

Chapter 974: Confusing Situation

"Damn it!"

The expensive, crystal-clear wine glass was tossed ruthlessly to the ground, shattering into glass fragments. Greig's fat cheeks were flushed red and he was trembling like a pig that was about to be slaughtered. It was no wonder he was so furious. The election that lasted for a year had just ended. He, Greig Walker, won 40 percent of the votes, but lost to Nakvard!

Damn it. That bast*rd beat me by less than five percent! Why did I lose?! Greig clenched his fists in disbelief. He had prepared for the election for a long time, only to fail at the final moment. How should he answer to his supporters, the Manny Financial Group, and the military soldiers? If this continued, he wouldn't have a future any longer. He knew that Nakvard wasn't a benevolent person, so there must be a way to bring him down!

Greig felt even more annoyed at this thought because it had been two months since the election ended and Nakvard had officially received his appointment. During this period of time, Greig had been writing to the other territories in search of support. If Nakvard were to get involved with the legislative branch and lower house, it would be even harder for Greig to overthrow him.

"Sir Greig!"

"At this moment, a loud voice interrupted his thoughts. He puckered his brows and stared at his trusted aide in displeasure.

"What happened? Why are you acting so panicky?"

"Sir Greig, there are results from the investigations!"

"Oh? Hurry up and show it to me!"

Greig's eyes glinted with hope. He stood up, his obese body trembling in his movement and almost knocked off the book on the table. But he didn't care as he reached out for the report from his trusted aide. In order to figure out his competitor's weakness during the election, Greig put in a lot of effort, but to no avail. He was clearer than anyone what sort of a person Nakvard was. It wasn't easy to find a flaw in him and at a certain point, Greig had given up entirely. But he didn't expect fate to lend him a helping hand in the toughest time.

"This... This... Hahahaha! Great! Great!"

Greig burst into loud laughter. Indeed, just as he expected, there was nothing that he couldn't find as long as he dug for it. As soon as this matter was made known to the public, Nakvard could forget about becoming the next chairman!

"Pass this report to Ken and make him look for General Fabian in the military headquarters. Hahaha, I didn't expect that bast*rd Nakvard to commit such a mistake!"

Previously Greig had contacted the military through his connections, convincing them to give him support after Nakvard announced a cut to the military budget to improve people's livelihood. Of course, this raised disapproval from the general and Greig would receive his full support now! With the support of the military and an arsenal of tools on his hands, he wasn't afraid that Nakvard would stir up a storm anymore!

"Hurry, ready the carriages!"


The palace was as tranquil as usual. Gazing through the window, Sonia clearly witnessed the brightly lit streets in midnight Casabianca. No matter how prosperous the city seemed, it could never conceal the darkness and disgust hidden underneath.

Sonia revealed a wry smile, looking at white letter in her hands. She had been working hard for Rhode after receiving his orders. She considered herself lucky because her family was also opposing Nakvard. Right now, they needed a more competent leader.

Sorry, Sir Nakvard. This time, no matter if it's for my family or myself... you won't have a good life ahead.

But... What will happen to Her Majesty?

Sonia turned around and went up to Lilian who sat on the huge bed, hugging the teddy bear in her arms and looking at herself. Sonia smiled in response and patted her head gently, before letting out a subtle sigh. She admired Lilian because puppets also had their benefits at times. On the other hand, once one was involved with politics, it was basically impossible to get out of it. Having to lead a life like Lilian's was also considered Sonia's wish from a certain degree. At least she didn't need to worry about the intriguing political dealings and could peacefully get by everyday without troubles...

"Sonia, are the discussions over?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. There are only some small troubles, so there's nothing that you need to worry about."

"I see..."

Lilian said with a dubious look. Shortly after, she shook her head and laid on the bed.

"Alright then. Sonia, tell me a story. Let's continue with the one from yesterday."

"No problem, Your Majesty."

Sonia showed a gentle smile and lifted the book beside her.

A peaceful night as usual.

But as the sun rose the next day, Casabianca was slowly engulfed in clamors. This time, shocking news swept the entire city. Yesterday night, Parliament Member Greig headed to the legislative branch with doubts about Nakvard, the newly-appointed chairman's legality! Not only that, but he also provided strong evidence to prove that a huge part of Nakvard's election funds came from outside the Country of Light! After thorough investigations, it was discovered that there were also shenanigans with the votes: the votes of the two constituencies didn't match the actual number of people! Also, more and more issues were slowly exposed such as manipulated votes and disadvantageous rumors!

Greig requested the legislative branch to summon for Nakvard immediately, requesting that he provide explanations for the issues. Not only that, but he also dispatched men to investigate the source of the election funds. After two months of peace, the Country of Light was once again caught in a new storm.

Nakvard was extremely calm against their accusations. He expressed that there was no problem with the source of election funds. The reason why they came from outside the Country of Light was because his supporters resided outside of the Country of Light. As for the votes, he asserted that calculation errors were expected and it didn't affect the general situation... But things weren't that simple.

The dramatic reform which Nakvard proposed after becoming the chairman affected the interests of the financial groups and military. Not only was the military budget cut to support the civilians, but tax was also increased and industries were also reintegrated. This touched a lot of links and along with this series of matters, the dark clouds once again enfolded the sky of Casabianca...

"Sir Nakvard."

Nakvard lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at his trusted aide. Even if many people saw him as a 'traitor who betrayed his country of money', he maintained his solemn look. On the contrary, his trusted aide appeared so pale that Nakvard knitted his brows in displeasure.

"What's wrong? The legislative branch and lower house finding trouble again?"

Although Nakvard did bear considerable doubts, he was continuing his duty as the chairman as there wasn't any evidence that was strong enough to strip his title. But in comparison to the past, he faced a lot more rejections in his proposals now. Not only did the parliament members suggest to 'research' the topic for a few days before coming to a conclusion, but the results also weren't as he expected. But even though he was in this terrible situation, he still remained calm as though he wasn't the affected chairman at all.

"No. It's... Outside..."

"Outside? Those protesters? Don't be bothered by them. How many times have I told you? Didn't I tell you that the situation will cool down after some time?"

"It's not that case, Sir... There are many retired soldiers gathering and protesting in Freedom Square!"


Nakvard stood to his feet and glared fiercely at the trusted aide.

"Tell me the details!"

"Y-Yes, Sir!"

The trusted aide sweat profusely to the sharp gazes. Then, he explained the situation in full details.

The cause of the problem went back to the end of the war between the Country of Light and Country of Darkness. Even though the Country of Darkness had indeed ceased fire, the Country of Light wasn't victorious in war. Not only that, but the Country of Light's military also took a huge hit after the war. The family of the deceased needed their pensions while the soldiers who retired due to several reasons needed compensations to get through with their lives. After all, they were crippled despite surviving in the war against the Country of Darkness. They could no longer work like ordinary people to support their lives.

But blessings never came in pairs. After Lilian took away the 'offerings' from Lydia, the desperate Light Parliament became deep in debt. In the end, they had no choice but to accept fundings from the five largest financial groups to get through the crisis. Under such circumstances, the parliament couldn't help themselves, not to mention support the retired soldiers. Back then, the election was ongoing after the former chairman stepped down, so the parliament chose to put off this matter. All in all, they signed a promissory note to the retired soldiers and could only compensate them after receiving the fundings.

Even though the Country of Light was in a tough spot, the soldiers were still loyal to their country. They never thought that the parliament would lie to them, but the situation had developed in a completely different direction. They thought that after the new chairman was appointed, the situation would stabilize and they would receive their deserved compensation. But after Nakvard took over and cut the military budget for the sake of the people, that was when the problem arose. Although the cut budget was meant to benefit the people, unfortunately the retired soldiers weren't in the category of the 'people'. In other words, the slashed budget included their compensations!

The retired soldiers couldn't sit idly by any longer. Their lives were extremely tough, so they anticipated having the compensation to live the rest of their lives in peace. But now, they were worried since they didn't know when they would receive the money. It was due to this that they came to Freedom Square, hoping that the government could fulfill their promise. They had no more alternatives. If they couldn't receive the compensations, they would starve to death on the streets!

Gazing at the clamoring Freedom Square from the carriage, Sonia revealed a smile. At this moment, the retired soldiers swarmed the square. They wore tattered military uniforms, raising flags and broken weapons at the tall building. There were thousands of them and from time to time, more retired soldiers joined the crowd with flags. The wide, clean plaza was in complete disorder. Apart from the soldiers, there were also tents and bonfires. In the distance, guards were lifting their weapons and gazing at the gathering crowd nervously. No matter what, the retired soldiers were experienced veterans and not ordinary people. Not only were they wielding weapons, but they were also rich in battle experience. Although they had physical disabilities, only fools would think that they weren't threatening!

"The plot is complete: stage and actors in place, awaiting the moment for the curtains to be drawn. Everything is unexpectedly successful and as predicted by Master. No... Maybe I should say that it is due to the soldiers' heart for justice that makes it so successful."

Sonia twitched her brow and muttered under her breath. Even though she was indeed the mastermind behind the scenes, it took two to tango, after all. Sonia was aware that there were also forces from the military secretly involved in this situation. The military was also using this excuse to apply pressure on Nakvard. After all, they were the biggest victim from this so-called 'reform' by Nakvard.

Sonia narrowed her eyes and gazed forward, tapping her finger on her thigh lightly as though she had nothing to do with the protest.

"Alright, don't stop here. We have other matters to attend to."

"Yes, Sir."

The driver urged the horse with the whip and the carriage started moving. Sonia closed her eyes and leaned back on the chair quietly.

Are you ready to accept this huge gift from Master, Sir Nakvard?

Chapter 975: Where's the Pressure...

The retired soldiers in Freedom Square garnered the attention of the parliament pretty soon. The Light Parliament thought that this was just an ordinary protest which would be over in no time. But they discovered that the situation wasn't as simple as they thought because the number of protesters increased. In just a few days, almost 20,000 retired soldiers gathered in the plaza, with some setting up camp, waiting patiently for the parliament to give them a clear answer.

The parliament couldn't remain indifferent any longer. 20,000 was a huge number. Moreover, Freedom Square was right in the city center of Casabianca. If they allowed the protest to continue, the entire city would fall into a crisis. Not only that, but the horrendous criticism of the parliament would also worsen. The parliament had no choice but to call forth a meeting and discuss if they should pay the retired soldiers right away. But...

"We don't have extra budget to spare!"

Smacking hard on the table, one of the parliament members stood to his feet, losing his elegant demeanor.

"Just how much do you think the amount will be? A few grand? Not only are there soldiers in Freedom Square, but we also received reports that soldiers from other territories are heading over there too. We're extremely tight on finance now and are unable to hand over that much money now. You should be aware of that!"

"But what about the soldiers out there?"

Another parliament member asked anxiously. Even though he wasn't growling like the previous parliament member who was as though a gambler who lost all his money, his face was full of uncertainty.

"They aren't ordinary civilians. They're retired veterans! If they don't hear our answer and stir up trouble, who will be able to stop them? Don't tell me you want to rely on our city guards? Not only that, but the retired veterans have also brought a lot of problems to Casabianca. The roads around Freedom Square have been sealed off for safety, and this still isn't enough."

"What's the response from the military?"

"What sort of response can they have? Those bast*rds fell out with us over the budget cuts and are watching the show in relish. According to the messengers, they said that they can't afford to help us with that huge amount of money..."

One of the parliament members in military uniform puckered his brows. He lifted his head and glared at the complainer.

"Help? How do you want us to help? Before the parliament announced the budget cuts, our military didn't raise a single question to you. But what did you say back then, hmm?—'Civilians are the most important. During the armistice, the military's expenditure will be cut down by a little.'—yes, a little. God dang it! Is cutting off 30 percent called 'a little'? You bast*rds. We fought for you in the front line during war and you throw us aside when we're no longer needed. Do you think we're some pushovers?"

"Please calm down, Parliament Member Ryder. We have our reasons for cutting the military budget. As for the war, your performance against the Country of Darkness wasn't too..."

"If it weren't for you people dragging us down, how would we lose so terribly? Didn't the intelligence department report that the Munn Kingdom was strengthening their defenses against the Country of Darkness? But what did you bast*rds do? You ignored the intelligence, didn't you? And you focused your attention on the meaningless fight for power..."

"What do you mean by meaningless? Do you think that it is a good thing for the country after the Light Dragon reclaims her power?"

"Who cares if it is a good thing or a bad one; there will be nothing left if we're dead. Do you know many soldiers we lost due to your incompetence?! And now you're trying to push the blame to the military? Do you even have a conscience? The soldiers out there are the ones who have always protected you. Without them, do you think you can still hold a proper meeting here? I hope you give it some serious considerations. Other than the 20,000 soldiers on Freedom Square right now, there are more than 100,000 of them joining them from the other territories! Those veterans are armed with weapons and if the parliament doesn't come up with a solution, I suppose you know what they will do."

"Is there a problem? It was due to the military commanders' incompetence and yet you pushed the blame to the parliament? Why did you only come and accuse us when a problem arises? Can't the military do anything about the retired soldiers out there? If it weren't for your instigation, will the group of trash have the strength to start a protest? Moreover, so what if they dare to attack? They are nothing more than a group of rioters who want financial support from the country, that's all. At this point in time, the Country of Light is tight on finance. If the rioters are truly militants who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the nation, they shouldn't be out there causing a ruckus! There are only 100,000 of them—not even worthy of a mention. As long as we capture their leader, the remaining guys will scatter like a pack of dogs—argh!"

The agitated parliament member was punched to the ground by another parliament member. Then, the man in a military uniform leapt across the table and gave a huge beating to that pitiful man.

"What did you say?! Without that 'group of trash', you would've been killed by the undead creatures! I will send you to your deathbed, you freakin' bast*rd! If you've got the guts, head to the front line and fight the undead creatures yourself! Since you know how to talk, I will make sure you walk the walk...!"

The parliament members were stunned. Shortly after, they returned to their senses and hurried to separate them.

"Stop fighting! This is for the sake of the country, so why must you fight each other? Parliament Member Ryder, please calm down!"

"Calm down! Now isn't the time to discuss past issues. Right now, the most crucial problem is the compensation for the retired soldiers. Stop fighting, Parliament Member Collin will be out of breath soon! Hurry up, stop them... Guards! Where are the guards?!"

"Quiet, quiet! Behave yourself before the parliament chairman!"

"Damn it, must you land such a heavy punch, Parliament Member Ryder? Somebody help me! He is killing me!!"

"Stop at this instance!"

After a thunderous rage, the clamoring hall quietened instantly. The guards also arrived at the scene and separated the brawling men. Parliament Member Ryder and the unfortunate bugger who was beaten to a pulp were 'respectfully' asked to leave the hall. Meanwhile, everyone returned to their seats and stared at Nakvard, who stood to his feet.

No matter what, this situation had exceeded everyone's expectations. If it were only a protest by civilians, they would be easier to manage. But the problem was that they didn't expect to see so many soldiers gathered in protest. The parliament members trembled with fear and were at their wits' end.

"Sonia, talk about the current situation."

"Yes, Parliament Chairman."

Sonia, who was rolling in laughter in her mind, stood up and said.

"According to the city guards, the 20,000 soldiers gathered in Freedom Square were led by Defoe and General Bred. At present, the requests made by their representatives include the redemption of promised benefits, as well as pensions..." Sonia paused, before continuing her explanation "... In fact, the payment of pensions was stopped two months ago due to insufficient funds. What should have been part of the military's budget was cut and the military temporarily stopped paying pensions."


Everyone fell into silence. In fact, the soldiers' requests were rather simple and reasonable. They just needed the money. On the other hand, the problem for the parliament now was also simple. They had no money.

Of course, it was impossible to say that they had no money at all. But it would be harder for them to fork out the money than to ascend to heaven.

It was about time for the final blow.

Sonia let out an inward chuckle, gazing at the calm expressions of the parliament members. However, it was just the calm before the storm as they blanched at her next statement.

"Other than that... Her Majesty Lilian is also asking about it and it seems like the soldiers are intending to submit to her."

As expected, the parliament members instantly turned ashen.

Lilian's palace resided on a mountain near Freedom Square. Anyone who strolled in the palace garden would be curious of the crowd gathered there, not to mention Lilian.

If Lilian was purely curious, the parliament could still hide the truth from her, since they were experienced after so many years. Apart from the parliament members, no one had ever seen Lilian. So even if the soldiers tried to submit to her, they wouldn't know who to look for. But this wasn't a problem of whether they could do it or not. Instead, it was about the political meaning behind it. In other words, the parliament's reputation was plummeting which could lead to more people seeking assistance from the Light Dragon directly!

That would be the worst nightmare!

The parliament's reputation had been falling greatly outside the Country of Light, especially at the influence of anti-parliament overlords who basically treated them as a joke. On the other hand, people in the Country of Light also had their fair share of complaints. Although they ridiculed the parliament helplessly, they had never thought of replacing them with Lilian. This wasn't due to the desire of freedom and dictatorship. Instead, it was that most of them felt that the Light Dragon was no different from a mascot. The only thing related was the word 'light' in their names. If it weren't for the Light Dragon, the parliament would have changed the name from the 'Country of Light' to 'Freedom Paradise'... Which sounded like a certain female occupational workplace.

But now, the biggest problem was that this mascot was no longer treated solely as one. The people wholeheartedly wished that she would possess the power to solve their problems.

And in fact, Lilian indeed had the ability to do that!

The Munn Kingdom's 'offerings' in gold coins were all in her possession. If she was willing to, she could use a portion of that to make up the compensations and pensions. Besides, she definitely wouldn't consider financial crises because the parliament was aware of her kind and innocent personality, which was mainly why they brazenly manipulated her. But now... They were trapped in desperation due to that personality of hers.

The parliament members couldn't sit idly by any longer as neither of the two choices would be smooth-sailing for them.

They could fork out the money themselves to appease the soldiers, but the problem was that they couldn't afford the high amount of money now. And if they couldn't solve the issue soon, the operations in Casabianca would fall apart and soldiers would stir up trouble. They weren't ordinary civilians, so it would be harder to manage them.

On the other hand, if they couldn't fork out the money, they could possibly look for Lilian. One could never be too careful. If Lilian knew about this and handed money over, it would be more terrifying than a riot because it would affect the parliament's foundation in ruling the country! The soldiers who received the financial support would surely be deeply grateful and loyal to Lilian. On the contrary, as the parliament failed to fulfill their promises, they might face hostilities from the people. When that happened, the little girl who resided in the palace would possess her own forces! Even though the soldiers were retired, they still paid close attention to the military. If Lilian helped them solve this problem, the military would perhaps have a favorable impression on her. When that happened...

The thought of the military becoming Lilian's backing forces sent chills up their spines. If Lilian intervened and the military felt like she was an easily manipulatable puppet (which in fact was the truth), they might overthrow the parliament in the name of Lilian and take the opportunity to form a new military government...

"The situation isn't as terrible as we think it is."

Nakvard's voice pulled the parliament members back to their senses. They wiped the large beads of sweat on their foreheads and gazed at him, hoping that he had some solutions.

"Even though the voices are loud out there, we can't ignore the hidden dangers. Indeed, it is reasonable for the retired soldiers to request their compensation, but I suspect that a group of men is manipulating them to reach their goal. According to my investigations, a huge part of that group are high-ranking supporters of the royal family. We have sufficient reasons to doubt that someone is attempting to achieve an ulterior motive! "

Nakvard's eyes glinted with determined radiance.

"Under such a circumstance, we have sufficient reasons to suspect the possible issues. I suggest adopting measures to prevent the situation from worsening. As for the financial issue, we will hold another meeting again. What we need to do now is to appease the protesters and capture the people suspected of incitement. Only through this way that we can truly resolve the problem!"

Nakvard paused. Then, he continued.

"So I have a suggestion. Dispatch the guards and seal off Freedom Square immediately!"

Chapter 976: Protests are Everywhere!

The autumn rain poured non-stop.

Dark clouds enfolded Casabianca's sky and rain had been pouring continuously for three days. Bane lifted his head and gazed at the sky sullenly. Ie-cold raindrops fell mercilessly from above, hitting his scrawny face. But this was nothing to him. He shifted his gaze to the parliament hall beside the plaza, where bright lights were shining behind the windows.

Five days had gone by and up until now, the parliament didn't have an official response for their requests yet. Meanwhile, more and more people gathered in the plaza. Bane was a soldier of the northern war zone and the army he was in was completely annihilated in the war against the Country of Darkness. Not only that, but he had also lost an arm and was forced into retirement.

Life after retirement wasn't great. After losing the war against the Country of Darkness, the Country of Light had been facing exceptionally challenging days. Many refugees and physically-abled people couldn't find jobs, not to mention disabled people like Bane. Even though on his way to Casabianca, he met kind people who offered him a helping hand, it wouldn't be sufficient in the long term. Besides, his job was intelligence analysis, unlike the retired soldiers who were strong enough to still become mercenaries. As a result, he could only retire and head home. It should have been this way. The truth was that his so-called home no longer existed after his hometown was invaded by the Country of Darkness.

Bane's only hope was to receive his rightful compensations and spend the rest of his life in a peaceful land. But he didn't expect that this little wish of his was about to vanish completely. After he learned from his colleagues that the military had stopped handing out compensation due to budget cuts, he was aware that things were far from good. Unlike the stubborn soldiers, he understood the internal situation of the Country of Light really well, being in the intelligence department. He guessed that this would happen sooner or later. He intended to get his hands on his compensation during the chaotic election and leave the country. But he didn't expect to lose to luck.

It was due to this reason that when he heard that soldiers were gathering at Casabianca, he braced himself and also came to this place despite his mind telling him that this wouldn't change the parliament's decision. This was his only path left.

As the long days passed, the feelings of excitement and anticipation of arriving at Casabianca were no longer present. Those emotions were replaced by concerns and uncertainty.

"What's wrong, Bane? What's with that expression of yours, like you had a nightmare?"

"Sir Defoe."

Bane saluted to the stout man who had lost a leg and was supporting himself on a cane. Defoe smiled, waving his hand airily. "No, stop. I'm a retired soldier like you. This isn't the military so there's no need for formalities."

"Yes, Sir."

Despite that, Bane's attitude was still as respectful because Defoe was one of the main organizers who gathered the soldiers. Bane didn't know if Defoe gathered the soldiers to Freedom Square or took on the job of the person-in-charge after coming here. But he was sure that this stout old man was highly respected among veterans. Bane had even suspected that 'Defoe' was only a pseudonym. After all, this protest didn't involve only retired soldiers, but also veterans of other territories. Even though Bane thought of investigating Defoe's identity, he forwent it thereafter because, after all, everyone was here as soldiers with a common goal and not as an official organization, so what was there for him to worry about so much?

"Say, why are you looking so pale? Are you sick?"

"N-No, Sir Defoe..."

Bane hesitated and said softly.

"I think the situation isn't looking good."


Defoe widened his eyes.

"Is anything the matter?"

"Yes, Sir. I inquired about the rumors about us and found that most people supported us. But... There are also bad rumors." Bane hesitated for a moment, before continuing. "Some people said that we were incited to gather in protest against the parliament..."


Defoe grunted with knitted brows, his aged face revealing obvious wrath. Bane stiffened instinctively. But even so, he braced himself and continued speaking. After all, the situation was truly horrendous.

トヨタ自動車 - トヨタからの入社特典は60万円!寮費・水道光熱費無料!正社員登用制度あり!

"So I suspect that... the parliament may take actions against us. They often do it and there are more people gathering in Casabianca everyday. In fact, I feel like the parliament can't fork out the money in the short time. And the problem is that most of us can't survive until they hand out the compensations."

Bane gazed at the broken, tattered tents and let out a long sigh. This morning, there were a dozen retired soldiers who closed their eyes forever due to illnesses and starvation. Many of them were penniless and all they could do was to beg for food from kindhearted souls or boil rotten vegetables from the market. Days weren't great for them anyhow, not even for the people of Casabianca. The retired soldiers did their best to ensure that they wouldn't starve to death because if they were sick, they wouldn't have the money for treatment either. Right now, they could either resist or die. The continuous rainy days brought illnesses to many of them and the illnesses were contagious. Under such circumstances, the retired soldiers could only wait for the compensation to rescue themselves. Bane was sure that the problem wouldn't end unless the parliament handed them the money.

"Do you think they will chase us away?"

Defoe narrowed his eyes at the soldier. Bane nodded.

"Highly likely. No matter what even though the people of Casabianca support our protest, no one can be sure of what will happen in the near future. Besides, there are critically-ill soldiers everywhere and people of the city are afraid that the diseases are contagious. So if the parliament requests us to leave for the sake of health and safety, the people won't object. As for the military..." Bane paused and after seeing no changes in Defoe's expression, he continued.

"Even though we're retired soldiers, the military supports us too. But they are in a tough spot now so I don't think they will rely on us to overthrow the parliament and their support is also limited. If the parliament and military come to an agreement, as long as the situation isn't too horrible, perhaps the military will turn a blind eye to us being chased away. No matter what, we are retired and it isn't in the interest of the military for us to turn the country into a chaotic mess."

"Interest, interest. What do those bast*rds know other than interest!"

Defoe curled his lips.

"Hmph. Those bast*rds never change after so many years. Those military assh*les only know how to bark. I knew that they weren't useful at all!"

"One more thing, Sir Defoe..."

Bane hesitated.

"I heard... we're intending to submit to Her Majesty Light Dragon, hoping that she will solve the problem for us."


This time Defoe didn't respond immediately. Instead, he scanned the young man. Upon sensing his pressurizing gaze, Bane gulped his saliva and felt as though his surroundings were freezing into place. After a few moments as the old man gaped and was about to speak...

Clatter! Clatter! Clatter!

The loud clip-clops of hooves disrupted the dead silence in the plaza. Bane turned around and his heart sank instantly because through the curtain of rain, there were large groups of cavalrymen charging toward them, surrounding the plaza. Behind them were fully-armored guards with weapons in hands. The city guards didn't belong to the military but were under the administration of the parliament. This was the essential difference between soldiers and them. And now, the parliament had actually sent guards to the plaza, which clearly indicated their intention! Besides, this decision was one that the retired soldiers couldn't accept!

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

At this moment, the retired soldiers who hid from the pouring rain in their tents peered out, anxiously clutching their weapons. They slowly gathered and stared at the guards vigilantly with a bad hunch.

Shortly after the guards surrounded the entire plaza. It was dusk and the sky was slowly turning dark where apart from the light of magic crystals and flame torches, the entire world had as though fallen into deep darkness. Bane had difficulties breathing. He reached out for the sword on his waist and felt somewhat relieved after touching the cold, familiar hilt.

At this moment, a pitch-black carriage drove up the platform in the plaza and came to a halt. Then, a man clad in a luxurious, black uniform stepped out of the carriage, surprised at the sight of the crowd. But he calmed himself down. His servant diligently opened the umbrella to shelter him from the rain. The man let out a cough for attention before retrieving a piece of purple gem from his pocket. The gem flickered in a dazzling radiance, casting voice-amplifying magic over the entire plaza. The man lowered his head gradually, reading the letter in hand.

"Everyone, I'm Nakvard, parliament chairman of the Light Parliament, responsible for the soldiers' financial reliefs! You've gathered at Casabianca from everywhere and this has seriously affected operations of our parliament and the city's stability! I believe that you're loyal people of our parliament. You are soldiers who protected this country, so you should understand how your doings have affected the country! I hope you can consider the bigger picture and stop making things difficult for the country! Besides, according to our investigations, there are many people amongst you who harbor ill intentions and hold criminal records. The Light Parliament, Casabianca, and the entire country feel threatened by your actions!"

The retired soldiers displayed obvious rage and anger on their faces. They knew what Nakvard was trying to express.

"The Light Parliament has reached a consensus to deny your request to claim compensations! We advise you to stop protesting, return to your hometown, and wait patiently for our assistance. The parliament will provide transportation fees as a form of reimbursements! Please understand that this is the final decision of the Light Parliament!"

"How is this possible?"

"Why did it turn out this way?"


Anger wasn't the first emotion the retired soldiers felt. Instead, they were at their wits' end. They stood in the pouring rain in disbelief. All that they had hoped for was like a perfect soap bubble bursting into nothingness!

"Go to hell, parliament!"

"What rubbish are you uttering!"

"Die, parliament! We will not give up! Never!"

A soldier in ragged clothes approached the platform, glaring fiercely at Nakvard. Nakvard took a few steps back with an unwavering expression and shortly after, the guards stepped forward and extended their weapons to protect him. They unsheathed their swords, pointing at the soldiers. Not only that, but the guards also nocked arrows on their bows, aiming at the crowd below. The soldiers didn't back off. They got into a square-shaped formation as though going for war in the front line, marching forward in unison. At the same time, they sang the national anthem.

"Who has ever seen the people fighting for freedom in the distant dawn... Have you ever seen the brave flag erected on the ground! Whose flag is it fluttering in the flames of the battlefield..."

The national anthem resounded in Freedom Square. The guards turned pale, clutching their weapons nervously and gazing at the armored retired soldiers as though they were the scariest enemies in this world.

"Stay away! Don't get any closer!"

"It's the military restricted area ahead! Trespassers will be executed!"

"Anyone who dares to barge into the parliament hall will be killed on the spot!"

The guards yelled but the soldiers continued to march on with their heads held high, gazing at the pale, trembling guards before them.

"Kill me if you've got the guts! Since I will die if I head back now, I might as well end my life here! We'll let the politicians witness our corpses and see whose blood we're shedding!"

"Do it, cowards! I've killed more people than the meals you've eaten! You weren't even born when I killed someone!"

Nakvard sulked at this messy sight.

"Get ready———attack!"

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Countless arrows flew across the sky and the first row of soldiers crumpled to the ground, dead! The remaining soldiers were infuriated!

"Brothers! They're trying to kill us!"

"Since we'll all die some day, let's show them what we're worth! Attack!"

Shing! Shing! Shing!

The rasps of blades filled the air. The bugle horn sounded, symbolizing the start of an assault.

"Ooo... Ooo...!"

The readied cavalrymen raised their weapons, lashed their whips, and charged into the sea of humans.

The entire Freedom Square was in complete chaos!

Chapter 977: Violence and Suppression

The guards charged into the plaza and clashed with the soldiers. The clanging of blades rang while flares, rain, and blood splashed in the battlefield. The tents were enfolded in flames and mournful screams were heard everywhere. One standing under the dark sky felt as though one was among the flames of this terrifying hell.

Once one shot an arrow, there was no getting it back. It was especially so for the retired soldiers. They didn't have any bright future ahead of them anymore, so they weren't afraid of the menacing blades. On the contrary, it urged them to charge ahead bravely, which caught the guards unprepared. Even though the guards were permanently stationed in Casabianca and were experienced in handling riots and protests, and despite their armors being much better than the ragged pieces of clothes clad on the soldiers, the problem was that this wasn't an ordinary protest, after all. Many of these retired soldiers pulled out of the battle against the undead creatures. Although the Country of Light's military commanders were useless, the soldiers who survived against the undead creatures were extraordinarily impressive in adaptation and their skills. The battle and murderous intent in them weren't what the guards could handle. The guards panicked and even though they had the upper hand in quantity, they were like paper tigers. On the other hand, the soldiers used their experiences from battlefields and formed several teams to start guerrilla warfare.

The reason why the parliament chose to announce the news during dusk was to lower its influence to the minimum. The parliament members thought that the retired soldiers were only a bunch of powerless, ill, and disabled people who would retreat at the sight of the slightest challenge.

But the truth exceeded everyone's expectations. Not only did the retired soldiers not flee, but they also summoned their courage for the fight. On the other hand, the guards who had all hopes pinned on them by the parliament were desperate and miserable! This instantly brought a whole lot of pressure and uncertainty to the parliament.

Of course, if the parliament sent out mages instead, the soldiers wouldn't be able to match them. But they weren't in the outskirts of the wilderness and were located in the city center of Casabianca instead. Mages would not only destroy buildings, but the opportunity to handle the situation peacefully would also be shattered. If news of this clash spread throughout the continent, it would leave a bad impression with several large-scale organizations like the churches and Mage Tower. These third parties didn't need to show deference to the parliament and might perhaps raise objections because this matter was the parliament's fault to begin with. They weren't willing to fork out the money to compensate the soldiers which ultimately led to this disaster. If the parliament took it too far, the church would surely step in. But fortunately for the parliament, emergency relief issues were the financial affairs of the Country of Light and weren't agreed upon in the contract under the church's supervision. If not, the parliament would have a bigger headache over their money being frozen in the church's bank...

The situation was horrible for the parliament. The results that they expected didn't show up and on the contrary, the guards began to retreat, turning the entire Freedom Square into a massive meat grinder. The guards who entered the plaza were crushed and the glorified cavalrymen were nowhere to be seen already.

The parliament members were out of ideas. They stood by the window helplessly, watching the chaos taking place in Freedom Square, praying that they would survive as the winners. But if the soldiers were to break through the blockades and attack the parliament hall... They didn't even dare to think of what would happen!

The night darkened and dazzling lightning bolts bursting in the thick clouds blinded the plaza in a white flash. The blazing flames, shifting silhouettes, thunders, and screams formed a desperate scene.

The situation was heading toward the point of no return.


Bane slashed his blade through the pouring rain, piercing into the neck of a young guard. Beads of blood sprang up and the young guard instantly felt his life fading away from him. He widened his eyes in panic, reaching his hand out in despair. But at the next moment, he crumpled to the pool of bloodied water on the ground.

Damn it, where exactly did everything go wrong?

Bane lifted his head and gazed at the plaza that had completely turned into a bloody battlefield. Ironically, they were swinging their weapons at their fellow citizens instead of the enemies who had invaded their homeland and massacred their families! How did the situation turn out this way? Bane could no longer consider this question and didn't even have the time to feel sorrowful. Right now there was nothing else he could do apart from slaughtering one another. He brandished his sword blankly, his heart completely perplexed. Perhaps he wasn't the only one feeling this way. Both parties were tearing into each other and the so-called compensations were already out of the picture. So what if he killed more people now? Could they even attack the parliament and occupy the building? If so, what was the purpose of that?

But this fight couldn't be stopped! No matter what, he didn't wish to die here. Even if he were to become a fugitive and escape the Country of Light, at least he had a chance to survive. Everything would be done for if he lost his life here!

Bane knew that there was still a way out. As long as someone with more authority over the parliament intervened, the battle could be stopped. But did such a person exist? If even the parliament had given up on them, who would be willing to lend them a helping hand?

There was an instant when Bane had given up all hope. He panted, gazing at the guards charging at him. He closed his eyes and raised his sword, before swinging it forward...

"Everyone stop!"

All of a sudden, a snarl as loud as thunder overwhelmed the battlefield of clamors and blade clashes. Not only that, but Bane also felt his body coming to a halt as though it was frozen. He widened his eyes at the two guards standing before him in their offensive stance, their faces in complete astonishment. At this moment, a bright, holy ray of white shone and eradicated the darkness. Bane looked up at the sky where hundreds of glowing angels appeared before their eyes.

Battle Angels!

Bane shrieked. Even though they couldn't stand the Battle Angels in the past, they respected them a lot more after the war against the Country of Darkness ended. It could also be said that if it weren't for the Battle Angels, they would have died miserably in the hands of the undead creatures. As a result, the soldiers didn't detest the Battle Angels as much as the ordinary civilians. And now, the Battle Angels were actually here to rescue them. If Bane recalled correctly, the parliament wasn't in a position to control the Battle Angels. So if the Battle Angels were here on their own accord, this meant that...

Bane suddenly felt a sliver of hope.

"Stop fighting immediately!"

Boulder descended to the platform with a blazing sword in his hand. He swept a look at the crowd, which was stunned by his 'intimidating' words. Then, he knitted his brows and repeated.

"Stop fighting immediately!"

Along with the arrival of the Battle Angels, the crowd no longer had the intention to continue their battle. Shortly after, the soldiers and guards swiftly separated themselves to two sides of the plaza. Both sides gazed worriedly at the Battle Angels. After all, the Battle Angels were low-profile and wouldn't intervene with any situations. Besides, there weren't a lot of them left in the Country of Light, which was why they seldom showed up. But with their appearance here, everyone felt that something was off with the situation.

The parliament members standing by the windows watched tensely. They knew who had the authority to mobilize the Battle Angels. Could it be that...

As though confirming their greatest fears, a petite figure sauntered out of the group of angels and went up the platform.

"I was still feeling hopeful when Big Sister Sonia reported the situation to me. But Chairman Nakvard, is this the way your parliament handles the situation?"

Lilian puckered her brows and asked the pale, solemn man standing before her.

Chapter 978: Intervened Situation

Lilian's heart almost stopped at the sight of the ice-cold corpses lying in the bloodied battlefield. She did witness cruelties of battles in the past, but this wasn't a battlefield, after all. This was her country and city. It could also be said that even if she was 'imprisoned' in the palace, she used to admire the city and its bustling plaza from the palace's garden. But now, it had turned into a graveyard with faint, weak groans echoing. Apart from some Battle Angels controlling the situation from midair, the others had begun treatment on the wounded. In fact, Lilian had never thought that this flourishing place would end up in this plight.

"... Chairman Nakvard, do you have anything to say?"

Lilian glared at the pale, silent, and unwavering man. He flicked off the raindrops on his shoulders. Then, he spoke.

"You shouldn't have come to such a place, Your Majesty. The rioters are attempting to attack the parliament hall and are desperate to overturn the nation's power. This is an act of our self-defense, so please return to your palace. I guarantee in the name of the chairman to provide a clear answer afterward."

"I don't need an answer. I know the specifics. Aren't these people looking to claim the money that truly belongs to them? Why must you treat them this way? They are heroes who once fought for our country; don't you think they should be treated properly?!"

Nakvard knitted his brows slightly. If it were any other day, he could order the guards to 'escort' her away. But Boulder and Serene were standing beside her now and he couldn't do something like that so brazenly. This was the natural shortcomings of the parliament compared to the Light Dragon. No matter how much strength the parliament possessed, they could never become enemies with the two archangels under the Light Dragon protection. This was why the parliament had always been targeting Lilian instead. Even though archangels were powerful, they had to obey Lilian's orders, after all. But this time, he didn't expect both of them to be around. Could it be that something went wrong...?

"Your Majesty..."

"Stop. After hearing the report from Big Sister Sonia, I thought your parliament could resolve the issue. But I didn't expect you to do something like this. I'm utterly disappointed!"

Lilian was enraged. She was worried about the protest as soon as she heard about it. When she learned that the parliament made their final decision, she stood by the window and observed the situation in the plaza. Even though she was a child, she was a dragon soul heir, after all. She had exceptional attributes above humans so despite the harsh weather, she could clearly witness the happenings. From the start, she was hoping that the situation would come to a peaceful end. But she didn't expect the parliament to send guards and kill the retired soldiers. She even thought that she was dreaming when she first saw it. But after she came to her senses, she couldn't remain silent any longer.

In fact, she had heard a lot of things about the retired soldiers from Sonia. When she first saw the rough-looking men in ragged clothes seeking shelter in their tents, she had already thought of helping them. But she was also aware that if she showed herself, she might even turn the situation worse. Moreover, Sonia had been working hard in the parliament, which was why she chose to wait obediently for the results. But now, Lilian totally didn't expect this at all!

She couldn't no longer sit idly by at the sight of this massacre. She quickly approached Serene and Boulder, requesting them to stop everything at once.

"Your Majesty, they..."

"I know. Stop trying to explain yourself."

Lilian pulled a long face and glared at Nakvard furiously. The man looked at her in silence, perhaps knowing that it was meaningless to explain further.

"Serene, bring the soldiers to my palace and treat their wounds. Then, get their representative to speak to me about the compensations... By the way, get Big Sister Sonia over too. I want to know the specific details."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Serene nodded. She turned around and ordered the Battle Angels.

Shortly after, the retired soldiers were escorted away while the city guards were driven aside. Ironically, even though it was the guards who started the expulsion and had better equipment, during the headcount they realized that they had more deceased than the retired soldiers. This was as though a slap on the parliament's face.

Thereafter, the situation developed toward a direction the parliament members hated. In just a night of discussion with the soldiers' representative, Lilian decided to hand out compensations to them. Not only that, but the families of the deceased in battle would also receive their rightful pensions. As for everything that happened in the plaza, she didn't think that it was an act of riot, so she didn't punish anyone. Of course, even though the guards were only there to maintain order, she was displeased and in disbelief that they actually attacked a group of ill and disabled people. Although the soldiers received meticulous care from the Battle Angels, Lilian couldn't care less about the guards who had suffered worse. She handed the entire problem to the parliament instead.

The news of this protest in Freedom Square spread throughout the continent.

Many people were bewildered after hearing the news. Even though the parliament was prepared for this and claimed that someone attempted to cause chaos and overthrow the government by sneaking into the group of soldiers, Lilian's actions were honestly a tight slap to their face. In fact, the soldiers left peacefully after having their requests fulfilled and this denied the credibility of the parliament's claim. Besides, the ghastly bloodstains and corpses on Freedom Square were more than enough as proof. It was due to this reason that people accused the parliament and even the churches expressed their dissatisfaction. Standing from the church's standpoint, the parliament was obviously trying to murder the innocent after going back on their words. If it weren't for the fact that the church and parliament didn't sign an agreement, the church would have frozen their finances. The city guards were also greatly resentful toward the parliament. They were unjustly ridiculed for the decision by their direct superiors. Not only that, but the parliament also attempted to push the blame to them, claiming that it was their decision to attack the soldiers.

It was nearly impossible for the guards to suffer in silence after being used as scapegoats and losing so many of their men.

The parliament couldn't lift their heads proudly to the accusations from all over the continent. People also discovered that there were some changes to the situation in the Country of Light.

In comparison to the parliament, Lilian received praises and acknowledgment by the people for her benevolent actions. Even though some people thought that this was part of her conspiracy, those who were familiar with the Country of Light's political ecology basically knew that she was simply a mascot. But they didn't expect her to become an overnight celebrity. This incident completely displayed her capability in politics. Whether it was the release of relief funds or handling of the aftermath, she did pretty well. Although she wasn't as experienced as a politician and often acted in a fit of pique, this made her rather adorable to the people who understood politics. Because if she was a sophisticated politician, she could have seized the opportunity to rope in the guards from the parliament's hands and not left them alone. Although she was naive from a political standpoint, she was seen as a genuine person.

Of course, the military praised Lilian highly. As for the retired soldiers, they respected her the most.

Sure, the parliament wouldn't resign to their fate just yet. They announced to the people about the incident and of course, their version of the story retold how Lilian 'ignored' the rules and overruled the proposal passed by the parliament and handled the matter in her own selfish ways. Even though the results were wonderful, it was extremely dangerous of her to neglect public opinions! They advised the people to open their eyes wide and not fall into this 'trap of the dictator'.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't hide the truth. Besides, there were so many retired soldiers that it was basically impossible to seal their mouths. Therefore, there were no responses to their call for them to be wary of the dictator. Even though most people didn't have a favorable impression on Lilian, a small group of them in the Country of Light started to support her. After all, no matter how nicely the parliament worded their statements, it was unforgivable for them to attack the soldiers who protected their country. Moreover, many people were displeased with the parliament, to begin with, because the parliament always sided the five largest financial groups and didn't provide support to the civilians. In the past, people were afraid of being seen as 'supporting a dictator' and for that they remained silent. But after this incident, they showed a clear-cut stand to oppose the parliament and support Lilian. Not only that, but the military also expressed a high level of support to her.

The wind seemed to be blowing in a different direction..

And all the news arrived at Rhode's ears in the Enchanted Forest.

"Seems like Lilian did great."

Rhode nodded in satisfaction. In fact, what surprised him was that the two archangels were so obedient of her orders. Could it be that they came to a realization? Or there were some other reasons behind it? But... this wasn't a problem for him to be worried about.

"Canary, how's the situation with the Mage Tower?"

"According to Richard, they'll be heading into the Deepest Labyrinth tomorrow."

Rhode folded the report in his hands and put it away in his pocket. He looked at the night sky with narrowed eyes.

"Alright then, we shall see what exactly they are up to."

Chapter 979: Entering the Deepest Labyrinth

The sun rose, announcing the start of a new day and the end of peace for the apprentices.

In fact, the apprentices should have entered the Deepest Labyrinth after Richard's group's arrival. But thanks to a certain scoundrel, they had to postpone the departure date. Although Mini Bubble Gum treated Stewart's injuries, his mentor, Gabe, wasn't as fortunate. Although they didn't know what evil presence possessed him, Mini Bubble Gum's formidable holy power was deadly, as Gabe spent the next few days resting unconsciously in the campsite. No one dared to oppose Rhode's group. Firstly, after witnessing Mini Bubble Gum's prowess, they were clearly aware of the stronger side. Secondly, most of them weren't favorable of Gabe either. Thirdly, the other mentors were displeased with this apprentice test. They had even hoped that Gabe would die to some illnesses so they could leave this dangerous place.

But it was a pity that Gabe recovered after a few days of rest, which meant that the test had to continue. After Gabe came around, he officially announced the contents of the apprentice test. The apprentices had to lead their teams with an item into the Deepest Labyrinth and place the item on a specified location to complete the test. As for where the exact location was, there were directions indicated on the item. It seemed like a really simple test.

Rhode stood on the hill, gazing at the nervous apprentices. Thereafter, he received an item from Richard, which was a teleportation crystal that was also available in the game. There were a total of hundred floors in the labyrinth and players couldn't possibly restart from the first floor every time they returned to the place. Upon reaching every 10 floors, players could activate the teleportation crystal. Whenever they returned to the labyrinth, they could be transported from the floor to where they left off.

In fact, this wasn't too challenging for the apprentices who were at level 50 on average. Even though the Enchanted Forest was extremely dangerous, there was more than one entrance to the Deepest Labyrinth. As a result, the difficulty on each floor was similar between the first and tenth floors. As long as they were more cautious, there shouldn't be a problem for them to reach the tenth floor.

But the problem was that the situation wasn't as simple as it seemed.

An item like the teleportation crystal was only used when players raided dungeons. Rhode refused to believe that the Mage Tower would get this group of elites to enter the Deepest Labyrinth, unless all of their higher-ups had also transmigrated into this world like him and understood the world inside-out. Besides, the Deepest Labyrinth was exceptionally dangerous, which didn't fit their motto of 'Safety First'. More importantly, Canary discovered that the teleportation signal was only one-way. In other words, when the teleportation crystal was activated, they would be brought to a specified place before being transported away individually. Rhode and Canary had no idea where the teleportation destination was connected to.

But even though they didn't know the true message behind the teleportation location, his guesses were close to the mark considering Gabe's identity.

"Marlene, are you ready?"

At this moment, the apprentices had entered the teleportation ritual by the entrance of the Deepest Labyrinth. This was where the Deepest Labyrinth was different from other dungeons. It didn't have tunnels connecting to the inside and could only be accessed through teleportation rituals, making it easier to enter and harder to exit. If it weren't for the one-way teleportation signal that could send them up to the surface, perhaps even players would have a hard time.

"All ready, Rhode. I analyzed the teleportation rituals and found that they were meddled with. But don't worry, I've already added several fixed signals to them. After their teleportations are completed, we can immediately enter the labyrinth."


Rhode nodded in satisfaction. He didn't consider stopping the apprentices. Firstly, their relationship hadn't reached a stage where he was obliged to help them. Secondly, he also wished to use this chance to see what exactly Gabe and his co-conspirators were up to. Since they were able to provide the teleportation crystals, it meant that they were extremely familiar with the Deepest Labyrinth and were using it to reach their goal. This was the main reason why Rhode didn't stop the apprentices from entering the maze.

He had also confirmed with Alice regarding Gabe's Chaos aura. It was also due to this reason that he made this decision. After all, Chaos could distort history and the distorted history couldn't be recorded by Alice. Without any other choice, he had to rely on himself now.

At this moment, the final team of apprentices followed their mentor's lead through the teleportation portal. Richard turned around and gazed worriedly at Rhode's group. The struggles over the past few days made him aware that this test wasn't as simple as it seemed. But now, he had no other choices left.

"Richard, it's time to move out."

His mentor called out and he heaved a long sigh, before turning over.

"Yes, Sir."

Shortly after, the teleportation portal flickered and everyone in the middle vanished. Rhode twitched his brow slightly at this scene.

"Alright, it's time for our appearance."

In an instant, the azure sky, white clouds, and lush forest disappeared before their eyes, only to be replaced by a run-down yet dignified rectangular hall. Several stone sculptures were erected on both sides, but due to the passing of time, most of them were already dilapidated. As Rhode's group arrived, the pitch-black hall was instantly lit up by the flame torches hanging on the walls, illuminating the maze palace.


Christie exclaimed in awe and even Bell widened her eyes, scanning the place curiously. After all, this was their first adventure.

"Christie, Bell, be wary. This place isn't as safe as you think. There may be traps everywhere so follow Bubble and me closely. Don't act rashly no matter what you see and don't touch anything. Understand?"

Rhode heaved a sigh before turning to them. Even though Christie was strong in her abilities and Bell was an assassin in the Legendary Stage, where even Nell couldn't defeat her, they were too inexperienced in adventure, after all. Who knew what would happen to them if no one watched over them. In the game, Rhode had witnessed several high-level players get caught in simple and harmless-looking traps, which eventually resulted in their deaths. Sometimes, strength didn't represent everything. Fortunately, Christie and Bell were obedient girls, so he didn't need to worry too much about them.

"Bubble. You'll be the support this time. Watch over them."

"Got it, Leader."

Mini Bubble Gum nodded. Then, she asked dubiously.

"But what about the front? Are you and Big Sister going to take the lead?"

"No, I have a helper on my side."

Rhode smiled, extending his right hand. A summoning ritual flashed and spun above his palm. In the blink of an eye, five uniquely-colored cards appeared from thin air and revolved around him. Then, he clenched his fist. Smash!

Dazzling radiance shone and five figures appeared around him.

Celia and Celestina were the first to appear, followed by Gracier and Madaras. The two petite White Elves chuckled adorably, standing on his left and right. The last figure who appeared from the last rune of light was Karin, 4th seat of the Holy Sword Card Deck. As for Shira... He thought that it was better for her to remain in her card obediently. After all, he couldn't afford to have the underground crumpling on him if she went berserk.

The holy sword spirits looked at the rundown hall and corridor ahead with reminiscent gazes.

"Order Palace... I never thought that we could return to this place..."

Celestina muttered under her breath, gazing at the broken stone sculptures. Celia looked with downcast eyes, uncertain of what was going through her mind. The White Elves were also whispering into each other's ears. Mini Bubble Gum curled her lips and turned to Canary.

"You see, Big Sister. This is why I hate Spirit Swordsmen. So what if they have more people on their side?"

"So we're more powerful, Bubble."

Rhode responded. Spirit Swordsmen were often criticized by players on forums, especially after Rhode became popular with it. He faced all sorts of envy and jealousy. There were some people who ridiculed him for being an incapable coward who lacked individual skills apart from relying on summoned spirits. But Spirit Swordsmen weren't the only ones who summoned spirits into battle, as mages could too, for instance. But mages were too weak in close-combat, so it made sense for them to summon spirits into battle. But Spirit Swordsmen were equipped with swords and they didn't seem like a balanced class at all.

Spirit Swordsmen were often mocked before they became popular. But after Rhode brought this class to great height, players began to complain about its shameless techniques... Well, that was how the world worked.

Rhode wasn't surprised that his holy sword spirits were familiar with the Deepest Labyrinth. After all, in his journey back to history with Alice, he learned that it was the Creator Dragon Souls and Six Deity Wardens who had created this labyrinth. Therefore, since his holy sword spirits had fought against them back then, this place wasn't a mystery to them, logically.

But this didn't mean that all the spirits were indulged in past memories. While Celestina and the other young ladies reminisced about the past, Karin pushed up her glasses and went up to Rhode.

"Master, do you have any important tasks coming here?"

"I do, Karin."

Rhode gazed at her curiously. In fact, he wasn't too familiar with this new joiner whom he had obtained in Highland City. She didn't reveal emotions as well as Celia, Celestina, and the others, and seemed more introverted and calm. Not only that, but she also had an indifferent tone as though saying, "This seems interesting, but it has nothing to do with me at all" and judged the entire situation as an outsider. Based on the special techniques written on her card and the attitudes of Celestina and the others toward her, it seemed like Karin held the responsibility of an 'adviser' among them. The reason why Rhode summoned her was to see how she performed. Although he did have resourceful people around him, such as Gillian and Marlene, they had duties to attend to and couldn't always be by his side. On the other hand, Karin wasn't tied down by additional tasks. As a holy sword card, she would naturally be with him and with her around during battle, he didn't need to worry too much about her.

Rhode explained the happenings in the Mage Tower that they discovered and told her about Gabe, who was seemingly in touch with Chaos. Karin listened silently, before pushing up her glasses again after he finished speaking.

"The lowest floor... is it? Sorry, Your Majesty. I'm not aware of what is in there. Perhaps not even the Six Deity Wardens do, because the lowest floor was built by the five Creator Dragon Souls. Apart from them, no one else knows what is there exactly. As for the apprentices... I think there is nothing to worry about. According to you, the Chaos worshippers are trying to activate the teleportation portal. But activating the teleportation portal requires the activation of the core. Based on our current location, we can enter the core region directly from here and wait for them there. If they do harbor ill intentions, I don't think they will let this opportunity slip. As for the problem about controlling the mechanism there, I can't give you a clear answer now. A long time has passed and I'm not sure if the core is still operating properly. I can only judge after we find the core."

She sure is reliable...

Rhode exclaimed in his head. He always felt helpless speaking to the holy sword spirits. Celia was always uptight as though she would accidentally expose top secrets of the country while Celestina was full of herself. On the other hand, Gracier and Madaras never answered his questions. As for Shira... Well, forget it.

He felt glad and fortunate that he finally had a holy sword spirit who he could speak to properly.

"Good. Let's move out then."

The first floor presented no pressure to them. The difficulty was the easiest there with low-level goblins. Rhode could clear out the entire first floor himself, not to mention max-leveled players like Canary and Mini Bubble Gum. And now with the help of the holy sword spirits, they began wiping out the creatures of the entire area.

Even though the underground creatures were stronger than creatures on the surface due to the influence of magical power, they were still no match for the holy sword spirits. The combination of white and pitch-black flames blazed and melted them instantly. Moreover, the enormous, poisonous scorpions with rock-hard shells were split apart easily by the flitting shadows. In the face of the holy sword spirits, they didn't stand a chance at all.

Rhode stood at the back, watching Bell and Christie sharpen their skills with the few remaining creatures. Christie had never killed a chicken and yet she possessed the powerful strength of a Deity Warden. Well, this was just idle chit-chat.

In comparison, Bell was much more experienced, perhaps due to killing several Chaos Creatures in the refuge. She skillfully dealt with the goblins.

Among the spirits, Karin surprised him the most.

Even though he knew that she was the fourth seat with exceptional battle strength, he couldn't help but feel baffled after witnessing her in actual battle.

Chapter 980: Knowledge is Power

The flickering flames above the torches illuminated the dark corridor. The white-haired young lady sauntered in quietly, her eyes half-closed like she was on a mental journey. Her footsteps echoed, and in the darkness where the radiance couldn't reach, pairs of red eyes gazed at their prey with greed and murderous intent. These hunters enveloped in black crawled up the wall silently, slowly approaching their prey. The young lady didn't seem to notice that she was in a precarious situation. She muttered under her breath, continued to saunter along the corridor, scanning the broken stone sculptures and activated mechanisms from time to time. At this moment, the silent hunters were ready. They widened their ferocious mouths, revealing their razor-sharp fangs, like the blades of assassins waiting to strike a critical blow at an opportune time.

"They are destroyed here too..."

At this moment, the young lady murmured and moved her right arm slightly.


A subtle draught of air blew across the corridor, swaying the young lady's hair slightly. But at the next moment, blood sprayed in streams like raindrops as limbs of shredded corpses pitter-pattered on the floor. In the blink of an eye, the corridor restored its silence. If it weren't for the amputated limbs, it would be hard for anyone to believe that creatures existed here earlier on.

Karin ignored the chunks of flesh on the floor, raising her right arm with a steel handle in hand. On one side were four to five, black and white button-like mechanisms. Karin's slender fingers pressed the buttons and shortly after, a blade shot out through the top of the handle, revealing a slim, exquisite blade engraved with mysterious inscriptions. No matter from which angle, it didn't look like a battle sword at all. Rhode was curious of how she would fight because she had human-like attributes. Her offensive and defensive values were low too, similar to the Spirit Bird. Moreover, with this ornate sword that had significantly greater value than just practicality, Rhode would believe that she was the weakest among the holy sword spirits if she wasn't the officially recognized forth seat.

But now after witnessing her skills, he discovered that she had her ways in the body of a human. The slim sword in her hand wasn't an ordinary one at all. According to his observations, the sword was made with thousands upon thousands of fine threads that were thinner than spiderwebs. Unless one reached Rhode's realm, it would be impossible for one to detect their presence. Not only that, but the threads were also incredibly tough and exceptionally sharp. Karin had also engraved mystical runes on the blade. Even though the threads seemed harmless, they could unleash incomparable lethality with the flow of spiritual powers. It could slash through defensive spiritual spells due to the Order inscriptions carved on the blade.

After being aware of her battle strength, Rhode lamented that magic technologies indeed had the best production capability. Karin was weak, so weak that Anne could thrash her. But with this sword in her hand, not even Gracier and Madaras could defeat her. Order inscriptions appeared only in the late stages of the game, belonging to the top category in forged inscription. Just as the name suggested, it could unleash the power of Order. Besides, as Order inscriptions were the materialization of Order, after Order inscriptions were activated, its effects were ranked among the highest priority.

Such a formidable strength complemented with countless, almost-transparent threads became a deadly combination for Karin. This was why the other holy sword spirits couldn't retaliate against her. Even though they had unique abilities, Gracier and Madaras would still be second in priority in the face of the Order inscriptions. In other words, Gracier and Madaras could only use their abilities in battle after the Order inscriptions were activated by Karin and this applied for others too. No one would feel great having Karin controlling the battle as soon as it started. Karin completely relied on the handle buttons to control the threads, her battle style based entirely on the high-tech weapon. Moreover, it was impressive for a human like her to reach this impressive height.

"Fourth Big Sister is amazing to achieve such formidable strength through matching some low-level Order inscriptions. This isn't easily achievable by anyone! Hehehe. Even the four arrogant legendary generals will die horrible deaths before you!"

Celestina nodded proudly, gazing at Karin who investigated the mechanisms. Rhode felt amused by her. In fact, this demon young lady had always been an arrogant one. Even though she behaved like a tiny kitten before Gracier, Madaras, and Shira, he could see that those were instinctive reactions after she was beaten up by them in the past. This was his first time seeing Celestina admiring someone wholeheartedly like a love-struck fool.

"How superficial."

On the contrary, Karin wasn't as excited as her. She hated the fact that others saw her inventions as only being used for destruction and war. She stared at Celestina coldly.

"I didn't only create the Heart Piercer for battles; it is meant to adapt to the dangers of various environments. Apart from using spiritual threads in battles, it can still transform into different forms. It is also convenient for everyday life. If not, how do you think the big, soft bed and tent were created when you fought outside back then?"

Karin's voice was uncharacteristically proud.

It's like an amazing Swiss Army knife.

The corners of Rhode's mouth twitched at the sight of Karin's sword. But he didn't say a word. After all, it was also a problem about whether she could understand what a Swiss Army knife was.

"My apologies, Your Majesty. According to my observation, the mechanisms on the first three floors basically have no value anymore. Although there were many considerations when building the maze, that was only on the perimeter. Besides, too much time has gone and underground creatures have caused relatively huge damage to them. I estimate that we won't be gaining the core controlling rights before the eighth floor."

"Well, we can't do anything about that. In this case, let's move on."

Rhode wasn't surprised by her answer because it was the same in the game. Most of the underground creatures were elites and there would occasionally be powerful BOSSes like the Golem Puppet. But as they headed farther down, the number of creatures decreased. Initially, he made Karin investigate the place because he wanted to see if the natives had some 'unique methods'. But it seemed like the experience was the same.

Something worthy of a mention was that the gatekeepers, the Golem Puppets, gave him the thrill of defeating BOSSes. After sensing his dragon soul aura, the Golem Puppets instantly stopped their attacks and obediently cleared the area of other creatures. Mini Bubble Gum got a kick out of it. At this moment, she had dragged Anne along to supervise the golems in completing their jobs. Perhaps this was just an interest of players.

This wasn't the only benefit of being a dragon soul heir. He could also use his powers to obtain a map of the entire maze and spot the positions of the four teams of apprentices. Richard's team had reached the second floor while Stewart's team was still roaming on the first. Rhode suspected that if this continued, it might take years before that "talented genius" came out of the maze.

He had to admit that the apprentices were indeed powerful elites. Although they faced several accidents after entering the maze, none were critically hurt. But this was expected since most creatures were low-level up to the fifth floor. After reaching the sixth to tenth floor, they would face elite creatures at around level 50 and perhaps some lord BOSSes. When that happened, it would truly be a test of their skills.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Karin nodded. Then, she turned around and gazed at Christie. At this moment, Christie was sipping water with Bell's company and didn't look great. Although she was excited to join Rhode on this adventure, she didn't feel well after attacking and killing the creatures. She was kind hearted and disliked hurting others. Although the creatures were odd-looking, they were living creatures, after all. Although Christie's skills improved drastically with the help of the other 'Christie', it still wasn't enough for her to accept killing. In the past, Christie wasn't as mindful because it was her other self who did the dirty work while she watched from the sideline. But after doing it herself, she found it to be a challenging task.

"Your Majesty... Please pardon my rudeness. Although your intention is well, Her Highness is still young, after all. And she is physically weak as a human. If she continues the journey with us, she will be hurt. As her father, you should care for your daughter—"


Rhode sprayed a mouth of water, put down the water bag in his hand, and looked at Karin helplessly. Indeed, it wasn't wrong of her to think that they were related due to their similar appearances... Siblings were fine, but surely he didn't look like her father!

Karin looked at him blankly. Then, she pushed up her glasses and cocked her head to the side curiously. On the other side, Canary had burst into laughter, rolling on the floor with her hands hugging her stomach. Fortunately, Mini Bubble Gum and Anne weren't around. If not, they would have their fair share of laughter. Christie gazed at Rhode quietly, her complexion flushed in red. Bell didn't seem to have any response... Could it be that she thought the same?!

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Yes, everything is wrong. Christie isn't my daughter, Karin..."

Rhode could tolerate being mistaken as her brother, but it was a totally different matter for him to be treated as her father. He quickly explained Christie's background and clarified the situation with Karin. After hearing his explanation, Karin's indifferent reaction seemed as though she didn't feel like she said anything wrong.

"I see, Your Majesty... I thought that Her Highness is the child of you and Madam Christie."

"Why do you think so?"

Rhode asked curiously. Karin said.

"Because the dragon soul power is too powerful and not anyone could withstand it. So it is impossible for an ordinary body to be impregnated."

I see...

Rhode finally understood why. No wonder the Creator Dragon Souls were basically the inheritance of powers and couldn't bear the next generation like humans. For female dragon soul heirs like the Judgment Dragon, Ruling Dragon, and Light Dragon, they couldn't be pregnant if the man couldn't withstand their dragon soul powers. On the other hand, a male dragon soul heir like the Dark Dragon had undead creatures as his subjects so it was impossible to have children.

Rhode had thought about this for a while now because after such a long time, none of the women were impregnated by him. He had even suspected that something was wrong with his body after transmigrating to this world... But now it seemed like it wasn't his problem. Instead, the truth was that his dragon soul powers were too powerful that none of his women could withstand it.

Since this was the case, it wasn't hard to explain why Karin treated Christie as his child. She must have seen the other 'Christie' when she was alive in the past, so it wasn't strange that she had such thoughts. But...

Rhode suddenly recalled that Marlene had also awakened as a Deity Warden. According to Karin's theory, did it mean that if he continued his way... Marlene might get pregnant?

Forget it, there's no point in thinking about that now.

Rhode shook his head, while Karin gazed at the uncertain Christie with knitted brows.

How strange. I sensed some similar aura from her but they don't have any blood relations at all... Madam Christie, what exactly is going on?


At this moment, a deep explosion boomed. The floor began to shake and the torches on the wall flickered. In an instant, the entire world fell into complete darkness.

"Your Majesty."

Karin said, her voice unprecedentedly determined.

"Yes, I understand."

Rhode stood to his feet. Shortly after, Canary lit up a flare and it formed a dazzling fire ring that enveloped everyone. Not only Rhode, but Gracier and Madaras also put on a stern expression and clutched their daggers. Celia lifted her sword, bursting with sacred flames. Under the holy radiance, the surrounding darkness faded away as though they were retreating.

"I didn't expect Chaos to reach this place. It seems like we were too naive..."


All of a sudden, the surrounding darkness coalesced, transforming into creatures who pounced on them!

Chapter 981: Chaotic Warfare

The rancid air diffused with several pairs of red eyes glinting menacingly in the darkness.

Despite that, Rhode's group remained calm, except for Christie, who twitched nervously and triggered the ring on her finger. In the blink of an eye, a gentle ray of white light enfolded her entirety. But even so, she leaned closely to Bell as she sensed that this disturbing aura was similar to the devil ritual she experienced in the past.

The darkness finally separated at the next moment.


Hundreds of devils bound out of the darkness, widening their jaw to reveal lethal, long fangs and slashing their razor-sharp claws. Their ragged wings fluttered, pouncing them on the wall of flames like moths. Putrid stench filled the air as the devils thronged the space.

But they posed no threat to Rhode's group. These devils weren't nothing more than some annoying bugs to them.

Canary raised her arm and gestured subtly with her fingers. In an instant, the wall of flames surged and a blazing bird flew out from within to charge at the devils. Shortly after, a string of fireballs exploded, lighting the pitch-black devils up quickly as though they were drenched in flammable liquid. Not only that, but the scarlet flares also spread to the left and right, surrounding all creatures within the ring of flames. The devils bawled and burned to ashes due to the elemental flames.

The others got to work at the same time.

As Mini Bubble Gum wasn't around, Rhode took over her responsibility in protecting Christie. As for his own protection, he relied on his summoning spirits, of course. Even though devils had been wreaking havoc on the surface for some time, they were nothing in the eyes of the summoned spirits.

As usual, Celia's attack was as grandeur as an honorable soldier's. The white, shiny blade blazing with holy flames was her best offense. She brandished the blade, instantly devouring a large mass of evil darkness. On the other hand, Celestina stood beside her with an uncharacteristic, ice-cold expression, gazing at the darkness sternly. Unlike the bright, explosive action from Canary and Celia, Celestina's battle was much more mysterious and silent. She pushed her arm forward, the pitch-black chain sword in her hand blending into the darkness and vanishing before her eyes. But at the same time, the devils in front of her disappeared without a trace as though they disintegrated completely.

However, Karin was still the most eye-catching. The young lady gazed ahead calmly like she wasn't engaged in battle at all. But as soon as one witnessed the thread-made, tall trap device in front of her rolling and crushing the devils like a meat grinder, one wouldn't doubt that the devils would be used as powdered fertilizers later...


The battle continued on the side.

Bell wielded the two daggers in a criss-cross stance before her, denying the quick, deadly claws. Then, the daggers glowed in dazzling spiritual radiance, diffusing to the surroundings endlessly like a roaring wave that repelled the devils effortlessly. Bell seized the chance to dodge the splashing blood and more razor-sharp claws.

Well done.

Rhode nodded in satisfaction. Bell had powerful swordsmanship and was also great in adapting to situations. She didn't struggle blindly against the enemies and chose to battle with self-defense in mind. This was why he taught her his swordsmanship. Of course, her main priority was to protect Christie behind her. If not, she would have easily eliminated these devils with her high-level sword skills. But... Rhode lowered his head and looked at Christie beside him. At this moment, the little girl had clenched her fists and was watching the battle anxiously. He heaved a subtle sigh. In fact, he agreed with Karen's suggestion. Perhaps Christie might be interested in adventures, but her role was more like those characters in RPG games where they must be protected by the protagonist or players, such as a princess the evil forces had gotten their eyes on. Rhode could count his lucky stars as long as she didn't blindly stir up trouble, not to mention counting on her to battle. It wasn't because she was incapable. Instead, it was her personality that made her unsuitable for battles. But Rhode understood the opinions of the other 'Christie'. This world wasn't peaceful at all. Besides, Christie possessed powerful strength and she would be involved with dangers regardless of whether she was willing or not. This was why she had to learn to face dangers and wouldn't grow if she constantly hid in safety.


"... Rhode...?"

Christie lifted her head and gazed at him in astonishment. Then, he patted her head softly.

"This is your battle too, Christie."


Christie bit her lip, gazing at the battlefield ahead. Indeed, she had never faced any danger while being protected by everyone like now. Although there were many terrifying devils surrounding her, she felt extremely safe with everyone's protection. But... Was that the right thing to do?

Christie couldn't help but recall the advice that Anne told her in the past—no matter the front or back, one can only be considered a companion as long as one fought alongside others.

Didn't I come here for that?

"... I got it... Rhode..."

Christie gazed at the ring on her finger meaningfully. Shortly after, she caressed the ring and suddenly, blinding golden runes exploded and merged to form a feather pen that fell gently on her palm. She raised her right hand and a snowy scroll appeared from the thin air above her, unrolling before her eyes. Christie took in a deep breath, before touching the scroll with the feather pen. In the blink of an eye, descriptions of the current situation emerged across the empty scroll.

"... The devils summoned from darkness pounced on their targets and launched their attacks fearlessly..." Christie moved the feather pen and added a short sentence to the end.

"But all the devils vanished. In an instant."

In an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the overwhelming devils disappeared without a trace. Everything was as described by the scroll. The torch flames extinguished by Chaos and the devils' aura lit up once again, illuminating the pitch-black maze. At this moment, Christie let out a sigh of relief and closed her eyes. The feather pen turned into the ring and returned to her finger. Everything ended in an instant. Although Christie's abilities had improved tremendously with the training from the other 'Christie', she could only last a few minutes in battle.

"Her Highness Christie's abilities are amazing. No wonder she is second only to His Majesty."

Karin pushed up the glasses and muttered under her breath. Even though Christie's abilities were mystical, the holy sword spirits were used to it already. On the contrary, Canary stared in astonishment. Although she learned about the ring's attributes from Rhode, she discovered how godlike it actually was after witnessing it personally. Only a single sentence was needed from her to change the world. This was beyond anyone's imagination.

"Players would have surely spammed 'report' on this thing if it showed up in the game, Rhode."

"I know."

Rhode nodded in agreement, but it wasn't time to discuss this issue now. As Christie used 'destroy' and not 'disappear', the devils' corpses were still laying around them. Each devil was over a meter long, with a body resembling a lizard in human form. They also had a pair of ragged, bat-like wings, a thick, long tail, as well as a head of a jackal.

"Jackal Devils."

Celestina snorted as though they were the most filthy and disgusting creatures in this world. She glared at the chunks of flesh and waved her hand, erupting pitch-black flames to clean up the terrible mess.

"Seems like we're going to face some big shot from the abyss this time."

Rhode was already aware of that as Jackal Devils were common in the abyss. For instance, they were like the countless lice living on the bodies of massive devils which Rhode often encountered during Devil BOSS battles. Jackal Devils were low in level but had the upper hand in quantity. Their simple-mindedness made them charge at players and eventually self-destruct or emit poisonous smoke.

Moreover, Jack Devils would normally show up around Devil BOSSes. Rhode didn't think that it was a coincidence that they appeared and attacked them here.

"Perhaps this has something to do with Bubble's attack earlier on and they are now probing our strength."

Canary said and Rhode nodded in agreement. He checked the status of the apprentices through his system and found that they weren't ambushed by the devils. This meant that the devils didn't attack aimlessly and were ordered by 'someone' to find trouble with them. Judging from this, Gabe or the 'thing' that possessed him had the highest possibility of being the mastermind. The strength of Rhode's group was clearly witnessed by everyone before. In this case, it made sense that the devils probed their strength to see if their plans would be affected. And now it seemed like their probing had to come to an end.

Rhode wasn't worried about Mini Bubble Gum at all because it was impossible for the devils to overwhelm her. On the other hand, he was more concerned that Anne and her would be overly excited and destroy the maze...

"Hey... Leader... Are you alright!?"

Speaking of the devil.

Mini Bubble Gum and Anne showed up at the other end of the corridor. Just as Rhode expected they were perfectly fine. But this wasn't surprising to him since Mini Bubble Gum's sacred power was the natural curse of the devils. On the other hand, not to mention Celia who specialized in physical attack, a spell-caster like Mini Bubble Gum was just like a conscious, human-shaped nuclear warhead. She didn't need to hesitate before wiping out a vast land.

"We're fine, what about you? What did you meet?"

Rhode asked, recalling that the 'boom' earlier on was perhaps their signal for the start of battle. Anne wrinkled her nose before helplessly explaining the situation. In fact, Mini Bubble Gum and Anne were observing how the Golem Puppets eradicated the devils. But for some reason, the Golem Puppets seemed to be corroded by an unknown presence where not only did their appearance change, but they also launched attacks on the two young ladies. Of course, Mini Bubble Gum and Anne didn't flee. They jumped straight into battle and were eventually surrounded by Jackal Devils. While they fought the devils, they slowly moved toward Rhode's group, hoping to regroup in the shortest time possible. But since everything ended, there was nothing more to worry about.

"Corroded Golem Puppets?"

Rhode looked at Mini Bubble Gum dubiously. The latter nodded firmly.

"That's right. It must be the doings of that shameless bast*rd! Damn it! I should have killed him earlier! He's asking for death to find trouble with us!"

Mini Bubble Gum pouted. She was furious for not killing Gabe earlier on, only to be backstabbed by him now. On the contrary, Anne didn't mind. She tapped Mini Bubble Gum's shoulder with a smile.

"Hey, it's nothing serious, Bubble. We can still fight him later!"

"You're right, Anne. We will teach that bast*rd a lesson!"


Rhode shook his head helplessly and turned around.

"Alright, let's go. We still have a long way to go."

He said.

At the same time, on the other side of the maze...


The mage in black robes lifted his head and gazed at the empty void before him grimly.

"They've been destroyed already? It seems like those people are a tough bunch. Alright then, we should pick up the pace too."

The mage murmured, turning to the several figures behind him.

"Hurry up, there's still a long way ahead!"

The mage snarled, startling the slim figures who trembled in fear. They followed him closely, their bodies twisting under the radiance and shaping into a brand new form.