
Enchanted Web Second half

Note: Peter = [[Other viewing worlds]]

Note: Peter = Speech between the main casts

Note: Those Reading are mainly Spider-Man, Some female, and only a few Males.

As Sue looked on, she couldn't help but grow jealous. Thinking back to all the times she would find herself crying on his shoulder. All the times Reed would not pay attention to his family, be it her or their son. That while she tried her best to make it work with Reed, he never saw the need to. That it was thanks to Peter Franklin even made friends his own age. That he would always go to Parent Teacher nights for him no matter how busy he might be.

That no matter how alone she may feel, how broken she may become he'll always be there to bring her back up. And that scared her far too much, for she is unable to think of a life without him in it. Knowing it could never be, for if it was, why would it be not, but be now instead of never. Confusing thoughts racing for unanswered question of what is real and what is fantasy.

Finally Spider-Emma couldn't help but think he sounded familiar, wondering if she knew him. And why her chest hurts so much when he doesn't pay attention to her, feeling as if he were hers before anyone else's, finding here was where she was always meant to be.

[["How could that imbecile not like her at all?"

Yeah she did do bad things in the past but she changed hell he was at least 35% the reason why she changed. Why didn't he like her? That one question kept circling itself in her head over and over again driving her mad.

"After everything we had been through and me actually becoming an ally to him, how is it possible, that the toad chooses her?! Wasn't he to be her prince?!"

Amora yelled at the top of her lungs as tears formed. Because of that she couldn't help but kneel down crying harder, pulling her hair. Hoping the pain she felt would go away.

Ding Dong!]]

No one said anything thinking back to all the times their relationships fail before they even began. Captain potty mouth could even remember all the times girls would turn him down. For while he may have had heart, he was never one to make heads turn, until after he could break necks forcing them to turn.

[[Amora shot up, quickly wiped her tears away, she couldn't let anyone one see her so weak. And went to the door to see who it was. It was none other than her best friend, Peter Parker aka the Amazing Spider-Man.]]

"What? That annoying bug is the photographer!!!" Quickly as it seems to be becoming the case it all went to hell. As those not in the know learned who was the man behind the mask.

However for someone that name meant so much more. As she heard it, slowly she began to face him. With misty eyes that who was thought dead said.

"Pe...Peter is that you?"

When he heard her say his name he froze.

[["Amora it's me Peter, I brought ice cream"

Peter said outside her door. Amora was at first confused on what he was doing here. Did he know, had he heard something, were the others laughing at her failure.

She was about to yell at him until she remembered this was movie night, and Susan, Laura, and Emma were set to come in a few hours.]]

The Beyonder seeing there was drama to be had changed Amora, Sue, and Peter sits to a type of sofa where there's nothing between them, but wouldn't let the little female Spider get off the center of the web lap. Finding it all amusing, wishing he had followed the path of the immortal Vampire. Finally finding what's so fun in trolling.

"Gw...Gwen is that you? The real you, no clone or robot?"Slowly Peter started to pull down his mask. Hoping it was truly her, even now unable to get over his dead Girlfriend, Even more now since he still remembers being married to her in "House of M".

"Peter, it's me, it's me "Said Gwen Stacy in a slight two-tone voice that as quickly as it came it went. As she took off her mask crying into his arms, making sure he was real.

Peter as soon as he saw her face knew it was her even with her new Punk features an Undercut or sidecut hairstyle, and single piercing over her right eye. Weirdly felt like it was his Gwen yet not at the same time.

"I couldn't save the Gwen Stacy of my World, i couldn't save you."

Could barely say Peter between tears while wiping Gwen tears away making more tears in a river that wipes. Silly in all its meaning yet the only comfort that means anything worthwhile. For there's no replacement that could ever fill the hole they left each other.

"And I couldn't save my bestfriend....MY Peter from my world"

Said a happy yet Confused Gwen as she began to see visions of another life that went as soon as it came, like a Phantom or a Ghost of a memory past. Worthless without meaning until it's reason for living was found.

As those two love birds drew near closer and closer, lips almost touching they heard two faint coughs. And thus the magic was loss and words of a promise never came to be.

Both Sue and Amora looked as if death was near, in the coldest tone they both said.

"Oh so you know each other? That's ni...nice" with fake smile both tired to pass it off as passing interest which only few saw and understood. Some happy others worried about what it could mean.

While those with feelings that ran deep for a Spider could only grow jealous wishing they were closer to him. And had dark thoughts that the dead should stay dead. It could even be said only Grandpa Cap could truly say he was happy for the Spider.

"Yeah she's Gwen Stacy MY Wif...Friend...she was a very good 'Friend' one i wasn't able to save." Said an embarrassed Peter still on House of M.

Seeing them as such both blonde females drew closer to him not wanting the 3rd blonde to have him all to herself. "So why are you still on his lap?" Said a 'smiling' Amora with Sue nodding in agreement.

All an embarrassed Gwen could say was. "I'm still unable to get off his lap." yet came off as smug to them, for truthfully even if she could she wouldn't.

[[So she decided to unlock her door and opened it for him to come in. Thinking back now. Amora and Peter have had a lot of history together. When she first met him she thought of him as an annoying bug that she could manipulate if she wanted.

She even did at one point in time mind controlled him to do what she wanted. And made him shut up. Sadly depending from where you look at it. She was eventually stopped when Doctor Strange saved Spider-Man and they defeated her.]]

Reed as he saw them and heard this, couldn't help but wish that stayed...For Sue was HIS. And no loudmouth college dropout was taking her from him. Making a dark path that only Makers would make. Understood only by him in ultimate fallacy.

[[After Amora decided to change her ways she decided to make up with Spider-Man. For she found even though he could be annoying when he talked, she liked him the most.

Unlike Steve Roger that would bore her to death on morals, or Tony Stark that would creep on her asking for her sizes, or a night out.]]

"Well, seems our others could really get along maybe we should hang out more." Said a teasing Amora while trying to get his mind off any female that wasn't her.

Without even thinking he said. "Yeah, sounds good we could even visit a Zoo if you like" Not knowing that could be taken as an invite to a date. But even if it was the other two jealous females wouldn't let them say as much.

Tony on the other hand could only start to hate this Story as Pepper got mad again. His fellow Avengers Rogers on the other hand could only think he wasn't boring and only went on about morals. Though it was nice she was fitting in.

Captain Marvel, Black Cat, and the Scarlet Witch on the other hand could only hope this story isn't about what they think it is.

[[At first he questioned what she was doing but still gave her a chance. Thinking maybe he could later ask her about her thoughts on Magic vs Technology.

Maybe even on how she makes so much green look good, for not just anyone could pull it off. Vision certainly can't, looking as if he were wearing bad cosplay that yellow definitely did him no favors. Though Polaris was another that could pull it off.

Yet it was seeing Amora tend to a pregnant woman who was about to give birth, that his doubts vanish. He truly believed that she really wanted to change.

Peter went out of his way to help her feel wanted, and welcomed. Made it possible for the Avengers to work with her. Afterwards, Peter revealed his identity to her and made her promise not to tell anyone. Hell she found herself enjoying his company as they spent time with one another, everyday more and more to the point she would even crack jokes with him.]]

As that went on Amora couldn't help but lay her head on his shoulder, finding comfort like no other. Sue as not to be left out did the same, only regretting not doing so sooner. Thoughts on who could see long forgotten, just happy to be with him truly happy.

Breaking her two fellow members mind and sanity. And laying down a deeper river for all the sait felt in the air from other females. If that wasn't bad enough Scarlet Witch worried she'll have to worry about Polaris too. Thinking why now of all times must there be so many into her Spider.

Funny enough Polaris didn't really care, however seeing how mad this was making her sister and everyone else she couldn't help but think how much fun she could have with this. Even more so when her Father looked as if he'll have a heart attack.

"Why thank you Spider red and blue look good on you too...And unlike some dirty blondes my green hair would go good with your brown even better than undead and powerless redheads, "And if that didn't get under enough people skins what she said next certainly did. "Lorna Parker, has a nice ring to it...as do little ones with green hair and hazel eyes.."

Finding she very much like how red his face would become, unable to stop stuttering back an answer. Yes even after reaching near the top of many "hit lists", even with a little birdy after her, she found all this too much fun. And if she happened to win...well why not take it all the way. A crazed look could be seen, in a way proving unlike no other she and Wanda truly are sisters

[[One thing that she didn't like was that Peter was trying to make a relationship work with Mary Jane Watson. If anything she never liked her because she constantly complained about Peter's super hero activities and helping others. Which is why she was so happy when Peter said that they had broken up.

Susan, Laura, and Emma kept giving her weird looks as she danced in happiness. Each for a different reason, but similar in the feelings behind those thoughts of words unsaid. She had to stop before she thought more on it as he started to speak.]]

As he heard this Peter couldn't help but feel sad, hearing his other break up with MJ for pretty much the same reasons. Still he thought it was nice how good friends the girls became, even if they were confusing on their thoughts on him. Even now still positive none of them could have feelings for him.

Both Scott and Reed on the other hand could only think on ways to crush a bug, never even thinking why their girls would leave them for him. Thus losing them all the more.

Logan truly wanted to tell the web head to back off his daughter...that she was off limits. Yet every time he would to and speak, she would cut off his tongue for no one would come between her and her mate. Luckily those keeping them kept him from dying. Sadly however they made him heal slowly, with the only comfort he could find in the numbing alcohol. For little birdy paid him no mind.

Emma Frost oddly said nothing...as been awhile thinking back to all the Spider had done for her and her girls. With peace of mind being most common. Scared she truly may feel something for him. Little red however found it funny, that bitter rivals were to fight over a man once again. Still as flames came out her eyes she didn't worry for he was already HERS.

While Susan no longer cared about what was going on all around, only that she found her true happiness and would no longer let go. Be damned anything that tired to come between them, for she would fight off anyone.

[["Nice place you got by the way", Peter commented with a smile.

"Thank you, so what brings you by Peter?" Amora asked as she started to play with her hair, hiding her eye, worried he would think she looked a mess.

"One reason was that I wanted to see how you were doing, And I brought the ice cream you asked for. Though I think it may have been too much since the others had to cancel last minute"

Peter said.

"Well I'm not" Amora said with sadness. "I saw Thor fucking that whore Sif when I wanted to ask him out".]]

As Captain potty mouth said that you could almost see tears running down his eyes. Wishing he could read faster yet anytime everyone started to talk, he would be unable to continue unless told otherwise.

Lady Sif, Jane Foster, Brunnhilde and Loki however began ganging up on Thor once again. Unable to defend himself thanks to his sister Loki, thinking of the great man of spiders and how good him seem with women. Made a plan to pawn his sister off to him. Truly mischievous in thoughts that could even bring the goddess of said title to shame. Thinking so many foes before her, she'll be far too busy to focus on him unless she were to lose mortals. Not putting in as much thought into what this could mean or where it could lead as he should. Knowing his sister was still mad about what she said.

"Sister, should you really be focusing on me? When it seems the true prize to be had gets won by a different Asgardian?" Said the now new mischievous thunder God.

"What do you mean prize?" Said a now intrigued genderbend Loki.

"Surely you must see all this is about the man of Spiders for even someone such as I can. Yet you are doing nothing as Amora gets closer and closer to him. For you to be scared of all these other females that are after him, is very telling sister. Fear is unbecoming of you, or did you becoming female change that about you too?"

At first Loki was going to pay this all off as nonsense yet when he said that whore Amora name, she couldn't help but pay attention. Still thinking of how to get back at her for the insult, her great pettiness only growing as a female. Yet the thought of someone else having what she could not when it's the most desired spoke volumes of herself. Choosing to throw herself into the ring as well, for what's a little drama without mischief fanning the flame.

Jane and Sif on the other hand didn't care for what was being said only the pain of a thunder God could bring them peace. However Brunnhilde saw it as something else with two fellow Asgardian gearing up for battle. She saw what could be one of the greatest battles ever fought, the prize forgotten in light of who she would get to battle. And the gory for beating out the strongest of females.

[["Wow, I'm sorry to hear that,'' Peter muttered though honestly he couldn't help but feel jealous she still talked about Thor, wanting someone to care for him the same way Amora does for Thor. Instead it's one failed relationship to the next for one reason or another.

"I honestly thought he and I had finally gotten over our troubled history. I guess I was a fool to think that " Amora said as she began to tear up again.

"Come here, I gotcha", Peter said pulling her into a hug as she cried into his shoulder. Amora could only thank Peter for being there for her right now. For what seemed to be the greatest feeling Amora had ever felt as Peter hugged her insecurities away. Feeling his tightly compact yet very solid muscles. She settled down and Peter let go of her. "Better?"

"A little", Amora said though a little sad of no longer being in his arms.]]

As Peter was finally almost coming to the realization that Amora may like him, he was broken out of his thoughts by a voice calling to him.

"Tell me bug, want to feel a 'real' woman instead of those silly little girls?" Said the now female Loki while giving the metaphorical finger to the 3 blondes. Not noticing or caring in the irony of what she said

As for those not involved they could not help but grab some popcorn finding all this drama far more entertaining than what was going on the screen. While those poor single males could only grow hating more and more the luck the Spider had with women.

"Um...ah Loki, What do you mean?" Said a now confused Spider-Man thinking why Loki out of everyone would say that to him.

"Honestly Ms.Trap he obviously wants a real woman in green not a pretend one in drag" Said a now smug looking Lorna Dane or future ms. Parker as her shirt said. Truly enjoying the looks of rage she was receiving, and the heart attack her father was starting to get.

Sadly nothing more could be said as Captain America started reading again.

[["It's alright, I understand completely. To be honest Thor was always dense. If he couldn't grasp how you truly felt for him than shame on him for not going after you. You are a beautiful and fun loving person Amora, any guy would love to be with you" Peter said.

"Maybe, you should try to forget about Thor for now".

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind that at all'' Amora said before deciding to tease Peter a bit. "Is that the other reason why you came here?"

"Well yeah it is. I also wanted to ask if you weren't doing anything then maybe you and I could go and hangout"

Peter said nervously. This caught Amora by surprise as she never expected for Peter to ask her out. She had to smile at this and besides with Thor being an asshole and screwing Sif senseless with his pathetic appendage, she needed to take her mind off of the Thunder toad.]]

"I'll have you know woman i am not small, it was just cold out with you opening the door." Quickly said Thor in defense of himself.

Jane seeing an opening to get back at him said. "Oh really? Then it must have been cold every time we did it...no wonder the God didn't live up to the hype of his so called Godly dick...more ok than amazing" Lady Sif seeing what she was doing could only agree to lower Thor standing even more.

"Mmm Amazing truly says much of the spectacular specimen between Spiders legs, it's no wonder he could take such amazing photos with his built in tripod"

Said the Black Cat, letting those know unlike them she already got to sleep with him, unlike them. Absentmindedly Sue, Gwen and a famous russian spy couldn't help but agree when images of a loss world came into their minds.

Seeing as such Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk couldn't help but wonder if she should throw her hat into the ring too.

Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman and Julia Carpenter known as Madame Web on the other hand could only think back to some night they had too much to drink with the male Spider each for a different reason yet the same in why they left before he could wake up. Never speaking of it again, instead growing distant.

[["Honestly, Peter I would love to", Amora with a smile.

"Oh okay, I understand I guess just- wait, did you say yes?" Peter asked with shock. Amora giggled at this and nodded to confirm it. 'She said yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!'.

"So where are we going?" Amora asked.

"Oh there is a carnival that is opening up in Midtown and I thought that we should go there" Peter said nervously still surprised she said yes.

"Alright let's go", Amora fixing her hair and grabbing her jacket. Before leaving she decided to use her magic and fix the Wine glass she threw earlier. The shards of glass reformed into its whole let it was never ever truly broken. And she placed it back on the table next to a red and blue wine glass, before following Peter.]]

"Well it seems our others are on a date...maybe we should do the same?" Said a happy Amora thinking she'll ask for a copy of this movie later, thinking she had a major one up against all the other females. Damn if that Bitch Loki can step between her and HER Spider.

"Yeah..." Said an embarrassed as both Sue and Gwen said they should hang out later too. While driving Wanda crazy in jealousy, ready to make all others disappear as soon as her powers came back.


Peter and Amora had arrived at the carnival in Midtown in their civilian clothing to blend in. Peter was wearing a light blue shirt with a dark blue jacket, black pants and red shoes. Amora was wearing a green shirt that exposed her toned stomach and abs and gave a modest view of her cleavage, black skin tight pants, and black high heeled boots with gold accents.]]

Seeing her dressed as such many of the poor single guys couldn't help but whistle and cat call. Luckily Tony had enough IQ to act as if he saw nothing for Piper was looking right at him.

[[After paying for their way in the two held hands as they entered. All around them they could see people having fun and conversing...that was until they arrived. All around people could only stare at them being together. Most of them were jealous glares directed at Peter from the men. Peter however wasn't intimidated at all in fact he actually liked that they were jealous of him and he laughed at some of the men who were staring hard at Amora only to be slapped by their girlfriends.

Even Amora got jealous glares from other women, they might have thought he must have money, or something going for him if he was able to be with her, maybe even a monster of a certain appendage. Amora couldn't help but smile at the sight, laughing along with him as only he could do for her.]]

"You do sound nice when you laugh." said Peter without thinking.

Hearing the honesty in his voice Amora smiled and said. "Thank you...for freeing me." It's true meaning only known to her.

[["So what do we do first?" Amora asked.

"First we try the bumper cars" Peter said as he and Amora got in line for the ride. The two got inside of their respective cars after waiting for about two minutes in line. "You ready?"

"Of course I am", Amora said with a grin.

Amora and Peter raced off and bumped into a number of people before bumping into each other. Amora bumped into him five times before Peter got back at her hitting her three times with his car. All the while the two laughed and enjoyed themselves as they crashed into each other.

After a while they got off their ride and held hands again this time a little tighter, all the while laughing. Just then Peter pointed to the next ride that he thought she may enjoy.

"Let's try the Carousel" Peter said as he and Amora ran towards it. Peter and Amora sat in a two seat carriage on it and held hands as the ride on. While this went on the two smiled as the ride went on, and held each other in an embrace, slowly growing closer.

A long while later Peter and Amora still found themselves laughing and having a good time. They took pictures and made funny faces. They went on the Ferris wheel and spotted several objects at far distances, most notably Avengers Tower. They also rode the Tea Cups laughing all the way in their hearts. With Peter unable to get enough of the sound of her voice tugging on his heartstrings making it grow heavier yet lighter in worries.

Later on they stopped at a stand to see who could place a ring on the wheel. Peter noted to Amora hat the guy in charge was a cheat and they decided to pull a fast one on him. Peter paid money to play and with help from Amora's Magic he got three rings on the wheel.

While he still could have done it without her help, he knew she would find it far more enjoyable to take a part in it.

The man looked baffled before turning to one of anger before giving them three teddy bears to Peter two in Amora colors, with one with lighting, and the other in a web. To finally the last one dressed as Spider-Man.

Peter presented them to Amora before bowing.

"I believe these belong to you Milady"

Peter said with a grin.

Amora returned the expression while giving him the most radiant smile he had ever seen. As if she made up her mind. "Why thank you good sir."]]

"This is better than the notebook" Said Barbara "Bobbi" Morse otherwise known as MockingBird or that robinhood knock off ex wife. With those few females currently not into Spider-Man agreeing. Loving a good romance film.

"I love this movie, it quickly has become my favorite." Said a now Enchanted Enchantress. While this on the other hand became much hated among those with feelings for the Spider.

[[Peter and Amora were now sitting on a bench eating hot dogs as fireworks went off. Amora smiled as she and Peter were together and admitted to herself that she did like Peter a lot, never feeling as complete as when she's with him.

"Well it looks as though it's going to be over soon" Peter said slightly disappointed hoping this day didn't end anytime soon .

"Yeah it looks like it", Amora said with the same look of sadness that the day was ending. Just then she had an idea. "Peter would you like to stay with me for a bit at my place maybe some coffee with lemon or tea?"]]

"Wait what! You like me?" Said a highly surprise Peter Parker only now truly getting she liked him.

"Well... I guess she too likes you as i like you" Said a surprisingly bashful Enchanted blonde hoping to seal the deal. Yet got gate blocked by Gwen and Sue not ready to give up on Peter.

"It would seem after my brother drop you like a box of used tissues, that Deadpool used. You are already going after my Man, honestly you Whores never chance, going after what's beyond your reach." Said a jaded Goddess of mischief.

But as soon as she said that Polaris came with the uppercut. "Look old tranny, I called dibs first just because no woman wanted to sleep with you doesn't mean you can get a sex change to finally get noticed."

"Look Bitch i'm getting sick and tired of your bullshit, i'll beat the green out of you whore. Used goods that got left at the altar has no place in this." Said a furious Loki with Havok quickly hiding hoping not to get dragged into this.

"OOOHH Baby i love a good cat fight." I'm soooo touching myself after this on you all. Said an out of breath Deadpool not caring if his only cameos were him beating his meat to hot women. "Oh the best part is coming, imma time myself to that beautiful Lemon."

And as quickly all hell broke loose it died again with Deadpool last remaining self respect. Though Peter was thankful not wishing for anyone to fight even over himself thinking they could do better.

[["Uh sure" Peter said.

Amora's place

Amora and Peter arrived at her place and sat on the couch together. At that point Amora spoke up.

"Peter I really had fun today, in fact it was one of the best days of my life. Thank you so much."

"Hey what's friends for" Peter said.

"What if we became more than friends?" Amora asked. Peter went slightly wide eyed at that remark. Amora decided to continue breaking every rule she ever read in Cosmo.

As soon as Cosmo was said Amora choice it would be wise to write this down. Wishing her other luck in love.

"Peter I'll be honest, I have always liked you, but as a friend but after today maybe that should change".

Peter was trying to think of something to say back to her but he couldn't. Couldn't help but tease him

"Speechless, that's a first".

"Peter you said shame on the person who doesn't go after me, I think the same thing for any woman who doesn't go after you. But be warned, I don't like to give up what's mine after I set my sights on it"

Amora said as she slowly climbed on top of him. "And let's be honest Peter you have always thought about me haven't you?"

Peter answered nervously looking away from her, "Yes".

"I know you have Peter which is why I think we should make a few moments of our own", Amora said as she gently kissed Peter. Peter returned the gesture as well and before long the two started invading each other's mouths with their tongues fighting for dominance seeking to claim the new uncharted territory for themselves. With Peter slowly gaining ground.]]

Seeing her chance Amora took advantage of what was going on and kissed her Peter too. Sue and Gwen both refusing to let her have him did the same. And before anyone could understand what was going all three started to make out with Peter, pull each other off whenever possible.

Leaving everyone speechless and angry with the only sound besides the reading heard them kissing and Deadpool slowly killing a poor unicorn from behind. With everything being said killing Steve.

[[At that moment Amora stopped and straddled him before removing her shirt. Her large breasts were displayed in full view, proving to Peter she had no Bra the whole time. Who in turn grabbed them and reached up to suck on them subconsciously using his powers to better please her. Amora moaned as he did so enjoying the feeling with his sticky fingers, momentarily wondering what else he can make sticky and how much of it.

Peter let go and tried to remove his shirt. Amora stopped him from doing so. "Let me do that". In a matter of seconds Amora cast a spell that caused their clothes to disappear leaving them completely naked. "There much better".

The two continued kissing while Amora rubbed her vagina on his cock while Peter continued to grope her breasts. Just then Ampra stopped and got off of him, grabbed his arm and led him to her bedroom. Once they got there she turned to face Peter and kissed him some more ignoring that they were near the bed and tripped on its side continuing to kiss each. Refusing to let go of each other.

"Peter tonight I'm all yours. Take me, take me, and make my body burn only for your touch. Make me forget and only want you"

Amora whispered. Peter did what she said forgoing the rest of the foreplay with how soaking wet she already was. and entered her tight womanhood with a single thrust. Amora moaned as Peter continued to thrust into her with his improved touch creating far more friction, and wrapped her arms around his neck as he did so.

"Wow you are so tight" Peter muttered in between breaths.

"I hear men in Midgard love that am I wrong?" Amora asked with a smirk.

"No not at all" Peter answered as he continued to imprint himself in her making her take on his shape, improving to her he's the only one for her now and forever.

Peter's thrusts got stronger and Amora loved the feeling of Peter plowing her. It helped that she knew he was bigger than Thor, and knew Sif would never know the feeling of truly being being filled to the brim of completion. That while Thor wasn't small he had nothing on HER PETER.

She kissed Peter once more loving every second of every minute, with Peter returning the kiss. Before long Amora rolled Peter on to his back with her on top of him. She continued to bounce on top of him with Peter holding on to her hips while watching her breasts bounce as she did in a beautiful song and dance.

"Tell me Peter did Mary Jane ever pleasure you like this?" Amora asked.

"No, no she didn't" Peter Honestly told her, for he always had to go easy on MJ, to the point she couldn't always get off, with him fearing he'll break her nor could he fit as much in her as when she had her sword, as a warrior princess.

"Well shame on her for not doing so, I'll have to take over for her then" Amora said.

"Shit Amora you're really trying to milk me here", Peter said.

"Good, I can feel you getting ready to cum Peter", Amora said as she slowed her bouncing down to sensually grind on him. This little tease almost set him off. "I want you to cum inside me Peter".

"You sure?"

"I'm very sure".

With no hesitation Peter thrust upwards into her holding on to her waist and spanking her plump ass. Amora moaned at his actions and to motivate him further she laid down on him covering his face in her breasts.

"Amora here it comes", Peter warned and just like that he coated her walls with his sticky cream filling. Amora fell to his right side with her head on his chest, glowing like never before. After a while of hard breathing and relaxing for a bit Peter spoke. "That was..."]]

"Ahhhhh i came too" said a very happy Deadpool

With the Three blondes still trying to make out with Spider-Man killing Johnny and others mind.

[["Amazing, spectacular, sensational?" Amora teased.

"All of the above" Peter said with chuckle with Amora doing the same. "So does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Yes it does", Amora said. "So are you ready to go again or are you tuckered out?"

"Does this answer your question?" Peter asked as he kissed her before getting on top of her again, proving his stamina and legend of taking care of all of New York was just hot air.

The two shared a passionate love making session all night long. They decided that tomorrow they would break the news to everyone the news day. Thor would be really surprised later on, if he didn't have to deal with a little bundle of joy and a very angry girlfriend and baby mama.

As for Amora friendship with Susan, Laura, and Emma, it's fate unknown. As they fought. Since that very day they got together Susan finally divorced Richard, Laura spoke to Logan, seeking advice on how to be with people, and Emma finally was about to follow Peter advice to happiness and leave Scott.]]

When it was finally down two things happened, one luckily what happened didn't show up on the screen...but they heard everything as Steve was forced to read everything. And two they were finally able to get up and move. No longer were they being held back now free to do anything to anyone even if their powers didn't work. Racing to where they were making out.