
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasía
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716 Chs

End Of The Beginning

Whether she was different from other beast she couldn't know but she knew that she had memories stored in her head that definitely weren't hers. That for the most part were related to the Astral Path up to a certain point and some were about other things though she mostly ignored the other memories. But the memory she recalled now was about the sixth stage of the Astral Path otherwise known to others as the Solar Stage.

For humans it was just another stage to them but for any Astral Beasts it was a completely different story. This stage finally opened up a path to them that had never opened up to them before.


More specifically transforming into a human body. There were two ways for Astral Beasts turning into a human, the first and most hardest way was for them to feel an insanely strong emotion or desire of any kind and they could turn into one and the second method was hitting the Solar Stage. For some Astral Beasts this was the easier method and for others it was the harder method. But the advantages it brought were definitely worth it for any Astral beast.

You could change and into a human and finally interact with them properly and you could change your body structure giving you either a bigger or smaller body making it easier for fighting. The final benefit of doing such a thing was that it also increased the talent of the beast and if they happened to be a weaker beast with a weaker limit in how far they went, it could help increase the Stage they could reach in their lifetime. Most Astral Beast it was a thing they absolutely strived for but to her at the time until today she had never even considered or attempted it. Heck she even forgot about it until this moment when she desperately needed it.

"But I need a minute to absorb some Astral Energy."

Thankfully that damn Kaltae was taking its time or she wouldn't be able to strive for such a crazy thing.

Quickly calming down her panicking mind she quickly exhaled and inhaled and for the first time in 15 years attempted to absorb Astral Energy once again.


After a minute of absorbing she finally hit the limit of the Cosmos Stage and burst into the Solar Stage. With that she transformed into a human woman. Thankfully she did have some clothes on as well strangely enough.

"Good enough Hmph."

With a slight grunt she looked down at her body then quickly rushed forward to go and help him. Now that she was at the Solar Stage Defeating the Kaltae as quickly as possible to help him was no longer an issue for her.

Crossing the distance in less then a second she appeared by the entrance and quickly released all the Astral Energy in her body and forced it onto the huge Kaltae forcing it to stop moving just before it could attack him and finish him off. then turned her attention to the boy and spoke to him.

"Do you want me to help you boy?"

Her voice was a little ice cold while talking to him because of it being the first time she had ever spoke the human language outside of her head and the fact she wasn't used to doing such a thing. The whole time as well her feelings were spiraling in an abyss of turmoil with the situation as it was. But she looked at the boy and locked her gaze on him and waited for the answer she knew was going to come.


While the answer didn't come as too much of a surprise to her given how much she knew about him the part that did surprise her was the tone of his voice and the coldness behind it. She had heard him speak before of course and even heard his colder her voice but to her surprise this time around it was a 100 times more colder than ever before and it was slightly eerie and different like it didn't exactly belong to the person she knew and cared about. That's what surprised her the most


Sighing she watched as he struggled to keep conscious all the while keeping the Kaltae from doing anything besides shivering in complete and utter fear of her until eventually he finally blacked out from all the pain, injuries and stress he just accumulated

"You've never been alone you fool..."

She heard his mumbles and knew of his fears and wants because of all the time she spent with him. She also knew he treated her like a lost puppy or pet when with her so that's why she also played the part in his game. But now that she finally had a human form that kind of relationship between them was definitely going to change. If he didn't accept that she would force it down his throat until he did. He may of been stubborn as all hell but she wasn't any less.

With that in mind she quickly obliterated he Kaltae with her Astral Energy while protecting her and him from the mess she caused and slowly picked the boy up and started walking away from the previous kings territory. With the Kaltae dead and her around they were now officially the safest they could ever possible be in the forest unless something truly unexpected occurred.

She softly brought him up against her chest and fixed her hair as she continued to slowly walk out of the forest towards the place she had stayed with him for the past little bit.


All that accompanied her on her walk though was the quiet ragged breathing of the boy in her arms. Now that she had revealed herself in a human form and even helped him she knew things were going to change. Especially because knew his goal was to beat the king of the forest from his talks with her and now that he'd done it he definitely going to move on to other places and continue his growth. The strongest emotion she felt towards that was to not leave his side though and with that in mind she knew she'd have to leave the place she called home for over 30 years for good.

"I did say I wanted something different, While this may not of been exactly what I was expecting it definitely isn't something I'm opposed to either."

With a slight smile on her face while rubbing her head she finally eventually reached the exact of the forest.

"Time for something new."

With a slight snicker she took a step outside.

She has clothes. Isn't that Strange. Yes, yes it is but whatever not the point that's just how it works!


Thank you for reading...

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