

Chapter 1718 - Reincarnation Integration

After a long time, Qing Lin frowned. He withdrew his divine sense from the All-Seer's avatar's soul and returned it to Wang Lin.

"There is nothing wrong… This soul is no different from other avatar souls, and it is very weak. It could die at any time."

"You also can't find it." Wang Lin pondered a bit before saying, "How about this: I'll merge with it and your divine sense will enter my body to see if there is any change to my essences."

Qing Lin nodded.

Allowing someone else's divine sense to enter his body while he was completely immersed in fusing with the All-Seer's avatar soul was very dangerous. If the other party had any ill intent, it would greatly harm Wang Lin.

However, Wang Lin trusted Qing Lin. Although they hadn't spent much time together, given all that had happened between them, it was enough to obtain his trust.

Qing Lin felt very emotional toward Wang Lin's words. He understood Wang Lin and knew how cautious Wang Lin was. Hearing Wang Lin say such words showed how much Wang Lin trusted him.

Wang Lin didn't speak more and sat down before Qing Lin. Before him was the All-Seer's avatar's soul. He closed his eyes and his mind entered the All-Seer's avatar's soul to fuse with it.

Qing Lin's eyes shined on the side and he wiped away all distraction in his mind. His divine sense entered Wang Lin and carefully looked around. This caused Qing Lin to tremble, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Seven essences!! Before, I heard he had six essences. Six is already unimaginable, but now there are seven!! How exactly did Wang Lin cultivate to have seven essences? This… This is simply too amazing!" Qing Lin took a deep breath and looked at Wang Lin with shock in his eyes.

However, what shocked him even more was that when his divine sense entered Wang Lin, he not only felt the essences, but also another power that made his heart tremble. This power made him feel like he was an ant facing the heavens. This aura that shocked him was Wang Lin's bloodline!

The aura coming from the bloodline was very ancient and seemed to exist along with the world! All life had to bow and tremble in fear and awe before this aura.

This aura was extremely tyrannical. It seemed like it would erase you from reincarnation itself if you dared to show it any disrespect!

Qing Lin's face immediately turned pale and he subconsciously took a few steps back. His gaze toward Wang Lin was no longer filled with shock but horror.

"I knew he had the body of an ancient god, but the aura coming from his body does not belong to an ancient god!! What kind of aura is this? It is so terrifying!!"

After pondering for a moment, Qing Lin forced his heart to calm down and began to observe Wang Lin. This was also the key moment of Wang Lin's fusion with the All-Seer's avatar's soul.

As he watched, Qing Lin's expression suddenly changed. He vaguely felt that each of the seven essences inside Wang Lin, especially the restriction essence, had split a part off and began to operate on their own outside of Wang Lin's control, as if they were being manipulated by a strange force.

Wang Lin didn't notice any of this but just felt like something was wrong.

While he was fused with the All-Seer's soul, the sliver of restriction essence cycled even faster inside Wang Lin!

"Something's wrong!" The more Qing Lin saw, the stranger he felt. With no hesitation, he pointed to the spot between Wang Lin's eyebrows.

"Stop spell!!" With one point, Wang Lin's body trembled and stopped. Everything inside him was forced to stop by the Stop spell.

Next, Qing Lin's finger slid down to Wang Lin's chest. Then he pulled out a thread out from Wang Lin's chest and wrapped it around his finger.

Qing Lin's eyes lit up as he stared at the thread. This thread was a portion of the restriction essence that was moving on its own. Qing Lin's divine sense gathered on this thread. When he entered it, his mind rumbled and the world around him suddenly became chaotic. When he could see clearly again, a familiar star system appeared before him.

This star system was the Summoned River!

"Wang Lin's restriction essence that moved on its own was brought here!!" Qing Lin was here with his divine sense and saw the thread before him. The thread extend into the distance with no trace of it ending.

There was a flash of coldness in his eyes and Qing Lin followed the thread.

"I want to see if it's the All-Seer's original body causing a problem or someone else!" Qing Lin's expression was gloomy. He followed that line into the distance.

About half an incense stick of time later, Qing Lin had chased into the distance. However, a burst of seven-colored light shined where the thread was extending toward.

An ancient voice echoed when the seven-colored light appeared.

"Qing Lin… This is not something you should get involved in. Scram for this old man!" With that voice, the seven-colored light flashed violently. It turned into a blade that chopped down toward Qing Lin.

This blade occupied almost the entire star domain. As it moved, the entire star domain seemed to tremble. Qing Lin's eyes narrowed. He stopped moving and opened his arms after forming a seal.

"Star, moon, sun, three light protection. Three swords, open the river!" Starlight, moonlight, and sunlight gathered around Qing Lin to form a barrier, and it collided with the blade.

Thunderous rumbles echoed and the blade collapsed. Its collapse caused Qing Lin to tremble, and he disappeared from this star domain.

In the Celestial Realm, on the snowy mountain, the thin line in Qing Lin's hand collapsed. He retreated a few steps, and his face was extremely pale.

Wang Lin was also shocked, and the Stop spell dissipated. He separated from the fusion and opened his eyes.

Qing Lin slowly said, "I never saw the All-Seer, but I saw seven-colored light! When you fused, a trace of your restriction essence extended out toward the Summoned River due to some mysterious force. I chased after it but was cut off by a seven-colored blade."

"Summoned River…" There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes.

"If my guess is not wrong, then the soul in your hand is your connection to him. Through his soul, he can steal your essences! This person is indeed amazing to think of such a method, but how did he do it? How could he steal your essences with a mere avatar…

"And there is also one thing that makes no sense. If he really is stealing your essences, why have your essences not been reduced… Also, there is something strange about this person. Although that spell looked simple, it actually contained the power of the entire world. It is not simple," Qing Lin slowly said after pondering.

The killing intent in Wang Lin's eyes became even stronger. These were things he had pondered but could not understand.

"Perhaps he chose a method similar to imprinting…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

Just at this moment, an ancient voice echoed across the snowy mountain and entered Wang Lin and Qing Lin's ears.

"Early in my years, I heard of a spell. This spell is called the Reincarnation Integration spell…" At the same time as the voice appeared, a blue light appeared in the sky, reflecting off the snowy mountain. Dao Master Blue Dream walked toward the snowy mountain.

"Qing Lin greets senior Dao Master." Qing Lin was startled and clasped his hands at Dao Master Blue Dream.

"Reincarnation Integration spell?" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed.

Dao Master Blue Dream landed on the mountain and smiled as he looked at Qing Lin. Then his gaze shifted to Wang Lin. It was filled with kindness.

"I heard that this spell came from the Sovereign. It is said to be one of the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's spells. However, not even the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign was successful in cultivating it…

"The key of this spell is to go through countless reincarnations and regard each reincarnation as part of oneself. In the end, they devour each other in order to complete this spell. There are other complicated matters, but I have never seen this spell.

"However, I know that if the avatar created through this spell is obtained by someone else, that avatar will fuse with that person after a short period of time!

"Once they become one, the side that devoured more obtains everything you have, including your aura and cultivation… However many essence you have, the other party will have that as well…

"This spell is too evil, but once it is successful, it is very powerful… From your current state, along with what Qing Lin said and the soul in your hand, I'm 40% confident that someone has used the Reincarnation Integration spell on you!"

Wang Lin silently pondered.

"Although I don't know the specifics of this spell, all spells have a weakness. This Reincarnation Integration spell is the same. If you can devour the other party, your cultivation level will increase," Dao Master Blue Dream spoke slowly, his eyes shining.

"I'll help you find the person who used this spell on you. I want to see how talented this person is to cultivate a spell that even the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign couldn't cultivate!

"However, you have to kill him yourself as you and this soul have already integrated into one. Perhaps this is a great fortune for you." Dao Master Blue Dream raised his right hand and a monstrous, blue light condensed in his hand. He pressed it between Wang Lin's eyebrows!

Wang Lin's mind trembled and everything before him was covered in blue light. He saw the stars fly by before him inside the blue light. At this moment. he saw the Summoned River and the floating meteor in the Summoned River!

And the All-Seer, who was sitting inside the meteor. He suddenly opened his eyes in shock! Wang Lin's gaze overlapped with the All-Seer's gaze at this instant!

Chapter 1719 - Strange!

"All-Seer!!" Everything before Wang Lin collapsed and the blue light around him faded. His body trembled and he stepped forward. He disappeared from the Celestial Realm and went through the silver river around it!

Qing Lin looked at where Wang Lin disappeared to and worry appeared on his face.

"Don't worry. This All-Seer won't live for long after daring to scheme against my son-in-law." Dao Master Blue Dream's eyes revealed killing intent. He was also biased, and in his eyes, Wang Lin was the same as his own child now. Although he had spoken calmly, he was extremely angry. He waved his sleeve and blue light surrounded him before he disappeared from the snowy mountain.

Qing Lin's eyes shined brightly and he also stepped forward, charging into the sky. Before he left, Qing Lin's divine sense spread across the Celestial Realm.

"Senior Hong Shan and Senior South Cloud, Wang Lin was schemed against by someone named All-Seer. I'm heading over, will you two come with me?"

Master Hong Shan's aura erupted from the center of the Celestial Realm. He flew into the sky with no hesitation.

Behind him, Master South Cloud pondered a bit and chose to stay. After all, there weren't many third step cultivators in the Celestial Realm, and all of them leaving would leave them at a disadvantage.

Wang Lin rushed out from the silver river around the Celestial Realm and fused with the world. When he reappeared, he was already inside the Summoned River. Although he looked calm, his eyes were filled with killing intent. There were still a lot of things he didn't understand, but what Dao Master Blue Dream had said made him understand one thing.

The All-Seer had been scheming against him from a long time ago, whether it was planet Suzaku or the Demon Spirit Land!

"Back then, I saw through his schemes once, and after he miscalculated once, he quickly came up with another plan. He used his avatar as bait. This person… I, Wang Lin, must kill him!! No matter what plan he has, even if I don't find out what it is, it will be over once I kill!" Wang Lin was filled with killing intent. His body was like a sword piercing through the stars.

He moved very fast and would sometimes fuse with the world as he rapidly rushed to the place he had seen earlier.

All of this happened in an instant. Deep inside the meteor in the Summoned River, the All-Seer's expression changed. He felt someone's divine sense look at him, and he immediately recognized that this divine sense belonged to Wang Lin!

"With his cultivation level, he shouldn't have been able to find this place so soon… Someone helped him! And that person is not Qing Lin!" The All-Seer's eyes lit up and he stood up. Just as he was about to step out from the meteor, he suddenly turned around. He looked outside the meteor and his expression became gloomy.

"So fast…"

Outside the meteor, a ray of light was flying toward him Wang Lin was inside the ray of light and was locked on to the meteor. His right hand formed a fist as he closed in, and he collided with the meteor.

A thunderous rumble echoed when Wang Lin's fist collided with the meteor. The meteor collapsed into countless fragments that dissipated into dust.

A destructive ripple echoed as if his fist was going to punch a hole through space.

There was a flash of seven-colored light and the All-Seer's body appeared. His hand formed a seal and waved. The destructive fire dissipated before him.

"All-Seer!" Wang Lin raised his head and stared at the All-Seer. He then stepped toward the All-Seer.

The All-Seer's expression was calm, and he didn't panic at all. As Wang Lin closed in, fire raged in his left eye and formed a sea of fire that spread out.

He raised his right hand and pointed at the sky.

The large sea of fire immediately turned into a fire Vermillion Bird. It let out a loud hiss and flapped its wings, flying toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin wasn't shocked by this. When he heard Dao Master Blue Dream's words, he had prepared for this. When he saw the All-Seer control his fire essence, the killing intent in his heart became even stronger!

As the fire Vermillion Bird closed in, fire also raged inside Wang Lin's left eye. A giant fire Vermillion Bird appeared before him and charged forward.

Looking at it from a distance, this was a shocking and extremely rare scene. Two giant Vermillion Birds, each taking up half the star domain, collided. Wang Lin and the All-Seer's white hair danced, and their gazes collided at the spot where the two Vermillion Birds collided!

The collision of the two fire essences caused a shockwave that spread across the star system. Large amounts of spatial rifts appeared and a destructive wave of heat spread out in all directions.

As the thunderous collision echoed, the two Vermillion Birds collapsed and turned into two masses of fire. One rushed toward the All-Seer and the other drowned Wang Lin.

Just as the fire that covered everything collapsed, thunder echoed where the All-Seer was. Thunder gathered from all sides and formed a giant nine-headed thunder dragon!

This nine-headed thunder dragon let out a roar and each of the nine heads released a bolt of thunder. They penetrated the collapsed fire and rushed at Wang Lin like divine retribution.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy. He was familiar with the thunder essence, and he rushed forward. The thunder in his right eye flashed and he turned into a giant bolt of eternal thunder. He charged at the nine-headed thunder dragon!

The two thunder essences collided before the fire had scattered. Thunder rumbled and Wang Lin's face turned pale, but he didn't retreat. He penetrated the collapsed thunder and was now a few hundred feet from the All-Seer.

The All-Seer smiled and slightly shook his head as he watched Wang Lin close in. He raised his right hand and his five fingers opened up. He reached at Wang Lin and his five fingers formed a fist.

Wang Lin's actions were the same as his; they each formed a fist and then pulled back!

Both their bodies trembled. The All-Seer's face turned pale and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He was forced to retreat, but his eyes were still calm.

"Your spells, your essences, you know everything I know…"

Wang Lin retreated and stared at the All-Seer. The killing intent in his eyes became even stronger and a large amount of blood lines appeared in his eyes.

"My essence, my spells, you know them all… What about this!" Wang Lin raised his right hand and swept it across his eyes. Two giant eyes appeared, and they were filled with blood lines. They were densely packed and looked like rules!

"Restriction essence, with my lines, descend as rules!" Wang Lin waved his hand and the two eyes before him flew out and expanded rapidly. In an instant, they were infinitely large!

At this moment, the blood lines in his eyes flew out and filled the star domain. At a glance, this area was covered in blood lines.

The layers of blood lines contained restrictions, and they wrapped around the All-Seer like a spider web.

"Kill!" Wang Lin roared, and the blood lines around him became sharp and swept past the All-Seer like a meat grinder.

"You and I have already become one, you are my avatar. So what if I let you kill me…" The All-Seer revealed a strange smile. He allowed the countless lines of blood to cut him up, and his body collapsed.

With this, the death the aura of a soul that only Wang Lin could see flew out from the All-Seer's collapsed body. Whether Wang Lin was willing or not, it flew into his body and fused with the All-Seer avatar soul inside him, making it a bit stronger.

At the moment the All-Seer's avatar's soul became stronger, Wang Lin immediately felt the All-Seer's aura appear in another part of the Summoned River!

Wang Lin silently pondered before stepping forward and disappearing.

In that direction, there was a cultivation planet, and on that planet, there was a basin. The surrounding area was completely withered. Only an old man sat there. He had a head of white hair and wore a white robe. He opened his eyes and put on the same smile. His eyes were filled with blood lines, and they were complete, containing the power of restrictions!

"I had to trade a soul in order to obtain the restriction essence, but it was worth it… It's just that his cultivation level isn't high enough; he should have been a big stronger… If that were the case, I would be closer to completing my plan…" All-Seer revealed a look of anticipation.

"Reincarnation Integration… This spell is indeed mysterious. With this awakening, I know now that I wasn't the first to awaken after those other two. I have awakened 97 times… This will be my 98th time!" The All-Seer took a deep breath and the blood lines in his eyes disappeared. He stood up and looked at the sky.

"He should catch up soon…"

As he spoke, the clouds above the planet churned and Wang Lin's figure walked out of the sky. He looked down at the earth and stared at the All-Seer.

After seeing Wang Lin appear, the All-Seer's smile became even wider.

"Next time, it will be in that direction." The All-Seer raised his right hand and pointed to the right. His finger drew an arc and then pointed to the spot between his eyebrows. His finger penetrated his skull, and with a strange smile, the All-Seer's body collapsed. A wisp of soul flew out and integrated into Wang Lin while he was startled.

Looking at where the All-Seer dissipated, Wang Lin suddenly felt a chill in his heart…

"What the hell is he going to do?" Wang Lin silently pondered, then he immediately recalled the direction the All-Seer had pointed to. He felt All-Seer's aura there.

This aura seemed to be calling him, waiting for his arrival.

Chapter 1720 - All-Seer, Can You Do It?

On the cultivation planet, the wind blew by and landed on Wang Lin, but it couldn't take away the chill he felt in his heart. He raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the All-Seer's aura became stronger and stronger, revealing his arrogance. In Wang Lin's eyes, he seemed to be able to see a giant shadow in the distance. This shadow wore a white robe that covered up its body, revealing only a pair of eyes that stared at Wang Lin.

All of this was fake, this was an illusion created by the chill in Wang Lin's heart.

"He's waiting for my arrival…" Wang Lin murmured. His eyes revealed a strange light. Wang Lin was not just a reckless man, he had the mind of a devil.

The battle against the All-Seer often required the mind!

"The All-Seer is good at scheming. He is leading me to various places so I can absorb his avatars, causing the avatar soul inside me to grow in order to achieve some purpose… Could that purpose be to possess me?

"On the surface, it should be possession… However, with how cunning the All-Seer is, he may have another purpose!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he stared at the world before him.

"The All-Seer effortlessly copied all the essences I spent thousands of years to obtain after going through many life and death situations. How can that be done so easily?

"I don't believe he can perfectly obtain all my essences, it's impossible!" Wang Lin charged forward toward the All-Seer's aura!

"I, Wang Lin, don't believe it! Since you, the All-Seer, want me to come, then I'll come. So what!?" Wang Lin's expression was extremely gloomy and he continued to ponder as he flew toward.

"Reincarnation Integration spell. If he has really mastered this spell, then his strength will be beyond imagination. Over the countless years, I couldn't have been the first to integrate with one of his avatars. That means there has been other people who have suffered something similar. Their everything was copied by the All-Seer, but if that's the case, then the All-Seer would definitely have more essences than just the ones he stole from me!

"He should have many essences by now. If that's really how it is, this Reincarnation Integration spell is simply too incredible. But if that were really the case, then wouldn't all the Grand Empyreans on the Immortal Astral Contient be fighting over it?

"If this was really true, what need would there be to cultivator dao, learn spells, or comprehend essences? As long as you cultivate this spell, then whether it is the Grand Empyreans, the Celestial Country, or the Ancient Country, they would all be mere ants!

"I'm confident that this spell must have a great flaw, and it's big enough to be fatal. Aside from this fatal flaw, this spell might not even be able to really copy essences!" As Wang Lin flew through the stars, he recalled his battle against the All-Seer using essences.

Fire, thunder, and karma. Those collisions of essences replayed in Wang Lin's mind and he carefully observed them.

"No clues…" Wang Lin frowned and suddenly stopped. His eyes shined brightly and he began to ponder. A moment later, he revealed a decisive gaze and disappeared in a flash.

In another part of the Summoned River, among the rubble, the All-Seer was sitting on a meteor and looking ahead. He still had that strange smile on his face.

"This time he came a bit late… Disciple, compared to Teacher, you're still too young."

Shortly after, a ray of light arrived. As ripples echoed, Wang Lin stepped out. He moved very fast and instantly arrived within 1,000 feet of the All-Seer. He landed on a rock and stared at the All-Seer.

The surroundings were completely silent. Wang Lin didn't speak, he just looked at the All-Seer. Then he suddenly smiled and began laughing. Wang Lin sat down and the gloominess on his face disappeared and was replaced with calmness.

"All-Seer, are you satisfied with my essences?" Wang Lin smiled, looking very relaxed.

"Not bad but a bit less. It is still not enough to completely satisfy me." The All-Seer smiled and nodded.

"Unfortunately, essences are difficult to comprehend. Over the years, I only comprehended these seven. If you're not satisfied, how about you send me a few, and once I comprehend them, you can take them. How about it?" Wang Lin smiled as he looked at the All-Seer.

The All-Seer's eyes narrowed. Wang Lin's actions aroused a strange feeling in his heart. He stared at Wang Lin, and the smile on his face gradually dissipated.

"You are indeed worthy of being my disciple to be able to calm down so fast. Since you asked Teacher for essences, what harm is there in giving you one…" The All-Seer raised his right hand and pointed to the spot between his eyebrows. When he lifted his finger, a drop of crystal clear water appeared.

"This is the water essence Teacher obtained from someone a long time ago. This is only a trace of it, too little to help anyone break into the third step. Teacher has had it for a long time. Today, I gift it to you. If you can fully comprehend it and give birth to the water essence, then Teacher will thank you." After the All-Seer spoke, he waved his right hand and the water droplet flew toward Wang Lin. It floated before Wang Lin.

"Any more?" Wang Lin looked at the water droplet before him and smiled.

The All-Seer frowned slightly. He didn't like Wang Lin's current expression. The current Wang Lin made him feel some dread. He preferred the previous Wang Lin, who was like a reckless man.

"Since you want essences, it is fine to give you more!" The All-Seer waved his right hand and a handful of soil appeared in his hand. This soil seemed to be living, and it constantly moved in his hand. He waved his hand and threw the soil at Wang Lin.

"Wang Lin, we can continue a game. If you can win this game, you can naturally resolve this urgent crisis, and you will receive Teacher's gifts… Whether you like it or not, this game started many years ago." The All-Seer smiled again and he raised his finger to point to the spot between his own eyebrows. He was about to penetrate his skull once more.

Wang Lin waved his right hand and a gust of wind flew by. This wind contained Wang Lin's Ancient Dao bloodline and surrounded the All-Seer. The rubble around him collapsed and his body trembled. His hand was pushed aside by this wind and his fingertip swept by his forehead, leaving a line of blood.

"Don't be so quick to die, I haven't finished speaking.

"If I wanted to kill you, it would be very easy. You don't need to kill yourself before me to try to disturb my heart by making it look strange. All-Seer, this is not your character… You're doing this because you're worried I will see through what you're trying to cover up. You know this, I know this!" Wang Lin still smiled as he looked at the All-Seer.

The All-Seer's expression immediately became gloomy. Wang Lin's action was somewhat outside his expectations. He looked at Wang Lin, whose eyes slowly started shining.

Wang Lin calmly smiled and calmly said, "All-Seer, I ask you, even if you can steal my essences and my memories, can you seal my Ancient Dao bloodline?"

"If you can exhibit any Ancient Dao bloodline power, then I'll surrender right now and be at your mercy. What could I do then? Can you do it?" Wang Lin revealed a look of contempt.

"Do you dare?"

The All-Seer stared at Wang Lin for a long time and didn't speak. He didn't show any Ancient Dao power, he couldn't! The Ancient Dao bloodline was not something he could copy, and he was using those strange deaths to cover it up. He wanted to disturb Wang Lin's thought process!

"You can't, you don't have the ability. All your mysteriousness is fake! Do you think I'm still the same me from when I first went to Planet Tian Yun? Do you still think I'm the same as I was back in the Demon Spirit Land… All-Seer, your cultivation level can't surpass mine, and your bloodline is not as noble as mine. Your status compared to me is like an ant. I led the Inner Realm to fight against the Outer Realm while you hid yourself in the dark. My statue was placed in the Celestial Realm and will be worshiped for countless years, yours isn't!

"I created the Celestial Realm and am worshiped by countless cultivators. You can't achieve this! Even if you're good at scheming, all you're good at is playing tricks in the dark. What do you have to even play this game with me?

"Are you even qualified?" Wang Lin smiled, but his words were extremely vicious.

"I can give you the qualifications, but it's not me accompanying you to play this game, but you accompanying me! I don't like hidden schemes, I like open schemes!

"You don't have any Ancient Dao aura on you! What Reincarnation Integration spell? You can't copy my Ancient Dao bloodline! Being able to die again and again means these are all your avatars… So, All-Seer, where is your original body?" Wang Lin's smile became even wider. The All-Seer's expression didn't change when he heard Wang Lin's words, he only looked a bit more gloomy, but his heart trembled.

"The rules of this game are not set by you, but by me! In this game, we will see if I can find and kill your original body first, or if you can take over my avatar in order to possess it or achieve some other unspeakable purpose!

"But no matter what, you can't afford to lose. I'm merely using a cultivator avatar to play this game with you. If you win, you only win an avatar, but if you lose, it is death!

"Now, even if you don't want to continue this game, it is impossible. Since you want to play, then I'll play with you!" There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes, but the smile on his face never dissipated.

As the All-Seer stared at Wang Lin, his pupils shrank.

"My original body will search for your original body. You have to be faster; otherwise, you will lose…" Wang Lin raised his right hand and waved.

The Ancient Dao power rushed out toward the All-Seer.

"Now you can die."

Chapter 1721 - The All-Seer Falls Into a Trap!

The storm formed by the Ancient Dao bloodline dissipated. Aside from the rock under Wang Lin, all the other rocks disappeared. After the storm dissipated, everything was quiet.

Wang Lin looked toward the east. He felt the All-Seer's aura again in that direction. An illusion seemed to overlap with his body. The illusion slowly separated and his original body walked out.

The moment his original body walked out, his avatar's right hand reached toward the void. The Ghostly Sail appeared and suddenly expanded. It shrouded this area in an illusion.

Inside the illusion, Wang Lin looked at his avatar, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

"The Three Life Spell is certainly not something that can be copied. If I destroy my avatar or die once using the Three Life Spell, then all of the All-Seer's plans would collapse!

"However, the price for this is great and somewhat not worth it! All-Seer, since you want to play, I'll play with you. Let's see who the real winner is!" Wang Lin murmured. His avatar raised his right hand and pointed to the spot between the eyebrows of his original body.

A howling sound echoed across the star system and the eyes of Wang Lin's avatar revealed a strange light. His fingertip seemed to land on the original body's soul.

In an instant, the Ghostly Sail suddenly began to move and turned into a giant cloud that shrank toward Wang Lin.

From afar, this scene looked quite amazing. As the large cloud condensed, most of it gathered between Wang Lin's eyebrows on his original body, and some split off to cover his avatar.

Wang Lin's avatar's face turned slightly pale and he withdrew his finger from his original body. He turned around and bowed toward the stars.

"Senior Blue Dream, Senior Qing Lin, and Senior Hong Shang. My original body is here, I hope you seniors can help protect it!"

The moment Wang Lin spoke, there was a flash of blue light and Dao Master Blue Dream walked out. Behind him, Qing Lin and Master Hong Shan silently followed.

The three of them had been here all along and had witnessed the confrontations between Wang Lin and the All-Seer.

Dao Master Blue Dream sat down before Wang Lin's original body. He looked at Wang Lin's avatar and slowly said, "With me here, you can rest assured. If you can find his original body, then no matter how powerful his original body is, he can't escape!"

Wang Lin nodded and clasped his hands at the three of them. He stepped forward toward the east, that was where the All-Seer's aura was.

As he moved forward, that drop of water and that handful of soil appeared in his hand. He put the two essences away.

"The original body will be looking for the All-Seer's original body; I should make some preparations here too… Once the All-Seer gets anxious, he will likely summon all his avatars at once so he can take over before I find his original body. I hope he does this." Wang Lin pondered as he flew through the stars. His right hand formed a seal and pressed it against his chest.

At this moment, a change happened to Wang Lin's soul. In the past, his soul became a soul devourer, meaning it could devour everything, including itself.

The avatar's soul was where all his essences were gathered, and even his origin soul had a great connection to this soul. Once the soul died, everything would disappear.

"My original body has all my memories. Since I can comprehend my essences, I can regain them even if I lose them! After all, essences come from comprehension, and that comprehension exists in the soul of my original body!

"All-Seer, you've lost this game!" The seal Wang Lin had made with his right hand disappeared into his chest.

He no longer hesitated and his mind completely fused with the All-Seer's avatar's soul, which was getting stronger. He flew toward the east.

In the eastern part of the Summoned River, among the endless stars, the All-Seer appeared. He no longer had that strange smile and his expression was not calm. Right now, it was as gloomy as water.

He looked into the distance and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

"Wang Lin, if you want to kill my original body, you need to find it first. Even I have forgotten where my original body is, so how can you find it? I don't believe you can find it… But this Wang Lin is good at scheming, and what he said before doesn't seem to be false… He was able to come so far from the little cultivator he was before, so he must have some extraordinary methods. I have to guard against it… Forget it, I can't waste any more time with him, I must finish my plan. Even if there are some flaws, it doesn't matter!

"Once it's complete, I'll fall asleep and wait for the 99th awakening. At that time, I'll achieve what I want!

"Wang Lin, your cultivation level is high enough for my slumber to complete in an instant and achieve the 99th awakening!" The All-Seer's eyes revealed a cold light and he raised his hands. He closed his eyes, and the moment they closed, hundreds of All-Seers appeared all over the Summoned River!

The moment all these the All-Seers appeared, they all looked toward one direction: where the moving Wang Lin was!

At this moment, in the Brilliant Void, as the ripples echoed between the stars, All-Seers began to appear.

The moment they appeared, they all looked toward the Summoned River!

At the same time, ripples echoed in Allheaven and the Cloud Sea. All the avatars across the four star systems added up to 3,000!

These were the All-Seer's 3,000 avatars, and all the bodies he had obtained from his constant devouring during his 98 awakenings!

The moment the 3,000 avatars appeared across the four star systems, Wang Lin suddenly stopped and his eyes shined.

"He fell for the trap!!" The avatar soul inside Wang Lin seemed to boil and awaken and slowly spread across Wang Lin's body. It was calling the 3,000 other parts, and at this moment, it was as if Wang Lin had truly become one of the All-Seer's avatars!

In Wang Lin's mind, he could clearly feel every single one of the 3,000 avatars. He could clearly feel their locations and auras; they all belonged to the All-Seer!

Originally, Wang Lin couldn't find the All-Seer's original body, but he was a cunning person and had dared to scheme against the All-Seer. Since the All-Seer had dared to scheme against him, then he also dared to scheme against the All-Seer!

Those words from before seemed ordinary, but each word contained a hidden meaning. Wang Lin's words had forced the All-Seer to change his plan. He feared Wang Lin and wanted to take over Wang Lin's body as quickly as possible, so he had summoned his 3,000 avatars to make Wang Lin fail as soon as possible!

But the All-Seer didn't expect that Wang Lin had no confidence in finding the All-Seer's original body, but now Wang Lin did!

The All-Seer had given him this confidence! It was the All-Seer's 3,000 avatars that gave him this confidence!

Wang Lin could lock on to every single avatar. He could use their auras to help look for the original body!

This was like searching for a route. It may be difficult to search while blind, but now that the All-Seer had revealed all 3,000 avatars, all the roads had appeared before Wang Lin!!

Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly, looking like the bright moon. He revealed a smile as his hands formed a seal and pointed to between his eyebrows!

"With these 3,000 souls as guides, with the dream dao as the path, borrow the illusion of the Ghostly Sail to dream of the 3,000 avatars and enter reincarnation! Search for the All-Seer's original body!" The moment Wang Lin pointed to the spot between his eyebrows, his own original body, which was deep in the Summoned River, being guarded by Dao Master Blue Dream, Qing Lin, and Master Hong Shan, opened his eyes.

"I know the path to find his original body!" His eyes revealed a strange light, and this light covered his body. Wang Lin's original body's mind trembled. Borrowing the 3,000 souls, he had used the dream dao to open the path back into the past.

Wang Lin's vision became blurry. Time seemed to reverse, following the All-Seer's 3,000 souls. He seemed to enter a dream illusion.

This was an illusion created using Wang Lin's dream dao with the help of the Ghostly Sail and using the All-Seer's 3,000 souls as a guide. This allowed Wang Lin to immerse himself in the world of the 3,000 souls so that he could see their awakenings and find the All-Seer's original body!

This was the method Wang Lin had thought of to retaliate against the All-Seer!

At this moment, in Wang Lin's mind, he was in a fuzzy world, but soon the fuzziness disappeared and everything before him became clear.

What he saw was the stars. He was familiar with this star system, it was the Summoned River. He saw a meteor, and inside the meteor was the All-Seer! On the other side sat an old man who was in a coma. That old man was Ling Tianhou!

The All-Seer had a painful expression. There was still blood residue on his hands. If Wang Lin's speculation wasn't wrong, this was the Heavenly Dao blood that had been changed by the Azure Dragon Divine Emperor!

The painful expression on the All-Seer's face became even more intense, and after an unknown amount of time, he let out a roar. His eyes opened and shadows rapidly flashed across his face. These shadows were his avatars!

He looked at Ling Tianhou and suddenly opened his mouth. His mouth expanded endlessly and devoured Ling Tianhou. After he devoured Ling Tianhou, the All-Seer's eyes were filled with confusion, then he slowly closed his eyes.

Time seemed to flow endlessly. One day, after several hundred years, the All-Seer opened his eyes, which were now filled with confusion.

"I'm awake again… The power for the next slumber and awakening has already been prepared… He is Wang Lin…"

Although everything Wang Lin saw seemed to have taken a long time, it was just an instant.

"He devoured Ling Tianhou. Why did he say he was awake again… How many times has the All-Seer awakened?" Everything before Wang Lin disappeared after the All-Seer awakened, but soon, a new image appeared.

Chapter 1722 - His Identity!!

The image that appeared this time was a cultivation planet. Wang Lin was familiar with this planet, it was planet Tian Yun!

The All-Seer was sitting inside a secret room hidden in the Tian Yun Sect. Before him sat nine youths who were all unconscious.

The All-Seer's eyes revealed a strange light as he looked at the nine of them. He opened his mouth and inhaled. The nine youth were devoured by him.

His body trembled and his expression revealed pain. He slowly closed his eyes and fell into slumber. Years passed. After an unknown amount of time, the All-Seer opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with clarity.

"This is my 97th awakening… The next candidate for my sleep and awakening is Ling Tianhou!"

Wang Lin looked at all of this with a calm expression, but a wave was set off in his heart. He didn't expect these awakenings to be a result of the All-Seer devouring others!

"He should be one of Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's three souls or seven fragments. Only this can explain how he's awakening again and again!" Wang Lin looked at the All-Seer. His gaze became cold.

The image changed once more, showing the All-Seer at different times. Until one time he saw the All-Seer sitting above an abandoned planet. After devouring a cultivator he had selected, he awakened once more.

He was leaving the planet, and as he flew, he suddenly stopped. He looked down and saw an earthy, yellow, half-abandoned cultivation planet.

He softly exclaimed and gradually revealed a smile. He slowly sent out his divine sense.

"It's rare to see such profound comprehension on a half-abandoned planet like this. However, with your mere Nascent Soul cultivation, you shouldn't be too greedy with your Soul Formation comprehension. If you continue to pursue this, I fear you still won't find the source even after millions of years. By then, your body will have completely decayed. Have you considered that?" As the All-Seer spoke, he raised his right hand and pushed down on the half-abandoned planet.

"This old man's name is All-Seer. Today I'll give you my good will. If you can leave this abandoned planet and come to find me on planet Tian Yun, I'll accept you as a named disciple for 100 years!"

The smile on the All-Seer's face became even wider. He waved his sleeve and walked into the distance.

"That child is not bad. I can raise him a bit to be devoured by my avatar. However, his cultivation level is too low, so it's difficult to say if he could be useful or not… However, I have a feeling this child will be extraordinary!"

When Wang Lin saw this, his mind trembled violently. He stared at the earthy, yellow planet and it was as if his mind was bombarded. The aura coming from the planet made Wang Lin understand everything!

As Wang Lin's original body was immersed in the All-Seer reincarnation in the outside world, all of the All-Seer avatars raised their right hands and pointed to the spot between their eyebrows!

The eyes of the first All-Seer that appeared in the eastern part of the Summoned River revealed a strange light. He also raised his right hand and pointed to between his eyebrows.

"This old man will sleep for the last time and awaken for the last time. This time, I'll finish the plan I started countless years ago!" He closed his eyes and his finger slowly penetrated his skull.

At this instant, the All-Seer's bodies suddenly collapsed and thunderous rumbles echoed across the four star systems. All 3,000 All-Seers collapsed and a soul flew out of each one. Every single soul made its way toward Wang Lin's avatar!

"Let's see if you're faster or if I'm faster! When this old man was scheming against you, you were merely a Nascent Soul cultivator. If not for this old man, your body would have decayed! Your everything is mine!" The 3,000 souls charged forward, sending out waves of soul force that fused together. This formed a heaven-shattering sound that echoed in the mind of Wang Lin's avatar.

As the three thousand souls charged at Wang Lin's avatar, his original body saw even more awakenings from the All-Seer's reincarnation!

The person Wang Lin was looking at had become completely different from the All-Seer, as if it was someone else. If not for the aura Wang Lin had locked on to, he wouldn't believe all these random people where the All-Seer!

In the ancient cultivation world, before the four Celestial Realms collapsed, there was a middle-aged man in blue floating above a planet. With a smile, he devoured an unconscious young man before him.

This young man was his only disciple!

"This is my 34th awakening…"

Also in the ancient cultivation world, among the scattered fragments, there was a charming woman floating there. She smiled and devoured an unconscious man beside her. This man's cultivation level was high, and he was filled with celestial energy and was obviously someone from the four Celestial Realms.

The repeated devours, sometimes many and sometimes just one, were all seen by Wang Lin. What he saw startled him!

"What is the All-Seer's identity to rely on devouring to awaken? And what he is awakening?"

Outside, in the Summoned River, the hundreds of All-Seer avatars closed in on Wang Lin and entered his avatar.

Wang Lin's avatar's expression was calm as he sat there as if he didn't care about them entering. The All-Seer's avatar's soul grew stronger and stronger until it occupied almost all of Wang Lin's body.

At this moment, the souls from the other three star systems quickly arrived. This all happened very quickly, but from Wang Lin's original body's point of view, all of this was very slow.

Wang Lin's original body saw the All-Seer's awakenings again and again, until the third awakening. This was no longer in the ancient cultivation times but in the immemorial cultivation times!

The star system during the immemorial times was filled with planets. These were cultivators and not celestials because there were no Celestial Realms. They cultivated the aura of the world.

An old man wearing a beast skin was lying on the ground, surrounded by wood and fire. He had already died and his body was being burnt by his clan.

There were hundreds of people dressed in similar clothing. They all knelt there while chanting softly.

However, just at this moment, the old man that should have died opened his eyes. There was a hint of confusion in his eyes before it was replaced with indifference. He slowly sat up to the surprise and shock of the surrounding people. The old man revealed a strange smile before he suddenly opened his mouth and inhaled!

With this, the hundreds of people were devoured along with the fire. The entire planet began to tremble and collapse. A giant mouth appeared and devoured the planet in an unimaginable way!

"This is my third awakening… I remember that during my second awakening, I devoured the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's seventh fragment!" In the sky, the old man inside the illusion licked his lips and smiled.

When Wang Lin saw this, his already-calmed heart roared once more when he heard what the old man said.

"He devoured the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's seventh fragment!! If he is not one of the three souls or seven fragments, then who is he!? He was able to devour Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign soul fragment!"

After personally seeing more than 90 reincarnations, Wang Lin found that the All-Seer's ability to devour seemed to be weakening with each devour. On the third time, the All-Seer could devour a planet, but after 90 times, he could only devour people!

Wang Lin stared at the smiling old man and his pupils shrank.

The image disappeared, and when they reappeared, it was the All-Seer's second awakening!

This time, what appeared before Wang Lin was a foreign star system. Not only was this star system foreign, but there were no signs of life. There were countless cultivation planets around, but there was not a single trace of life!

This was a dead star system, or rather it was the earliest phase of the cave world before life was born!

In this lifeless star system, Wang Lin gradually formed an unimaginable thought. This thought was the All-Seer's true identity!

Just as this thought appeared in his head, a weak soul aura quickly closed in. Wang Lin turned around and saw an illusion inside that aura. The figure was blurry and contained the power of one of Seven-Colored's soul fragments!

The moment the soul fragment appeared, a giant rift appeared and devoured it.

After devouring the soul, the rift closed and a young man slowly appeared. The young man's body gave off a ghostly light. At first, there was confusion in his eyes, but soon they became clear.

"The Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's seventh soul fragment… It was delicious… I helped him a lot, but now that he is dead, no one can control me… Unfortunately, his three souls are too powerful, and after being separated from my body, I wouldn't dare to devour them… However, by borrowing the power of this soul, I can let myself grow… Similarly, perhaps after many many years, I can use this to recreate the complete Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign. At that time I'll be Seven-Colored… But most importantly my growth…" The young man's expression never changed. He raised his right hand to move his mouth to make it look like he was smiling.

"I must first learn how to become a cultivator. I'm going to make it so no one, including the Seven-Colored's three souls and seven fragments, can recognize who I am… I'm going to regain control of reincarnation…"

Wang Lin looked at the youth and revealed great shock. He knew who this person was!

"He is…"

Chapter 1723 - Heavenly Dao!

"…Heavenly Dao!!" Wang Lin's mind went blank. What he found inside the All-Seer's reincarnation cycle was difficult to believe. The Heavenly Dao everyone had been searching for was actually… actually the All-Seer!

Looking at the young man that had adjusted his own face with his hand, Wang Lin found it difficult to settle down the waves that had been set off in his heart. He was like the lonely boat in the raging sea that was constantly surging.

Under his gaze, the young man maintained his smile and disappeared into the distance. The star system gradually disappeared and collapsed before Wang Lin, but Wang Lin was still in shock.

Outside, in the Summoned River, Wang Lin's avatar's face was pale. Veins would appear and disappear all over his face.

Countless of the All-Seer's avatar's souls were entering Wang Lin's avatar one by one, trying to take it over.

As those souls fused, the All-Seer's gloomy voice echoed inside the mind of Wang Lin's avatar.

"How can you compete with this old man? This old man can take over your body now. Has your original body found this old man's original body?"

More than 1,000 All-Seer souls from the Summoned River and Brilliant Void had already fused with Wang Lin's avatar. The ones from the Cloud Sea and Allheaven were closing in.

When the image of the All-Seer's second awakening collapsed, Wang Lin saw the scene of the All-Seer's first awakening!

The star system went blurry and then collapsed; eventually, everything disappeared. Then a huge door appeared before Wang Lin! This door was so large that it gave Wang Lin the illusion he was an ant.

It was different from the door that appeared inside the Heaven Defying Bead. This door didn't gave off the majestic aura, and it seemed to have integrated with the world.

Wang Lin didn't know what was behind the door, but he heard thunderous rumbles come from the other side. It was as if the door had been hit by an incredible force from outside. The door suddenly trembled.

As it trembled, Wang Lin saw a crack appear on it, and cracking sounds echoed as the crack spread. It continued to spread as if it was going to split the door in half.

The thunderous rumbles became even more intense. In just a moment, the door split apart into several pieces and scattered.

This door was so big that even after it cracked, it didn't shatter into dust. It split into several parts and flew off in all directions due to the impact. The parts were too fast and disappeared without a trace.

One part of the door was pushed far away into a part of space that would become the Brilliant Void. This fragment shattered into more and tore apart space itself. The fragments sank into the spatial rifts.

The large amount of door fragments fused with the void, causing space itself to become unstable and creating a spatial rift. The fragments from the door existed here, unchanged for countless years.

After many years, a group from the Four Divine Sect came after using some unknown method and looked for a cultivation planet. They covered up the instability here and covered up that spatial rift. They connected that spatial rift with the planet.

That group of cultivators eventually left. The spatial rift would occasionally appear here as time passed. This was found by some of the talented cultivators on the planet, and they borrowed it. It eventually become the Foreign Battleground.

The moment the giant door split, Wang Lin saw a ball of fog smash through the collapsed door.

Inside the fog, Wang Lin sat the figure of a person for an instant. He couldn't see that person's appearance, but he could hear the thunderous roar they let out!

"Heavenly Dao!! You actually obtained a Heavenly Dao!! Damn it, this king doesn't approve!" The roar turned into a hiss at the end. A terrifying rumble came from the fog.

As the rumble echoed, the endless fog began to move. A powerful force seemed to be tearing the fog, causing it to be split apart.

This fog was split into two clusters, one big and one small. The big cluster of fog held the figure whose roars had turned weak. It flew off into the unknown.

The smaller cluster flew toward the opposite direction.

The smaller cluster continued to move, shrinking as it flew away. Wang Lin could faintly see that the fog wasn't empty but contained a half-circular fragment.

This half-circular fragment was blurry, but it was clear it was the core of this small cluster of fog.

As it flew, the cloud of fog became smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely. It had fully condensed into the half-circular fragment, and it flew until it landed on a cultivation planet.

There was no life on that planet, only a low mountain. The fragment smashed down like a meteor and landed on the mountain. The mountain collapsed and the fragment penetrated deep into the heart of the planet before stopping.

Wang Lin witnessed all of this. He stared at the half-circular fragment inside the planet. There was still ancient text engraved on it, it looked like half a compass!

Or to be more accurate, it was half of a certain compass!

Time passed. After an unknown amount of years, there was still no life on this planet. However, the fog that condensed into the compass gradually appeared.

This fog came out in strands and gathered together to form a blurry figure. This figure slowly became more clear until a young man appeared.

This young man had his eyes closed and floated above the half-compass. After a long time, he opened his eyes, and they were filled with confusion.

"I gained a spirit… I remember being summoned by Master and devouring that celestial. That celestial blew up to stop my devouring… Then I was split up… Who am I…" The young man closed his eyes, seeming to be pondering.

A moment later, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes revealed a strange light.

"I'm the Heavenly Dao… I should not have a spirit, but when that celestial blew up, I absorbed some… I absorbed some of his divine sense… I gained intelligence…" the young man murmured as if he understood everything.

When Wang Lin saw this, he understood a lot. He understood why Lian Daofei had become a madman, why the Lian Daofei he saw in the dream of the Seven-Colored Daoist was so arrogant and unreasonable. He was like a different person compared to the madman that Wang Lin knew.

Right now, Wang Lin's mind became clear.

"Lian Daofei is indeed someone who did as he wished on the Immortal Astral Continent. Maybe he really did have a brother with very high status. This all caused his personality to become strange and arrogant. According to my understanding, as long as he fancied something, whether it was treasure or people, he would steal it without hesitation!

"If he can't steal it, then he will do this best and even kill the other party's entire sect to satisfy his greed! It was also his greed and personality that lured him into the cave of the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign to steal what he wanted.

"But in the end, he was devoured by the Heavenly Dao and exploded his divine sense. Most of his greed and bad personality were absorbed by this part of the Heavenly Dao…

"That's why the madman I met is completely different than before! Otherwise, with his personality, how could he give me the celestial boodline and teach me spells? He would have done everything he could to achieve his goal! By contrast, I like the current madman more!"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he looked at the young man floating above the half-compass.

The young man looked at the compass and pondered.

"This half of the Defying Compass is my original body… This aura is something no one can detect. Leaving it here would be the safest option…" The young man drifted away and disappeared from the inside of the planet to somewhere unknown.

Wang Lin ignored the young man's departure and stared at the half-compass. He memorized everything here and the aura of this planet. Then he suddenly closed his eyes. The moment he closed his eyes, everything here silently collapsed.

The All-Seer's more than 90 reincarnations ended!

When Wang Lin closed his eyes, his dream ended. He opened his eyes and saw Dao Master Blue Dream, Qing Lin, and Master Hong Shan. He saw that this avatar was about to be completely taken ove in the Summoned Riverr!

"I found his original body. You three seniors don't need to come with me. I hope you three can help me control my avatar to buy me more time!" Wang Lin stood up and clasped his hands at the three of them. He then took a step forward and charged off into the distance.

"All-Seer, the game is about to end!"

Chapter 1724 - The All-Seer's Original Body!

Wang Lin's original body rushed through the stars, moving at a speed much faster than his avatar. He wasn't flying using brute force or integrating with the world, he was ripping the world apart to move forward!

Wang Lin's right hand would rip the space before him as he stepped forward. A thunderous rumble echoed as the space before him was torn open.

He would then instantly enter the rift, and when he reappeared, he had already left the Summoned River!

Using this outrageous method, Wang Lin's speed reached the peak of what his body was capable of!

In the entire cave world, only Wang Lin could dare to move like this. The inside of the spatial rifts were filled with destructive turbulence, and the cultivators' bodies could not withstand this kind of impact.

Even ancient demons and ancient devils would find it difficult to withstand this destructive storm. An ancient god may survive a few times but couldn't do it for long.

Only an Ancient Dao body, which was countless times stronger than an ancient god body, could do this! Only Wang Lin, who had the Ancient Dao bloodline, could calmly enter the spatial rifts and move forward in such an unbelievable way while not caring about the turbulence inside!

The destructive storm landed on Wang Lin's body but caused him no damage. Instead, the storm itself let out a whimper and collapsed.

In the Brilliant Void, a giant rift appeared out of nowhere. Wang Lin's powerful body stepped out of the rift. At this moment, Wang Lin's powerful Ancient Dao divine sense swept the area.

Shortly after, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes and charged off into the distance.

It had only been several breaths of time since he had awakened from his dream dao.

As Wang Lin rushed through the rifts, in the Summoned River, all of the All-Seer's avatars' souls arrived. When the last soul entered Wang Lin's avatar, Wang Lin's avatar suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were filled with struggle and pain. The All-Seer's soul was taking over his mind and body. Due to the Reincarnation Integration spell, it was impossible for anyone to interfere with this possession.

Blue light surrounded Wang Lin's avatar. Dao Master Blue Dream calmly stood there and looked at Wang Lin's avatar. Qing Lin and Master Hong Shan were also there looking at Wang Lin. Different from Dao Master Blue Dream, they were not calm and looked nervously at Wang Lin's avatar.

"Wang Lin, are you faster than this old man?" The struggle in Wang Lin's eyes became even more intense and his body trembled, his veins bulging. The ancient words came from his mouth; they were extremely strange and filled with a sense of decay.

The moment Wang Lin's avatar spoke, his right eye distorted and was replaced by a shadow. He turned to look at Dao Master Blue Dream and company with his right hand. He revealed a smile of contempt.

"The three of you are not weak. Since you want to stop me from leaving, I'll let you witness my 99th awakening!" Wang Lin's avatar's left eye trembled and then slowly calmed down, giving off a ghostly light. He sat down and closed his eyes.

Wang Lin's original body could feel everything his avatar was experiencing. As Wang Lin's avatar was being taken over, a planet appeared before his original body in the Brilliant Void.

It was an abandoned planet that was a complete waste. There was no sign of life on it and the entire planet was almost completely covered in deserts.

The rivers had long dried up and the passages were covered by the desert. The seas were black and the countless rotten bodies in the seas made them very dirty.

At a glance, there was a dark fog around the planet. The fog contained a large amount of poison; so much that a mortal would immediately rot and die if they breathed it. Even cultivators would frown upon facing this poison.

There wasn't any spiritual energy here. As a result, no cultivator would come here. Not even poison cultivators would come, because the poison here wasn't that strong. The reason it would cause cultivators to frown was not the poison but the stench coming from all the rotting corpses.

This abandoned planet was very ugly and also filled with a stench. Although almost everything here was different from the planet Wang Lin saw in the reincarnation cycles, the aura was exactly the same!

This aura was the soul of this planet. Back then, the soul had just been born, and now its soul was near death, but Wang Lin could still recognize it!

When Wang Lin saw this planet, he rushed forward and broke through the weak atmosphere. He landed on a continent on the planet.

The moment Wang Lin arrived, the fog around the planet was pushed away as if a violent wind had swept by. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing everything on the planet.

Wang Lin didn't hesitate when he entered the planet. After the wind swept away the fog, Wang Lin appeared above the sea. The black sea didn't have any waves, as if it was dead!

The foul stench was even stronger, but Wang Lin didn't mind at all. He rushed into the black sea below.

With a thunderous bang, a giant vortex appeared in the black sea as Wang Lin charged in. The vortex extended until it reached the sea floor. The vortex grew larger until the black silt below was revealed.

The silt had been condensing for countless years and had never been exposed to the sky. At this moment, the silt was also pushed aside until the real sea bed appeared!

This sea bed was not flat but covered in countless small mountains!

"This is the place!" Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly and he charged forward. He ignored the foul stench and charged straight down!

At the bottom of the sea, there was a cave that had appeared countless years ago. This cave was covered in brown dirt. This dirt was soil that had collapsed into the cave after the countless earthquakes over the years. Buried deep inside the dirt was half a compass!

A gentle wind blew through the cave and pushed the dirt that hadn't moved for countless years to the side, revealing a corner of the buried compass.

At the same time, a powerful palm grabbed the corner of the compass and pulled it out from the dirt!

Wang Lin's eyes landed on the compass in his hand and shined brightly.

"Which of us is faster?"

In the Summoned River, after Wang Lin's avatar closed his eyes, his face changed rapidly. In an instant, he no longer looked like Wang Lin but the white-haired All-Seer!

This kind of possession was like devouring, but it was different from the direct devouring he used to do. This devour was crucial, so he had chosen to devour from the inside to make sure there was no chance of a mistake!

Although his eyes were closed, his body was rapidly fusing. This fusion was his slumber, and once the fusion was complete, he would awaken!

This was his 99th awakening. After he awakened, he could find the other cluster of fog that was separated from him. Once he fused with it, he could take back control of fate itself!

At that time, he would become an extraordinary Heavenly Dao. He would have his own mind and wisdom that were beyond that of many others!

He also knew spells and he could grow without others feeding him! It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that once he took control of fate, the countless lives that had been born in the cave world would be controlled by him. If life was manipulated by a Heavenly Dao without its own consciousness, it wouldn't pose much of a problem. However, if that Heavenly Dao had its own consciousness, it would be terrifying!

As long as he wanted to, he could even devour everything that came from the Heavenly Dao. At that time, whatever was left had to be something that wasn't born here. They had to be the three souls and seven fragments, and the people of the Immortal Astral Continent!

In a short period of time, more than half of the fusion was complete. After a few breaths, the fusion was complete and the All-Seer opened his eyes!

The moment he opened his eyes, he revealed a smile. He raised his head and laughed.

"99 awakenings, this old man has finally finished his last awakening. Heavenly Dao, this old man is the Heavenly Dao!!" The All-Seer stood up and his white hair fluttered. An ancient aura spread out from his body and a fog surrounded him!

Wang Lin had seen the fog inside the reincarnation cycles, a form that belonged to the Heavenly Dao!

"Wang Lin, your avatar has been taken. So what if your original body is not dead? This old man doesn't have time to deal with you!!" The All-Seer's expression was fierce. He didn't even look at Dao Master Blue Dream and company. He was about to leave.

However, just as he was about to move, a ray of blue light flashed before him. Dao Master Blue Dream appeared before him, preventing him from moving forward.

"I promised him that I wouldn't let you leave this place."

Qing Lin and Master Hong Shan also closed in.

The All-Seer's eyes lit up and he waved his sleeve. He opened his mouth and inhaled. The world trembled as if it were reversing and endless fog filled the star system, blocking their vision.

However, just as the fog appeared and an illusory mouth appeared to devour the three of them, a burst of blue light shined. An extremely powerful aura came from light and collided with the mouth.

At the same time, a cold voice filled with killing intent came from the distance!

"All-Seer! I have brought your original body here!"

Chapter 1725 - The Qualifications to Vie for Supremacy!

The fog was hit by the blue light and directly collapsed. The illusory mouth disappeared the moment it appeared.

The All-Seer's face was pale and his eyes were filled with disbelief. He looked into the distance with eyes filled with shock! Behind Dao Master Blue Dream and company, he saw Wang Lin, who was dressed in white, closing in!

There was half a compass in Wang Lin's right hand!

This compass looked very ordinary, without any aura, but when the All-Seer saw it, his heart rumbled and the shock in his eyes turned into unimaginable fear!

"It's… It's impossible, you can't find my original body. You… So what if you found my original body? I have awakened 99 times, I'm the Heavenly Dao!" The All-Seer stared at Wang Lin and pointed at the sky.

"One body of heaven, all matter in the world, return to me!" the All-Seer roared, and the fog around him began to swirl and flew out. Space itself trembled and a giant mouth appeared.

This mouth was blurry, but it immediately devoured!

However, just as it was about to devour, the large mouth quivered strangely and collapsed. It dissipated from the star system.

This caused the All-Seer's expression to change again!

"Do you really think this is your 99th awakening…" Wang Lin stepped closer, his voice cold.

The All-Seer silently pondered, then killing intent appeared in his eyes as he stared at Wang Lin. He charged at Wang Lin without hesitation!

"My 3,000 avatars have fused. Even if I haven't completely awakened, I have the aura of the Heavenly Dao. Before me, you are but an ant, you're not Seven-Colored's soul. Even if you have my original body, I can kill you in an instant!"

The All-Seer turned into a shadow and closed in on Wang Lin. However, at this moment, a flash of blue light appeared before him and Dao Master Blue Dream walked out. He waved his sleeves and hit the All-Seer.

The All-Seer's expression was fierce. The moment Dao Master Blue Dream attacked, he let out a roar.

"You're also life formed by the Heavenly Dao! You dare to block me!?" The All-Seer didn't care about Dao Master Blue Dream at all. He waved his right hand and collided with Dao Master Blue Dream.

A thunderous rumble echoed. Dao Master Blue Dream's expression changed and he retreated a few steps. The All-Seer's expression was gloomy and he didn't retreat at all. He moved even faster toward Wang Lin; now he was less than 100 feet from him!

Wang Lin's expression was calm. He looked at the All-Seer with a hint of contempt. As the All-Seer closed in, Wang Lin spoke softly,

"My body still belongs to me. Let the dao dissipate…"

The All-Seer, who was 90 feet from Wang Lin, trembled and a rune flashed on his chest. Ripples spread out from the rune and soon covered the All-Seer's entire body.

Amidst these ripples, all the comprehension of dao inside the body he had taken from Wang Lin dissipated. Without the comprehension of dao, there would no longer be any essences!

The fire essence in his left eye collapsed and the thunder essence in his right eye shattered. Between his eyebrows, the slaughter, life and death, karma, and true and false essences all dissipated. Even the restriction essence in the blood veins in his eyes dissipated.

One short instant later, no trace of any essence remained in the body the All-Seer had taken from Wang Lin. All seven essences had disappeared into the void.

The body could be considered a bucket and the water inside was the essence. Dao comprehension was what made the bucket strong so there would be no leaks. Now all the water had leaked out from the bucket.

The All-Seer was startled and horror appeared in his eyes. He didn't expect something like this to happen. Something like this had never happened before in his previous awakenings!!

Wang Lin calmly looked at the All-Seer and slowly said, "Let the origin soul scatter…"

As Wang Lin spoke, his avatar's origin soul, which had fused with the All-Seer's 3,000 souls, became dim and dissipated. A cultivator without an origin soul was the same as a mortal!

How could the body of a mortal withstand the occupation and fusion of the All-Seer's 3,000 souls? After Wang Lin's avatar's origin soul dissipated, popping sounds came from the All-Seer's body. His body trembled and began to show signs of collapse!

The horror in the All-Seer's eyes had reached its limit. He had schemed against the heavens, schemed against the earth, and even schemed against time. However, he was wrong for a second time against Wang Lin!

He didn't expect Wang Lin to find his original body, and he didn't think Wang Lin could still control his avatar! This was impossible in his mind. He had already completely taken over this body and become an independent existence. Even now, he still didn't understand why this had happened!

Why could Wang Lin still control this body? Why could Wang Lin make the dao dissipate and origin soul scatter!?

While the All-Seer was filled with fear and confusion, he heard Wang Lin's third sentence.

"Let the soul die…"

After this, the All-Seer's body trembled violently. He felt Wang Lin's soul, the one that had fused with this 3,000 souls, suddenly dissipate.

The 3,000 souls' fusion was perfect and could not be separated. However, when Wang Lin's soul dissipated, the perfection was broken. The All-Seer's body collapsed and the remaining 2,999 souls erupted forth.

"It's impossible!! Impossible!! Why is this so? You can still control this body… This doesn't align with the rules of this world! This doesn't follow the law of this world! I'm the Heavenly Dao, I set the rules! All the bodies I take over belong to me!!

"I know your memories. Even if you use the Three Life spell, you shouldn't be able to do this. Even if you were to die one thousand times, I still won't die. You… Who are you!?" The 2,999 souls that had scattered turned into a fuzzy fog. This contained all the lives the All-Seer devoured in his more than 90 awakenings.

They were all roaring the same time!

"Who the hell are you!? You are not Seven-Colored's three souls or seven fragments. You are just a mortal created from my cave. You can't do this, I refuse to believe this!!!

"You are just part of the Heavenly Dao, but I'm the master of the Heavenly Dao…" Wang Lin looked at the 2,999 souls that were roaring at the same time. These souls were filled with madness and confusion along with pain and disbelief.

After he said this, Wang Lin lifted his left hand and pointed to the spot between his eyebrows. The ancient god stars disappeared and were replaced by a vortex. This vortex gave off an ancient aura, and after moving his hand away from it, a ray of light shot out. The light instantly expanded to become a giant beast!

Nether Beast!

When the Nether Beast appeared, it looked sluggish. Only a few people were around, so there was less chance of it being afraid. It looked around and then saw the fog created by the All-Seer's 2,999 souls. It seem attracted to the fog and unknowingly opened its mouth. Saliva seemed to flow out as it pondered. These souls looked very delicious.

"Heavenly Dao's master? Nether Beast… This the Nether Beast… Could this beast have been formed by the other cluster of fog that separated from me?" All of the All-Seer's souls looked at the Nether Beast in shock.

He naturally knew of the Nether Beast, but his body had been split apart by Lian Daofei, who had detonated his own origin soul. Over the countless years, he had lost connection with his other half. Otherwise, he wouldn't have used this method of 99 awakenings to regain control of reincarnation and find the other part of his body.

"The game is over, All-Seer," Wang Lin spoke slowly, then he raised his right hand that held the half compass. He threw the compass directly into the Nether Beast's mouth.

All of the All-Seer's souls trembled and screamed. They desperately scattered and fled in 2,999 different directions.

Dao Master Blue Dream and company wanted to pursue but were stopped by Wang Lin. Wang Lin looked at the Nether Beast chewing with its giant mouth in a daze. After a long time, the confusion disappeared and was replaced with a ruthless expression.

"Devour them. From now on, you will be complete." Wang Lin looked tired and sat down on the back of the Nether Beast.

The Nether Beast suddenly opened its mouth and charged forward. The moment it opened its mouth, the 2,999 souls were shrouded in a suction force. They all screamed as they were sucked into the Nether Beast's giant mouth!

"Senior Blue Dream, Qing Lin, and Senior Hong Shan, I need to reform my cultivator avatar, so I won't return to the Celestial Realm with you all. Once I resolve my affair, I'll meet you guys at the Celestial Realm. Tell Senior Brother Qing Shui that it's best not to go out during this time and that I'll need his help once I return."

Wang Lin clasped his hands at the three of them, looking even more tired. He sat on the back of the Nether Beast and slowly disappeared into the distance.

The Nether Beast's eyes were completely ruthless. It was the same gaze it had when it devoured Lian Daofei; it was extremely terrifying.

With the Nether Beast present, Wang Lin no longer feared anyone in the cave world! It wasn't until this moment that he obtained the qualification to vie for supremacy!

Chapter 1726 - Reforming Essences

Wang Lin was very tired on the back of the Nether Beast. If the entire Nether Beast was spread out, it would be very large, but right now it had shrunken a lot and was only about 10,000 feet wide. Nevertheless, as it moved forward, it gave off a huge pressure to anyone who saw it.

This pressure came from the Nether Beast's body and from its cold and ruthless gaze. This ruthlessness stemmed from its indifference to life and death, reincarnation, time, and all life!

It seemed as if no life mattered before the Nether Beast. It was the Heavenly Dao, everything in the cave world came from it. Whether it was cultivators or fierce beasts, they were nothing to it!

Similarly, this pressure came from Wang Lin, who was sitting on the back of the Nether Beast. Although he was only quietly sitting there, the aura he gave off was like that of a celestial god!

Wang Lin had the Ancient Dao bloodline. This bloodline was noble enough to compete with the madman's bloodline. Even though he was still someone from the cave world, his bloodline allowed him to look down upon most people even on the Immortal Astral Continent!

The Nether Beast moved silently. More accurately, it wasn't moving at all, it was the world that was moving. It could go anywhere it wanted in an instant because everything here belonged to it!

As Wang Lin calmly sat there, his right hand calmly toughed the Nether Beast. Scenes of his encounter with the All-Seer flashed through his mind.

"I didn't expect the Nether Beast I captured to be part of the Heavenly Dao… The All-Seer was also part of the Heavenly Dao. No wonder he believed in heavenly fate… The heavenly fate he believed in was, in fact, himself." Wang Lin looked at the Nether Beast below him profoundly and felt emotional.

"The fragment that came from the Immemorial God Realm the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign obtained was used for storage. Inside, he found the Heavenly Dao… It seems like he found the Heaven Defying Bead inside as well.

"That's why that compass exists.

"Everyone is searching for this Heavenly Dao. Seven-Colored Daoist, Old Ghost Zhan, and the rest are all looking for the third soul. Aside from fusing with it, they all probably have plans for the Heavenly Dao… And to obtain the fragment the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign obtained.

"By chance, I became the master of the Heavenly Dao… From now on, I'm the master of the Heavenly Dao. I don't know about the Immortal Astral Continent, but inside the cave world, no one can steal it from me!

"This Heavenly Dao should be complete; it could even devour Lian Daofei back then. I want to see who will dare to provoke me and become the first of my enemies to be devoured by the Heavenly Dao after countless years!"

A powerful sense of confidence arose within Wang Lin's body. He looked into the distance and his eyes shined brightly!

He didn't spread out his divine sense, he just allowed the Nether Beast to wander among the stars. He closed his eyes and his hands formed a seal. After adjusting himself a bit, he opened his eyes and bit the tip of the tongue to spit out blood.

This mouthful of blood was blood red and floated before him, keeping pace with the Nether Beast below him. The blood moved and gave off a dazzling light. Bursts of fragrance spread out.

"Since the avatar dissipated, I'll form another one! This avatar will contain my blood as its core and walk the path of the grand dao!" Wang Lin muttered as he pointed at the blood.

With this point of his finger, the blood moved even faster. It rapidly expanded and turned into the shape of a person. However, it still looked like a person made out of blood.

"My blood contains the Ancient Dao power, and in order to make this avatar, I need to extract the Ancient Dao power. This matter is not difficult!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and the stars between his eyebrows and in his eyes appeared. They began to rotate, creating a suction force. The blood person began to distort as strands of smoke were pulled out and absorbed by Wang Lin's stars.

This process was very fast. After only half an incense stick of time, all of the Ancient Dao aura was extracted. The blood person now had no Ancient Dao aura at all left.

As the Ancient Dao aura was extracted, the blood person shined brightly. Slowly, the blood color changed and soon an avatar that looked exactly like Wang Lin appeared!

This avatar was like a newborn baby. Although it looked like an adult, it had no soul; it was just a body.

"Soul, form!" Wang Lin pointed to between his eyebrows and a part of his soul split off. It came out of his orifices and slowly entered the avatar. Once that sliver of soul entered the avatar, Wang Lin felt like he and the avatar had mixed like water; there was no difference between them.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin looked even more tired. He slowly closed his eyes as if he was sleeping.

The moment his original body closed his eyes, his avatar's eyes opened and shined brightly. He calmly looked at his newly formed avatar and pointed at the sky.

"The fire essence I comprehended that was dispersed into the void, return!"

The moment he spoke, fire seeds began to appear around the Nether Beast. More and more fire seeds appeared. From a distance, it looked like the star system was burning. A sea of fire ranged across the stars!

The sea of fire turned into a ring and swirled around Wang Lin. Endless fire gathered from across the star system, looking like a large wave that was constantly swirling.

When all the fire closed in on Wang Lin, his left eye seemed to turn into a blackhole that devoured fire. The sea of fire rushed into his left eye.

In an instant, the sea of fire disappeared and the mark of the fire essence appeared in Wang Lin's left eye.

"The thunder essence that entered the void, as the lord of thunder, I summon you to return to me!" Wang Lin spoke softly and then waved his right hand.

With this wave, the star system trembled and countless ripples spread in all directions. A muffled rumble came from the distance and soon grew louder. This rumble came from all directions, and in just a few moments, it replaced all other sounds.

The deafening rumble continued as endless thunder appeared over the horizon, all rushing toward Wang Lin.

In an instant, all the thunder condensed in Wang Lin's right eye. Bolts of thunder rushed into his eyes and every bolt caused thunder to arc around him. The thunderbolts seemed to be cheering in joy due to returning to their master.

Soon, all the thunder dissipated before Wang Lin's right eye. The mark of the eternal thunder suddenly appeared in his right eye!

Two essences, fire in his left eye and thunder in his right eye!

"The ethereal essences I comprehended in my dream dao. They contain the domains and grand daos I achieved in my life. Although they all have dissipated, I can still summon them back… The first ethereal essence to return will be life and death!"

Wang Lin murmured and then opened his hands.

"My left hand is life and my right hand is death… As time passes, my dao heart remains unchanged."

Wang Lin's left hand gave off strands of white gas that eventually surrounded it. They gave off a soft, white glow. This was life force, Wang Lin's life force and a part of his comprehension of life and death that he had gained over the past 2,000 years.

At the same time, black gas surrounded his right hand, forming a ball of black light. This black gas was filled with death and decay. It seemed like it could extract the souls from the underworld.

When the white and black auras appeared, they moved up his arms until they gathered between his eyebrows. They fused together and rotated like the yin and yang symbol!

The life and death essence had returned!

The aura inside Wang Lin's body suddenly erupted!

"The second to return will be the true and false essence. True and false, false and true, thus is life." Wang Lin silently pondered, feeling emotional about the matter with All-Seer.

After he spoke, his body immediately turned illusory as if he was unreal.

In particular, his eyes were like the stars. If someone looked at his eyes, they would enter a state of confusion.

"I close my eyes and everything is false. I open my eyes and everything is true," Wang Lin murmured before closing his eyes. The heavens and earth all dissipated. The cave world, the third soul, and even the Nether Beast no longer existed. At this moment, everything was an illusion to Wang Lin.

The moment he opened his eyes, the true and false essence gathered.

While Wang Lin was reforming his cultivator avatar's essences, the Nether Beast below him was slowly drifting. It had left the Summoned River and arrived in the Cloud Sea.

At this moment in the Cloud Sea, there was a group of people moving through the star system.

These people were being led by four old men, and there were more than 100 of them. As they flew through the star system, ripples echoed.

They gave off an extremely powerful aura, with the four leading being the strongest. They were using some unknown spell that actually connected their divine senses together.

At this moment, there was a giant gourd above their heads. The gourd was completely green and contained marks left by time.

There was a cluster of green fog inside the gourd that seemed to be guiding them.

The four old men would stop moving after flying for a while. They would bow at the gourd and their fused divine senses would fly out as if they were communicating with the gourd.

These four old men were the four generals of the Ancient Celestial Realm!

Behind these celestials was Old Ghost Zhan in a daoist robe. He didn't care about the celestials before him, and they don't seem to care about his existence either.