
Re:Zero Abysmal Reincarnator (English)

(Isenção de responsabilidade)(Direitos autorais de seus próprios criadores e autores)

Dant_Black · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Chapter 01

Damien is an ordinary boy in a world of magic, but unlike other people he is a super smart person, but this ended up attracting envy and resentment and that's why he and his family were killed, his house was burned with everyone inside, he was desolate watching everyone burn, when his entire body was burned, he only thought of one thing, revenge, he fell to the ground with extreme hate in his eyes.

In a totally dark place a floating energy sphere, did it float through the void for seconds, minutes, hours, years? The sphere didn't know because time is relative, especially inside a black hole.

"Little soul... You have wandered here for a long time, but still you haven't forgotten your hatred towards everyone, this is very strange and it has never happened anywhere, it looks like you will have to turn the wheel of life! ".

So 3 big roulette wheels were formed, and the sphere could not speak or move, just watch.

"The first wheel determines the world you will be reborn in, the second determines your advantage and the third determines your appearance and luck, the wheel is made for the amusement of the Gods, they will watch you! ".

So the three will start to run.... The first one stopped in a world called Re:Zero... the second one stopped in a question mark.... and the third one stopped in mediocre.

When they all stopped, the black hole gave no opinion.

"Goodbye little soul, be careful!"

So everything disappeared.

(7 years later)

A boy up in a tree observes a village, in front of the boy a blue screen hovered in the air.

[Abysmal System Connected]

Name: Damien

Race: Abysmal

Age: 7 years

Level 1


Strength: 2

Speed: 2

Constitution: 3

Affinity: 2


Appearance: 2

Luck: 2

Points: 0





"This looks excellent for my plans"

When this screen appeared a large amount of data was transferred to Damien's mind on how to use this system.

"Time to get stronger! I'll get my things!

He says this as he stretches and walks towards the village.

He takes a steel dagger and a backpack with groceries and leaves towards the forest, he finds a branch and cuts it to make a wooden spear.

Walking noisily through the forest he found a wild boar eating, he soon approached but getting close....


A branch soon broke causing the boar to turn and run after the noisy human.


Damien started to run and soon he jumped into a tree and climbed up, the angry boar started gnawing at the tree with its sharp fangs.

Soon the tree would fall.

"Shitting boar you leave me no choice!"

He soon prepared his wooden spear, took a deep breath and threw his spear, it hit the boar's ear, the boar stopped for a few seconds due to pain.

Damien"shitty boar! Who do you think is trying to kill me? You know what?«

The boar looks with curiosity and pain at the young man.

Damien"I ate your mother for dinner!"

The boar looking at the young man suddenly became super angry as if he understood he started to gnaw even faster the tree.

"What the fuck is this? a smart boar?"

The tree was only a thread away, and he no longer had the spear.

He picked up his dagger and held it down with both hands and jumped.

The dagger was placed in the boar's brain.

And so the boar fell at Damien's feet

"Fucky boar!" Damien was sweating and breathing quickly, Damien kicks the boar to express his fury.

[Mission Complete:First kill]

(You leveled up)

(You leveled up)

(You leveled up)

As soon as he finished resting he returned to the village carrying the boar then sold it to a merchant for a few coins.

He walked into a gun store.


The sound of the door bell was soon heard, and an old man came out.

"Welcome little one, what do you want?" said the old man.

"What weapons do you have old man?"

The old man looked surprised for a moment and showed a wall with several weapons.

Damien looked closely at the weapons...that was until he saw the price.

"100 coins that's a lot, are there any cheaper old and old guns here?".

The old man then showed some old boxes filled with old, broken and rusty weapons, "That's all I got boy!"

The boy carefully observed the weapons, until he found a rusty rapier.

"I'll take this old lady!"

"Excellent choice boy" replied the old man.

Soon he went out to the clothing and armor store, he bought a majestic red cape.

Soon he left the village towards the kingdom's capital.

Passing through roads and forests he soon came to a very large city with many houses and beautiful streets.

He soon rented a room in an inn, sitting on the bed is he looking at the blue screen


Strength: 2

Speed: 2

Constitution: 3

Affinity: 2


Appearance: 2

Luck: 2

Points: 15

"There are many things missing in me but the main one is strength 10 is the strength of a normal adult".

Strength 2—>12

Constitution 3—>5

Luck 2—>5

Points:Zero [NOTE: Are we a compulsive spender?(ಠ︵ಠ) ]

He soon felt a great increase in strength throughout his body, this golden energy coursing through all his veins and bones as his structure strengthened.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dant_Blackcreators' thoughts