
It's Her You Portray

"That doesn't explain why he hates me, and to be honest I don't understand why he hates me." I speak.

He sighs and says "it's not you as a person, it's who you portray. The moment you walked in I knew you had no idea who you were to us. You remind us of a time where we were all stronger, but when she fell gravely ill, it weakened all of us. You might just think that Elijah was the only one hurting, but she lifted this whole society. She always knew what to say and she was one hell of assassin."/

He slightly smiled and pulled the trigger. Then unloaded the whole gun and he hit all the targets with aiming that would take years to perfect.

He slanted his head toward me and said "good work for today, I'll update you on when your ceremony will be held but before then you'll have to complete one of our harder tasks. But don't worry, you'll be getting partnered up with one of our very trustworthy assassins."

As soon as that slipped his mouth, I got an aching feeling. I knew exactly what I had to be prepared for.

"You are excused, you'll have some paperwork to fill out before you leave." He said and I swiftly got out of his office.

To my horrible luck, Elijah was waiting outside of his office. He had his arms crossed which really showed off how physically trained this guy was.

He spoke to me in a high-pitched tone and said "ANGEL! Well, how'd it goes, did Gio say you were absolute disappointment? No, no, he said you were a disgrace to even be tried."

I roll my eyes and say, "your sense of humor is hilarious, but no he said I had to go on a task with a partner and anyway I knew how things were going to go, I never learned with a gun."

I was waiting for some petty remark, but he stayed silent. Instead, he had a blank expression on his face.

So, I ask "Blind Boy, you good? I was waiting for your annoying remarks but instead I got a stupid expression on your dumb face."

I may have been trying to provoke him, but still noting, not even 'you're a disappointment' or a 'you're just wasting everybody's time.'

"Go and work on the papers that I left on your desk." He said with a dead voice.

"Are you actually o-'' he cut me off and yelled "LEAVE!"

So, I do as I was told, I leave for my desk and get started on the papers.

I realize there were at least a hundred papers I had to sign and realized it was going to take me at least a couple hours.

Two hours of organizing and signing all the papers.

Last couple of papers and I get to go home.

The office was dimly lit, and I was only using a small desk lamp and I realize it was only Elijah, Gio and I. Everybody else had packed up half an hour ago.

I finish the last paper and start packing while trying to be as quiet as possible.

I say goodbye and start heading towards the parking lot.

I walk through the stained walls of the hallway while realizing I forgot my phone.

I tiptoe my way back to office trying not to disturb the others. I walk in and realize there were two voices coming from Gio's office. It was Elijah talking with the boss.

They were talking about something so; I quietly eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Elijah, I'm sorry you don't want to be partners with Brooks, but you have been giving her a rough time." Gio was standing up for me, I didn't realize he sort of cared for me.