

Void_Cosmo · Fantasía
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5 Chs


" From when did I start to care about these people? I, Aryan, who never cared about other people's life. I am throwing away my life for the sake of the future, acting like a Hero, being worshipped by the people? I never wished for these but then why do I have to be the one to suffer? " my eyes closed as the blazing fire engulfed me into the depths of darkness.

" Where's this shining light coming from? *Agh* "

I rubbed my eyes while opening it. I couldn't believe what had just happened! I had returned to my world after death.

All of this had started when one day at school during my break time, I had went for a walk on the field where suddenly glowing circles started forming all around me. I was too astonished to call for help. I closed my eyes and waited for this strange phenomenon to end. As soon as I felt everything was fine, I opened my eyes.

Ten to twelve people with long white robes and glowing appearance stood before me. At first glance I was able to find out that they were some kind of priests due to my experience in such similar novels. That is where all of this had begun.

I followed all the orders that were given to me from the king as a hero should. I protected the world from invaders, solved their disasters and gave my everything for any problems that the people of the world faced there. But in the end when it came to save my own life and that of my comrades, the same people who were grateful to the heroes, abandoned us.

We were left on the battlefield helpless and waiting for our death to engulf us. The contempt and hatred that my comrades had towards the people was unimaginable. I could see the aura of malice rising to the sky indicating future disasters that were to occur. But that didn't matter to us who were dying.

Now I am back to my own world when I was 16 years old and attending the final year of highschool. This was the time when I was summoned to the other world. "Have I been given a second chance? If yes, then I hope the events that had occurred in my previous life doesn't happen again. Some might think of getting their revenge for their suffering but that doesn't lead anywhere."

If I happen to take the path of revenge then I would just have to suffer as much as I did in my previous life or maybe more. If those events do occur then I promise to myself that I won't be repeating the same mistakes as I did and would make the right choice from the very beginning.

After all that self talk, I decided to leave for my school.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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