
The end is just another beginning

This Story isnt mine, it is just a translation, you can find the orginal on the orange (W) story site, by the name of "Intentos Infinitos". if you read spanish you can read it in there, go support the author's Book!

[Volume 1: prologue/croiss dukedom]

Almost a thousand people gathered in the town square. Cheering the man on the scaffold and cursing the woman that was on her knees. Then, to calm the crowd, the man made a gesture with his hand.

With that single gesture, the entire crowd fell silent; after all, that man was the former prince, who, just recently and due to special circumtances, became the king.

(Maxwell) Leonora Monique Paulette Rousseau Claude Croiss, for the crimes committed towards the crown and towards the people of the kingdom of Karris, the council of nobles has deliberated and found you guilty, for which you have recieved the death penalty.

I interrupted the man, after all, nothing he was saying interested me.

(Leonora) Maxwell, could you summarize your speech? I think we all know why we are here.

The man looked at me in disgust and gave me an intense look of hatred.

(Maxwell) Even in the face of death, I see that you don't intend to regret.

The noose was giving my wrists a terrible itch, so I wanted to end this quickly, but there was something I wanted to ask.

(Leonora) Hmmm, whether I regret it or not, it doesn't change much what I did, but if you were kind enough to explain to me how you guys discovered me, you would do me a great favor.

Maxwell just sighed and shook his head.

(Maxwell) I don't have to keep talking to you.

Maxwell turned his back on me, addressed the crowd again and kept talking, listing my crimes.

I stood there with disgust. That will take a time...


I yawn with boredom as Maxwell listed my crimes one by one for almost half an hour. I have to admit it. I couldn't help but being surprised. They had discovered the vast majority, making it difficult for me to know where I had made the mistake that led me to be discovered.

It seemed unfortunate for me. It would have been better that Johan or Hanzel had been in charge of my execution. They are more talkative and would have told me where my plan failed. The prince continued talking. I was already bored of it, so I wanted to end this at once.

(Leonora) Hey Maxwell, could you execute me and then continue your speech? You hardly listed barely a little more than half of my crimes.

He looked at me with resignation, and, shaking his head, he said.

(Maxwell) Your total lack of fear of death never ceases to amaze me.

(Leonora) There are much worse things to be afraid of. For example that beautiful pastry shop you all love to go to.

He looked at me with disdain and motioned for the executioner to place the rope around my neck.

(Leonora) You know Maxwell, I will never understand your total lack of creativity and your fetish for gallows. If Johan or Hanzel were leading my execution, I am sure they would be more creative.

He looked at me, then both his gesture and his tone softened.

(Maxwell) Leo, we've known each other since we were kids, and I could never understand you, but I trusted you, and I thought you were a good person. At that time, I thought that the witch's mark was nothing more than an old woman's tale.

At that moment, he clenched his fists and glared at me again.

(Maxwell) I couldn't have been more wrong. May the gods have mercy on your soul.

He turned his back on me, making room for the executioner to do his job. In a minute, a relatively small man with an entirely covered face approached.

(Leonora) Tell me, did you oil the gears on the hatch? If not it may not open and would make a fool of the prince.

The executioner looked at me strangely and nodded slightly. Even under the mask, I could tell that he was pretty young.

Well, no one has been executed in public in more than a decade. The actual executioner must have retired by now.

(Leonora) By the way, I recommend that you pull the lever in one quick movement, this thing is quite old, and it is likely to lock if you don't use it well.

The executioner finished placing the rope, and as he went to the lever, I saw him practice pulling it with the air.

I smiled, and started to look at the people gathered.

On one side, I saw several old acquaintances who would not miss my execution for anything in the world, and on the other, I saw the other capture targets. I was surprised that the protagonist wasn't anywhere to be seen, I thought she should hate me more at this point, but she usually is incredibly unpredictable.

After a glance, I sighed. Although it may not seem like it, I'm pretty upset. I was sure that this plan would work, it took me a long time to come up with it, and it was also challenging to carry it out, and now not only has it failed, but I don't even know where it failed.

The executioner finally got in front of the lever, and Maxwell came back to the front, then with a gesture, he gave the signal, so in the last moment I hurried to yell.

(Leonora) I HID MY TREASURE IN !!!

The ground under my feet disappeared. My timing was perfect, so it seemed like I wasn't able to finish speaking. However, someone who was paying attention would have noticed that I was smiling. There was no treasure, but the idea of ​​people spending their entire lives looking for a treasure that doesn't exist made me laugh, don't they say that whoever laughs last laughs better?

Finally, I felt the pull of the rope, and a sharp pain coming from my neck as it broke brought me back to reality. It was only a few moments of pain until I lost consciousness, and so my life ended.


I was naked and covered in a slimy substance in a strange place. A few candles only dimly lighted it.

When I looked around, I saw that I was surrounded by a group of shadows that looked at me and laughed softly. The one who seemed to be the largest of them took me by the leg and left me dangling.

I felt that my body wasn't responding to me and couldn't articulate words, so I was unable to resist. Then, the shadow that held me gave me a vigorous spanking.

I, unable to defend myself, wholly humiliated and overcome, could only cry, while my wails echoed in the room, the shadows only limited themselves to laugh.

(Shadow) It's a girl Croiss Duchess. She is healthy and has good lungs.

The older shadow wrapped me in a sheet, then put me in the arms of a woman who was lying on a bed.

(Shadow) Have you thought of her name?

(Duchess) Her name will be Leonora, Monique from me, Paulette from her paternal grandmother, Rousseau from her maternal grandmother, and Claude in honor of the protective deity of the family, In gratitude for the smooth delivery.

I silently complained about the absurd noble tradition. And so my life began again.