
Realm Of Deaths

Mated by fate to a snow wolf as a mermaid, it a rare occurance. A mixture not supposed to be linked, Being the ever first merman blessed with one from my realm. someone striped me from that golden opportunity I've been gifted with, for greed, selfishness and lust for power. who ever dares to touch or hurt my mate have to settle it with me. Because no one is born a hero or a villain, they're made by those around them and the world is about to turn me into a villain, then I'll be the villains lord.

Ivoryaseems · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Healing energy

" and what was that for." 

The man asked immediately when they step into the room, it was at a separate part of the courtyard, farther away from the main part of the yard, it looks simple with modern setting. few furniture's, a flat screen TV, walls made of marbles, flower vases at random corners of the room, just like a cozy apartment. 

The duo were lost in staring at the room not bordering with what the man was saying. 

" Damn, you own a crest projector." Nora asked inching closer to touch the hard back. Shé turn to Lyra," it one of the best invention of our fortress." 

" Ohh!". Lyra said nodding her head a little. 

The man look at both girls who seems to have gotten lost in exploring his room, he shake his head lowly, don't they think they're violating his privacy, but looking at how young and ablivious they are, he let them, they're princesses anyways, it in them to not care about the rules and do as they want.

" You've been to the Paraville?." Nora asked when her eyes landed on the flat screen TV before sitting on the soft couch, stretching her legs so as Lyra who lay comfortably trying to sink deeper with how soft the couch is. 

" Yeah, a few times." He answered sitting at the one sitter opposite to the two girls. 

All the seriousness and his stoic expression was gone, he was looking at Nora with an amuzed expression, his gaze lingering at her every figure. His so messed up right now, like how could someone be this cute in just a simple dress and a bun for a hairstyle. He thought to himself. 

" So what was the ruckus all about?" He asked staring at Nora who was laying comfortably on the couch. 

" It soft, I should get some rest." Nora said closing her eyes. 

" It just 7am for heaven's sake, you girls just woke up." He said seeming frustrated with them. He was so good at masking his emotions, but it getting hard right now looking at the lady in front of him whom make him feel all those foreign emotions and things he hasn't felt before. It getting so hard to take his eyes of her, she's too attractive for a living being, but knowing what she was, he feels it worth it, she's a mermaid royalty after all. All mermaid have this attractive trait in them were they lure their prey using their voice, their body or their form of pretence. 'Wait is she trying to lure him in', he thought to himself, 'nahhhhh, it can't be, he'd live for like decades no single creature can lure him with a simple glance and a petrified voice, beside he sense no energy ripples from her, which means she's acting just like herself. If only she knows what how he felt when her turquoise blue eyes shown brightly. He can get lost in them and never wished to be found. 

" Where's my brother taken to?," Nora asked suddenly bringing him out of his thought. A slight smile appears on his lips for no apparent reason. 

" They're some steps you need to follow before commencement of treatment, but being a prince and accompanied by two princesses, payment settlement won't be a problem, you guys most be loaded, right?." He said looking at Nora intently. 

" Well payment is never a problem." Nora added bobbing her head a little. 

" Have they started his treatment?, What wrong with him?, How much longer will it take for him to wake up.? Lyra asked without skipping a beat. 

" Relax princess, your mate is safe." 

Nora's eye widened, she looks at Lyra who was also having similar expression to Nora. 

" How did you.?" Lyra asked looking a little bit pale.

" Your secret is safe with me, trust me." He said inclining his head towards her in an affirmative action. 

Lyra relax a bit glancing at Nora occationally like also waiting for her affirmation. Nora nods her head assuring her it safe, she don't how of it really safe but she feels she can trust and believes that the guy could keep a secret. She feels safe the moment she saw him which makes her want to confide in him. 

" You can go see him now if you'd like, but I'll advise you let him rest more before disturbing his consciousness, he almost lost all his core energy, I was surprised his will walls ain't crumbled when I checked, he most have practice will resistance alot" The man said going to the mini fridge at the end of the room. He brought back two medium bottle of chilled milk and hand one to each of them. Resuming his former position, he can feel the feared and tensed air surrounding both ladies, each just holding the mill he handed them. 

" You know sweet release stress and tension right." He said his voice soft and low intending to lighten up their mood, they both look so gloomy. He can see how they both take a deep breath trying to relax themselves. 

" If his will are almost crumbled, those that mean he can't cultivate anymore Arts?." Nora asked worried. 

" I know that what you two are worried about." He said taking a sip of the milk in his hand. Nora was looking at him somehow, she was sure the milk wasn't there before. ' What was this guy exactly'. Apart from riches that Whitehaven screams, it also screams mystery, all the residents, their tall glass houses, form of modernization and many more things she never saw or heard about, surely Paciras was developed but Whitehaven is proving her wrong. 

" I was the greatest healer for a reason don't you think." He said smiling at the two young ladies whom are looking at him with admiration. He took the last sip of his milk before discarding the empty bottle in a trash can which appeared the moment he dropped the empty bottle. 

" Just a little healing energy and he'll be good to go."

" Is that an assurance on how good you are." Lyra asked. 

" My healing energy is not something you should underestimate princess, I told you I gave the best medication here, so rest assured." 

" Are you like a peacock?."

The man looked at Nora wide eyes, he can't contain his laughter any more, the two princesses are low-key comedians, who would have thought. He was laughing lowly while looking at Nora who asked. 

" Why do you asked that sweetheart?." He asked his voice so low and soft. A shade of pink appear on her cheeks hearing what he called her and how his voice came out sensual.

" You seem so proud of your self and brag about that every second." His smile drop immediately when he heard Nora's response. He never expect that, and here he was almost looked down at by the two princesses. Everyone respect him in whitehaven, his name was enough to ignite fear in the mind of the listener but here he was again being a knowledge entertainer to the two.