
Re-Life In A Novel

Novel Title : Re-Life In A Novel ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ Greetings, Dear WebNovel Readers! Here is the short Synopsis : The tale of [Re-Life] unfolds within the quiet solitude of our Protagonist's room as his heart comes to a sudden halt, thrusting him [In A Novel]. Transcending the boundaries of time and space, he finds himself immersed in a wondrous realm - a world he once adored only in the pages of a cherished novel, now pulsating with life. Step into a captivating slice-of-life tale set in a Mediaeval Era brimming with wonders beyond imagination. Picture guns and cannons harmoniously blending with the clanging of Swords, the thrusting of Spears, the peak of Archery and the rhythmic galloping of gallant steeds. In this tumultuous land, Emperors clash in unending strife, and Kingdoms wage ceaseless wars beneath their banners. Everywhere, the echoes of battle resonate, leaving no corner untouched by the turbulence of their ambitions. But our Protagonist's story is far from ordinary. With a fresh identity and a memory tinged with familiarity, he embarks on an extraordinary slice of life journey. Amidst the turmoil, he finds solace in the simple moments of existence - the warmth of Family, the trust in Camaraderie, the laughter of Friendship, and the blossoming of Romance. As pages turn, secrets unravel, and the tapestry of destiny weaves a tale that bridges the gap between past and present. "[Re-Life In A Novel]" invites you to savour the essence of everyday life, even amidst a world engulfed in ceaseless turmoil. Are you prepared for an enchanting slice-of-life adventure? Embrace the charm, and let the journey begin. ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ So? How was it? I hope you are interested in giving the Novel a try. Well anyway, here are the #Tags : #Slice Of Life #Romance #First Love(:Strong Couple) #Family #Adventure #Academy(:Military) #Kingdom Building(:Just a little) #R18(:Only for gore scenes) #Transmigration(:dah~) #No-Harem(:Assemble)

WrightBrothers · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Chapter - 20 : Suicide Assassination


(Rai's POV)


My internal thoughts were short-lived as five more figures in the same Knight attire entered from the two ends of the corridor, hostility radiating from them.

Obviously, there are more Assassins.

"Damn, this might get troublesome to deal with..."(Rai)

I recognized the danger and muttered my awareness.

"It's not time to ponder shame, I guess."(Rai)

I knew I could not handle all of them with my strength.

I am not that arrogant to not even know my limits.



With that thought, I immediately rushed(:retreated) in the opposite direction of the Assassins.

Just after a hundred or so meters run I found what I was searching for.

–Signal Flares–

Or more accurately-Red Flare-that used to signal emergencies, danger, or a need for assistance.

The Flare was protected by a glass frame with warning signs indicating it should only be used in dire circumstances.


I punched the glass frame into pieces.

The Assassins were just about eighty meters away from me, giving me at least five seconds, which should be more than enough.

I just hope Kavir is somewhere near.

Though there might be many Knights present around within a thousand meters, it would be better if Kavir reached here first.

Why, you ask?

Well, it is a matter of Pride.

I am not an ordinary citizen. I am a Royal Family member of Silverthorne.

I can't show my weak side to anyone, certainly not to other Kingdom Knights.

In fact, I had the choice of shouting or screaming about the Assassination, which should have easily alerted the Knights patrolling on the other side, but I didn't because it would be a cowardly act.


It is really funny to talk about it.

It was something I never bothered much about in my past life, and now I am almost risking my life over it.



Coming out of my thoughts, I pulled the Ignition Cord of a Signal Flare and threw it outside the corridor into the pave walk.


The Flare was ignited and started to emit a deep red light with heavy smoke due to its chemicals reacting.

"Now let's focus on you guys."(Rai)

With Kavir on the way, I turned my attention back to the five approaching Assassins.

I swiftly shifted my focus, facing the oncoming threat.

Calmly, I adjusted my stance, subtly tensing my muscles, and awaited the confrontation.

Five Assassins sprinted closing towards me, their weapons-Sai's-glinting ominously.

And here I stood, unarmed…

Maybe I should have picked the dagger from the dead Assassin's neck before making a dash for the flare.

Beginner's mistake, I guess. Again, it's not like I am skilled with a dagger in the first place.

In a matter of seconds, the first assassin lunged at me.

With my high senses and experience[:Y.Exp] in battle, I deftly sidestepped the attack, drawing upon my agility.

Though I already killed the first one without much hesitation, this time I am trying to aim for their vulnerable parts and only use strategic manipulation of joints, pressure points, and angles.

Evading the attack, I swiftly slammed, my palm connecting with the Assassin's throat.

Choking the Assassin loosened his grip on the Sai, and I seized the opportunity, snatching the weapon from his weakening grasp.

In the swift succession of exchanging a few blows, I realized the assassins were uncoordinated in their attacks, their strikes were crude, reliant on sheer force rather than skill.

They are definitely not professional Assassins. Otherwise, my head would have been rolling on the ground by now.(Author : ~noobs)

Not like I am someone well versed in close combat. I am just barely managing with the {2-Y.Exp} I have in martial arts.

Even then, if not for the combined {Y.Exp} giving me more advantage of my surroundings, I could have used them all properly.

So I decided to capitalize on this weakness, making every move calculated, evading through their strikes, and using their own aggression against them.

Yet danger was ever-present.

A thrust came dangerously close to piercing my heart, a fraction of an inch away from ending my life.

I twisted away, narrowly avoiding the deadly tip, but the Sai still found its mark, leaving a deep gash on my shoulder.

Blood began to flow, reminding me of the stakes involved.

And then, the realization struck, this was a

-Suicide Assassination-

These fucking Assassins don't care for their own lives.

The attack just now exposed their intentions.

Not the intention of Killing me.

There is no doubt that they want me dead.

However, the previous close call exposed their approach and how FAR they are willing to go to Kill me.

If I had succeeded in avoiding it completely, I would have more than enough momentum to end his life with the Sai I am clutching.

Meaning, whether or not their plan succeeds, they will kill themselves after the plan to clear the evidence or die while continuing the plan.

There is also no fucking way they would give any information, even if captured alive. They might even be carrying poison in their mouths to kill themselves if a situation arises.

These were simply worthless, brainwashed, disposable pawns sent with little finesse or skill on a mission to try their luck.

My initial approach of incapacitating them slowly shattered, replaced by a grim determination to survive at any cost.

I let go of restraint and embraced the brutal nature of battles.


My borrowed Sai moved in a deadly arc, slicing through the air and finding its mark in an Assassin's exposed neck.

-one down-

The first kill came as a shock to the other four Assassins, who believed their comrade's attack had landed successfully.

Blood was sprayed in a gruesome display, painting the walls and floor with macabre art.

Another Assassin right next to the now dead Assassin hesitated for a fraction of a second, stooping his attacks, and that was all I needed.


I crouched down as my leg swept out, knocking the assassin off balance, and before he could react, my Sai sliced into his flesh and then moved it upward, extracting an agonizing scream.

-two down-

My shoulder started throbbing with pain, but I ignored it.

The remaining Assassins were totally stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening in a mixture of fear and desperation.

Yet, desperation eventually won out as they renewed their assault, attacking me with renewed fervor.

With a spin, I evaded a flurry of blows, my Sai deflecting strikes with a metallic clash.

The pain in my shoulder also increased as I continued to use my hand, making my movements slow.

To be honest, my usage of Sai was also more than pathetic at best, and even that was slowly decreasing.

However, there are still three Assassins left.


Just then, a rumble echoed through the corridor.

My eyes lit up as I caught the figure.

-Noir Kavir-

My most trusted and powerful subordinate arrived.

With astounding speed and strength, Kavir raced toward me.

Three Assassins stood between us.

Amid the chaos, one Assassin charged at Kavir, while the other two bore down on me.

One aimed for my heart; the other targeted my legs.

But I felt little to no concern.

My attention was fixated solely on the one aiming for my heart.

Simultaneously, Kavir's blinding speed ignored the Assassin pursuing him.

He stepped up the wall, leapt over the Assassin, and landed behind the one targeting my legs.

"Leave this one for me."(Rai)

I uttered, my focus unwavering.


Kavir's nod was swift, lacking words but heavy with determination.

Well, he looks pissed. Like, really pissed.

Just the fact that he simply nodded to me without actually replying reveals his anger, a simmering rage beneath his composed exterior.


—Arrrrgggghhhh! ArrrrgGGGHHhh!

My Sai sliced through the Assassin's hand before me. His scream filled the air as he clutched the severed appendage with his remaining hand.


Another sickening sound as Kavir's dagger cut through flesh, not deep enough to behead him but enough to end his life.


He hurled the same dagger at the throat of the other Assassin, who had turned toward us, ending his life.

"Your Highness, we should seek medical assistance."(Rai)

Kavir's voice was emotionless, his expression inscrutable.


My eyes darted from one lifeless assassin to another, a mix of shock and disbelief etched across his face.

It was as if he had just stumbled upon a particularly perplexing riddle and was desperately trying to solve it.

Is he trying to be cool?

It's already so sick to kill two assassins within a few seconds.

"Was that jump stepping on a wall necessary?

–I curled an eyebrow, watching as Kavir's movements replayed in my mind.

"And what's with that landing flip?"(Rai)

I couldn't resist poking fun at the unnecessary acrobatics, my tone a playful mix of incredulity and amusement.

"...Your Highness?"(Kavir)

Kavir's puzzled look was almost endearing, like a lost puppy trying to figure out a Rubik's cube.

The Damned Shadow had indeed stepped up, stealing the show.

I gave a fake sigh and waved my hand dismissively.

"...nothing, let's go."(Rai)

My laughter lingered in the air as he turned away, the tension of the moment easing into an oddly lighthearted atmosphere as I shared a knowing glance with Kavir.

This might be what the Main Protagonist always felt when an extra took the spotlight at the last moment.

With totally unnecessary thoughts, I and Kavir walked off, leaving behind the corridor, which was now a scene of carnage.


(To be continued…)


Chapter words : 1618

Total words : 27.85K