

Chapter 688 - Let Dirt Return to Dirt, Let Dust Return to Dust

Huan Wuqing raised his head to look at the lightscreen and quickly said, "Speak!" If Liu Mei's Ten Thousand Illusion Heavenly Devil Dao was complete, then he could just devour it. However, her dao wasn't complete, so if she wasn't willing to give it up, then it was very likely that her dao would collapse before he could successfully devour it.

Liu Mei softly said, "The first thing is to help me kill Wang Lin!" Her gaze pierced through the lightscreen at Wang Lin. Her eyes revealed a trace of a very complex hatred.

Even until now, her hatred for Wang Lin still filled her heart. This kind of hate was something even she herself felt was a bit unreal. However, deep in her heart, she couldn't forget the youth she saw several hundred years ago at the Heng Yue Sect.[1. First sect Wang Lin joined]

What she couldn't forget even more was Wang Lin's tenderness toward Li Muwan.

The matter in the Suzaku Tomb was what really lit up her hatred. After she left planet Suzaku and found out that she was pregnant, her hatred became even stronger.

However, her Ten Thousand Illusion Ruthless Domain made it so that she couldn't really tell which was her true self.

In the end, ruthlessness and sentiment were still emotions. The difference between them was very small, but the distance was worlds apart.

These very complex emotions made it so that she couldn't even tell what was the truth. This made her feel extremely complex emotions most of the time, especially when she looked at her child.

Without any hesitation, the Huan family's ancestor decisively said, "OK, I'll do my best to help you achieve this!"

"The second thing… If you can't kill Wang Lin, then just… Give him this bag of holding!" Liu Mei took out a bag of holding from her bosom. She revealed a hint of softness as he looked at the bag.

The Huan family's ancestor frowned but still nodded.

The scattered demon controlled Wang Lin's body and landed punch after punch on the light screen. As countless ripples and cracks appeared on the light screen, the scattered devil laughed and shouted, "Break!"

After that one word, the sound of a mirror falling and cracking could be heard, but the sound was magnified several thousand times. This sound echoed across the heavens and earth. The last protective spell left by the Huan family's celestial ancestor had shattered!

When the scattered devil closed in, it gave off a monstrous amount of devilish energy that diffused across the world. Within the devilish energy, Wang Lin could see Liu Mei sitting on the ground with the Huan family's ancestor behind her. The Huan family's ancestor had his eyes closed and his hand on Liu Mei's forehead. The Huan family's ancestor was giving off a strange aura.

"Eh?" The scattered devil was startled. At this moment, the Huan family's ancestor suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes revealed a hint of grey, and in a flash, he flew into the air. His whole body was like smoke, giving off an illusory feel.

The scattered devil looked at him attentively and then said, with a smile that was not a smile, "Little child, your cultivation method is pretty good. It actually contains a bit of my ancient devil's cultivation!"

Wang Lin's gaze wasn't on the Huan family's ancestor but on Liu Mei. Her eyes were closed, and her aura… was completely gone…

He didn't know what he was feeling. Wang Lin still didn't withdraw his divine sense.

The Huan family's ancestor was like smoke as he condensed in the air. The grey light in his eyes was very strong. He took a deep breath and calmly looked at the scattered devil controlling Wang Lin and slowly said, "I only have one spell. Do you dare to take it?"

The scattered devil laughed and said, "Show it to me!"

The Huan family's ancestor closed his eyes. He had absorbed Liu Mei's domain and recovered the celestial spiritual energy he had given her. Although his cultivation hadn't completely recovered to what it was before, there wasn't much of a difference.

However, he had no confidence in facing the scattered devil that had fused with Wang Lin. Even if he wanted to run, he wouldn't be able to escape from the devil's spells. That was why he had pinned all his hopes on the trace of the Heavenly Devil Dao in his body.

After devouring Liu Mei's domain and fusing it with his own, he finally produced a trace of the Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao, but it was simply too little.

A strange aura came out as the Huan family's ancestor closed his eyes. He revealed a painful expression and his body rapidly withered. In the blink of an eye, he seemed to have turned into a skeleton.

Shortly after, even his bones melted and completely disappeared. Finally, the Huan family's ancestor completely disappeared, leaving behind a bag of holding. It was because of the Huan family's ancestor's dao that it didn't dissipate and floated toward the ground.

A dense mass of grey smoke spread out at the moment his body disappeared.

The Huan family's ancestor's origin soul was inside!

The grey gas churned and entered his origin soul, causing it to gradually become more transparent. Eventually, it was as if his origin soul was about to disappear, but just at this moment, a powerful sense of crisis appeared in Wang Lin's heart.

However, the scattered devil revealed a very interested gaze and said, "This spell is interesting, very interesting!"

The true Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao was to completely become an Identityless Heavenly Devil. Every life in the world could become a devil and therefore had no identity. Collecting the evil intent of all creatures and infusing it into the Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao would allow one to become a carefree heavenly devil!

The Huan family's ancestor's body dissipated and his origin soul turned into nothing. At this instant, countless illusions appeared from all directions. Waves of terrifying auras came from these illusions. Each of them were no weaker than Yin and Yang stage cultivators, some of them were even more powerful.

The Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao spell was very shocking, and it hadn't display its true power yet; this was merely the start.

However, just at this moment, a mass of black smoke suddenly came out from Wang Lin's head. The scattered devil rushed out of Wang Lin's body and leaped out with an ecstatic laugh. At the same time, it opened its mouth and began swallowing. In an instant, a majority of the illusions were devoured by it.

"What good nutrients! You little children really suit this devil's tastes. You sure know what to bring to honor this devil. If it wasn't for the fact that I have already made a promise, I really wouldn't want to kill you!" The scattered devil laughed and devoured another mouthful.

Without the scattered devil, Wang Lin regained control of his body. In a flash, he arrived on the ground and with one step he stood before Liu Mei.

Liu Mei's eyes were already closed and there was no vitality left in her body. Her cultivation had already reached the Ascendant stage, meaning her origin soul and domain had already fused. Devouring her domain meant devouring her origin soul as well.

On the other side, as the scattered devil continued to devour, all of the illusions eventually disappeared. In mid air, the almost illusionary Huan family ancestor condensed once more and his face was filled with bitterness.

He only had a sliver of the Identityless Heavenly Devil Dao. If Liu Mei's domain was complete, he would have become a true Identityless Heavenly Devil and wouldn't have become the scattered devil's nutrients.

After letting out a sigh, the Huan family's ancestor's body moved and prepared to escape.

The scattered devil let out a laugh and his devilish energy spread out. The Huan family's ancestor was wrapped inside and was devoured by the scattered devil.

"Little doll Wang Lin, this devil has fulfilled his promise!" The scattered devil suddenly turned around and gloomily looked at Wang Lin. Then it took one step toward the void and disappeared without a trace.

The surroundings were completely silent, the Huan family members were all quiet. Everything that had happened today shocked them greatly and made them deeply respect Wang Lin.

Wang Lin calmly looked at the close-eyed Liu Mei. For a long time, he didn't speak.

Huan Fengshen hesitated for a bit before stepping forward and saying, "Fellow cultivator, before Liu Mei left, she made a deal with… Huan Wuqing. If he couldn't kill you, he had to give you a bag of holding."

Wang Lin raised his head and his gaze fell on the bag of holding that fell when Huan Wuqing lost his body. He waved his hand and the bag landed in his hand.

There was a pill and a piece of jade inside and nothing else.

Holding the jade, Wang Lin's divine sense went inside…

"The pill is an antidote to the child's resentment. Combine it with a thunder cultivator most of the resentment can be dissolved… Back then, Master told me to leave my shadow in your heart. Back then, I couldn't do it… however, now I did."

The gentle spring breeze blew by, sweeping away some of the dust on the ground. The breeze blew on Liu Mei's body. A diamond-shaped fragment gradually flew off Liu Mei's forehead and went with the wind.

At the same time, more fragments came out of Liu Mei's body and were blow away. Eventually, her entire body turned into these butterfly-like pieces. They were all caught by the wind as they drifted far away with the wind…

It was as if Liu Mei's figure appeared in the sky. She looked down on the earth, played with her hair, and smiled. She went further and further until she reached the edge of the horizon…

Wang Lin raised his head as he looked at the sky and remained silent.

"Above life and death is karma. The karmatic cause of the past will cause the karmatic effect of today… Let dirt return to dirt, let dust return to dust. All of this is just a fragment of memories of the past. A dream that one has not awakened from…" Wang Lin let out a sigh as he turned around and left.

"Did she really die…" As Wang Lin left, he didn't continue to pursue this question. Whether Liu Mei had really died or not no longer mattered. The dust had settled and the dirt had returned to the earth.

Wang Lin's back gradually disappeared from the Huan family's view until he disappeared completely over the horizon. What was left were the lingering memories of generations of the Huan family's descendants.

Wang Lin didn't wipe out the Huan family. He was very tired, very tired…

What was tired was not his body but his heart.

He had experienced too much during his eight hundred years of cultivation…

On planet Ran Yun in the Fallen Moon Village, there was one extra family. This family was very strange; there were only two people. One was a young-looking youth with an ancient aura and a baby.

At the same time, in the Allheaven Star System, Greed was wandering around with a gloomy expression. There were simply too many restrictions on his body, to the point that every time he thought about them his scalp would go numb and his heart would turn cold.

"Damned Wang Lin, if I can't find him soon, one of the restriction on my body will activate and I will die without a grave!"

Chapter 689 - Never Cultivate in Your Life

The sky was blue like a spread out roll of satin silk. The few white clouds were like embellishment that made the blue silk even more beautiful.

Under the Quilian mountain, a small river extended down. It extended for several kilometers before entering a large river. In this placed lied a mountain village that was lush and filled with life.

"Back then, the water in this river was sweet and sometimes clouds appeared on Quilian peak. If someone could take a breath in the cloud, it was said their body would become very healthy and not get sick for ten years!" A youth's voice came from the mountain village.

This youth was about fourteen or fifteen years old and looked very boorish. At this moment, he was talking to the seven or eight children before him about what happened five years ago.

"Look at me, have I ever been sick in all these years? It's because my father took me to take a breath of the cloud. That taste, ah, it was so comfortable." The youth was very proud as he gestured and spoke vividly.

Beside him, the seven or eight children all had their eyes wide open, revealing looks of excitement. It was obvious they were all engrossed by the story and all wished they could go suck a mouthful of that cloud.

"Wang Ping, out of all of us, you really are the one that needs to go suck a mouthful the most. Unfortunately, after the heavenly grandpa became angry, that cloud disappeared. If it was still there and your father took you up, you wouldn't get sick for ten years." The youth's gaze fell on a boy in the crowd.

This boy was about five or six years old. His face was pale and his body was weak. He was a lot shorter than the other children, but he was very handsome. If it wasn't for his sickly appearance, he would look as lovely as a porcelain doll. He was wearing a sweater, and his eyes were filled with excitement as he said, "Brother Zhou, I'll ask my dad to take me there once I get home."

The youth laughed and said, "Uncle Carpenter Wang is good at carving, but the clouds on Quilian peak are all gone now, so how can he take you? Listen to me, it's better if you all learn from me and learn sword arts every day. This can help strength the body, and when we grow up, we can travel the martial world."

The youth's lofty ideals made the excitement in the other children's eyes even stronger.

Just as the youth also became excited, various calls came from the village.

The youth raised his head and sighed. "OK, today's martial arts assembly is now over. Once we finish dinner, we can begin once more."

The children scattered with a hint of reluctance. The child called Wang Ping walked toward the village with excitement in his eyes. He would sometimes look back at Quilian peak.

As he walked, a burly man came from the village. This person was very large, and he was holding a military fork plus a bow and arrows and had a deer hanging over his shoulder.

The burly man saw the child and smiled. "Wang family's little child, did you go with my family's kid to have a martial arts assembly?"

The child shyly nodded and said, "Greetings, Uncle Zhou."

The burly man's smile became even wider. He rubbed the child's head and laughed. "You are indeed the child of a craftsman. Not only are you more handsome, but you know more etiquette than that smelly kid of mine. You are about to go home, right? Let's go, Uncle Zhou will go together with you. I need to discuss something with your dad."

The child quickly nodded and led the burly man back to his home. Not long after, a simple house appeared in the northern end of the village. The child ran a few steps and shouted, "Dad, Uncle Zhou is here."

A young man walked out from the house. This person looked very ordinary and had nothing special about him; he was not nearly as handsome as the child. When standing with the child, many people wouldn't guess that they were father and son.

The youth was wearing coarse, linen clothes and his hand were filled with blisters. As he walked out the door, he smiled. "Big Brother Zhou, today's harvest looks good.

The child ran into the room and took out a white steamed bun. He arrived next to the young man, pull up a wooden stool, sat down, and began to eat.

The burly man named Zhou put down the deer and laughed. "Brother Wang, I encountered this deer just as I was going up the mountain. The harvest was not bad."

The young man faintly smiled gently. He touched the head of the child and laughed. "With Big Brother Zhou's martial arts, it isn't difficult to take down a deer."

The burly man from the Zhou family laughed. "Brother Wang, the boy in my family is not small. In two more years, I'm going to build him a house and get a daughter in law. This house is about to be built and just lacks a set of furniture. I'll have to bother Brother Wang for this."'

Wang Lin smiled and said, "No problem. Big Brother Zhou can rest assured."

The burly man from the Zhou family laughed. "OK, this deer will be the deposit." With that, he turned around and left.

Just as he left, the child jumped off the stool. He quickly arrived next to the deer and examined it left and right.

"Dad, Uncle Zhou sure is powerful. He was able to hunt this kind of beast."

The young man revealed a gentle gaze and smiled. "Don't look at it now. Ping Er, it is time to take your medicine."

The child sighed. He raised his head to look at the young man and said, "Dad, the medicine is very bitter…"

The young man came out of the room with a bowl filled with a white liquid. This liquid had no smell. The child frowned as he drank mouthfuls of the medicine. After he finished drinking, his little face was frowning hard. He quickly ran to the water barrel and drank a few times before finally dispelling the bitterness from his mouth.

"Dad, when can Ping Er stop drinking this medicine?" The child looked back at his father.

This father and child were Wang Lin and Wang Ping.

Wang Lin's gaze was gentle as he softly said, "Soon."

Late at night, the moonlight fell on earth as if a layer of silver silk had been thrown over the land. The coolness of the moonlight began to spread, causing the mountain village under Quilian peak to become silent.

Aside from a few weak barks, there were no other sounds.

Inside the room, Wang Ping had already fallen asleep. Although his little face was pale, he was sleeping well. His mouth revealed a smile; he was clearly having a good dream.

Wang Lin was sitting next to Wang Ping when thunder flashed between his eyebrows. He slowly raised his right hand and the thunder moved from his eyebrows to the tip of his right hand.

Wang Lin gently pressed his hand between Wang Ping's eyebrows. The thunder instantly flowed through Wang Ping's body. Black gas emerged from the child's body and gathered on his skin.

The black gas gradually became even denser and churned under the thunder. Finally, it suddenly charged away from the child's body and Wang Lin quickly raised his right hand to grab it. All of the black gas was caught and then condensed into a ball of black mist.

His right hand formed a fist and the ball of black mist was crushed.

Wang Ping's face showed a bit of redness.

Looking at the child, Wang Lin let out a sigh. He covered the child again with the sheet that was kicked away and then walked out of the room.

Inside the courtyard, the moonlight fell on Wang Lin's body. This gave his body a hint of the moonlight's loneliness.

Wang Lin muttered to himself, "Five years…"

Five years ago, Wang Lin returned to planet Ran Yun and settled down in the Fallen Moon Village. The reason he chose this place was because this village was very similar to his hometown.

Wang Ping was that resentful spirit. Thanks to the pill Liu Mei left and the help of Wang Lin's thunder spell, a lot of his resentment had dissipated, allowing him to be like a normal child.

However, if he didn't take the medicine every day and get treated by Wang Lin, he would revert back to what he was before. There was an entire process to completely expel the resentfulness.

Wang Ping's memory had been wiped clean by Wang Lin, and he was given a new life.

Inside this quiet village, Wang Lin's heart also calmed down. He was far away from the slaughter and strife; there was only the calm-as-water life.

Wang Lin's life was very stable.

He lived like his own father and survived off being a carpenter. It was his father's wish. If he couldn't pass the imperial exam, then he would become a carpenter and follow the footsteps of his father.

There were various carpentry tools in the yard. This was a portrait of his five years here.

Every time he saw Wang Ping go out to play with the children, Wang Lin would think back to when he was his age. He would do the same and wouldn't come home until it was time to eat.

Under the moonlight, footsteps came from outside the courtyard. A staggering figure gradually approached.

"The child is asleep?" An ancient voice came, and following that, a slightly hunchback figure entered the courtyard.

Wang Lin slightly nodded but didn't speak.

When the old figure entered the courtyard, the moonlight fell on his body. This person was Sun Tai.

Sun Tai looked even older; his face was filled with wrinkles. After Wang Lin had been here for three years, Sun Tai came. He was like a lonely old man who didn't want to be alone when he leaves this world.

Sun Tai looked at the house under the moonlight with eyes filled with kindness. He didn't know why, but he loved this child called Wang Ping a lot.

Sun Tai withdrew his gaze and slowly said, "How long do you intend to accompany this child for?" The deathly aura on his body was even stronger.

Wang Lin silently pondered for a long time before looking up at the moon and softly saying, "One reincarnation cycle…"

"Reincarnation cycle…" Sun tai let out a sigh and said, "Don't you want him to become a cultivator? With your cultivation, you can let this child have a much easier path on the road of cultivation. He can have an even bigger advantage than some direct descendants of cultivation families."

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a dejected look and he softly said, "I'm will not let him cultivate in his life!"

Sun Tai pondered a bit and said, "This child's talent is very good…"

"I won't let him cultivate!" Wang Lin's gaze fell on Sun Tai and he said, "Never!"

Wang Lin asked himself, "Cultivation, cultivation, what is at the end of cultivation?" His entire life was not happy, and it was a lonely road. He didn't want his own child to experience it.

The cruelty of the cultivation world, the slaughter and dangers of the cultivation world. He understood it all too well.

"Ping Er has already experienced many things that he shouldn't have. I named him Wang Ping with the hope that his life will be peaceful and safe. I hoped he'd become a mortal who will get married and raise children, live a quiet life… From now on, never mention the matter about cultivation again!" Wang Lin's voice was filled with resolve. It would not be changed and it couldn't be changed!

Chapter 690 - Removing the Shell

Time quickly passed, spring left and winter came, and another five years went by.

This year's winter came especially early. Before it was winter, a large amount of snow was already covering the earth. Some of the remaining dead leaves on the branches were frozen. As the cold wind blew, the withered leaves and the snow fell together.

It was like a person's lifespan. Although filled with reluctance and unwillingness to leave when the cold, snowy wind comes, they couldn't help but be taken by the breeze.

In these five years, five elderly people died and three new lives were born.

It was as if the reincarnation cycle had begun to turn while people had no awareness of it.

Sun Tai became even older. His house was right next to Wang Lin's. This house was bright, but it had a hint of twilight. Like a mortal who knew that his time was about to be up, he didn't like to stay inside his room. He sat in the courtyard, looking at the sky. He was accompanied by his shining memories.

Wang Ping was now ten years, old but compared to the other children in the village, he looked like he was only seven or eight years old. However, his little face had more color compared to five years ago.

The ten-year-old Wang Ping was extremely handsome, and the village's residents were all fond of this well-behaved and beautiful child. Among his playmates, many of the little girls were filled with goodwill toward the carpenter's son.

This big snow storm caused the day to become very chilly. Sun Tai peacefully sat in the courtyard. He was wearing a thick coat as he looked up at the sky, and his eyes were filled with reminiscence.

Beside him, Wang Ping was also wearing a thick coat and looking at the sky in a daze.

"Ping Er, why did you come here to visit this old man instead of accompanying your father?" Sun Tai's eyes were filled with kindness. He really did like this child from the bottom of his heart. If it wasn't for Wang Lin, who said he wouldn't let this child cultivate, he really would have taught this child everything he knew.

Wang Ping pouted and said, with displeasure, "I'm not going back, Aunty Zhang is there again."

Sun Tai faintly smiled and shook his head. "Child, you can rest assured, your father won't agree."

Wang Ping frowned as he counted with his fingers and said, "Not necessarily. Grandpa Sun, look how many times Aunty Zhang came in the last three years. I have been keeping count, it's a total of twelve times! Twelves times, ah! Why do most of the big sisters and aunties all have their eyes on my father?"

Sun Tai laughed as he looked outside the courtyard and smiled. "Don't worry about your dad. Look outside, it seems like the second daughter of the Zhou family came looking for you."

Wang Ping was startled as he raised his head and looked outside the courtyard. He saw a seven or eight-year-old little girl with a red face gradually approach.

"Big Brother Wang, are you here?" The girl's crisp voice came from outside the courtyard.

Wang Ping frowned and shouted, "I'm not here, you should go!" With that, he simply walked out from the courtyard. He didn't even look at the girl with water gathering in her eyes and ran toward his own home.

Sun Tai saw this and couldn't help but laugh. The kindness in his eyes became even stronger.

At this moment, Wang Lin was in a different situation from Sun Tai. He was frowning as he faced a young woman who was constantly complaining. His face was filled with a bitter smile.

Wang Lin seemed to have grown slightly older during these five years. It was the same as when he turned into a mortal. In order to not frighten the mortals, his appearance was no longer young and he had stepped toward the middle age.

The vicissitude in his eyes gave him a strange temperament even though he was only middle-aged.

The young woman was very feminine. She looked at Wang Lin and earnestly said, "Brother Wang, look, Wang Ping is already ten years old and has had a bitter life without a mother. If you don't care about yourself, then at least think about the child. The daughter of the Zhao family at the entrance of the village is a beautiful girl, and she is willing to follow you. She even promised to treat the child like he was her own. What are you dissatisfied with?"

Wang Lin's bitter smile became even stronger as he helplessly said, "This matter… let's forget about it."

The young woman didn't give up and continued, "Ah, Brother Wang, why must you be like this. I know you never got married again because you loved Ping Er's mother. However, you still have to live your life. When I saw you come here ten years ago with just a baby, this mother… Well… I wasn't married at the time, but look at me now. My child is already eight years old."

Just at this moment, Wang Ping mercilessly pushed over the door. He looked at the young woman and silently sat down.

Seeing that the young woman was about to continue speaking, Wang Ping shouted, "Dad, I'm hungry!"

Wang Lin sighed a breath of relief and said, "Let's stop this conversation here."

The young woman let out a sigh and shook her head. "If you are not willing, there is no need to force it. But Brother Wang, if you fancy anyone, you have to remember to tell me!" She looked at Wang Ping and reached out her hand to rub Wang Ping's head.

Wang Ping grunted and dodged backwards.

The young woman laughed. "This child has such a big temper. You should learn your father. Your father has the most gentle temper in the village; why else do you think all these beautiful girls want to marry him?" With that, she turned around and left.

After the young woman left, Wang Ping asked, "Dad, you…"

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Wang Lin smiled and said, "Children shouldn't worry about these things. Your Aunty Zhang is doing this with good intent. Come here and take your medicine."

Wang Ping's eyes widened as he looked at this father and pouted. "But she wants to find Ping Er a stepmother. Er Huzi's father found Er Huzi a stepmother. As a result, Er Huzi doesn't get enough to eat every day and always get scolded."

Wang Lin laughed, then he rubbed Wang Ping's head and smiled. "OK, I promise you I won't find you a stepmother, alright? Now take your medicine."

Wang Lin happily picked up the bowl and drank all the medicine in one gulp. This time the medicine didn't taste bitter; instead, there was a hint of dry sweetness. This sweetness came from his heart, from his love for his father.

"Dad, with Ping Er accompanying you, you won't be lonely. Wait for Ping Er to grow up and I'll serve you until you're old." Wang Pin put down his bowl and earnestly looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin smiled and patted Wang Ping's head. He walked out of the room into the courtyard and began to clear the snow with a broom. Once he finished clearing the courtyard, he picked up his tools and began doing his carpentry work.

Wang Pin watched his father through the window and silently pondered. His memory was very good, far better than that of other children of the same age. He clearly remembered when he accidentally asked his father where his mother was back when he was four years old.

At that moment, his father's expression was very strange. He didn't understood what that expression was, but now that he had grown up, he did. That was a downcast expression…

He was a sensible child, so from then on, he never asked about his mother again.

After winter came, heavy snow storms came one after another. As the cold winter arrived, the people of the village became less active. The cold winter days passed day by day and soon the spring breeze came. It gradually swept away the coldness of winter.

The village's school opened in the spring. The children of the village learned to read and write there.

The days passed calmly passed like this. They were calm like water without any ripples. Among the calmness, a hint of tenderness washed Wang Lin's tired heart.

As Wang Ping grew up day by day, Wang Lin no longer persistently pursued enlightenment but silently watched Wang Pin with the heart of a father.

During these ten years, except for when he was expelling Wang Ping's resentment, he didn't use any other spells. It was as if he had forgotten about everything.

However, as he forgot everything, a comprehension of the life and death cycle silently formed in Wang Lin's heart. As Wang Ping grew, it became more profound.

Wang Lin had a very profound understanding of the death part of the life and death cycle, but he didn't have much comprehension of life. As time passed and as his dao heart relieved its exhaustion, it was also slowly moving toward completion.

After a perfect life and death, the karma cycle would be next. Wang Lin's dao slowly evolved in this peaceful life. If a powerful cultivator saw this kind of change, they would be shocked because this was not a simple change but a huge change in one's domain.

A domain was a special comprehension that cultivators had after the Celestial Realms shattered. It could be said that the dao a cultivator walked was formed from their domain. The root of all of this was very deeply related to domain.

Therefore, each domain was almost fixed for every cultivator, and it was very rare for a domain to evolve. The reason Liu Mei had caught the attention of the Huan family's ancestor was because her domain showed signs of evolving. This caused the Huan family's ancestor to willingly give up looking for the heaven defying bead and quickly bring Liu Mei back to the Huan family. The root cause of all of this, aside from wanting to devour her domain, was that he was afraid someone like her would be stolen by someone else!

Wang Lin was currently walking down this road. However, because he lacked comprehension in the life part of his life and death domain, even though he had shown signs of evolving into the karma domain, his domain hadn't evolved yet.

As a result, the present was a key moment in Wang Lin's life; it could even determine his future achievements.

Wang Lin kind of understood this matter. However, if he had a choice, he would never pay this price for this opportunity that all other cultivators dreamed of.

Spring passed and autumn came, and another six years passed. Sun Tai's time arrived. It seemed to have come a bit earlier than expected.

When he was lying in his own house, the people that were there to send him off were only Wang Lin and Wang Ping. At this moment, he was like the withered leaves that were blown away by the big snow storm six years ago.

Wang Ping was already sixteen years old, and he had started to look more and more like Liu Mei. This kind of appearance on a boy made him exceptionally handsome.

However, his eyes were pure and showed a clear distinction between black and white. During his sixteen years of growth, he came to understand a lot of things. Things like the fact that Grandpa Sun knew his father from a long time ago and respected his father a lot. This respect was never shown through how they talked or on the surface, it came from the bones, and Wang Ping could clearly feel it.

Wang Lin appeared even older now. He calmly looked at Sun Tai and slowly said, "Sun Tai, I'll do what I promised you back then."

Chapter 691 - Leaving

Nothing in this world could escape life and death. Sun Tai looked at the father and son before him and revealed a smile. At this moment, he looked peaceful as he burned the last of his life.

After hearing Wang Lin's promise, Sun Tai gave Wang Lin a profound look. He deeply ingrained the look of the person he once had a feud with. His eyes blurred and he suddenly felt like he had returned back to several hundred years ago, back in the Rain celestial Realm…

Various scenes flashed through his eyes before they finally stopped at the calm yet slightly older face before him.

"The distance between life and death was, in fact, this short…" Sun Tai smiled and closed his eyes.

At this moment, the deathly aura on his body reached its peak and completely vanished the next instant.

"Grandpa Sun…" Wang Ping shed tears as he looked at Sun Tai's serene face and began to cry.

Wang Lin let out a sigh and rubbed Wang Ping's head. His eyes were calm. He had seen through life and death, seen through reincarnation. Such things were like smoke to him; he had seen them, but they wouldn't linger in his heart.

Sun Tai's tomb was in the back of the Fallen Moon Village. Everyone who died at the village would be buried there.

Wang Ping carved the tomb, and on it he wrote "Sun Tai's Tomb Inscribed by his grandson Wang Ping".

When Wang Ping was twelve, Sun Tai adopted Wang Pin as his step grandson. Wang Lin didn't stop him. Sun Tai was, after all, older than Wang Lin and was old enough to be Wang Ping's grandpa.

As for the relationship between him and Sun Tai, they were peers. Sun Tai even had a bone-deep respect for Wang Lin, just like Wang Ping felt.

Sun Tai's tomb didn't have a body. This body had already become a jar of ashes inside Wang Lin's bag of holding. This was Wang Lin's promise to Sun Tai.

The sixteen-year-old Wang Ping was even more handsome. In comparison to him, Wang Lin looked even older.

The passage of time took away Wang Lin's appearance, and along with it went the interest of the village's women in matchmaking for him. However, as Wang Ping grew older, that interest was placed on him.

However, Wang Ping was quite like his father. Although he was handsome, he always acted extremely calm. Normally, he didn't say much, but there was a hint of wisdom in his eyes.

One year after Sun Tai died, Wang Lin was in the courtyard, holding a block of wood and carefully carving. Wang Ping was sitting on the side, calmly looking at this father. His father's face had even more wrinkles and had become even more ancient.

Wang Lin didn't raise his head and calmly said, "Carving requires one to put their heart into every stroke. Every stroke needs to be engraved in one's memory. Only then can one be considered a craftsman!"

Wang Ping nodded. He also picked up a piece of wood and began to carefully carve.

Under the sunset, the father's and son's shadows was pulled extremely long. There wasn't much difference in their movements, and even their demeanors were very similar. As the sun set, the figures gradually fated, but the hint of charm seemed to remain eternal…

After the sun finally set and darkness covered the earth, Wang Lin lit up the lamp in the courtyard and calmly asked, "Did you finish thinking?"

Wang Ping put down the half-finished statue and began to silently ponder.

Wang Lin didn't urge him but sat down on the side and picked up Wang Ping's statue to examine it. This statue was slightly rough, but it was able to capture thirty percent of the charm.

The statue was of Sun Tai. He had an arrogant expression as he looked up at the sky. His hands were forming a seal and a strange aura had gathered on his body. There were clouds under his feet, making him look like a legendary figure.

Wang Ping lowered his head and whispered, "Dad, why won't you let me study the immortal spells Grandpa Sun left behind…"

Wang Lin let out a sigh. In the end, Sun Tai still didn't respect his decision on this matter. He had used the fact that he had accepted Wang Ping as his adopted grandson to secretly impart cultivation techniques on him.

None of this was hidden from Wang Lin. If it wasn't for Sun Tai trying to impart his cultivation method to Wang Ping, he wouldn't have died four years earlier than expected.

As a father, Wang Lin wasn't a father to act without consulting others. He looked at Wang Ping. This child had inherited his mother's appearance, but during these sixteen years, he had learned his calmness.

When Wang Ping's eyes shined with wisdom, Wang Lin felt like he was seeing another version of himself.

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and softly said, "Because the life of a cultivator doesn't suit you."

Wang Ping revealed a faint smile as he looked up at his father and said, "Dad, I never cultivated those cultivation methods Grandpa Sun gave me, not even once."

Wang Lin nodded. He naturally knew all of this. Although Sun Tai had passed on his cultivation methods, in the end, Wang Ping never cultivated them.

Wang Ping lowered his head and asked, "Dad, you… you are a immortal too, right?"

Wang Lin's eyes revealed vicissitude and he slowly said, "Not an immortal, just a cultivator."

Wang Ping silently pondered for a moment and asked, "Dad, do you want me to live an ordinary life and not follow your footsteps in becoming a cultivator?"

The moon gradually rose into the sky. When the moonlight fell on the earth, there was a hint of coldness within its gentle light. The gentle breeze caused the lamp to sway back and forth. The fire inside the lamp began to flicker and mix with the moonlight that enveloped the courtyard.

Wang Lin put down Wang Ping's statue. He looked up at the sky, and his voice was erratic. "Yes."

"If… Ping Er is unwilling…" Wang Ping raised his head and looked up at his father. This was the first time in sixteen years that he had spoken like this to his father.

Wang Lin's gaze fell on Wang Ping. He didn't speak but calmly looked at Wang Ping.

Time slowly passed by. Wang Ping gradually lowered his head as if he was afraid to look at Wang Lin's eyes.

"The cultivator's life is not suited for you! Don't mention it again!" Wang Lin's voice was very soft but firm. However, hidden in his eyes, where Wang Ping couldn't see, was a trace of sadness. This sadness was very strong…

Wang Ping bitterly said, "Yes, Father, I won't cultivate."

Wang Lin didn't speak as he turned around and entered the room. At the moment he entered the room, his voice came. "Ping Er, eat your medicine."

Wang Ping silently pondered. After a long time, he let out sigh, got up, and walked into the room. His back looked crestfallen…

His father didn't reveal his majesty, but in Wang Ping's heart, it was imparably huge and he was powerless to resist. He could only follow his father's will and live out an ordinary life.

"Aside from cultivation, I can give you everything else in the world!" After Wang Pin drank his medicine and lied down, Wang Lin's voice slowly drifted over.

Wang Ping closed his eyes and didn't speak.

In the darkness, Wang Lin sat by himself in the courtyard, staring at the darkness before him. Sadness flashed across his eyes once more.

The passage of time was like the moonlight in the darkness. You can't see when it will comes, and when you do see it, the moonlight has already landed on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, it had been three years since Sun Tai died.

This year Wang Ping was nineteen years old. He had completely become a handsome young man. Although there was still a hint of immaturity on his face, unless one looked closely, it was very difficult to see.

His appearance became more and more like Liu Mei's.

In contrast, Wang Lin became even older. Nineteen years of time had left deep marks on his face.

On the nineteenth year after Wang Lin arrived at the Fallen Moon Village, he packed up his things and left with Wang Ping.

When they left, Wang Ping's childhood friends all came to send them off. Most of them were girls, and their gazes toward Wang Ping were filled with resentment.

The eyes of the second daughter from the Zhou family were especially resentful.

However, Wang Ping was completely indifferent to all of this. He inherited his appearance from Liu Mei, but he inherited his personality from Wang Lin. He didn't care too much about women.

During these nineteen years of time, people in the village gave birth and died; a generation was growing old while a new generation was growing up. Compared to when Wang Lin arrived here nineteen years ago, three or four people out of ten had passed away…

The burly man from the Zhou family was still sturdy, but he was obviously not young anymore. He stood beside Wang Lin and sadly said, "Brother Wang, in the blink of an eye, almost twenty years have passed. I still remember you arriving at the village with Ping Er, but now you are going to leave."

Wang Lin faintly smiled and softly said, "Brother Zhou, I have been troubling you all these years. However, now that the child has grown up, I need to take him out to see the world."

The burly man from the Zhou family sighed as his gaze fell on Wang Ping, who was surrounded by the girls in the village, and wryly smiled. "It looks like my family's second daughter won't have the luck."

Wang Lin shook his head and smiled. "It should be my boy who doesn't have the luck."

Not far away, Wang Ping's expression was normal as he softly said, "All of you, take care…" With that, he returned to Wang Lin.

However, one of the girls ran out with a red face and shouted, "Wang Ping, you… Will you return in the future?"

Wang Ping stopped. Without turning around, he softly said, "I probably won't…"

The girl's eyes turned red and two streams of tears fell down her face. She seemed to have heard her own heart shatter.

"I hate you! Wang Ping!" The girl began to cry and ran away.

Wang Ping frowned as he arrived next to his father and remained silent.

The burly man from the Zhou family let out a sigh. He clasped his hands at Wang Lin and said, "Brother Wang, take care!"

Wang Lin had a very good opinion of this straightforward man, and he laughed. "Take care!" After that, he turned around and walked away. Wang Ping followed a few steps behind before hesitating. He looked back at the girl who was running away and crying, then he let out a sigh and left with Wang Lin.

Wang Ping caught up to his father and frowned. "Dad, why are those girls so troublesome? Especially that Zhou Ruotong…"

Wang Lin laughed as he looked back at Wang Ping. Having inherited Liu Mei's appearance, there was something demonic about Wang Ping's handsomeness.

Wang Lin said, with smile that was not a smile, "You don't like the girl from the Zhou family?"

Wang Ping sighed. "I don't like her. It's just that… when she was crying, I felt a bit of reluctance in my heart."

Chapter 692 - Evolution

Although water covered most of planet Ran Yun, there were still a lot of mountains and land. Although the catastrophe years ago made the spiritual energy on the planet a lot weaker, it was still slightly better than planet Suzaku.

The figures of a father a son always be seen between the famous mountains on planet Ran Yun. They were climbing the mountains and standing on the top of the world.

They were watching the changes of the earth and the overlapping clouds. The earth had shrunken down a lot; it was as if they could see the end with but a gaze.

When they were at the peak, the wind was whistling in their ears. Wang Ping stood at the peak, looking down at the word. It was as if his soul had evolved.

As they climbed mountain after mountain, his weak body gradually gained strength. In his eyes, everything about his father was great, whether it was the nineteen years of peace, or their current challenge against the world.

After crossing peak after peak, Wang Ping's mind expanded greatly. It was as if he had forgotten everything wandering the world. Although the only person accompanying him was his father, the mountains, the water, the sky, and this land seemed to be able to feel his presence and followed him.

There wasn't any sense of loneliness, only a freedom of spirit!

No matter how dangerous the mountain was, it couldn't stop this father and son duo. No matter how big a mountain was, they all fell under their feet.

Although Wang Ping's body was a mortal, his heart was molded again and again until it reached a new height.

To experience life through the mountains, to calm one's mind through crossing them, and to feel might from crossing over each mountain. However, he should never stop or yield to this might, so he continued to climb over each mountain he faced. He used the body of a mortal to inherit Wang Lin's heaven-defying ideals.

Wang Lin didn't impart Wang Ping any cultivation methods, but he used his own method to help refine Wang Ping's mind.

Thirsty? Drink some spring water. Hungry? Eat some fruits and while beasts. Tired? Rest on the ground. Sleepy? Lie down on the earth and the sky will be your blanket.

Three years of time quickly flashed by. During these three years, Wang Ping's respect for his father grew even stronger. In his eyes, his father was the most amazing person in the world.

After conquering the mountains, the rivers were next!

The shadow of this father and son duo would appear across rivers everywhere. They looked at the majestic rivers and listened to the almost heaven-defying roars of the water.

A solitary boat held Wang Ping's gaze and gradually evolving mind. As it crossed the river, it continued to push forward and challenge the raging waves.

Wang Lin and Wang Ping left their shadows everywhere across this large river that went around most of planet Ran Yun. More laughter came from Wang Ping's mouth, and accompanying this laughter was Wang Lin's hearty laughter.

This kind of laughter was very rare from Wang Lin. His laughter seemed contagious and made Wang Ping even happier.

It was as if as long as his father was by his side, everything would be alright!

"Father, I will spend my life accompanying you. Even in death, if there is reincarnation, even if we are no longer father and son, I'll never forget you!" In the river, Wang Ping's voice was very determined.

This solitary boat traveled down the river across more than half of planet Ran Yun and headed toward the ocean.

The journey on land was over, but the voyage over the sea had just began. As the ship sailed through the ocean breeze, Wang Ping's world expanded indefinitely.

Islands and waves passed by one by one. He saw heavenly lightning strike down on the surface of the water. He saw a huge whale the size of a village. He even saw a mirage.

The sea's vastness was far greater than land. Wang Ping felt that the vastness of the sea was like his father, it seemed to stretch on forever.

After integrating with the boundlessness of the sea, the fierceness of the mountain, and the endless extension of the river, he was able to feel the might of the world. When Wang Lin and Wang Ping returned to land five years later, Wang Ping had been reborn.

Although he was still a mortal, his soul accommodated the world!

When they returned, the last mountain they crossed was Quilian mountain next the Fallen Moon Village.

The childish nature was completely gone from the twenty-seven-year-old Wang Ping's face. Instead, his eyes were filled with determination. During these eight years of travel, the hint of demonic nature gradually disappeared and was replaced with absolute handsomeness.

This sharp and handsome face contained a smile as bright as the sun and even brighter eyes.

Looking at Wang Ping, Wang Lin revealed a smile. This journey was a method that Wang Lin had been thinking of for a long time to help Wang Ping completely expel the resentment in his body.

Liu Mei's pill and Wang Lin's spell could only eliminate a majority of the resentment, as the resentment was too integrated with his soul. Throughout the twenty years of peace, the resentment gradually eased, and the eight years of soul evolution allowed Wang Ping to purify his soul. Unknowingly, Wang Ping gradually removed the resentment in his soul until there was only a sliver remaining.

This silver was something that no pill or spell could remove. It could only be erased through the reincarnation cycle.

Under Quilian peak, Wang Lin looked at the mountain village far away and asked, "Don't you want to look?"

Beside him, Wang Ping shook his head and said, "Not going."

Wang Lin didn't speak anymore and stepped toward the mountain's peak. Wang Ping chased after his father and laughed. "Father, back when I was a child, I once heard people say that Quilian peak has celestial clouds. They said that just sucking one mouthful would make me immune to sickness for ten years. I have always wondered when Father would bring me here."

Wang Lin faintly smiled and gently looked at Wang Ping.

This father and son duo gradually reached the peak of this tall Quilian mountain. Countless clouds floated at the peak; it was as if they were stepping on the clouds.

Wang Ping took a deep breath and then looked at his father. Although Quilian mountain was huge, it couldn't compare to this father. Although Quilian mountain was tall, it couldn't compare to his father!

The cloud in the distance seemed to darken, and there were bursts of lightning and rumbling thunder coming from it. This power of the heavens and earth attracted Wang Ping's gaze.

Not long after, the thunder grew louder. A wet wind blew by followed by rain. As the dark cloud began to spread, the rain began to get heavier.

Because it hadn't rained for a long time, the dust on the earth began to float into the air. However, before it flew up too high, it rapidly merged with the falling rain and returned to the earth once more.

The dust was just like heaven-defying cultivators that desired to reach the heavens but were put down by the rain. Just like cultivators, how many specks of dust could actually ascend to the heavens…

The thunder and rain passed by. The father and son on the mountain peak calmly watched it all. This rain seemed to fall everywhere, but none of it landed on their bodies.

Aside from the rumbling thunder and swishing rain, there was no other sound.

The thunder and rain came fast and left just as fast. Soon, the cloud dissipated and a rainbow that looked like it was hanging from the sky appeared before the father and son duo.

The rainbow was beautiful and colorful. The seven colors in such close proximity seemed to contain a hint of the heavens' dao.

However, at this moment, this quietness was disturbed by a whistling sound. From a distance, a flying sword whistled by with a thunderous boom, as if it was going to shatter the rainbow when it flew through it.

A middle-aged man was standing inside the sword light. This person had the air of a celestial as he stood on the green flying sword that gave off a cold glint.

As he flew by, he immediately spotted Wang Lin and Wang Ping at the top of Quilin peak and was surprised.

For a mortal to climb up here was not normal, it required great determination. He revealed a look of admiration but didn't stop. He flew over the mountain and headed into the distance.

Wang Ping stared at the middle-aged man until he disappeared over the horizon. This was the first time Wang Ping had seem something like this. This shocked his heart greatly, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Wang Ping murmured, "Father that… Is that an immortal?"

Wang Lin sighed and slowly said, "Yes."

Wang Ping pondered for a long time before he raised his head. He then looked at his father with his bright eyes and softly said, "Father, can I really not cultivate…"

Wang Lin's gaze fell on the gradually dissipating rainbow. Deep within his eyes, he revealed a hint of sadness. He didn't speak and only shook his head.

Wang Ping didn't speak anymore but stared at where the middle-aged man disappeared.

After leaving Quilian peak, Wang Ping was completely silent. They walked on the main road into a town before taking a carriage toward the big city. Along the way, Wang Ping didn't say a word.

Aside from the coachman, there was only Wang Lin and Wang Ping. Wang Lin looked outside, and in his eyes, the sadness became even stronger and there was a hint of unspeakable bitterness.

The carriage was completely quiet for a long time. Wang Ping lowered his head and whispered, "Father, I want to cultivate…" This was the second time he said he wanted to cultivate.

The first time was when ten years ago, that year he was seventeen years old.

Wang Lin didn't withdraw his gaze as he kept looking outside and calmly said, "You are not suited for cultivation!"

Wang Ping looked at this father's silhouette and unwillingly asked, "Father, why?"

Wang Lin turned his head. Like ten years ago, he didn't speak, he only calmly looked at Wang Ping.

The sound of the wagon's wheels rolling over things slowly came from the outside and replaced the passage of time. Finally, Wang Ping lowered his head and whispered, "I understand, Father."

Chapter 693 - Qing Yi

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze, so Wang Ping couldn't see the sadness in his eyes.

No one knew the real reason he wouldn't let Wang Ping cultivate. Sun Tai didn't know, Wang Pin didn't know, only Wang Lin himself knew the real reason.

He was unable to to tell Wang Ping. For Wang Ping's sake, he couldn't… This had nothing to do with Liu Mei…

Wang Ping couldn't hear Wang Lin's sigh.

Wang Lin silently pondered as he looked at the wilderness outside.

Inside the carriage, Wang Ping was also like this. The silence between the father and son became even stronger.

After a long time, Wang Ping turned his head and looked at his father. From the side, his father's face seemed to have even more wrinkles. His heart couldn't stand it anymore and he softly said, "Father, I was wrong."

Wang Lin turned around. He revealed a kind smile but didn't speak.

Vast Water City was the sub capital city of one of the three great empires on planet Ran Yun, and it was second only to the capital in prosperity. It was also near the river, so it was a very lively city.

The carriage entered the city and stopped at a station. Wang Lin and Wang Ping got off the carriage and entered this bustling city.

Wang Ping had never seen such a lively and big city. As he looked around, he seemed to forget all the unhappiness from before.

Wang Lin stepped into a rather lavish restaurant in the eastern part of the city. The waiter inside the restaurant hurried over with a smile and l led the father and son to a table near the window. Not long after, wine and food were brought over.

It might've been because Wang Ping's appearance was too handsome, but after he sat down, he immediately caught the attention of a lot of the women in the restaurant. As for Wang Ping, he had long grown accustomed this during his boyhood back in the village.

Wang Lin didn't move his chopsticks, but he picked up the wine and calmly drank. As for Wang Ping, he only tasted the dishes.

Wang Lin put down the wine and calmly said, "From now on, we will live here. First we will need to buy a house."

Wang Ping nodded and smiled. "Dad, this place is pretty good. After being spending so much time on seeing mountains and rivers, I felt like I suddenly entered the world when we came into this bustling city."

Just as Wang Ping finished speaking, a sneer came from a table nearby.

There were three people sitting at that table. One of them was an old man wearing silk who looked very dignified. Although his eyes were dim, when he opened them, he gave off a noble aura.

Beside him sat two people, one male and one female. The man was very handsome and dignified. He wore a purple robe with golden lines embroidered on it. It looked very expensive.

As for the woman, she was about in her twenties with black hair like a waterfall. Although she wasn't an absolute beauty, she gave of a very refreshing feeling.

The person who sneered was the man in purple.

The man in purple turned toward the woman beside him and laughed. "This silly boy is interesting. It's his first time entering Vast Water City and he starts spouting nonsense, like being accustomed to seeing mountains and rivers and his first time entering the world. Nonsense."

He didn't talk loudly, but said it so those words could enter Wang Ping's ears. Wang Ping frowned but didn't say a word.

As for Wang Lin, he picked up the jug and drank a mouthful. His gaze seemed to randomly sweep the three people at that table.

The woman frowned and softly asked, "Is it funny?"

The young man laughed. "Junior Apprentice Sister Qing Yi, why it is not funny?"

The woman revealed a trace of annoyance and turned her head.

The young man let out a cold snort. The reason he laughed at Wang Ping was because when he entered, this always cold woman actually raised her head and looked at Wang Ping.

If not for this woman how could he eat in a place like this given his status? When he saw her expression, he let out a cold snort, turned around, and stared at Wang Ping.

The young man in purple softly said, "If his appearance was born on a woman, she would definitely be an enchanting girl. Unfortunately, it is on a male, truly unfortunate… but for him to be a prostitute, he'd be pretty good."

The repeated provocations made Wang Ping put down his chopsticks. He turned his head to look at the youth and said, "What a good face. If it was born to a person, he would be very handsome. It's a pity it was born to a bastard, what a pity…"

The young man in purple's expression sank, but before he could speak, the old man next to him frowned and shouted, "Since when could people like this come into the Jingya Xuan? No manners at all! Just let this old man teach you a lesson or two!" As the old man spoke, he threw his chopsticks and they flew out like bolts of lightning. He was aiming for Wang Ping's shoulders. If the pair of chopsticks really hit, then Wang Ping's hands would be wasted.

At the moment the old man threw the chopsticks, the woman beside them exclaimed. She stood up and was about to chase after the chopsticks.

However, at the moment the chopsticks closed in, they immediately lost their strength and softly landed next to Wang Ping. Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he put down the wine and coldly stared at the old man.

One glance!

The old man's body started as if countless bolts of thunder had exploded in his mind. That gaze was like a sharp sword that pierced into his whole being through his eyes. It broke through his mind and entered his soul. It seemed like it wanted to shatter his soul, extinguish his core flame, and cause his golden core to shatter.

The old man's body immediately stiffened as if a powerful bolt of lightning had just struck him. His hands and feet trembled uncontrollably.

"This… This is…" The old man's mind trembled and his scalp started tingling. There was intense pain coming from between his eyebrows; it was as if a blade had pierced through his skull.

The sound of his heart violently beating instantly echoed through the old man's body as if it was about to collapse. His body was covered in cold sweat as if he was about to face an enemy naked.

His entire being was about to collapse from this one glance!

A stream of blood that contained a trace of gold came out from the corner of his mouth. A crack had appeared in his core and his core energy had leaked into his bloodstream.

The old man was a Core Formation cultivator! As for the young man in purple, he had only started Qi Condensation, and the woman hadn't reach the Foundation Establishment stage yet.

Since a Core Formation cultivator could be so unscrupulous and act so viciously against a mortal, Wang Lin showed killing intent without any hesitation.

Moreover, this old man had provoked his son.

"You…" The chair the old man was sitting on cracked and he fell to the ground. His face was pale as he quickly took out pills to swallow and immediately crushed a message jade.

The restaurant was completely silent as many guests were still in confusion. However, there were still some clever customers that quickly paid their bills and left.

The young man in purple was completely startled. He didn't even look at the old man. Instead, his extremely gloomy eyes stared at Wang Lin and Wang Ping.

As for the woman, she was in a complete daze as she stared at Wang Ping and Wang Lin. She never thought that such an event would take place.

"I don't need you to teach my son!" Wang Lin withdrew his gaze, picked up the wine jug, and took a gulp.

Chapter 694 - Just This Once

The old man didn't dare to open his mouth, as his core energy had already escaped to his body. He feared that if he opened his mouth, his core energy would immediately disperse. In that case, if he didn't die, his cultivation level would drop greatly.

The current him was completely relying on the pills he had swallowed earlier to help stop the loss of his core energy, but the effect was very little.

Strands of spiritual energy came from his body. It looked like green mist.

The young man in purple looked at Wang Lin and nodded. "Didn't expect you to be a cultivator. Very good, on planet Ran Yun, since you offended the Sun family, that is the same as…"

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Lin waved his right hand. The young man's body immediately trembled, his face turned pale instantly, and he fell on the ground.

Wang Lin didn't kill him, as he didn't have much spiritual energy inside him and was still considered a mortal.

With Wang Lin's experience, this young man in purple was either the direct descendant of a cultivation family or was of a noble bloodline among mortals.

However, no matter what identity they had, Wang Lin didn't care. On planet Ran Yun, he was the supreme ancestor.

The scene before him caused Wang Ping to gasp as he looked at his father. At this moment, he suddenly found out that his father was not an ordinary cultivator. Only a glance from his father was able to make the old man like this.

Qing Yi stared at the father and son. After hesitating for a moment, she stepped forward and respectfully said, "Senior, it was us who were reckless…"

Wang Lin picked up the wine jug, took a sip, and didn't look at her.

Qing Yin bit her lower lip. While she was in a dilemma, Wang Ping smiled. He was already very handsome, and now his smile made him even more beautiful. Wang Pin looked at Qing Yi and asked, "Miss, is your name Qing Yi? My name is Wang Ping. Is Miss also a cultivator?"

Wang Ping's smile made Qing Yi's face turn red and she softly said, "Yes, but Master has already said that before reaching the Foundation Establishment stage, I can't call myself a cultivator. Your name is Wang Ping, right? Today's matter is our fault, it's just… You guys should quickly leave. Just now… just now Master crushed the message jade. I fear someone will arrive soon…"

Wang Ping faintly smiled. He didn't seem to care about this matter and began chatting with Qing Yi.

Just at this moment, whistling sounds came from outside the restaurant. A powerful wind blew by and three old man suddenly appeared inside the restaurant.

Qing Yi quickly and respectfully said, "Ancestor Sun!"

One of the old men among the three had white hair and his eyes were like lightning. He gave off a sense of pressure without being angry. After entering the restaurant, his eyes swept past the Core Formation cultivator sitting on the ground. He withdrew his gaze and then looked at Wang Lin and Wang Ping.

As far as he could see, Wang Lin was only a mortal without any spiritual energy. However, it was the young man that caused the old man's eyes to narrow. He took took a closer look and his eyes revealed a strange color.

"This child's talent is excellent, although his body is that of a mortal. However, his soul seems to contain the world and is filled with might. This kind of mentality is rare even among cultivators! These two people definitely aren't as simple as they look on the surface!"

The Core Formation cultivator on the ground seemed to have noticed the old man's arrival and opened his eyes. He couldn't hold in the mouthful of core energy and let out a miserable hum. Mist came from all over his body, then his expression paled and he urgently said, "Uncle, it was him who harmed me, save me!" He suddenly pointed at Wang Lin.

The old man's right hand formed a seal and pointed at the old man. A seal flew out and landed between the old man's eyebrows. This spell immediately expanded and formed a seal that locked down the core energy that was escaping.

After he finished all of this, he gloomily looked at Wang Lin and said, "Your method sure is ruthless. Do you think my Sun family will just sit idly when they hear about this?!"

Wang Lin didn't even look at the old man. He put down the wine jug and calmly said, "Ping Er, let's go." With that, he stood up and walked toward the exit.

Wang Ping smiled at Qing Yi. When Qing Yi saw this smile, her face turned red. Wang Ping had very good feelings toward this girl. This feeling came from the fact that when her master acted against him, she tired to stop her master.

After standing up, Wang Ping followed his father out the restaurant.

The old man coldly snorted and stepped forth to stop them. The two old men beside him also did the same.

"Let's finish speaking, then you can leave!"

Wang Lin's gaze was calm and he casually took a step. Although this step was simple, a thunderous roar echoed in the three old men's minds. It was as if this step didn't land on the ground but in their minds!

The two people behind the old men were at the mid stage of Nascent Soul. Their expressions changed greatly and then they immediately activated the spiritual energy inside their bodies and subconsciously took several steps back.

This wasn't a dao technique or spell; there wasn't even a sliver of celestial spiritual energy coming from Wang Lin's body. However, in the view of the three old men, it was something that far surpassed any spell they had seen!

This was an aura, an aura that only appeared once someone had reached the peak of a generation. Anyone who had their own dao contained the heavens and earth in their body. They could borrow the power of the heavens to create pressure. Not to mention the three old men, not even normal Ascendant cultivators could resist this.

The old man in the middle had the highest cultivation level, peak of the late stage of Nascent Soul. He was in the process of comprehending the heavens and was half a step into the Soul Formation stage. Wang Lin's aura was extremely profound in his eyes. It was as if his soul was directly impacted by Wang Lin, so his face turned pale and he took two steps back.

Wang Lin walked past him and left the restaurant. Wang Ping followed, and at the moment he walked out of the restaurant, he turned around to look at Qing Yi and revealed a gentle smile.

Qing Yi's face became even more red.

"Just this once!" Wang Lin's voice came from outside the restaurant and slowly echoed in the Sun family cultivators' ears. It was a long time before they recovered, and when they did, their eyes were filled with horror.

After leaving the restaurant, Wang Pin hesitated for a bit before catching up to this father and smiling. "Dad, do you know the Sun family?"

"I had some encounters with them. Your father promised to shelter their family for a century." Wang Lin didn't hide anything from Wang Ping aside from the reason reason Wang Ping wasn't allowed to cultivate.

"That girl named Qing Yi isn't bad." Wang Lin looked at Wang Ping with a smile that was not a smile.

Wang Ping was startled, and his handsome face showed a rare hint of red.

Wang Lin and Wang Ping bought a large courtyard house in the northern part of Vast Water City. After cleaning it for a bit, they settled down. This house was very big and had many rooms. When the previous owner sold it, they left behind some servant girls as well.

At this moment, a huge commotion occurred in the Sun family branch in Vast Water City due to Wang Lin's words.

Chapter 695 - Wang Ping's Request

Since the Ran family's ancestor and Carefree Shanren had disappeared, the Sun family took over the Ran family's position on planet Ran Yun due to Sun Xi. They became even stronger than the past Ran family and became the number one existence on the planet.

During these twenty years of change, the people of the Sun family became arrogant.

Vast Water City also had a branch of the Sun family. At this moment, three Soul Formation elders were sitting in the Sun branch family home's main hall. Before them stood all the people involved in the incident at the restaurant.

This was the first time Qing Yi had been involved in a situation like this, so she was very nervous. She had her head lowered and had a respectful demeanor.

Her master, the Core Formation cultivator, was standing beside her. However, his face was pale and his cultivation had fallen from the Core Formation stage to the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

One of the Sun family elders was a red-faced old man. He slightly opened his eyes and gently said, "This person really said that?"

The late stage Nascent Soul old man who tried to stop Wang Lin quickly nodded and said, "Junior definitely didn't hear wrong. That person clearly said 'just this once!'"

A cold snort came out from a green-robed old man, then his eyes became cold and he said, "It seems someone wants to provoke my Sun family. This person can cause a Core Formation cultivator's core to collapse with one gaze and made three Nascent Soul cultivators retreat with one step. I fear he is at the Soul Transformation stage!"

The final elder calmly said, "What about a Soul Transformation cultivator? Our Sun family's ancestor is still here, and there is also that senior that will protect us for a century. Not even the Huan family from planet Thousand Illusion would dare to provoke that senior. With him around, our Sun family will not collapse!"

The red-faced elder spoke a second time. "What is this person's family name?"

The cultivators remained silent for a long time. The late stage Nascent Soul old man wryly smiled and said, "I don't know, but it seems this outer family member talked with them. Perhaps she would know."

The red-faced elder's gaze fell on Qing Yi.

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"Do you know?"

Qing Yi's body trembled. After pondering for a bit, she shook her head. "Junior doesn't know…"

"What guts!" The red-faced old man's eyes narrowed. With his experience, he was able to tell at a glance that the girl was lying.

Qing Yi bitterly lowered her head and softly said, "Junior really doesn't know."

The red-faced elder let out a cold snort, then he stood up and said, "Let's put this matter aside. I have already informed the family about this matter and they will send a Soul Transformation cultivator to deal with this. As for this outerl family member, since there's someone else in her heart, kick her out of the Sun family!

"This old man wants to see on what basis this person dares to say such arrogant words as 'just this once!' On planet Ran Yun, no one dares to speak like this to my Sun family!"

In the northern part of Vast Water City, the new sign for Wang Lin's home had already been put up. Wang Lin personally wrote the two characters: "Wang Mansion".

Wang Lin didn't replace the servant girls in the mansion and kept using them. This way the mansion was a lot less lonely.

Late at night, the moonlight fell. Wang Lin and Wang Ping were sitting across from each other in the back study.

Wang Lin calmly said, "Ping Er, nineteen years of ordinary life, eight years of adventure, and next I'll give you thirty years of wealth. A person's life contains joy and sorrow; you should know it all. Being rich and poor are also the same."

Wang Ping silently pondered. After a long time, he faintly smiled. His eyes were bright as he asked, "Dad, is this the compensation for not letting me cultivate?"

Wang Lin looked at Wang Ping and slowly said, "Yes." His gaze went over Wang Ping and fell into the distance outside the window. In a place where Wang Ping couldn't see, there was a hint of sadness in Wang Lin's eyes.

This sadness was so strong, so strong that no one knew. Wang Lin couldn't reveal this secret no matter what, even though he knew that Wang Ping had buried his wish to cultivate along with a trace of resentment toward him.

"Ping Er, it is not that Father doesn't want you to cultivate, but… It's just… you can't cultivate…" Wang Lin sighed in his heart. The sadness became even stronger…

Wang Ping slowly asked, "Dad what is wealth?"

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and calmly asked, "What kind of wealth do you want?"

"Dad taught me that a person should walk against the heavens and not be pressured by the world. Meet a mountain, climb over it; meet a river, go through it; meet an ocean, cross it; and never give in to the world. Since Father doesn't want me to cultivate, then I want to become supreme ruler amongst mortals!" Wang Ping looked at this father.

"If you want to, you can!" Wang Lin closed his eyes.

Wang Ping had grown up. Under Wang Lin's influence, he gradually gained his own beliefs and views on the world. He was no longer the child that always listened to his father; he now had his own thoughts and ideals.

Wang Ping looked at his father and whispered, "I don't want to be a supreme ruler that is handed to me, I want to obtain it myself!"

Wang Lin calmly said, "Yes…" He waved his right hand and a shadow walked out from behind him and then walked into Wang Ping's shadow.

"With this, you can do anything on planet Ran Yun." Wang Lin got up. He didn't look back at Wang Ping as he walked out of the study. His back looked a bit crestfallen.

Wang Ping opened his mouth and seemed like he wanted to say something. However, in the end, he couldn't say it out loud and could only silently ask in his heart, "Father, you can give me everything, so why… won't you let me cultivate… Ping Er doesn't want to cultivate for himself but for… The promise from back then… In order to accompany you forever… Father, you are so lonely… But why…"

As Wang Lin stood in the courtyard under the moonlight, his shadow was stretched very long. He turned to his own room, lied down on his bed, and softly said, "One day you will understand. However, I hope that day will come slower. In fact, I hope you never find out why…"

That night, Wang Ping didn't sleep.

Three days later, a person arrived in Vast Water City. This person was wearing a black coat and looked rather old. After he arrived at Vast Water City, he went to the Sun family branch.

All of the cultivators in the Sun branch family had come out to greet this cultivator. Even though they had already guessed that the person who would come must be a Soul Transformation cultivator, when the three elders saw who came, they all gasped and became even more respectful.

"Greetings, Vice Family Head!"

This person was Sun Qiming. Because of Wang Lin's matter, his status in the family had increased. Also, his cultivation had already reached the late stage of Soul Transformation, so he was promoted by Sun Xi to become the next family head.

Sun Qiming didn't speak any nonsense and directly asked, "Where is the person?" These people in the family didn't know the meaning of being able to break a core with just one gaze, but he was well aware. Even though he could do it, he couldn't cause three Nascent Soul cultivators to retreat with just one step without using any spells.

This kind of thing could be explained if a spell was used; however, if what the jade said was true and no spell was used, then this kind of thing could only done by an old monster at the Ascendant stage. It was absolutely impossible for an ordinary cultivator to do this.

Chapter 696 - Separation

The Sun family had very deep roots in Vast Water City and had long since tracked down where Wang Lin and his son were at.

At this moment, a guide quickly led Sun Qiming there.

"Family head, that person is too arrogant, saying something like 'just this once.' To think someone would dare to say that to the Sun family…" The elder in green began to speak, but Sun Qiming frowned and shouted, "Shut up!"

The green-robed elder trembled and immediately shut up.

"A small matter like this and all of you made a big fuss about this. This person was already lenient, but you are all ungrateful!" Sun Qiming's expression was gloomy as he coldly looked at everyone.

Sun Qiming said, in a serious tone, "The Sun family is large and is number one in planet Ran Yun. However, all of this was obtained at a miserable price. If you all remain like this, then one day you will bring a big enemy upon the Sun family!"

"Grandpa Sun, your Sun family has the protection of that senior. Even if the enemy is strong, I fear they won't dare to provoke you." The person who spoke wasn't a member of the Sun family but the purple-robed youth who clashed with Wang Ping.

Sun Qiming's eyes fell on the young man and he calmly said, "Little boy from the Yun family, this matter started because of you. Prepare yourself, for this matter might not be so easily handled!"

This purple-robed young man was named Yun Wufeng. He was a member of the Yun family from planet Cloud Sea. Planet Cloud Sea was one of the main planets of the northern part of the Allheaven Star System. This person's talent was too poor to cultivate, so he was considered an external family member. He came here with the Yun family's caravan, but because of Qing Yi, he didn't go back with the caravan and remained here. For ordinary cultivation families, before one's cultivation reaches the Soul Transformation stage, they can't leave the planet. However, for a big family like the Yun family, they had ways of bringing people below the Soul Transformation stage out of their planet.

Due to his bad talent, he wasn't nurtured by the Yun family. However, here on plant Ran Yun, just based on his identity, all of the cultivation families were extremely polite to him.

After all, the Yun family was the number one family on planet Cloud Sea and was even more powerful than the Huan family.

Yun Wufeng coldly snorted in his heart. Although he didn't have any cultivation, as long as he was in the northern part of the Allheaven Star System, no one would dare to provoke him, as doing so meant making an enemy out of the Yun family.

Aftering coming to the northern part of Vast Water City, Sun Qiming and everyone following him stopped one hundred feet from the Wang mansion.

Sun Qiming's expression was gloomy. When he saw the two words "Wang Mansion," he frowned.

"Named Wang…" When he entered Vast Water City, he scanned it with his divine sense and found nothing wrong. He had just scanned this place once more and it was the same.

After pondering a bit, Sun Qiming stepped forward and loudly said, "The Sun family's Sun Qiming greets fellow cultivator!"

This voice contained celestial spiritual energy, so it clearly entered the ears of every single person inside the mansion. Shortly after, a small fellow came out. He looked at the Sun family and said, "Master ordered you all to leave."

Before Sun Qiming could speak, someone from the Sun family began to sneer. The person who sneered was the red-faced elder. He didn't even look at the little fellow and coldly said, "What a big attitude. Do you really think my Sun family is blind?!" With that, he stepped forward and charged directly toward the mansion.

Sun Qiming frowned hard as he stared at the words "Wang Mansion." He was about to stop the old man but then paused.

The red-faced elder was at the Soul Formation stage. He closed in with one step and stepped directly through the door. However, just as his right foot landed, his face turned deathly pale. It was as if there was an invisible force coming from his mansion. It made his mind tremble and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He staggered back several steps with his face pale and eyes filled with aghast.

Sun Qiming's expression changed greatly. At that moment, he felt the aura of an Ascendant cultivator. What shook him the most was that he was familiar with his aura.

Almost without any hesitation, Sun Qiming quickly grabbed the red-faced elder and threw him backward. He respectfully clasped his hands and said, "Sorry for disturbing Senior's cultivation. Junior will leave now."

With that, he waved his sleeves and suddenly disappeared along with all the Sun family members. When they reappeared, they were inside the main hall of the Sun family branch in Vast Water City.

"No Sun family member is allowed to go within one thousand feet of that mansion. Anyone who disobeys will have their cultivation wasted and will be expelled from the Sun family!" Even until now, Sun Qiming's heart was pounding and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

"Only he has the cultivation to cause a core to crack with just one gaze."

The Sun family members had never seen Sun Qiming like this. Also, Sun Qiming had taken them away so quickly that they couldn't help but tremble. The green-robed elder looked at the red-faced elder whose expression was ashen and whose nascent soul was about to collapse. The green-robed elder shivered and asked, "Family head, that… Who is that?"

Sun Qiming coldly snorted and said, "You guys sure have guts to provoke him. You all should know that senior. Even if the old ancestor was here, he would have to be respectful. It was all because of this person that the Sun family has what we have today!"

"Could it be… Could that person be…" The green-robed elder's heart trembled as he thought of a person.

Sun Qiming stared at the old man and nodded.

At this instant, everyone in the Sun family turned deathly pale.

"Just this once!" This phrase emerged in their hearts.

Even the purple-robed young man seemed to had realized something. He thought for a moment and then his expression became extremely ugly. He clearly remembered that when he told the elder in charge of the caravan that he wanted to stay, the elder told him that he must never provoke one person on planet Ran Yun. That person was Xu Mu, who had swept through the Huan family and made the Qian and Xu families not dare to intervene at all!

The name "Xu Mu" had spread across the entire northern region of the Allheaven Star System in the past thirty years or so. After all, the battle at the Huan family was too shocking; it could even be said that countless cultivators felt that the battle was too terrifying.

While feeling terrible, Yun Wufeng returned to his room in the Sun family's house. Qing Yi was sitting in his room with a pale expression. Her cultivation was sealed, so she was like a mortal. After being driven out of the Sun family, she was caught and brought here.

In the Sun family, there would naturally be people who were willing to suck up to the Yun family.

After Yun Wufeng returned to his room, he had no mind to bother with Qing Yi. He stared at the candle and his heart was filled with regret.

Qing Yi stared at Yun Wufeng. Her eyes were cold.

"It was all because of you. If not for you, I wouldn't have provoked that Xu Mu's son! It was all because of you!" Yun Wufeng suddenly turned his head and stared at Qing Yi.

Qing Yi didn't speak, but her eyes were cold. However, the next instant, her eyes jerked wide open as she stared behind Yun Wufeng and revealed a look of disbelief.

Yun Wufeng was startled. Just as he turned around, his vision turned black and he fell to the ground.

Qing Yi quickly got up and respectfully said, "Senior…"

Wang Lin stepped out from the shadows and sat down. He held a jug of wine and drank a mouthful before he slowly said, "Your talent is pretty good. Spend a lifetime with Wang Ping and I'll gift you Nascent Soul cultivation."

Qing Yi trembled as Wang Ping's image appeared in her mind. Her face turned red and lightly nodded.

Three days later, Wang Ping left, and Qing Yi followed beside him.

Wang Ping left Vast Water City with his ideals. He was not willing to live a peaceful life, he wanted excitement!

Wang Lin stayed here by himself. On the night Wang Ping left, he drank a lot. Originally, thanks to his cultivation, he wouldn't be drunk, but he was drunk that night.

This was the first time he had gotten drunk in more than eight hundred years. For the first time, without him using any spells, he looked even older.

Life continued and time slowly passed. The irreversible reincarnation cycle continued and three years passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three years, Wang Lin had heard nothing from Wang Ping, and he didn't deliberately search with his divine sense. Since he gave Wang Ping freedom and choice, he wouldn't stop Wang Ping.

During these three years, a sect appeared in the northern part of planet Ran Yun. This sect was named the School of Heaven. This sect only had mortals and didn't affect cultivators.

The development of the School of Heaven was extremely fast. It gradually spread from the northern part of planet Ran Yun like a wildfire and grew even fiercer.

Rumors spread out like a snowflakes that gradually fell. The rumors said that the leader of the School of Heaven was an immortal and that there was always a woman beside him.

Time swept by and another seven years passed.

Wang Lin now looked even older.

The development of the School of Heaven was like a rolling snowball; it continued to grow stronger. There were even representatives of the school in Vast Water City. During autumn of this year, the autumn wind below by as Wang Lin walked out of his house like usual to the not-far-away inn and quietly drank. His eyes were foggy, as if he couldn't see anything. He just silently stared outside the window as if he was waiting for something.

The waiter in the inn had long grown accustomed to this old man. After bringing wine and food, he went to serve the other customers.

As midday arrived, more and more people arrived in the inn. Bursts of noise echoed in the inn; it was rather lively.

"Have you heard that the School of Heaven now occupies a majority of planet Ran Yun, becoming the number one sect in the three empires?"

"Hehe, even our Vast Water City has a branch of the School of Heaven. I even went to see it a few days ago."

"My neighbour, Zhang Er, is a member of the School of Heaven. They even hand out grain every month."

"The three big empires are Da Qin, Di Shan, and Chen Yun. It was said that in the northern empire, Di Shen, almost all of their citizens accepted the teachings of the School of Heaven."

"With how the School of Heaven is developing, it won't be long before the three big empire act and destroy it."

"Not so, this School of Heaven has already developed for ten years. If they wanted to destroy it, they would have already acted."

"I'm more interested in the relationship between the leader of the School of Heaven and the woman that always follow him…"

Wang Lin calmly drank his wine. It was as if everything he heard had nothing to do with him. His gaze fell into the distance. It was as if he could penetrate into the distance and see Wang Ping, who was middle aged but still filled with spirit…