

August 4 2250

Tuesday, 0930H (9:30AM)

Hope City, Federal Republic of Westland

Hope City, which is considered as the most largest and populous city in the entire world, it also home of some of the prominent companies headquarters but most of all this city is the safest not only on the Republic but also on the around the world thanks to it's advanced security androids equiped with military hardware patrolling on the street 24/7 expect during maintenance, Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle scanning every person, things and even animals on the sky with it's usage of AI assisted camera technology

Not only Hope City considered the wealthiest and safest but also the friendliest specially towards foreigner based on the recent studies conducted by several institution and group of experts thus abling the establishment of Hope City Culture Exchange where it's citizen can learn about the history, food, and way of life of different cultures, religion from all across the globe, but on this day everything while change


August 4 2250

Tuesday, 0940H (9:40AM)

Hope City, Federal Republic of Westland

A young black haired man running along the sidewalks that wearing white t-shirt and black jeans, oftentimes he bumped himself with other people but only to quickly apologize and continue in his running as if being chased, minutes later he finally arrived on his destination

"IM HERE!!!" shouted from his button of his lung, some of the people turns towards him and start making gossip but he doesn't care for he's finally arrive at the COMI-CON 2350

COMI-CON or Comic Convention is a event where people from allover come to this event to cosplay, some are selling manges, doujins, light novels and merchandises, sometimes famous anime producers, voice actors/actress from an anime, manga and light novels writers came to this event that only happen once in a 3 years

As the young man enters the convention building, there's a spiral light continuously spinning as also it's size for the matter, lots of people are now gathering in the place in the middle of the busy road but luckily the police managed to close off the scene before some stupid man manage to get closer in the unknown phenomenon, full 10 second later it's now reaches 350 meters in height and 200 meters in length

In the middle of it, someone steps out from within the portal wearing a white robe and carrying a long wooden stick on its left hand then it slowly remove his hood revealing it's beautiful long blonde hair, long pointy ears and sharp blue eyes staring at the people with utmost contempt then he walks as if he owned the place

"HEAR ME YOU FILTHY BARBARIANS!, this world now belongs to the great Zambian Empire! this includes you and thus to be treated as slaves! And any possession shall be immediately seized at once for you have no more right to own! Now bow down to the Empire or face its wrath!" he spoke to the people, but rather than them cowering in fear or pleading with their lives all of them laugh including the police officers as if someone just make good joke

Feeling embarrassed and humiliated, the elf man silently chanting some kind of words rapidly as his position is getting hotter, some of the smart people on the coward immediately left the place but majority of them just watch

"STORM OF FIRE!" the elf magician casted a spell towards the people thus burning them alive and he continuesly throws a barrage of fire to the people and building, the police responded with opening fire at the mage with their pistol, shotguns and assault rifles but the projectiles are being melted the moment it enters the elf location due to the extreme heat this serving it akin to special energy shield

The Special Weapon and Tactics or SWAT finally arrived at the scene, carrying with them a dozen of combat security androids equiped with heavy armaments such as machine guns and missile launchers, the SWAT immediately form a defensive position after dismounted in their Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) and fire at all the targets, almost 60% of knights have fallen in the counterattack of the humans but the knights just keep pouring in from the portal

Despite the heavy loses to the invaders, slowly retaking the position the was loss and keep pushing towards the entirely of the city


The young man seeing the rapid escalation in the city immediately instruct the people nearby to find the nearest underground shelter throughout the city which is 250 meters West from his position

'I must put the safety of the citizens in my priority list' the young man though to himself as he leads the people to the shelter "Everyone found me to the nearest shelter!, leave your unnecessary things behind because additional luggage will not entertain by the shelter staffs!" he commands the people who some can't move due to shock and fear that is happening in the city

After gathering some people, he immediately guides them to the nearest shelter, as they are running he saw an P-250 Assault Pistol in the back of an hovercar, P-250 Assault Pistol is an automatic or single firing pistol with an capacity of 20 9MM Tungsten, usually this kind of weaponry only applied for the military specially for Special Operation units but for some reason people managed to get this thing which mostly through illegal means

The young man approach the back of the car and grab the pistol and puts the 4 magazines into his pockets which thankfully is wide enough to put it, "Let's go people! We are now 160 meters from the shelter so move it!" he shouted to the the people can hear him clearly, people are now madly running for the lives are they are now closing at their salvation but unfortunately fate has a nasty surprise for them

"Shit! those fucking aliens!" a man wearing a business suit scream as he saw several dozens of alien 'knights' chasing them at a rapid pace form behind, the young man wonders on how these people can ran despite wearing heavy armor form the ancient times but he didn't think about it anymore as he rushes to the back to delay the attacks and give time for the civilian to get to safety

"NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! JUST KEEP RUNNING, DONT STOP UNTIL YOU REACH THE SHELTER!" he looks back at the people are they are slowly fading away from his sights, "Come to papa you little shits" he mumbles as 'knights' rapidly closing in the the moment they reach 100 meters away from him he slowly press the trigger and fires the pistol, "Headshot!" he grins at his first target head explode like a watermelon but despite this there are still many more coming in, he quickly change cover at the rear of the car just 5 meters from his original position and fires his pistol

Some of them attempt to dodge but how can some able to escape from a bullet with a velocity of 4000KPH thanks for it's raw energy based propulsion (chemical based propulsion such as gunpowder was completely ditched 150 years ago), due to it's high velocity the bullet just cut through the targets armor like butter and leaving with an abnormally large exit wound at the back which lead to an immediately death, the young man just keep hitting his target with scary accuracy that he manages to kill half of them in seconds, as he keeps firing towards the enemy targets with ease an figure at the back of these 'knights' appeared with it's signature pure white robe and it's face was covered with hood then it starting to chant in an rapid but precise manner, suddenly everything gets cold..