

After our emotional exchange in the rose patio, Emeric walked me back to my room where the head maid in charge of me was waiting for me. "Lady Roka, might I speak with you for a moment?" Though I was concerned, I signaled for Emeric to leave so that we could speak in peace. After he left, I closed my door and sat with her in a small sitting area in the corner of my room.

"Lady Roka, I don't mean to scare you with my sudden request. I merely came here today to, if I may state it bluntly, warn you." Shocked, I gently placed down the tea she prepared for me and put my hands in my lap, giving her my full attention.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?"

"I wish to warn you of the princess's temper."

"The princess's temper?"

I've heard it before. The princess was notorious for looking down on others and resorting to violence.

"I've heard she once sentenced a foreign princess to death simply because she wore jewelry that looked nicer than hers?"

"That rumor, I'm afraid, is true, Lady Roka."

"Then did you worry she would find an issue with me and attempt to dispose of me?"

"I believe that if her chosen partner is anything less than perfect by her standards, you may fall into a dangerous situation, my lady. I would personally suggest that you maybe find someone who fits her personality rather than someone who is fated to her."

I narrowed my eyes at her before taking up my tea once again, showing my disinterest. "I understand your worries, head maid, but I despise being a liar and a fraud to my people. I would rather face her wrath and be innocent than live with the knowledge that I have let down my family and everyone I know. Even if the princess is so furious she would have my head, I would rather end my life with the satisfaction that I have done the right thing than live with the guilt of lying to her. I understood the position I was getting myself into when I agreed to take this position. I understood that I was in a position to possibly anger and insult the royal family, despite the truth. Nevertheless, I will uphold my honor at the stake of my life. I appreciate your warning but it is not necessary. Good day."

Finishing my statement and unwilling to hear another plea, I got up and opened the door for her. She walked out slowly with her head hung, upset that she failed to get through o me. I understood and appreciated her concern but I had my morals to uphold. I would not give them up just because I feared for my life. The rest of the night passed without incident, gladly.

The next day had come which meant it was time for me to begin my search for the princess's fated one. I had a quick breakfast in my room before meeting Emeric, who I had requested from the king to aid me, and a few other knights in front of the castle.

"Morning Ro! You have my unit at your command. Where will Miss Reader have us search?"

"All I need you guys to do is follow me. Following this path could lead us anywhere, from a shady alleyway to another country. I promised the king to ensure that I would give up if it were to lead out of the country but I would like to get more information so he may weigh the differences if it comes to that."

"Very well. With my unit in tow, there is no place in this kingdom you cannot go."

"I never realized the title of Head Knight came with such influence."

Emeric just smiled in response to my comment. After a bit more prep, we mounted our horses and set off following the string.

It was a long journey, with the string twisting and turning about up and down the streets. I was tired and frustrated since I had never attempted to do this kind of thing before. I'm sure we looked like idiots walking up and down streets, sometimes turning around suddenly. This was much more complicated than I had thought. Finally, after a long journey, we reached the house where the string led in, but not out. Worn out and sweaty after the journey, I lightly knocked on the door, my hood covering my face.

The door swung open to reveal a kind-looking, rugged man. He looked about thirty and seemed to be an adventurer. "Can I help you?" I peeked up to get a better look at his face and was shocked to realize: I knew him. I quickly threw off my hood and smiled a huge grin, hoping he would recognize me. As soon as he saw my hair he realized who I was.

"Little Red!?"