
Re:Life: Glitch in the System

It was a very normal day for the inhabitants of planet Earth when an emotionless robotic voice resounded in every creature's mind. "Unawakened Planet#54673242 discovered" "Initiating Awakening" When mankind had finally adapted to these changes, the voice of the System rang once again. "Tutorial has ended. A war will be initiated for the ownership of Planet#54673242." Mankind fought long and hard but they were still no match for their enemies. Mankind lost. Ezekiel or Zeke as his friends knew him, was a researcher. He was one of the wisest humans and there was a spear sticking through his chest. As he was dying, he heard the System's voice. "Activation prerequisites met." "Activating Skill: Glitch???" "Remaining Uses: None" The last thing he heard before dying was, "You human vermin finally lost. This planet now belongs to the...wait! What is happening? Why is the Sys@#$%@$..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a regression novel. Also, check out my other book, Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] Cover by Forteller. For comissions, contact him at: maxisjay7@gmail.com

Realm_Weaver · Fantasía
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115 Chs

***Do Not Unlock***

Back in the Spirit Dimension, they had finally created the Negative Connectors. Now they had to wait for some time so that their soul could get used to the new addition. This also allowed them to rest a little and also recheck if they had made any mistakes, They then resumed and began working on the Arteries. 

They first fused Soul, Lunar Shadow, and Stellar Fire attributed mana together with Faith and then began shaping the Arteries. The Arteries began from where their pineal glands would be and extended to all parts of their bodies. from an outsider's point of veiw, it looked absolutely breathtaking but to the boys, it was nothing but pain. 

At this point, they had started screaming. They eventually stopped becausse it was taking too much of their already low energy. Once they were done with the Arteries, they realised a big problem that they had forgot about. Unlike a heart, that would keep pumping the mana, they had no pump for the Soul and Mana Conduits.