

Chapter 536 - Challenge Letter

The people of the village were extremely well prepared for this attack. Ouyang Hua led one group, Thirteen led the second, and the other villagers who were also at the third stage led the last group.

After half a month, only Thirteen's group didn't return. Although there were some casualties, their rewards were very good.

However, because Thirteen's group didn't return, there was a dark cloud over everyone's hearts.

Only Wang Lin's expression remained normal without any change. Three days later, a black cloud appeared outside the valley. If one looked closely, they would see that it was a lion with wings.

Although there were no injuries on its body, it was very weak. Every now and then it would turn into a black cloud and then form back together; it was on the verge of collapsing.

There was a person lying motionlessly on its back, and he was covered in wounds. There was also a very strange-looking, red line moving around inside the person like a parasite.

The lion primary soul quickly charged toward the valley. As it got closer, several people quickly appeared, took out their soul flags, and fed soul fragments to the lion. This caused the lion's energy to immediately increase.

After seeing the lion, almost everyone immediately recognized that this was Thirteen's lion and that the person on its back which was clearly Thirteen.

After the lion primary soul entered the valley, it let out a cry, then it shattered into specks of black light and was about to completely collapse.

Just at this moment, a calm voice echoed in the valley.

"Soul condense!"

With that, the specks of black light shined brightly and quickly condensed back together. In the blink of an eye, it returned back to normal.

All of the villagers revealed respectful expressions and opened a path. Wang Lin walked through with his hands behind his back.

After the lion primary soul saw Wang Lin, it began to cry as if it had been extremely wronged. Wang Lin's finger reached out, causing the lion to let out a cry of joy and rushed toward Wang Lin's finger.

Finally, it disappeared on his finger and a lion-shaped mark appeared on his fingertip.

The surrounding people were all used to Wang Lin's control over soul fragments, so none of them were shocked at all, and they had their heads down respectfully.

Wang Lin walked step by step and arrived next to Thirteen. After he lowered his head to take a look, his expression darkened.

He saw a red line moving like a dragon through his body. Thirtreen's face was pale and had no breath at all.

「スマイ LINK」から広がるビジネスの可能性.大阪ガスの次世代インフラとは.ミライ価値の創造を通じて,社会課題の解決に貢献する.Daigasグループの挑戦に光を当てたDaigas STUDIO…大阪ガス株式会社

Wang Lin knelt down and gently pressed his right finger on Thirteen's chest. A sharp cry suddenly came out from the body, and at the same time, a red line charged out from where Wang Lin pressed and shot directly at him.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold, and an invisible force appeared around his body. There was a loud bang as if the red line had hit a steel plate, and it was forcefully knocked back.

At this moment, Wang Lin moved his hand and caught the red line. With one pull, there was a loud cry, and the red line was pulled out of Thirteen's body.

This red line was longer than 10 feet and it moved around like a snake. The other end moved toward Wang Lin but was once more stopped.

The coldness in Wang Lin's eyes increased, and the celestial spiritual energy inside his body surged like crazy. He squeezed hard, and after a series of popping sounds, the red line shattered to dust in three breaths of time.

After the red line disappeared, Thirteen's face slowly became red. Although Thirteen was still extremely weak, his condition was no longer life-threatening. However, Wang Lin's expression became even darker.

He was able immediately see that Thirteen had been wasted!

The three stars of demonic spiritual energy Thirteen had gathered from cultivating the soul refining spell were all gone. If that was only the case, it would be fine, but all of the meridians in his body were shattered and all his soul flags were stolen.

The enemy acted so viciously but didn't kill Thirteen. Instead, he let the lion bring Thirteen back, meaning that that person clearly had other objectives.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, and he pointed his finger toward Thirteen's forehead. The demon crystal inside his body activated and a strand of demonic spiritual energy entered Thirteen's forehead.

Thirteen's body trembled, then he suddenly opened his eyes and saw Wang Lin. He wanted to get up to pay his respects, but he found that he couldn't move, and pain washed over his body like ocean waves.

Thirteen struggled to open his mouth. In his current state, he accidently called out what he always considered Wang Lin in his heart. "Master…"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, but he didn't speak.

"On the way back, we met a large tribe. We tried to go around them, but they still attacked us. There was a white-robed man who took my soul flag and planted that demon inside me. He left me a message saying that if you want the soul flags back, then all you have to do is find him."

Wang Lin nodded, then he raised his finger, and at that moment, Thirteen's body trembled before he passed out again.

"Take him to rest!" After Wang Lin left those words, he took one step and disappeared.

The surrounding tribe members quickly moved Thirteen away, and there was someone else there to take care of him.

After Wang Lin left the valley, he moved like lightning toward the distance. His expression was gloomy and his eyes were cold.

Thirteen originally went out to attack another tribe. If he had failed and died, Wang Lin wouldn't have cared at all. Life and death were all part of life, and as someone who cultivated the life and death domain, Wang Lin was very clear on this.

However, this was not the case here. Thirteen was on his way back when he passed by another tribe and was attacked. The enemy also didn't kill Thirteen but planted a demon inside his body. If that was it, that would've been fine as lesson, but they also shattered his meridians and even said that if he wanted the soul flags back, he had to go find them.

As a result, the meaning had changed. This was taunting, or it could be said to be a challenge letter!

Thirteen became someone's living challenge letter!

Since this person sent the challenger letter, Wang Lin wanted to see what kind of person was living in that tribe that dared to challenge him!

Wang Lin was very intelligent. If this person's cultivation level was much higher than his, he would just head back to the village, find a way to heal Thirteen, and then just avoid this tribe.

Although there was a chance of this, it was very low. From what Wang Lin saw from the spell used on Thirteen, the person was only around the Soul Formation stage.

Thinking about this, he let out a cold snort and moved even faster like a meteor across the sky.

The Heavenly Water Tribe lives in a large plain in the northwest side of the Demon Spirit Land. There is flat land surrounding the area, and originally it was not a great place to live, but an ancient formation exists here.

This formation is very powerful. When it is activated, everything within five kilometers is safe. Even during the night of demonic spirits, it is completely safe inside.

The key to survival for a tribe in the Demon Spirit Land is whether or not they can find a formation to protect themselves with. There are many of these formations in the Demon Spirit Land, but there aren't many that can cover five kilometers.

The larger the area the formation can cover, the stronger the formation. It also means that the tribe that lives here has more room for growth.

For example, the valley is only so large, so once the population reaches a certain size, they won't be able to get new people. This formation on the plain is five kilometers wide, so more people can live inside.

Two old men were sitting inside a very simple house in the Heavenly Water tribe.

One of them was wearing grey and the other was wearing white. Between them was a purple tea set.

The white-robed old man picked up a cup and took a drink. "Of all the things the foreigners brought, only this tea suits my tastes."

The grey-robed elder picked up a cup and also took a drink. "When are you going back?"

The white-robed old man pondered a bit and said, "Tomorrow. I can't leave the Ancient Demon City for too long. I already stayed for a month for a visit home; if I stay any longer it will be difficult to explain to the general of the left wing."

The grey-robed elder nodded and said, "You injured someone's disciple and took their strange little flag. If they come knocking, what should I do?"

The white-robed old man's eyes lit up and he said, "What do you mean what you should do? Just use the formation to kill that person!"

The grey-robed old man frowned and then said, in a serious tone, "Those people weren't simple. Almost all of them had one star of demonic spiritual energy and had all learned demonic spells, especially the person leading. With those little flags, he was able to control demon spirits to attack. At first they were going around us, but you became interested in his little flag. Not only did you kill them to take the treasures, but you even let the leader go as a challenge letter to lure the person behind him out. What you did was a bit too much."

The white-robed man laughed and said, "I'm a guard of honor under the general of the left wing of Ancient Demon City. How could killing a few savages be considered too much? Also, I deduced that the person behind them isn't strong. Why would that person still be around here in a tribe? He would have already gone to Ancient Demon City to get a better position if he was powerful. I lured him here because I want to obtain the method of using this small flag from him. If he comes, it will be good; if not, I'll follow the mark I left on the young man and steal it!"

The grey-robed old man asked, "Is the chant from the young man's mind fake?"

The white-robed man's eyes lit up and he said, with a dark tone, "It isn't fake, but it is not complete; there should be more."

Chapter 537 - Untitled

The grey-robed old man silently pondered. He didn't have a good opinion of his fellow tribe member who went to Ancient Demon City and got a position there.

Shortly after, just as he was about to open his mouth, the ground started trembling as if there was a giant dragon moving underneath. Then loud rumbling came from the five-kilometer-wide area of the tribe.

The white-robed old man's face sank and then he walked out of the room.

There was a person floating in the sky. He was wearing a white robe that was flowing in the wind, and his long hair flowed behind his head, giving off a demonic aura.

He was Wang Lin, who came in anger!

At this moment, Wang Lin's eyes were cold, and the celestial spiritual energy in his body was surging as he floated in the air. He took one step and a shockwave echoed across the area.

The five-kilometer-wide area below him showed signs of collapsing, and cries of shock and terror came from below.

However, at the moment the ground began to collapse, a green ripple appeared from the five-kilometer-wide area. The ground immediately returned to normal and a powerful force charged directly at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin let out a cold snort as he raised his right thumb and pressed it down. He increased the power of the death finger to its peak.

This finger caused the surroundings to be covered in a death aura; even the sky dimmed and showed signs of collapse.

His thumb pressed down and collided with the ripple in the sky. The waves of ripples immediately began to curve and move around Wang Lin's finger as he pressed down. It was as if there was suddenly a fork in the river, forcing it to split to two sides.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Break!"

With one word, a black light shined from Wang Lin's finger. The ripples immediately collapsed, and this quickly spread until all of the ripples dissipated.

Wang Lin floated in the sky and coldly looked at the tribe below him. Everyone within the five-kilometer-wide area walked out of their houses and raised their heads to look at him in terror.

Wang Lin wasn't one to kill indiscriminately. Among these people, two of them caught his attention.

These two were both old men; one was wearing grey and the other was wearing white.

At this moment, the grey-robed old man's heart felt very bitter, and he let out a sigh of regret. This time they had messed with a person they shouldn't have. The fact that this person could negate the rebound force from the formation with just one finger meant that his cultivation wasn't weak.

As for the white-robed old man, he was in shock. His gaze toward Wang Lin was filled with disbelief.

"Why would such a powerful person appear in this land of savages? His cultivation level is about the same as the elder in the general's manor. I'm afraid I'm not his match…"

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he slowly said, "Who sent me the challenge letter? Come out!"

His voice was calm at the start, but when it descended to the ground, it roared like heavenly thunder in the surrounding five kilometer area. The grey-robed old man suddenly turned completely pale, his body swayed back, and he took a few steps back. Then blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth, and the shock in his eyes reached its limit.

The white-robed old man was barely able to stand still. He clenched his teeth and shouted, "Who are you!? I'm the deacon of the general of the left wing in Ancient Demon City!"

Wang Lin's cold gaze fell on this person and he coldly said, "It should be you. I can feel the aura of the soul flag on you. You are dead!"

The white-robed old man's heart trembled as he clenched his teeth and said, "Yes, it was this old man who took those small flags! If you have the skill, then break the formation and take them!"

Wang Lin coldly looked at the old man and calmly said, "Do you think this formation can stop me?!" Wang Lin touched his bag of holding and a giant, heaven-splitting axe that was glowing black appeared in the air.

The moment the giant axe appeared, thunderous roars came from the sky, and balls of lightning appeared around the axe

The white-robed old man's pupils suddenly shrank, and the grey-robed old man exclaimed, "Foreigner!!!"

Wang Lin's expression was cold as he grabbed the heaven-splitting axe and swung down at the speed of lightning.

A ray of of axe energy 100 feet long fell on the formation along with several balls of lightning.

There was a bang so loud that even the people in the valley were able to clearly hear it.

Wang Lin didn't stop with one swing. He continued to swing the axe down on the formation like a primordial demon war god.

The white-robed old man's face was completely pale, and the regret in his heart had reached its limit.

Green light flashed violently around the five-kilometer-wide area. Every time the axe fell, the flashes of green light would negate the axe's power and even absorb some to increase the formation's strength.

As a result, it created an endless cycle. This formation wasn't just a little bit stronger than the one around the valley.

After enduring for a few breaths of time, the white-robed old man finally let out a breath of relief. His expression gradually returned to normal as he looked at Wang Lin, who was still swinging the axe, and sneered. "How could the formation here break because you say it will break?!"

The grey-robed old man next to him also let out a sigh of relief. He was very clear on the power of the formation, and right now it seemed like the foreigner was not powerful enough to break it.

Wang Lin's expression was still cold. The power of this formation was beyond his expectations. He backed up and he stared at the formation.

"I won't be able to break through this formation by force in a short period of time, and even if I used restrictions, it would take a very long time to study it."

As if he had seen through Wang Lin's concern, the white-robed old man laughed and said, "Even if you have heavenly spells, this formation is not something you can break. I suggest you quickly leave before you humiliate yourself any more!"

Wang Lin coldly looked at the person, revealed a hint of contempt, and coldly said, "Really?"

With that, he threw the axe. His time his target wasn't the formation, it was the edge of the five kilometer area the formation covered.

The axe moved like lightning and suddenly landed on the edge of the five kilometer area, causing a loud bang. Because it was outside the formation, the axe left a deep ravine on the ground like it was cutting through tofu.

Wang Lin raised his right hand, pointed at the ground, and drew a circle.

There were more rumbling sounds as the axe moved underground at a very fast speed under Wang Lin's command. It moved around the formation and dug out a large circle around it!

The white-robed old man was startled, as he wasn't sure what this foreigner was doing.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he took a deep breath, raised his hand, and shouted, "Rise!"

This word was like thunder when it shot out from Wang Lin's mouth. A mysterious power suddenly surrounded the area covered by the formation, and it began to tremble violently.

Wang Lin shouted once more, "Rise for me!" The veins on his arm bulged out as he raised his arm.

A series of thunderous roars came out from underground like never before. At this moment, a shocking scene unfolded!

The area surrounding the formation was dug out from the ground by an invisible hand and was lifted into the air!

Waves of dirt and dust were kicked up, and the surrounding area was immediately covered in dirt.

When the dirt seemed to have calmed down, it could be seen that the five-kilometer-wide land was floating several dozen feet off the ground, and a large amount of dirt was falling from it.

A giant basin had suddenly appeared on the ground!

Earlier, Wang Lin controlled the axe to dig out these five kilometers of land. This allowed him to raise this land into the air with a spell.

The inhabitants of the village all screamed in fear. They had never seen something like this in their lives, and it was beyond their imagination.

The grey-robed old man's body became soft and fell to the ground. His face was completely pale, and the fear in his eyes returned once more.

"This person is a madman… All foreigners are madmen… He… He dug the land the formation protected out from the ground…"

The white-robed old man's body was trembling. He could have never imagined this foreigner would think of something like this.

The coldness in Wang Lin's eyes was strong. He couldn't break the formation quickly, but he could refine it!

He held the land with his hand before letting out a roar and throwing it into the air. The floating land mass suddenly flew up at a quick speed.

Waves of cries of fear echoed once more.

Wang Lin's body moved like lightning and he appeared under the land. He held up this five-kilometer-wide area like a giant and began walking forward.

If anyone was around, they would see a mysterious scene they would never forget in their life.

They would see a white-robed young man holding a five-kilometer-wide land mass quickly walking away.

His speed was very fast, so after several hours, he saw the valley from a distance.

The people of the valley quickly came out with Ouyang Hua leading the way to greet Wang Lin. However, they were all shocked when they saw the five-kilometer-wide piece of land Wang Lin was carrying and the green light of the formation that surrounded it.

Chapter 538

Outside the valley, Wang Lin raised his right hand and the giant land mass flew into the sky.

Wang Lin sat outside the valley with extremely cold eyes and spat out the one-billion-soul soul flag. As the 30-foot-long flag flapped in the air, ghostly howls came out from inside it.

Although the one-billion-soul soul flag no longer had one billion souls, it was still the key treasure of the Soul Refining Sect. Because everyone in the valley cultivated the soul refining spell, the moment they saw the one-billion-soul soul flag, they felt an urge to worship it.

Wang Lin grabbed the flag, and with one wave, the primary souls flew out. The six remaining primary souls, including the Qilin, immediately appeared around the five-kilometer-wide area.

At the same time, Wang Lin spat out essence blood on to the soul flag. The flag immediately expanded and quickly wrapped around the entire five-kilometer-wide landmass.

"Refine!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold.

The six primary souls' eyes suddenly released a ghostly light and they all spat out purple fire. Soon, the five-kilometer-wide landmass was surrounded by purple flames.

These flames were the essence of these six primary souls, making them very powerful. As the flames roared, sizzling and popping sounds came from the five-kilometer-wide piece of land.

There were cries of fear mixed in with the sounds of the flames, and after half an incense stick of time, only half of the land remained. This remaining land was completely red.

However, with the green light's protection, the flames weren't able to completely refine everything inside. The violent flashes of green light resisted the invasion of the flames, and a stalemate was reached.

Wang Lin took one look, stood up, and returned to the valley.

"Since you want to hide like a turtle, I'll just spend seven days and seven nights to refine the formation completely. Then everything will be under my control."

The blood of the people of the valley was boiling from seeing the scene outside the valley, and all of them were talking about this. Their respect for Wang Lin reached the limit, and even the children of the village though of Wang Lin as a deity.

After leaving the formation be, Wang Lin ordered Ouyang Hua to send Thirteen to the depths of the valley.

Ouyang Hua always followed Wang Lin's orders without question. After bringing Thirteen to Wang Lin, he respectfully left.

Thirteen's face now had a bit of color, but he was still unconscious. It was very easy to save Thirteen, but even if he did, Thirteen would still be wasted. In this place, a wasted person couldn't survive.

Thirteen's body had all of its meridians shattered, so he couldn't absorb any of the demonic spiritual energy here, making him unsuitable to cultivate any of the methods Wang Lin knew.

Thirteen wouldn't be able to cultivate unless the meridians in his body could regrow. However, Wang Lin wasn't able to do this. Only those heaven-defying pills could achieve such a result.

After pondering for a while, his eyes lit up. There was one thing that Thirteen could cultivate among all of the methods Wang Lin knew. However, this matter was very important, and Wang Lin began to show a bit of hesitation, something that he rarely ever showed.

"A cultivator's body is like the sea, and their meridians are like thousand of rivers. The body itself is its own world. One starts from within the body to experience life, and he uses this body to seek dao.

"An ancient god's skin and flesh are the sky and his bones are the earth. His soul devours the spiritual energy of the heavens and earth to refine the body. He uses the strength of his body to break all dao hearts and uses his soul to draw his own dao in the heavens!"

Wang Lin pondered. If he taught Thirteen the ancient gods' cultivation method, it should be able to completely change Thirteen from a waste to a powerful person.

However, this wasn't guaranteed, as Thirteen's body wasn't as good as Wang Lin's original body, so he might not be able to successfully cultivate it. If he fails to cultivate the method of the ancient gods, he will die because his body will collapse from the crazy amount of demonic spiritual energy that will enter it.

Also, an ancient god devours spiritual energy and celestial spiritual energy. Wang Lin wasn't sure if it could devour this demonic spiritual energy.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin shook his head and no longer thought about this. The celestial spiritual energy in his body disappeared and the demon crystal released demonic spiritual energy. At this moment, he returned to the state where he gave off a demonic aura.

He moved his finger like lightning and pressed it against Thirteen's forehead. Demonic spiritual energy entered Thirteen's body and turned into specks of golden light.

Wang Lin raised his right hand and closed his eyes to cultivate.

Half an incense stick of time later, Thirteen slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the sky above the valley and remained silent. After a long time, he got up and knelt before Wang Lin with an expression of pain.

This pain wasn't from his body but from his heart.

At the moment he woke up, he immediately understood that there was not a trace of demonic spiritual energy inside his body; the current him was even weaker than before he started to cultivate.

Wang Lin still hadn't opened his eyes. Thirteen knelt for a long time before kowtowing three times. Then he left without even turning his head once.

It wasn't until he left that Wang Lin opened his eyes and let out a sigh. Among all these people, Thirteen had the best talent, and he had great comprehension regarding the soul flag. If it wasn't for this, he would've definitely achieved greatness in the future.

Thirteen returned to his own house. He was one of the few people in the valley without a wife and children, so he was the only person who lived in this house. There wasn't any aura of a young man on him, only the aura of an old man entering the final days of his life.

After a long time, he sat in the lotus position and tried to cultivate the soul refining spell. However, every time he tried, waves of pain came from his body. This kind of pain was not something a normal person could withstand.

However, he withstood it. When he failed, he tried again and continued to withstand the unimaginable pain.

After trying to cultivate a few times, his body was soaked in sweat. The veins on his body were all bulging from the pain, and a hint of despair appeared in Thirteen's eyes.

"I'm not willing to give up!" He took a deep breath and continued to cultivate while enduring the pain. This time, just as he absorbed demonic spiritual energy, he felt as if his body was hit by a giant mountain, causing him to cough out blood and pass out.

The five-kilometer-wide land outside the valley was still being refined by the flames, and the green light protecting the land was slowly dimming.

Inside the five-kilometer-wide area, everyone was filled with despair as the shadow of death loomed over them. They watched the flame outside grow larger and larger, burning out all the hope in their hearts.

The grey-robed old man closed his eyes in despair. When he opened them, they were glowing. He suddenly turned around to look at the white-robed old man, who was also terrified, and said, "This is a disaster you brought upon yourself, and you dragged the entire tribe down with you!"

The white-robed old man's body trembled and he remained silent.

"That foreigner is not someone we can fight against. If you continue to be stubborn, then when the formation breaks, it won't just be you and me, the entire tribe will be burned to death by the flames. As a member of the tribe, how can you sit and watch the entire tribe die before you?!"

The white-robed old man bitterly said, "You mean…"

The grey-robed old man said, in a serious tone, "You made the mistake, so you must take responsibility for it. This is the only way for our tribe to survive. Don't worry; if you die, I'll definitely think of a way to get revenge for you!

"In addition, once we are free, I'll immediately go to Ancient Demon city and report your matter to the general of the left wing. I believe the general of the left wing will be interested in this."

The white-robed old man remained silent for a long time. He looked around with a complicated expression, and his gaze landed on the other tribe members. When he saw the fear on their faces, he took a deep breath and floated to the edge of the formation.

"The challenge letter was sent by me. Come and fight me if you dare. After the battle, no matter whether I win or lose, don't drag the innocent in!"

The white-robed old man's voice went through the formation to the outside and directly into the valley.

Wang Lin opened his eyes, and with a sway of his body, he disappeared. When he reappeared, he was outside the valley, and when he looked coldly at the five-kilometer-wide area, he saw the white-robed old man.

Wang Lin waved his right hand and the six primary souls stopped spewing flames and circled around him.

Without the flames invading, the white-robed old man clenched his teeth and walked out. He raised his hand and two strands of demonic spiritual energy started moving between his fingers, and he said to Wang Lin, "Let's battle!"

"You aren't qualified!" Wang Lin's hand reached out, causing the white-robed man's expression to suddenly change. The two strands of demonic spiritual energy around his fingers were suddenly extinguished.

At the same time, the old man's body flew helplessly toward Wang Lin. Almost an instant later, Wang Lin was holding the old man by the neck.

When the white-robed man was about to struggle, Wang Lin's eyes became cold and he used a large amount of force. With a crack, the old man's eyes bulged and he died.

Wang Lin's celestial spiritual energy surged into the old man's body to trap the soul. Then the old man's soul was sealed inside the one-billion-soul soul flag as one of the soul fragments.

After doing all of this, he threw the old man's body behind him. One of the primary souls immediately spat out a flame that burned the body into dust.

Wang Lin reached out with his hand and the five-kilometer-wide land was moved by him to the area next to the valley, creating waves of dust.

"Open the formation!" Wang Lin's gaze was cold as he looked at the five-kilometer-wide area that had been refined to the verge of collapsing.

The grey-robed old man's body trembled. He didn't think that Wang Lin would kill the white-robed old man so easily. This kind of cultivation was several times stronger than what he previously thought. He immediately threw away the idea of revenge and didn't dare to anger someone this powerful.

At this moment, whether he opened the formation or not didn't matter. He let out a sigh and drew a symbol with his hand. With this symbol, the formation protecting the area disappeared.

"Ouyang Hua, add new tribe members!" After leaving these words, Wang Lin disappeared into the depths of the valley.

Chapter 539 - Expansion

All of the people from the five-kilometer-wide area were absorbed into the tribe inside the valley. Even the grey-robed old man accepted this and didn't raise any thoughts of resisting.

Even more people began to study the soul refining spell, and the grey-robed old man was very interested it.

The tribe's size increased greatly. Adding on the people that were just captured, the number of males in the tribe had increased to over 500. This could be considered a mid-sized tribe among the tribes around here.

With so many people gathered in one spot, it became rather cramped inside and outside the valley, so Wang Lin placed down a new formation. This formation had restrictions as its base and included the power of the valley and the five kilometer formation.

This new formation's protection area was about 10 kilometers wide and thus solved the problem of space.

Every new tribe needed a name. After Ouyang Hua asked many times, Wang Lin named it the Soul Refining Tribe.

The center of the this new 10-kilometer-wide area was the valley. Everyone had moved out of the valley, and the valley was made into a restricted area that only Wang Lin could center. Unless they were called by Wang Lin, no one was allowed to enter.

In addition to this, there were members of the Soul Refining Tribe standing at the entrance like guards.

This valley became the symbol of the highest power in the tribe. Wang Lin, the one who lived there, was revered by everyone in the Soul Refining Tribe.

Wang Lin's rules still hadn't changed. There were still only three methods to obtaining the chants after stage three.

Everyone in the Soul Refining Tribe was spending all their time cultivating. Aside from the people on patrol, there was almost no one outside because everyone was cultivating inside their houses.

The Soul Refining Tribe was completely different from all the other tribes in Demon Spirit Land; it looked more like a newly born cultivation sect.

Wang Lin's life became very peaceful, as he was the only person living inside the valley. All of the houses that were here before were removed by Wang Lin, and now this place was almost like the Celestial Realm.

In this Celestial-Realm-like place, Wang Lin personally built a wooden house. This wooden house was very simple, but there was great dao within this simplicity. If a cultivator were to pass by, they would notice that although the size of each piece of wood was different, there was no difference in their weight.

This wooden house was where Wang Lin lived. He sat in the lotus position inside the wooden house and silently cultivated.

What he absorbed wasn't celestial spiritual energy but demonic spiritual energy!

Time slowly passed, and in the blink of an eye, winter came. The winter here wasn't any different from outside. White snowflakes fell from the sky and the entire world became white.

Wang Lin opened his eyes from his cultivation. When he walked out from the wooden house, he saw snow falling from the sky. He silently watched the snow fall and was completely immersed in it.

Shortly after, Wang Lin raised his head and muttered to himself, "Two years now…"

He had been in the Demon Spirit Land for almost two years. Once winter passes, it will be exactly two years.

He raised his right hand and caught a snowflake. As the snowflake landed on his hand, a hint of coldness came from the snow before it melted in his hand and a sliver of demonic spiritual energy entered his palm.

"Everything in the Demon Spirit Land contains demonic spiritual energy…" Wang Lin took a deep breath before sitting down and closing his eyes.

Snowflakes slowly fell and landed on his body. The amount of snow falling gradually increased, and several hours later, Wang Lin turned into a snowman.

He didn't move at all as he absorbed the demonic spiritual energy inside the snowflakes. The demon crystal in his body had risen from rank 5 to rank 34!

The higher the rank, the harder it is level it up. Rank 3 is the same as Foundation Establishment, and ten times that is Core Formation, and the next step is ten times more.

The reason Wang Lin decided to absorb demonic spiritual energy was because it could be fused with celestial spiritual energy, meaning it could increase celestial spiritual energy.

Although he had the 100 years worth of celestial jades, those were barely enough to get him to the late stage of Soul Transformation, and the amount needed to reach the Ascendant stage was beyond imagination.

Therefore, if he wanted to raise his cultivation level, he would have to find other shortcuts. Changing demonic spiritual energy into celestial spiritual energy was one of the methods Wang Lin thought of.

If Wang Lin could think of this, then others could think of it as well. Right now it all depended on who could absorb more demonic spiritual energy.

In Wang Lin's eyes, demonic spiritual energy was an alternative to celestial jades because it could help increase his cultivation level!

In these two years of time, the Soul Refining Tribe continued to rise. As the need for the next chant increased more and more, people left the valley to train themselves. In addition to this, every month there would be teams that returned from attacking a smaller tribe. They would come back with captives and varying amounts of demon crystals.

It is worth mentioning that the formations used to defend against the foreigners had almost no effect on the natives. The formations seemed to be built for defending against the Night of Demon Spirits and keeping foreigners outside.

As time passed, the Soul Refining Tribe's population continued to increase, and even the 10-kilometer-wide area seemed to not be enough.

As a result, there was a need to expand the formation once more. Wang Lin used three days of time to study it and then increased the formation by another 10 kilometers. Now that the tribe had 20 kilometers of territory, it could be considered one of the most powerful tribes within several tens of thousands of kilometers!

The increase in tribe members caused an increase in the amount of people that cultivated the soul refining spell. Wang Lin knew that the soul fragments in the soul flags needed to be nurtured many times for them to reach their full power.

Instead of teaching these people how to nurture them, he opted to use the one-billion-soul soul flag to nurture the soul fragments. The soul flag expanded and then surrounded the sky of the 20-kilometer-wide area in black clouds.

The moment the black clouds appeared, they immediately shocked everyone in the Soul Refining Tribe. Many tribe members rushed outside, and some of the more powerful people surrounded themselves in their soul flags in an attempt to fly up to see what was going on.

"Release your soul fragments into the black clouds for a fixed amount of time every day. Doing so will make the soul fragments even stronger!" Wang Lin's voice echoed in the 20-kilometer-wide area.

The moment his voice was heard, every single tribe member knelt down on the ground. Their faces were filled with respect, and they were kneeling toward the valley Wang Lin was in.

After the black cloud appeared, the soul fragments from the tribesmen were howling and moving within the black cloud all day long.

The people of the Soul Refining Tribe got used to releasing their soul fragments to be nurtured inside the black cloud, and the black cloud became the unique symbol of the Soul Refining Tribe.

Inside the Soul Refining Tribe, not everyone was cultivating the soul refining spell. Some of them couldn't cultivate at all, so they could only be hunters to provide food for everyone.

Thirteen was one of the hunters.

After his cultivation was wasted, he never said another word; it was like he was mute. There was no longer any spirit in his body; it was as if he was just a moving corpse.

Only late at night during his countless attempts to cultivate was there an emotion on his face. However, that emotion was endless pain and unwillingness.

He refused to accept this. There were many people in the tribe that were at the fourth stage now, and there were many people with more than 10 soul flags. Many new geniuses had popped up and replaced Thirteen as the most powerful people under Ouyang Hua.

All of this was constantly stabbing at his heart.

It was because of this that whenever he went out to hunt, he would fight without a care for his life. As a result, he almost died many times. If it wasn't for having his tribe members there to help, he would have already died.

Some of the people that looked out for him knew of Thirteen's original position in the tribe. When they saw him like this, they could only sigh in their hearts.

On this day, Wang Lin was looking at a piece of wood in his hand. The piece of wood was completely black and gave off waves of demonic light.

When one of the tribe members attacked a small tribe, they didn't find any demon crystals. However, one tribe member found this piece of wood at the worship location of the enemy tribe, so he brought it back and gave it to Wang Lin.

As he looked at it, he suddenly raised his head to look outside the valley, where he saw Ouyang Hua's old figure.

"Junior has a matter to discuss and wishes to speak with Ancestor!"

The title of Ancestor came from everyone in the tribe. Since Wang Lin didn't refuse, it could be said that he silently agreed.

"Come in!" Wang Lin lowered his head to look at the piece of wood.

Ouyang Hua entered the valley. He was holding someone in his arms. This person was covered in blood and his face was extremely pale.

After quickly arriving next to Wang Lin, Ouyang Hua put the body to the side, knelt on the ground, and said, "Ancestor, when Thirteen was hunting, he met a rare demonic beast. By the time this old man noticed and rushed over, it was too late…"

For all living things inside the Demon Spirit Land, once they gather enough demonic spiritual energy, they undergo a demonic change and their strength increases greatly.

Wang Lin put down the piece of wood in his hand and raised his head to look at Thirteen.

Thirteen looked a lot older than he did one year ago. Looking at him now, he didn't look like a young man but an old man in his dying years.

Wang Lin said, in a serious tone, "You can leave!"

Ouyang Hua got up and respectfully left.

After leaving the valley, he let out a sigh as he looked back at the valley and muttered, "Thirteen, it will all depend on your luck…"

Wang Lin looked at Thirteen and began to ponder.

Chapter 540 - Leaving

Wang Lin's right hand reached out, causing Thirteen's body to float up before him. He pointed at Thirteen's forehead and then a strand of demonic spiritual energy entered Thirteen's body.

"Eh?" Wang Lin's expression became serious.

One year ago, he made the assessment that all of Thirteen's meridians had been shattered and that he could no longer cultivate. However, right now he found something very mysterious.

Although Thirteen's meridians were still shattered like they were one year ago and some of them had even shrunk, for some reason there was a large amount of demonic spiritual energy stored up in his body.

This demonic spiritual energy wasn't inside his meridians but inside his flesh and bones. If this continued, Thirteen's body would naturally enter a body refining stage.

However, this person didn't understand the body refining technique, so a lot of demonic spiritual energy was wasted. Thirteen also didn't know how to cycle the demonic spiritual energy, so even if he walked the path of body refining, he wouldn't be able to get far before his body becomes rigid and he dies.

"Strange. One year ago, Thirteen's body had no demonic spiritual energy, but now he has already reached two stars." Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He knew from Lou Yun's memories that three stars was one rank, and three ranks was the same as a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

He raised his right hand and sat down. After a while, his eyes lit up, and his origin soul flew out and entered Thirteen's forehead.

Comparing Thirteen and Wang Lin's souls was like comparing a firefly to the sun. Wang Lin easily saw Thirteen's memories of the last year.

Wang Lin saw Thirteen withstand pain that normal people could not withstand, and he was experiencing this pain every night. He was withstanding the pain of trying to absorb demonic spiritual energy when all his meridians were shattered, then the pain of the demonic spiritual energy would enter his flesh. The pain was like millions of small insects eating away at his body.

He withstood this kind of pain for over a year and never stopped once.

All of this was because he wasn't willing to give up. He wanted to become strong, and he wanted Wang Lin to gaze at him once more!

Wang Lin withdrew his origin soul. He was moved by this. His eyes became very serious as he stared at the floating Thirteen.

Thirteen's determination earned Wang Lin's good will, but the only way for Thirteen to recover was the Ancient God Tactic, and that wasn't something Wang Lin would give to someone else so easily.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin pointed at Thirteen's chest and inserted some demonic spiritual energy. This caused Thirteen to open his mouth, and Wang Lin threw a pill inside it. After helping Thirteen absorb the pill, Wang Lin sat back down.

Thirteen's body slowly landed on the ground.

After one incense stick of time, Thirteen began to cough violently, and when he finally got up, he coughed out a large mouthful of black blood. After coughing out the blood, his entire body felt lighter.

It wasn't until now that he noticed that he was inside the valley. He was very smart, so he immediately noticed Wang Lin before him. This made him feel very excited. As soon as he noticed, he got up, knelt down, and was very respectful the entire time.

"Thirteen greets Ancestor!"

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he looked at Thirteen and shouted, "How did you obtain the demonic spiritual energy in your body?"

Thirteen's body trembled. He respected Wang Lin a lot, so he quickly told Wang Lin what he had done in this past year. What he said was exactly the same as the memories Wang Lin saw, and he didn't hide anything.

Wang Lin secretly nodded, but his expression was still normal as he slowly said, "Thirteen, all of that demonic spiritual energy in your body is useless without your meridians to cycle it. Once you collect too much demonic spiritual energy inside your body, you will die for sure!"

Thirteen's face was pale and he let out a pitiful smile. He took a deep breath and said, "Ancestor, Thirteen doesn't want to become a useless person… Thirteen knew that collecting demonic spiritual energy in my body was probably not a good idea. However, it was the only way for me to feel like I wasn't worthless. I have demonic spiritual energy like everyone else…"

In the end, Thirteen's voice lowered and he clenched his fist.

Wang Lin looked at Thirteen, and after a long time he said, "I have a cultivation method that can allow you to transfer the demonic spiritual energy inside your body into your flesh. It will then increase your body's strength to an unimaginable degree. Although you won't be able to use any spells, your body will become stronger and stronger. This is the body refining method. Are you willing to learn?"

Thirteen's body trembled violently. His face was filled with joy. He didn't hesitate and quickly nodded.

"Don't agree too quickly. Cultivating this body refining method is very difficult and very dangerous. If you mess up, even I might not be able to save you. Cultivating the body refining method is also very painful. Can you withstand it?"

"Ancestor, Thirteen will definitely not let you down!" Thirteen looked at Wang Lin with never-before-seen determination.

Wang Lin pondered a bit and then touched his bag of holding. He took out a piece of jade, pressed it against his forehead, imprinted information on it, and threw it at Thirteen. "You have demonic spiritual energy inside your body, so you should be able to see inside it."

When Thirteen accepted the jade, the excitement in his heart was indescribable. He kowtowed several times before leaving.

It wasn't until Thirteen left that Wang Lin let out a sigh. In the end, he still didn't give Thirteen the Ancient God Tactic. Instead, he organized what he knew of the Giant Demon Clan and gave it to him.

"If he can complete the Giant Demon Clan's body refining method, I'll teach him the first stage of the Ancient God Tactic. If he can't, then it just means he is not destined to learn the Ancient God Tactic."

In the blink of an eye, two more years passed. In these two years, the Soul Refining Tribe grew like crazy. The size of the tribe continued to increase from 20 kilometers. Now it was about 150 kilometers wide, and the tribe had more than 5,000 males.

Within a 50,000 kilometer area, aside from the two tribes with ten thousand members, all the other ones were devoured by the Soul Refining Tribe.

In these two years, Wang Lin acted three times because some of the enemy tribes had someone powerful. However, in the wasteland, no matter how strong they were, they were no match for Wang Lin.

It has to be said that Wang Lin's plan of starting his own force in this wilderness was paying off. Right now he commanded a force of 5,000 people who knew the soul refining spell. Although they weren't that powerful individually, they packed a huge punch when they all released their soul fragments together.

If enough time passes by for them to grow, Wang Lin will control a very powerful force!

A stalemate between the three tribes within this 50,000 kilometer area occurred.

Originally, Ouyang Hua wanted to attack one of the big tribes, but he was stopped by Wang Lin. He wanted the tribe members to give up attacking others and focus on cultivating.

Wang Lin's words were divine to the people of the tribe.

A thing worth mentioning was Thirteen. This child's perseverance was amazing, and he was able to learn a bit of the Giant Demon Clan's body refining method. His body was as tough as iron, and during battle he would always charge in the front. No one could stop him!

In four years of time, Wang Lin turned a small tribe in a valley into a large tribe with over 5,000 people. Wang Lin ordered all of them to focus on cultivation because he had other plans. He decided to leave the tribe for a bit!

His target was Ancient Demon city!

Four years ago, Wang Lin had the chance to go, but he didn't go because the him back then didn't have a force of his own. Even if he had gone, it would've been pointless.

After four years, Wang Lin could finally go to Ancient Demon city without any worries. Even if he couldn't get a foothold in Ancient Demon city, he would still have the ability to turn the situation for the better.

To make it easier to communicate, he spent half a month making two voice transmission jades. He kept one with him and left the other one inside the Soul Refining Tribe.

If it wasn't for the fact that he lacked materials, he would have placed a transfer array inside the Soul Refining Tribe. That way, he would be able to return in an instant.

Wang Lin wasn't going to leave by himself this time. There would be two youths following him, and one of them was Thirteen!

The other person was called Huo Pao. He was from a small tribe and had already awakened his demonic spiritual energy. He had two stars of demonic spiritual energy when he joined and was the number one expert from that small tribe.

Ouyang Hua personally captured this person and forced him to drink the memory wiping soup, then this person became a member of the Soul Refining Tribe. This person was very talented in cultivation. With his starting point of two stars of demonic spiritual energy, he soon surpassed everyone and was closing in on Ouyang Hua.

Right now he had already reached the fifth stage, and he had 97 soul flags along with 31 primary souls. His current strength was not that different from a Core Formation cultivator.

Wang Lin saw a genius in this person. Although the soul refining spell was easy to learn, to reach the Core Formation stage in just a mere four years was something Wang Lin never expected.

One of the big reasons for this was because this person already had two stars of demonic spiritual energy. It also had a lot to do with the demonic spiritual energy in this land, but it was the first time Wang Lin had seen someone with talent like Huo Pao!

If he could reach the Soul Formation stage in 100 years, he would catch up to Red Butterfly in terms of talent! In fact, he would be a head above Red Butterfly!

Wang Lin cared a lot about talent like this, so he decided to keep him around to make him easier to control rather than leaving him in the tribe.

The youth named Huo Pao's respect for Wang Lin wasn't any weaker than Thirteen. When he heard that the ancestor would take him outside, he was very excited.

As for Thirteen, the strength of his body had reached a shocking degree. Even if he were to fight Huo Pao, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

This had a lot to do with his determination and effort. After obtaining the body refining method, he spent many days and nights cultivating. In terms of seriousness toward cultivation, he was number one in the tribe.

On this morning at the moment the sun rose into the sky, Wang Lin walked out of the Soul Refining Tribe. Huo Pao and Thirteen followed him like guards.

Chapter 541 - Entering The City

As the people of the Soul Refining Tribe slowly walked out, someone suddenly kneeled down, and soon, every tribe member kneeled down at the direction Wang Lin flew to.

In their hearts, Wang Lin was the ancestor of the entire Soul Refining Tribe. As long as he was there, the Soul Refining Tribe would never be destroyed.

Ouyang Hua also kneeled down. These past four years had flashed by in his mind. His cultivation had soared into the sky in these past four years, and all of this felt like a dream to him.

Looking at the more than 5,000 tribe members behind him, the only word Ouyang Hua could use to describe his feelings toward Wang Lin was respect!

Wang Lin walked away step by step and gradually disappeared from everyone's view, but no one stood up.

Five kilometers outside the Soul Refining Sect, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and a golden purple light flew out. It turned into a giant beast with a 30-foot-wide body that was golden purple in color, and its sharp mouth was very oppressive.

It was the mosquito beast!

It awakened half a year ago, so its strength has increased greatly. Right now even a normal Soul Formation cultivator would not be a match for it.

Wang Lin calculated that the mosquito was about as strong as a peak late stage Soul Formation cultivator.

Aside from the Golden Spirit Root, it also had to do with the bloodline of the beast. There was now a beast king aura slowly expanding from its golden-purple body.

If one wasn't looking carefully, it would be very hard to detect this aura.

According to ancient god Tu Si's memories, these beasts didn't live by themselves but lived in groups. If they lived in groups, then there must've been a leader.

This beast was evolving in the direction of a leader.

However, right now it was still far from being one.

It has to be said that the mosquito hoard from the memories was something even ancient god Tu Si dreaded and avoided.

After the mosquito beast appeared, it immediately let out a sharp roar. This roar echoed across the land and immediately caused Thirteen and Hu Pao's expressions to become pale. Clearly, with their cultivation, they couldn't withstand the piercing power of that roar.

After letting out the roar, the mosquito beast landed next to Wang Lin and began rubbing him with its mouth like it was trying to please him.

Wang Lin faintly smiled and rubbed the mosquito before jumping up and landing on its back.

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Then Wang Lin calmly said, "The two of you also come up!"

Thirteen clenched his teeth. He secretly thought that he couldn't disgrace himself before the ancestor and jumped up. When he landed, a cold aura entered directly through his feet.

His body refining technique had no effect on this cold aura, so he felt his entire body become sore. If it wasn't for his determination, he would have already collapsed.

After Hu Pao saw Thirteen, he was naturally unwilling to fall behind and jumped up as well. When he landed, the cold aura invaded his body too.

After barely being able to withstand the cold aura, Hu Pao bitterly smiled. He thought that the ancestor was indeed strong, because just a beast tamed by the ancestor was already this terrifying.

Afte Wang Lin saw Thirteen's and Hu Pao's performance, he smiled with a hint of adirmation in his eyes. With a thought, the mosquito beast charged out as fast as lightning.

Powerful winds immediately hit the three of them. The wind had no effect on Wang Lin; it actually made him feel very comfortable.

As for Thirteen and Hu Pao, they felt like they were being hit by a powerful hurricane. If they lost focus for a moment, they would be blown far away.

Thirteen let out a low roar as he quickly cycled all the demonic spiritual energy in his body to continuously activate the body refining technique to resist this wind. Hu Pao did the same as he closed his eyes and use the demonic spiritual energy in his body to resist the wind.

This place was 15 million kilometers from Ancient Demon City, so it was going to take the mosquito beast some time to get there. Wang Lin wasn't in a rush, so he didn't waste the celestial spiritual energy in his body to use the greater teleportation skill.

As the mosquito beast rushed across the sky, every tribe it passed activated their protection formation. In their eyes, the mosquito was simply too strong. It was already creating sonic booms just by flying across the sky. The thunderous roars it let out made it seem like thunder was descending upon the earth, creating an overall very shocking scene.

Before, when Wang Lin first entered the Demon Spirit Land, he didn't know about the existence of the formations and tribes. The formations also had the ability to hide the people within, so he wasn't able to find anyone. However, now he had a certain understanding of the Demon Spirit Land, so looking down now, he saw countless tribes.

There were strong and weak, large and small ones, and the population varied greatly between the tribes.

"If my Soul Refining Tribe can unite all of the tribes in the Demon Spirit Land, it will become a force that will even shock the nine countries here!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold.

After seven days, Ancient Demon City appeared in the distance. When they were 50 kilometers away from the city, Wang Lin put away the mosquito beast, and he, Thirteen, and Hu Pao landed on the ground.

Thirteen had a steady temperament. The farthest he had ever traveled in the past was just a few tens of thousands of kilometers away from his tribe, but now he was in a place that was 15 million kilometers away. Not even in his wildest dreams would he ever have imagined that he would one day come to this place. Still, he only allowed himself to feel a slight bit of excitement before quickly suppressing the feeling. His face was emotionless and his eyes were cold, not revealing the slightest hint of the emotions he was experiencing.

His expression was similar to Wang Lin's. Four years ago, he was not like this. His respect for Wang Lin made him unknowingly copy Wang Lin.

This was one of the cities of the Sky Demon Country, Ancient Demon City!

In the eyes of all those tribes, Ancient Demon City held the might of the heavens. It was a sacred place and was the dream of everyone.

All of this might have had an effect on Thirteen before, but to him, Wang Lin was the might of the heavens, the tribe was his sacred land, and his dream was to obtain Wang Lin's recognition!

As for Hu Pao, he still couldn't compare to Thirteen. When he saw Ancient Demon City, he couldn't help but kneel down and silently worship it.

After a bit, he quickly regained his senses. He then stood up and revealed an expression of shame. When he saw Thirteen's cold expression without a trace of the excitement he had, he felt he had lost. He took a deep breath, spat at Ancient Demon City, muttered a bit, and showed a clear look of disdain on his face.

Wang Lin smiled at Thirteen and Hu Pao's actions, then he took a step and moved forward like a cloud of smoke.

Thirteen and Hu Pao quickly followed.

The three of them quickly crossed 50 kilometers and arrived before Ancient Demon City!

Ancient Demon City was very large, so one couldn't see the end of it with one glance. Although it was the largest city Wang Lin had come across thus far, he had seen planets and nebulas. No matter how large the city was, it just couldn't compare.

When entering the city, he didn't hide his celestial spiritual energy and was very calm.

This was the northern gate, and with how many people were going in and out of the city, there were naturally guards stationed here.

Wang Lin knew that in the cultivation world, everything relied on power and that it was not good to be too low key. The line here was very long, and if he waited, it would take hours before he could enter.

He simply bypassed the line and walked directly to the gate with Thirteen and Hu Pao following after him. Compared to Hu Pao's nervousness, Thirteen's coldness made him look even more calm.

Wang Lin suddenly approaching the gate caught the attention of the guards. All of these guards were demon soldiers under the general of the left wing of Ancient Demon City.

All of their cultivation levels were equal to cultivators' Foundation Establishment stage, and in their eyes, Wang Lin was a normal savage without any demonic spiritual energy inside him.

But Thirteen and Hu Pao, who were behind Wang Lin, were filled with demonic spiritual energy and should be at rank 3 or above.

To have these kinds of people as his guards, Wang Lin became more mysterious in their eyes. However, just this wasn't enough for the guards to break the rules.

When Wang Lin closed in, one of the soldiers wearing black armor stepped forward. He swung his spear to point at Wang Lin and coldly said, "Back away!"

"Presumptuous!" Without waiting for Wang Lin to speak, Thirteen stepped forward and threw a punch. In his mind, anyone who dared to disrespect Wang Lin was his enemy.

He didn't hold back at all on this punch, and the Giant Demon Clan's body refining method made his body as strong as metal. This punch was like a flying sword as it broke the sound barrier. Even the space around his punch bended as it rushed toward the demon soldier.

That demon soldier's expression changed greatly. In his eyes, Thirteen's punch came toward him like a meteor and contained a mysterious power within. He wanted to dodge, but he found something holding him in place. He felt like his entire body was underwater and his movement slowed down.

But this person had been through many battles and was very experienced. He quickly moved his spear before his body and took a big step backwards.

Thirteen's fist landed on the spear. With a muffled bang, cracks appeared on the spear, then it turned to dust due to the force it was hit by.

The demon soldier's face turned pale. Although the force restricting him had disappeared, he was forced back several steps and blood came out from the corner of his mouth.

If it wasn't for the other demon soldiers catching him, he would have been injured much more seriously. However, even the people who caught him trembled and their faces turned pale. They had clearly been injured as well due to helping that soldier absorb some of the force of the punch.

Chapter 542 - The Demon General's Test

At this moment, the guards from inside and outside the city came out filled with killing intent and surrounded Wang Lin. Some guards had already reported this to the higher ups.

The people waiting to enter the city quickly scattered and prepared to watch a good show.

Wang Lin said, in a serious tone, "Thirteen!"

Thirteen quickly walked up with a very respectful expression. Even if Wang Lin scolded him, he would have no complaints.

Wang Lin's voice was low. "That punch of yours was wrong!"

Thirteen quickly said, "In Thirteen's eyes, anyone who is disrespectful to Ancestor is my enemy!"

Hu Pao silently pondered on the side. Earlier, he sort of regretted not rushing in like Thirteen did. However, when he saw Wang Lin's serious expression, he secretly let out a sigh of relief. He felt it was lucky he didn't act, because it would not be good to make the ancestor angry.

Wang Lin shook his head and said, "Although you used all your strength on that punch, 40% of the power was lost. This means you haven't fully mastered it yet. How else could that demon soldier have withstood the blow? He wouldn't have any signs of life in him right now if you had done it correctly!"

Thirteen was startled, but he quickly nodded and began to ponder.

At this moment, more than a dozen demon soldiers had gathered around Wang Lin. No one knew who, but one of them let out a roar and charged at them with his weapon.

Outside the gate, demonic spiritual energy was being released, sand was kicked into the air, and a powerful killing intent appeared as the demon soldiers charged out. These demon soldiers were all veterans of war, so as long as the cultivation level difference wasn't too great, even those more powerful than them would be pressured by their fierce aura.

"Watch carefully. Although body refining is different from spells, there are still some similarities. Although I didn't refine body, my punch will have a similar effect." With that, Wang Lin formed a fist with his right hand and casually threw a punch.

This punch hit the air, but soon a ripple began to spread out with his fist as the center. The demon soldiers rushing over immediately slowed down after being hit by the ripple; it was as if the air around them was being solidified.

But soon, the ripple shook violently and all of the demon soldiers were knocked back at a speed ten times faster than when they rushed over.

As they were knocked back, their faces were pale and they all coughed out mouthfuls of blood.

Wang Lin didn't withdraw his fist but opened it. All of the blood the demon soldiers coughed out didn't fall but gathered toward Wang Lin, and soon, a ball of blood formed before his hand.

He pushed his right hand forward, causing the ball of blood to fly out like lightning at the city's wall.

Just at the moment the ball of blood was about to land, a cold snort came from inside the gate. Shortly after, a red figure suddenly appeared outside the gate. This person pointed at the air, causing the ball of blood to suddenly collapse back into blood just before it hit the wall.

Wang Lin's expression remained normal as he said, "I'm surprised to meet someone who came from the same place as me."

The red light disappeared to reveal a woman!

After the woman appeared, the surrounding demon soldiers all kneeled down and said, "Greetings, Commander Yao!"

Her eyes were bright like a phoenix and contained a hint of killing intent, and she was wearing all white. Her black hair flowed behind her back as she coldly looked at Wang Lin, frowned, and said, "Wang Lin!"

Wang Lin's eyes faintly lit up and he carefully looked at her. He had seen this woman outside the East Demon Spirit Sea. This woman had an area all to herself, which made her quite eye-catching. This was the reason Wang Lin noticed her. This woman was at the late stage of Soul Transformation, and although she wasn't at the peak, she wasn't far away.

"It looks like quite a few people on planet Tian Yun know my name!" Wang Lin smiled and walked forward.

With this one step, a ferocious aura suddenly appeared behind him and spread out like crazy.

The white-robed woman coldly looked at Wang Lin, then she frowned, took a step back, and said, "So you are also in the Sky Demon Country. You must have came to Ancient Demon City to gain military merits as well, so a battle between the two of us has no meaning!"

As she spoke, she turned around and walked into the city.

Wang Lin faintly smiled as he walked through the city's gate. Thirteen and Hu Pao quickly followed.

The white-robed woman's speed wasn't very fast. She didn't go directly into the city but toward a plaza, and in the plaza there was a giant transfer array.

There were demon soldiers guarding the transfer array. When they saw the woman, they all kneeled down and were very respectful.

Inside the transfer array, the woman turned around and coldly said to Wang Lin, "Follow me to meet the general of the left wing. In Ancient Demon City, only the demon general can give you a position!"

Wang Lin nodded and said to Thirteen and Hu Pao, "The two of you wait for me inside the city." With that, he entered the transfer array.

At the moment he walked in, the transfer array activated, and Wang Lin and the woman disappeared in waves of white light.

After a slight discomfort from being transported, Wang Lin returned to normal and looked around at where he had been teleported to. He immediately noticed a magnificent building that pierced into the sky.

This was a giant palace, and there was a giant statue inside it that seemed to pierce into the heavens. It was a statue of a strong man wearing armor, and it was releasing a powerful demonic aura. The entire sky was being churned by this demonic aura, creating swirls in the clouds.

The white-robed woman walked out of the transfer array and said, "Lord demon general, I have brought the person here!"

Just as she finished speaking, a burst of hearty laughter came from inside the palace. Shortly after, a figure suddenly jumped down from the giant statue.

This figure was extremely fast and quickly closed in before stopping in the sky. This person looked normal, but he gave off the aura of someone powerful. He was wearing a purple robe, his arms were extreme large, and he gave off a commanding aura just by standing there.

His eyes lit up like a torch as he looked at Wang Lin and smiled. "So you are the foreigner that was attacking my demon soldiers outside the wall?"

Wang Lin's pupils unnoticeably shrank. This person had his demonic spiritual energy completely withdrawn into his body, so a normal person wouldn't be able to notice. But with Wang Lin's cultivation, he could tell that this person was very powerful. The amount of demonic spiritual energy inside this person was few hundred thousand ranks strong. If this person wasn't as powerful as an Ascendant cultivator, he was very close!

It has to be said that three stars equal one rank. Three ranks equal Foundation Establishment, 30 ranks equal Core Formation, 300 ranks equal Nascent Soul, 3,000 ranks equal Soul Formation, 30,000 ranks equal Soul Transformation, and 300,000 ranks equal Ascendant.

Wang Lin raised his head. His expression remained calm and he seriously said, "It was!"

The burly man's eyes became serious and he let out a laugh. He stepped forward, threw a punch, and said, "Good! Then let this general see what kind of skill you have!"

This punch moved like lightning but strangely made no sound. Although it collided with the air, the force charged at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't reveal any shock on his face as he raised his right thumb and pressed it at the air!

"Finger of Death!" The white-robed woman's eyes lit up.

The area 100 feet around Wang Lin became filled with death as if all the life in that area had been absorbed by the finger.

At the moment he used the Finger of Death, there was a loud bang in the air between him and the burly man. Wang Lin was forced back three steps and his eyes became cold.

He then looked at the burly man in the sky. The man withdrew his right fist and his body swayed a bit. His eyes were like lightning as he said, "Good, this general used gravity to get an advantage over you. With that finger, you are qualified to become an elder under me!"

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he said, "I don't want an inner position!"

The burly man's face became serious and then he smiled. "Your understanding of the Demon Spirit Land is beyond my expectations. You know the difference between inner and outer positions.

In Luo Yun's memories, his ancestor told him of the inner and outer positions. Elders and such were inner positions without any soldiers under them. Only those with outer positions, like commanders, had troops under their command!

"The Demon Emperor said that we can give you foreigners any position as long as you have the ability. Little fellow, if you want an outer position, then you need to bring out your true ability, and that finger wasn't strong enough!"

Wang Lin took a deep breath as he became focused and said, "You can continue!"

The burly man revealed a hint of admiration. He didn't waste any time as he threw a punch before quickly pulling his fist back to throw another punch.

His speed was extremely fast, and in almost an instant, he threw 10 punches. The space around him began to show signs of collapsing, but the space here was very sturdy, so it didn't collapse after only 10 punches.

"If you can withstand my Ten Collapsing Battle Intent, you can be a chief commander!" The burly man let out a loud roar as his hand reached out. It was as if he had reached through the void, grabbed the collapsing space, and threw it at Wang Lin.

This Ten Collapsing Battle Intent wasn't corporeal, it was part of the void. It contained all of the demonic aura of the demon general's ten punches and was filled with his intense killing intent.

The ten punches would cause space to collapse a total of ten times, one with each punch. On the tenth collapse, the spell would become unimaginably powerful. This kind of spell was extremely rare even among the entire cultivation world. This was the first time Wang Lin had faced something like this.

At almost the instant the Ten Collapse Battle Intent started flying toward Wang Lin, he was able to see through it. His eyes suddenly lit up brightly, and with one step, he stood straight like a ten-thousand-year-old pine tree. He didn't use any magic treasures, but grey gas started moving on his right arm and the Celestial Slaughter Art was used.

At the same time, he pointed with his index and use the demonic finger spell. The celestial spiritual energy inside his body quickly turned into demonic spiritual energy and condensed on his index finger.

Chapter 543 - The Enlightenment During Battle

Of the three killing spells, the first two, Finger of Death and Demonic Finger, were often used by Wang Lin. Their power wasn't enough to threaten Ascendant cultivators and could only be used to suppress Soul Transformation cultivators.

But when Situ Nan used the Finger of Death and Demonic Finger, their power was shocking; even Ascendant cultivators would be killed by them. Aside from the difference in cultivation levels between Wang Lin and Situ Nan, there were also the essences of the Finger of Death and Demonic Finger.

These three killing spells were created by Situ Nan, so of course they were of demonic nature. Unless one had a demonic heart, it would be impossible to learn the essences.

And Wang Lin's dao was very different from Situ Nan's dao. Thus, when Wang Lin used these two spells, they lacked change and flexibility.

In truth, there were follow up spells to these two spells, but because Situ Na noticed their differences, he didn't teach them to Wang Lin.

It wasn't him being stingy, but with the passage of time, there would be a high chance of Wang Lin's dao being changed.

The final spell of the three killing spells, the Underworld Finger, was far more powerful than the other two, and its power was extremely close to a low quality celestial spell.

When Situ Nan taught it to Wang Lin, he was very worried. The reason he was so worried was not only because the spell was powerful enough to threaten Ascendant cultivators, but also because if Wang Lin used it too much, it would affect his dao heart and slowly bring him down to the demonic path.

The final spell was different from the other two spells. Without the follow up spells, Wang Lin could use them as much as he wanted without affecting his dao heart. But the third spell was different. There wasn't a follow up spell, and all of the power was just in the spell itself.

Situ Nan told Wang Lin all of this before, and this is why in all these years, Wang Lin only used it once in the battle against the Purple Division's sixth brother, Chen Tao.

Among the three killing spells, the last spell was the true killing spell!

The Ten Collapse Battle Intent was created in the void and was part of the heavens. It was incorporeal, and it was a punch that contained the demon general's full strength. His fist intent was so powerful that it could pierce through the void and kill someone.

At the moment Wang Lin stuck out his index finger, the celestial spiritual energy in his body moved like crazy, then it turned into demonic spiritual energy and gathered at the tip of his finger. In almost an instant, his finger was surrounded by a dense, black light that not even sunlight could pierce.

This kind of black was pure demonic spiritual energy!

At the moment Wang Lin's index finger pointed up, he felt the monstrous fist intent in the air, and at this moment, the first collapse arrived.

It was as if the entire sky was collapsing and the center point was Wang Lin!

A destructive aura quickly came from all directions and landed on Wang Lin's body. The black light shined brightly and the celestial spiritual energy in his body cycled like crazy. Suddenly, the black light on his index finger expanded to cover his entire body.

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A heaven-shaking sound echoed across the entire Ancient Demon city. Wang Lin's face turned pale, and he was knocked back several steps before he could stabilize his body.

His right index finger trembled slightly and was completely numb.

The destructive force that landed on his body quickly withdrew like the tides, but then it quickly charged back at him with force 10 times stronger than before!

The second collapse arrived! The second collapse's speed was several times faster than the first one's, and it came from all directions almost an instant after it.

Wang Lin's right index finger was still trembling. The power of the Demonic Finger could only help him withstand the first collapse.

"This is definitely not a spell a Soul Transformation cultivator can use!!! Even among Ascendant cultivators, only one out of every 10 can use this kind of spell!" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a mysterious light.

The power of the second collapse was 10 times greater than the power of the first collapse. At this moment, the sky within 10,000 feet darkened as if there was a sandstorm going on. Even the never-ending swirl above the palace was effected.

Wang Lin let out a low roar, then two strands of grey gas appeared on his hand and moved like two dragons. At this moment, he used the Celestial Slaughter Art without any hesitation!

The two strands of grey gas charged out and broke through the sonic barrier, but they immediately met the power of the second collapse.

The power of the second collapse was very powerful. Following a series of rumbling sounds, the two strands of grey gas weren't destroyed. Instead, they collapsed to form a vortex with Wang Lin as the center.

The power of the second collapse landed on the grey gas and quickly weakened. At the same time, killing intent quickly came out from the grey vortex.

This killing intent was very shocking, and it gave people the feeling that it could kill celestials and rulers. The killing intent forcibly opened a bloody path through the power of the second collapse.

It used its heaven-shaking killing intent to force the power of the second collapse back.

At the same time, Wang Lin took a step and charged forward like a meteor. At the same time that his right hand reached out, the grey vortex suddenly dissipated, turning back into two strands of grey gas in Wang Lin's right hand.

"Condense!" With a roar, the two strands of grey gas quickly condensed into a seven-inch-long sword in Wang Lin's hand. With the sword in hand, Wang Lin's body gave off a shocking killing intent.

At this moment, Wang Lin seemed to have become a different person. There was no longer the air of a celestial around him; it was replaced by killing intent!

At this moment, he was like a demon of slaughter. He held a slaughtering sword and stepped into the void toward the general of the left wing.

The general of the left wing exclaimed, then his eyes lit up and he said, "Good! You are one of the few people that decided to attack during my Ten Collapse Battle Intent! Let's see if you can break past the next eight collapses and arrive before me!"

At this moment, the white-robed woman, the daughter of Blood Ancestor Yao Xixu, was still standing in the distance, slightly frowning. When she arrived at Ancient Demon City three years ago, she was defeated by this spell. This spell was extremely tyrannical, and with her cultivation, she almost failed on the fourth collapse. If it wasn't for the blood spell her father taught her, she wouldn't have been able to withstand the fifth collapse!

Even so, she finally lost on the eighth collapse! However, the general of the left wing was hard to read; he gave her the title of commander!

There weren't many commanders, a total of 16!

Wang Lin revealed his path of slaughter as he charged at the demon general with the sword.

However, there were still eight collapses between him and the demon general. The third collapse had 10 times the power of the second collapse. It silently pressed down on Wang Lin from all directions as if countless mountains were crashing into him.

Wang Lin's eyes became red and his killing intent thickened. In the face of this third collapse, he had no urge to back down and instead was filled with the urge to battle. With the slaughter sword in hand, he shouted, "Break for me, third collapse!"

The slaughter sword gave off a never-before-seen grey light. This grey light extended for more than 10 feet and surrounded Wang Lin, then he charged through like a meteor.

The power of the single sword could shock the heavens and vanquish supernatural beings!

The third collapse that came from the void was forcibly cut open, allowing Wang Lin to pierce through and charge directly at the demon general.

The general of the left wing's eyes lit up even more and he smiled. "Good!

Just as Wang Lin charged out, the fourth collapse arrived. The later the collapse, the faster the next one arrives, and their power was also a much stronger.

At this moment, the fourth collapse was 1,000 times stronger than the first one. This kind of power was not something normal Soul Transformation cultivators could resist.

The appearance of the fourth collapse immediately caused the sky to change color. Even the swirl above the palace began to twist as if it couldn't withstand the fourth collapse's power.

The fourth collapse rushed at Wang Lin and the killing force Wang Lin created with the sword immediately collapsed. This fourth collapse with power 1,000 times greater than the first collapse was impossible to resist unless one reached the late stage of Soul Transformation!

Wang Lin's body split from the slaughter sword, and at the same time, the power of the fourth collapse came at him like an avalanche. If the fourth collapse was the raging waves, then Wang Lin would be the lone boat on the sea!

Wang Lin's face was extremely pale, and he couldn't help but stop his charge. Right now his body was being squeezed by a very violent force.

He could feel that he couldn't withstand this fourth collapse with his own power. If he had more of the grey gas, he might have been able to break through. However, in these four years, although he had killed many, the Celestial Slaughter Art was very difficult to succeed with.

Aside from the Celestial Slaughter Art, he should be able to break through with the Underworld Finger. However, the Underworld Finger was his true ace, and in this dangerous Demon Spirit Land, he wasn't willing to easily reveal his true strength.

At this moment, Wang Lin revealed a determined look as he let go of the slaughter sword, which then broke down back into two strands of grey gas. Then it quickly entered his body through his arm and two symbols quickly appeared on his forehead. The two symbols then spread across his body to form the defense of two life force seals.

Just at this moment, the fourth collapse arrived!

The power of a natural disaster, the power that was 1,000 times greater than the first arrived. At this moment Wang Lin clearly felt the fist intent from the fourth collapse!

Inside the fist intent lied a type of faith!

"Faith…" Wang Lin's eyes suddenly lit up. This light had rarely appeared in Wang Lin's eyes in these past several hundred years. It was just like Zhou Yi, who suddenly gained enlightenment when his soul was burning…

Chapter 544 - Demonic Ideals

At this moment, he felt the faith inside the Ten Collapse Battle Intent. This faith came from the faith to always win on the blood-filled battlefield; it was formed from the will of everyone who died or was defeated by this technique!

The power of this faith was far more powerful than Wang Lin could imagine. While Wang Lin's body was withstanding the power of the fourth collapse, his soul was suffering the effect of the faith within the fourth collapse.

"Ten collapses is normally the limit, but this technique is actually evolving toward the eleventh collapse. The reason the general of the left wing used this technique on me is to defeat me with it, to absorb my faith, and thus increase the power of this technique.

"The reason the Ten Collapse Battle Intent is powerful is because of the faith inside it. The more people he kills and defeats with it, the more powerful it becomes!"

A sense of frustration involuntarily appeared in his heart. However, just as this feeling began to bud, it was immediately crushed by Wang Lin.

His body was thrown back by a large force and directly landed on the ground 1,000 feet away. At the moment he landed, his body flipped around and his nails scraped against the ground, creating a sharp sound. Wang Lin moved back more than a 100 feet before he finally stabilized himself.

At this moment, Wang Lin's entire body was covered by the symbol on his forehead. This symbol immediately collapsed and disappeared after withstanding the force of the fourth collapse. Right now there was only half a symbol left on his forehead, and it was only giving off a faint, grey light.

Right now only half of a life seal formed from the Celestial Slaughter Art remained; the rest had dissipated.

The golden light in the general of the left wing's eyes disappeared and he calmly said, "It is already very difficult to resist against the power of the fourth collapse with your mid stage Soul Transformation cultivation. You can stand down! It is impossible for you to obtain the position of chief commander; you can't even obtain the position of commander. The only position for you is elder!" Although his expression didn't show disdain, his words did.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed brightly. The fist intent contained within the ten collapses represented the peak of the general's spirit. For a cultivator, it was how refined a person's dao heart was. The dao heart fuses with the origin soul and thus causes the origin soul to evolve. Then there will be only one faith in one's body. This faith is very strong and can change even the heavens and earth!

It was a faith spell!

"Faith spell!" Wang Lin slowly raised his head and looked at the general of the left wing. His gaze was deep as if it contained wisdom and enlightenment.

Wang Lin's gaze gradually became brighter and brighter. He raised his hand once more and used the Demonic Finger once more. It was the exact same movement, the exact same spell, but when Wang Lin used it this second time, it was completely different!

In the eyes of the general of the left wing, his movements were very different from before. The light that disappeared from the general's eyes returned and was even brighter than before.

"This…" The general of the left wing immediately noticed the difference and couldn't help but pay close attention.

Yao Xixue, who was standing at a distance, stared straight at Wang Lin. There was a storm in her heart, and she remembered her father's words.

Her father, the Blood Ancestor, paid a lot of attention to Wang Lin.

A demonic aura came out from Wang Lin's body and formed a faint, black fog three feet around him. Inside the black fog, Wang Lin's eyes slowly became gloomy.

This gloominess was filled with coldness and was very demonic in nature!

"Faith spell… The spells I've used so far were only shells, because without faith, I can't use their true power…" Wang Lin muttered to himself as he looked at his right index finger. He then suddenly pointed at the sky!

One finger to question the heavens!

At this moment, the swirl above the palace suddenly disappeared. The entire sky was then covered by a black cloud, The cloud quickly became even darker and there even seemed to be ghosts howling within them.

One demonic finger!

Demonic spiritual energy filled the area. The celestial spiritual energy inside Wang Lin's body didn't move but silently became demonic spiritual energy!

This demonic spiritual energy was drastically different from the demonic spiritual energy formed when celestial spiritual energy was cycled.

Wang Lin's hair mysteriously started growing and reached his knees in the blink of an eye. His whole person was no longer gentle but was filled with a violent aura. On his forehead, six demonic marks appeared.

The demonic spiritual energy around him quickly became very dense and spread from three feet to 100 feet. Everything within 100 feet of him was now filled with raging demonic spiritual energy.

This demonic spiritual energy became dense to the point that it became specks of green flames and scattered in a circle on the ground.

The inside and outside of his body were completely occupied by demonic spiritual energy. At this moment, Wang Lin suddenly raised his head and let out a laugh. This laughter was filled with a tyrannical aura and a crazy amount of killing intent!

Just at this moment, the half of a life force seal behind the six demonic marks seemed to have fused with Wang Lin and quickly began to grow. In almost a instant, it turned from half of a life seal to a complete life seal!

The moment the seal was complete, it quickly spread and surrounded Wang Lin's entire body.

Wang Lin took a step forward. His movement wasn't fast, but he slowly walked step by step toward the general of the left wing in the sky.

The golden light in the general's eyes intensified, and he shouted, "Interesting! You are the first person to have a breakthrough under my Ten Collapse Battle Intent! Let me see if you can withstand this fifth collapse!

The fifth collapse suddenly arrived from the void after the demon general finished speaking. This fifth collapse was 10 times the power of the fourth collapse. The moment it appeared, thunderous roars echoed as if divine retribution was occurring in the surrounding 10,000 feet. It was so loud that the entire Ancient Demon City could clearly hear the thunderous roars.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy as he faced the fifth collapse with the Demonic Finger. His right index finger suddenly pressed forward, then all of the demonic spiritual energy gathered at the tip of his finger and suddenly turned into a demonic flame!

The true power of the Demonic Finger was used by Wang Lin for the first time. The demonic flame around his finger endlessly expanded, forming a sea of demonic flames around him!

Wang Lin then took a step and flew into the air. His right index finger charged forward directly at the demon general.

At almost the same moment the fifth collapse appeared, it was stopped by the demonic flame. While it was stopped, Wang Lin charged through with the Demonic Finger, and after a series of rumbling sounds, he broke through. Right now he was only 100 feet from the demon general!

The sixth collapse appeared shortly after!

Words were unable to describe the power of the sixth collapse. After it appeared, the 100 foot space between Wang Lin and the demon general began to collapse, and countless cracks in space opened up.

The power of the sixth collapse suddenly descended.

Wang Lin's expression was still gloomy, and his eyes were filled with killing intent. He didn't withdraw his finger and his body kept moving forward. The sixth collapse appeared from the void in the form of a ring of light and closed in on Wang Lin.

However, at the moment it touched Wang Lin's finger, he softly said, "Demonic transformation!"

After uttering those words, his index finger released a black light. The black light extended from his finger and covered his entire right arm.

The black light continued to spread and soon covered his whole body. At the moment the circle of light closed in, Wang Lin's entire body was covered in this black light.

His body looked like a shadow, and with one step he pierced through the circle of light that was the sixth collapse. At the moment he charged through, the sixth collapse shattered!

The golden light in the general of the left wing's eyes shined brightly and he shouted, "What a foreigner! This general really did underestimate you. I'll wait for you here; there are still four collapses!"

"The faith in your spell is the belief that you will obtain victory. It is formed from the will and spirit of everyone who has lost to this technique of yours. I don't have the cultivation to break through your ten collapses, but I know that the key to breaking your technique isn't cultivation but faith!

"To break your faith, I turned into a demon with this finger and fused this faith with my demonic finger. Thus, my demonic finger now seems to have a soul of its own. Now it is not a competition of our cultivation, but a fight of our faith!" As Wang Lin calmly said this, he took another step forward!

The seventh collapse arrived!

At the moment the seventh collapse appeared, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Make way!"

With these two words, the seventh collapse that was about to appear seemed to become corporeal and suddenly broke down. Wang Lin's eyes were filled with determination, and there was a flame of faith burning within them!

What kept his heart steadfast was the spirit of the Demonic Finger. Although he only said two words, they contained his unquestionable faith!

It wasn't faith in slaughter or victory, it was the faith of… a demonic mindset!

A demonic mindset was to defy the heavens, to defy anything others wished for, to steal life, to destroy people's dao, to do as you wish, and to walk the path of a demon!

The general of the left wing's expression finally changed. When he first saw Wang Lin, he never considered him to be anything. It was only when Wang Lin broke through the first three collapses that he properly looked at him.

However, the failure at the fourth collapse was within his expectations. This was where Wang Lin's path stopped, and he was not the person the demon emperor was looking for!

But he never would have imagined that the person before him would gain enlightenment after the fourth collapse. This person's enlightenment turned him into a demon!

Even so, he still only paid a little attention and didn't think much of it. In his mind, although this kind of enlightenment was rare, it would be stopped at the seventh collapse!

However, when Wang Lin shattered the seventh collapse with just two words, this caught his attention completely and made his expression change. He immediately understood that he had made a huge mistake right from the start and that he had been underestimating this person!!

With his status, there hasn't been anything worthy of his full attention in several thousand years. This was the first time someone had grabbed his attention in thousands of years!