

With my audience with the King over, I honored him with a final bow and left the room. Once half way down the hall, I was surprised to be stopped by the crown prince himself. "Lady reader, I don't believe we've met properly? My name is Cohen Ward, crown prince and son of Darius Ward." The Prince bowed, took my hand and placed a kiss on the back of my palm. Disgusted, I swiftly pulled away my hand and tried my best to put on a smile to not insult him.

I stepped back and gathered myself to speak to him properly. "Your highness, I don't deserve your introduction. I am but a small commoner. I am humbled by your presence. What could it be that you require of me?" The prince then took another bow then faced me with a brimming smile.

"I would love to say I came to meet m'lady without any ulterior motives, but I do have but a few mere questions for you. For instance, who is my string connected to?"


"How can you tell?"


"What exactly are you?"

"If you would just-"

"Are you some sort of mythical be-"


I had lost my patience at the point. His constant barrage of questions was not only causing me a bout of stress but also had me losing my patience. I snapped at him without a though of him being a prince. "I understand that you are curious but I do not intend to answer questions I am not comfortable answering! Please just leave me alone!" With that, I stormed off. Out of fear of being executed for what I just did, I basically ran without a single glance back.

The next day I was more than surprised to be greeted by a bouquett of red flowers, the same color as my hair, at my doorstep. In it was a note that read: "To hoping for a brighter future together, Cohen". The note itself sent chills up my spine. 'To a brighter future together?' Spare me. All I want is to quietly do my job. Nobody told me I would have to deal with an obnoxious jerk. I fear for our country's future with a crown prince like him.

I could do nothing about it with so many people watching me. I silently brought the flowers inside with me, closed my door, and threw them in the trash. I didn't even get to sit down properly when I heard a knock on my door. I sluggishly got up to greet them but was unfortunately greeted by the prince's personal attendant.

"Good day, Lady Adonet. I am here to inform you that his highness crown prince Cohen invites you to join him for tea in the garden." Really? First the stupid flowers now this? It's as if he's trying to get me in trouble with his curiosity alone.

"Ummm... Please inform the Prince that although I am touched, I am not really in the best of health right now and wouldn't wish to get him ill."

"Then, would my lady at least inform me on her sentiments for the flowers?"

"Please tell him I thought they were lovely."

The butler simply took a look at my trash can before swiftly turning with an annoyed expression and walking away. I knew I was probably going to get in trouble for ignoring the prince but I was so tired that I couldn't even bother with it. Once again I attempted to return to my chair at my desk yet again I was disturbed by a knock at my door. Frustrated, I stormed to the door and swung it open as calmly as possible, which wasn't calm at all. Standing there was Emeric with a surprised face.

"Whoa. What's going on? First I see Harrison storming away angrily then you snap at me. What's going on red bean?"

Seeing his face, I sighed heavily and jumped onto the bed. "Em, you won't believe the day I'm having. And it's all because of that stupid crown prince!" Hearing me yell, Emeric quickly shut the door and sat on the bed next to me.

"What did that jerk do to you?"

"It's not like he hurt me or anything. He's been trying to get alone to try and ask me about Readers. He's acting like an annoying little kid and its tiring me me out. I don't have the energy to deal with him."

"Well, you-" Emeric was interrupted by yet another knock at my door. "Lady Adonet, His majesty the king summons you to the throne room."

I apologize for the short chapters. Translating my book over to Webnovel meant breaking up a story that was already made too long. From now on, you can expect slightly longer chapters and a somewhat normal release schedule!

Solasoleicreators' thoughts