

Chloe had never seen this luxurious car in her life. When he opened the door, all the men left before were waiting there. She stiffened but he placed a hand on her back and guided her as if their presence meant nothing. 

From there he had guided her into a black car. Her eyes often glued to the third room where her friends might be waiting for her. But she…

"It would be a hassle to take me all the way to my house. You can leave me in that room." she had pointed but he only looked at her with a set jaw and cold eyes as if refusal was new to him. She would have challenged him, if the other man did not follow her from behind.

Fine, let him take the lead. She would run away when they would be alone. But now she was stuck in this car. The doors were tinted so she could not see clearly but she was sure he was not taking her home. He could not because he had not asked her address. No matter who he was, he could not be an oracle or a mind reader.

She bit her lips as she struggled to see outside, 

"We are close. You can stop the car here and I will find my way home." even if her house was on the other corner of the world, she did not care. She would walk if needed. 

His fingers thumped on the steering wheel as if he was inventing his own symphony, before smiling at her. If only she had met him in different conditions, she would have enjoyed this drive. with him. But now, remembering that he deals with guns and crimes, she ignored the tension building in her core.

"Do you have a boyfriend or a lover Chloe?" 

"No!" the word came out before she could stop herself. 

"Do you like someone then?" Chloe looked away, the image of Alexis roam in the room with a lazy smile on his face flashed in front of her. But he had confessed to her friend and not to forget that her mother had already chosen a man for her. 

He stared at her wordlessly for so long that her heart thumped. She could not handle that gaze and who would look at the road if he kept looking at her. Her heart raced faster as she lied, 

"No, I do not like anyone." His gaze went gentle, full of smiles and glimmers. One could see stars leaving them as he looked back at the road with that smug smile on his face.

"But my mother had fixed my marriage." she added, hoping it would keep his strange thoughts away. He would realize that she was not available and let her go.

Just as the words left her mouth, the temperature in the car fell and a strange stiffness filled the room.

"It would never happen." he announced as if he had all the right over the matter, "i have already reserved you, Chloe. You are coming with me." Panic rose on her chest and she pulled the door hard only to realize that it was locked from the start.

"I do not even know you." she whispered, afraid of his actions. Would he beat her, or worse kill her but he did nothing. 

"You will, I will give you ample time to learn about me. I want to learn about you too. And to make sure that you will like me, you are going to live with me till then." That was when the fear crept in with full force like flood breaking the door of the dam.

She jumped on her feet and struggled hard but the door did not open no matter how much force she put on it when he stopped the car. The car shook a bit due to the sudden break but it was a good chance for her to run away. She struggled farther but the door was hot and strong iron.

"I want to go home, my home. Let me go. This is kidnapping, you could be taken to the prison." she fought the tears as she shouted but she knew he did not care. He was looking at her with those knowing eyes.

"Chloe, I have promised that I will not harm you. Do you not trust me." trust! Ha! He was talking like she should have blind trust in him. For what..

He held her back and rubbed it to calm her and wiped her tears.

"I will not come with you. I don't even know you. I want to go home." she shouted hard and pushed his hands away but he did not care. No matter how much she pushed him, he did not move even an inch.

"Chloe, i needed the chance to explain it to you, but you lack patience." he gave her a helpless sigh, "you are my mate chloe. We are bound." 

"....." Chloe paused and looked at him with exasperation. 

"What is your excuse for kidnapping me? Do you think I am your mate?" she had never heard such a foolish response but he nodded and then leaned toward her. 

Despite the fear she had, she wanted to learn and enjoy the touch. It made her legs soften and her feet curl. Heated desire gripped her. Her vision started to blur.

"Yes, I could not be wrong. Your fragrant scene calls for me. It was not a mistake that you entered that room, Chloe. You followed my presence. Do not tell me that you do not feel the attraction toward me because I can see it in your eyes and in your actions. Even now…" he pointed at her clenched hands and hardened face with a knowing grin and continued, "you are fighting your desire to touch me and inhale my scent. Do you not? Do not fight that desire, Chloe. Since we are mates."