
Re:Zero Tortured

A fresh take on Re:Forgotten Subaru a boy forgotten by the world has reached his lowest point. His contracted spirit betrayed him. Tortured by his own friends And wants to die But when a few witches decide to help him his rise has finally begun.

Lemonman12 · Cómic
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15 Chs

Rejuvenating Power

It has been a month of pure agonising torture for Subaru. As the Emilia Camp and the Anastasia camp went on and conquered the Pleiades Tower, Subaru was in prison, tortured by Felix and Julius every single day. Felix would fry his nerves bringing him excruciating pain.

Felix's treatment was so brutal that Subaru would compare it to when the great rabbit ate him alive from the inside out.

Felix was bad enough on his own, but when Julius joined in with the torture... it truly became too much for the poor boy to handle. As the mental strain itself threatened to drive him mad at any second, and at this point that would be a Mercyful thing for Subaru.

His body was badly broken, covered in bruises, scares as his bones felt chipped and weak. Moving alone hurt Subaru, this included breathing, with each breath he was reminded of how Felix and Julius would leave his body alive but only barely.


He thought as another day was on the horizon. Another day, another torture session. All waiting for him.

"Why...me?" Subaru chocked out desperately trying to get an answer from whatever deity was playing with his fate.

Subaru turned his attention to his cell door

As it had many times, he could hear someone on the other side unlock it

Subaru closed his eyes in fear as the cell door began to open violently, a furious Felix stormed in.

Felix walked up to the trembling Subaru. Stopping as he was right above Subaru

Felix grabbed Subaru's head and shock it

"Aww, it's rude to sleep when you have guests."

Felix Slammed Subaru's head against the wall causing minor bleeding

"Yaaaaa!" Subaru yelled in pain as his head became dizzy from the impact

He could also feel the wet spot on the back of his head, however, that was the least of Subaru's worries.

Felix could see the tears of fear and pain running down Subaru's checks and in response Felix let out a laugh

"Meow I'm impressed, you're an amazing actor. But don't worry, I know you disgusting Cultists like the torture don't Nyah?"

Subaru with tears running down his checks look his once Friend in the eyes and begged for mercy

"P-please Felix, I'm not a cultist. Please, gluttony ate my name, w-we were once friends. PLEASE STOP!"

Felix stepped on Subaru's stomach violently and grabbed Subaru's left arm

"Listen here Cultist, I may look friendly and kind. But never joke about us being friends."

Subaru knew what was coming, he had experienced it many times

And as he expected, burning pain shot through his arm and into the rest of his body

Felix was gleefully Frying his nerves using his water magic

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Subaru screamed in agony as his arm became a smocking red mess.

Once Felix was done with his arm he let it go

And as usual, Felix had completely fried his arms nerves, leaving it Paralysed

Felix watched in glee as he let go of the smouldering arm and saw It fall to the ground

But Felix wasn't satisfied

He was either going to get information out of this Cultist or have a little fun

Felix grabbed Subaru's other arm which was trying to hold his paralysed limb

Felix held the arm close to Subaru's head

"Tell Nyah what, tell me the cults plans, and I might spare this arm."

Subaru panting and gritting his teeth couldn't respond

His arm still burned as if it was on fire

All Subaru could do was grit his teeth and try to get through the pain

"Still silent hmmm? Welp I tried."


Subaru screamed as Felix began to one-by-one fry each of his limbs

Subaru couldn't even comfort himself as each of his limbs became paralysed

He was forced to lay down being completely helpless to the torture.

Felix having fried each of Subaru's limbs looked down at Subaru

Felix sat atop of Subaru's stomach purposely making it harder for him to breathe and thought

"Hmmm now that the appetizers are out of the way. Would nya like something to drink."

Subarus eyes widened in horror

This torture method was the rarest but was the most painful

What Felix was about to do was worse than the great rabbits.

Felix signalled for some guards to bring in a table containing what looked like a metal bowl

Subaru knew what was in it

Subaru tried to flail away but being mostly paralysed forced him to stay still as Felix slowly picked up the container

Felix walked up to Subaru and smiled

"So would nya like to say anything now?"

Subaru looked at Felix with pleading eyes and tried to speak


"Wow, even now you still won't talk. Then here's your prize!"

Felix Forcefully opened Subaru's mouth using his free hand

And with the other, he poured Liquid iron into Subaru's mouth

Subaru Flailed around as his entire body seemed to melt from the inside out

Subaru couldn't even scream as his teeth, young and throat began to melt

But the heated iron continued to make its way through Subarus body

And Subaru was conscious the whole time

Soon enough the liquid poured out of Subaru after burning a hole through most of his bones and organs reducing them to a soup

Subaru 'died'...

"Nyah? Sorry, you can't die not on nya's watch."

Before Subaru died properly Felix Healed him

Subaru gasped as he awoke

His entire body still screamed in pain

But at least the iron had already made its way out of his body

Felix would wait for Subaru to fall unconscious and stop squirming before healing him. Felix would not let Subaru die, if they needed information out of him, then Felix was more than glad to help.

Having a little control back over his limbs Subaru tried to crawl away

Felix seeing this decided Subaru needed another shock

Felix grabbed both of Subaru's legs

But instead of asking for information Felix just fried them

Causing Subaru to scream more and more

But this time Felix fried them until Subaru couldn't even feel them

Felix noticed the slight relief across Subaru's face and realised that he overdid it

"Oops can allow that can we?"

Felix healed Subaru's legs slowly until he saw the agonising expression return to Subaru

Felix laughed as he prepared to Fry Subaru until either his turn was up or He ran out of mana

Felix would repeat this process constantly

Frying, Fixing and repeat

Sometimes he would use other methods of torture, but this was his favourite method by far

While it all seemed bad for Subaru one good thing was slowly happening

Over this month Subaru could slowly feel something deep within himself being fixed

At first, Subaru didn't believe it, but With Felix constantly applying healing magic to his body

Felix was inadvertently fixing something Subaru thought he had broken and lost forever

Subaru could feel that his gate had been fixed but only just. It couldn't use spells, but it could store mana once again.


"You want to speak nyow?"

Felix asked, his voice full of hatred and disgust

Subaru panting and bleeding all over could hardly formulate his sentence

"No... Matter how *cough* times you... ask I... don't know. Please... I'm not a cultist."

Subaru pleaded with the cat boy, his voice grew weaker as He begged his ex-friend for him to not be tortured. But Felix never heard his pleas for mercy, instead, he would put his hand on the boy and fry his nerves again.


Subaru scream again but in a more tired voice

The pain still as fresh as every other time

But his lungs hardly had the air to scream

Felix then sighed disappointedly as he once again learnt nothing from the boy

Felix healed Subaru's broken body preparing him for his next torturer

"Well seems Crusch-sama will have to wait a little longer before I find a cure. But hay at least I had fun today, Let's do this again tomorrow."

"Someone please... help...me... I don't want this... I don't want this."

He thought to himself.

Felix was done with him for today, but now it was Julius turn.

The door opened as it had so many times before, Julius comes in, with a wooden sword.

"I suggest you speak on how to cure my condition."

Julius demanded. Subaru shook his head. At this point, death would be a release to him. After all, he had died over 100 times, each loop being almost identical and nothing he did or said worked. To Subaru, all he could do was grit his teeth and make it through since death literally wasn't an option to him.


Julius smacks Subaru with his sword, Subaru went flying until he hit the wall leaving a blood splatter on it

"Speak now!"

Julius demanded.

He was not having any of it, he wanted answers. Yet the boy never gave any.

The torture proceeded throughout the remaining time of day. No rest, no breaks, no comfort, no Emilia, no Beatrice, no nothing. All pure torture.

Julius would smack Subaru as he lay on the ground helpless

As his sword made an impact with his fried limbs, they opened Spurting blood everywhere

Julius would Diligently strike Subaru in his weakest spots

Firstly, he would strike his fried limbs until the skin itself peeled off

Then he would break Subaru

He would break his bones

Didn't matter which bones, he would break them all if he could

It brought Julius great pleasure to see this Cultist wither in pain

After all [Subaru] was a cultist, just that and nothing more.

Julius looked down at the broken Cultist Infront of him

"As much as I would love to kill you right now, you should feel blessed. You're wanted for information. But if you talk now, I promise I quick death will come your way."


Subaru remained Silent

He had tried to reason with Felix and Julius for a month now

And after Felix poured Liquid iron down his mouth it finally clicked to Subaru that his old life was impossible to go back to

So, Subaru said not another word to Julius

Subaru would just take the beatings as they come


It had been four hours

Julius had finally grown bored of Subaru only screaming as he broke the boy more and more

Julius called Felix in to heal Subaru as they left him so they could prepare for tomorrow

It was night now, this was the time Subaru's meal was given. It was always colourless sludge that came straight out of prison tv shows. And it tasted just as bad as it looked. And due to the harsh treatment, Subaru greatly lost weight. Malnourished, the boy probably weights hardly half the weight he originally had. His bones were visible from his skin, all his stored fats were gone. He felt like a walking skeleton.

As Subaru slowly gagged down what might as well be literal garbage they mushed together for food, Subaru reflected on what events led him here


It was a fine day in the capital

Subaru had returned from Volcanica and had recently reunited with his close friends

Upon his return he was showered in love and hugs

It was obvious that everyone missed him

Otto and Garfeil welcomed him back with a hug only true bros could give

Frederica expressed her happiness in a formal way, as a true maid should

Petra was ecstatic to see her Hero return, she hoped he hadn't forgotten about her

Roswaal was well... glad to learn that Subaru had secured a friendship with the emperor of Volcanica, he had truly never been so close to his goals

Ram was... a bit rude to Subaru and that was about it (she called him Barusu and bowed when Roswaal asked her to)

Beatrice was in tears to have finally reunited with the most important person in her life, her contractor. To think one day he was teleported to a far away land just like that. Beatrice denied it but soon came to accept this as fact as she could tell that Subaru was indeed on the other side of the world. Beatrice didn't know or understand why this happened to her, all she could do was try to reach Subaru. But all attempts failed. They couldn't retrieve Subaru as Volcanica was guarded too well. Roswaal said he couldn't fly to Subaru and retrieve him because the Dragons would tear him apart. And because of this Beatrice had to put herself in power saving mode.

But finally the two had reunited

Beatrice promised she would never let Subaru out of her sight again

She would protect the most important thing in her life always

This was her promise and her will

And that just left Emilia

Subaru when he finally reunited with Emilia did not expect her to offer him a lap pillow after saying she loved him

But even so when all she said was "Ohhh Subaru I've been so worried, I'm so sorrry that I couldn't retrieve you I promise we tried our hardest."

Subaru felt underwhelmed

Then Emilia proposed the idea that changed his fate forever

"Subaru how about all of us go on a date to the capital, we can reunite with friends and eat food, doesn't that sound fun?"

"(That's not a date) Sure Emilia-tan sounds great." Subaru said striking one of his poses


Before Subaru left Roswaal had pulled him to the side to ask about Rem and Louis

"Sooooo Subaru-kun you claim that this Archbishop is our Allie?"

"Yeah I'm surprised as well, but she doesn't seem to hold any Ill intent at all, she hasn't tried eating anyones memory's and she can hardly speak... just like a baby in a weird way."

"Are youuu sure it's safe to keep her here just because the Blue maid seems to trust her?"

"Yeah, I trust in Rems judgment"

"Veryyyy well, I trust that if anything goes wrong you can fix it. Am I right?"



A small gathering of Subarus close and treasured friends had agreed to celebrate Subarus return at a small banquet for this date Emilia proposed

While nobody knew what a date was, they still agreed to go

Reinhard, Julius, Felix, Wilhelm, Felt, and Anastasia were some of the people of the special guest list

As they all wanted to see Subaru again for different reasons


And it was amazing

Subaru was happy being surrounded by loved ones and friends

After so much suffering it was nice to take a break

He had almost everything he wanted now with the exception of Emilia's love

But that was fine, he would wait for as long as she needed, one day she would definitely fall head over heals for him.

Suddenly Louis tugged on Subarus sleeves

"Huh what is it?"

Subaru asked kindly

Louis instead of answering gave off a scared expression and pointed to an ominously isolated area

Louis began to walk to that area and Subaru of course trusting Louis now followed her


Emilia had been sitting by herself deep in thought

She was thinking about Subaru

He had become such a important person to her

She was scared when he disappeared

Was happy when he succeeded

And felt funny around him now

After the sanctuary Subaru said he would wait for as long as she needed for her to say if Emilia loved him or not

Emilia put her hand to her heart

It beat faster when she though of Subaru and even faster when she remembered all the love he's shown her

"This feeling is love?"

Emilia said with a small smile

And Emilia had finally decided to give Subaru his answer

Her Scary haired knight, had both earth and stolen her heart.

She looked around for him and saw him enter a isolated part of an guarded with Louis

Emilia decided to chase after Subaru to tell him as soon as possible

"Te he don't want Louis stealing his heart before me."

Emilia said with a slight hint on envy, but mostly just a humorous tone


"Hey Louis wait up what's wrong"

Louis was moving quite fast in a certain direction

It didn't seem like she was going anywhere particularly just running

Then she stopped

The two were a fair distance away from the party

Louis turned around looking at Subaru with a sinister grin

"*pant pant* geez what is it Louis?"

"I've felt empty for so long now."

This shocked Subaru as Louis hadn't spoken to him once with words at least

"Uhhh Louis?"

"The pain I've felt is that of a starving animal who keeps forgetting eat yet when he remembers that he's hungry forgets to eat again."

Subaru was now on high alert Louis was starting to sound like-

"So I Louis, sibling of Gluttony shall finally have my long awaited and well aged meal"

"Hell no!" Subaru yelled

Subaru turned around trying to outrun the Archbishop

In response Louis smiled evilly

"Ahh yes predictor and prey. I love this game, a game I never lose."

Louis charged at Subaru grabbing him

"Bottoms up AHHHH."

Subaru had his memory's eaten by Louis


"Huh odd I feel fine."

Subaru said confused


Louis let go even more confused

"Impossible, impossible, Impossible! My authority of Gluttony... I-it is absolute. No this cannot be I ate your name and memories I'm sure of it."

"You sure?"

"...Impossible... why can't I eat your memories?"



"Hay Umm look maybe it's just you deep down not wanting to hurt me or anyone else."


"We've spent a lot of time together, I can tell your not a bad kid. Just miss lead. Truthfully I hated you when we first met but after the last few months I can see us as good friends."

"... Tsu, I do not search for friendship, but since we have spent for much time bonding Pride. I will let you and your friends live for now Tsu, Tsu."

"Heh sure kiddo, and if you need a friend you just need to ask."


Louis ran away at a fast speed

"We'll that was something, whatever time to finish this party."


Louis had indeed eaten something

But it wasn't the full corse meal she ordered

Try as she might, she couldn't eat Subarus memories.

Something or someone was withholding the juiciest meal from her

But Subarus name

His name was no harder to take then anyone else's

A small appetiser to what was supposed a full course meal

Louis may have not gotten the meal she wanted

But she would smirk and laugh at what she has taken from Subaru


"Ah hello, Emilia-tan what are you doing over here?"

Subaru spoke with a smile on his face.

"Umm excuse me who are you... and why are you in Reinhards party?"

Asked Emilia confused

"It's me Subaru... wait a second Louis she didn't... oh no, no, no."

Subaru realised what happened and only he knew

"Stay alerted Emilia he's a witch cultist"

Beatrice Suddenly dashed over to Emilia's side

"Wait what?! No, I'm not! I hate those bastards as much as you do! Listen I've had my memory's eaten by Louis Ahh I mean Gluttony, we used to be close Beako."

"Don't you dare call me that Cultist! Another step forward and you die!"

Beatrice charged a Minya crystal ready to strike down Subaru where he stood

"He's not lying."

Subaru thought he was saved as Reinhard had stepped in

"See, I'm not lying I'm not a cultist, it's me Subaru, Emilia's knight."

"Don't say such ridiculous things, I don't have a knight, but the closest person in my camp to a knight is Garfeil, he's been working really harrrd."

"No, no Emilia, I'm your knight, my memory was eaten by gluttony so you sadly can't remember me but I'm still here for you."

"Silence!" Beatrice's voice boomed

"The witches miasma that lingers on you rivals that of even an Archbishop, explain that."


"That's what I thought. Reinhard, please take care of this cultists."

"What BEAKO I can prove that we used to be close!"

"Oh yeah how?"

"Check me for a contract we were contracted."

Beatrice obliged

Beatrice gasped when she found something

"How dare you! Forcing a contract with a great spirit is despicable I suppose! You're a filthy cultist and nothing more! This is what I think of your supposed contract!"

Beatrice broke the contract

Subaru could feel it tear inside him, what was once a comfort to him ripped away.

"Away with you now Betty has seen enough I suppose."

Subaru could only let tears fall


Subaru wanted his ability, return by death gone.

He wanted to finally be at peace.

He was sick and tired of all the betrayed by people he thought he was friends with

He was sick of being left behind like he was nothing

He was done with everything.

But despite all odds, he still had one individual left who supported him

He felt a strange feeling towards her now

But after so much pain he couldn't accurately determine what the feeling was

But if he could describe her he would use the word divine

She was a beautiful half-elf with silver hair

Her name was Satella.

Whenever he met his end in a loop, she would comfort him for as long as she could before he returned by death.

"Please... help me."

He thought begging Satella to hear his cry's, hoping she would answer, but every time he called for her, nobody came.

Hearing his cry's and seeing him die this way too many times now, Satella had finally decided she would organise something to help her beloved. She wouldn't give him authority or anything like that. No, she had a better idea in mind. And to do this she needed help from an old frenemy.

After some back-and-forth negotiations with Echidna the witch of greed they were able to come to an agreement. Satella just prayed that Subaru would forgive her after all this.


It was another night, it was just a regular normal night, Subaru would try to sleep the pain away, but knowing that tomorrow held either death or torture threw his mind into an unstable position. He couldn't sleep much leading to him developing a form of insomnia. But when he did sleep his dreams were filled with nothing but the torture, he experienced that day. And it had worn him down.

He thought he loved Emilia

He thought he and Beatrice would make memories together

He thought he would be Rem's hero and maybe more

He thought he cared about everyone and had sacrificed himself countless times just to save them even if only he remembered.

And this was his reward.

After becoming a hero, after being through hell and back, after stopping two calamities and two Archbishops.

This was his reward

Endless torture by people he thought were friends.

He began to want nothing more than eternal rest, he didn't want to continue fighting for people that didn't care about him, he didn't want to be hurt ever again.

After all, even if he forgave them before.

His newfound free time allowed him constant time to reflect on his last loops.

And he always came to the same conclusion.

Why am I fighting for people who backstab, leave, and neglect you?

Subaru for a while denied this truth

He always thought Beatrice or Emilia would come to help him

He even hoped that one of his Friends would come to save or visit him.

Garfeil, Otto... even Roswaal would have been comforting to see

But nobody came. He was alone. Broken.


Subaru closed his eyes

And fell asleep

And opened them in a beautiful field of green and flowers. Subaru believed that his eyes were playing a cruel trick on him until he saw six Witches of sin all gathered in a tea party.

"Oh? So, you finally arrived Subaru Natsuki."

Echidna the witch of greed was the first to greet him.

"Baru!" Typhon greeted in joy

"Heya Typhone, have you come to lend me a hand again?"

"Hay! You can't just make jokes about Typhon ripping your arm off, AHHH it makes me so angry."

Pouted Minerva

"Sorry, sorry, but anyways why am I here? Usually, I wake up in a cell."

"Let's just say the whore who cursed you has finally decided to do something to help you survive."

"Oh well, that sounds... perfect."

"Ohhh don't get your hoped up, you will not be receiving any magic or authorities from any of us."

"Aww, so what will you give me?"

"Tella will explain when she arrives"

And as on cue Satalla arrived

Satalla walked over to Subaru tears present in her amethyst eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

Satalla sobbed

Subaru walked over to her and hugged her to the witch's surprise

"No don't apologise, I should be thanking you, if it weren't for you, I would have died the first day I came to this world, and you were the only one to comfort me during that month."

Satalla smiled feeling relieved that her beloved didn't hate her.

"Well let's begin we only have a short amount of time to work with."

Echidna interrupted the reunion

Satalla gestured for Subaru to sit down next to her as the witch of Greed, the witch of Envy and Subaru Natsuki began to talk

"So, Subaru as I already told you we won't be giving you authority or magic."


"However, we agreed that I could give you something better."


Echidina Jumped out of her seat stretching her arms wide in celebration as she happily told Subaru what he would receive

"It's knowledge"

"Ahh great, the power of reading huh?"

"I wouldn't turn your nose up so quickly the knowledge I will present to you will make you the fourth-strongest being on the entire planet, with the sword saint being number one, The whore being the second and Pandora being the third."

"REALLY?! I'm all ears."

"Alright well it's simple... but do listen carefully as I don't have enough time to explain it twice."


"Alright, I call it... The Plan."

As echidna said this she raised her arms high in the air

"Wait it's called the plan?"


"Just The plan?"

"Yes anyways, the plan has a few steps, step one, contract six spirits one of each element, step two, evolve the spirits into great spirits, now while for an average man this would be near impossible, it will only take you two months. Step three and four are a little complex so listen well. For the next step you must use a forbidden spell, which I so graciously put in your mind, the spell of a great spirit pumps their mana into you will turn you into part spirit part-human hybrid. And a different spirit that controls a different element will give you that type of gate, which is why when you do this spell you must have all six spirits do it at once. And the next step, for this final step you need to find the Oni Ram, or more accurately find her wand. Why? Because it's made of her horn, but her horn isn't a normal horn, it's that of a demon prodigy, the reincarnation of the Oni God. This spell will put the horn into you and will remove any of the wands bits that aren't horn. Once you've taken her horn the only thing left to do is kill all the archbishop's and take their authority. It truly is a master plan expertly crafted by myself... with a slight amount of help from the whore."

"Ok, okThat's a lot to take in. And how do I even find spirits to start the plan?"

"Ahhhh well as per the whore and I's secret agreement you will have knowledge on both forbidden spells and knowledge on how to summon spirits. You're welcome."

"Oh, my beloved sadly you must leave now for the plan to work, time isn't on our side."

"Alright, thank you for everything. I will be sure to use this knowledge to achieve all my goals."


Good luck my beloved


Subaru had awoken for real in his cell

But now he had knowledge

And a plan

"Let's just get straight to the point."

Subaru focused hard to summon a few spirits

He wanted at least six to come


After a little bit of time, a few started to appear

Then more came

And more

And hundreds of spirits came to his call making his cell glow bright

"Wow, that's a lot."

Subaru decided to ask them to heal his body first

To which they did, and as the mana entered his body he felt incredible, this wants like with Felix at all, no it was something much more comforting and warm.

Subaru smiled and stood up as he found that he had been fully healed of wounds and scars

"Thank you"

Subaru said happily

"There you go, sir."

"You look much better now"

"Happy to help"

"Your eyes look scary."

"Why are you in prison sir?"

Subaru's eyes widened

"You can speak?"

All the spirits were shocked to hear this

"You can hear us?"

Said one spirit


"Incredible you must have the highest affinity I've ever seen for spirits."

"Are you contracting spirits"

"Pick me please"

"No me"

"No me"


Subaru smiled finally something was going right for him

After a few minutes of thinking, Subaru had picked all six spirits.

He did find it a little funny that they all had female voices but he didn't mind too much, after all, it reminded him of Beatrice... he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not

"Alright, girls let's go. Please open up an escape for me."

The spirits obliged blasting through the wall allowing Subaru to escape with only a few guards noticing. But they didn't give chase

Subaru was free at last and he had only one plan in mind.

The Plan.

It was an evening just before Sunset

A great battle had erupted

The archbishop of Gluttony was fighting with the Emilia camp

As the great spirit Beatrice threw Minya crystals at the archbishop and as Emilia used her overwhelming magic to stun and damage the bishop

Beatrice was eventually able to land a decisive blow

The archbishop looked to the sky and laughed, and he slowly turned into a crystal

"I'm still... sooo hungr-."

The archbishop was defeated

Emilia cheered as she and her [Contracted] spirit Beatrice celebrated this victory

They had put down a devastating Threat with nothing of value lost?

Emilia squeezed her spirit tight as the two embraced each other

"Beako, we did it"

"We have I suppose."

So, Emilia and Beatrice made their way back to the dragon carriage that was being controlled by Otto the man who [Somehow?] gained Roswaals interest and joined them.

"I see everything went well Emilia-sama."

Otto spoke cheerfully

"That's right I suppose that cultist stood no chance."

"That's incredible Emilia-sama it's a shame that [knight] Garfeil couldn't come along to assist

"Ahhh Garfeil, that dunderhead wouldn't be able to do much with the way he fights, however it is very cute."

Suddenly Beatrice fell to the ground

Suddenly being overwhelmed with memories

"Beako, What's wrong?" Emilia asked

Beatrice wasn't sure why, but her head hurt, her emotions seemed to be filled with regret???

Then it hit her

They had left someone behind...

Someone important

Someone valuable, someone they too cared for and loved.

Subaru Natsuki was the person they had forgotten.


Said the great spirit Beatrice ash she now remembers what she has done to the person they had forgotten.

"What have I done I suppose...?"

Filled with dread, fear, horror, and dismay. The little spirit began to break down.

"Why are you like that Beako?" Emilia asked her contracted spirit.

"W-where is Subaru?!"

She asked Emilia

Emilia thought of the name for a moment, and as she remembered her eyes widen in horror. She had left the boy who had done so much for her behind. Emilia cried in fear of what she might have allowed.

Ram now was extremely happy, her sister, she could remember her poor sissy again.

Ram in a happy voice chirped out

"Is there a problem Emilia-sama?"

"We need to make haste! We need to get back to the capital now!"

She demanded.

It was still night so they might arrive by dawn.



Ram, now remembering Barusu and what happened, obeyed and with that, they began their race to a prize that was already taken by Envy. They had lost from the start.

Felix and Julius had just remembered who Subaru was, the boy they had been torturing for the past month.

As soon as they remembered they rushed to the boy's room to only have their eyes widen in horror and surprise

The boy's blood stained the cell

Many cracks in the walls reminded them of their harsh treatment

In some places, solid lumps of iron lay on the ground

But Subaru himself was missing.

"How..." Julius questions as Felix observed the hole in the wall.

"He's escaped? But how?"

Felix could only speak out of shock

"We must alert Crusch instantly, we have to find Subaru, he might have been kidnapped."

Said Felix in distress

Julius nodded

The Emilia camp had arrived at where Subaru should have been kept

But when they saw an empty cell with a hole in it they knew something was wrong.

"Where's Subaru!"

Yelled an impatient Spirit

"Sorry Spirit-sama, just last night he had either escaped his cell or was kidnapped."

Said a random guard


Beatrice stormed off as Emilia and everyone else followed behind

"We must find Subaru-kun"

Spoke Rem, Rem was most unimpressed to wake up to find her hero missing than to be told to go to a prison where her hero was apparently locked up for a long time

"I agree, let's first alert the others about this and put together a team."

Said, Emilia

"I just hope he forgives us..."

Beatrice looking down through back to the kindness Subaru showed her when he saved her

"Betty knows Subaru will forgive us... we just need to... try our best to earn his forgiveness."

( So what did you think of chapter one? Was it what you expected with a title with the word torture in it? Well anyways I have a discord server https://discord.gg/JKfxtDk7tz you don't have to join it but if you want to hang out share memes and discuss the story. I'm here )

Also Weekly updates, every single Friday!!!