
Re:Zero - Resurgence

In the depths of tragedy, a young boy finds an unexpected twist of fate. Dying from an unknown illness, his journey doesn't end as expected. Summoned to the enigmatic Nexus by the Strongest Origin Goddess, he's offered a chance at a new life. The only price? A mysterious favor for the Goddess. Join him as he starts once again from Zero! Hikari here! This is a Re:Zero fan-fiction. I had the idea to write one because I noticed there aren't many fan-fictions of Re:Zero out there (and also because I am a fan of the series). You don't have to be a fan of Re:Zero to understand this novel. This can also be enjoyed by itself. At most, I will take characters and some plot points from the original. Other than that, I am going to be writing a novel that's fresh and entertaining for those who haven't watched the show and those who have. Please consider donating Power Stones so that my novel gets out there! Thank you!

HikariKage · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Debt and Promise

"Hmm, this food is quite strange. Lia, why don't you try some? It smells delicious," a voice echoed.

'Ugh, pipe down. Let me rest for 5 more minutes…'

"That's not our food, Puck! Put it back down this instant!" scolded another voice.

'That voice…' My eyes slowly flutter open as I feel my head resting on something soft and fluffy.

"It's fine, isn't it? I'm sure he won't mind. We saved him after all, so it wo- Oh? You're awake!" A high-pitched voice rings out next to my ear.

"Huh?" I turn my head and look up at the person whose lap is cradling my head.

"Good morning-nya~" The human-sized cat winks at me.

"What in the-!?" I quickly get up and distance myself from the gigantic cat.

"Aww, I decided to be considerate and nursed you on my lap, and this is the thanks I get? How cruel-nya~" The cat puts his paws up to his eyes as if he were about to lament the world's unfairness.

"I think that was a very normal reaction for me, considering that the first thing I saw when I woke up was a huge cat! Ah! You ate all my chips!"

"If you have all that spunk, then you should be fine. What do you think, Lia~?" The cat looks to the side.

I follow his gaze and see the same beautiful silver-haired girl.

'It's her again…' I put a hand over my chest.

'It doesn't hurt anymore? What the hell was that to begin with?'

Just as I finish that thought, a golden holographic screen opens up before me.

[ Outside interference detected ]

[ Displaying message ]

[ Well, well, look who's up! It's your favorite Goddess dropping by. Time's a bit tight, so let's get down to business. Remember our chat about merging with a weaker soul? It's not just a stroll down memory lane; there's more to it than just inheriting memories and habits.]

'That way of talking…Goddess?' I think.

'Huh? Yeah, I got his memories but I haven't really noticed any habits that I may have picked up from him…Did something happen with his soul?'

[ Correct. The last flickers of his frail soul went haywire upon seeing that half-elf in front of you. It tried to wrest control, so I had to intervene and merge your souls entirely. Now, before you hit the panic button, rest assured—your sense of self is untouched. His Aether is too feeble and battered to influence that. The only adjustment you'll experience involves some of his more intense emotions. Take a look at the girl before you. What do you feel? ]

'Huh?' I look up and meet the stare of the girl looking at me curiously.

"Do you feel okay? You're staring out into space. If it hurts somewhere, I can heal you…" She worriedly looks over.

'I…I want to protect her…or that's the feeling I get...' I think as my eyes stare into hers.

[ That's it. Those are the feelings you inherited from him. Feelings so potent that they transcend the bounds of death. In a sense, you are Natsuki Subaru now. This is the consequence of inhabiting a body that's not yours. You have become one. Protect her. If she perishes, the world will face obliteration once more. ]

[ Well, enough of that boring sentimental stuff. I tossed in a small upgrade to help you grow stronger. I won't be able to do this often, so don't get your hopes up! Bye! ]

[ Outside interference terminated ]

'She came and went like the wind…' A wry smile plays on my face.

"Um…thanks for keeping an eye on me while I was out." I glance at the silver-haired girl with a small smile.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I only stayed because I wanted to ask you a few things. Both looking after you and letting Puck be your pillow until you woke up were done for my own benefit. So I need you to repay me in kind." She says, looking away with a huff.

"Tsundere…?" I mutter.

"Tsu-un-dere? What word is that? Forget that. You must have some idea who stole my insignia, right?" She gets up and walks towards me.

"Insignia? Something got stolen from you? Insignias are those little badge-like things that show your allegiance, right?" I inquire, placing a finger on my chin.

"Correct. It has a red jewel in the center and it's about this big." She illustrates the size with a circle made by her thumb and index finger.

"Hmm…I haven't really seen it, sorry." I offer an apologetic smile.

The girl sighs as she turns away from me.

"I see, That's fine but you gave me the information that you know nothing in return of taking care of you, so your debt's paid off. Well, I'm in a hurry, so I'm going now. You should be better now but next time, don't do something as dangerous as wandering into a deserted alley alone." she says, shaking her head with a cute expression.

'Too late. This is already my second rodeo…' I joke in my head.

"Ah! Don't get me wrong. I'm not concerned; I'm just giving you fair warning. If that happens to you again, saving you won't be of any benefit to me, so don't expect me to help. Farewell." She turns around and gracefully walks toward the alley's exit.

"Ah, wait! Haah… she really is a tsundere, huh?" A small smile plays on my lips.

"Sorry. She's so insincere," the cat says with an apologetic smile.

"Nah, it's totally fine. Watch enough rom-com anime, and you can't help but find tsundere cute at some point," I remark, watching the departing girl's back.

'Hm?' A golden holographic system notification appears before me.

[ New Quest! ] 

- [Quest Title: Seek and Retrieve] 

- [Objective: Assist the Seeker in locating her Insignia] 

- [Rewards: Epic Skill Card, Rare Equipment Card, Vial of Vital Essence x2, Vial of Arcane Essense x2, 5 Levels]

"Woah…" My eyes widen at the sight of the enticing rewards.

'All of this for finding a simple insignia? No there has to be more danger for the rewards to be this great…'

'Is she…in danger?' My eyes narrow as I come to that conclusion.

"I don't like that…" I clench my fist as I make my choice.

'She's in such a hurry to find what was stolen from her yet she stopped to help me. She even came up with that lame excuse so that I didn't feel like I owed her. All for a total stranger…I can't just leave her to die if she's in danger!' I hasten my steps after her.

"Hey! Wait up!" I call out to her.

"What? Just so you know, I can only spare a little more time with you," she says, turning around to face me.

"Don't mind that! You said you lost something important, right? Let me help you too! Two heads are better than one, right?"

"But you said you don't know anything-"

"She ran right past me. I at least remember her face! I'll know if I see her again!" I retort back.

She puts her finger on her chin and contemplates for a moment.

"You're very strange. Just so you know, I can't do anything to thank you," she says, turning her face away.

"You don't need to. I want to help you because you helped me. I'm just returning the favor."

"I didn't do anything to earn your thanks. I told you that you've already paid me back for looking over you."

"That lame excuse again? You…" I pause as a phrase that I'm not familiar with comes into my mind.

"I'm going to help you because I want to. It's for my own sake. My objective is…" I dramatically raise one of my fingers.

"One good deed per day!" I wasn't entirely sure what I was saying, but I said what I meant.

The girl seemed indecisive. Nevertheless, the cat on her shoulder started playfully poking her cheek with its paw.

"I don't sense any malice from his words. I think you should accept his offer," the cat says with a smile.

"The more shields between yourself and ruffians, the better, after all," he whispers as he looks at me with a playful smile.

"Yeah! Leave it to me! I'll kick all of them to the curb!" I say with a bright grin.

"I mean it, though. I can't do anything to thank you…" The girl says after thinking about it a bit.

"No problem! I'm only helping you because I want to!"

'The Goddess said that if something happened to her, the world would be erased again. I don't want my second life to go to waste like that. Also…' I put a hand over my chest.

'These emotions may not have been mine but…to thank him for giving me another chance at life…I'll protect her in his stead!' A determined expression appears on my face.

'I may not be strong enough but I'll do my best…so rest in peace, Natsuki Subaru…'

"Hmm…fine. If Puck says so then I'll agree too. You should tell me if you feel unwell again, okay?" She says.

'What about you not helping me again? You're a kind girl, after all…' A soft smile graces my face.

The girl gazes at my gentle smile in awe, instinctively whispering, "Pretty…"

"Huh? I didn't catch that. What did you say?" I turn back to her with a curious expression.

"N-nothing! Let's go! I wanted to ask around here to begin with!" She turns away, her face reddening in embarrassment.

'What was that about? And why the hell is this cheeky cat glaring at me like I killed his whole family?' I glance at the cat, who's giving me death stares.

"You do realize that you look more adorable than intimidating, right?" I quip, giving him a blank stare.

"I have my eye on you, boy. If you want my daughter, you'll have to go past me!" The cat raises its paws defiantly.

"Be quiet, Puck."

"Yes, Ma'am..." The cat droops down sadly on her shoulder.

Walking beside her, we continue down the street.

[ Unread System Notifications ] 

[ Display Now? ]

'Huh? Yeah, display them now.'

[ Hey there! I left this prerecorded message earlier so that I can explain things to you. As I said earlier, I left a small upgrade for you. You're kinda weak right now so I want you to make this the foundation for your strength. I won't be able to do this often! Enjoy! - Your Favorite Goddess. ] 

'You're the only Goddess I know for crying out loud… Hm?' I pause as I look down at the other notification I received.

[ EX Skill Card received ]

[ Your physique has been bolstered beyond its limitations through unknown means ]
