

Chapter 1331 - For Senior…

There were tiny lightning bolts swarming around each of the thunder fruits inside the valley.

"This is the thunder fruit…" Wang Lin reached out and one of the fruits flew into his hand. He carefully looked at the green fruit, and it did contain some thunder power. It could improve the body inside and out, making it more suitable for using thunder spells.

"In Qi Zhi and Yu Fei's memory, this thunder fruit can be exchanged for one thunder crystal…" Wang Lin looked at the fruit but didn't swallow it. Instead, he crushed the fruit and a small flash of thunder appeared and was absorbed by his right hand into his origin soul.

Wang Lin closed his eyes and silently observed the power of thunder from the fruit. A moment later, he opened his eyes. They were filled with thunder. His gaze penetrated the valley to outside the cave and he muttered, "I was going to go steal, but I didn't expect someone to deliver themselves to me."

At this moment, the four rays of light arrived near the cave. Without the need for the Nascent Soul old man to speak, one of the Core Formation cultivators walked out and shouted, "Qi Zhi, the Heavenly Thunder Sect is here. Come out and greet us!"

This voice echoed for a long time inside the cave.

The Nascent Soul old man looked down at the restrictions outside the cave and frowned. When Wang Lin walked through, he didn't activate any and found them insignificant. However, to this old man, they were very intricate.

He faintly felt a sense of crisis.

"Since this Qi Zhi was able to become a Nascent Soul old monster, he can't be underestimated. Just the restrictions outside the cave are not simple." He stopped the Core Formation cultivator from speaking and gloomily said,

"Fellow Cultivator Qi, I'm Qiu Dehai, one of the four grand elders of the Heavenly Thunder Sect. Today, I became because my sect master will soon reach the Scatter Thunder Rankings. I ask Fellow Cultivator Qi to donate some magical treasures and pills." His voice was gloomy, and he had spread out his entire mid stage Nascent Soul cultivation into his voice, letting it drift into the cave.

Just as his voice echoed, the door to the cave rumbled and opened. Something was thrown out. It was Qi Zhi, who was in a coma.

This sudden scene startled the three Core Formation cultivators and caused Qiu Dehai's pupils to shrink.

"Are you looking for him?" A cold voice came from inside the cave, and following the voice was Wang Lin in white. As he calmly and slowly walked outside, a faint pressure spread out.

"You… You're Yu Fei!" One of the Core Formation cultivators apparently recognized Yu Fei at a glance. However, under this pressure, his core trembled and his voice was filled with disbelief.

The Nascent Soul old man stared at Wang Lin. His nascent soul trembled and he had a bad feeling. Wang Lin was standing right there, but when his divine sense swept by, he found nothing. It was as if this person didn't exist.

He had only felt this feeling from his sect master. However, he had a feeling that even if his sect master was here, his sect master wouldn't be able to detect this person at all.

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What made his scalp numb even more was the pressure coming from this person. This pressure was extremely strong, and under this pressure, he felt the spiritual energy inside his body stop. Those cold words seemed to contain a tearing force that was going to rip him from the inside out.

Cold sweat covered his forehead, and Qiu Dehai swallowed hard. He slowly backed away and clasped his hands. "This old man doesn't know this Qi Zhi, and this is my first time meeting him. Since Fellow Cultivator was here first, then this old man will leave. It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!" He suppressed the trembling of his nascent soul and slowly retreated. He felt that this person was too powerful for him to resist. It was best to let him go and return back to the sect.

The three Core Formation cultivators also felt like something was wrong. They retreated in terror and were about to leave this place.

"You're just going to leave like this?" Wang Lin revealed a smile that wasn't a smile and looked at the four of them.

This gaze made Qiu Dehai's heart skip a beat, and he didn't hesitate to wave his hand to push the three Core Formation cultivators toward Wang Lin as a shield. He quickly retreated and was covered in cold sweat when he was about to teleport away.

The Scatter Thunder Clan didn't allow clan members to kill each other, but you could waste their cultivation or kill indirectly. This old man knew all of this very well, and he had done it many times. At this moment, he was terrified, and his first thought was to escape.

Wang Lin ignored that teleporting Nascent Soul cultivators and waved his right hand. Those three Core Formation cultivators all screamed miserably as the marks between their eyebrows collapsed and large amounts of treasures flew out. Wang Lin put them all away before stepping into the sky.

The three Core Formation cultivators coughed out blood and fell to the ground one by one, their cores all collapsed. Although they weren't dead, their cultivation had been wasted!

Qiu Dehai had heard those mournful cries after he teleported. The chill in his head had increased, and he didn't hesitate to teleport away.

When he reappeared, he was already far away. The moment he reappeared, he teleported once more. After doing this several times, he had used almost all the spiritual energy in his body, but he didn't dare to stop. He took some pills and teleported once more.

Wang Lin's figure and voice became a dark cloud that weighted heavily on his nascent soul. He feared that he was too slow and would get caught.

He teleported more than 10 times and rushed out more than 50,000 kilometers. During this time, he had devoured a large amount of pills and could be said to be running for his life. He had even crushed the jade from his sect to summon help from surrounding sect members!

There were many small sects like the Heavenly Thunder Sect. The clan would naturally not interfere and would actually encourage people to form and join sects.

Qiu Dehai was covered in cold sweat, short of breath, and had teleported many times. After a teleport, there was a flash of light before him and a middle-aged man in green walked out. He frowned and looked at Qiu Dehai.

"Elder Qiu, what did you encounter to make you so scared that you even called for help?"

After Qiu Dehai saw the middle-aged man, he felt relieved, but he didn't answer the question. He immediately looked back and his divine sense spread out behind him. Only after he found no trace of Wang Lin did he let out wry smile. He looked at the middle-aged man and was about to speak.

However, just at this instant, a voice that made Qiu Dehai lose his wits appeared like the cold wind.

"Not going to run?"

Qiu Dehai felt his scalp go numb and his eyes filled with monstrous panic. He no longer dared to talk with the middle-aged man and immediately began to teleport away.

The middle-aged man was also startled. When Wang Lin's voice echoed, he felt like his nascent soul was hit by a hammer and coughed out blood. After seeing Qiu Dehai's behavior, endless terror arose inside him and he didn't hesitate to teleport away like Qiu Dehai!

"If the two of you split apart, I'll destroy both your cultivations…"

The two of them ran like crazy and teleported nonstop, using all the pills they had. They didn't dare to stop or separate from each other. However, after teleporting a few times, the consumption of spiritual energy was too great for the two of them to bear.

"Qiu Dehai, you provoked such a person and then dragged me into it!!!" The middle-aged man gnashed his teeth as he escaped and stared with Qiu Dehai with anger.

Qiu Dehai's face was pale and filled with fear. He wanted to speak, but the voice that made the two of them panic echoed once more.

"Keep asking for help and call all the Nascent Soul cultivators of your Heavenly Thunder Sect… Take me to your Heavenly Thunder Sect; otherwise… I'll waste your cultivation!"

The middle-aged man took out a jade and crushed it to request for help before Qiu Dehai. He hated Qiu Dehai to the bones, and if he couldn't drag more people down with him, he couldn't vent the anger in his heart.

After one hour, an extremely strange scene unfolded on this planet. Four Nascent Soul cultivators were escaping in panic. Three of them revealed intense hatred along with the panic!

Wang Lin calmly walked behind the four of them. Along the way, as Qiu Dehai and company had called for help, the other two elders arrived. The four of them escaped together and had to listen to Wang Lin's request to escape toward the Heavenly Thunder Sect.

A mountain appeared in the distance. This mountain wasn't big, but there were clouds around it. There were also stone steps winding from the peak.

There were some building on top of the mountain. It had the look of a sect.

When the four terriified cultivators brought Wang Lin here, Qiu Dehai quickly said with a trembling voice, "Sen… Senior… This is… This is the Heavenly Thunder Sect…"

Along the way, the four of them had been forced to rush as fast as they could. Adding the panic and terror they felt, their minds were tormented the entire way.

Wang Lin looked at the mountain and waved his right hand. A gust of wind appeared and wrapped around the four Nascent Soul cultivators. The four of them let out screams and their thunder marks were broken open. Large amounts of treasures flew out of them. Wang Lin put them away, and at the same time, the gust of wind smashed through the clouds and the four of them landed at the square of the Heavenly Thunder Sect!

The entire Heavenly Thunder Sect was completely silent. Some of the weaker cultivators were originally cultivating in the square. After seeing the four head elders being tossed into the square, they were speechless.

"Senior, Senior, you finally came!!" In this silence, a person suddenly charged out. He was thin and looked ordinary, but he was at the early stage of Soul Formation. His eyes were crystal clear as he looked at Wang Lin with excitement in his eyes.

"When I saw Senior, my heart couldn't settle down for a long time. Senior's cultivation is heaven-piercing and your style is unmatched. In that short moment, I felt as if I had seen Senior many reincarnation cycles ago. I couldn't calm myself and only wanted to see Senior a bit more before my lifespan ended. Every time I looked, the spiritual energy in my body would move on its own and even my cultivation would increase, as if I had devoured countless thunder fruits. Only someone like Senior would have such an ability. Not even the elders of the Scatter Thunder Clan, not even the clan head could compare to Senior when they were at your age.

"Senior, Junior asks for nothing and is willing to hand over everything I have collected to Senior. I only hope that Senior would let me stay with Senior so I can see Senior often and witness Senior's rise. Let me be Senior's lackey, let me clear the path, let me slaughter all of Senior's enemies, let me dedicate my life to Senior until my death!!!"

Even with Wang Lin's cultivation, he couldn't help but be startled by these words from this skinny man, and he couldn't help but think of Xu Liguo.

In truth, it was not only him. If any other cultivator were to see this, they would be stunned on the spot.

Chapter 1332 - Arch-Rival

The skinny cultivator had spewed out a lot of words, and they were all filled with sincerity. Below him, the members of the sect were all gobsmacked. They had been in the Heavenly Thunder Sect for a while, but they had never seen their always-majestic and domineering sect master speak words like this.

Wang Lin's always calm expression turned into a strange smile when he heard the words of this skinny cultivator.

The skinny cultivator didn't reveal any hint of falsehood, as if everything he had said was natural and true. His expression really made it difficult for Wang Lin to attack and waste his cultivation.

With Wang Lin's wisdom, he had naturally seen through that this was all this skinny cultivator's plan. The skinny cultivator knew that he couldn't resist, and this was the only way to keep his cultivation.

"What is your name?" Wang Lin landed on the ground like a willow leaf fluttering in the wind. He stood at the center of the Heavenly Thunder Sect's square.

"Answer: my name is Zhong Big Red. Zhong like little Zhong and red like little red. Junior has only ever respected one person. Let me clear the path, let me…" The skinny cultivator was going to continue when he was interrupted by Wang Lin.

"Enough. Hand over everything you have gathered that can be used to exchange for thunder crystals."

Although Big Red looked calm, he was scared out of his wits. Earlier, he was cultivating in the main hall when he heard four heavy objects smash into the square. His divine sense spread out to find his four head elders thrown to the ground with their cultivations wasted. He was startled and became furious.

However, that anger completely disappeared when he saw Wang Lin, and he trembled. He was at the early stage of Soul Formation, and although he didn't cultivate domains like Inner Realm cultivators, his mark was 30% active. Also, due to his cultivation level, he had come into contact with other cultivators, and the highest level one he had met was at the Ascendant stage.

When he sensed Wang Lin, he was terrified to the point that it felt like the world was going to fall apart. This feeling was several times more powerful than when he met the Ascendent cultivator. Luckily, he was extremely clever and didn't hesitate to change that terror into excitement, followed by his rapid flattery.

He had only used this trick three times in his life. The first time was when he was at the Foundation Establishment stage and had to revolve a crisis. The second time was when he was at the Nascent Soul stage. He escaped from the Ascendent cultivator with mere a scare and had even obtained some benefits. This was the third time he had used this invincible art.

In Big Red's point of view, out of all his spells, this invincible art was his true ace, and it could save him at critical moments. So he had practiced it in secret until he was extremely proficient at it. It was his ace, so he only ever used it as a last resort.

When he heard Wang Lin's order, he quickly formed a seal and hit the mark between his eyebrows. There was a flash and things that could be exchanged for thunder crystals flew out until they formed a small mountain.

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"Senior, this is everything Junior has gathered over the years. Although there isn't anything extremely valuable, there are a lot of thing. Junior estimates that these should be worth around 50,000 thunder crystals." After he spoke, he carefully observed Wang Lin's expression. When he saw Wang Lin frown, he immediately became terrified, then he clenched his teeth and quickly spoke.

"Senior, Junior also has some treasures to give Senior." As he spoke, his right hand hit his mark once more and three more items flew out.

The first was a branch as thick as an arm, but it was flashing with thunder. The second was a pill that gave off a green glow. The third was an ancient mirror.

"These three items are things Junior had specially prepared for Senior. Just these three can be exchanged for 10,000 thunder crystals."

Wang Lin looked at Big Red with a smile that wasn't a smile. His gaze made Big Red's scalp numb, and just as he was about to speak, Wang Lin waved his sleeves, causing everything that could be exchanged for thunder crystals to disappear.

No one had noticed him open a spatial crack, and a divine sense filled with ecstasy rushed out of it.

"Master, you finally remembered me. Ah, Little Xu has been teaching that Liu Jinbiao a lesson all these years and hasn't been lazy at all!" Although Xu Liguo's cry had come from the storage space crack, to everyone else, it seemed to have come from the void.

At the same time, Xu Liguo appeared in the Heavenly Thunder Sect.

After Big Red heard Xu Liguo's voice, his eyes narrowed as if he had met the most powerful enemy in his life.

"Master, I have been following your order and have been tormenting Liu Jinbiao. That old boy is actually quite pitiful. He could have offended anyone, but he had to offend my mighty, handsome, and powerful master!" The moment Xu Liguo appeared, he didn't even look at his surroundings. His face was filled with flattery as he rubbed his hands and stared at Wang Lin with a pitiful expression.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral, but Big Red felt his heart skip a bit. His pupils shrank as he shot Xu Liguo a stare filled with hostility. He had only faintly felt that Xu Liguo was a powerful enemy, but now it was clear. This person had the same invincible art as him. Seeing how the other was able to embody the invincible arts in just a few words, it was a level above his long speech!

"Archrival!! This person must be my archrival!!" Big Red took a deep breath and began to observe.

"Master, please don't send me back too quickly, considering how loyal and hard-working Little Xu has been…" Xu Liguo revealed a mournful expression.

Big Red looked at Xu Liguo, and his expression became even more serious. "Even his expression contains the true meaning of the invincible art!!!"

Wang Lin revealed a smile that wasn't a smile as his gaze moved between Xu Liguo and Big Red. The reason he had summoned Xu Liguo was somewhat related to Big Red.

"Perhaps it would be better for Xu Liguo to gather thunder crystals in the Scatter Thunder Clan for me…" Wang Lin made up his mind, then he nodded slightly and slowly said, "If you do this well, we can talk about it."

With that, Wang Lin sent out a message to Xu Liguo, giving his order, and as Xu Liguo listened, his body began to tremble. He was trembling due to excitement, and after Wang Lin finished, he looked up with excitement and laughed.

"No one is better than your Granda… Err, Little Xu. Master, rest assured, a mere billion thunder crystals, leave it to me!"

The bad feeling inside Big Red became even stronger. He quickly took a few steps forward, looked at Wang Lin with a respectful gaze, and said, "Senior, Junior hasn't finish speaking. Junior still has a treasure that can be exchanged for 10,000 thunder crystals! Only someone like Senior can possess such a treasure!" After he spoke, he hit his mark again, and there was a flash of light. A flying sword flew out and gave off a chilling aura.

Wang Lin revealed a smile as he nodded slightly and put the flying sword away.

Xu Liguo looked around and then looked at Big Red. He hadn't paid attention the surrounding people earlier, but now he immediately felt that something was wrong.

"This person is giving off a faint scent of shamelessness… However, it is far from a match for your Grandpa Xu. Grandpa Xu has been flattering this fiend since before you were even born!!" Xu Liguo revealed a kind smile as he looked at Big Red and smiled. "Fellow Cultivator is?"

Big Red looked at Xu Liguo with the same smile and clasped his hands. "I'm Zhong Big Red. Zhong as in big Zhong and red as in big red!"

Their gazes collided at this instant. The smile on Xu Liguo remained unchanged as he withdrew his gaze. Just as he was about to speak, Big Red was a step ahead and said with a look of flattery, "Senior, Junior's Heavenly Thunder Sect has a lot of people. Let me get the things they have to exchange for thunder crystals to give to Senior."

After he spoke, he turned around and roared at the Heavenly Thunder Sect members who were gobsmacked at the scene before them.

Under his pressure, everything that could be exchanged for thunder crystals was gathered by Big Red and handed to Wang Lin. Wang Lin put it all away, then his eyes flashed an indiscernible amount. He waved his right hand and took out a pill.

He casually took out pill he didn't know the value of. It was a pill he had refined from the soul of a rank 4 beast in the Cloud Sea. However, when Big Red saw this, his eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Soul Pill!! This pill can be exchanged for at least 20,000 thunder crystals and is extremely rare!"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he waved his hand. The pill landed in Big Red's hand.

"I give this pill to you. From now on, you will help me collect things to exchange for thunder crystals!" Wang Lin said gently. He wasn't going to trade for thunder crystals with his own pills because he would be making the Scatter Thunder Clan more powerful. Instead, he was going to use Big Red to collect treasures from the Scatter Thunder Clan members and use their own possessions to trade for thunder crystals!

Big Red took a deep breath. He held the pill and immediately said, "Senior, rest assured, Junior will do his best!!"

Xu Liguo stared at Big Red with hostility in his gaze. Although he didn't care for the pill, this Big Red was uncomfortable to look at, and his gaze became vicious.

"Damn it, you dare to fight with your Grandpa Xu for favor before this fiend? Little brat, you've got guts! Just you wait, your Grandpa Xu will remember you. In almost 2,000 years, none that have tried to fight with your Grandpa Xu for this fiend's favor has had a good fate. Your Grandpa Xu has plenty to time to kill you! I'm going to torment you to death like I tormented Liu Jinbiao!"

Xu Liguo's eyes lit up and he revealed a dark smile.

Chapter 1333 - This is the Life

Time slowly passed on this Scatter Thunder Clan planet. In the blink of an eye, Wang Lin had been here for a month now.

During this month, he didn't return to the cave, but chose to cultivate in the Heavenly Thunder Clan. Over the past month, Xu Liguo and Big Red had begun gathering a large amount of items that could be traded for thunder crystals, with the Heavenly Thunder Sect as the center.

With everything that had been gathered, Wang Lin could trade for 100,000 thunder crystals.

Xu Liguo rarely got to leave the storage space, so he was extremely excited and began a campaign outside the Heavenly Thunder Sect. He didn't like to act alone, so he always took more than 10 Foundation Establishment Heavenly Thunder Sect disciples, and they moved like locusts. He had used an unknown method to take any Core Formation cultivator he found under his command.

In just one month, there were almost 100 Scatter Thunder Clan members under him. Xu Liguo seemed to have learned this from somewhere, but he had made them make him a giant bamboo throne. It was 1,000 feet wide and shined brightly with Xu Liguo sitting on top. He also had four Scatter Thunder Clan female cultivators accompany him. He was extremely arrogant!

The dozens of cultivators carried this throne forward. There were also dozens of cultivators on all sides.

While moving forward, Xu Liguo specially chose two very loud Core Formation cultivators to roar nonstop.

"Grandpa Xu is here. He is imposing, magnificent, unrivaled, handsome, and incomparable!"

This voice was like thunder. Xu Liguo laughed loudly and felt extremely proud. He was leaning on one female cultivator while eating a fruit from another female cultivator and drinking wine. There were two more female cultivators gently massaging his faintly corporeal body.

This enjoyment made Xu Liguo very excited.

Aside from the four female cultivators, there were also four very handsome men. They were half-kneeling there, also serving Xu Liguo.

"This is the life!! This is the life I, Xu Liguo, should enjoy. That fiend has been going left and right for 2,000 years, but it is Grandpa Xu who is truly happy!! Haha, it's your Grandpa Xu who is smart. Life should be enjoyed!" As Xu Liguo listened to the roars filled with flattery for himself and enjoyed being served by the female and male cultivators, his entire body felt good. His eyes squinted and he couldn't help but feel melancholy.

"How long has it been since I've felt this happy… Damn it, if not for that fiend catching me, I could have enjoyed this happy life for years now… Err, well, maybe my lifespan would have ended by now…


"Forget it, what's the use of thinking so much? I must make up for all the life I missed in these 2,000 years. There are too few women. If there can be 100… 1,000, it should be perfect. Eh, add 1,000 handsome men and 10,000 people carrying the throne to roar together for me. That would be perfect!

"To reach this goal, Grandpa Xu will have to work hard!" Xu Liguo was in high spirits. Just at this moment, there was a ray of light flying toward him, and there was a Core Formation cultivator inside.

This person got within 100 feet of the throne and loudly said, "Great Immortal is imposing, magnificent, unrivaled, handsome, and incomparable!" With that, he took a breath and quickly said, "50 kilometers ahead is the cave of the late stage Nascent Soul old monster Chen Dongfeng. He seems to have noticed something and has already activated the restrictions."

Xu Liguo pinched the face of a female cultivator beside him and proudly said, "Continue moving forward. I'll let you all see how Grandpa Xu deals with a mere Nascent Soul cultivator!"

The 50 kilometer distance was crossed quickly. The giant throne covered the sun, creating a huge shadow over the mountain, and gave off a powerful pressure.

There was a cave in the middle of the mountain. There was a large amount of restrictions at the entrance, sealing the cave! There were also eight small flags around the mountain, spinning rapidly and creating black fog.

After the throne closed in, Xu Liguo had a self-satisfied look as he slowly raised his right hand. Only after attracting the gazes of all the surrounding cultivators did he wave his hand!

With a wave of his hand, the world rumbled and countless sword shadows appeared in the air. The moment they appeared, they let out endless sword hymns, and sword energy scattered everywhere, pushing the clouds apart. Even the world dimmed.

Xu Liguo was the sword spirit who had obtained the inheritance of the ancient sword intent. Although he was lazy, when he was sealed in the Four Divine Sect by Wang Lin, he was forced to cultivate. Not to mention a mere Nascent Soul cultivator, Ascendant, Yin and Yang, and even Nirvana Scryer cultivators were no match for Xu Liguo!

With a wave of his hand, as the world rumbled, endless sword energy appeared. The sword energy was extremely dense and made all the surrounding cultivators tremble as if they were surrounded in nevermelting ice!

Endless sword energy fell on the mountain. The black fog around the mountain immediately collapsed, and when the eight small flags were going to explode, Xu Liguo grabbed them.

"That fiend said that no treasure can be damaged. These can be traded for thunder crystals!"

The sword energy broke through the fog and landed on the mountain. With Xu Liguo's careful control, the sword energy penetrated the mountain, and layers of layer of it fell off until the whole mountain disappeared, leaving only the cave without any walls!

It was like a mortal house with its roof taken off. Sitting inside was a middle-aged man who was shocked into a trance by what had happened.

"Grandpa Xu is here. He is imposing, magnificent, unrivaled, handsome, and incomparable!" Loud roars came from the cultivators beside Xu Liguo, and this really exuded an imposing aura! This awakened the middle-aged man who had been frightened into a trance!

"Obey Grandpa Xu and offer up everything that could be traded for thunder crystals. Disobey and Grandpa Xu will waste your cultivation and imprison you for life!" the two Core Formation cultivators with particularly loud voices immediately roared.

The middle-aged man stared dumbfoundedly at the throne. The throne was far too big and gave him a powerful pressure. He swallowed hard and didn't hesitate to respectfully clasp his hands. "Junior will hand over everything."

Xu Liguo laughed. He looked at the middle-aged man and smiled. "Good. From now on, follow your Grandpa Xu. I want to ask you, where can I find female cultivators?"

The middle-aged man felt his scalp go numb under Xu Liguo's gaze, and he had a bad feeling, but he didn't know what to do. When he heard the question, he quickly said, "If it's female cultivators, there is a place 5,000 kilometers away with a sect called the Thunder Celestial Sect. It's a sect filled with female cultivators, and its sect master is extremely beautiful! However, her cultivation level is quite high… It is said she has some relationship with an inner member of the clan…"

The moment Xu Liguo heard "beauty," his eyes lit up and he ignored the part about her cultivation level. He waved his hand and roared, "Lead the way! Come with Grandpa Xu to steal people! Steal treasures!"

The group of people flew off into the distance. The giant throne was extremely eye-catching in the sun, and Xu Liguo's proud laughter could be heard. There was also the faint roars of almost 100 people.

On the other side, Big Red had also begun to collect like crazy. Big Red was only at the Soul Formation stage, so for him to complete the task, Wang Lin had given him a flying sword.

This sword was ordinary, but it was extremely powerful for first step cultivators. It allowed him to beat mid stage Soul Formation cultivators and even hold out for a while against late stage Soul Formation cultivators.

However, compared to Xu Liguo's arrogance, Big Red was much more cautious. Although he had taken some cultivators with him, he wasn't having a good time. However, he was more familiar with the Scatter Thunder Clan and knew what could trade for more thunder crystals. He knew where many caves were located, and adding the pill and the sword Wang Lin had given him, he felt confident. He felt like his chance had come. As long as he could satisfy Wang Lin, perhaps he could get another pill.

Thinking about this, Big Red became confident and excited, but he was also secretly on guard against Xu Liguo. He felt that this Xu Liguo was his archrival!

"Damn it, if Senior only had me beside him, it would be godsend for me. I didn't expect to meet this Xu Liguo, who also practices the invincible art. His cultivation level is higher than mine and he is extremely shameless. He must have practiced the invincible art to reach his current cultivation level!

"However, I, Big Red, won't concede defeat. Although my cultivation level isn't high enough, I have secretly researched the invincible art for hundreds of years and wasn't able to display all of it before. Now, with Xu Liguo here, I have to use 120% of my ability to battle him! The winner is still undecided!"

Big Red sneered as he brought the people with him and destroyed several caves. He was secretly preparing what to say to Wang Lin in his heart so he could use the invincible art at any moment.

"I, Big Red, have very high talent in the invincible art. I don't believe I can't beat Xu Liguo!"

While Xu Liguo and Big Red were gathering, Wang Lin was sitting in the Heavenly Thunder Sect with a jade before him. This jade contained a set of cultivation methods used by the Scatter Thunder Clan.

This cultivation method was called the Great Thunder Stamp. It allowed you to compress all the thunder in your body in exchange for a powerful explosive attack! However, this only worked with the help of the clan mark, and it could help one slowly awaken the clan mark when cultivated for a long time.

Wang Lin was studying this cultivation method so he could understand the Scatter Thunder Clan's mark. He vaguely felt like learning this would be extremely important in order for him to absorb the eternal thunderbolt!

Chapter 1334 - A Terrifying Guess

With Wang Lin's powerful divine sense it didn't take him too long to completely figure it out. Only thunder cultivators could learn this, and its power changed depending on the amount of thunder in one's body. The more thunder there was to compress, the more powerful it became!

For example, Big Red could compress the thunder in his body 10 times and get a burst of power. This was common in the Scatter Thunder Clan, but if this was in the Inner Realm on planet Suzaku, he would be one of the most powerful cultivators.

However, this was only secondary. To really use the Great Thunder Stamp, one had to reach the second step. Then they could gather thunder from the void and cause the thunder in their body to compress 1,000 or even 10,000 fold.

As a result, its power would be heaven-shaking!

This was only one of the methods of controlling thunder. It was due to them studying ways of controlling thunder for tens of thousands of years and finding many methods that even though they didn't have a third step cultivator, they were still one of the great clans in the Ancient Star System!

Wang Lin withdrew his divine sense from the jade. His expression was calm and he began to ponder.

"The strongest person in the Scatter Thunder Clan is the ancestor who is at the fifth Heaven's Blight and only one step from the third step. Although this step is like the gap between heaven and earth, his strength is unquestionable. If he uses this spell, I wonder how many tens of thousands of times he could compress it… He might even be able to hold off third step cultivators for a moment…"

While Wang Lin pondered, he memorized the Great Thunder Stamp. As his hands formed a seal, thunderous rumbles echoed and countless bolts of thunder appeared. They were like silver snakes, and they charged for his hand, forming a fist-sized ball of thunder.

There were popping sounds coming from the ball of thunder, and it was being constantly compressed. Ten fold, hundred fold, thousand fold, ten thousand fold. In the blink of an eye, the ball of thunder had been compressed almost 30,000 fold.

The ball of thunder had disappeared and become invisible to the naked eye. Only with your divine sense could you see the ball of thunder that had been compressed 30,000 fold in Wang Lin's hand.

"Although this body has been modified by me, at most it can only display up to Soul Formation strength. However, my origin soul is powerful, so it isn't limited by this body, and outsiders can't perceive my origin soul! This is because my origin soul has merged with the thunder here and is on the same level of existence as the eternal thunderbolt. Even if the Scatter Thunder Clan ancestor came, as long as he cultivates the Scatter Thunder Clan mark and the eternal thunderbolt, even with a higher cultivation level, his control over thunder can't match mine!" Wang Lin looked at the dust particle-sized ball of thunder and pondered.

"30,000 fold of compression is the limit of this body. If I try to intensify it more, this body will immediately collapse." Wang Lin waved his right hand and the dust particle formed by compressing the ball of thunder 30,000 fold silently disappeared.

"Big Red is a member of the Scatter Thunder Clan, so there is no harm in him acting. As for Xu Liguo, he is not a cultivator, but a sword spirit, so I'll let him be happy. The Scatter Thunder Clan exists within the thunder lake, where non-clan members can't enter at all, so they aren't on guard against outsiders.

"I don't have to be too lowkey…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he stopped thinking about this. He closed his eyes and began studying the Scatter Thunder Clan's mark.

This Scatter Thunder Clan's marks were all extensions of the eternal thunderbolt and had evolved from that power. To study the mark was like indirectly studying the eternal thunderbolt.

The thunder mark Wang Lin was studying was Yu Fei's. Although Yu Fei had ripped out his mark, it was imprinted in his soul, so it was not something that could be destroyed by just ripping off the flesh.

As Wang Lin studied it, he could feel how ancient and powerful the eternal thunderbolt was. Just this extension of the eternal thunderbolt already contained a large variety of thunder. And just this small mark contained a trace of thunder essence.

However, he couldn't absorb this thunder essence. This essence contained a will and seemed to be sleeping, but it was constantly absorbing from the members of the Scatter Thunder Clan.

Time slowly passed. Wang Lin had already been in the hall for more than a month. As he continued to research, he vaguely noticed something strange.

His eyes slowly opened and revealed exhaustion, but there was a strange light within them.

"All members of the Scatter Thunder Clan cultivate their mark for countless years, and as the mark awakens more, they obtain endless power and the power to control thunder. While the mark improves their cultivation, at the same time… they are constantly giving their lifeforce and thunder as offering to the eternal thunderbolt…

"This is very similar to Joss Flames!" Wang Lin's eyes grew brighter and brighter.

"If the eternal thunderbolt is a third step cultivator, then entire Scatter Thunder Clan are like disciples for the eternal thunderbolt… These disciples all have the marks, and they are constantly cultivating and offering everything… But depending on how much they offer, they get varying cultivation levels in return…

"All of this is also very similar to the Scatter Thunder Ranking in this clan!"

Wang Lin felt like he had found a heaven-shaking secret. He took a deep breath and muttered, "All the clans in the Ancient Star System have a mark… This mark isn't always between the eyebrows. The Blue Silk Clan has blue hair, but it is also a mark! If all the other Ancient Star System clansare like the Scatter Thunder Clan… then this Ancient Star System, could it be… could it be…"

Wang Lin's pupils shrank and he suddenly looked up. His gaze pierced through the hall and looked at the world. His gaze was extremely gloomy.

"Could it be that the Ancient Star System is a mysterious existence with unimaginable cultivation and a captive place created by it? For example, when Daoist Water and I battled, there was a world that he had created containing two billion disciples. There were also cultivation planets there, and to those disciples, Daoist Water was God!"

The more he guessed, the more his heart felt cold. But his gaze wasn't able to pierce the heavens and the fog surrounding the truth.

"This is all my speculation… Perhaps it is not as I thought… However, this means that the Sealed Realm Formation is not as the Lord of the Sealed Realm had said. It wasn't placed there to simply trap the people of the Inner Realm…

"Also, the woman in silver said that Joss Flames are poisonous and a scam… Coupled with what Dao Master Blue Dream said about the Sovereign being seriously injured by someone in the Inner Realm with a roar and fleeing in panic… Are all of these connected? What kind of secret shrouds the Inner and Outer Realms?

"Also, what role did the Ancient Celestial Realm play in all of this…" The more Wang Lin thought about this, the more terrified he felt. A rare trembling arose in his mind.

He took a deep breath and calmed down. He buried his speculation deep within his heart.

"No matter if it is true or false, I won't casually cultivate Joss Flames!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and became filled with determination.

Several days later, Big Red returned before Xu Liguo. Just as he returned to the sect, he immediately changed his expression to one full of excitement and respect. After hearing that Wang Lin was in closed door cultivation, he immediately arrived before the hall and told everyone to leave. He stood outside the hall by himself and looked extremely vigilant, like he was a royal follower guarding his master.

It was as if even if an Ascendent cultivator came, they would have to step over his body to enter the hall.

Not long after he made his pose, Wang Lin's summon echoed in his mind. He immediately became spirited and turned around. He first patted his clothes to dust his clean outfit and then walked into the hall with a flattering expression.

The moment he entered, before he even saw Wang Lin, Big Red excitedly said, "Junior Big Red has gathered a large amount of items that can traded for thunder crystals for Senior." As he spoke, he entered the main hall and touched his mark. The things he had collected over the past month flew out and formed a small mountain.

He was spirited as he took a deep breath and excitedly said, "This little one hasn't seen Senior for several weeks. Now that I have seen Senior, I immediately feel refreshed. Just breathing the air that Senior has cultivated in has made me feel like my cultivation level has increased! I only hate that I can't follow Senior at all times. However, doing Senior's bidding is a great honor for Big Red. I wish I could turn into many avatars so I could gather faster."

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he looked at Big Red. He waved his hand and put away everything that could be used to trade for thunder crystals.

"Not bad. This is a reward for you." Wang Lin flicked his finger and a pill landed in Big Red's hand.

Big Red lowered his head and was shaken. He couldn't cover the excitement as he quickly said, "It is this little one's honor to do things for Senior. Senior is as bright as the sun and moon; even without the reward, this little one would still be pleased to help Senior.

"Senior, there are only few more days until the day to trade for thunder crystals. The Thunder Crystal Temple will open soon. Should we leave now to trade for some?"

Wang Lin pondered a bit and then looked at Big Red with a smile that wasn't a smile before nodding.

When Big Red saw Wang Lin agree, he became excited. He had deliberately chosen to come back before Xu Liguo in order to have some time alone with Wang Lin to use his invincible art. He had also decided to take Wang Lin to the Thunder Crystal Temple so that Xu Liguo wouldn't find Wang Lin when he returned.

"Hmph, hmph, I, Big Red, am about to begin my war with you. I don't believe I can't beat you! As long as Senior accepts me, what are mere things to trade for thunder crystals? If I stick with Senior, I'll seriously gain a lot of benefits! From the looks of it, Senior is intending to get into the Scatter Thunder Rankings. Once Senior rises, it will also be the day I make a name for myself! Perhaps there will be a place for I, Big Red, in the Scatter Thunder Clan!"

Big Red had ambition. This was his biggest difference from Xu Liguo.

Chapter 1335 - Thunder Crystal Temple

One couldn't always trade for thunder crystals in the Scatter Thunder Clan. There were only three days on each of the 13 planets where the Thunder Crystal Temple was open. One could only trade for thunder crystal during these three days.

During these three days, most of the cultivators on the cultivation planet would rush over to trade for thunder crystals from the elder in charge.

Similarly, they could also trade for treasures from the Scatter Thunder Clan using the thunder crystals.

However, in the Scatter Thunder Clan, thunder crystals couldn't be privately traded and couldn't be transferred. They can only be traded with the Thunder Crystal Temple. Although this was the case, the Scatter Thunder Clan had a large amount of people, so they naturally had a way around it. They just traded items of equal worth in thunder crystals to replace thunder crystals.

However, this method was very dangerous, so only powerful old monsters dared to deal in private.

Not being able to transfer or trade thunder crystals in private was very inconvenient for the members of the Scatter Thunder Clan. However, over the countless years, it was never changed.

Wang Lin headed toward the Thunder Crystal Temple with Big Red as company. The two turned into two rays of light and quickly flew across the sky.

The Thunder Crystal Temple was located at the center of the planet on top of the peak of a mountain. This mountain peak was the highest point on the cultivation planet, and it was surrounded by a green fog year-round. One couldn't carelessly enter this place. Once inside the green fog, one would be injured by the thunder inside. A light consequence would be a serious injury, and a serious consequence would be death.

This was a forbidden place!

Only during the three days it was open would the green fog dissipate a bit, revealing a path for the Scatter Thunder Clan members to enter.

The Heavenly Thunder Sect was a bit far from the Thunder Crystal Temple. In fact, the Heavenly Thunder Sect was in a remote region of the cultivation planet, just like the country of Zhao on planet Suzaku.

No one took it seriously or ever searched it. Even if some powerful cultivator settled there, unless there was a shocking change, the region was truly insignificant to this huge cultivation planet.

For example, Yu Fei had never traveled more than 50,000 kilometers away. Even though people within 50,000 kilometers knew him, the moment he left the area, no one would know him.

Even Big Red was the same.

It was because of this that Wang Lin wasn't too concerned about his sudden change in cultivation level. It took them almost a month to reach the center with Wang Lin using no spells.

While flying, Big Red had exerted his full strength and constantly used his invincible art to flatter Wang Lin. However, he wasn't just flattering with his words, he also worked hard. Often, Wang Lin would only need a look and he would already know what to do.

Along the way, Red Big had served Wang Lin well.

This was one point that Xu Liguo was lacking in compared to Big Red. Even Wang Lin couldn't help but give him a few extra pills and point out some of Big Red's cultivation flaws.




As a result, Big Red had become even more spirited. Without Wang Lin's command, whenever they encountered someone they could steal from, he would viciously charge in and return with a large amount of items to trade. He would then hand them over to Wang Lin without keeping any for himself.

"Master, further ahead is the range of the Thunder Crystal Temple, so we can't continue to steal here. During the three days of trade, conflict is banned within the area of the Thunder Crystal Temple. This is a method of protection. Earlier, we didn't take a straight line and went around to avoid some powerful cultivators. I know Master's cultivation is heaven-shaking, but the Thunder Crystal Temple is only open for three days, so it is best to avoid unnecessary trouble. They can all be dealt with on the way back." During these days, Big Red had slowly gone from calling Wang Lin "Senior" to "Master."

These two words had completely different meanings behind them. Big Red thought that "Senior" always made him sound like an outsider. If he could call Wang Lin "Master" like Xu Liguo did, they would be like a family.

Wang Lin didn't refuse and allowed Big Red to change the way he addressed him.

After entering the range of the Thunder Crystal Temple, the amount of cultivators increased and rays of light flew across the sky. Big Red awas extremely vigilant. Although this place prevented battling, facing all these powerful cultivators made him nervous.

Some cultivators had come in groups. More than 10 people flew across the sky arrogantly, and many people quickly avoided them.

"The people of the Scatter Thunder Clan are much better than the cultivators of the Inner Realm… It is easy to find Soul Formation cultivators, and there are also a lot at the Soul Transformation stage…" As Wang Lin moved forward, he withdrew his gaze from the rays of light passing by.

Just at this moment, an extremely powerful aura came from behind Wang Lin and Big Red. This aura was like a wave, and it rumbled loudly. There was also thunder surrounding the area.

The expressions of the surrounding cultivators all changed slightly. They all looked over with respectful expressions.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a dao crown, with his hands behind his back. He walked past Wang Lin and created a powerful gust of wind.

"Ascendant old monster!!"

"It's Mount Wuyi's Black Devil King. Rumor has it that this person is at the peak of the early stage of Ascendant and could enter the mid stage at any moment!"

"This old monster is said to not casually leave Mount Wuyi. He must be up to something big!"

"Of course, Black Devil King is rank 766 on the Scatter Thunder Rankings. After exchanging for thunder crystals this time, he might move up a few spots."

The surrounding cultivators all respectfully clasped their hands and all began to talk after the middle-aged man left.

"Master, that person is Mount Wuyi's Black Devil King. Mount Wuyi has four kings, and all of them are Ascendant old monsters," Big Red quickly explained to Wang Lin in a low voice.

Although Wang Lin had searched Big Red's memory, he had only looked for important matters. He had browsed through memories like this but didn't look at them closely.

His gaze fell on the Black Devil King, then he nodded slightly but didn't speak.

The Black Devil King was already used to the discussions and ignored it all. However, the moment Wang Lin's gaze swept by him, his mind trembled. He felt naked and became covered in cold sweat.

Fortunately, this feeling dissipated in an instant. The Black Devil King didn't dare to turn around and quickly flew away.

Wang Lin remained calm as he got closer to the Thunder Crystal Temple with Big Red. The temple got closer and closer, and he could see the green fog around the mountain. There was a gap in the fog that looked as if someone had split it open, forming a passage 100 feet wide.

There were two indifferent cultivators in red standing there. They looked like they were in their 40s, but they were old monsters that had cultivated for thousands of years. They had surpassed the first step and were at the Illusory Yin stage!

The two of them coldly swept the incoming cultivators with their gazes. Any cultivators caught in their gazes would tremble and reveal fear and respect.

Even the Black Devil King was like a mortal meeting cultivators and became extremely respectful.

Without the need for Big Red to give an introduction, Wang Lin knew that these two were in charge of guarding the passage. At this moment, many cultivators were flying through the passage and into the depths.

There were a lot of cultivators around, no less than 1,000. However, there wasn't the slightest bit of confusion or uproar; they just quietly entered the passage.

It didn't take long for Wang Lin's expression to change slightly, and he looked to the side. A moment later, the clouds churned and thunderous rumbles came from within. The endless thunder seemed to connect the heavens and earth.

The thunderous rumbles instantly arrived and immediately shook the minds of the surrounding cultivators. Even the two cultivators in red beside the passage revealed solemn expressions.

Laughter came from the void, and the clouds shrank until they were only a mantle that wrapped around an old man that walked out.

This old man had white hair, but his eyes contained a powerful force. He took a step and seemed to cross space and time, causing the world to distort.

"Nirvana Scryer cultivator…" Wang Lin remained calm and revealed an indiscernible smile.

The moment the old man appeared, the cultivators outside the passage were all horrified. They didn't even talk before they all clasped their hands and respectfully greeted him.

"Greetings, Senior Zhou Tian…"

Even the two cultivators in red became respectful. They quickly clasped their hands and respectfully said, "Junior greets Senior Zhou Tian. Senior must have come to aim for a top 10 spot on the Scatter Thunder Ranking."

The old man clasped his hands and laughed. "I can't enter the top 10, but I would be happy to enter the top 30." After he spoke, he flicked two pills into the hands of the two cultivators in red. Then he walked into the passage. As he walked forward, all the cultivators moved out of the way.

The two cultivators in red looked at the pills in their hands and revealed looks of joy. They clasped their hands at the old man's back.

Without showing a bit of what he was thinking, Wang Lin looked at where the old man went.

After the old man left, the surrounding cultivators began to talk.

"Second step cultivators often come on the last day. I didn't expect Senior Zhou Tian to come on the first day."

"Alas, I wonder when I can awaken my clan mark so I can have power like Senior Zhou Tian's. Perhaps it's impossible for me."

"It isn't impossible. Rumors say that Senior Zhou Tian had a lucky encounter in his youth. There are many highs and lows in life; perhaps one day we will have our own luck."

As they murmured, Wang Lin and Big Red walked into the passage. The two people in red looked at Wang Lin, naturally noticed nothing, and let them pass. In their eyes, Wang Lin and Big Red were insignificant people.

As he entered the green fog, Wang Lin's eyes lit up. This was the first time he had entered an important area of the Scatter Thunder Clan! After entering the green mist, he looked around, and his eyes revealed a strange light.

"This fog…"

Chapter 1336 - Promoting into the Scatter Thunder Ranking

The green fog would churn and flashes of thunder would come from within. This caused almost all the cultivators who entered to feel a sense of awe and respect.

They didn't dare to get close to the green fog at all and chose to fly at the center of the passage. It was as if they were worried that a giant hand would reach out and grab them from the fog.

Although it wasn't the first time Big Red had come to the Thunder Crystal Temple, after he entered the passage, he was still terrified and cautiously flew forward. Wang Lin was calm as he looked at the surrounding green fog.

This fog was terrifying to others, but to Wang Lin, there was nothing to fear.

"This fog is very interesting…" Wang Lin could see that this fog was not really fog, but thunder. Someone had used a powerful spell to bring thunder here and then crushed it into fog. Then they added their own unique spell to make it act as a protective formation.

"So thunder can be turned into fog. The Scatter Thunder Clan has already studied thunder to this degree… They turned thunder into fog and in turn changed it into something flexible. In terms of protection, it has a similar effect to my Wind and Rain World…

"With a thought, this thunder fog can shrink into a cage. There are endless possibilities! It is wonderful indeed!" As he walked through the passage he began observing the fog even more carefully.

"The Scatter Thunder Clan didn't expect any outsider to come here, and right now the thunder fog is active, which is equal to displaying its core for all to see… Since they are so kind, I won't be polite!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his divine sense spread into the fog and he began to study it.

His divine sense was so powerful that it completely suppressed the thunder fog, so it couldn't resist as Wang Lin studied it. If the fog had not been opened up like this, Wang Lin would've had to be much more cautious, and it would have taken some time for him to see the core of this spell.

However, right now it was extremely convenient for Wang Lin. As his divine sense studied the fog, he quickly deduced the spell used.

This spell that turned thunder into fog was extremely intricate, so much so that even Wang Lin was marveled by it.

Something like this had never happened in the Scatter Thunder Clan. They would have never thought that someone could simply enter the fog and see through the origin of the spell used to create the thunder fog!

Throughout the ages, Wang Lin was the first one!

The Scatter Thunder Clan would have never thought that someone could break through the thunder lake and mix into the clan. It was something unthinkable. Only third step cultivators could enter without being injured. No one else could enter at all!

Only Wang Lin could do this. His origin soul was a bolt of thunder on the same level of existence as that eternal thunderbolt. This was why he could accomplish this almost impossible feat!

Now he had arrived at an important place in the Scatter Thunder Clan and saw the thunder fog. It was as if the veil was open for him to clearly see everything, and he learned one of the Scatter Thunder Clan's secret spells, Fog Transformation Thunder Spell!


If the Scatter Thunder Clan knew of this, they would be shocked and terrified. This was beyond their imagination!

The passage in the fog wasn't long; it only took 15 minutes to pass through. Even though Wang Lin's divine sense was suppressing the fog, no one noticed anything. After all, Wang Lin's origin soul was also thunder, so using thunder to comprehend thunder left no openings.

The moment he walked out of the fog, Wang Lin withdrew his divine sense. His eyes lit up and a rune appeared faintly in his eyes.

This rune was the dao essence of the Fog Transformation Thunder Spell!

After walking out from the passage, a towering mountain appeared before Wang Lin. At the top of the mountain there was an extremely luxurious temple that was covered in thunder. The temple had three large words at the entrance.

"Thunder Crystal Temple!"

Rays of light filled the area. The cultivators that exited the passage all flew toward the temple. Wang Lin and Big Red also flew up and soon arrived outside the temple.

"Master, there are three gates in this temple: east, west, and south. The east gate is for exchanging for thunder crystals, and the south gate it to use thunder crystals to exchange for treasures and pills from the clan.

"As for the last west gate, only powerful cultivators can go there. That is where the clan gives out tasks. Once you complete a task, you can earn a lot of thunder crystals." Big Red knew Wang Lin had never come to the Thunder Crystal Temple before and had his own doubts. However, given the benefits Wang Lin had given him, he pretended like he didn't know.

Wang Lin already knew this from Big Red's memory. He nodded and said, "I'll go alone. When I leave, I'll find you."

Big Red quickly nodded.

Wang Lin no longer paid any attention to Big Red and withdrew his gaze from the lavish temple. He could tell at a glance that the power of space was at work here. It looked like one, but in reality there were four layers of space.

The east, south, and west gates all led to three different spaces. But there was also a fourth space without an entrance. Wang Lin's divine sense swept by and clearly found nine auras cultivating inside.

"There are a lot of powerful cultivators in the Scatter Thunder Clan. Out of the nine auras, there five are at the Nirvana Scryer stage, three are at the Nirvana Cleanser stage, and one is actually at the Nirvana Shatterer stage!" Wang Lin quietly walked toward the east gate of the temple.

There were a lot of Scatter Thunder Clan members here. They were either alone or in groups, and it was extremely lively.

In particular, there was a large amount of cultivators at the east gate. They were obviously hiding their excitement as they quickly left. There were also those that had been alive for far too long and remained calm, not revealing any of their thoughts.

This kind of mental strength was related to personality and age. Wang Lin had cultivated for 2,000 years and had seen a lot. He was very cunning, and his ability to scheme was no weaker than that of those old monsters that had lived for tens of thousands of years, sometimes even more.

After all, aside from cultivation level, your cunning was also a key point to your survival.

Wang Lin wasn't in a rush to enter the east gate, so he observed it for a while. Wang Lin then put up an indifferent expression and walked toward the east gate. He didn't know anyone here and no one here knew him. Adding his indifferent expression, no one came to talk with him.

The moment he entered the east gate, Wang Lin clearly felt like he had entered a space someone had created. Before him was a black pool that seemed to be filled with mud-like substance, and it was bubbling.

There were three old men sitting on the side of the pool, and their cultivation levels weren't low. One of them was at the Corporeal Yang stage and the other two were both at the Illusory Yin stage. Thunder moved within their bodies.

Wang Lin had learned how to trade for thunder crystals from Big Red's memory. Not wasting any time, he touched the mark on his forehead to pretend to open up his storage space. Large amounts of items that could be used to exchange for thunder crystals flew out into the pool and were devoured by the mud.

After a while, Wang Lin still didn't finish, and the three old men sitting there opened their eyes and carefully looked at Wang Lin. Their eyes revealed a strange light.

The three of them had been in charge of this place for a while, and they rarely ever saw anyone who could take out so many things at once to exchange for thunder crystals. This caught their attention.

Wang Lin's cultivation level could change at will, and at this moment he was an Ascendant cultivator before there three old men.

After everything had been exchanged and swallowed by the black pool, Wang Lin calmly took out a jade. This wasn't something to trade, it was the Scatter Thunder Ranking.

He casually threw the jade into the black pool. Muffled roars came from the pool, and not long after, the jade flew out from the pool and into Wang Lin's hands.

At the same time, the Scatter Thunder Ranking jade every single clan member had gave off a ripple. This meant that there was a change to the rankings recorded within!

Every year during the three days the Thunder Crystal Temple was open, there would be drastict changes to the rankings. However, the first 800 names rarely changed, and at most they would be placed in different order.

However, at this moment, the Scatter Thunder Ranking jade gave off a violent ripple. This only meant one thing: a new person had entered the rankings!

Almost every cultivator in the Scatter Thunder Clan took out their ranking jade and looked into it.

First place was still Master Spruce, but the amount had changed from 1,900,007,000 to 2,400,009,000!

As the cultivators of the Scatter Thunder Clan looked through the list, the smart ones looked from the bottom and immediately saw the newcomer that had caused the ripple!

At rank 799, Yu Fei with 464,000 thunder crystals, only 3,000 higher than rank 800!

"Yu Fei? I wonder what trial planet he is from. He instantly entered the Scatter Thunder Rankings!"

"This person isn't famous, but the clan has a lot of people, so it is impossible to know them all. Since this person could enter the rankings, he can't be looked down upon. Although he he is at the bottom of the rankings, to be able to enter the list means he must have skills."

"This name is easy to remember. Yu Fei, Yu Fei! However, these are the three days when the rankings change the most. I don't know if this person would still be on the rankings in three days!"

At this instant, there were people talking about this across all 13 trial planets. After all, there were only 800 people on the rankings, so the moment you entered, you would become famous!

The name "Yu Fei" was remembered by a lot of the Scatter Thunder Clan members.

Chapter 1337 - The Secret of the Scatter Thunder Clan

Wang Lin put away the jade from the pool and was about to leave. At this moment, one of three old men beside the pool slowly opened his mouth.

"So you're Yu Fei!"

Wang Lin's expression remained calm and he nodded.

The old man examined Wang Lin and slowly said, "Not bad. To be able to remain calm under my pressure means your heart is strong. Accumulating resources for several years before exchanging it all today shows that you're very wise. Very good!

"You're qualified to enter the west gate to see if you can find a suitable task. Only low rank cultivators exchange resources for thunder crystals. Since you're now in the Scatter Thunder Rankings, you can complete missions given by the family and earn much more thunder crystals." The old man looked at Wang Lin with admiration. He was satisfied with how calm Wang Lin was.

Wang Lin faintly smiled. Then he nodded slightly but didn't speak.

"I didn't think that you would enter the Scatter Thunder Ranking before us. As tradition, the people responsible for the east gate have to give gift to someone who has entered the Scatter Thunder Ranking for the first time. This is a great thunder pill. It was personally made by me and had been compressed 8,900 times. Take it to protect yourself!" The old man waved his right hand and a thumb-sized ball of thunder appeared and floated before Wang Lin.

The other two old men smiled at each other. One of them waved his hand and a jade appeared. He threw it at Wang Lin and said, "This jade contains a cultivation method of the Scatter Thunder Clan. It is useless to me, but if you cultivate it, it can awaken your clan mark even more. Consider it a greeting gift from this old man."

The final old man, who was a Corporeal Yang cultivator, looked at Wang Lin carefully and smiled. "I won't gift you a treasure, but a sentence. Go to the west gate and chose the Spiritual Thunder task. It will be the quickest way for you to gather thunder crystals! You can smoothly accept this task with my jade." As he spoke, he waved his right hand and a jade slowly flew toward Wang Lin.

"Spiritual Thunder?" Among the memories of the Scatter Thunder Clan members he had devoured, there was no Spiritual Thunder.

"Since you can enter the rankings, you can know a few things. Our ancestors have been studying thunder for countless years. They found that there are six types of thunder in this world. If you can absorb and refine all six, you will obtain an indescribable thunder!"

"The six types of thunder are Heavenly Thunder, Earth Thunder, Origin Thunder, Magnetic Thunder, Dao Thunder, and the last is Spiritual Thunder! Taking this task isn't just to get thunder crystals, but for you to come in contact with the six types of thunder! OK, you can leave," the old man explained.

Wang Lin nodded before clasping his hands and leaving.

After leaving the east gate, he heard a lot of talking, and the name "Yu Fei" was being talked about constantly. Wang Lin walked past them as usual and began to ponder.

"Six types of thunder… Although the Scatter Thunder Clan's control of thunder is weaker than mine, their study of thunder has reached a peak… That Corporeal Yang junior wants me to choose the Spiritual Thunder mission. Spiritual Thunder… Spiritual Thunder… What kind of thunder is this…" As Wang Lin pondered, his eyes lit up. He had always been bold, so he simply changed his direction from heading to the south gate to the west gate!

There were very few cultivators in the west gate of the Thunder Crystal Temple. Only occasionally would someone walk out, and although their expressions were normal, Wang Lin could see frustration. It seemed they either weren't allowed to accept a task or hadn't found a satisfactory task.

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After standing outside the west gate for a while, Wang Lin calmly walked inside. He appeared in a new space. This place was very big and was like a void surrounded by thunder. However, this place was obviously isolated, as the sound of thunder felt like it was coming from far away.

There were six old men at the Yin and Yang stage sitting there. The had indifferent gazes, and no one knew what they were thinking about.

There were hundreds of jades floating in the air, and they each gave off a different strength of light. The weak lights were soft, while the bright lights were harsh.

Aside from Wang Lin and the six old men who were in charge of this place, there were about a dozen more cultivators scattered here. Their divine senses were spread across the jades in the air.

The Black Devil King was among them!

Even Master Zhou Tian, who was extremely respected outside, was also standing here. He was calmly staring at the brightest jade, pondering.

Wang Lin's entrance didn't attract anyone's attention. His divine sense spread out without anyone detecting and swept past each of the jades.

A moment later, Wang Lin had the general idea.

These jades held various tasks given out by the Scatter Thunder Clan. These included leaving the clan to hunt for someone or finding extremely rare materials.

The brighter the light, the more difficult it was, and similarly, the more thunder crystals you would get as a reward.

Wang Lin's gaze swept through them and in the end landed on a bright jade. This was also the jade Master Zhou Tian was looking at.

"Head to the 7 Million Worlds, become the heavenly dao, and descend divine retribution…" At first Wang Lin didn't care, but after looking at it more closely, he trembled and looked even more closely.

"Descend divine retribution and punish the people of the 7 Million Worlds. Kill those who reached the peak of the Soul Formation stage and are about to ascend to the Celestial Realm. Collect their Spiritual Thunder…"

There was a lot of information inside the jade. After Wang Lin finished reading it, a huge wave was set off in his mind, and he didn't dare to believe it.

In this world, everything, including vegetation, beasts, cultivators, and so on, all had spirits. Once they reached the peak of the Soul Formation stage, they would ascend to the Celestial Realm!

Wang Lin understood this. He had learned this back on planet Suzaku. If the Celestial Realm hadn't collapsed, once a cultivator reached the late stage of Soul Formation, they would face divine retribution and ascend to the Celestial Realm. The Soul Transformation stage, in fact, belonged to celestial cultivation, which was why Soul Transformation cultivators needed celestial jades to cultivate!

There was a place that was created by the first Scatter Thunder Clan ancestor. He was considered the strongest Scatter Thunder Clan member, as well as the third step cultivator who had led the clan to its peak and placed a clan treasure in the Sealed Realm Formation.

The ancestor didn't create this world by himself, but had gotten help from some mysterious cultivators. This place was called the 7 Million Worlds by future descendants.

The name implied that there were 7 Million Worlds inside! There were countless creatures living there, and they were all cultivating!

They believed that there was a Celestial Realm, or someone had made them believe that there was a Celestial Realm, for countless years. Only their Celestial Realm was the Scatter Thunder Clan!

Every life inside the 7 Million Worlds was an ant to the Scatter Thunder Clan. For some unknown reason, they wouldn't allow high level cultivators to sprout there. Once a cultivator reached the peak of the Soul Formation stage, divine retribution would appear and destroy them!

However, some of the cultivators in the 7 Million Worlds would give birth to a strange force due to their talent or something special about their body.

This force would change when the divine retribution hit them, forming one of the six types of thunder the Scatter Thunder Clan had categorized… Spiritual Thunder!

Any person who could form this Spiritual Thunder in the 7 Million Worlds would pass the divine retribution and enter the Celestial Realm. Countless legends of them would spread across the 7 Million Worlds, and praise and admiration of their success would be passed on for generations!

However, the truth was that those cultivators were destroyed and had become the Scatter Thunder Clan's Spiritual Thunder! The celestials that delivered the divine retribution were members of the Scatter Thunder Clan!

The divine retribution the 7 Million Worlds faced was merely a task the Scatter Thunder Clan had placed in the Thunder Crystal Temple!

It took a long time for Wang Lin to awaken from the shock. He looked at the shining jade and silently pondered.

Since entering the Ancient Star System, Wang Lin had felt the strength of the Ancient Star System, and Dao Master Blue Dream had even pointed it out. But it wasn't until now that he finally realized the strength of the Ancient Star System!

"I still remember the battle against the Moongazer Serpent in the void and the first time I saw someone from the Ancient Star System. He called himself… Heavenly Dao… Who knew that the negligible Scatter Thunder Clan in the Ancient Star System would have such a big secret. Unbelievable!"

Wang Lin had a complicated expression. He had to admit that he had underestimated the strength of the Scattered Thunder Clan…

"However, even if this is the case, I still have to devour the eternal thunderbolt and destroy the Scatter Thunder Clan!" Wang Lin had fought many adversities in his life, but he was never held down. Zhu Quezi couldn't, the All-Seer couldn't, the Alliance couldn't, Allheaven couldn't, and even Daoist Water couldn't!

He was slowly getting close to the secret of the Scatter Thunder Clan and the secrets of the Ancient Star System, but this ignited his indomitable will!

"I want to see what this Spiritual Thunder is!" Without hesitation, Wang Lin raised his right hand toward the jade. However, at this moment, Master Zhou Tian had also made up his mind and had reached for the jade just before Wang Lin!

Master Zhou Tian was closer to the jade and was faster than Wang Lin. Wang Lin frowned as he loosen his hand and the jade flew into Master Zhou Tian's hands.

He grabbed the jade and coldly at Wang Lin, then he only said one word.

"Scram!" His expression was indifferent, and pressure spread out without showing disdain. This was his proud as a Nirvana Scryer cultivator, a stage that put him above millions of people. Wang Lin was like an ant that he could kill hundreds of times with a wave of his finger.

A junior daring to compete with him for a mission was the same as asking for death!

Wang Lin's expression was cold and there was a faint flash of coldness in his eyes. This was a sign that he was going to kill!

Chapter 1338 - Killing Master Zhou Tian

Wang Lin had cultivated for 2,000 years, and the entire path he had walked on had been extremely dangerous. Using his wisdom and his indomitable will, he had struggled through many life and death situations. This had given him the courage to fight against the heavens.

He even dared to fight a third step cultivator like Daoist Water. If not for the fact he was chased by Tuo Sen and then meeting Dao Master Blue Dream made Wang Lin fel that the ancient star system was unfathomable then he won't had chose such a subtle method of dealing with the Scatter Thunder Clan.

However, all of this had a bottom line. If someone had stepped over this line, Wang Lin's reckless nature would've broken loose. Even if he intended to move more cautiously, he would still kill!

Zhang Xingye's battle intent had taken root in Wang Lin's mind!

At this moment, this Master Zhou Tian, who was a mere Nirvana Scryer cultivator, dared to bare his fangs. Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he looked at Master Zhou Tian, and he revealed a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

When Master Zhou Tian saw Wang Lin's expression, his heart skipped a beat and he felt a vague sense of danger. However, when he looked at Wang Lin, he only saw an Ascendant cultivator. For a little cultivator like this to reveal this expression, Master Zhou Tian frowned, and killing intent appeared in his heart.

He could never have imagined that someone could enter this place, impersonate a member of the Scatter Thunder Clan, and enter the Thunder Crystal Temple! He didn't know that this person before him was like an extremely fierce primal beast!

Just at this moment, the six Scattered Thunder Clan cultivators in charge of this place suddenly opened their eyes. One of them stood up and looked at Wang Lin. "Your name is Yu Fei?"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. With his wisdom, he immediately judged that the reason this person knew him had to do with the Corporeal Yang junior that had given him the jade.

Without a word, he waved his right hand and that jade appeared. It flew toward the person that spoke.

The cultivator's eyes narrowed when he caught the jade. After looking inside, he examined Wang Lin before clasping his hands at Master Zhou Tian. "Senior Zhou Tian, please give us some face. This person was entrusted by an old friend to head to the 7 Million Worlds to take the trial. The task doesn't just ask for one person. How about letting him go as well?"

Master Zhou Tian had an indifferent expression as he looked at the cultivator who had spoken. These cultivators that guarded the west gate were also like ants to him. But in the end, they had higher positions in the family and had an elder behind them. Even though he was arrogant, even he had to carefully consider this.

"Killing someone here would make it difficult for the elder. Let this little brat go into the 7 Million Worlds where no one can detect his death. After all, with the restriction around the 7 Million Worlds, not even the ancestor's divine sense can enter. This is why that place is where the clan deals with personal grudges. It is also where everyone trades in secret!" Master Zhou Tian made a decision and no longer paid attention to Wang Lin. He nodded slightly before he disappeared into the jade toward the 7 Million Worlds.


The moment after he disappeared, the jade gave off a bright glow and Wang Lin caught it. His divine sense went in and he disappeared into the 7 Million Worlds!

The Scatter Thunder Clan cultivators in charge of the place frowned and revealed displeased expressions.

"That person is too ungrateful. We helped him and he didn't even say thanks!"

"Forget it. I was originally going to persuade him to not enter the 7 Million Worlds. There was killing intent in that Master Zhou Tian's eyes. That child couldn't see, but we could clearly see it. Once that child enters, I fear he will face a life and death crisis!"

"It is a pity about Fellow Cultivator Hao Ran's request. From what he said, he had his eye on this person."

"This matter is not related us. Whether he lives or dies will be decided by fate!"

The six of them passed messages between each other before they dropped the matter and closed their eyes to cultivate once more.

As for Wang Lin, after he disappeared, his vision immediately blurred, but his origin soul was too strong, so he immediately recovered. When he recovered his vision, he could clearly see the narrow passage. This passage gave off a crystal light. When this light touched your body, it made you transparent; even your insides became invisible.

Under Wang Lin's careful observation, he clearly felt there was a thick wall preventing divine sense from extending out. There were also raging, chaotic turbulence surrounding the passage.

"This place is extremely strange. Looking at the thickness of the wall, there is no way for divine sense from outside to extend in here. It would be impossible for someone to detect a person being killed here!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He rushed forward, moving at a shocking speed.

The spatial turbulence began to surge with Wang Lin's speed, and large spatial cracks appeared. However, they couldn't stop Wang Lin at all. The spatial cracks would often shatter and dissipate due to Wang Lin's speed!

How could Wang Lin not have seen the killing intent in Master Zhou Tian's eyes? Wang Lin's personality had always been like this: if other don't offend him, he wouldn't offend them! If the other party decided to kill him, then he would kill them!

Wang Lin and Master Zhou Tian had entered the tunnel to the 7 Million Worlds almost at the same time. Master Zhou Tian was also moving faster, but he had to avoid the turbulence, so he naturally had to slow down.

He had a thunder cloak wrapped around him, making him look like a thundercloud as he charged ahead. his indifference from back in the Thunder Crystal Temple had disappeared and he was now gloomy, giving off a domineering aura.

As a Nirvana Scryer Cultivator, he had his own pride. The 7 Million Worlds was a lawless land, and it was a place the powerful cultivators liked to go. Whether it was trading in secret or solving a personal grudge, the elders of the clan wouldn't see it. This was where only the strong were respected!

This tunnel wasn't very long, so it didn't take long for Master Zhou Tian to get close to the exit. Arrogance filled his face as he thought, "I have to be on guard in the transaction with Master Hao Kun. His cultivation level is slightly higher than mine, so if I go with the intent to battle, I won't be his match!

"However, I have asked a few close friends to go with me so Master Hao Kun would be more scrupulous…" As he pondered, he moved faster and faster. All he thought about was the exchange, and as for Wang Lin, in his view, Wang Lin was only an ant that wasn't worth thinking about. He would only need to wait at the square in the 7 Million Worlds for a moment and immediately kill this Yu Fei the moment he appeared.

However, just as Master Zhou Tian got close to the exit and was thinking about the exchange, his hair immediately stood up. The most intense sense of crisis he had ever felt in his life erupted from within his body!

The moment the sense of crisis spread out, an extremely cold voice resounded behind Master Zhou Tian!

"You want to kill me?"

This voice was like the cold air from the depths of hell. The moment this voice entered his ears, Master Zhou Tian's expression changed and he turned around to see Wang Lin slowly walking over.

His pupils suddenly shrank and he revealed a look of disbelief. This was the first time he had seen someone who could walk so calmly through this chaotic space that led to millions of different worlds.

The chaotic turbulence collapsed before this person, and there were broken fragments behind him. At a glance, it looked like this person made the world collapse when he moved!

Adding the extremely cold voice, it made Master Zhou Tian think that this person had broken through the void to kill him!

"You… You… You hid your cultivation!" Master Zhou Tian's face was pale, but there was a flash of killing intent in his eyes. He had cultivated for a long time and had naturally faced many life and death crises. Although he was shocked, he quickly recovered, and without hesitation he hit the mark between his eyebrows. When the mark flew out, thunderous rumble echoed and endless thunder appeared in the void!

The thunder he gave off was monstrous in this narrow tunnel, and it was as if he had turned into a thunder dragon. The thunder dragon opened its mouth and charged at Wang Lin.

"I originally planned to kill you in the 7 Million Worlds, but since you came looking for death yourself, I'll take your life now!" Master Zhou Tian's sinister voice echoed as the thunder dragon roared. The roar echoed as if there were countless people roaring at the same time. This sound wave fused with the thunder and produced the strongest attack of a Nirvana Scryer cultivator!

He was using his full strength at the start. This showed his fear and suspicion of Wang Lin appearing here.

Wang Lin remained calm and there was a look of mockery in his eyes. He raised his right hand and gently waved! "What nonsense! All thunder in the world, listen to my command: collapse!"

Thunderous rumbles suddenly echoed violently. The thunder dragon let out a miserable scream and its head began to collapse. This collapse quickly spread across its body, and the thunder dragon shattered after only a few breaths of time!

All of this happened in a flash. After the thunder dragon collapsed, Master Zhou Tian appeared. He was coughing out blood, his face was pale, and his eyes were filled with shock and disbelief. His eyes widened and became filled with endless panic!

"Nirvana Shatterer!! This is Nirvana Shatterer cultivator!! No, this is beyond Nirvana Shatterer, this is…" His scalp was numb and he was scared out of his wits as he frantically retreated!

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and it was escape, escape, escape, escape!

"Aren't you going to kill me?" A cold voice echoed in the passage…

Chapter 1339 - Malicious Intent

The exit to the 7 Million Worlds was less than five kilometers away! Although a Nirvana Scryer cultivator couldn't teleport here, it was a distance he could cross in the blink of an eye!

However, Master Zhou Tian didn't even have that much time!

Just as he was fleeing, Wang Lin's mocking voice entered his mind. He couldn't even think before his pupils shrank and Wang Lin somehow appeared before him. That pair of cold eyes was filled with thunder and pierced into Master Zhou Tian's soul!

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!

It was as if millions of bolts of thunder had rushed into Master Zhou Tian's eyes and exploded inside his body. This created an unimaginable storm inside him, tearing his body apart.

He coughed out a large mouthful of blood mixed with pieces of his internal organs. His eyes became blurry and then widened from terror!

All the danger he had faced in his life couldn't compare to what was coming at him today. He was inside this passage where no matter who he called for help, they wouldn't respond!

At this moment, he felt endless regret. If he hadn't provoked that person in the Thunder Crystal Temple, this wouldn't have happened! However, this regret came too late!

Wang Lin's spell entered his eyes and landed on Master Zhou Tian. His gaze was like a trigger that caused all the thunder Master Zhou Tian had cultivated over the countless years to collapse!

As the thunderous rumbles echoed, all the thunder inside Master Zhou Tian exploded outside of his control. He didn't even get to scream before his body exploded into pieces. Those pieces of flesh also exploded and continued to spread.

As the heaven-shaking collapse occurred, Master Zhou Tian's origin soul rushed out while surrounded by his clan mark. His origin soul was seriously damaged and almost transparent. After rushing out, he quickly escaped.

However, forget him, even cultivators at the Nirvana Shatterer stage weren't qualified to escape without Wang Lin allowing it! Wang Lin's right hand reached at the void and a suction force surrounded Master Zhou Tian, causing him to scream. He instantly fell in Wang Lin's hand.

The large difference in cultivation levels made it so he couldn't even blow himself up!

After being caught by Wang Lin, Master Zhou Tian began begging for his life.

"Elder, elder forgive me. Junior didn't intend to offend you. Elder, forgive…" As he spoke, his eyes suddenly widened and flooded with disbelief. At such a close distance, and due to the light from the passage, which made Wang Lin's body transparent, he could clearly see a soul sealed inside Wang Lin.

"You… You're not…" Before he could finish speaking, Wang Lin coldly squeezed his right hand and Master Zhou Tian was destroyed!

A thunder force came from his origin soul and was absorbed by Wang Lin. His clan mark was put away by Wang Lin!


A very short period of time had passed from when he attacked and crushed Master Zhou Tian's origin soul!

After killing Master Zhou Tian like killing an ant, he rushed forward, breaking all barriers before him. He rushed into the exit and entered an important place for the Scatter Thunder Clan, the 7 Million Worlds!

Ever since the 7 Million Worlds had been created, aside from the mysterious cultivators that had helped the Scatter Thunder Clan's third step ancestor create it, no outsider had ever entered!

Wang Lin would be the first after those mysterious cultivators!

This was a vast star system that contained 7 million cultivation planets. These cultivation planets were not densely packed, but they were mostly far from each other!

This star system was extremely large, almost boundless, but in Wang Lin's eyes, it looked a bit fake! Its brightness was only a decoration and its size had been carved out by someone!

The distance between each cultivation planet was exactly the same!

At the center of this endless star system was a large continent. There were countless towering pavilions and a statue on this continent!

The statue was that of a man covered in thunder. From afar, it looked like a giant looking at the distance.

This was the central square of the 7 Million Worlds, and also where everyone appeared after accepting the task!

There was a large amount of cultivators outside those towering pavilions, no less than 10,000 of them! Most of them were at the Soul Transformation stage, and many were at the Ascendant stage. There were only a few at Yin and Yang stage!

There were many above the Nirvana Scryer stage. Most of them were in a hurry!

There was a large transfer array outside each of the large pavilions. Wang Lin immediately looked around after he came out of the formation. Although he was prepared, he was still shocked.

His expression didn't attract the attention of the guard at the transfer array. Every clan member would be like during their first time here!

"Enough, don't look inside the transfer array. Wait until after you leave and you'll have time to look all you want. It must be your first time here. Give me your jade and let me see!" An impatient voice interrupted Wang Lin's thoughts. It was an Corporeal Yang cultivator sitting beside the formation.

Wang Lin took out Yu Fei's clan jade and threw it. The cultivator examined it for a bit before returning it. Then the guard waved his right hand and a ghostly light flew toward Wang Lin.

"Take these and go study them yourself on the side."

There were three things inside this ghostly light. There was a jade, a token, and a bolt of thunder.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same as he took the ghostly light and walked out of the transfer array. This place was very busy, so no one paid attention to him. He walked to the side and took out the jade. This jade told him a few things to pay attention to in the 7 Million Worlds, but it also introduce the other two things.

The key to enter the 7 Million World was the this token. Only with it in hand could he enter. As for the bolt of thunder, it caught Wang Lin's attention.

Although this thunder looked like it was there, he couldn't touch it with his hand. Ths thunder seemed to form a formation. With a sweep of his divine sense, Wang Lin found that it unexpectedly contained the power of a thunder lake 100,000 feet wide!

What shocked Wang Lin even more was the indescribable will coming from the thunderbolt. This will contained a faint obsession toward life. It was as if what he was holding wasn't thunder, but real life!

This made Wang Lin take a deep breath.

"This is a trace of Spiritual Thunder… The jade said that every time a new cultivator enters, the Scattered Thunder Clan gives one to them."

It was only a trace of Spiritual Thunder, and it wasn't complete. It would take 1,000 slivers to make the complete one. This was to prevent people from abusing the rule of sealing.

The people of the clan only had one chance in their life to obtain this thunder. Once it was gone, they couldn't obtain more from the clan. They could only rely on stealing from others or trading in private.

Even so, there were still people who had the idea of stealing that sliver of Spiritual Thunder from newcomers.

At this moment, three cultivators locked their gazes on that sliver of thunder.

As Wang Lin observed the thunder, a middle-aged man came from not far away. This person was smiling, and he seemed to be at the mid stage of Ascendant. "Fellow Cultivator, I'm Zhang Jingyun. This must be Fellow Cultivator's first time in the 7 Million Worlds."

Wang Lin looked up. With a flip of his hand. the Spiritual Thunder disappeared. He looked at the cultivator before him and nodded.

"Everyone belongs to the same clan. This is my second time at the 7 Million Worlds, so I am somewhat familiar with it. How about we form a group and you allow me to introduce you to some people. This would make it convenient for everyone, and it's more convenient to move as a group. What does Fellow Cultivator think?" The middle-aged man looked sincere and his expression was gentle.

However, his expression was filled with flaws in Wang Lin's eyes. After all, Wang Lin was an old monster who had lived for 2,000 year, and this middle-aged man naturally just wasn't as good.

Wang Lin revealed a smile and looked profoundly at the middle-aged man. He clasped his hands and said, "Then I'll be thanking Fellow Cultivator."

The middle-aged man suddenly became cautious when Wang Lin looked at him. He vaguely felt like his secrets had been seen through. However, after carefully looking at Wang Lin, he noticed nothing and smiled. "No problem. We are in the same clan, so we should support each other. What is Fellow Cultivator called?"

Wang Lin smiled. "Yu Fei!"

"Yu Fei? That name is a bit familiar…" The middle-aged man pondered a bit and then his eyes revealed a strange light. He clasped his hands and laughed. "So it is Fellow Cultivator Yu Fei, the one who just entered the Scatter Thunder Rankings!"

The middle-aged man spoke a few more words, and when he thought he had seen through Wang Lin, he said, "Fellow Cultivator Yu, this is not a place to talk, and the formation leading toward the 7 Million Worlds is about to open. How about we go over there?"

After Wang Lin agreed, the middle-aged man led Wang Lin through the crowd. When another cultivator saw this, he secretly shook his head.

"Another person is about to have bad luck. Anyone who is led away by that Zhang Jingyun will not only lose their Spiritual Thunder, not even their life is guaranteed…"

This Zhang Jingyun was obviously very familiar with the central square, so it didn't take long for them to arrive at a large formation. There were hundreds of cultivators here. all in their own groups. There was a group with more than 10 cultivators.Six of them were new like Wang Lin, while the remaining four had higher cultivation levels, at the Illusory Yin stage.

Zhang Jingyun walked up and smiled. "Everyone, I've brought back one more. I believe everyone has heard the name 'Yu Fei' already."