
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasía
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716 Chs

Grouping Together

"They'll be back eventually so for now rest."

"So it's not gonna stop them."

"Unfortunately no, not until we figure out this puzzle somehow."

"Got any ideas?"

"None. Just rest for now."

Stopping there he let them rest as he continued to look around the room. They had dealt with that wave of them a lot better then he had thought but it wasn't over yet. In another ten minutes they would be back and they would have to restart fighting all over again. Meaning he had to figure it out as quickly as possible since none of them had much experience with places like this just yet, unfortunately leaving everything to him however even he wouldn't be able to help much after some time had passed enough.

"The problem lies in where to look though. I could try that memory out again to see if it gives anything more of use but I doubt It'll give me anything within a decent time frame. Which means..."

"I have to use my head." One of the things he excelled at the least in life which is why he relied on Marie most of the time. Looking at the dust that filled the room as the soil was kicked up he looked harder than last time. "I have to be missing something." Looking at the blank terrain in front of him though he really didn't know what to look for. Moving around the room he scouted the corners for any kind of engravings or sign of something he could use to leave this place.

Unfortunately though he didn't find anything of the sort that could help him out. "No slots to place things like bones or skulls and no writing anywhere so far." Going around the room he kept looking as he focused as much as possible to see if he missed anything that might have been hidden. "There's got to be something." With a couple minutes passing and over half the walls searched he still hadn't come up with anything of use. Just more blank walls and dead ends that stopped them from escaping.

"Maybe I should try the pillars again."

With not much time left though he was running out of options. "No matter what it's got something to do with those skeletons, just what." Feeling some frustration at feeling at a loss he finished up searching the last of the walls with nothing to show for it as he walked back to his friends with only two minutes to spare. Those warriors were going to appear again and he needed to be around to help them out in case something happened. "Fuck this place man." Feeling that frustration build up with nowhere to release it he was glad those Astral Beasts were coming back soon to give him something to do.

"The portal will be here soon, are you all ready for another round of fighting?"

Hearing them reply one by one he nodded as he faced the wall as the purple portal began to open him however he felt himself get distracted as an idea seeped into his mind that he hadn't thought of before. "There's no way right?" Staring at the hundreds of Undead Warriors jump out from a similar area one obvious thought that he never considered crossed his mind. "Why don't we go through the portal as well?" To his knowledge there was nothing stopping them from trying and the more he thought about it the more certain he was on the idea. At the very least it was worth some kind of try and if they failed then he would just go back to kicking up dirt trying to get out of here.

"However, that'll have to wait until they return again. Their numbers are too much for all of us to get close enough now."

Thinking about how the horde would ignore them on the way out he smiled as he started to count down the time until he could test his theory out while he threw out a punch in a Skeleton's direction that was attacking him. Smashing it to pieces he made sure it was dead as more came towards him. Now was the time for endurance and they all needed to last through this if he even wanted to try his idea out. "I'll have to tell them when it happens." Distracting his friends right now wasn't something he wanted to do.

"Ten minutes, we got this!"

Breaking another skeleton Tearia had beaten about twenty by now and she still continued to move forward avoiding the other ones around when she could. "Maybe about another twenty or so more to go." She had zero idea how much time she had left to get to it but she had to try before it disappeared. "About three-four minutes have passed?" Guessing in her head she felt the gravity around her change as Felli lended her a hand as multiple blades came her way. "Close." Dodging to the left as they slowed down she made sure she could attack them while avoiding the ones on her right.


Watching their blades get deflected she made sure she was okay as her lightning ran through their arms breaking most of their bones or cracking their armour before she moved on. "Need to be faster." Without Felli here to help her that might have been seriously bad. Watching Tearia run through the wave of enemies Xilo felt his heart tighten as he saw her avoid getting badly hurt. "Close one..." Seeing her safe he felt some anxiety leave his body as he turned back to the group of people. "Oh, it seems like they're doing something now." Watching two of them begin to walk around the room he made sure they weren't doing anything sneaky however he knew for a fact if they continued to do this they would eventually incircle their little group.

"Maybe I should try and make a move now..."

He didn't have much energy in him but if he just put on a little show it might be enough if he was lucky.

All the while a sound of light footsteps echoed down the hallway as one woman made her way closer to the goal. "Seems like there's fighting up ahead" Hearing the sounds of things breaking she smiled as rounded a corner to see what is was.


Thank you for reading...

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