

一, 二, 三

When Chloe went to the bar with her friends, she knew that danger was going to fall on them. But it was only related to her mother screaming with anger when she would return or her neighbor judging her to take the expensive car she had taken with her friends.

She knew Marcus was a bad choice but she was tired of good choices and they were not taking her anywhere in her life. So when she saw the opportunity, she took one.

But now that she was standing in a darkened spot behind the large wall, she was not sure what was happening anymore and what kind of danger she was facing.

Surely there was some mistake. She remembered clearly Marcus had booked a private room. Their friends were sitting around and they were having bears. Suddenly she felt the urge to go out. As if someone was calling her. 

She lied that she wanted to go to the washroom. Or she really wanted to wash her face and tell herself that bitch you are drunk. But she walked away toward the passage unconsciously. She was new to this building then how did she know where the washroom was? But her mind was on vacation with all those drinks and she felt it was the right direction when the waiters did not stop her and now.. Now she was hiding because all she could see was a gun in front of her.

The cold had seeped to her bones and her limbs were painfully stiff as she tried to be one with the wall. 

"Tell me, Nathaniel, why are you still in our territory when we have already paid the rent due to us." the man in the dark clothes said as his men kept pointing guns at the dark man named Nathaniel. And while it looked like he had an upper hand in the conversation, she caught the slight tremble of his hands showing she was nervous. 

As the one doing masters in the psychology department, she had a keen habit of noticing the unsaid, and now she could feel the tension in the air. How she wanted to return to her table. But she was sure it was not possible. Not without passing through all of them as if they did not exist. 

A tense moment of silence passed before he came out of the shadows. He had dark brown hair that had recently been cut, the sides so tight they were nearly shaved, the top left long and loose. His eyes were blue with golden freckles that looked enchanting. With sharp brows and pointed cheekbones, he looked dominating and brooding. The white muscle shirt he had on was stressed the fuck out trying to stretch over his enormous pecs, and his dark, hairless skin was just the same, taut nearly to the point of structural failure across his six-pack and lats.

He had no tattoos. No false airs. Unfancy clothes yet she could feel the air of nobility around him as if the world belonged to him and he did not demand obedience but everyone owed it to him. Raw power emanates from the imposing male, and She reel back slightly in shock.

"I have felt a strange presence in this place. I will leave as soon as I have a look." he finally replied as he stopped scanning the room. As if he could not see the sheer amount of weapons pointed at him. 

"You have no right to do so." the man growled and all the army behind him tensed. As if they could pull the trigger any moment. 

"I do not mean any harm, Antonio. I will have a look and then leave. In exchange, I will give you a 30% cut in the next payment." the men with weapons exchange wary glances. As if a mental battle was fought and in the end, the man named Antonio sighed.

To my relief, they all lowered their guns at once.

"Only a peek at Nathaniel. You know that my world did not know about your presence and I want things to stay as they are." the man nodded with a grim look as if he knew things would not end with just one peek. But what caught her attention was the last line.

Who was this man? Was he a lost aristocrat or mafia about whom the government was not aware. He was reeking of power so she was sure he was a criminal. Who else would not be afraid of so many guns. She waited.. As long as he would leave, and other men followed, she would have a chance to run away and then she would never peek into the fancy room or wander around them as if she owned them. 

Shivers continued to seize her body as she remained wedged at the bathroom door.

The men were waiting for Nathaneil to leave just like her but the man kept standing there and staring at the window. Giving her an impression that he knew she was there. A spell of dizziness assailed her and she pressed a hand to her stomach. All the beer she had drunk was threatening her to rise to her throat. A lump formed in her throat as she covered her mouth with her hands, but it was already too late.

With a gurgling sound, she vomited everything she had in her body with bile and water. Gosh! Now she feels better. But as soon as she raised her head, to her horror, every head was turned in her direction and they all stared at her as if she was a spy sent by the government to find a secret that could destroy their country or worse. 

Cold panic filled her body. She needed to hide, even though she knew it was too late. Her feet refused to move even though she could see them coming toward her like a predator walking to their prey. 

Fine hands gripped her and she was thrown into the middle of the room where the bright light hit her swollen eyes.

"A spy! Who are you working for?"