

There were two doors within the hallway, as i looked at one side, and then the other.

One read Max which was my name, and the other read Jinna, who was above the other door.

Cyania began walking over to the door with my name above it when the door to Jinna's door opened, and a girl with light brown hair and blue eyes stepped out of the door, and looked in surprise in my direction.

She instantly ran over energetically, and brought up a huge question, "You're Max aren't You! Im Jinna, the other exceed! Nice to finally not be alone anymore!"

As She held out her hand, and i shook it instantly.

Jinna nods happily, and waves me goodbye, as she heads out the door, me and Cyania came in from, and Cyania lead me into my room.

Cyania opened the door to my room, and i began walking inside, as i looked around, and was astonished at how grand it was, there was a huge sofa in the middle of it all, with a large screen in the middle, and the room with the sofas was surrounded with cyan glass, so i could see out of the room, and down at the city.

I looked around the room for a few minutes, and then decided to head out, as Cyania had already disappeared from the area.

Since Jinna had left her room independently, and had gone to explore the town, or either do daily subjects, I decided that i would go and tend to my own needs also.

As i noticed a card next to the door with my name on it.

I picked up the card, and put it in my pocket, as i walked out the door, and into the yard, where i then headed my way down towards the town, to where i had found the blacksmith shop from before.

I walked up to the blacksmith shop, and opened the door, as i headed into the shop, and began to find my way around the room that had been ladened with weapons and armor racks all over the place.

The blacksmith was at his desk, when he noticed me, as he raised his eyebrow in surprise at why an Exceed was here.

As i was about to pick a very odd w shaped sword off of the wall, the Blacksmith walked over to me and told me to put it away and follow him.

I Raised an eyebrow myself, but shrugged, and put the blade away, as the blacksmith guided me behind his desk, and into the room behind his shop.

He led me down the stairs, and into a dark room, where he then opened the door, and i was astounded at my sights.

The blacksmith smiled and replied to my expression, "Can't have an Exceed with a shabby weapon now can we?"

As i nodded, and he guided me around the room.

He pointed at a suit of armor and began speaking, "This suit of armor was the armor of the great faction warrior Nes, who single handedly held off ten reds all on his own, even when he was not an Exceed."

He Then pointed at a blue colored set of leather armor, and continued, "This Armor is from the old ages, when there were only two factions, of red and blue. Before the green faction appeared.

This was worn by the great archer Zavron, who had sniped the red faction leader from a distance of two miles!"

The blacksmith said excitedly, and began walking down the lane.

He then pointed at many armours, and weapons, as he began informing me of all the stories of great blue faction warriors, and Exceeds, as i was surprised that a blacksmith knew all of these stories.

The blacksmith then stopped at a door at the end of the lane, and opened it, as he ordered me to step inside.

"Now Then. You're not going to get those Equipment. You're going to get Your very own custom equipment."

As he smiled towards me, and my expression lifted in wonder.

The Blacksmith had a large blue scruffy beard, and a blue moustache that was attached to the beard, as he guided me into his forging area, and Took two huge chunks of blue metal off of the wall.

He began pounding away furiously, as the metal soon shined bright blue, and he quickly ordered me what to do.

"Quickly! Take all of your chi energy, and blast it into the metal!"

As i did as he asked, and forced every single last speck of chi energy from my body into the piece of metal, leaving me completely drained, and feeling as if i would fall over.

The blacksmith let out a surprised cry, at how much the chi power was, and he began hammering away swiftly to keep it all under control.

The blacksmith then finished the blade finally as i began to wonder what had happened.

The blacksmith coughed, and walked over to the wall, where he turned on the blue crystal lights, and held up the Blade proudly.

"This is a fine piece of equipment. Fit for an Exceed, even forged with one's chi energy."

As he held the sword over an anvil, and began attaching a hilt, and many other decorations.

He began asking me for the grip length, and the balance of the blade, as it all passed quickly, and the blade was finished.

I looked at the sword, as i saw how astounding it was.

The blade was of pure steel, and pure blue crystal, as the hilt was made of blue crystals as well, and the sword gave off a feeling of energy, and power.

The blacksmith handed me the blade, and i took it carefully, as if holding a small child in my arms.

The Blacksmith nodded, and began walking away, when i asked him, "Don't i have to pay you?"

Though the blacksmith shook his head, and smiled at me, "Just defeat some reds for me alright mate?"

As i nodded, and we began walking up the stairs.

We walked by the desk, and then i walked away, as i thanked him, and headed out the door.

Cyania was waiting for me on the outside, as she had an eyebrow raised.

"You Know… i was going to take you here to get a weapon later."

She said to me.

I shrugged, and told her about the amazing stories i had heard from the blacksmith, as we headed back to the Castle.

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