

( just another abandoned story. an approach to harry potter with a realistic touch. as mentioned it is abandoned and not complete. while I will not call this one enjoyable it is worth reading. ) Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty! What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Additional Story Notes FYI: a. AU Summer before Fifth Year Fic, b. Not particularly fast-paced. (harry potter belongs to JK Rowlings. and I am not the author of this fanfiction. all credits for this fanfiction goes to wish weaver. this story is available on fanfiction.net)

whitethief274 · Derivados de obras
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81 Chs

Chapter 77. Meeting at the Leaky cauldron ( part 7).

Mrs. Weasley's tearful expression caught his attention, but it was Mr. Weasley's steady gaze that truly put Harry on his guard. The last time he'd seen that expression, Mr. Weasley had warned him about the escaped murderer, Sirius Black.

He watched as Mr. Weasley came over to him and squatted by his chair, squirming inside when the older wizard began to speak. "Harry, Molly and I consider you one of our own, and you're always welcome at the Burrow no matter what."

Harry pursed his lips and looked at Mr. Weasley with some trepidation. He had been in enough conversations with Professor Dumbledore to know a qualifier was coming. "But?"

Mr. Weasley sighed and gave him a sad sort of smile. "But, as always, things aren't that easily sorted. Molly, Professor Dumbledore, and I had a chat a bit ago. Circumstances being what they are, and since Tom and Mr. and Mrs. Wright seem to have no objections, I think they might be the best choice for you at this time. Do you understand, Harry?"

Harry nodded stiffly. Until now he'd thought himself immune to rejection. It really was amazing how much more it hurt when it came from someone he considered almost family. The inside of his nose began to sting along with his eyes, and this time he couldn't keep his voice devoid of emotion. "I understand, Mr. Weasley. I'm a threat to those around me, and too dangerous to have around full time without this new protection."

Mr. Weasley blinked like Harry had struck him, then quickly shook his head. "No, son, that's not it at all. The folder may have the more flexible magic, but the warding on the Burrow is more than adequate. If that was the only issue, I'd invite you to make your choice with a clear conscience." He ran a hand over his thinning red hair, then looked Harry in the eye again. "Forgive me, I started poorly. Let's back up a bit, shall we?" he offered, plunging ahead when Harry shrugged.

"I ran into Percy earlier at the Ministry of Magic. The short version is, we had words a few days ago and apparently his conscience started to bother him. He went to Surrey to check on you, and now the Minister knows an edited version of your circumstances."

Oh, God... Harry closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. This just keeps getting better and better doesn't it? Aloud he asked, "What does that mean? Has he already told the Daily Prophet my aunt and uncle ran off?"

"No, and if we play this right, he won't get a chance to. Minister Fudge isn't clear on all the details. All he knows is your uncle accepted a new position and moved out of the country," Mr. Weasley replied. "He thinks the transfer of your guardianship was simply mismanaged. The bad news is, we believe he plans to appoint a new guardian for you himself."

Harry stiffened, eyes wide and alert. "Can he do that?" he asked, fearing the answer was 'yes'. The parlor grew quiet when Professor Dumbledore replied.

"Child placement has traditionally been a rather simplistic area of Wizard Law, Mr. Potter. The preferred method, even today, is to place the child in question with his or her nearest blood relative. That is, in part, how you came to live with your aunt and uncle fourteen years ago. However, when Grindelwald and later Voldemort rose to power, the Ministry found itself having to place children whose families had been decimated. Some had no living blood relatives to turn to, so the Curator Tribuo statute was passed. If a Wizard family is willing, Curator Tribuo allows the Minister of Magic to simply transfer the guardianship of an underage minor to the volunteer family, provided the family is able to properly care for the child. The families can come forward of their own accord or they may be approached by the Ministry, but the purpose of the law is to keep magical children in the Wizarding World. The Ministry doesn't sponsor an orphanage, you see, so displaced minors have nowhere to go but Muggle institutions."

Harry digested this in silence while Professor Dumbledore paused to sip his tea. "But sir, my aunt and uncle aren't dead."

Sirius growled deep in his throat, "Not yet, anyway," clear in his tone and body language. Dumbledore sent him a reproving look before taking up his story again.

"You're quite right of course, dear boy. Technically, Minister Fudge should contact your aunt and uncle and determine what their wishes were concerning you, but according to Mr. Percy Weasley, he may be planning to use the Curator Absentis clause. This clause allows the minister to step in if the guardians are alive but unavailable. Its intent was to cover situations where guardians were alive but not physically or mentally able to care for a dependent. Unfortunately it does not expressly say so, and 'Alive but unavailable' could be made to apply in your case since your relatives are unharmed, but out of the country."

Beside Harry, Mr. Weasley nodded. "Yes, and unless you want to join them in Australia or admit they abandoned you and press charges we'd be fools to contest it."

Press charges? Harry frowned thoughtfully then shuddered, imagining the media circus that would ensue. The Daily Prophet would probably take and change sides with impunity, like it had during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and a trial could potentially drag on for months and dive into issues far beyond the Dursleys running to Australia. "I'd rather not press charges, if it's all the same to you, sir."

Sirius growled again, sounding decidedly sulky, but Dumbledore seemed to sense Harry's desire to take one thing at a time. "As you wish, Mr. Potter," he said, in a tone that did not invite discussion. Harry turned toward Mr. Weasley when he took up his story again.

"Anyway, Harry, as I should have made clear, if I'm reading what Percy told me correctly, the Minister intends to declare you a ward of the Ministry, then prevail upon one or more of the prominent Pureblood families to take over your guardianship. What Professor Dumbledore and I find so worrying is Cornelius Fudge is very close to Lucius Malfoy."

Harry felt his mouth sag open in abject disbelief. "Malfoy?" he croaked when he'd recovered enough to speak. Oh, great. Wonderful. I might as well truss myself up, stuff an apple in my mouth, and present myself to old Voldemort on a silver platter! Mr. Weasley sighed, looking uncomfortable.

"It isn't completely inevitable. You could be assigned to another Pureblood family, but because of our relatively small population child placement cases are taken very seriously. And as much as I hate to say it, it's hard to top the Malfoys on paper. They have wealth, property, good social standing, a son your age..." Mr. Weasley spread his hands, then grimaced, got back to his feet and began to pace.

"We didn't bring this up before, because with your relatives out of the country and your Census Folder gone missing a court battle seemed unavoidable. The only plan we could come up with, and a far more risky plan than we'd like by the way, was to have every Pureblood member of the Order of the Phoenix petition the court in hopes that one of us would be awarded custody. Now, there's another option."

"Yes..." Harry watched as Dumbledore turned and regarded the Wrights, his blue eyes uncharacteristically grave. "We knew you were very likely candidates, based on the mechanics of the enchantments we've observed so far. That and the fact you can't receive owls. We didn't know for certain you'd been selected until just now, but I was hoping having all the parties together might encourage the folder to resurface for signatures. Your acceptance of the its decision is clearly the best option for Harry under the circumstances. If a guardian is already established, Minister Fudge's options will be more limited. We might even be able to convince him that this was what Mr. Potter's relatives intended and they simply made an error when trying to make their wishes known. The question now is, are you, Mrs. Wright and Tom amenable to the idea?"

Janet glanced at Steve and shrugged after receiving his small nod of permission. "I said I'd be willing to take him in, Professor, even before the issue of protective magic came up. Tom did too, as I recall," she said, glancing at the old innkeeper for confirmation. "I still have concerns, though. Steve and I can handle purely physical dangers, but magic?" She shook her head and lightly touched the folder. "Since that seems to be the number one concern here, I can't understand why it named Steve and me primary guardians instead of a fully trained witch or wizard."

"I think I might have a theory on that," Mr. Weasley ventured, a few seconds later. "The choosing, I mean," he clarified when Harry and the others looked curiously in his direction. He paused a moment, seeming to gather his thoughts. "I think the Wrights may have been chosen because they've only known Harry a few weeks."

"What?" Harry wasn't sure how to take that. Beside him, Janet covered his hand with her own.

"Let's hear what he has to say."

Harry nodded, absently turning his hand so he could grip hers properly-something that never would have occurred to him before. Distantly, he wondered if his brief stay with the Wrights had spoiled him beyond all hope. Steve and Janet had tended his needs in a Muggle and very tactile way which was in direct contrast to the healthcare charms and brisk professionalism Madam Pomfrey favored in the Hogwarts Hospital Wing and his aunt's refusal to deal with him any more than absolutely necessary. After a lifetime of telling himself it didn't matter if his aunt and uncle couldn't bear to be near him, it was a bit off-putting how much little touches suddenly meant.

"My point is, they may have a clearer vision of Harry than others do. They weren't here when You Know Who's power was broken and the legend of the Boy Who Lived began, so they see him as the teenaged boy he is-no grand expectations or preconceived notions."

"Oh I don't know about that, Mr. Weasley," Steve put in when the wizard paused. "I have a few expectations and preconceived notions about teenaged boys-having been one once, you understand." Harry shot Steve a grateful look, appreciating his attempt to bring the tension down a notch. For a second it seemed to work, then Mr. Weasley became all business again.

"I was here in the Leaky Cauldron last Sunday when you and Mrs. Wright brought Harry in and that idiot news team caught sight of him. Ir reminded me of a similar situation summer of '92. Harry was grabbed and photographed without so much as a by your leave, and all the witches and wizards present, including Molly and myself, just stood there like it was perfectly acceptable behavior."

"I think you're being a little hard on yourself, Mr. Weasley," Janet, said when Ron's father looked down in shame. "If your incident happened as quickly and unexpectedly as ours did, you were probably just shocked by their audacity. I know I was. I snapped out of it when it looked like Harry and Becky might fall, but at first..." She trailed off and shrugged, then looked up at Harry. "Does that kind of thing happen every time you go out?" Harry shook his head.

"It happens sometimes, but not as much as you might think. I try to keep an eye out for reporters and I learned to stay back and blend in a long time ago. That's why this works for the most part," Harry said, indicating his eyes and headband. "All I am to most people is hair, eyes, and scar." He jumped a little when Janet squeezed his hand, having forgotten she was still holding it.

"Most people don't know what they're missing, Harry, and I'm going to keep telling you that until you believe me. However," she stopped and looked at her watch. "Since Tom has to reopen soon, I think we need to get back on track here. Knowing that there are still some particulars we have to work out-like your dog there-what's his name, anyway? I can't keep calling him 'dog.'"

Wait, my dog? Harry wondered, even as he replied, "Snuffles."

"You can't separate a boy and his dog, Jannie," Steve put in. "It's Unconstitutional."

"I can't promise anything yet-I don't even know if our lease allows pets. We'll deal with the details later, but we have to get this guardian matter settled now-right now!"

"Janet?" Harry asked, glancing at Steve to see if the older man had any idea what was going on. Out of nowhere, Janet's tension had ratcheted up about seventeen levels, her breathing had quickened and a light sheen of persperation had formed on her forehead. "Janet, please! What is it?"

Shaking her head, Janet made a grab for his folder and flipped it open. Two new pieces of parchment were inside: a transfer of guardianship form, by appearances between Petunia Dursley and Janet Wright, and a petition for guardianship made on behalf of Lucius Malfoy by Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic a few days ago. Harry swallowed when he saw "Pending" stamped across the petition. "They're coming here. Now." Swallowing, she looked up at Dumbledore. "How does this work?"

"We will need your signature here," he replied, pointing. "Tom and your husband are ancillary. Only the primary needs to sign."

"You'll need a pen," Steve said, fruitlessly patting at his shirt pockets. "I'll fetch a quill," Tom offered, but Janet stopped him when the folder produced a long, thin, black quill.

"Never mind, Tom. It wants me to use this." Harry's first warning was his headmaster's gasp of shock and shout of warning, but it was too late. Janet was already signing the transfer form. "What is it, Professor?" he asked, interrupting himself with a startled breath when a sudden sharp pain in his hand distracted him. Bloody hell! Harry thought, watching in horror as letters began appearing in the reddened skin as though cut by a scalpel, then healing over leaving only the redness behind: Janet Marie Anderson Wright...

"What the hell just happened?" Steve demanded. Harry looked up and noticed for the first time that Steve, Janet, and Tom all had the same...injury he did.

"Blood magic," Professor Dumbledore replied gravely, "and if I'm not mistaken, accidental magic as well." He flicked his wand at the teapot and was soon pressing a steaming cup of strong, sweet tea into Janet's shaking hands. "Do you still have the sense of urgency, my dear?"

"Not so much now." Janet eyed the quill with distaste and put it back in the folder. "They're still on their way here, but it feels different. We...we should be okay now." The folder rustled one last time, producing a copy of the transfer form for Janet, before shutting itself and disappearing with a pop. Harry stared at the empty space where it had been in dismay.

"Oh, smashing! Now where's it gone?"

"Back to the Library, perhaps?" Professor Flitwick speculated hopefully. Mr. Weasley rose from his seat.

"I'll check. I promised Percy I'd come back in a bit anyway," he offered, exiting the parlor and heading for the dining room fireplace.

"Excuse, me?" Harry looked up and saw a worried-looking Hermione standing in the parlor doorway. "Minister Fudge and Mr. Malfoy are outside and they want to see Professor Dumbledore," she announced without preamble. "Mum tried to tell them you were in a meeting, but they're quite insistent, especially since the Leaky Cauldron is due to reopen soon."

"Tell him we have ten more minutes, and we need them to wrap up," Steve said, checking his watch. "Harry, run up to your room, ditch the headband and contacts, then join the other kids in the dining room. Quick now. We have to make this look natural."

Harry made quick work of shedding his disguise and was back in the dining room well before his ten minute time limit.

Unfortunately it looked like the minister and Mr. Malfoy hadn't wanted to wait. "What is the meaning of this?" the minister was demanding. "I had this petition for guardianship drawn up just a few days ago! How could it be invalid?"

Bother, Harry thought as he made his way over to his friends' table and slipped into a chair between Ron and Hermione. I hate it when the conversation's already started. He did a quick inventory, then frowned. Sirius and the Wrights were nowhere in sight.

"Professor Dumbledore asked Snuffles and the Wrights to wait in the parlor," Hermione whispered. "Oh, and Mr. Wright came out while you were changing," she said, slipping him a folded piece of paper.

Curious, Harry unfolded it and discovered a hastily scribbled note.

The headmaster is supposed to do all the talking but if you are approached:

You are visiting your friends, we are at home.

Your uncle knows Janet through work. He knows she accepted a transfer and vice versa.

They arranged to transfer your guardianship to us, but communicated through e-mail and Muggle post because your aunt won't use owls.

We were supposed to arrive before they left, but things fell apart when your uncle's timetable was moved up. We just managed to get back in touch.

Your aunt just told us to contact Professor Dumbledore for help getting things straightened out.

If the failsafe comes up, it was triggered by the paperwork delay.

"It was a simple misunderstanding, Cornelius," Professor Dumbledore said in his most reasonable voice. "Unfortunately, Mr. Potter's aunt and uncle are uncomfortable with Owl Post and international Muggle post is notoriously slow. At first glance it appeared that they had simply left the boy behind, but I have a copy of the notarized transfer form right here. I'm sure Mr. Potter appreciates your interest in his welfare as much as I do, but his aunt's wishes are quite clear. I must have forgotten to sign the check out log in my eagerness to correct the mistake, but all the necessary papers have been filed, and Mr. Potters folder is back in the Archive where it belongs."

"It's high time Potter took his place in Wizard society," Fudge objected, shaking his head. "Sending him back to the Muggle world will not help him do that. Lucius could groom him, like he does his own son. In this case, though it pains me, I might have to override the transfer."

"Alas, the aunt insisted on the use of a Blood Quill," Dumbledore said, indicating Janet's signature. "The transfer is quite unbreakable."

If Harry hadn't been looking directly at Mr. Malfoy when it happened, he might have missed the flash of loathing in his eyes before he resumed his usual bland superiority. "Well, that's that, I suppose, Cornelius. I'm only too happy to help and if you need me in the future you need only ask, but it looks like we're wasting time here." With that, he swept out the doorway leading into Diagon Alley. Minister Fudge stayed only a few seconds longer before following suit. Harry sat very still after the bells stopped jingling and released the breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

It was only then the enormity of the situation hit him. Yes, he'd dodged having Malfoy as a guardian, but in the process he'd managed to make his new friends targets. On top of that, he was probably looking at a whole new relationship dynamic. Harry knotted his fingers in his lap and hoped he'd done the right thing.

"All right there, Harry?" Ron asked. Harry nodded, aware that his two best friends were looking at him very seriously.

"I'm okay. A little knackered maybe, but nothing bad." He paused to smile at both of them, then the table at large. "I've missed you this summer, and I have loads to tell you," he said, then turned to smile at Hermione. "I'll even share what I learned about child minding if you like."

"Oh, now there's a stimulating topic," Fred said, elbowing George. "I think I'd like to hear that one."

"It's not for the faint of heart," Harry informed them. "I found myself wondering how your mum ever managed with you lot. Hey!" he greeted when Janet walked over.

"Hey, Sweetie. We're going back to the house. I need to give Becky the last of her medicine, and I know you want to catch up with your friends. Professor Dumbledore said we'd reconvene tomorrow same time, same place to get the details finalized." She paused, and gave him a quick once over. "You look tired."

Harry shrugged. "I am a bit."

"Well, don't overdo it. Tom's here and I'm right down the street if you need anything. Oh, hey!" She looked at her watch. "Cool! It's late enough," she said, opening the purse hanging from her shoulder and rummaging briefly until she found her cell phone.

Harry frowned. "Late enough?" he asked, as Steve and Kitty ambled over, pushing a still drowsing Becky in her stroller.

"Yeah. Once we're outside and I can get a signal I want to call my mom," Janet explained, turning a teasing grin on Harry. "Have to tell her about the new baby, don't I? Don't worry, I'll keep it short," she said when Steve crossed his arms and gave her a mock-severe look.

"You better. You know I'll have to call my mom, too."

"Oh, you're just mad 'cause you didn't think of it first," Janet replied with an airy wave of dimissal.

"Yeah, well, luckily we're in England so they won't be able to kill us. Next visit all bets are off."

"Oh! Professor!" Harry looked and saw his headmaster had come up behind her. "Is there something wrong?" she asked, noting his troubled expression.

"Perhaps you should consider keeping your new guardianship close, Mrs. Wright."

Janet frowned in confusion. "Close? What are you saying? You want me to not tell my family and friends?"

Dumbledore looked a little pained, but nodded. "It might be the wiser course, I am sad to say."

"It might be easier, you mean?" Janet smiled and shook her head. "You're probably right, Professor, but that's not the way it works. No one forced me to invite Harry into my life. If it will ease your mind I'll postpone my call, and we can discuss what's safe to reveal to whom when we meet tomorrow, but I'm not going to treat him as an outsider or pretend he doesn't exist. It's not fair to him or to us."

Harry watched in shock as his headmaster nodded solemnly, then gave her a rather sheepish smile. "Forgive me. It is sometimes...difficult...to see what is right and what is easy. You are right of course, and I shall depend on your good judgement."

"Thank you, Professor. We'll see you tomorrow, and don't worry. Things will work out. Harry will just have to be patient with us, that's all," she said with a grin, turning to give the now thoroughally gobsmacked Harry a hug. "Bye sweetie. We'll see you later or in the morning. Bye, kids."

"Sweetie?" Ron asked, once all the Wrights said their goodbyes and had vanished through the London door.

Harry sighed. Oh, boy, here it comes, he thought, waiting for Ron and his brothers to take the mickey, but Ron surprised him.

"Blimey, Harry, it's almost like you have a proper mother now." Across the table the twins nodded solemnly.

"You're going to have to toe the line now, mate," George informed him.

Fred nodded gravely. "No more fun for you...unless you want to take the consequenses of course."

George hummed in agreement. "I don't know if I'd chance it, though." Fred, nodded, then broke into a big grin as Harry picked up his pumpkin juice.

"Yeah, she could do some damage with that bag of hers," he teased, making Harry choke on the juice, and sending the table into hysterics.

"Better have a care mate," Ron said, as he pounded Harry on the back. "'Course it's not all bad. Mums can be dead useful. Dad's too. Little sisters on the other hand...rotten luck there-Oi!" he yelped when Ginny and Hermione shoved him in the shoulders.

"Serves you right, Ronald," Hermione said, exchanging a smile with Ginny. "Don't listen to them Harry. Like Mrs. Wright said, things will work out."

"Yeah," Harry acknowledged, actually beginning to believe it. "I think you may be right, Hermione."
