
Realistic Instances

If life were a game, then the next level is inevitable, so just embrace it! Random Map: Supermarket, subway, ship, fitting room... anything is possible. Random Teammates: Interpol agents, delivery guys, grandma squad, mischievous kids... it's all luck. In the real world, a genuine parallel universe, the chosen ones must strive to survive! Episodic mode with a main suspenseful plot, but don't forget about romance. The female protagonist has exceptional bloodlines, while the male lead is not random. It's a 1v1 match. Female Protagonist's Operating System: Only tails and enchanting nights should not be wasted.

ProphecyX · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Journey to Hell - Part 2

"Just now, I saw something running past," Hai Baihe said in a chilling tone, making everyone's hair stand on end. Someone asked, "W-what was it?"

"I don't know, it went by so quickly," Hai Baihe replied. The speed was so fast that she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.

The white-collar woman felt a bit scared by her words, but she was in too much pain to stand up. "I'll wait for you to come back."

A girl peeked outside and didn't believe it. "It's pitch black out there, how can you see anything? Are you trying to trick us? We're not going!"

The boy hesitated for a moment and then said, "Let's wait here. Come back if you don't find anyone."

"Alright then."

No need to risk the safety of others who are unrelated.

Halfway through, Hai Baihe suddenly stopped and turned her head to look out the window. Liang Xiao noticed her unusual behavior and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I saw it again, just now, it dashed by," Hai Baihe leaned over the car window, trying hard to see outside. "It's gone."

"Could it be your imagination?"

"No, my night vision is good," Hai Baihe felt a bit creeped out. This was even scarier than seeing visible zombies.

Di Ya frowned. "Could it be a rat?"

"It was as big as a person."

With those five words, everyone's arms were covered in goosebumps. The middle-aged man forced a smile and said, "Don't scare us, little girl."

"I'm not." Hai Baihe, who was originally at the back of the group, walked to the front. "Did you see it? The seats here are covered in dust."

Everyone aimed their phone flashlights at the seats. The dust was thin, easy to overlook if one wasn't observant. But in a subway that was always crowded, how could there be dust?

Liang Xiao looked at the layer of dust, and suddenly an image of an abandoned town came to his mind. It was just as desolate and horrifying. He furrowed his brow, trying to remember where he had seen a similar scene in a movie.

Hai Baihe was more worried than anyone else. The speed didn't seem like that of a zombie! Could it be an accelerated zombie? They definitely couldn't leave the subway, or they would be doomed once they stepped outside.

No one spoke during the rest of the journey. Everyone observed the eerie environment, each lost in their own thoughts.

They reached the front of the subway train and didn't see anyone else. The middle-aged man said, "Let's head back for now."

Given the strange situation, it was best for everyone to stick together. No one objected to his suggestion and they all turned back.

After walking about a third of the way, they suddenly heard a loud noise from the back of the train, as if a window had shattered. Before they could react, several screams followed, sending shivers down their spines.

No one knew what had happened, but it was definitely something terrible. With that understanding, unlike protagonists in typical movies who would rush towards the commotion, no one dared to take a step in that direction.

In the midst of fear and hesitation, the screams suddenly stopped, and the train car returned to silence as if nothing had happened.

Hai Baihe listened for a while and confidently said, "There's no sound anymore."

"What could have happened?" Wang Dong murmured. "Could it be haunted?" His face was filled with horror.

"Stop talking," Xiong Baobao pulled him and hid behind Zhuang Yijian. Even Zhu

ang Yijian was nervous, his muscles tense. Mao Xiao didn't look much better, wiping his hands on his pants multiple times, sweat beads forming on the tip of his nose.

In contrast, the others, Liang Xiao held onto Hai Baihe's arm, shielding her behind him. Di Ya's expression didn't reveal any emotional fluctuations. Surprisingly, even the middle-aged man remained calm, his legs not trembling. He was the first to break the silence. "Let's go and see. They might have been attacked."

Liang Xiao and Di Ya naturally agreed, but they also considered the feelings of the other young kids. He asked Hai Baihe, "You all stay here, we'll go and check."

"I don't think it's a good idea to separate," Hai Baihe rejected the proposal.

Zhuang Yijian hesitated for a moment, then agreed, "It's better if we don't split up for now."

Wang Dong nodded vigorously, "Right, there's strength in numbers."

Since they unanimously agreed, they quickened their pace and headed towards the rear of the train. However, even with mental preparation, the scene they encountered far exceeded their imagination in terms of bloodshed.

In the second-to-last train car, the bodies of the couple were in a gruesome state. Both of them were disemboweled, with their organs missing. Their expressions frozen in the moment of their most terrified state, their facial muscles twisted, and their eyeballs bulging. It was hard to imagine what terrifying scene they had witnessed before their deaths.

A little further in, they saw the IT guy. His limbs were severed, and his head was barely attached to his torso. Like the couple, his internal organs had been removed.

The least remains belonged to the white-collar woman. Her glasses had fallen to the side, along with her bloodied head, detached from the rest of her body.

Three-quarters of the train car was covered in blood. The strong stench of blood made everyone feel nauseous. Xiong Baobao took two steps back unsteadily and accidentally stepped on a pearl, slipping. The pearl rolled twice before being stopped by a fallen phone on the ground.

The screen of the locked phone emitted a faint light, allowing everyone to see clearly. What kind of pearl was that? It was clearly an eyeball!

Xiong Baobao couldn't hold it in any longer and vomited. Her actions triggered a chain reaction, and one by one, everyone felt nauseous. Hai Baihe couldn't bear it and quickly turned away, avoiding the sight.

This was definitely not a zombie. Zombies weren't that disgusting. Eating people... it was too repulsive.

Di Ya and Liang Xiao, despite the potential suspicion it could raise, observed the crime scene with heavy hearts. The middle-aged man crouched down and examined the wounds. "These wounds are uneven, not caused by a tool, but rather by a wild beast's attack."

"Where would a wild beast come from in the city?" Di Ya asked. "Could it be an escaped animal from the zoo?"

"Even a tiger wouldn't have such a powerful attacking force," the middle-aged man said, avoiding looking any further. "I don't know what kind of wild beast could cause wounds like this."

Liang Xiao crouched by the broken window to examine footprints. "Take a look at this."

After building up some mental fortitude, Hai Baihe turned her head to look at the evidence. The attacker had broken in through the window, committed the murders, and left through here, leaving behind a few bloody footprints.

But the footprints didn't resemble the shape of shoes; they were more like claw prints. Upon closer inspection, they

were different from the footprints of large beasts like tigers or lions. These claw prints were remarkably similar to human footprints.

"It looks like a monkey. It doesn't seem that big," Hai Baihe said.

However, how could a "wild beast" the size of a monkey instantly attack three people and possibly consume so many corpses? This perfectly exemplified the concept of extreme fear.

In the darkness, someone's teeth were chattering. "Shouldn't we leave here first?"

Leave? Outside the subway was an endless dark tunnel. Who knew what terrifying things lurked inside? But staying in the subway wasn't safe either, as several people had already died silently.

Hai Baihe found herself facing this choice between seeking death or waiting for death more frequently.

"Let's wait here for rescue," Xiong Baobao said anxiously. "I don't want to go outside."

Di Ya felt a strong sense of unease, surpassing the time she had been undercover with her previous target. She surveyed the surroundings, her attitude unusually resolute. "We must leave here quickly."

The middle-aged man agreed with her, "The stench of blood here is too strong. It's likely to attract more wild beasts."

Xiong Baobao became even more uneasy. "Will there be other wild beasts?"

"It's hard to say," the middle-aged man said. "I remember the subway had been running for about two minutes before the malfunction. We should be close to the next station. Although it's a bit risky, we can't be trapped here."

His reasoning made sense, and even if they didn't fully agree, they ultimately chose to leave.

Although there was an emergency door release, since the window was already shattered, Liang Xiao cleared away the broken glass and jumped out of the window.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, he felt something underfoot. He bent down to take a look and realized it was a woman's hand. The skin was fair, with slender fingers, and there was a ring on the ring finger. He paused for a moment and casually kicked the hand under the subway car, then reached out to help Hai Baihe down.

Ladies first, gentlemen last, everyone evacuated from the train in an orderly manner.

With the guidance of the tracks, they weren't afraid of losing their way. However, they were filled with anxiety and, for a moment, no one took the first step.

Liang Xiao glanced at Hai Baihe. He and she were the last to leave. He couldn't see her expression clearly, so he turned his head and took the lead.

Once she saw him move, the middle-aged man followed suit. Mao Xiao and Wang Dong walked in the middle. Xiong Baobao tightly held onto Zhuang Yijian, who also wanted to look back at Hai Baihe. She stood still, her expression heavy.

Liang Xiao felt something was off with Hai Baihe. "What's wrong?"

"I stayed up late last night, so I'm not feeling great now," Hai Baihe sighed, a melancholic expression on her face. If it weren't for this unexpected incident, they would have finished eating crawfish by now and could have gone home for some intimate time. But now?

The others still held onto the hope of leaving, but every time Hai Baihe thought of the road they couldn't escape from, she couldn't help but doubt. Would they really reach the subway station? Could they truly leave this place? Would they end up in another dead end?

Liang Xiao didn't know her worries, so he thought it was unavoidable. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. "Does that make you feel better?"

"Are you always using your handsome looks to your advantage

? That's unfair!" Hai Baihe said, half complaining and half joking.

"It works, doesn't it?" He chuckled nonchalantly. His appearance was his innate advantage, and having seen it so often, he didn't truly comprehend its extent of charm. So, he shamelessly squandered the gift bestowed upon him by fate.

Hai Baihe sighed, "It's not just effective, it's making my blood boil."

Optimistically speaking, when the enemy comes, they will be met head-on. At least, they had encountered danger twice and were able to catch glimpses of a beautiful person. They even got some benefits. It wasn't a loss.

The conversation delayed them, and someone from the front shone a light towards them. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"Her high heels got stuck," Hai Baihe lied without changing her expression. She had chosen a pair of white high heels adorned with rhinestones to match her friend's celebration. Escaping for her life on uneven ground... heh, it would be quite a bumpy ride!