
Academy II

Naruto : Just give me minute okay..

(Oye , Kurama can you sense it

Kurama : ...

Naruto : say something.. oi, Kurama,its not the time to get moody

Kurama : Shut up, I am searching right now..

Naruto : Oh okay.. sorry

( I knew it , you good for nothing teacher ..

I already predicted this was going to happen thats why before I submitted my answer sheet I left a trace of kurama's chakra on it to find it later )

Kurama : I found it .. it is right behind the building

*Naruto rushes towards the back of the academy building*

Hiruzen : hey naruto, where are you going..

Teacher1 : I think he ran away, well what can we expect something from him.. ( sarcastic tone)

Hiruzen : ???

*Naruto returns with torn paper*

Naruto : Jī chan , I found this but.. you can see yourself

Hiruzen : What is this .. ?( asked the teacher )

Teacher : gehh.... Ahem..Lord Hokage i already told you that there was nothing but crap on it which made me mad as I feel like this kid was making fun of our academy so I did this..

Naruto : you damnn..

Hiruzen : wait naruto , we can fix this this is not completely shredded so it can still be fixed..

*Then they started arranging the answer sheet*

(Some students whispering)

-Hey why is lord hokage favouring that kid so much..?

-Who know..? but I have seen him somewhere in the village when I was with my dad.. he strictly warned me to stay away from..

-Huh , why?

He told me that this kid is dangerous if you go near him he will eat you.. something like that..

-Ugg.. thats gross and scary at the same time..? We should stay away from him then

- Yeah right but then why he is getting favour from the lord hokage, shouldn't he be persecuted right now

Naruto : its complete not it can be read..

(Hiruzen after check some of answer)

Hiruzen : These are right, everything written on it is absolutely correct..

then why did you threw it away without giving it a proper read..( while looking at the teacher )

( everyone was shocked )

- What all of the answers are correct and he submitted the test in under 20 minutes

Teacher : ....

Hiruzen : So, you have nothing to say..

Then what should I do..

Okay I have decided.. You are suspended from you teacher's duties there's no need for you to come to the academy from tomorrow

Teacher : But Lord Hokage , I haven't done any thing wrong

Hiruzen : Nothing wrong you say, you discriminated between the students which is inexcusable

Teacher : But I did it for the sake of this academy and its student.. how can we allow such a monster to stay in the academy

Hiruzen : thats it my decision is final

Naruto : ( Whats going on ? This was never happened before I should stop this , or results will become too severe )

*Principal arrived *

principal : whats going on here .. Oh lord hokage. what brings you here

Hiruzen : No its nothing I was just observing todays academy exams

Principal : but you are not looking very happen did something happen

*Then some bystander explains the situation to the principal *

Principal : that is indeed a big problem.. any kind of discrimination must not be allowed in the academy so as my authority I am allowing this kid to stay in the academy..

and you what's your name again?

Teacher :Its 'Hurn sein' principal sir..

principal :From today on you are terminated from your position..

Teacher : But principal sir

Principal : No excuses

*Suddenly Naruto interrupts the conversation *

Principal sir please don't do that , this is so harsh for a punishment, please don't do this

principal : But I'm doing this for your sake

Naruto : But still this is too much you can just punish him by making increasing his workload but suspending is too much .. look there's nothing harm done so opposite should also be the same a little punishment would suffice

Hiruzen : ( Smiles ) Fine , principal sir I think what Naruto is saying is right, and I also apologize for my behaviour too

Principal : No no you were absolutely right and your actions were just so there's no need for you to apologize and..

Sure I will reconsider my punishment for him and for the time being you can stay at the academy and do your job but if it happens again there won't be another chance

Teacher : Yessir , thank you sir

Principal : Don't thank me , thank this kid Naruto

Teacher :... tha- thanks

Naruto : Its okay.. dont worry about it

( for the moment everyone present there started to see Naruto differently than they used to )

principal : Okay from now I will oversee the remaining examination

students : remaining???

-Every student who passed would be engage in a one on one battle against each other and the winners will officially become the students of this academy

Naruto - ( This is also different from my previous time , seriously whats going on ??)

principal : Okay now the opponent will be decided by drawing lots

Naruto : ( where's sasuke I haven't seen him anywhere ,Oh there he is ) Sasu..( just as he was about to call out to him)

Principal : The first bout will be between 'Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha'

Naruto : Huh..?? What the ..?