
ch. 12 yagura

(AN: after this the story will pick up pace and the new arc will come soon)

"Hahahaha burn databane." Kana cackled as she watched around 200 kiri shinobi go up in an explosion.

Next to her Mei sighed in disbelief and exasperation "it looks like yagura only brought around half of his troops."

"Hmm the rest are probably guarding the borders. Last thing we need right now is kumo or iwa taking advantage of this pivotal moment." Ao spoke from next to her as the dust settled revealing the bloody scene in front of them.

Stretching kana hopped down from a tree and started running at the approaching army "less talking more dancing!" She exclaimed as she unsheathed a katana and released her uzumaki chains. Simultaneously crimson chakra bubbled out of her as three tails formed from behind her and her eyes turned crimson while she gained two fangs and her nails extended.

Watching kana charge at the army from his spot hidden beneath the field Naruto gave a helpless smile. 'Well I can't let ka-hime hog all the fun now can I.' He thought while a smirk formed on his lips.

'Haha let's show these useless bags of flesh the overwhelming power of me the great kyuubi no kitsune.' Kurama added from within his mind making Naruto roll his eyes before emerging from the ground popping up in the middle of the enemy army. Surrounding himself with kyuubi chakra he let out six tails worth of chakra transforming into a mini kyuubi.

Letting out a beastly roar that made the kiri shinobi shake in fear Naruto hurled himself at the enemies. Swinging his arm a blade made out of kyuubi chakra left his body and cut through the enemy ranks. Similarly his six tails were waving around in a frenzy seeking out enemy's to disembowel and dismember.

Watching the carnage unfold Mei gulped down a bit of saliva.



She heard the shinobi around her mumble. Shaking off her own unease she turned and faced her troops. "Don't let our konoha allies take all the credit. CHARGE!" She screamed as she rushed at the enemy army as the rebels after a second started to follow her.

*naruto first person pov*


cutting of some shinobis scream by stomping his head I turned and swivels on my foot launching a snap kick at another's head watching the man's head explode I winced. Not breaking my momentum I went through hand seals before releasing a wave of fire the crashed into the enemy. Sighing while looking around Naruto took in the scenes of absolute chaos and carnage that surrounded him. 'So this is war huh.' He thought with surprising clarity.

'Not the time to mope kit, I can feel isobu coming.' Kurama announced

Snapping out of my thoughts I headed towards where I felt kana was.setting my tails cut through any shinobi or jutsu that came close I appeared next to kana. "Yaguras making his move come on." I stated but seeing her not listening and continuing her slaughter I narrowed my eyes. 'Kurama did she go berserk off your chakra?' I asked

'Hmm no from what my new brother….sorry sister is saying her mind is overlapping this battle with the scenes of uzu getting invaded.' Kurama replied

Sighing sadly I used a body flicker to appear behind her. Wrapping her in a tight hug I leaned in and whispered. "It's ok this isn't uzu. Ka-hime it's Naruto snap outa this. Don't let the past blind you."

Seeing kana start to calm down I didn't let the hug go. "I'm sorry." She whispered as she looked down.

Smiling Naruto kissed her forehead and replied "it's fine all that matters now is your back and we have a turtle to deal with."

As I finished speaking a giant turtle burst through the trees and roared. Narrowing his eyes Naruto watched as a black ball of energy burst out of its mouth.

"Shit bijuudama!" I heard Mei scream in horror and panic.

Glaring at the ball of destruction I gave a helpless sigh "I really wanted to keep it a secret." I grumbled while kana gave me a reassuring hug

*mei's first person pov*

As both the rebel and loyalist forces watched in horror as their mizukage launched a bijuudama at them. Screams of helplessness echoed throughout the battlefield. I watched as the ball of death closed in on them with a blank expression 'all the sacrifices, all of my struggle and all for what a useless death at the hands of a monster.' I thought as tears fell from my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I heard someone calmly ask from my right.

Looking over I saw the blond uzumaki staring at the bijuudama with a calm expression glaring at him with a helpless expression I spoke through gritted teeth. "I worked so hard to free my people and this is what I get, I was so close."

I watched as he raised an eyebrow as if he amused at my own helplessness. Smirking he chucked as he turned back towards the bijuudama and held out two tri pronged kunai. "Who gave you the permission to give up and die woman, you still have a treaty to sign with baa-Chan after this is done."

As he finished speaking he tossed one kunai at the sanbi while the other was thrown at the bijuudama.

*naruto's pov*

'Hirashin level four.' I thought as one of my tri pronged kunai hit the bijuudama and instantly teleported it to the other kunai that was next to the sanbi causing it to explode in its face launching the turtle back.

Smirking I looked back to see the dumbfounded expressions on the kiri shinobi's faces. Seeing the usually calm or sexually seductive Mei staring wide eyed at me wa enough for me to internally cackle. 'Ha take that woman, for always trying to tease me.' I thought in glee before using the hirashin to teleport myself to kana before heading towards the sanbi. Looking at her I ordered "remember we're here to kill it not capture."

From within my mind scape I heard the kyuubi growl out 'as much as I hate hurting my sibling if akatsuki is planning what I think they are than this will give us an extra three years to prepare.'

'Mind letting me know what's going on?' I asked

'No some things are better forgotten.' Kurama replied resolutely making me sigh.

'Whatever any luck warning your siblings?' I asked

'Yes as of now all but chomei, Kokuo, saiken have been able to persuade their hosts to stay in their respective villages. Chomei's host lives outside her village in a tree house. Kokou's host is bat shit crazy and wanders around the land of earth, and Saiken says his host is a coward that hides away on one of the islands in kiri.'

Groaning Naruto thought back 'good enough, now how to kill a biju?' Naruto questioned getting an amused snort from Kurama

'The easiest way is to shove a bijuudama down his throat.' Kurama replied

Groaning in annoyance Naruto thought 'and how the fuck do I do that!' As he came to a stop with kana while they both stood before a giant turtle that was just now getting back to his feet.