carried out in the courtyard. A lot of maids going in and out with trays of food, some holding trays with strange bottles and different vile size. Everyone looks too busy going up and down in the courtyard. The two young ladies look around their surrounding intently, but only one word comes to their mind, ' heaven'. The master must be really wealthy to have such extravagant building to himself with a lot of maids only found in well known and powerful kingdoms.

" Told you Whitehaven scream riches earlier," Lyra said noticing Nora's gaze around her environment. 

" Never thought it get to the extend of having more than a hundred maid in one courtyard like a fucking palace." Nora defended. 

Lyra let out a light giggle shaking her head hearing Nora cursed, it something she never heard her do.

The two young ladies looks like two outcast standing in the midst of people with same thought and skin tone. They look so different from the creatures around them, some wearing expensive attire moving around arrogantly, some tattered attires, some look medium with their not so cheap and not so expensive attire. But them, they both look at them self at the same time noticing most of the gaze on them like they're in the spotlight. 

Ohh God, they look like weed among lilies and Ivy, everyone knows where they're heading except them who are oblivious of their surrounding. Settling for the entertaining gossip they overheard earlier, they walk towards the three maids who were working on some kind of leaf.

one was grinding the leaves, the second maid was filtrating the grinded leaves removing the juice out of it, while the third maid was packaging them in a small glass vile.

" Hi beauties," Lyra said having a pretentious smile on her face. The three maids were startle by the sudden interruption, they all look toward Nora and Lyra who has the same smile, Nora wave her hand a little at them.

" Hi." She said trying to read their expression, their faces relaxed with an I don't care about who you are attitude. Without uttering a word, they get back to what they're doing leaving the two unattended.

" Just want to know where the old man is that all." Lyra voice was strain, her face void of emotion, not a trace of the pretentious smile she had on earlier.

The three maid stops at the same instance gazing at Lyra, is she like crazy or what, ahhh maybe she has an issue with her brain which lands her into the courtyard for treatment.

"Ughmm!!!." Nora cleared her throat in other to get their attention, and Indeed, they all look at her trying to depict if she's also unwell like the other lady.

" We need to speak to your master, can you like show us his residence." Nora asked her face void of emotion also. She look straight at them in the eye giving them no room for argument. .

The way Nora was gazing at them makes them feels petrified, their body trembles a bit, it like she's staring right at their soul igniting a sudden sense of acknowledge of her giving them no room to resist whatever she wants. The maids faces paled with fear lingering in their soul, the air around them turned cold. Lyra let out a light chuckle looking at their faces, she don't know what Nora did but she could say this out loud, her master is the best.

The light footstep echoing in the hallway caughts everyone's attention except yet the two ladies who are oblivious of their surrounding, they all gasped when they sight the individual walking into the hallway. He was wearing a pure white robe which has an embroidery done in royal blue colour, his pure silver hair tied back with a blue ribbon, it hits his back with every step he takes. He looks to be in his mid forties with an aura of a soaring Eagle which surge with every flap of its wings. He walks elegantly his footsteps describing pride and defining arrogance, his face empty of any emotion. He walks straight toward the two young ladies.

" It master, what's he doing down here." Whispers can be heard as he passed from every path of the courtyard, surprised look on every creatures face present in the courtyard. Their master never show up no matter what the situation, he has official guards to handle every incident going on in the courtyard.

" Ladies." He called softly when he get close to the ladies.

Nora and Lyra suddenly froze hearing a calm and soothing voice which fuels an inferno of fear and pleasure in the heart of its listener. When non of them utters a word, he moves closer taking a very good look at the two creatures trying to make a scene in his territory.

" No one threatens my possession in my territory." He added matching his gaze with Nora's who was lost in staring at his angelic features. Those fiery red eyes, which has the ability to ignite fear and also drown anyone in it like the coral wave of the ocean, and here she was, getting drown in the most dangerous abyss a wave could create, outrunning all the strength she had in trying to set free, she was completely overpowered by the charm making her heart beat at the speed of lightning, her heart leaping with an unfold joy. Wait, is this what having butterflies feels like, then it wasn't justifed right, what she feels right now is like a brewing hurricane wrecking her heart to pieces then fixing it with the most intimate care and gentility found in the world.

" Follow me." That was all Nora heard while coming out of her daze. Lyra was watching her carefully, she can feel the softness and care that was directed towards the creature in front of them which she can't tell what he was exactly, this was the first name she failed in acknowledging what a creature true form is. And the pink shade on Nora's face couldn't explain any better.

Is he Nora's mate, it can't be, mermaid were always blessed with their kind as mate, most of them mate with the person they fall in love with even if it not their mate. Wait.... Is her master in Love. Lyra shakes her head vigorously looking at Nora who look like a teen with crush. it can't be possible, her master was more than that, she can't fall for a man just by a simple glance. But seriously, Nora's proving her wrong with how her eyes lingers on the man.

" C'mon Nora," Lyra said dragging her after the man who has took off minutes ago. Her master is really something else.

I seriously need your encouragement to keep writing, knowing you guys are fond of what am writing is enough to motivate me to update and write much better.

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see yah, bye!!!

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