

Chapter 128 - Burning Gold Mountain Range

Wang Lin waved his right hand to open up the stone door and walked out.

Currently, the sky was blue and clear for 10,000 kilometers. His body moved and he flew to a nearby volcano. When he exited the dream space, his divine sense found a fluctuation of wood element inside the volcano.

Shortly after, Wang Lin arrived at the mouth of the volcano and looked inside. Waves of heat floated up from inside the mouth of the volcano. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he jumped in without any hesitation. He used the attraction force technique to control his descent.

The Burning Gold Mountain Range was a famous mountain rage in Hou Fen. As for why it was famous, it was because an alchemy material called the Burning Gold Fruit grew here.

This Burning Gold Fruit is a key ingredient in making the Soul Harmony Pill. The spiritual energy in the country is filled with the fire element. Absorbing this spiritual energy for a long time causes harm to the cultivators' bodies. So, because the Soul Harmony Pill is a pill that can regulate the spiritual energy in the body, it is beloved by the cultivators here.

It can be said that this Soul Harmony Pill is the most consumed pill in Hou Fen. There are many different recipes for the Soul Harmony Pill, and they all have varying degrees of effectiveness. The most popular recipe is the one that uses the Burning Gold Fruit.

This Burning Gold Fruit only grows in the mouth of the volcano. It also only grows if it's in a range of volcanoes, not just a lone one.

Every time the Burning Gold Fruits are ripe, the four major sects send disciples to harvest them. This fruit is very strange. It can't harvested early or late. It must harvested in the three day period that it is ripe.

On this day, the four sects had sent out their disciples early. Each of the sects had taken over one volcano. The four major sects had an agreement regarding this much needed material, so there wasn't really any fighting over them.

There were a total of three Corpse Sect disciples; two males and one female. They carried coffins behind them as they stood at a volcano opening, waiting for the right time to go in.

Time slowly passed. Seeing that the other three volcanoes had green smoke leaking out, the other three sects jumped into their respective volcanoes. The three disciples of the Corpse Sect revealed confused expressions. The female frowned and said, "Senior Apprentice Brother Mai, do you know what is going on?"

The male named Mai was also frowning as he said, "The green smoke means the Burning Gold Fruit is ripe and ready to be harvested. The four volcanoes should be ripe at the exact same time. Senior brother Zhou, do you think we should go down and check?"

The young man named Zhou pondered for a bit. Then, he shook his head and said, "Let us wait for a bit. If the green smoke doesn't come out and dissolve the poisonous gas of the volcano, we will be in danger if we go down."

Time slowly passed. Seeing the green smoke become even thicker at the other three volcanoes, the three disciples became impatient. The young man named Zhou clenched his teeth and said, "Fine, let's go down and look." With that, he was about to jump down when a cold aura came from inside the volcano.

Shortly after, a youth filled with coldness appeared. The three disciples were dumbfounded as they watched him fly out while carrying a purple vine as thick as a person.

The vine was filled with Burning Gold Fruits.

This person was Wang Lin. After he appeared, he didn't even look at the three as he left. He had already noticed the three a while ago, but he was having a headache figuring out how to take the fruit. Every time he pulled the fruit off the vine, it would be turned into dust by the heat.

Thus, Wang Lin decided to just pull the entire root of the Burning Golden Fruit out. However, what made him helpless was that he couldn't put this vine into his bag of holding, so he had to carry it. If it wasn't for the fact that he had great use for these wood element fruits, he wouldn't be bothering with all of this.

The young man named Zhou swallowed hard as he stared at the vine on Wang Lin's shoulder. His his expression changed many times. This was his third year here to harvest the fruit. At most, they would only take ten fruits because the root grew the fruits to be nutrients for itself. Only with enough fruits could the root survive.

If too many fruits were taken, the root would die. If the root died, then there wouldn't be anymore Burning Gold Fruits appearing in this volcano.

But this person had pulled out the entire root. Did this person not know that the root will die two hours after it is pulled out? He was angry and saw that Wang Lin was only at the mid stage of Foundation Establishment, yet he dared to ignore the three of them and was going to carry the root away, so he shouted, "Stop! I don't care what sect you're from. You need to pay the price for destroying the root of the Burning Gold Fruit!"

With that, he slapped the coffin behind him and suddenly stood up straight. The lid of the coffin let out a creak as it moved a bit to the right and a black hand came out. Slivers of black gas came from its finger and a rotten stench immediately began to spread.

The two other disciples behind also put down their coffins and angrily stared at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin turned around, looked at the three, and rubbed the Burning Gold Vine as he asked, "Pay what price?"

Zhou Gang sneered, "Immediately cut off both your arm and legs, dig out your own eyes, and follow us back to be judged by the sect head." With that, he didn't wait for Wang Lin to reply. He pointed at the coffin. The lid of the coffin moved more to the right until it flew off and a completely black mummy came out. It suddenly jumped at Wang Lin with black gas coming out of its hand.

At the same time, the other two disciples of the sect behind Zhou Gang both slapped their coffins. Two more mummies jumped out, got in formation, and charged at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold as a loud bang occurred in the golden ocean inside his consciousness. The red lightning suddenly charged out through Wang Lin's eyes. The three Corpse Sect disciples' bodies shook as their eyes dimmed and they died from having their souls destroyed.

Then, Wang Lin casually raised his head to look at the three corpse puppets. Two of them immediately began to rot and turned into piles of white bones.

Only Zhou Gang's corpse puppet didn't take any damage. It suddenly stopped charging at Wang Lin. Its emotionless eyes shined a golden light as it looked at Wang Lin with a horrified expression. It quickly backed up and was about to escape.

Wang Lin's sneered in his heart and said, "Take one more step and you will die!"

Wang Lin's words fell on deaf ears as the corpse puppet covered itself in black gas and ran off. But then, the corpse puppet let out a miserable scream as a light flew out from its body. The light took the shape of a small person who bowed at Wang Lin and begged, "Fellow cultivator, please have mercy. I'm Xu Liguo, a disciple of the Tian Gang sect from a rank 4 cultivation country. Just now, I have offended you, so I'll pay you back. If you need anything, we can talk. Please, don't be rash."

This little person was already scared to death. He originally wanted to flee, but then he suddenly felt a destructive force enter his body. He felt a sense of danger, so he quickly escaped from the body.

Although he was a Nascent Soul cultivator, he was heavily injured in a war. He managed to escape with his Nascent Soul, but he was so injured that his Nascent Soul was about to scatter. His close friends gathered up a large amount of wealth and bought him a body from the corpse sect.

The bodies provided by the Corpse Sect were very famous in the rank 4 and 5 cultivation countries. All of them had very good talent and their looks could be customized to the customer's preference. They even provided some of the weird cultivators with bodies of the opposite sex. As long as you can afford it, then you can find a satisfactory answer at the Corpse Sect.

More importantly, there would never be any problems with the body, and if you're willing to pay extra, you can receive full protection during the possession process.

In addition to that, the Corpse Sect's research into possession had reached a very high level. They could provide very detailed instructions to help the possessor in the process of possession.

As long as you can pay the price, you can pick any body of any cultivation level. As we all know, for a Nascent Soul cultivator, the best body is another Nascent Soul cultivator's. If you use a Core Formation cultivator's body, then your cultivation will weaken greatly and will take a long time to recover.

If you really can't afford it and can't even afford a Core Formation body, then you can only pay for the bargain bin priced Foundation Establishment bodies. Even if you're a Nascent Soul cultivator, it will take a very long time for you to recover your cultivation.

Xu Liguo was one of those Nascent Soul cultivators that couldn't afford the price.

If Nascent Soul stage bodies were the highest quality bodies the Corpse Sect could sell, then they wouldn't be a big deal. Nascent Soul bodies aren't their main source of income.

The perfect body for a Soul Formation cultivator is another Soul Formation cultivator's, but the difficulty of obtaining a Soul Formation cultivator's body in perfect condition is too high. And almost every Soul Formation expert has a large sect from a rank 5 cultivation country behind them, so they are not easily touched.

But this problem can be solved by the Corpse Sect if you can pay the price. The body would be Soul Formation, but no matter how hard you look, you won't be able to find where that Soul Formation body came from.

This is the Corpse Sect's greatest secret and nobody knows the truth. There is even a rumor that the Corpse Sect can provide the only rank 6 cultivation country's top experts with matching bodies.

This is a very powerful and mysterious sect. Each sub-sect's leader only knows that the main sect is inside a rank 5 cultivation country.

But is the real headquarters really at a rank 5 cultivation country? No one knows the real answer to that question.

But one thing is certain: no one would dare to mess with the Corpse Sect in rank 4 or above cultivation countries. As for rank 3 and below countries, as long as the sect is not wiped out, the Corpse Sect won't care. After all, this is only a farm for low level bodies and the place where the business is occurring.

Chapter 129 - Homemade Devil

Wang Lin looked at the talkative Xu Liguo. He was about to respond when his expression slightly changed as Zhou Gangsan's bag of holding flew into his hands. At the same time, he waved his hand and several fireballs flew out. They landed on the bodies of the Corpse Sect disciples and their corpse puppets, turning them into dust.

Shortly after, he reached out and grabbed Xu Liguo, who didn't dare to resist. Then, he disappeared into the sky, leaving a trail of rainbow colored light.

At this point, the disciples of the other three sects had already finished harvesting the Burning Gold Fruits and were gone.

Wang Lin returned to the cave and placed the Burning Gold Fruit's vine on the ground. He also threw Xu Liguo forward, causing Xu Liguo to panic and say, "Fellow cultivator, if there is any problem, we can talk about it! We can talk about it! As long as you don't kill me, I can agree to any request. I was wrong before. Please don't be angry."

Xu Liguo felt very wronged. He was a Nascent Soul expert, but he had lost his body and his Nascent Soul was injured to the point of collapsing, causing his cultivation level to drop. In addition, he couldn't afford the high price of a Nascent Soul cultivator's body, so he thought about possessing a disciple of a sect, but if he was found out, it would lead to endless trouble. In the end, he decided to pay the Corpse Sect so he could possess a body without worry.

But possessing a Foundation Establishment cultivator's body meant that it would take him a long time to recover his cultivation, almost as long as if he were to start over again. Right now, he only had the cultivation of a late stage Foundation Establishment cultivator. His Nascent Soul was just for show. It had no reasonable power.

Also, with how dominating Wang Lin's Ji Realm was, Xu Liguo right now was a paper tiger. However, if Xu Liguo was able to recover his strength to the Core Formation stage, then the result would be very different.

Wang Lin completely ignored Xu Liguo's plea for mercy as his eyes blinked and he moved a pillar to lock the cave down. Xu Liguo secretly groaned as he slowly floated backwards into the wall.

Wang Lin didn't stop him. He send out his Ji Realm Divine Sense and the red lightning shout out. As the red lightning shot toward him, Xu Liguo could feel the destructive power fill him.

Wang Lin's right hand reached out and grabbed Xu Liguo's trembling Nascent Soul. Wang Lin stared at the Nascent Soul and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

When he first saw Xu Liguo's Nascent Soul, he felt something familiar. He thought about it during the flight here, but couldn't recall where this feeling came from.

When he looked at Xu Liguo's Nascent Soul this time, he suddenly remembered. This Nascent Soul was similar to the wandering souls in the World of Decay.

Wang Lin rubbed his chin and a thought appeared in his mind.

If he could devour souls like back in the World of Decay, then his Ji Realm Divine Sense would become a lot more powerful. Also, wandering souls were very powerful. They were able to devour people's lives, regardless of their cultivation level. Once he gathers enough wandering souls in the living world, getting revenge on Teng Huayuan won't be a problem.

More importantly, Wang Lin knew that if he were to meet a Core Formation cultivator, all he would be able do was run, but if he had a wandering soul, then he would have the power to protect himself.

If there were enough wandering souls, then he would even be willing to fight Nascent Soul cultivators.

He knew that his own techniques were too simple. He only knew some minor techniques. And as for magic treasures, all he had was a flying sword.

After experiencing the events in Zhao, Wang Lin's mind underwent a great change. Everything he was doing now was to make himself stronger so that his destiny would no longer be in someone else's control.

Xu Liguo's Nascent Soul caused Wang Lin's heart to skip a beat as he thought of an idea.

"Since I can't bring the wandering souls out of the World of Decay, can I make them here?" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He slapped his bag of holding and a piece of metal appeared. He pointed at the wall and the piece of metal carved out a cave.

While doing this, Wang Lin used this moment to send his Ji Realm to wipe out Xu Liguo's memories. Xu Liguo was, after all, a Nascent Soul cultivator, and even with his cultivation level lowered, Wang Lin had to use all of his Ji realm to barely succeed.

Xu Liguo's Nascent Soul became a semi transparent object with no consciousness.

After the cave was finished, the piece of metal flew back into Wang Lin's bag of holding. Wang Lin waved his right hand and threw the Nascent Soul into the cave. He left a sliver of his Ji Realm Divine Sense to guard the Nascent Soul before leaving the cave again.

He searched through nearby mountains, catching small animals as Xu Liguo's Nascent Soul just floated motionlessly in the cave.

After returning, Wang Lin looked at the soul for a while, then threw a small animal toward it. The animal let out a shriek before running into the corner, completely oblivious of the soul in the middle of the cave.

Wang Lin frowned as he watched the two. He strengthened the Ji Realm guarding the cave before digging another cave on the side and throwing the remaining small animals inside.

After finishing all of that, he slapped his forehead and the Heaven Defying Bead flew out. The bead circled him once before immediately diving into the Burning Gold Fruit vine next to him.

All of the fruits on the vine shrunk and disappeared at a visible rate, and all of the wood element was absorbed by the stone bead.

A third leaf slowly appeared on the stone bead. After the vine completely shriveled up, the third leaf became solid.

A flash of happiness appeared on Wang Lin's face as he reached out and grabbed. The stone bead flew into his hand. He looked at the stone bead carefully before holding it up against his forehead. The bead quickly entered his body when it touched his forehead.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. After pondering a little, he left the cave and ran toward the volcanoes. It took him three days to harvest all of the Burning Gold Fruit vines in the area, making them extinct in this region.

The Heaven Defying Bead now had five leaves.

Three days later, Wang Lin looked into the small cave again and saw some pee and poop on the ground. The small animal was trembling in the corner. After digesting all of the food it had eaten three days ago, it was now very weak.

Xu Liguo's Nascent Soul was still floating in the air. If you looked closely, his Nascent Soul was even more transparent than it was before. It looked as if it could disappear at any time.

Wang Lin pondered a little. He sent out his divine sense and drove the Nascent Soul toward the small animal. After a while, the Nascent Soul was above the small animal.

Finally, the the Nascent Soul had nowhere to hide and jumped at the small animal. Wang Lin suddenly became very focused as he saw the small animal shake violently. It got up from the ground with eyes emitting golden light, but the light soon dimmed and the animal fell to the ground.

Just at that moment, Xu Liguo's Nascent Soul quickly flew out of the small animal's head and charged toward the wall. When it hit the wall, it let out a painful scream. Then, it went and slammed against the other walls a few times, until it finally just floated back and forth in the room.

Wang Lin wasn't surprised. In fact, he was happy. He could clearly see that the Nascent Soul was no longer transparent and was filled with a hint of madness. He quickly threw all of the small animals he had caught three days ago into the cave and carefully observed.

The moment the few small animals fell to the ground, they ran to the corners of room with fear in their eyes and screamed non-stop.

But what caused Wang Lin to frown was that the Nascent Soul ignored the small animals. The hint of madness disappeared and the soul became confused again.

Wang Lin pondered a little and then he used his Ji Realm Divine Sense to force the Nascent Soul onto another small animal. When the small animal died, the Nascent Soul charged out. Its eyes were filled with madness again.

But the Nascent Soul still ignored the other small animals. Wang Lin snorted and used his Ji Realm Divine Sense to force the Nascent Soul to devour the other small animals. Now the madness in the Nascent Soul's eyes was even stronger.

Wang Lin pondered for a while, then went out. He caught a lot of beasts in the nearby mountains. He purposefully caught vicious beasts. There was even one that had a strange aura.

After he returned to the cave, he made a few more rooms to separate the beasts. Then, he carried a beast with bloodshot eyes that kept roaring at him and threw it into the room with the Nascent Soul.

After being forced by the Ji Realm to devour the beast again, the madness in the Nascent Soul became even stronger.

Wang Lin observed from outside the room for a long time. He didn't know if the Nascent Soul would turn into a wandering soul, a so called devil, if he continued this.

The truth was that the best way to test this was to capture cultivators to use as guinea pigs, but he was afraid of the Nascent Soul's cultivation level increasing after devouring a cultivator. If the Nascent Soul's power exceeded the power of the Ji Realm, Wang Lin would be in danger. Thus, unless he absolutely had to, he didn't want to risk using cultivators.

Four days later, aside from the animal with the strange aura, all of the other beasts he had caught had been devoured. Today, Wang Lin held that beast and threw it into the stone room.

The Nascent Soul was slowly forced by the Ji Realm to go toward the beast with the strange aura. Just as it was about to touch the beast, the Nascent Soul abruptly stopped itself from jumping on it and revealed a look of hesitation.

Wang Lin's Ji Realm moved, forming red lightning and pressuring the Nascent Soul. The Nascent Soul finally entered the beast. For a long time, the beast trembled.

Half an hour later, the beast exploded as a red soul escaped from its body and let out a roar.

The shape of the Nascent Soul had completely changed and was glowing red. It was releasing a powerful aura that even Wang Lin could feel through his Ji Realm restrictions. As of now, this was no longer a soul, but a devil.

Wang Lin eyes lit up. After pondering for a while, he opened up the cave and walked inside.

The devil suddenly turned its head and jumped at Wang Lin. Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he looked at the devil. Red lightning shot out of his eyes, pushing the devil away and causing it to let out miserable groans.

A vicious expression appeared on the devil's face as it jumped at Wang Lin again, but Wang Lin waved his hand and grabbed the devil.

"You're courting death!" Wang Lin's voice was cold and his eyes flashed red. Every time his eyes flashed, the devil would shake. After a while, the vicious expression was replaced by a fearful one.

In the end, the devil revealed a pitiful expression. Wang Lin held the devil and exited the stone room. After arriving at the room he was using to cultivate, he tossed the devil into the air.

The viciousness appeared on the devil's face again as he rushed toward the ceiling to escape. Wang Lin sneered in his heart as his Ji Realm Divine Sense quickly caught up and punished it. The devil let out a miserable groan as a thin line of smoke appeared on its body and it visibly weakened.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and took out a piece of metal. Then, he blandly said to the devil, "Hide inside here. You're not allowed to come unless I let you"

The devil looked at Wang Lin with fear as it turned into a ray of red light and entered the piece of metal.

After putting away the piece of metal, he regrettably looked at the cave. He exited the cave, waved his hand, and the cave collapsed in on itself.

Wang Lin didn't look back as he flew eastward.

According to Mai Lang's memories, the War God Shrine was located in the east. Wang Lin had already decided. Since he couldn't find the location of Zhao in Mai Lang's memory, he would need to go check out the map that was in the War God Shrine's treasury.

In addition to everything that had happened so far, his blood-refined small, green sword was now just a piece of metal and its power had greatly weakened. If he was against Foundation Establishment cultivators, he wouldn't need to use it. However, if he was against a Core Formation cultivator, then this piece of metal would be able to save his life.

So he had to learn how to refine treasures. That was another reason he needed to returned to the War God Shrine, because they have a refining house there.

And in addition to all of that, he had to find a place of extreme Ying, or he will be stuck at the mid stage of Foundation Establishment. Only with extreme Ying can he form the 3rd cold core and reach the late stage of Foundation Establishment and then form his core.

Wang Lin decided to not to give up cultivating the Underworld Ascension Method. After all, Situ Nan told him that after he forms the three cold cores and fuses them, he will have a high chance of entering the Core Formation stage.

When he was recovering his cultivation, because he didn't have any Ying spirit liquid, he could only cultivate the War God Shrine technique from Mai Lang's memory, but what interested him was the Divine Path. Although the spiritual energy from cultivating the Divine Path had no attribute, from an objective point of view, it was worse than his previous Ying spiritual energy.

But the Divine Path of the War God Shrine was not without its benefits. If the Ying spiritual energy was like an invincible sword, then this cultivation was flexible as silk.

The War God Shrine was located on a heaven piercing mountain in the eastern part of Hou Fen. The mountain was shrouded by clouds and was filled with spirit beasts. There were four sub mountains that housed the four sub sects of the War God Shrine.

As one of the four head sects of the country of Hou Fen, the War God Shrine had more than 3,000 disciples. Even if you excluded the random outer sect disciples, there were still around 2,300 disciples.

On this day, at a low, snowy peak one kilometer away from the War God Shrine, Zhou Zihong, Yang Xiong, and Lin Tao were waiting. Three days ago, the three of them suddenly felt their souls shake as Wang Lin sent them a message via their soul blood essence. He told them to bring a few items. The appointed time had long passed, but the three of them didn't dare to leave.

Among the three of them, Lin Tao was the most scared as he looked for words to say.

Zhou Zihong looked dazed as she bit her red lips. Her mind was blank. Mai Lang had been gone for over a year. She originally thought he would would never appear again. However, when she got his message three days ago, her face immediately became pale.

Yang Xiong's expression was the most composed. Aside from lights flashing from his eyes every now and then, he looked the most normal. However, upon closer inspection, his right hand formed a tight fist.

Time slowly passed and night came, but Wang Lin still hadn't appeared. The three of them looked at each other in confusion.

At a mountain peak two kilometers away, Wang Lin coldly looked at the three of them. Since the upheaval in Zhao, Wang Lin had become very cautious. Although he had their soul blood essence, the three of them might be determined enough to fight to the death.

Therefore, Wang Lin was waiting. If there was anything abnormal, then he would crush their soul blood essences and flee.

At the same time, Wang Lin was also gauging their reactions. It has to be said that even if they were pretending, they couldn't do it for a long period of time. Among the three of them, Lin Tao's expression was the most normal. From the start, he had been scared and unsettled.

Zhou Zihong had been in a daze the whole time. Confusion appeared on her face despite her best efforts to hide it.

After observing the two of them, Wang Lin focused his attention on Yang Xiong. This person's expression was really composed at the start, but as time passed, his expression became more unsettled.

Wang Lin stared at Yang Xiong's right hand and his eyes became cold. He pondered for a bit before quickly moving toward the three of them. In the blink of an eye, he suddenly appeared before them. A cold aura spread out.

After they saw Wang Lin, all three of their hearts trembled and all of their fatigue disappeared.

In this past year, the various things that happened in the foreign battleground echoed in their dreams every night.

They weren't really sure how powerful Wang Lin was, but the Mai Lang before them caused their hearts to tremble.

They had a feeling that even if Wang Lin didn't have their soul blood essences, he could still kill them in an instant without them being able to protect themselves at all.

This type of feeling reached its peak after Wang Lin coldly looked at them. Lin Tao was the first to hit his limit as he knelt to the ground and said, "Lin Tao greets master!"

Yang Xiong and Zhou Zihong weren't much better off. They were just withstanding the aura by sheer force.

Wang Lin withdrew his Ji Realm Divine Sense. Only then did that sense of danger disappear. The three of them let out breaths of relief. Then, Yang Xiong and Zhou Zihong bowed to greet Wang Lin.

As they bowed, a trace of bitterness flashed across Yang Xiong's face as he clenched the jade in his right hand. He came here with two thoughts in mind. One was to cheat Wang Lin to come back to the War God Shrine and ask the elders to help him steal back his soul blood essence. The second was if Wang Lin wasn't willing to go, then he would secretly emit his current location with the jade. Back at the War God Shrine, his junior apprentice brother was holding another piece of jade. If he were to insert spiritual energy into this jade, the jade his junior apprentice brother was holding would light up and his junior apprentice brother would call their master.

But he now found out just how stupid his idea was. If he really did that, then he would have been the first one to die.

This senior that possessed Mai Lang's body must've been a cultivator from a high ranking cultivation country. How else could this senior, being only be at the Foundation Establishment stage, have a divine sense that caused his heart to tremble.

Yang Xiong secretly sighed and gave up on any ideas of resisting. He took a deep breath and quickly slapped his bag of holding with his left hand. He then took out a jade and respectfully said to Wang Lin, "Master, I have gotten what you requested of me three days ago. This is the jade from the refining house."

After Wang Lin received the jade, he scanned it with his divine sense. Without showing any expression, he nodded. His gaze then fell on Lin Tao.

Lin Tao's heart sped up and he whispered, "Master, that map is placed at the top of the treasure pavilion. I… I can't go up there because my cultivation level isn't high enough."

Seeing Wang Lin's deadpan face, Lin Tao clenched his teeth and said, "Ten days! Master, just give me ten days of time. By then, it will be my cousin's turn to patrol. I will at least be able to get him to make me a copy!"

Wang Lin looked at him, nodded, then blandly said, "If you really manage to get it, then when I leave Hou Fen, I'll return your soul blood essence to you." With that, he looked toward Yang Xiong. His eyes became cold as he said, "Normally, I would have returned your soul blood essence to you, but the item in your hand voids your achievements. This time, I won't kill you, but whether or not I return your soul blood essence to you will depend on next time."

Yang Xiong's body shook and his face immediately became pale. When he saw Wang Lin just now, especially because of the look in Wang Lin's eyes, he felt a strong sense of fear. He knelt on the ground and handed over the jade in his right hand. His face was very tense.

Wang Lin no longer looked at him. He now looked toward Zhou Zihong. Zhou Zihong clenched her teeth, raised her pretty face, and said, "Senior, that Divine Path is very strange. Although I saw it six months ago, I couldn't remember anything afterward, so I can't make a copy of the jade that contains the technique. Actually, senior doesn't have to go through such a roundabout way. With Mai Lang's contribution in the Foreign Battleground, once you return to the sect, you will naturally be allowed to study it."

The Divine Path was what interested Wang Lin the most from Mai Lang's memories. Mai Lang dreamed of studying it. For some reason, the War God Shrine was very strict when it came to their own disciples studying the Divine Path, but people outside the sect only had to pay spirit stones in appointed times in exchange for studying it.

But for disciples of the War God Shrine, they must either have reached the Core Formation stage or have contributed greatly to the sect. Only after achieving one of these can they study it under the supervision of an elder.

According to Wang Lin's analysis, this Divine Path must have something special about it. It could be that if someone at the Foundation Establishment studied it, it would be dangerous without someone protecting them.

When he asked Zhou Zihong to make a copy, he didn't plan on it succeeding, so he wasn't disappointed. He carefully looked at the three of them and gently said, "The three of you don't have to be so on guard near me. As long as you don't mess with me, then when I leave Hou Fen, I'll return your soul blood essences. However, if you dare to plot against me, then don't blame me for being merciless."

Chapter 130 - Sudden Arrival of Nascent Soul

"The three of you can return. Lin Tao, I'll wait for you here in ten days." With that, Wang Lin's body floated backward and flew away in a rainbow-colored light.

Lin Tao quickly responded and thought that once he got back, he would have to have a good talk with his cousin. This was a life and death situation, so no matter what, he had to get a copy of that map.

Yang Xiong's clothes were soaked with cold sweat. The cold breeze blew on his body, causing him to shiver. Waves of coldness came from his heart as he knew that he had just walked past death's door.

Zhou Zihong calmly looked at Yang Xiong and left.

Wang Lin aimlessly flew in the sky as he pondered in his heart. Before long, his eyes lit up. No matter what, he couldn't go to this War God Shrine. Not to even mention that if any of those three were thinking of rebelling, the secrets he was holding right now couldn't be hidden from a Nascent Soul cultivator at all.

It was very likely that the Nascent Soul ancestor had already used some strange method and figured out that he had possessed Mai Liang. Thinking about this, he suddenly felt a hint of fear as his face darkened and his speed increased.

Wang Lin had already speculated this would happen, but Yang Xiong's group's actions made him even more convinced.

As he was flying, a gentle voice suddenly entered his ears. "Little friend, could you please return my disciple's soul essence blood?" This voice was very beautiful. It was very sweet to listen to.

Wang Lin's body suddenly stopped. Before him, an enchanting woman walked toward him.

The woman's steps were as light as the clouds and each one created a rustling sound. She wore a blue court dress. The bottom half of the dress was covered in triangular emeralds. There was a belt around her waist, and from the belt extended many long ribbons. The court dress on this woman created a sense of intelligence and elegance.

The woman was very beautiful. Without any makeup, there was a red glow on her face, and her skin was a creamy white color.

As the woman walked forward, Wang Lin backed up to keep a constant distance between them. He put his hand on his bag of holding and coldly stared at her.

Wang Lin's expression was the same as usual, but in his heart, he was on full alert. This woman's cultivation level was something he couldn't see through. She was clearly a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Wang Lin calmly looked at the woman and said, "What is the name of senior's disciple?"

The woman revealed a gentle smile and replied with a soft voice, "My disciple's name is Zhou Zihong."

Wang Lin nodded without any hesitation and decisively said, "Okay, once junior is 1000 kilometers away, I'll definitely send out the soul essence blood. Otherwise, even if senior acts, I'll struggle to make sure the soul essence blood is destroyed."

The woman looked at Wang Lin and said, "Little friend doesn't need to be so nervous. I have already heard about you from Zihong. It was all thanks to your help that the three of them were able to safely return to the War God Shrine. Just with that, we can ignore you possessing Mai Liang. Ignoring everything else, because you saved Zihong, I can forgive you for everything that has happened."

Wang Lin was startled and carefully looked at the woman's eyes. He saw that the woman didn't seem to be lying. Then, he pondered a bit and said, "Please don't blame me, senior. Please wait until junior is 1000 kilometers away before I return the soul essence blood."

The woman raised her hand and made a pose that would shock any man's heart. She shook her head and laughed, "1000 kilometers… I'll call you Mai Liang. Mai Liang, 1000 kilometers is only a few breaths for me. If I wanted to kill you, then unless you could escape to 10,000 kilometers away, it would be pointless. Fine, if you insist, then go."

Without a word, Wang Lin's body shot into the distance, leaving a trail of rainbow-colored light. Half an hour later, he had already traveled 3000 kilometers. He stopped at the mouth of a volcano to catch his breath. After adjusting the spiritual energy in his body, he pointed at his forehead and a silver speck of light floated out.

Wang Lin didn't even take another look at it as his body jumped into the air and he left. Along the way, Wang Lin wondered if what the woman said was true or false, but no matter what, it was not wise for Wang Lin to offend a Nascent Soul cultivator right now.

Therefore, Wang Lin didn't hesitate to return Zhou Zihong's soul essence blood.

A few minutes later, the woman's figure appeared at the mouth of the volcano where Wang Lin left Zhou Zihong's soul essence blood. She reached out with her right hand and Zhou Zihong's soul essence blood quickly came to her.

The woman looked at the speck of light and revealed a tender and loving expression. After carefully putting away the soul essence blood, she looked at the direction Wang Lin went and softly muttered to herself, "Seeing that you saved Hong Er and readily returned her soul essence blood, I'll solve the issue of possession for you."

For two days, aside from some necessary rest, he had been continuously flying. Because that woman had never appeared again, he relaxed a bit, but suddenly, his eyes focused on the ground not far from him.

Just at this moment, several sword lights flew toward him from the distance. After seeing Wang Lin, they quickly changed direction and headed toward him. When they arrived, seven or eight youngsters landed near Wang Lin. They look at him with hostile gazes.

Among these people, the most prominent was a young man in the front. The man's face was as white as jade. He looked very refined. His cultivation was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment and already at pseudo Core Formation. He wore a purple robe and stood on top of a green flying sword, creating a very noble air.

Beside him followed a girl dressed in red. There was a hint of red on her pale face, making people want to love her.

The young man's eyes were cold as he looked toward the girl and whispered, "Wan Er, is it him?"

The girl looked at Wang Lin. She let out an apologetic smile and whispered to the young man, "Brother, it is not him. Although that person was good at the art of disguise, he couldn't fake this person's temperament."

The coldness disappeared from the young man's eyes. He clasped his hands at Wang Lin and honestly said, "Please don't blame us, fellow cultivator. I'm Li Qiqing from the Lou He Sect. Please forgive our rudeness."

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You Won't Believe What Went Down After Hugh Hefner Died


Wang Lin's expression remained the same as he calmly said, "No problem. Since it is a misunderstanding, then how could I hold it against you?"

Li Qiqing let out a laugh and said, "I believe fellow cultivator is here to attend the Ravine Workshop Assembly. Maybe we can meet again in the future, but I still have an important matter to attend to today, so I'll take my leave."

With that, he clasped his hands again, grabbed the girl next to him, and left with the other six or seven people.

After they left, Wang Lin looked at the ground and moved forward without a word. Before long, he frowned. He took out the piece of metal from his bag of holding and smashed it into the ground.

The piece of metal was very quick and hit the ground with a bang. Then, a very pathetic figure came out of the ground 20 meters away.

This person's appearance was very normal. Only his eyes contained a look of intelligence. He quickly raised his hand and shouted, "Fellow cultivator, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!" As he spoke, he quickly looked around and jumped up. A flying sword came out and carried him to Wang Lin.

"Fellow cultivator, I'm Sun Youcai. This is a misunderstanding. I didn't want to purposely follow you, but I had to. That girl from the Lou He Sect is looking for me, and since I can't beat them in a fight, I can only hide. They are still looking for me, but if I follow you, then that Li Qiqing won't be able to find me."

Wang Lin looked at him. Then, he flew forward and completely ignored the guy.

Sun Youcai quickly followed him up and slyly asked, "Fellow cultivator, what sect are you from? I'm a disciple of the Evil Devil Sect."

Wang Lin's brow slightly furrowed. He didn't say a word as he used spiritual energy to move faster. His speed suddenly increased and he left Sun Youcai behind. Sun Youcai looked at Wang Lin. He sneered in his heart, but his expression remained the same. He slapped both his legs and kicked off from the ground. In the blink of an eye, he was next to Wang Lin again. He continued to say, "Fellow cultivator, I'm really sorry about before. It is all that girl's fault. Ah, fellow cultivator, you are going to the Ravine Workshop, right? How about we go together? I know a lot of people in the area and can even buy a few Qi Condensation females to use as furnaces."

"What speed!" Wang Lin's heart moved as he turned to look at Sun Youcai and smiled. Sun Youcai saw this smile and suddenly felt his skin crawl. This feeling disappeared as soon as it appeared and Sun Youcai shook his head. He thought this person was only at the mid stage of Foundation Establishment. With his late stage Foundation Establishment cultivation, he couldn't be wrong. He slowly smiled and asked, "How about it fellow cultivator?"

Wang Lin sneered in his heart and decisively said, "Okay, then I'll bother brother Sun."

Sun Youcai's heart shook. He didn't expect Wang Lin to agree this easily. He had a lot of words he was preparing to say, but now they were all pointless. However, his reaction was very quick. He smiled and said, "No problem. It was originally my fault for using fellow cultivator to hide. What is your name?"

"My name is Mai Liang. I'm a disciple of the War God Shrine." Wang Lin faintly smiled. In Sun Youcai's eyes, the smile was filled with naivety, but only Wang Lin knew the truth.

Sun Youcai let out a mischievous smile. He looked around and whispered, "Brother Mai, I heard your War God Shrine has a beauty named Zhou Ziwei. Our future sect leader saw her six months ago and was completely mesmerized by her. You're from the War God Shrine. Is she really that pretty?"

Wang Lin was startled and asked, "Zhou Ziwei? Are you talking about Zhou Zihong, elder apprentice sister Zhou?"

Sun Youcai suddenly slapped his forehead and smiled. "Looked at his memory of mine. That is right, it is Zhou Zihong. So, how does she look?"

Wang Lin nodded and said, "Elder apprentice sister Zhou is indeed beautiful, but her personality is very cold, so I have only seen her a few times."

Chapter 131 - Is He a Fat Sheep?

Sun Youcai let out a laugh as he reached out to grab Wang Lin's shoulder and said, "Let's not talk about her anymore. Brother Ma, there is a transfer array to enter the Ravine just ahead.

Wang Lin's shoulder moved to dodge the hand. He said, "That is good. Let's quickly go so we can enter the valley sooner." With that, he flew forward.

Sun Youcai's hand hit empty air, but his expression didn't change as he asked, "Brother Ma, did you come out by yourself this time?" He casually followed Wang Lin.

Wang Lin sneered, but his expression didn't show any abnormality as he answered, "That's right, I'm the only one that came this time."

Sun Youcai let out a laugh and whispered, "I guess brother Ma secretly left the sect and came to the Ravine to get some technique jades. I heard that in three months, it will be the War God's Shrine's five palace competition. At that time, brother Ma can use them to become famous."

Wang Lin faintly smiled, but didn't say a word.

Seeing Wang Lin's reaction, Sun Youcai sneered, "Little brat, it doesn't matter if what you say is true or false. Since you've met your grandfather today, consider yourself unlucky. Hehe, I'll use your body to make a puppet. I believe that Li Qiqing won't be too on guard against you." He was thinking this, but to ensure that everything would go as planned, he took out a jade before Wang Lin and said, "Brother Ma, I'll call a friend over. He is very close. When he gets here, we can go through the transfer array together. That way, we can save a spirit stone."

There was memory of a transfer array in Ma Liang's memory. It cost a spirit stone to open the transfer array, and every time it opened, it could transfer up to three people.

So there was no issue with Sun Youcai's suggestion. After seeing Wang Lin nodding his head, Sun Youcai placed the jade on his forehead and threw it into the air. After a few flashes of light, the jade disappeared without a trace.

Wang Lin followed Sun Youcai. As they flew, he noticed that the farther they went, the more deserted it got. There were more and more big and small volcanoes around them. Some of the volcanoes spat out black smoke.

Afraid that Wang Lin would become suspicious, Sun Youcai quickly explained. "Don't worry, brother Ma. The transfer array is not far away. I don't know what has been going on recently, but all of the volcanos have been releasing black smoke. I remember that the four great sects' Nascent Soul ancestors just finished sealing them last year."

Wang Lin's expression became cold as he laughed. "Yes, this place is indeed deserted. A very good place. Especially these volcanoes. After killing someone, you can just toss their body into them. That will save yourself from using a fireball technique."

Sun Youcai's body suddenly stopped. He force a smile and said, "Brother Ma…"

Before he even finished speaking, sounds of wind and thunder came in from the distance along with a black sword. In the blink of an eye, the sword arrived near them. When the light dissipated, it revealed a skinny middle-aged man. His eyes revealed a ruthless light.

This person was wearing all black. Even the flying sword under his feet emitted a black light. Both of his hands were covered in black smoke. He didn't even look at Wang Lin as he said to Sun Youcai, "He is the fat sheep?"

Wang Lin looked at him and noticed that this person's cultivation level was higher than Sun Youcai's. This person had already reached the pseudo Core Formation stage and could compete with Li Qiqing.

Sun Youcai's face suddenly smiled like a flower. His voice sounded like he was trying to please the person as he said, "Senior martial brother, it is him. I saw that that girl, Li Muwan and her brother Li Qiqing, have a good impression of him. If we turn him into a puppet and use him to approach them, we might have a better chance."

The black-clothed man turned his head toward Wang Lin. He was surprised that Wang Lin didn't run away. Wang Lin was only a mid stage Foundation Establishment cultivator, so he didn't think of Wang Lin as a threat at all as he coldly said, "Brat, you can die now." With that, the flying sword under his feet shot out toward Wang Lin's chest.

At the same time, the black-clothed man jumped forward and clapped his hand a few times. The black mist spread out, forming a giant skull. It quickly followed the black sword toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He didn't even mind the mist or the flying sword as he pointed his finger at the middle aged man and said, "Destroy!"

The moment the Ji Realm appeared, the sky darkened. The moment the Ji Realm Divine Sense appeared, the soul was destroyed! Wang Lin was invincible among Foundation Establishment cultivators. If he reaches the Core Formation stage, he will be the king of Core Formation cultivators. If he reaches the Nascent Soul stage, then he will be the number one cultivator under the Soul Formation stage in countless countries.

The middle aged man's eyes suddenly bulged out. He could feel that his soul was hit by a powerful destructive force. He didn't have any power to resist, so his soul instantly shattered. When he revealed a look of fear, he had already died. His body then went limp. Even until his death, he still didn't understand how it all happened.

Everything happened too quickly. The flying sword didn't even travel half the distance to its destination when the divine sense from the middle aged man broke and it fell from the sky. The black skull followed behind it and slowly dissipated with the death of the middle-aged man.

Wang Lin waved his sleeves and the black flying sword quickly flew into his hand. He slapped his bag of holding and the piece of metal came out.

"Devour that black mist." After saying those words, Wang Lin no longer paid any attention to it and turned to Sun Youcai, who was completely dumbfounded.

A flash of red light appeared on the piece of metal as the devil came out and jumped on the black mist. He didn't stop to consider whether or not he could even devour or digest the black cloud as he devoured it with a bitter smile. He didn't dare to disobey Wang Lin as he knew how scary Wang Lin was.

Sun Youcai finally realized what was going one as he took a few steps back. He quickly jumped to the ground and disappeared.

The devil's eyes turned and he slowed down on devouring the black mist. He was pretending to still be devouring. However, Wang Lin's next sentence caused him to frown again.

"Follow me."

With that, Wang Lin's body moved and his Ji Realm Divine sense quickly spread out. He chased northwest. The devil revealed a struggling expression as he backed up instead of charging forward. Suddenly, he let out a miserable scream as green gas appeared on his body, causing him to not dare to hesitate anymore.

Wang Lin retrieved the divine sense he used to punish the devil and focused on chasing Sun Youcai. He was very interested in Sun Youcai's speed. He knew that his own speed was lacking compared to Sun Youcai's, just like with the middle aged woman who could travel 10,000 kilometers in two breaths. If someone like that wanted to kill him, he wouldn't even be able to run.

When Sun Youcai caught up to him before, he was already using his full speed, so it showed how fast Sun Youcai was.

Therefore, Wang Lin didn't kill him. He decided to catch him alive to get the technique out of him.

Sun Youcai was scared now. Ever since he started cultivating 30 years ago, since he was a 15th layer Qi condensation cultivator, he had been killing people. But he had always been very careful and only killed people weaker than him. He never dared to kill people stronger than him.

Over the years, he used all of the treasures he had found and traded them at the Ravine Workshop for pills to increase his cultivation level. This caused his cultivation level to continue to rise, but as his cultivation level increased, normal pills lost their effect. High quality pills were either hard to find or the prices were too high, so he set his sights on the Luo He Sect.

The Luo He Sect was famous for formations and alchemy, especially when it came to pills. If the pill was refined by the Lou He Sect, then it must be a high quality pill. Sun Youcai's target was the Luo He Sect's Li Muwan. He wanted to get some pills or pill recipes from her, but her older brother Li Qiqing's cultivation level was a step above his at pseudo Core Formation. Completely above him, who had just entered the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

The current Sun Youcai wished his speed could be even faster. Even now, his mind was recalling the terrifying moment from before. Fourth senior apprentice brother was a pseudo Core Formation cultivator, yet he was so easily killed.

If that Ma Liang had used some powerful treasure, then he wouldn't be so scared, but he didn't even see the shadow of a magic treasure. He only heard Ma Liang say the word "destroy" and fourth senior apprentice brother just died.

What…what kind of technique is that? Thinking about this, Sun Youcai couldn't help but feel his skull go numb. The more he couldn't understand, the more terrified he was. What cultivation level would you need to be able to kill a pseudo Core Formation cultivator with just one word? Could it be that Ma Liang had already reached the Core Formation stage?

No! Sun Youcai quickly rejected the idea because he had met Core Formation cultivators before. Even if the Core Formation elders were to fight a pseudo Core Formation cultivator, it wouldn't be this easy. Although they would win for sure, they couldn't just kill them with one word like it was some sword of heavenly decree.

Sun Youcai's heart trembled. Could it be a Nascent Soul cultivator?

But he soon rejected this idea as well. He had seen a Nascent Soul cultivator act before. It was when the Demon Sect ancestor killed a late stage Foundation Establishment traitor. In front of everyone's eyes, he only threw out a sword and the traitor died while running away. He didn't even have any chance to dodge or resist.

But still, in his eyes, when he compared Wang Lin killing a pseudo Core Formation cultivator with just a word to the Nascent Soul elder who used a flying sword, it was clear who was stronger. With that, his mind suddenly went blank.

"Could…could it be that… he…he is… Soul Formation.…" When Sun Youcai said the words "Soul Formation," all of the strength left his body.

The more he thought about it, the more accurate it felt. Sun youcai bittered muttered, "A Soul Formation expert… that is someone of legends. How is it possible… but if not Soul Formation, how could he kill fourth senior apprentice brother with just one word… rumor has it that Soul Formation cultivators can control the ways of the heavens, so killing a pseudo Core Formation cultivator with one word would make sense…I…I am being hunted by a Soul Formation expert…"

Chapter 132 - Upheaval in Hou Fen (1)

Sun Youcai's body trembled as he escaped underground. The fear was making him feel like he couldn't even breath. Just at this moment, he felt the ground before him warm up and he secretly complained. This earth escape move was an amazing technique anywhere else, but here in Hou Fen, where there were many volcanoes, there were some serious restrictions.

If he accidently tunneled into lava, then he could only blame himself.

Normally, when Sun Youcai runs, he identifies the direction and immediately changes direction when he feels heat. But now, he believed that he was being chased by a Soul Formation expert. He didn't pay attention and now it was too late. All he could do was use all his might to raise his body up.

With a loud bang, his body bursted out from underground into a cave inside a volcano. A wave of heat immediately hit him, causing his hair and eyebrows to immediately curl.

He let out a scream as he quickly threw out his flying sword and moved onto a rock. After just these few moments in the heat, his skin was already cracking and his clothes were instantly turned to dust.

Even the flying sword under his feet had turned red, and its temperature kept on increasing.

The moment sweat appeared on Sun Youcai's body, every drop turned into white vapor. Looking at him now, his entire body was surrounded by this white vapor. Although he was naked, there was still a hint of a divine being.

Below him was a large pool of lava. There were many large bubbles in the pool, and every time one burst, black gas would rise up.

Sun Youcai was able to bite the bullet and rush through to the other side of the volcano before he stopped in place as he looked at the lava below him with a look of terror.

At this moment, Wang Lin had caught up. He didn't know the Earth Escape technique, but his divine sense had been locked onto Sun Youcai the whole time. He suddenly noticed that Sun Youcai had stopped, so he took out the piece of metal and pointed at the ground. The metal spun as it hit the ground and dug a tunnel. Wang Lin's body quickly followed and entered the lava pool Sun Youcai was at.

The moment he entered the volcano, Wang Lin noticed Sun Youcai, who was staring at the lava below in terror.

Wang Lin followed Sun Youcai's gaze into the lava and saw triangle-shaped eyes. Wang Lin took a deep breath and backed out of the tunnel. He hid, not moving an inch, and stared at the eyes.

According to Ma Liang's memories from when he grew up as a kid, there was no creature in Hou Fen that lived inside a volcano. If there was, then it would be impossible for them not to be found by the cultivators of Hou Fen. It has to be said that every few years, the ancestors of the four great sects seal the volcanoes for safety.

At the same time, Sun Youcai seemed to be possessed as he stared at the eyes. He got off the flying sword and stepped onto the rock with his bare feet. The moment his feet touched the rock, the smell of burning flesh spread out.

He only took three steps before his flesh and skin were completely burned off, revealing bones that had been burnt black. However, Sun Youcai didn't reveal any look of suffering as he jumped into the lava from the edge of the rock.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as his hand reached out. The moment Sun Youcai started falling, he grabbed Sun Youcai's bag and then quickly backed away without even looking back at the lava.

A roar came from behind Wang Lin and the heat in the area suddenly intensified. As Wang Lin ran, the tunnel around him turned red. If someone were to look from above, they would see that all of the big and small volcanoes were spewing black smoke, especially one of the large volcanoes. Around it, a red light visible to the eyes spread out. Everything that was touched by this red light turned red.

Wang Lin's face was dark as he followed the tunnel. He suddenly stopped as he saw an ocean of flames gathered in the tunnel before him. The fire formed a creature with triangular eyes and a single horn. It looked at Wang Lin with killing intent.

Without a word, Wang Lin sent out his Ji Realm Divine Sense. One could only see a ray of red lightning shoot out from Wang Lin's eyes and enter the fire beast. The fire beast's fire dimmed for a moment, but it soon recovered. It then opened its mouth and let out a roar before charging at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's face darkened even more. He turned around, but his pupils suddenly shrank as another fire beast appeared behind him.

At this moment, inside the narrow tunnel, there were two fire beasts blocking both sides. He clenched his teeth as he sent out the piece of metal. The metal began to dig another tunnel and Wang Lin quickly followed.

But just at this moment, the two fire beasts suddenly let out roars. Wang Lin's heart sank. The dirt around Wang Lin suddenly turned red and hardened until it formed a cage. Wang Lin was trapped inside.

This cage was closing around him until it completely surrounded him, finally trapping Wang Lin inside.

At this moment, waves of cracks appeared on the ground. The ground collapsed inwards, forming a basin. A ball of black dirt was formed with Wang Lin inside.

Around the dirt ball were eight fire beasts that constantly spewed fire at the ball of dirt to make it smaller. Soon, the ball grew smaller and smaller, and the beasts eventually stopped.

One of the fire beasts grabbed the ball of dirt and jumped onto the ground. The other fire beasts quickly followed. They soon returned to the cave they were in before.

The fire beast threw the ball of dirt into the lava before jumping in with the other fire beasts. They all disappeared into the lava. The lava let out a few more bubbles before calming down.

The surrounding volcanoes stopped spewing black smoke and the heat wave disappeared. Aside from the giant basin that was formed by the fire beast, there was no other evidence of what had just occurred remaining.

And basins were very common in Hou Fen. Almost next to every volcano, there would be big and small basins.

Wang Lin hugged his body as he resisted the high temperature waves. The moment the dirt surrounded him, he covered his body in his Ji Realm Divine Sense. At the moment, his divine sense was slowly dissolving the dirt ball.

He could clearly feel that he was shaking. With a shake, he could feel that he was thrown to the ground. Currently, his divine sense had broken through the restriction of the dirt ball, so he could clearly see everything before him.

In front of him was an endless pool of lava. There were countless openings above it. Lava flowed down into this endless pool from the openings.

The dirt ball he was trapped in was currently floating in the lava. Around him were seven or eight more dirt balls floating around. On top of each one sat a fire beast.

Then he looked at the lava around him and saw countless triangular eyes. One of the fire beasts jumped up from the lava and sat down on top of Wang Lin's ball of dirt. The fire beasts didn't notice Wang Lin's divine sense at all.

Time slowly passed and more fire beasts came from the tunnels above. Every group carried a dirt ball as well.

At this moment, the entire pool of lava began to shake. Every fire beast quickly made an opening where a giant fire beast appeared. Wang Lin quickly withdrew his divine sense and began to observe carefully.

A normal fire beast was only three feet tall, but just the head of this large fire beast was already larger than ten feet. Slowly, a large portion of the big fire beast's body appeared. Along with this large body, a powerful pressure came, causing all of the small fire beasts to stop moving.

Wang Lin's heart was shocked. The power this large fire beast was at was least at the Nascent Soul level. As for exactly how strong, Wang Lin was unable to determine as he had never met a Soul Formation cultivator before.

This large fire beast looked around before moving to the left. Soon, another large fire beast came out. One by one, they appeared until there was a total of 16.

These 16 fire beasts formed a circle. Once the circle was complete, a translucent ring of fire appeared in the middle. Rainbow-colored light emanated from it.

Wang Lin carefully looked and saw a figure slowly become solid as it formed a ball of fire the size of his fist.

Slivers of red lines lined the ball of fire to the ring of fire.

The moment the ball of fire appeared, the 16 large fire beasts let out roars. One by one, their bodies jumped up from the lava pool. They then proceeded to kneel on the lava. All of the smaller fire beasts also jumped out of the lava and kneeled.

Wang Lin was observing when he suddenly felt a shock in his brain as the heaven defying bead appeared without him willing it for the first time. If he didn't quickly stop it, then it would have broken through the dirt.

Just at this moment, a fire beast grabbed the dirt ball beneath him and threw it at the ball of fire. The dirt ball suddenly stopped in mid air and the ball of fire quickly entered the dirt ball. The sucking noise was very clear in this silent cave.

A chilling scream came from inside the dirt ball. The scream continued, but got softer and softer until no sound came out anymore. Soon, slivers of blood mist came from the dirt ball and the ball of fire came out.

The dirt ball fell from the air and sank into the lava. Wang Lin's heart sank as well. He now understood that he wasn't the only person alive inside a dirt ball. Even if he didn't protect himself, the dirt ball wouldn't have kill him. At most, he would be asleep.

Subsequently, four more dirt balls were tossed at the ball of fire. Screams rang out as the ball of fire entered them. The screams lasted for more than half an hour. When the fifth dirt ball sank into the lava, the dirt ball Wang Lin was in was thrown out.

The heaven defying bead shook violently and with a never before seen momentum, it broke through Wang Lin's hold. Just at this moment, the ball of fire entered the dirt ball Wang Lin was in.

Chapter 133 - Upheaval in Hou Fen (2)

A wave of heat quickly spread throughout the dirt ball as the ball of fire smoothly entered it. However, at the exact same moment, the heaven defying bead charged out, causing the ball of fire to pause and then turn away without any hesitation.

But it was still too late. The heaven defying bead ignored everything in its way and slammed into the ball of fire. The ball of fire let out a scream and began to struggle, but before it could struggle for long, it was absorbed by the heaven defying bead.

The leaves that were on the heaven defying bead disappeared and were replaced by a ball of fire. Soon, many more balls of fire appeared on the heaven defying bead.

The ball of fire became dimmer and dimmer until it dissipated completely. At this moment, the tenth ball of fire appeared on the heaven defying bead, causing it to let out a bright light that could be clearly seen even from outside the dirt ball.

At this moment, with the disappearance of the ball of fire, the fire ring began to dim and the red slivers that connected the ring of fire to to the ball of fire broke.

Wang Lin stared dumbfoundedly at what had happened. Not only him, all of the fire beasts were also completely stunned. They stood motionless in the cave, not knowing what to do at all.

The heaven defying bead quickly moved toward Wang Lin and retreated into his brow. Wang Lin didn't have time to check the bead as he moved his body and activated the attraction force technique. He carried the dirt ball up and into one of the tunnels.

All of this happened in a very short period of time. It wasn't until Wang Lin's dirt ball left that the fire beasts realized what had happened. The 16 large fire beasts let out roars as they tore open the tunnel and chased after Wang Lin.

Behind him, tens of thousands of fire beasts let out angry roars and chased him.

Wang Lin's body was trapped inside the dirt ball as he moved through the lava. It has to be said that the lava was flowing down into the cave. Wang Lin was currently going against the current, so there was no way for him to move fast.

But the fire beasts weren't slowed at all because they grew up in the lava. It could be said that they were fire spirits, meaning that the hotter it was, the faster they moved.

Although Wang Lin didn't know what that ball of fire was, just the fact that it was able to complete the fire element for the heaven defying bead was already a big enough shock. From the respect the beasts showed and how angry they had become, that ball of fire must have been very important to them. It was likely that the ball of fire was their king.

Wang Lin's guess was not wrong. The fire beasts were born from the lava. It could be described as a fire spirit and was ranked fairly high. According to the cultivation union, they were universally called fire spirit beasts. From the moment of its birth, it had intelligence. It cultivated in the lava under Hou Fen for many years and its cultivation was very powerful.

In the countless years it had been alive, it had transformed five times. If it changes nine times, then it can change from a spirit beast to a desolate beast, but after every transformation, it is in a weakened state for 500 years, unable to use any spiritual energy at all.

In order to protect itself, every time it's about to transform, it spreads out its spiritual energy to speed up the growth of the next generation to protect itself.

At the same time, as it transformed more and more, it learned that there was a way to shorten the time of weakness: devour cultivators.

He didn't need to devour a lot, only a few cultivators every once in awhile. So it used its offspring to catch cultivators that came into the volcano and fed them.

To prevent the cultivators from harming the fire spirit, they would all be trapped in dirt. As a result, the fire spirit could leisurely enjoy its meal.

But now, the weakened fire spirit itself was devoured instead, and the moment it disappeared, all of the fire beasts became angry.

In their hearts, the fire spirit wasn't only their king, it was also their father.

Their father was killed before them, how could they not be angry? Gradually, they got closer and closer. One of the 16 fire beasts in the front opened its mouth and spat out fire that was almost pure white.

Inside the purple lava, the white flame was very eye catching. When it hit Wang Lin's dirt ball, the dirt ball immediately shrunk one size.

Wang Lin bled everywhere as the white flame hit his dirt ball. His Ji Realm Divine Sense could only stop so much. He clenched his teeth and used even more spiritual energy to escape.

The fire beasts destroyed everything in their path as they charged at Wang Lin.

They got closer and closer until eight fire beasts spat out white flames together. The moment the flame hit the dirt ball, Wang Lin's body shook and he charged out from inside it. His body was surrounded by his divine sense as he withstood the unbearable heat and charged out.

After he came out, he stopped for a moment as the piece of metal appeared from his bag of holding and flew to under his feet. The piece of metal formed a rainbow and carried Wang Lin out from the top.

Looking from the outside, one could see a completely black figure with clothes that were almost all burnt charge out of the mouth of the volcano.

Behind him followed the 16 fire beasts. They chased him all the way to the entrance of the volcano. They roared at him in frustration, but strangely didn't dare to follow him out.

Only now did Wang Lin let out a breath of relief. He looked down and his scalp suddenly went numb. He saw that below the 16 fire beasts were countless triangular eyes looking up. Their eyes only had one point of interest, and that was him.

Any one of those fire beasts could block his Ji Realm Divine Sense. This should be impossible, but if this was really true, then the only explanation was that these fire beasts didn't have souls or divine sense.

Wang Lin's face was gloomy. He looked at the countless fire beasts below him and flew into the distance without a word. Gradually, he became even more gloomy as along the way, every time he saw a volcano, he would see fire beasts. These fire beasts all waited at the mouths of volcanoes, starting at him with cold gazes. All of them seemed to be waiting for a command, and once the command was issued, they would all charge out of the volcanoes.

Wang Lin's scalp felt numb as he rubbed his temple. He decided that he would get a map as soon as possible so he could leave Hou Fen and never come back.

Thinking about that, he stopped moving and spread out his divine sense. After probing for a while, he changed directions and flew north.

Although he didn't look at the volcanoes on the way anymore, he could still clearly see those cold gazes staring at him.

At this moment, all of the Nascent Soul ancestors came out of their closed door cultivation sessions. They, ones who stood at the top of a the rank 3 cultivation country, could clearly feel the waves of destructive energy brewing inside Hou Fen.

This had happened many times before. This meant that the volcanoes inside Hou Fen were about to erupt. Every time this happened, they would go to the volcanoes they were each responsible for to seal them to prevent them from erupting.

Because if they were to erupt, then it would be a great disaster for Hou Fen. Mortals might be able to run to another country without my resistance. Even the royal family would have the cultivators coming out to speak for them.

After all, even though mortals were like ants to cultivators, there was a higher chance of finding disciples among the mortals if they were more of them.

Mortals could go, but cultivators couldn't because if a large amount of cultivators were to go to another country, there would be a great war. In the cultivation world, it is a huge taboo for a cultivation country to migrate, because migration equates to a large amount of spiritual energy loss, chaos between all of the sects, and a large shift in ownership of spirit stones and magic treasures.

On planet Suzaku, there is a fixed number of cultivation countries. If the volcanoes were to erupt, then the consequence would be a large amount of violent fire element spiritual energy escaping. This violent spiritual energy is impossible to cultivate, so for a long time, cultivators won't be able to survive in Hou Fen.

But luckily, these kinds of things have not happened even once. Every time, the volcanoes would be sealed without any real problems. Even if there were eruptions, they would only affect small areas, not the entire country.

Three hours later, Wang Lin stopped above a main road. If his face was already dark, then when he saw what was on the main road, it turned green.

On the main road were dozens of bodies, as well as several dead horses, on the ground beside a wagon.

Most of the dead bodies were male. Without exception, all of their faces revealed looks of suffering. They were all still holding weapons in their hands. It was clear that they were still fighting when they died.

Wang Lin stopped next to a carriage and waved his hand. A violent wind hit the carriage, causing it to fly into the air. As a dead body fell out from inside it, a flash of red light came out from the corpse, taking the form of a devil. He stared at Wang Lin with a look of terror on his face, but that expression soon turned vicious as he shouted, "You came at a good time. I was about to go find you. These mortals' souls are too plain. I wonder how yours taste."

With that, he jumped at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin was extra careful. He was able to track this devil because he left a mark with his divine sense on all of the beasts he fed the devil with. If he keeps feeding it like that, then no matter how strong the devil gets, he will be able to easily control it. But now time was short, so he could only detect them if they were within a certain distance.

Chapter 134 - National Migration

However, when he was chasing Sun Youcai and met the fire beasts, the devil managed to run away. After Wang Lin came out of the volcano, he used his divine sense to chase after the devil.

After devouring so many mortals, the devil had recovered its cultivation level to the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage and entered the pseudo Core Formation stage. He believed that he was already stronger than Wang Lin, so he attacked.

Wang Lin's gaze became cold as red lightning surged from his eyes. The devil suddenly let out a scream as the lightning struck him. He quickly stopped his attack and retreated. How could Wang Lin let him get away? He took one step forward and grabbed the air with his hand. The attraction force technique activated and caught the devil.

The devil begged for mercy, but Wang Lin didn't pay any attention as his Ji Realm Divine sense repeatedly pierced through the devil. His control was very good; he always stopped just before the devil was about to collapse. This cycle continued until smoke came from the devil's body. His scream became softer and softer until they stopped altogether.

The fear in the devil's eyes deepened even more. After this incident, he truly begun to fear Wang Lin from the bottom of his heart.

Wang Lin's cold eyes revealed a ruthless emotion. He stared at the devil and said, "If this happens again, you're dead!"

The devil trembled in fear as he meekly nodded.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the piece of metal appeared. The devil didn't even need Wang Lin's order, he entered the piece of metal of metal on his own. The piece of metal flashed red a few times before returning to the bag of holding.

Wang Lin looked at the bodies of the people the devil devoured and pondered for a while. His current mentality was night and day compared to how it was back in Zhao. Before, the simple nature of a village boy was still ingrained in Wang Lin's personality, but after the death of his family, that simple nature had disappeared.

The cultivation world was where the strong ruled. If he couldn't even protect himself and his family, then what right did he have to show compassion?

Situ Nan had always wanted to him to walk the demonic path, but Wang Lin always refused it. However, after dying once, he had discarded every reason to refuse it.

"So what if I become a demon?" He let out a cold laugh as he waved his hand and jumped into the air.

Wang Lin circled around a volcano in a deserted area of Hou Fen. After selecting a place, he landed and carved out a cave in the mountain with the piece of metal.

After one hour, the cave was completed, and Wang Lin walked into it. He used the rubble to place a few confusion formations before sealing the cave entrance.

After finishing all of that, he sat down on the ground, pulled out the bags of holding he got from the middle aged man and Sun Youcai, and searched through them for a while. He took out three pieces of jade from them.

He placed the first piece of jade on his forehead. After viewing it for a while, he placed it to the side. This one contained a cultivation method from the Evil Demon sect called No Restraint Cultivation Method.

The Evil Demon Sect was one of the demonic sects in Hou Fen and their cultivation method would make one's skin crawl. This No Restraint Cultivation Method had six level and focused on ruthlessness.

The jade's instructions were: Kill someone, then refine their heart. As you refine their heart, use this experience to transform your own heart into the heart of a killer and walk down the path of ruthlessness. Immerse yourself in the path of ruthlessness to form a Shura soul to replace your Nascent Soul, then this cultivation method is complete.

There was a strict requirement to cultivating this method at the start and that was to kill one person a day. He guessed that the middle aged man was cultivating this method and that this jade came from his bag of holding.

Wang Lin didn't have any interest in this cultivation method, but was interested in some of the techniques. Although these demonic techniques were cruel, they were also very practical.

He picked up a second jade. Its contents made him smile. There was only one technique recorded on this jade. It was named Earth Escape Technique.

This Earth Escape Technique was one of the Five Elements Escape Techniques. Speaking of the Five Elements Escape Techniques, they were extremely famous techniques even back in the ancient cultivation world. After the Cultivation Enion appeared, this technique became extremely rare.

But the Five Element Escape Techniques were too famous and thus countless branches appeared from it. Most of these branches used the name, but they really weren't that much different from any other type of escape techniques.

The jade in Wang Lin's hand didn't contain the real Five Element Escape Technique either. It was slightly more refined than the other imitations. However, just that little refinement created a world of difference.

Time slowly passed as he immersed himself in studying the Earth Escape Technique. It wasn't until the morning of the next day that Wang Lin opened his eyes and revealed a look of understanding. Instead of standing up, he hit the ground with both of his hands. His figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared 30 feet away.

A look of joy appeared on Wang Lin's face as he couldn't help but mutter, "This Ma Liang's body is much stronger than my previous body. Although it is not top grade, it is still middle grade, so it is not hard to learn this Earth Escape Technique. But I will still need to practice for a long period of time to truly master it."

Wang Lin took out the wooden bucket filled with spirit liquid. He drank it all, then began to cultivate. Half an hour later, all of the fatigue from practicing the Earth Escape Technique was gone.

He casually picked up the third jade and looked through it. This jade contained recordings of Sun Youcai's daily activities. It seemed Sun Youcai had a habit of keeping a daily log. This jade roughly contained his 30 years of being a cultivator.

It also contained information on his complicated relationships with several women.

Wang Lin skipped over all these things. What interested him was the summary of all of the pills Sun Youcai had taken in the last ten years. The jade contained information about more than ten different types of pills, including the effects they would have on the body, amount of spiritual energy given, and how fast they would raise his cultivation level.

In addition to these, it contained information on seven or eight pills that he really wanted, but could not get his hands on. After that, he looked through the bags of holding for other things.

Besides a few bottles of pills, Sun Youcai didn't have any magic treasures. If it was before, Wang Lin would have been suspicious, but after reading his logs, he knew that Sun Youcai traded everything he had for pills to increase his cultivation level.

The black-clothed middle-aged man had one thing that caught Wang Lin's attention. It was a yellow paper with a black symbol on it. The symbol released waves of a powerful aura.

Wang Lin knew what this yellow paper was as he had owned one before. It was made by a Core Formation cultivator and contained one of that cultivator's attacks at full power.

Wang Lin couldn't help but sneer as he held the yellow paper. If the middle aged man had been more careful and had taken this out, then he wouldn't have died. But it was obvious that this was the middle aged man's ace in the hole. He wouldn't use it unless it was absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, he met Wang Lin's Ji Realm. Adding on the fact that he underestimated Wang Lin, he didn't even have time to take out this treasure.

Compared to this talisman, nothing else in the bag of holding was worth mentioning. After he finished organizing his spoils, he pointed at his brow and the heaven defying bead floated out.

Wang Lin let out a bitter smile as he looked at the bead. The heaven defying bead had already returned to having five leaves on its surface. Wang Lin pondered a little. The heaven defying bead needed to complete all five elements to release its true power. Water and fire were done and wood was half completed. He still needed earth and metal to complete all five elements.

Wang Lin couldn't wait to see what power this heaven defying bead will have once the five elements are complete. Looking at it now, the only ability it had was access to another space. However, how could a treasure that caused planet Suzaku's number one expert, Situ Nan, to lose his body be this simple?

Staring at the bead, Wang Lin's eyes trembled. He put it back into his brow. Next, he shook his bag of holding and a jade flew out. His divine sense entered the jade. This jade contained the refining technique Yang Xiong had copied for him from the War God Shrine.

This whole time, Wang Lin hadn't found the time to check the jade. Now he could finally study it in peace.

At this moment, the countless volcanoes in Hou Fen emitted black smoke. The smoke became even denser as it spread spiritual energy filled with rage across Hou Fen.

In addition to all of this, the disciples of the various sects noticed the fire beasts at the mouths of the volcanoes. They were all shocked and used various methods to report the information back to their sects.

The four major sects were very used to sealing the volcanos and were very used to the fire beasts. However, only cultivators at the Nascent Soul level knew about them.

At this moment, in the main hall of the War God Shrine, there were four males and two females sitting inside, silently frowning.

One of the old men to the left spoke with with a grim voice, "What does everyone think of this matter?"

"Senior brother Song, I have only seen these fire beasts in some old records. The records only say that they are spirit beasts. The descriptions are overly dramatic, but I believe they shouldn't be ignored. However, since they are spirit beasts, I believe they can be tamed. If the six of us move, we should be fine. I refuse to believe six Nascent Soul cultivators can't deal with mere fire beasts." The person who spoke was a middle aged man. Although his face was gentle and his voice soft, they were filled with pride.

The beautiful woman who met Wang Lin ruthlessly said, "Absurd! Master has met the fire spirit beasts once when they were only at the Core Formation stage. It is a nature fire spirit, so all fire based techniques have no use on them. Only ice-based techniques can hold out for a bit. Don't even talk about killing or taming them."

The middle age man didn't feel embarrassed. He looked at the woman awkwardly and no longer spoke.

"This matter is really simple. The fire spirit beasts have existed for a long time, but they never left the volcanoes. I believe there are some natural restrictions preventing them from leaving. I just need to increase the intensity of the seals. Instead of wasting time here talking, we can be doing that right now. I'll go ahead." The person who spoke waved his sleeves, stood up, and walked out. This person was six feet tall and with a forehead that extended three extra inches forward.

Seeing that everyone went silent, the old man named Song said, "Forget it. I hope that the appearance of the fire beasts won't cause the seals to fail. Let's do what we normally do and seal the volcanoes we are responsible for."

The same scene happened at the Lou He Sect, Evil Demon Sect, and Corpse Sect. The results were roughly the same and all of the Nascent Soul cultivators in Hou Fen went about sealing the volcanoes.

Suddenly, the entire county of Hou Fen could see various Nascent Soul cultivators from different sects floating around volcanos, sealing them. The fluctuations of spiritual energy became more violent in these past few days as well.

As they sealed the volcanoes, all of the Nascent Soul cultivators couldn't help but feel that something was off. Every volcano had countless fire beasts just waiting at their mouths. They didn't stop the sealing or attacked the cultivators, they just waited with cold gazes.

Their actions gave the feeling that they didn't even mind the seals at all. Gradually, the hearts of the Nascent Soul cultivators that had joined the sealing became heavier and heavier. Even those that had optimistic views changed their minds.

Wang Lin wasn't ignorant to all of this while he was immersed in learning how to refine magic treasures. He knew that the fire beasts would appear one day, but he had to wait ten days for Lin Tao to bring him the map. Only at that moment could he leave. It would be too difficult to find a map after entering another country.

There were still four days left before the day Wang Lin was supposed to meet Lin Tao. Wang Lin withdrew his divine sense from the jade. Although he was tired, he revealed a joyous expression. The refining technique was very deep and not something he could master in a short period of time. Once he realized that, he focused his attention on refining flying swords.

After putting away the jade, he waved his hand and the piece of metal immediately flew out of his bag of holding. It circled around his head once before stopping in front of him. After being used so much recently, the piece of metal had shrunk. The edges were all black, which was caused by all of the high speed flying. The edges had melted more and more each time he flew.

Wang Lin pondered for a while, then closed his hands. When he opened them, there were thin lines of spiritual energy between his hands. This was the first step to the War God Shrine's refining technique.

The refining technique from the War God Shrine was different from the traditional refining techniques. It could be said to walk its own path. It didn't involve using fire to refine, placing formations, or mixing materials. Instead, it was a very mysterious system that was like a pegasus appearing out of thin air.

This special system required three steps: adjust, fuse, and harmonize. The War God Shrine also required a very important tool called the reaction furnace that was mentioned many times in the jade.

The effect of the reaction furnace was to stimulate the various elements of each material. Only after successfully creating a reaction furnace could one be considered to have taken the first step in this refining technique.

Both of Wang Lin's hands moved very quickly as the amount of spiritual energy threads between his hands increased. Soon, he formed something like a sheet of cloth made of shining spiritual energy between his hands.

Once this thin cloth of spiritual energy was made, he waved his hands and it floated into the air. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he recalled the methods of making the reaction furnace. There was one very difficult requirement and that was the skull of a spirit beast to use as the body of the furnace.

Wang Lin didn't know that just this requirement caused many disciples in the War God Shrine to be stuck forever.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and slapped his bag of holding. The corpse of a snake with a head and body that were as thick as a small wooden bucket floated out.

This snake came from the bag of holding he got from Xu Hao in the foreign battleground. Wang Lin wasn't sure where he had gotten it and he didn't really care. But now that he needed to make the reaction furnace, he took it out to try.

According to his analysis, this snake was once the pet of some powerful cultivator. Xu Hao got lucky and found its body while cleaning up the foreign battleground.

He carefully cut the snake's head off and got rid of all of the skin and meat. What appeared before him was a oval skull. After removing the insides, the body of a reaction furnace was complete.

Next, Wang Lin carefully controlled the layer of spiritual energy and delicately placed it over the skull. He only heard a snap as cracks appeared on the skull. The cracks increased until the skull broke into pieces.

At this moment, the layer of spiritual energy began to slowly dissipate until it completely disappeared.

The production of the reaction furnace failed.

Wang Lin let out a bitter smile. Although he was disappointed, he was still somewhat prepared for this result. The jade said that the chance of creating the furnace was low. He would need to gain better control over the strands of spiritual energy, but the most important part was still the material for the furnace's body.

It would be best if he could get the skull of a beast that had just died or the skull of a powerful beast. A desolate beast would be even better. If the beast had been dead for a long time, the chance of succeeding was very slow. If it was not a spirit beast, then the success rate was basically zero.

The quality of the reaction furnace will affect his refining capability in the future. The jade repeated this many times.

Wang Lin pondered a bit after the production of the reaction furnace failed. As for spirit beasts, he only had the one snake in his bag. Now that the snake's skull had shattered and there was no way to make a reaction furnace, Wang Lin could only take a step back and look for another way to refine treasures.

He pointed at the piece of metal and it immediately began to spin rapidly. Soon, drops of liquid metal fell from the piece of metal as it shrank. Finally, the piece of metal turned into a puddle of liquid metal. The devil had already left the metal and looked at Wang Lin sheepishly from the side.

The image of the little cyan sword flew out and floated around Wang Lin. He then took out the black sword that belonged to Sun Youcai's senior apprentice brother. This made it easy for Wang Lin.

Wang Lin pointed at the image of the little sword. It flew into the black sword and slowly fused with it. This method was the most direct and the worst type of refining. It really couldn't even be considered refining, more like finding a new body for your flying sword, much like how cultivators possess bodies.

Wang Lin frowned as he tested the flying sword. The sword was much faster than the piece of metal, but still far from what it was back in Zhao. However, this was the best result he could get for now.

The devil didn't wait for Wang Lin's order and obediently entered the flying sword. Wang Lin put away the flying sword. He did some calculations to figure out the time for a bit, then took a break to cultivate. After recovering his spiritual energy, he took a step without any hesitation and disappeared.

Wang Lin didn't know that during the few days he had been in closed door training, some earth-shattering changes had occurred in Hou Fen.

The source of this change was a volcano a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Lou He Sect was sealing off. One of the volcanoes he had sealed suddenly erupted, spewing lava hundreds of feet into the air.

At the same time, large amounts of black smoke filled the sky. This wasn't much, but what caused the Nascent Soul cultivator's scalp to go numb were the countless fire beasts that charged out with the lava.

Among these spirit beasts, there was one that was especially large. After the Nascent Soul cultivator fought the giant fire beasts, he found that he was no match and escaped with injuries.

Luckily, the fire beast didn't chase him. It went to destroy the seals on the other volcanoes instead. Suddenly, many volcanoes across Hou Fen erupted, filling the air with violent spiritual energy. If anyone were to cultivate that spiritual energy right now, if they were lucky, they would just go mad, but if they were not, they would burn themselves to death.

The moment this happened, the entire country of Hou Fen went into chaos. The first to be affected were the mortals as they couldn't defend against the fire beasts at all. All of the mortals were moving out of the country.

Second were the various small and medium sects and families. They all looked toward the four main sects to see if they were fighting or running.

The Nascent Soul cultivators of the four sects met at the War God Shrine. After reporting the news to the upper cultivation country, they gave out the order to migrate.

After all, there was a chance that the rank 4 cultivation country would show up at any time. Even if they were to win, their losses would be heavy and they were likely to drop back down to rank 2.

Bordering Hou Fen was the country of Xuan Wu. Compared to Hou Fen, Xuan Wu was much messier as there were a lot more sects there.

When Wang Lin exited the cave, it was just as the four main sects were migrating. A migration of sects sounded simple, but because such a thing rarely happened, it was anything but. Because of the fire beasts' constant attacks, the sects had to keep sending out disciples to hold them off.

As a result, once the four main sects finally grouped together, adding on the various other families, they formed a group of 20,000 plus cultivators. At this point, not only had all of the fire beasts broken open the seals on all of the volcanoes, they also formed a 100,000 fire beast army, which was closing in.

After several large battles, the cultivators broke out of the encirclement. They left behind a group to hold off the fire beasts as everyone else closed in on Xuan Wu.

The moment Wang Lin left the cave, his pupils shrank as he saw seven or eight cultivators get jumped on by fire beasts and instantly die.