

Chapter 543: That Man (I)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Even though the Howard Family and Edward Family had conflicts, it didn't mean that they had been generations of enemies and they had to drive each other to death. After all, both families were weak forces that were simply fighting over the controlling rights in a small region, Fiat. Compared to large-scale families, trade associations, and other forces, their standoffs were more 'unsophisticated'.

Judging from the pleasantly surprised look of the Howard Family member, it was apparent that both parties hadn't reached the stage where they couldn't coexist together. The large-scale families would rather be devoured by monsters than to accept such humiliation, and those who were more inhumane might even bait some monsters into attacking the opposition to create an opportunity.

The 'Uncle Carter' that Emily addressed seemed somewhat rigid. He gazed at Rhode curiously before nodding and waving for his men to back off. "Monster? Emily, you're saying that monsters emerged in Edward's mine?"

"Yes, Uncle Carter. They were terrifying... and ferocious. They have killed many people, and..." Emily paused and came to a stop.

Although Emily had longed for the Travel Merchant lifestyle and she appeared ethical and cheerful, she was born into a merchant family and she wouldn't be that foolish to notify their competitor about her father's death. Besides, she realized that this 'Uncle Carter' appeared a little off with his dressing. Why were there no miners of the Howard Family? And why was a group of fully-armed mercenaries present instead? She had never heard that the Howard Family dispatched mercenaries to extract ores.

Emily felt a little uncertain at this thought, but she calmed down instantly after sensing 'Miss Seren' by her side. "... We had no choice but to escape into the deep mines to avoid the relentless monsters. We followed the voices that we heard and entered your territory unknowingly, Uncle Carter... Ah. By the way, she is Miss Miranda Seren of the Seren Trade Association from the Country of Light. She was here to negotiate business about ore trading with our Edward Trade Association."

"Country of Light?!"

Carter and the mercenaries were astonished to hear this name. Rhode lifted his skirt and bowed politely, revealing a graceful smile. The blushed group of men stared blankly and they didn't know how to respond appropriately. On the other hand, Carter felt that this young lady was a thorny problem. No matter how beautiful she looked, the fact that she had come from the Country of Light made him fearful. The King's Party knew how powerful the influence that the Country of Light had and if this young lady got into any form of trouble while she was with them...

But why would some Chairman of the Trade Association from the Country of Light come here at this crucial moment?

Carter let out a cough and approached Emily with a smile.

"... Uh... Emily. We were also aware of the unrest in the mine these few days. I've brought along these mercenaries for safety's sake and I didn't expect that you would be attacked by the monsters. But it's great that both of you are fine... There's still a distance away from the surface. Since you're not familiar with the terrain of our Howard mine, I suggest that both of you rest for a moment while I arrange for someone to escort you out. How about that?"

"Sure, Uncle Carter," Emily nodded happily, but she quickly blinked her eyes in curiosity. "But Uncle Carter, do you intend to linger around here? The monsters are really powerful. If they come..."

One of the mercenaries let out mischievous laughter and interrupted. "Hey, Miss, what are you talking about? We're not like you. We, mercenaries, are born to do this. Those monsters may be scary in your eyes, but..." he swung his fist mightily. "They mean nothing to us!"

Emily didn't know how powerful this group of mercenaries could be. But she refused to believe that they were stronger than 'Miss Seren' after she had witnessed her performance. Emily stopped talking and rolled her eyes slightly.

Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Carter stepped out. "Emily, I think you must be tired. But... as you can see, we're here to search for those monsters. If the monsters are really that strong, it will be troublesome for us too. I know this isn't a good suggestion, but... can you describe to us what exactly you encountered? How do the monsters look like? I hope we can discuss this privately if possible..."

Carter swept a glance at 'Miss Seren'. This calm young lady was indeed gorgeous. However, her identity was somewhat troublesome in this situation. Perhaps... I need to find a solution to resolve this problem.

"... Alright," Emily turned toward 'Miss Seren' and Rhode nodded with a smile of approval. Emily hesitated for a while before eventually agreeing. Shortly after, Carter and Emily headed toward the other side of the crystal mine and disappeared around the corner.


Rhode narrowed his eyes at both of them. Rhode had been observing the surroundings while they were speaking. In fact, the soil that they were stepping on was the ground for the Earth Elemental Spirit. Even though the Spirit was sealed up, it would unknowingly reveal its elemental strength and the crystal resources around was the best evidence. Rhode was sure that these people didn't awaken the Earth Elemental Spirit because he wouldn't have missed such a massive presence. But he didn't believe Carter's words either because he had sharply detected a faint, orderly Earth Elemental strength surging in this place. This meant that these people had controlled the Spirit's powers using some secret means and they might even exploit it. But how did the mercenaries manage to do it?

It wasn't an easy task to manipulate the Earth Element Spirit's powers. No matter what method they used, it would be extremely dangerous even if the Spirit was sealed. Without the help of impressive presences like Lapis or Marlene who had mastered Alchemy and Spells, even Rhode wouldn't dare to carry out such a difficult experiment. But now, a small Trade Association actually did it. Could it be that they were just lucky?

It's impossible.

Not only that, Rhode sensed that someone was secretly observing his every movement.

Who is that person?

"I see..." Carter let out a helpless sigh. He pondered for a moment before patting on Emily's shoulder. "Emily, I know you must be afraid to have encountered such a dangerous problem. But don't worry, we won't let the monsters put your life at danger. By the way, would you like something to eat and rest for awhile? I will get someone to invite Miss Seren over too."

"But..." Emily knitted her brows dubiously, but she changed her tone of speech after observing Carter's expression and the mercenaries on the other side. "Alright then, Uncle Carter. I will wait here..."

"Good girl. Don't worry, everything will be fine," Carter smiled and left for another pitch-black, narrow tunnel. Then, the man at the other end of the empty tunnel spoke with a stern tone. "Sir, there are some problems with our plans."

"I saw it." A mysterious, dark figure emerged before Carter and responded with a deep voice. "But isn't this our plan? Mr. Carter? The Edward Trade Association's mine has collapsed entirely and you've successfully controlled the resources here. You just need to take down the Edward Trade Association and becoming the number one in Fiat won't be wishful thinking anymore. Wasn't this your wish too when we first worked together?"

"But... I didn't expect that things would end up like this. Besides, someone from the Country of Light is present too... This is a very troublesome matter for us, Sir," Carter said eagerly.

The dark figure remained silent for a brief moment before responding. "Don't mind them. If they know nothing about here, we can find an excuse to send them away."

"... Okay, Sir." Carter sighed helplessly and nodded before leaving the tunnel.

The dark figure let out a soft snort and, at this moment, a crisp, pleasant voice sounded. "Do you really intend to do that, Master?"

"Of course, Cheryl." The dark figure nodded slightly. "This is a great chance. The Howard Trade Association has lost their rationale and they are urgently hoping to gain the controlling rights here. According to the method that we've provided, they can temporarily manipulate the Earth Elemental Spirit here. But this would only be temporary and, frankly speaking, I'm quite surprised that the Edward Trade Association Chairman's daughter is here. This might not be a bad thing for our plans. But..." the dark figure hesitated. "Why would a Trade Association from the Country of Light dispatch someone here to negotiate in business? Aren't they aware of the current situation? These meddlesome people!"

"Relax. You are also aware that these greedy and corrupt merchants are willing to do anything for profit. They obviously knew about the war between the South and North and have decided to seize this opportunity to a fortune. This isn't anything new, is it?"

"I'm aware of that, Cheryl. This is what I wish to change. They are walking on the path toward destruction and they're not aware of it. I need more power and this was why I accepted this mission and came here." The dark figure's voice sounded much more forceful. "This time, I will not allow a future like that happen."

It's here...

Rhode gazed at the gigantic stalactite pillar located in the middle of the crystal mine. He had figured out their purpose and deployment, and it was time for him to move out. Rhode didn't know how the Howard Trade Association gathered such a technique, but this had proven that someone else was also interested in obtaining the resources here. It wasn't to Rhode's liking that the Earth Elemental Spirit was under their control. Therefore, he had decided to change his target. Unlock the seal entirely to summon the Earth Elemental Spirit and destroy this mine.

The life or death of the Howard Family wasn't within his considerations. Since they were also supporters of the King's Party, they would only need to suffer little grievance in sacrificing their profits to accomplish the King's Party's plan.

Rhode strode toward the towering stalactite pillar without gaining the mercenaries' attention. The mercenaries seemed focused on standing guard for monsters by the entrance that Rhode and Emily had entered from. When Rhode got really close to the pillar, they finally responded. "What are you doing!"

A fully-armed mercenary rushed over and stopped Rhode from heading any farther with his body. His bell-sized large eyes glared at Rhode while Rhode twitched his brow calmly. "Nothing. I'm just looking around. The stalactite pillar seems interesting."

"This is the Howard Family's mine, Miss."

At this moment, a man who seemed to be their leader stepped forward. He stared at Rhode with a stern expression, holding onto his sword hilt and blocking Rhode with the side of his body. "I hope you won't wander off everywhere. It is very dangerous here. I hope you can just wait here."

"And what if I don't?" Rhode let out a snort and lifted his chin proudly.

He gazed at the two mercenaries in disdain as though they were nothing more than maggots and trash. This was the usual attitude that people of the Country of Light showed against the people of the Munn Kingdom. Slaves who succumbed to a dictator weren't worthy of speaking to them.

"I won't allow you!"

Indeed, Rhode's attitude had aggravated the mercenary and he gritted his teeth fumingly. The mercenary had imagined himself grabbing the 'beautiful young lady' by her arm and locking her up in his strong arms. Hmph, let's see if this delicate little chick will still dare to reveal such a proud expression!

However, the mercenary launched forward and he failed to grab the young lady's slim, fragile arm as he had expected. Instead, he felt a sudden breeze and he caught a handful of air. The 'beautiful young lady' had darted through the opening between them and arrived before them!

How did she do it?

The two mercenaries were dumbstruck. Shortly after, the other mercenaries rushed over and surrounded Rhode completely. "There's nothing interesting to see there, Miss. I think you'd better stay put and Carter will send you two off soon, understand?"

"Oh?" Rhode's expression was still as calm as ever. He rolled his eyes and revealed a mocking smile. "I didn't expect everyone to be this nervous. It seems that you're all afraid that someone else will know that you've unlocked the seal here..."

"You...!" The mercenaries glared at Rhode anxiously.

How did this woman know about it... Damn it. Did she realize? How is this possible? Shouldn't we be the only ones who know about it?

What should we do?

The mercenaries turned to their leader in unison and their leader gazed at Rhode silently, grinding his teeth. They hated to slaughter the innocent. But since this woman apparently knew their secret... No matter what, they had to capture her!

A trace of murderous intent glinted in his eyes. Then, he ambiguously gestured to his men.


Chapter 544: That Man (II)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios


The mercenaries surrounding Rhode lurched forward with their bare hands. This young lady has been completely trapped and she has nowhere to escape!

In fact, just as the mercenaries had expected, Rhode didn't move at all. He allowed them to grab his arms and shoulders. Afterward, Rhode revealed an even wider smile. "It seems that I'm right. Who exactly are you people? Why are you here to unlock the seal? Can anyone give me an acceptable answer?"

"It has nothing to do with you, Miss. We won't give you a hard time if you listen to us..."

The mercenary leader displayed a disdainful smile. After all, there wouldn't be any more trouble after subduing this young lady. At this moment, he discovered that something was off with the mercenaries beside 'Miss Seren'.

"What's wrong?"

"L-Leader, this woman —!"

It was no wonder that they were so terrified. They sensed a powerful aura emanating from her body and her slim arms let off an iron pincers-like overwhelming pressure.


Powerful streams of air exploded from Rhode's feet and the mercenaries were blown away instantly like garbage fluttering in a gale. Rhode stood on the same spot and maintained his smile. He lifted his right arm and cupped over his mouth like an elegant young lady. "I won't force you since you are unwilling to tell me. But... It seems that this seal hasn't been fully unlocked. Would you like me to give you a helping hand?"

Rhode dashed at lightning speed toward the stalactite pillar and the mercenary leader became ashen-faced. He stood up hurriedly and yelled frantically. "Stop her!"

He's too slow!

Rhode spotted a complex and elaborate magical device on the peak of the towering stalactite pillar. It looked like a disk decorated with mysterious, complicated patterns and its edge was embedded with gems. Rhode recognized it immediately.

The Talisman Mirror.

He finally knew how the Howard Trade Association managed to control the Earth Elemental Spirit's powers. The Talisman Mirror could suppress the disorderly powers to a certain extent. In the hands of a Mage, it could turn into a magical device to control a summoned presence. Although a powerful Elemental Lord like the Earth Elemental Spirit couldn't be easily controlled, its self-consciousness was still sealed and it wouldn't be too challenging for a being with magical knowledge and familiarity with the magical device to indirectly control it.

Someone actually thought of this method.

Rhode let out a snort at this thought. However, this Talisman Mirror had no value to him and its only purpose was to be destroyed by him!

The mercenary leader was closing in. Rhode tiptoed and sprung to the top unhesitantly. At the same time, he retrieved Gracier from his pocket and struck toward the Talisman Mirror.

Clang! Suddenly, a sword flickering in ice-cold radiance deflected Rhode's dagger. Not only that, but Rhode also felt an immense cold air blow against his face and the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped tremendously. Rhode landed on the ground steadily before darting ahead once more while the enemy also bolted forward. His shimmering sword was bursting with icy-cold air from its blade.

Bam ! Their blades collided and Rhode landed on the ground gracefully, maintaining the beautiful smile on his face. He flicked off the thin layer of ice crystals on Gracier and faced a man that had emerged out of nowhere.

The man was about the same age as Rhode, clad in black, compact Swordsman's armor. His light maroon short hair and deep blue eyes indicated that he was born in the Tost region of the Country of Light. He held an azure sword, gazing solemnly at Rhode.


It was apparent that this man held a high reputation among the mercenaries. The mercenaries heaved sighs of relief and came forward rapidly to surround Rhode once again. But this time, the mercenaries unsheathed their weapons and scrutinized Rhode sternly. It seemed that they had recognized Rhode's strength and they treated him seriously now.


"Back off, all of you aren't her match." The man interrupted the mercenary leader's words. He raised his sword and gazed at Rhode with a dignified expression. He knitted his brows and scanned him from head to toe. "Who are you, Miss?"

"I've already said my name. I don't think I need to say it once more." Rhode said calmly and swept at glance at his azure sword: Neptune's Sigh, an incredibly powerful magical weapon equipped with pure Water Elemental powers and possessed a certain probability of freezing and decreasing the enemies' speed. It was also a decent weapon that complimented large AOE skills, but... Shouldn't the Neptune's Sigh be asleep in the Fountain of Silence in Bodomir? Why is it here?

If this were in the past, Rhode would have come up with ways to get his hands on that sword. But now, he had no need for it. After all, he had obtained Gracier, Madaras, Star Mark, and Succubus, the four weapons with different attributes in the Holy Sword Card Deck. Moreover, these weapons of various attributes could develop to become even stronger. As a Spirit Swordsman, Rhode was more efficient at switching weapons than most swordsmen. Compared to the high-tier weapons that possessed magical and physical immunity and holy, curse attributes, the Neptune's Sigh was nothing valuable in his eyes.

Instead, this man is... rather strange.

The man seemed to be about level 35 and was slightly weaker than Rhode. However, with the stat boost from the Neptune's Sigh, this man wasn't totally harmless. In order to maintain Rhode's disguise, he had to refrain from summoning his spirits to avoid suspicion. It would be a huge failure if he were exposed. He didn't shamelessly wear a dress just for others to expose him.

The outcome of this battle would be difficult to determine if Rhode had to face him using swordsmanship only. He sensed from the earlier encounter that the man was a pure Swordsman and his swordsmanship was naturally buffed by his class. Rhode didn't use his core 'Shadow Dance Swordsmanship' and surprisingly, he realized that the man was evenly matched with him... Rhode twitched his brows at this thought.

The swordsmanship level -1 punishment for the Spirit Swordsman seemed like such a headache at this point in time.

But Rhode believed that this was nothing significant. "I'm not sure if I'm honored enough to know your name, Sir? From your appearance, I don't think you're a miner hired by the Howard Trade Association, right?"

"..." The man remained in silence. Then, he shook his head. "You don't have to know who I am, Miss. You also don't need to know what we're doing here. I know who you are... Miran Seren of the Seren Trade Association in the Country of Light. Now, I hope you can turn around and leave this place. If you do that, I will promise to send both of you safely to the surface. Not only that, but you will also receive my respect and friendship."

"Funny. A man who doesn't dare to say his name actually wants to talk about a promise?" Rhode squinted. "What if I'm unwilling to comply with your request?"

"I'm sorry. If you insist, we will..."

Rhode dashed to the side swiftly and an azure lightning cage that emerged out of thin air landed on Rhode's previous position. The man widened his eyes in shock. He didn't expect that this young lady had detected his trap!

"It seems that I don't have to trust your promise anymore, Sir."

In fact, Rhode knew that a Mage was hidden in the darkness as soon as he spotted the Talisman Mirror. There wasn't a single Mage among the mercenaries and now that this man was a Swordsman, Rhode could confirm that a Mage was lurking in the shadows and waiting to strike. In this outnumbered battle, it was obviously more advantageous for the Mage to cast a weakening spell on him than to cast a large-scale attack spell that might implicate its own people. Rhode chuckled and his glorious dagger once again flew into his hand like a butterfly. Spiritual blade rays erupted and burst out into a dazzling array of starlight.

"This is...!" The man bit his lips tightly.

He bellowed and darted forward with his brandished sword. In an instant, the omnipresent azure, icy-cold air gushed toward Rhode's glaring starlight that had filled the entire space.

A waterfall-like spiritual blade radiance smashed into the vast sky full of stars. Sharp, explosive blade airstreams burst apart, scarring the thick rock walls, and the shattered fragments of the magical crystal ores fluttered in the engulfment, cutting their fragile skin. The mercenaries ran off to avoid this ferocious collision.

The brutal ocean overwhelmed the twinkling stars and Rhode's blade rays vanished within. Then, the man revealed a delightful smirk. He bolted forward and brandished the dazzling azure sword in his hand! "Heyah!"

Along with his roars, the bracelet around his wrist emanated brilliantly in gold and shrouded him instantly. In the blink of an eye, his movement speed increased abruptly. His sword engulfed with the blade airstream smashed Rhode's defense and forced him to the rock wall helplessly.

A victorious smile unrolled on the man's face. But it lasted only for a second.

He realized that the defenseless 'Miss Seren' wasn't panicking at all. Instead, she maintained her smile and took half a step back. She blended right into the shadows.


The azure sword had struck into the rock wall and the immense spiritual powers smashed a meter-long hole. But there was no joy on his face. Because there was no one before him. He turned around urgently.


At this moment, he heard a young lady's scream.

I found you!

Rhode sprung out from the shadow with Madaras in hand, pouncing on the young lady before him. She was an Elf Mage, wearing a white Mage robe that was lined with golden edges and holding a staff with three Ioun Stones hovering above. Her thin, long ears revealed that she was of an Elf identity. Madaras emanated a trail of vicious blade rays toward her neck.

But as the razor-sharp edge was only inches away from her, Rhode couldn't push forward any farther as though he had struck a tough, yet soft object that forced him back.

Tch. I failed!

Rhode quibbled inwardly. He was betting that luck was on his side to trigger Madaras's 15% magical immunity and assassinate her entirely. But now, the Elf Mage cast a meddlesome defense spell after the ambush had failed.

Rhode backed off quickly and hurtled his left hand across the wall, splashing a harmless burst of sand and stone at the Elf Mage's face to fluster her.

However, she was much calmer and quicker than he had imagined. She raised her staff and chanted two curse lines, launching a dozen wind blades at him.

At the same time, an icy-cold stream of air blew against Rhode's back. "Get away from her!"

The man darted forward, brandishing his sword at Rhode. Sharp blade rays erupted from his azure sword and sealed Rhode's way of retreat.

Interesting. But this isn't enough.

Caught in the double-team of wind blades and spiritual blade rays, the smile on Rhode's face remained unchanged. He lifted his skirt with his left hand elegantly, dodging to the side, and sliding into the shadow like a young lady in a ballroom.

Boom! The wind blades and spiritual blade rays crashed and Rhode had gotten away scot-free.

"Damn it. She got away again. I never thought that she could... Cheryl. Are you alright?!" the man said.

"I'm fine. Be careful, she may still be nearb-..." Elf Mage scanned the surroundings and her expression froze abruptly. "No!"

"You're too late."

Rhode dove from the shadow on the ceiling, but this time, he wasn't brandishing his dagger at them. Instead, he aimed for the magical device!

"Sh*t!" The man leaped up hurriedly to defend the device with his sword.

But he was one step behind.

Madaras pierced the Talisman Mirror without any resistance and the expensive magical equipment shattered into bits before them. Rhode withdrew his sword and somersaulted in the air before landing on the ground. He turned his attention to them, revealing a gentle, graceful smile.

"I shall take my leave. Please continue to enjoy your time here," Rhode lifted his skirt and bowed girlishly. In the blink of an eye, he vanished into the darkness within the tunnel.

"Chase her. Don't let her get away... Damn it. What should we do without the Talisman Mirror..."

"Oh no!" The Elf Mage shrieked in horror.

The man turned around and he froze to the spot entirely.

Cracks spread on the smooth, flat surface of the gigantic stalactite pillar. At the same time, the ground started shaking violently.

"T-This is..."

The man was scared stiff because he knew what this meant. This wasn't simply just a failure.

"How is this possible?! How did she do it!!"

Chapter 545: That Man (III)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Cracks like a dense spider web spread wildly on the entire surface of the stalactite pillar. The ground shook, raising sand and dust violently. The man stared blankly at the seal before him. He couldn't understand how the seal got destroyed that easily. Serving as a peg for the Earth Elemental Spirit, the sealing spell had spread throughout the entire solid stalactite pillar. Even if that woman had struck its surface, it shouldn't be this devastating!


"What are you doing? The seal has been unlocked and that monster is about to awaken. Let's go!" The Elf Mage lurched forward and grabbed his arm. The man came back to his senses and nodded hurriedly. He turned around and ordered the mercenaries. "Mission has failed. Retreat immediately!"

The growling trembles were as though rough, surging waves in the ocean. Rhode darted through the tunnel with a smirk. The man couldn't understand how Rhode destroyed the seal. However, Rhode didn't simply rely on blind luck. Just like the man had thought, the stalactite pillar itself was a massive seal and cracking part of it wouldn't release the Earth Elemental Spirit. And yet, the weapon on Rhode's hand had actually dealt a fatal blow.

Madaras—15% magical immunity was the main culprit of this seal unlock.

Of course. Rhode couldn't ensure that he would succeed in a single attempt. But he could increase the probability of triggering it. The stalactite pillar acted as a peg for the seal where the sealing spell was ever-present, flowing, and suppressing the Earth Elemental Spirit's powers within it. Madaras was a magical weapon and when Rhode punctured it into the pillar, it inevitably entered the system of the sealing spell. In other words, the magical flow in the pillar had been disrupted ever since Madaras had pierced into it. Under such circumstances, there wasn't an issue with the probability in triggering the magical immunity anymore.

After Madaras's magical immunity took effect, it instantly disrupted the effects of the sealing spell as though a stone got stuck in an operating machine. Even if it was for an instant, it was enough for it to crumble completely.

Ordinary magical weapons wouldn't affect the stalactite pillar at all. However, Madaras was as deadly and lethal as poison. If Rhode didn't have this weapon, perhaps it would be extremely challenging to unlock the seal using such a brutal method...


A boulder fell from the ceiling and Rhode stepped aside to dodge it swiftly. He lifted his head and squinted at the dusky tunnel ahead. He laid his hands before him and two daggers flew out from his skirt, radiating icy-cold brilliance. The sharp, beaming spiritual blade rays sliced through the extremely fragile tunnel and gravel flooded down abruptly.

Cough cough. Rhode turned around and the entire tunnel had been blocked. It seemed that it indeed had somewhat troublesome consequences for handling the stalactite pillar too roughly. Although he wished to slip away immediately, he had something else that he needed to attend to...


The violent trembles forced Emily off-balance and she slammed onto the rock wall. But even so, she grunted and scanned the surroundings in distress. She didn't know what had happened and the horrifying memories from before came back to haunt her. Could it be that the underground monsters have attacked this mine too? Uncle Carter said that he will leave with Miss Seren and I. Why haven't I seen her yet? Could it be... Miss Seren is in some kind of trouble?

Suddenly, a strange-looking shadow darted before her eyes and the two mercenaries standing guard around Emily collapsed to the ground. "Miss Seren?!"

"Miss Emily, I'm so glad that you're doing fine." Rhode emerged, filthy from his head to toes. Not only that, the cloak over his shoulders was tattered by the falling rocks in the tunnel. Although Rhode was a formidable person, he wasn't totally invincible in avoiding them.

"Miss Seren? What happened to you?"

"Now isn't the time to catch up, Miss Emily," Rhode grabbed Emily's hand. "We have to leave here right away. The people that we met summoned the monsters and created the earthquakes. They're trying to unlock the seal and summon an even bigger and scarier monster!"

"Huh?!" exclaimed Emily.

In fact, Emily had indeed suspected this possibility when she first detected Carter's peculiar behavior. However, she didn't believe that both families would have a hatred so deep that the Howard Family had to resort to this, and she chose to think that this was probably an accident. But now, Rhode's words had smashed her foolish thoughts. "Is this true, Miss Seren?"

"Yes, I felt a little dubious when we first met them. While that man led you away, I sneaked away and investigated the place. I discovered evidence that they've manipulated the monsters and they're unlocking the seal to an even more powerful monster. Those people realized my actions and tried to capture me, but I managed to escape... I don't know what exactly is that seal, but it seems best for us to leave here as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" Emily nodded with all her might. But suddenly, the situation took a strange turn.


The deep, continuous rumbles stopped abruptly and the entire underground returned to its original silence. It felt so surreal as though what had been happening was just a dream and an illusion. Emily stamped her foot to feel the flat, solid ground.

But this wasn't the end.

The air became thicker and they faced some difficulties in breathing.

A heavy, unprecedented pressure expanded slowly.

"Go! Miss Emily!" Rhode gripped Emily's hand and both of them darted along the gradual slope.


That damn monster is about to be awakened.

Sensing the immense elemental powers from behind his back, the man darted rigidly with his sword and torch while the Elf Mage and mercenaries followed closely. The presence that had lost its restriction was slowly opening its eyes.

"Faster. Everyone follow closely. We must leave this place." The man turned back to face the crowd behind him. He bit his lips and a trace of anger and remorse revealed on his face. Why? Why did it fail? Everything has gone according to plan. If it wasn't for that mysterious woman, I wouldn't have fallen to this pathetic state.

The Earth Elemental Spirit was about to be awakened and it would massacre every single life form in the underground. His strength was still far from matching up with this powerful presence.

"Sir! In front...!"

A startled scream dragged the man back to reality. He waved the torch before him and his expression turned ashen instantly. The tunnel had been completely buried in gravel.

"This..." The Elf Mage tugged the man's sleeve anxiously and looked on with a pale expression. The man turned around with a hesitant expression. He gaped, and...


There wasn't any wind, but the torch extinguished abruptly. Then, darkness filled the entire tunnel.

The Elf Mage said with a shaky voice. "... Earth Elemental Spirit... has awakened..."

A sharp sound of wind sounded behind them.

Rhode carried Emily in his arms and rolled forward, crashing into the ground heavily. The frantic wind merely brushed them. The warm, beautiful sun shone on them, reminding them of how much they had missed it. Rhode heaved a sigh of relief and stood to his feet. He gazed into the deep, pitch-black tunnel from its entrance. Although there were no strange occurrences, Rhode knew that the underground world had become an entirely different place.

The Earth Elemental Spirit had been fully awakened and his mission was accomplished. No matter what happened next would have nothing to do with him... Come to think of it, who exactly were those people? Judging from their appearance, they should be from the Country of Light. But why did they come here to threaten the Howard Family? It's a pity that I need to rush off without socializing with them. Anyway... Whether they're alive or not has nothing to do with me anymore.

Rhode turned to face Emily with a warm smile and extended his arm. "Are you okay, Miss Emily? Let's go back to the city."

The forest was in complete silence.

An array of green light rays projected from the underground. Shortly after, a dozen magical markings swiftly arranged and assembled into a tiny ritual circle on the ground. Then, two exhausted figure emerged from within and collapsed to the ground.

"Haa... Haa..."

The pale-faced Elf Mage panted, holding onto her dim staff and kneeling on the ground. The man in black swordsman armor beside her gritted his teeth and pushed his clenched fists on the ground. He glared with bloodshot eyes and an unprecedented wrath and pain emerged between his brows.

"Damn... Why has it become like this... Uncle Raul has..."

"Sir, please... don't blame yourself..."

The Elf Mage forced herself to her feet and tottered to the man. She pressed on his shoulder and consoled softly. "It isn't your fault, Sir... My teleportation can only transport two people. And Uncle Raul and the guys are willing to stay in there..."

"I know!" The man bellowed.

His arms trembled as he clenched his fists tightly. He couldn't forget that scene. In the darkness, countless Earth Elemental creatures attacked them and they were convinced that the horrifying underground world would be their deathbeds. However, Uncle Raul gave up his hopes of survival and led his men to fend off the creatures in order to buy time for both of them to escape using teleportation. The cruel image of his close companions devoured and ripped apart by the monsters before him was permanently imprinted in his mind.

"I know... But... This is all my fault. If only I didn't seize the chance to manipulate the Earth Elemental Spirit that was sealed peacefully underneath, then maybe things wouldn't end up this way!"

"..." The Elf Mage revealed a hesitant look and sighed slightly. Both of them stood in the dusky, silent forest without speaking a word.

The day had approached its end, and the man let out a deep, long sigh. "I'm sorry, Cheryl. I didn't mean to vent my frustrations on you. I feel that... I'm too useless."

"Do you regret it, Sir?"

"No... I know what you're trying to say. Thank you, Cheryl. I just lost my self-control at the moment, I'm sorry..."

The man said that and he realized that he had been leaning on the Elf Mage closely. A blush smeared across his face and he drew a distance between them hurriedly. "S-Sorry, Cheryl. I didn't do it on purpose..."

"Ah. It's okay, Sir. I don't mind."

The Elf Mage let out a bitter laugh as she gazed at the bewildered man with a trace of disappointment revealing in her eyes. However, the man didn't realize his companion's strange behaviors. Instead, he remained silent for a few moments and turned toward the range of hills with knitted brows.

"... Cheryl. That woman who has spoiled our plans. Do you know anything about her?"

"... You're referring to... Miss Miranda Seren? I'm sorry, Sir, I'm not familiar with her. The Seren Trade Association isn't considered a powerful financial group in the Country of Light... But, I think that she isn't just an ordinary merchant... If she indeed came from the Country of Light, perhaps Dante has some information..."

"... You're saying that she may be a lackey of the financial groups?"

"... Sorry, Sir. This is only my guess..."

"You don't have to apologize, Cheryl. No matter what her true identity is, I will not let this matter end just like this. I don't know what she wants exactly. But it's fairly obvious that she isn't standing on our side... We have to hurry back to the town of Fiat, so we have a chance to seek revenge on her!" The man swung his fist with all his might. He looked on with a determined expression and burning wrath glinted in his eyes. "I will not let this matter off! Uncle Raul and the guys shall not die in vain. No matter who she is, she will pay the price!"

Chapter 546: That Man (IV)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

The sun had set when Rhode and Emily returned to the town of Fiat, which was in complete chaos. The Edward Trade Association had temporarily stopped their operations as they disputed over rescuing Emily and 'Miss Seren' or not. Before they reached a decision, the people involved had returned and since that was the case... their disputes naturally ceased.

Emily dragged every member into the conference hall straightaway and they discussed the future of the Trade Association's operations. After all, she was the Chairman's daughter and held the right of inheritance. The others were eyeing her position when she wasn't around, but the situation had developed in another direction before they had an opportunity.

This was a new beginning for Emily, but everything had ended for Rhode. After the Earth Elemental Spirit had been awakened, there was nothing else left for Rhode to accomplish in Fiat. It didn't matter if these people were capable of defeating the Earth Elemental Spirit because the ore productions in the Fiat region had been shut down completely. The next goal for Rhode was to return to the front line and lead his men against the Reformist Party. After losing Grosso and Fiat in a row, the Reformist Party would surely be desperate to replenish their losses by invading Paphield. If they missed this chance to strengthen their forces and deal a final blow, they knew that their logistic reinforcements would be doomed after the foodstuff reserves ran out.

Currently, the troops that the Reformist Party could mobilize were truly devoted to them. Once Rhode wiped out their troops completely, the Reformist Party would be nothing more than a bunch of old farts. Did they really think that they could still sit around a round table comfortably and defeat their enemies without doing anything?

Rhode had no doubt about the degree of violence to the Reformist Party's counterattack. The last time when the Reformist Party 'plotted a rebellion', they were suppressed by Lydia in a bloodbath, and this time, they were openly rebellious. According to the consistent behavior of the Archangel, Rhode could imagine a scene of thousand corpses hanging on rows of street lamps if their army was annihilated. With that many people setting up sky lanterns... it would surely be a spectacular view. This was why the Reformist Party had to strive for their own lives to avoid landing in such a miserable ending.

Of course. Rhode refused to believe that they hadn't prepared a way of escape. The Southern Port's commercial trading network wasn't simply for transporting wealth. Instead, it could be used as a means to escape. Those mice who stood before their people and to reform, rebel against despotic rule, and overthrow the dictator would definitely slip away faster than rabbits. They would board the ships and leave the Munn Kingdom directly from the Southern Port, entering the Country of Light through the 'Golden Coast' and continue to live their lives there. Anyway, once they were protected by the Country of Light Parliament, Lydia naturally couldn't deal with them anymore.

This was the problem Rhode needed to consider after returning to the front lines in Paphield. Currently, there weren't any missions that required him to personally take up. Gillian occasionally reported to him regarding Lize's progress and it was apparent that Lize worked hard, but she was yielding minimal results. After all, her capabilities and attitude couldn't match up to Marlene's. However, Rhode had no intentions of making Lize into a second Marlene because Lize was Lize and just like in the game, every player had their own unique PVP style. Some styles were indecent while some were ferocious. Some chose to battle head-on while others chose to ambush. Even the same kind of tactics could be performed differently by players. Rhode didn't wish for Lize to become another Marlene. However, he couldn't allow her to drift aimlessly. The battles ahead would become tougher and more challenging. He hoped that his men would be able to unleash their true potential. This wasn't solely for him. It was more for themselves. Rhode wouldn't impose this onLize if she lacked the capability. But the young lady clearly had sharp observation skills and was thoroughly meticulous. The only issue she had now was her timid and hesitant attitude. Although these factors didn't seem necessary in battle, Rhode knew that if she didn't overcome her weakness, it would most probably cause her death in the future.

Coincidentally, Rhode was informed by Gillian that the enemies were about to launch their attacks. This would be a great opportunity for her to learn through experience. I shall see what Lize is capable of...

Rhode thought to himself and came to a stop. He opened his room door and spotted a person whom he was surprised to meet.

"Master, are you okay?"

Celia, who had been waiting anxiously by the window, approached him and asked softly. Instead of answering her questions immediately, he turned curiously to the black-haired young lady folding her arms and leaning against the wall. She was glaring at him furiously.

"You see, Celia. I told you that a person like him wouldn't die that easily because only good Samaritans die early in this world... Hmph. Does he look like a fella who has a short life? How boring. You're satisfied now, aren't ya? Hmph!" Celestina let out a snort of disgust and walked toward the door. When she was about to step out of the room, Rhode extended his arm and stopped her, to which Celestina revealed a rare, panicky look. She glanced at Celia swiftly and calmed herself down. Then, she knitted her brows and lifted her chin proudly. "Why? Is anything the matter, Master?"

"Of course, Celestina," Rhode revealed a delightful smile. He sensed Celestina's stiff body and her stubborn, yet unusual tone. It was obvious that the memories from last night were still clouding her mind. After being 'tormented' for the whole night, Rhode would be too useless as a man if he didn't leave a single impression in her mind.

Rhode lifted his head and gazed at Celestina fearlessly. "My clothes are ruined from struggling in the damn unlucky mine. Celestina, as my maid, aren't you supposed to change my clothes for me?"

"Huh?!" Celestina widened her eyes in bewilderment and glared at Rhode. "What are you talking about. Why must I..."

Before Celestina completed her sentence, Rhode casually extended his right hand and made a rubbing gesture. Celestina's words got stuck at her throat abruptly as though an invisible hand grabbed onto her neck. She narrowed her gleaming scarlet eyes and gritted her teeth tightly.

Celia shifted her attention between the two of them curiously. She detected that Celestina was feeling inferior before Rhode, but she couldn't understand how Rhode did that. Her elder sister had always been a proud person who never lowered her head to anyone. Why would she react this way before Master? Besides... For unknown reasons, Celia sensed that Celestina was rather frightened of Rhode.

"Celia," Rhode's voice interrupted her thoughts.

The Battle Angel looked over hurriedly. "Yes, Master. What's the matter?"

"Can I trouble you to bring me some food and water? I'm starving to death."

"Ah. Sure, no problem."

Celia was much more obedient than her elder sister. She didn't raise a single doubt at Rhode's intentions and she left the room after nodding in agreement. The room door closed and Rhode looked playfully at Celestina. The Demon young lady took a step back subconsciously and folded her arms around her chest. She bit her lips and looked at him like a frightened kitten.

"What are you trying to do?"

"What? I've said it clear enough, Celestina. Change my clothes. Get my clean clothes here. That black set."

"... Hmph!!"

Perhaps sensing that her behavior appeared somewhat cowardly, Celestina stamped her foot and stormed off. Rhode twitched his brows. This is interesting. So, so interesting... Although Celestina said nothing, Rhode had gotten his answer entirely based on her behavior. It seemed that his 'operation' last night was really successful.

The changing of clothes was a painful matter for Rhode. There were two meanings to this pain. Firstly, the pain from the clothes themselves. Since Rhode's disguise was a business family's daughter, he couldn't possibly wear plain-looking clothes on the streets. But those luxurious costumes weren't easy to put on either. It would be a torturous session every time he changed his clothes. Not only did he need to keep the troublesome apparel neat, but he also needed to ensure that he didn't expose himself. Even though he had a female face and 'slender' body, it didn't mean that Rhode could disguise himself completely as a woman. He didn't have breasts...

Secondly, it was the psychological pain. Although he behaved exactly like a gentle and cultivated young lady, it didn't mean that he would be willing to wear a dress. In fact, he felt as though he was personally putting scalding iron plates on himself every time he wore a dress. It was as uncomfortable as it could get.

However, these were small issues compared to the bigger picture. Although the mission had been accomplished and he couldn't wait to leave this place, he had decided to stick around for a while more. After all, he had to see for himself how the situation would come to a full close.

When Rhode changed his clothes, Celestina stared silently and she didn't mock him like she usually did. This was really rare to see in Celestina. Her sulking expression was as though someone owed her a huge sum of money. Rhode couldn't read her mind, but at least this young lady was much more obedient than before... Yes, at least this is how it seems on the surface.


At this moment, Celestina's expression changed slightly. Her scarlet pupils focused their attention on Rhode's body. Rhode had changed into his clothes. Although he wished that he could take a warm shower first, he didn't have the chance with the current situation.

Knock knock knock.

Celia entered the room with a tray of food and drinks. But this time, she presented a stern expression. "Master, we have trouble."

"Oh? What is it?" Rhode pressed the creases around the collar and adjusted the bow tie neatly.

"I heard some commotion by the entrance. The visitors were insisting that the Edward Trade Association has to be responsible for the accident in the underground mine."

"Oh?" Rhode paused his movements. "What about now?"

"I saw Miss Emily lead a few men to handle the situation," said Celia.

"Sounds fun," Rhode narrowed his eyes. Celia and Celestina witnessed the smile that they were most familiar with: the brilliant, chilly, yet dangerous smile. "Let's go check it out, Celia."

"Yes, Master."

Emily stood fumingly on the plaza outside the Edward Trade Association, clenching her fists and glaring at the group of people before her. They were the members of the Howard Trade Association.

"Mr. Howard. You claimed that our Edward Trade Association was behind all this? You are slandering us! We have never done such a thing and we would never do it. Instead, isn't the Howard Trade Association the ones behind it? I've seen it for myself that you've hired mercenaries into the underground mine... How is it possible that your Trade Association would send mercenaries to mine ores?"

"This is only your one-sided statement, Miss Emily," the elderly man said without any signs of anger. "Your accusations aren't enough to explain that this is the doing of our Howard Trade Association. Besides, the underground is full of monsters now and our mining work has been hindered..."

"That goes for us too, old bastard. Our Edward Trade Association's mine has been completely shut down due to the earthquake and we can't continue our mining operations. Isn't this the doing of you bastards?"

Both sides were accusing each other at this point and the Howard Trade Association members burst out in anger.

"What a load of crap. Why would we do such a despicable thing? It must be you! You joined up with that fella from the Country of Light to conquer the entire mine and wipe us out entirely. Do you really think that we're not aware of it?!"


Emily was enraged. She had finally returned home and even before she could tidy up her mood, she was swept into this dispute. The merchants who were longing for the chairman position tried to gain benefits through her. Her father had just passed on and his death didn't seem important to them at all. And now, she had to stand here and wrangle with people of the Howard Trade Association about whose fault it was?

Emily had the urge to rave and rip apart her facade because she had had enough of such a miserable life. Father has died in the mine accident and these culprits actually have the cheek to point their fingers at me? They even tried to kill me?! She couldn't hold it in anymore. She took big strides forward, but, before she said anything, a crisp, gentle voice sounded and muted the rowdy crowd instantly.

"What an interesting accusation. You said that the Edward Trade Association and I have awakened the underground monster and even tried to capture the entire mine. Is there any evidence to your claims?"

Chapter 547: That Man (V)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Emily turned to the voice of support and saw 'Miss Seren' emerging from the crowd haughtily with her two maids. Everything seemed as per usual. But... Emily sensed that something was off.

There was something different from this 'Miss Seren'.

When they first met, Emily felt that 'Miss Seren' was knowledgeable and outspoken, which all merchants must be. Otherwise, how did one expect their business to be successful if the customers didn't like the words that one says?

Back then, Emily had always felt at ease being around 'Miss Seren'. But now, 'Miss Seren's' sweet-tempered personality had suddenly become cunning, tough, and overbearing. Emily realized that this was the arrogance of the Country of Light people. When they were escaping to the surface, Emily felt safe being with 'Miss Seren' and she didn't feel vexed no matter the predicament. To her, everything would be fine with 'Miss Seren' taking charge.

But now, Emily couldn't feel the sense of security from 'Miss Seren' anymore. Instead, all Emily felt were the slyness and arrogance from her as though she were a dangerous person.

It was indescribable by words. Emily felt as if the solid ground beneath her feet had transformed into a frozen lake with cracks spreading wildly on its surface. It was as though if she moved an inch, the frozen lake would crumble entirely and she would be completely devoured by the bone-piercing, cold river.

'Miss Seren' walked at a slow pace and Emily could see the shapeless 'ice' rippling in her every step and shrouding the entire plaza. Even though it was a stifling hot night, Emily felt chills all over her body. The bone-piercing chills struck her spine like an upward flowing lightning bolt. There was an instant when she wished to return to the Trade Association and cover herself in the fur clothing that was pressed underneath the chests and drink a cup of warm red tea to dispel this torturous chilliness.

The Howard Trade Association members stopped cursing in rage. Their hearts pounded violently and they stared at the 'woman' fixedly with pale expressions like the blizzard of the North was blustering and engulfing them entirely. They could even feel the snow accumulating around their feet and every inch of their bodies was frozen to the spot.

"As merchants, empty promises are undesirable. No matter how extravagant you describe your merchandise to your customers, your customers should at least see, touch, and obtain the value of it. Only swindlers behave in this manner. Why don't we take a look at the merchandise since everyone has been hard-selling it?"

Rhode elegantly approached the pale-faced elderly man. Beads of sweat filled his forehead and his breathing hastened. That's right. No matter how ingenious his trickery in business was, he was ultimately an ordinary human who inevitably couldn't withstand the aura that Rhode had released.

But Rhode had no intentions of going easy on him even though the elderly man was struggling. He expanded a folding fan and concealed his smile while glaring at everyone coldly. Although the Howard Family was a rare supporter of the King's Party from the South, Rhode wouldn't change his attitude toward them because they were unimportant.

Even though Marlene, Amund, and the Southern noble merchants believed that Rhode was devoted to the King's Party, that actually wasn't the truth. After all, Rhode was only a player before he came to this world and in the game, the fall of Munn Kingdom wouldn't affect his real life at all. Due to this reason, Rhode's main purpose in the game was to enjoy completing missions, receive EXP, grain gold and reputation, craft rare weapons, climb the ranks, dominate the arena, establish his guild, own and expand his territory, and rule the world. This was the attitude of a player and at most, they would pay close attention to the invasion of their country or prepare to attack neighboring countries and lead the PVP team battles and guild missions, etc...

Rhode was unconcerned about the political system, financial budget, and the rights of people's livelihood that the politicians and nobles around the round table discuss. The reason why he chose to protect the Munn Kingdom after the war was fairly simple. He was born in the Munn Kingdom and Lydia had bestowed generous rewards to him. Moreover, she was a charming and beautiful young lady, which was the main reason for the players.

After the Munn Kingdom had fallen, Rhode fought to the end with the other players. One reason was for him to vent his frustrations that his territory had been destroyed while the other reason was to seek revenge for the sassy young lady. As for the other members of the King's Party... they weren't within considerations at all.

Players were a presence without any moral principles. As long as the girl was adorable enough, they wouldn't care if she was evil or righteous. In one of the expansion packs of the game, Rhode led his team into Hell and accepted several missions to massacre and pillage civilians on the surface. Their main motive was for the rare, luxurious mission rewards and because the Succubus queen was beautiful enough...

A game, after all, was only a game. Players would stop at nothing to gain more strength. They wouldn't rather die than to submit like the Holy Knights who persisted in their beliefs. As long as the players could exploit and receive great benefits, they would do anything to achieve them because that wasn't a world they lived in. They didn't have any kin and those who died weren't their blood-related siblings or the neighbors and friends who they often meet. It wasn't because of guilty conscience that they didn't betray the NPCs. Instead, they were afraid of losing reputation and the benefits from the NPCs.

Perhaps they might make some evil decisions in the face of temptation, but this was mostly irrelevant to conscience, morality, and even attitude.

Even though Rhode had left the game and came to this real world, his nature hadn't changed too much. He continued to disregard the political ideas and beliefs. Since he first came to the Munn Kingdom in this world and Lydia was the only one who could stabilize the Munn Kingdom and provide a peaceful environment, he would naturally support her. But this support was only given to Lydia and not the King's Party. Even if the King's Party fell out with Lydia, he would still trust Lydia only and not the entire King's Party.

As for the Reformist Party... Rhode had never believed that they would provide him with sufficient trust and support. Furthermore, he had no intentions of begging those who he had once defeated before.

This was why Rhode was merciless against the pale-faced elderly man and he even wished to strike a fatal blow right now... He wasn't here to go on a scenic tour.

"I'm Miranda Seren of the Seren Trade Association from the Country of Light. All of you should be members of the Howard Trade Association, right? Since everyone is accusing the Edward Trade Association and I of creating the underground mess, I suppose you have some clear-cut proof?" Rhode squinted and his expression gloomed. "If you can't produce any evidence, I shall take it as you're provoking the dignity and pride of the people of the Country of Light?!"


Rhode raised his voice and the elderly man trembled abruptly. If it weren't for his crutch, perhaps his crooked body would have collapsed to the ground.

(Wow. I didn't expect Master to be this good in acting.)

Celia and Celestina, serving as the 'background characters' behind Rhode, exchanged curious glances with each other and spoke spiritually.

(Hmph. Look at how excited you've become, Celia... I feel that when he's truly angry, he's much more... Forget it... It's nothing.)

Celia understood what her older sister meant even though she hadn't completed her sentence. Indeed. Even though Rhode seemed furious, they knew that this was just slightly more indifferent from how he usually was. On the contrary, it was the most dangerous and terrifying when Rhode revealed his brilliant smile. Nothing would be his limits, like a nuclear warhead that would explode anything. That was a fear that one could do nothing apart from watching it countdown.


The people of the Country of Light were known for their arrogance and throwing their weight about. Even the King's Party knew how terrifying the Country of Light was, not to mention this Southern town. Moreover, the people knew that they couldn't seek support from the Country of Light in this terrible situation and relying on them was impossible to fight against the North. Even though the Howard Trade Association was a supporter of the King's Party, they were locally born and bred in Fiat. If they hade the life of merchant from the Country of Light difficult, they might be resented in the future. Even if they didn't mind, their families and children wouldn't be able to continue living on this piece of land anymore.

"I can!" A man let out a thunderous bellow.

He emerged from the back in big strides and glared at Rhode coldly with eyes emanating flames of rage. An Elf young lady in a Mage robe stood beside him with her hands folded, quietly gazing to the front.

Who were they praying to survive that...

Rhode twitched his brows and swept the grounds for the mercenaries who were in the underground with them.

"May I know who you..." Rhode lifted his chin and looked at the man disdainfully.

"I didn't know you had such a poor memory, Miss Seren."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know your name."


Indeed, he didn't introduce himself when they first met because, back then, the lesser the complications the better for him. But now, the rage in his heart burned stronger after he was provoked by her and especially after he recalled Uncle Raul's pitiful state before he died. He wished that he could kill her on the spot, but his rationale held him back... On the other hand, the elderly man who was intimidated by Rhode's aura came back to his senses. Perhaps witnessing that his reinforcements were here, he retreated behind the man hurriedly. "This is Mr. Andre. He is a student of the 'Thunder Sword' Sir Soderfast. I think you are aware of who he is, right, Miss Seren?"


Of course, Rhode knew who this 'Thunder Sword'. Even though the Light Parliament had produced a bunch of weak-minded ones, there were also quite a handful of powerful men. However, not all the powerful men would serve the Light Parliament devotedly as that pitiful Mist Sword Saint. The 'Thunder Sword' Soderfast was one of the eight guardians of the 'Sword Guardians'. He had a strange personality and paid no attention to the affairs of life. But even so, he had a flourishing reputation all around the continent.

The 'Sword Guardians' organization was established by the descendants of a country that was destroyed a long time ago. The eight guardians of this organization individually protected the eight weapons left behind by the ancient nation. Rumors said that when eight men qualified for the weapons that appeared, an ancient nation would re-emerge. Of course, this was simply a background introduction of this organization in the forums. Rhode had never seen the re-emergence of this nation and players failed to search for the eight weapons. But he remembered that Neptune's Sigh was one of them...

It seems that this man was the heir of the Neptune's Sigh that Soderfast has been searching for? Interesting. I didn't hear about this man in the game.

This thought flashed in his mind for a mere second. After all, his emergence in this world had changed it. The experiences he had gained in the game were for his reference and couldn't be relied upon as evidence. Andre laughed grimly at Rhode's silence and he strode forward. "I swear with my identity and my teacher's honor that this underground mess was created by this lady here, and she has awakened the monsters!!"

"Ah... This..."

Although the merchants usually deal with black and white documentation, they knew that it had the same effects as long as the people involved swore in their honor. As Soderfast's student, this man surely wouldn't throw Soderfast's honor out in the open and lie! Could it be that...


At this moment, a series of crisp laughter sounded. Rhode placed the opened fan by his mouth. "This is interesting, Mr. Andre. Real interesting."

"What's interesting?!" Andre snarled with crooked brows.

Rhode continued. "According to you, I headed into the underground and awakened the monsters. In other words... I've premeditated it?"

"... Yes." The man hesitated for a second and nodded swiftly.

Rhode's smile widened after hearing his response. "That's interesting... According to you, if I've premeditated everything before entering the underground, how did you witness my every action, Mr. Andre? Is it possible that you were just taking a walk and bumped into me by chance? Did you recognize the wrong person?"

"You—!" Andre was stricken into silence and he pointed at Rhode grudgingly.

Rhode placed his right finger on his lips and squinted. His eyes gleamed coldly. "... Do you really intend to do that, Mr. Andre?"

A distinct voice sounded in his ears. "Surely you wouldn't think that you can convict me based on such senseless accusations, right? But, so what if you did? What's the purpose? You want to seek revenge? Right here? I don't have any objections, but..."

Rhode glanced to the crowd. "If you don't mind me turning this place into a blood river, I will gladly play along until the end with you. These people seem to trust you a lot, Mr. Andre. But I'm not sure if they're willing to pay the price with their lives."

"You...!" Andre clenched his fist subconsciously.

At the same time, Rhode approached him with a generous smile. "This is a warning... Mr. Andre. Sir Soderfast deserves respect, but it's a pity that I've something later, so I hope you won't hinder me... Besides, you don't wish to lose that woman behind you, right?"


Andre flinched and drew a distance away hurriedly from 'Miss Seren's' beautiful face. He clenched his fists and glared fumingly, reaching out to the Neptune's Sigh subconsciously. However, he came to a stop after witnessing the crowd around him.

He believed that this vicious young lady was capable of doing it. If he attacked now, she would surely annihilate the people around him without a doubt. Andre had sensed her powerful strength from their previous clash and he could barely defeat her with his Neptune's Sigh.

If this breaks out into a fight, can I protect the people around me? But, do I give up on seeking revenge for Uncle Raul and the others? But... I can't drag these innocent people in...

The man pondered in silence. In the end, he gritted his teeth, let out a helpless sigh and turned around. "Maybe I've seen the wrong person... Cheryl, let's go!"

"Eh? ... Okay." The Elf Mage revealed a look of astonishment and nodded thereafter, leaving together with the man.

At this moment, 'Miss Seren's' melodious voice once again sounded. "It seems that our misunderstanding has been resolved, Mr. Andre. Alright then, I wish you well."

I will definitely... seek this revenge!

Andre clasped his sword hilt and decided firmly.

You won't be this lucky next time!

Chapter 548: Mission Failed?

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Andre left with his tail between his legs and put a full stop to this matter. The bystanders believed that Andre hadn't mistaken 'Miss Seren' for another person, but they also know that she wasn't easy to deal with. After their backing had left, the Howard members sneaked away quickly. Of course, this matter between the two Trade Associations was far from being resolved. No matter what, the mines in Fiat were supported by both families and they had to propose a solution to handle this dire situation.

But this was all for Rhode. He had nothing to do with Fiat anymore. Moreover, he was more concerned about the defensive line in Northern Paphield. After accomplishing both missions, Rhode had found some clues to Lydia's plan. He knew what Lydia wanted to accomplish. If everything went on smoothly, perhaps he might have another chance to play his favorite game...

Rhode packed his belongings the next morning and left the Trade Association with Celia and Celestina. Of course, they bid goodbye to the interim representative of the Trade Association before they left.

Splash! Emily placed the teacup on the table carelessly and the hot tea spilled and soaked the wooden table and scattered sheets of paper. Emily looked vacantly at 'Miss Seren' before her. "Miss Seren, y-you said you're leaving?"

"Yes, Miss Emily." Rhode revealed an apologetic smile and nodded slightly. "I'm aware that I've brought a lot of trouble to your Trade Association and I've even caused you to lose your father. I'm deeply sorry for my actions. But after all, I'm only a merchant. My purpose here was to negotiate the ore trades. But, it seems that the situation in Fiat region is much more chaotic than we've imagined. I believe the ore production will not be restored within a short period due to the unfortunate incident and I would have no further purpose in staying here any longer. This is why I've decided to leave, Miss Emily."

"B-But..." Emily stammered and she was lost for words.

Frankly speaking, even though 'Miss Seren's' departure was to be expected, Emily couldn't accept the truth momentarily. Although they had known each other for only two days, Emily felt that 'Miss Seren' was as though an old friend whom she had known for most of her life. At this moment, with the mishap of her father, she had to run the affairs of the Trade Association, adjust the benefits of the merchants, and be surrounded by their grumbles and conflicts. Sometimes, Emily felt that she was in a lot of pain. Am I not the saddest person in this world? I've just lost Father! The merchants prioritized benefits more than showing concern for her. This was the first time that Emily felt that these people were heartless. She hoped that someone could accompany, console, and lend her a shoulder. This was her only expectation now.

After hearing from 'Miss Seren' that she was leaving, Emily felt as though the ground under her feet had disappeared and she fell entirely into an emptiness of disappointment. "M-Miss Seren, can you stay for a few more days? I..."

"I think it's best for us to not trouble you right now, Miss Emily. Your Trade Association is going through a tough phase now and it will require a lot of focus and time to resolve the issues. I'm just an outsider and it isn't beneficial for you if we continue to stay here. Besides... I didn't expect to see that many savage bandits in Fiat. Miss Emily, please be wary of the Howard Trade Association. Their conspiracy failed this time, but I'm sure they will be back," Rhode stepped forward and gently caressed Emily's cheek. "It was nice knowing you, Miss Emily. It isn't easy to meet a trustworthy woman in a foreign land. I will never forget you."

Rhode moved two steps back and lifted his skirt lightly to bow. "So then, goodbye, Miss Emily. I hope you will achieve your dreams soon."

The door closed.

Emily gazed vacantly and pondered for a long time. She eventually gritted her teeth as though she had made a decision. She went up to the bookshelves and withdrew a scroll. Picking up a feather pen by the side, she began to write with trembling hands...

"Is this fine, Master?"

After boarding the chariot, Celestina looked at Rhode with a sardonic smile while Rhode twitched his brows in response. Celestina chuckled lightly and continued. "Haven't you seen how heartbroken that girl was when you left her just like that? Why didn't you do what you're best at to calm her down and make her your slave? That sounds fun. Besides, you love to do that a lot, isn't it?"

"I'm a person who divides pleasure and work clearly, Celestina."

The smile on Rhode's face vanished and he revealed his usual, aloof expression. However, Celestina and Celia felt more comfortable with that familiar expression than the smiling mask.

"Work is work and one shouldn't bring personal considerations into the picture when the mission is accomplished. Besides... It's not like I haven't satisfied my personal pleasure during my stay here." Rhode shot a meaningful look at Celestina and the latter turned toward the window with a disdainful snort, ignoring him completely. Celia looked on in confusion as she couldn't understand what their interactions were all about. She turned to her left and front and both of them didn't seem interested in explaining... Well, gossiping wasn't the Battle Angel's hobby anyway.

"Eh?" Celestina widened her eyes slightly. She chortled and looked on engrossingly out of the window. "Master, you said you divide work and personal pleasure clearly, right?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"So then, since our mission is completed, you wouldn't mind enjoying for a while longer, right?"


Rhode caught on to something strange and suddenly, the chariot slowed down and came to a halt. At this moment, a rather familiar, panting voice sounded. A voice that he had just spoken to earlier on.

"Please wait, Miss Seren!"

Rhode hesitated with knitted brows and eventually chose to exit the chariot. While neglecting the smiling Celestina who was watching at the same time. Rhode spotted Emily sprinting over while clutching a small bag in her hand. She was wearing outdoor attire instead of her home clothes... Oh, Lord. Could it be... It can't be...

Although Rhode was muttering inwardly, he greeted Emily with an elegant smile. "What's wrong, Miss Emily? Is anything the matter?"

"Huu... Huu... Ha... Ha..."

It seemed that Emily had been pursuing the chariot for a long distance. Fortunately for her, the chariot hadn't left the town yet. If not, it wouldn't be surprising that she might even chase her way into the deep forest.

Emily caught her breath and gazed at Rhode with determined eyes. She bit her teeth as though she had made an important decision. "M-Miss Seren... If it is possible, can I please leave with you?"


You gotta be kidding me...

Rhode had deeply realized how accurate this saying was. One must not speak unreasonably while missions must not be accepted irrationally.

Rhode refused to believe that Emily would simply give up on her life in the Trade Association and choose to become a Travel Merchant with him. Was this part of the mission? What kind of joke was this! If Rhode was truly a female merchant player, there wouldn't be any problems bringing Emily along. But he wasn't a merchant and even his gender was disguised... Moreover, Rhode had to head back to the Paphield front lines to resist the attack from the Reformist Party. How would he even have the time to accompany Emily in becoming a Travel Merchant?

Rhode didn't reject Emily's request firmly. He gazed at the young lady quietly for a long time while Emily lowered her head worriedly like a bewildered student reprimanded by her teacher. Then, Rhode finally responded. "Why, Miss Emily?"

"Because... Because..."

Emily had given a lot of thought and came up with several excuses before she bolted out of the Trade Association. She had so much on her mind to say to 'Miss Seren', but the thoughts seemed to have vanished now that they stood face to face.

"Because I..."

"I don't know what exactly you are thinking about, Miss Emily. But I will not bring you along... I can understand the pain and sorrows of losing your father. But... This isn't a justifiable reason for you to leave here, Miss Emily. You still lack the capabilities to become a Travel Merchant and I, as a citizen of the Country of Light, can't bring you out of your country with my own initiative, especially during this sensitive period."

"But Miss Seren, I..." Rhode placed a finger on Emily's lips and stopped her from speaking further. "This is the first lesson for a Travel Merchant. You're always alone on your travels. Merchants are also humans. They have the right to feel pain and sadness. But being merchants takes priority over being humans in their lives. You won't resolve the issue by evading, Miss Emily. If you can't be independent as a merchant, then you won't be able to travel with me. I'm sorry, but honestly speaking, you are lacking the aptitude to step on this path, Miss Emily."


Emily loosened her shoulders abruptly and she shrunk as though a helpless, deflated balloon.

"Am I really unable to travel with you, Miss Seren?"

"Yes, Miss Emily. You lack the capabilities, at least for now."

"So... So when will I be capable enough?"

"When you once again pick up your bag unhesitantly, without feeling any reluctance to part," Rhode smiled and looked at Emily who stood blankly on the spot. "You have the potential, Miss Emily. If you're willing to work for it, you will become an outstanding Travel Merchant one day. But now isn't the time. You're not ready to become one yet."

Rhode looked up to the sky. "It's late, Miss Emily, you'd better head back now... So then, this is goodbye. I hope that the next time when I meet you, you have become an outstanding Travel Merchant."

Rhode bowed and turned around gracefully. Emily looked vacantly at 'Miss Seren' walking toward the Chariot and she came back to her senses. She reached out to the chariot, but the chariot door had closed and isolated her from the world. The chariot driver lashed the horsewhip and the chariot drove off into the distance.

Emily laid down her hand. She gazed at her palm and revealed a bitter smile. "That's right... Travel Merchants don't weep... Miss Seren is right. I'm still not qualified to travel with her yet. But..." She clenched her fist tightly. "One day, I will become an impressive Travel Merchant, Miss Seren."

"Phew..." Rhode leaned back and took a deep, long breath.

Got to say, he was indeed flabbergasted back then, but he declined her request quick enough before she had to chance to hesitate. But... Am I still able to complete the 'Fiery Rose' mission? Rhode closed his eyes and called out the system panel. He saw a gray line of system prompt and he let out a bitter laugh.

"What's wrong? Master?" Celia asked curiously.

Rhode shrugged and shook his head slightly. "It's nothing, Celia. But... sometimes, some things shouldn't be forced."

Rhode looked at the sky through the window.

I wonder how's Lize doing...

If Lize could hear Rhode's thoughts, she would surely give a clear-cut answer.

Bad. Really bad.

At this moment, the young lady was seated on the stone-cold chair in the Fortress, gazing at everyone before her. The atmosphere was warm, but it felt as cold as a graveyard for her. It wasn't a physiological reaction. It was more of a pressure inside her.

"We have recently investigated that the Reformist Party are getting up to no good. Within the past two days, they have doubled the number of scouts that they have sent to the front line. Heh, I think this isn't a good sign. Same goes for Randolf's side. The enemies seemed to have hired plenty of rangers and hunters. The troubles happening these few days have increased significantly."

"Are you referring to the chances of being discovered?"

"Hahaha, you sure know how to joke, Miss Gillian. In any case, we're trained by Madam Canary and Madam Bubble, so we're better off dying in the front line than to let you know we were discovered by a bunch of newbies... I didn't mean that. What I meant was that those enemies seem eager to seize the sentry posts. I suspect the Reformist Party might have a huge movement soon."

"Hmm... There's indeed a possibility. Little Lize, do you find any problems with that?"

"Eh?!" Lize flustered as soon as everyone shifted their attention to her. She hesitated for a moment before speaking softly. "How... How many people do you think they have at the moment?"

"This isn't easy to gauge, Miss Lize. But Randolf and I think that there's about 10,000 of them."

"... Are they all Cavalrymen?"

"Hmm... That's a hard question, Miss Lize. I'm not their Commander, so how would I know? But Randolf's men didn't spot any massive movements of warhorses, so that isn't too possible. Basically, they should consist of mainly infantries and archers. Of course, we are only in charge of investigating the perimeter of the Fortress and we aren't sure about the situation farther ahead. This time, those guys are rather cunning. They set up camp in the depths of the defensive line and for safety's sake, we didn't dare to penetrate too deeply. I think that this upcoming battle wouldn't be as simple as before."

"Have you informed the Fortress Commander?" Lize asked.

Joey revealed a half smile and when he was about to speak, Gillian let out a cough to stop him. Joey swept a glance at Gillian who was twitching her ears and swaying her fluffy tail and he lowered his head quickly.

"Erm... Miss Lize, we pour all our hearts and souls for the Guild and those guys from the Fortress aren't even the one paying us our allowance... so, naturally, we informed our own people first."

"Uh..." Lize blushed in embarrassment and nodded. "I understand now, Joey. Thank you. I will consider this matter. By the way, I will need to trouble you and Mr. Randolf to be more vigilant for the next two days, especially at night. Of course, you guys must be careful too. I heard that the fog will be thicker for the next few days."

"Don't worry, Miss Lize. If anything happens, we can hide for the night and carry out investigations. Don't worry!"

"Hmm... Alright then..." Lize paused for a moment before sweeping a quick look at the crowd before her. "Alright, that's all. I will think of a solution."

"Okay, Miss Lize."

"Got it."

The crowd got up and left. After everyone had exited her room, Lize leaned back and let out a long sigh.

"I failed again..." Lize muttered under her breath.

Chapter 549: First Battle

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Lize looked at the cluttered mess on her desk and sighed helplessly.

She stood up and turned to Gillian who was smiling cheekily. "Little Lize, you're still not used to it after so long?"

"I'm really sorry, Miss Gillian. I'm..." Lize shook her head hopelessly.

Frankly speaking, she had attempted to take up the responsibilities bravely. However, she realized that there were so many matters that she had to be concerned about whenever she received crucial information. She would feel overwhelmed and unable to provide accurate answers. From the beginning, Lize tried her best and the mercenaries of the Cloud Summit Fortress performed decently. As for the Reformist Party, apart from randomly causing a commotion, they hadn't launched any large-scale attacks. Lize was hoping that they would never attack, or perhaps attack only after Rhode returned... This way, she could stay away from the dangers.

But it was a pity that the heavens didn't satisfy her wishes.

"We don't have too much time left, Little Lize. According to Little Joey's report, the Southern Legion is coming for real this time. Of course, we can't just look on without lifting a finger. After all, this is a mission that Master handed to our care. So then, do you have any good ideas?"

"... I think I'll need to think about it a little more..."

Gillian raised an eyebrow and looked at the young lady with a shrug. "Little Lize, the enemies won't be that nice to give you time to think, okay? You should notice this too, right? Don't tell me you've been dazing off into space during the meeting?"

"N-No, I wasn't!" Lize waved her hands frantically. She gazed at Gillian with uncertainty and didn't know what to say. She eventually lowered her head and nodded slightly. "I do have a plan, Miss Gillian. But I think it is too risky and there are many unknown risks that I haven't considered. What if I failed to..."

"Thinking about failures even before you win? You indeed have the qualities of an Adjutant, Little Lize. It seems that Master wasn't wrong about you. But... why must you worry that much?"

"Eh?" Lize lifted her head abruptly and stared with widened eyes as though she couldn't believe what she had just heard from the Fire Elemental Lord... "M-Miss Gillian, how can you say something so irresponsible? If I don't consider the risks, everyone might get into trouble due to my negligence. What would I do if that happened?!"

Gillian was unfazed by Lize's somewhat agitated behavior. Instead, she casually swayed her tail and stood to her feet, looking right into Lize's eyes. Lize felt an indescribable pressure that forced her to close her mouth and her breathing hastened. However, she continued to lift her head stubbornly. At this moment, Gillian broke the silence. "I don't know if everyone will fail due to your negligence, but I'm sure that if you continue to have this mindset, you're bound to fail."

"Eh?" Lize looked blankly.

"I've been waiting for you to wake up to reality, but you're still harboring such thoughts. This makes me disappointed, Little Lize... This isn't only about you, but you also made me lose my bet. It seems that Master was right. It is too hard for you to realize this problem yourself. Sometimes, you just don't seem to get what you want..."

"Mr. Rhode?"

"Yes. Actually, before he left, he has specially told me to guide you along when you're out of ideas. But I didn't abide by his instructions because I believed that you're more than capable. However, now it seems that Master understands you more than I do. I didn't expect that you would be troubled for so long without realizing the solution in front of you."

"Miss Gillian!" Lize stood to her feet and yelled. "Why didn't you..."

"Why didn't I tell you earlier? You can't blame me, okay? I thought you'd be able to realize it since it's such a simple matter. Master seems to be confident in you so I didn't say anything. But instead, you failed my expectations and I'm very disappointed!"

"Urgh..." Lize was speechless to the fox-eared young lady's forceful grumbles. Aren't I supposed to be the one angry here...? Why does it seem like Miss Gillian is more furious than I am? What exactly is going on?

"Alright, enough jokes. Let's talk about serious matters," Gillian chuckle and clapped upon seeing Lize's awkward expression. "Little Lize, you said that you're not sure if everyone will succeed due to your negligence... right?"


Lize nodded slightly. This was what she was most troubled about. Before Rhode had left, he assigned Lize with the commanding role and it had given her tremendous pressure. Although Lize didn't make too many changes to the mercenaries' movements after Rhode left, she couldn't help but worry about the Fortress every day. She was worried that Joey and Randolf's groups might be ambushed and the Reformist Party might launch their attacks on the Fortress. Initially, she wasn't worried about these situations, but now that she had become Rhode's representative, she was expected to possess such awareness. Wasn't that... right?

"That's all wrong, Little Lize," Gillian's words pointed out her hesitance bluntly. "We're living beings who have thoughts and not puppets who will only move under one's manipulation. Little Lize, you're only neglecting their values whenever you're thinking about this. That's right, you hope for a perfect plan so everything can run smoothly without any loopholes. But this only exists in your ideal and reality is never perfect. You're alone and it's only right and nothing wrong that you neglect something. Even when you've overlooked something, we're here to help you. You just have to accomplish what you can do and we will fill in the gaps for the other areas. Or maybe, you never believed the companions that have fought with you?"

"I..." Lize was at a loss for words.

The fox-eared young lady's words were like a steel hammer pounding on her heart. She finally realized why she had always been feeling anxious and distressed. Perhaps, her subconscious mind realized that her actions were as though she was despising her companions. Just as Miss Gillian said, they are not puppets. They are humans who can think on their own feet for survival. They have their own thoughts and perspectives. But my head has always been occupied by the ways of handling the mission that Mr. Rhode has appointed me... That's right. Mr. Rhode has put me in the commanding role, but he didn't say that I should hold the mercenaries' hands and guide them step by step, right?

Lize thought it through and she felt that she had been enlightened.

This is such a simple reason, so why haven't I realize it until now?

Lize looked up at Gillian, but this time, the urgency in her expression had vanished. "Thank you for your reminder, Miss Gillian. I think... I have a solution now..."

"You made me lose my bet with Master. I will make you pay for my loss next time, Little Lize. Alright... I will inform this matter to that pervert and I shall leave the following matters to you, okay?"

Gillian winked cheekily, placed her hands behind her back, and hummed her way out of the meeting room leisurely. Lize lowered her head and heaved a deep sigh of relief. She took over the intelligence report by her side and her expression became stern once again.

"This time, I will succeed..." She muttered under her breath.

Just as Gillian had predicted, or perhaps much earlier than she had predicted... the Reformist Party's army had finally moved out. After receiving the investigation result from Gillian, Garcia quickly dispatched his scouts to fish for information and they eventually gathered the exact numbers on the enemies. "8500."

This slovenly-dressed man kept his smile. He stared at the high-ranking military officer before him and the exhaustion between his brows was exposed. Although the Southern Legion wasn't entirely powerful, they had the upper hand on numbers. And even though the Cloud Summit Fortress had replenished its manpower, they had only about a few thousand troops. Furthermore, Garcia knew that battles shouldn't be judged based on the situation on the battlefield. Recently, there had been plenty of 'good news' for the South. Their granaries were destroyed and the Undead Army emerged in their turf... Heh. Garcia was excited when he read the reports, but he didn't expect that karma got back at him. The desperate Reformist Party had decided to stake everything in one throw.

But must you mess with my Fortress out of all the possibilities?

Garcia was clear that the enemies didn't dispatch their soldiers solely to attack his Fortress because their real motive was to pass through his defensive line and penetrate Paphield. The Cloud Summit Fortress was based in a terrible terrain. After the enemies crossed the defensive line, a wide expanse of land would be awaiting them and Garcia's men wouldn't be enough to stop them at all. If that happened, it would be no longer significant if this Fortress existed or not. What was the point of the Fortress if it couldn't protect its territory? Moreover, even though Royal Highness Lydia had dispatched 2000 reinforcements of soldiers, the quality of the private soldiers were so bad that it left Garcia chuckling bitterly.

A helpless expression emerged on the 'Red Fox's' face only for a few seconds because he knew that he would lower the morale of his men as the Fortress Commander. He quickly expressed a frivolous smile instead. "Heh heh, those guys seem to be really anxious. But that's fine because this way, we'll have a chance to show them our might! Don't worry, there may be a lot of them, but they lack discipline! Don't mind them! Everyone, get ready. Once they arrive, we will teach them a lesson!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Garcia's words pumped up the officers in the meeting room. They smacked the table before them and left the room in smiles. Garcia heaved a sigh of relief, loosened his bowtie, and wiped the sweat beads on his forehead. Then, he realized that an unexpected guest had stayed behind.

"Oh? Isn't this Miss Lize? Is there any matter? Oh, by the way, thanks for the intelligence report you've provided me with earlier. I didn't expect those bastards to dispatch so many men. But with us and your Guild around... Yes, and that half-beast-half-Mage young lady. There won't be any problem with our Fortress, don't worry!"

"General Garcia," Lize stood up and approached him with an unprecedented stern expression. She handed a thick pile of documents over. "These are my thoughts and plans for this upcoming battle. Please take a look."


This was the first time Garcia looked Lize straight into her eyes. He let out a cheeky laughter and took over the papers. He read through them briefly. "Hey, Miss Cleric, I didn't expect you to have such military talents. This really surprises me greatly. Let me see... Hmm?" Garcia carefully read through the papers. The 'Red Fox' was no longer frivolous and all-smiles. Instead, his expression was replaced with dignified seriousness.

The meeting room was in complete silence apart from the rustling of the flipping pages. Lize stood quietly by the sides, clenching the hem of her skirt and looking nervously at Garcia. Seconds passed and Garcia finally closed her proposal with a soft 'bam'. He turned around and sized up the young lady sternly. "Did you come up with this, Miss Cleric?"

"Yes, General Garcia. The enemies don't seem to be intending to take down the Fortress. They merely want to restrain us because the Paphield Plain is just behind us. As long as they restrain us successfully, we will not be able to dispatch soldiers to stop their next move and they will reach their goal. So we have to be prepared for it."

"So, this is your preparation?"

"Yes, General Garcia."

"..." Garcia pondered in silence. After a brief moment, he pointed to the proposal. "Although your proposal is great and I believe in your Guild's capabilities, it isn't fully perfect yet... Miss Cleric, don't you think that you've neglected a point which is a fatal loophole? If you can't convince me about it, I will not approve."

Lize gave a rare and confident nod. "Just as you've said. My proposal is still lacking, but, General Garcia, I do have preparations for that part. Miss Gillian is off to search for the crucial helper... I can guarantee, General Garcia, that person will be able to accomplish this task. This is Mr. Rhode's suggestion, so there will not be a problem."