

Chapter 1041 - Inside the Deep Pit


"And also Zhou Ru… She unexpectedly became Liu Mei's disciple. There must be some secret behind this. Liu Mei's is far too cunning…"

After pondering for a long time, Wang Lin suppressed the complex feelings he had from seeing Liu Mei. He withdrew his gaze from the sky and felt the powerful origin energy throughout his body.

"Peak of Nirvana Scryer!" Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly. It was useless to think about other things. He was still inside the Celestial Emperor Cave, so he need to solve the immediate problem first.

"Everything in this world contains law. The sky, the earth, the five elements, everything contains its own law. If one wants to understand them all, it would take far too much time. The power of a person is limited, so it would be impossible to grasp everything." Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he pondered.

"So the Nirvana Cleanser and even those old Nirvana Shatterer monsters often have a law they are most proficient in. For example, Master Flamespark is most proficient in the law of fire…"

While Wang Lin pondered, thunder shot out from his right eye. The thunder rumbled out from Wang Lin's right eye and formed a bright ball of thunder.

There was a vague phantom inside the ball of thunder. It looked exactly like Wang Lin's ancient thunder dragon origin soul. It seemed like a phantom of it had appeared inside the ball of thunder.

Wang Lin stared at the ball of thunder until the way he saw it vaguely changed. However, it didn't turn into lines like everything else. Although it became more transparent, no laws appeared within it.

"I only obtained half of the ancient thunder dragon and half of it disappeared into the Tide Abyss. As a result, the power of thunder is incomplete and even the law within is imperfect."

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin squeezed the air and the ball of thunder scattered into countless bolts of thunder. At this moment, flames came out of Wang Lin's left eye, forming a sea of flames.

There was the phantom of a Vermillion Bird within the sea of flames.

Wang Lin looked closely and then the Vermillion Bird turned transparent. The endless sea of flames turned into red lines that Wang Lin could see clearly.

"According to my understanding of cultivation, to reach the Nirvana Cleanser stage, I must completely master one of these laws. Then I can use this law to absorb origin energy from the world and make it so the origin energy in my body never runs out.

"The strength of Nirvana Cleanser cultivators is greatly related to the law they choose."

Wang Lin waved his hand and scattered the sea of flames, then his eyes returned to normal.

"The laws I'm the most familiar with are thunder and fire. However, I just obtained fire and am not yet familiar enough with it. I need to comprehend it more before I can use it to break through to the Nirvana Cleanser stage.


"However, breaking through like this will cause me to lose the power of thunder. If I have to give that up to reach the Nirvana Cleanser stage, there will be regrets. If I can fuse fire and thunder and use that to reach Nirvana Cleanser stage, that power should be really strong."

Wang Lin moved while pondering and stepped into the deep pit. He directly went into the cave and arrived next to his original body.

The woman in silver was still guarding on the side. When she saw Wang Lin's avatar, her expression didn't change. Wang Lin ignored her and fused with his original body.

A moment later, Wang Lin slowly opened his eyes, and the killing aura withdrew as he returned to his normal self. His eyes lit up and he stood up.

"The Vermillion Bird I saw when I borrowed the heaven defying bead's power was exactly the same as my tattoo. I believe there is a connection…" Wang Lin walked out of the fractured cave. The woman in silver silently followed, and her gaze fell on Wang Lin's back. There was a trace of confusion in her eyes.

Just as he walked out from the cave, Wang Lin immediately retreated a step and exclaimed.

A ray of ghostly light came from the deep pit. It moved in a line and headed straight for Wang Lin. The moment Wang Lin retreated, it arrived near him.

It had slightly messy black feathers, but its eyes were still filled with intelligence. It was the Star-Marked Sable!

The sable looked very adorable. When it got close, it hung onto Wang Lin's clothes with its mouth and swung around like a swing. It also released crisp cries as it did so.

After swinging around a few times, the Star-Marked Sable borrowed the swinging force to land on Wang Lin's shoulder. It wiped its face with its claws a few times before moving closer to Wang Lin's neck and sniffing constantly.

The Star-Marked Sable liked the aura of an ancient god the most. During the time when ancient gods were still around, the Star-Marked Sable was one of the few spirit beasts the ancient gods really liked. Wang Lin had memories of this from his inheritance.

The ancient gods' aura was very beneficial to the Star-Marked Sable. If they stayed around an ancient god long enough, then it would greatly reduce their growth period. It would also cause the Star-Marked Sable to undergo metamorphosis.

Even during ancient times, a Star-Marked Sables was a powerful ally for an ancient god once it went through metamorphosis. However, it was very difficult for a Star-Marked Sable to undergo metamorphosis. It would require them to absorb the aura of an ancient god for a very long time.

Remembering what the Star-Marked Sable looked like after it had gone through metamorphosis from Ti Su's memories made Wang Lin reveal a strange expression. After looking at the Star-Marked Sable on his shoulder, that strange expression became even stronger.

"In Tu Si's memories, every ancient god with a Star-Marked Sable that had undergone metamorphosis cherished them greatly. They treated the sable like a treasure and wouldn't allow anyone to hurt it. They would become furious if an outsider even touched the sable."

As the sable sniffed Wang Lin's aura, its intelligence eyes were filled with excitement. It decided to simply lie on Wang Lin's shoulder.

Wang Lin raised his hand and grabbed the small sable from his shoulder. The small sable seemed very dissatisfied, and his claw grabbed hold of Wang Lin's cloth. It roared at Wang Lin as if it was brooding from having to leave Wang Lin's shoulder.

Wang Lin held the Star-Marked Sable before his face and took a closer look. He had seen this sable hundreds of years ago when he first arrived on planet Tian Yun, and he had taken a liking to it back then. He never would've thought the sable would come to him hundreds of years later.

This sable was very exquisite, and its intelligent eyes looked at Wang Lin while Wang Lin looked at it. After a long time, the sable grew impatient. Wang Lin revealed a smile and let go of his hand. The small sable immediately returned to Wang Lin's shoulder. It sniffed around and looked very comfortable.



No longer paying any more attention to the small sable, Wang Lin was about to leave here. He was going to explore the Celestial Emperor Cave using the map in the jade.

However, just as he stepped out, the Star-Marked Sable immediately looked down into the deep pit. Its eyes lit up, then it flew out and roared a few times at Wang in before it flew down into the pit.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he looked down at the deep pit. After pondering a bit, he descended along with the Star-Marked Sable.

"Star-Marked Sables like the aura of ancient gods the most. Could it be that there is something that belonged to an ancient god down buried under the Celestial Burial Pool?" Wang Lin immediately thought of the red tendon that trapped the Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor.

This pit seemed bottomless. No matter how much Wang Lin descended, it seemed like he was no closer to the end. The cold energy coming from the bottom became even more intense until a layer of frost appeared on the walls of the pit.

It was as if there was an endless abyss down there. Although Wang Lin looked calm, he was extremely cautious. The Star-Marked Sable was obviously very familiar with this place and had long disappeared.

The deeper he went, the colder it became. Every time he exhaled, it looked like gas dragons were rushing out of his nose. The surrounding walls were covered in ice. Sharp icicles were sticking out from the side of the wall in a ring formation.

Wang Lin controlled his descending speed. After an unknown amount of time, the Star-Marked Sable flew out like a ray of ghostly light and landed on the ice. It jumped off it and landed on Wang Lin's shoulder.

Slivers of cold energy came from the Star-Marked Sable, but none of this caught Wang Lin's attention. Right now his eyes were locked on the thing below.

When the Star-Marked Sable closed in, Wang Lin vaguely felt a gaze that pierced through all obstacles and landed on him.

Wang Lin stared at the bottom and remained motionless. After a long time, his origin energy began to move and two balls of flames appeared in his eyes. The flames came out of his eyes and turned into a sea of flames, spreading downwards.

Borrowing the light from the sea of flames, even the darkness that his divine sense couldn't penetrate scattered a bit. Wang Lin descended downwards. That gaze made a big doubt appear in his heart, and he vaguely had some speculations.

As he descended, there was more and more ice around. After seven minutes, Wang Lin was at the bottom of the pit. At this point, he could clearly see everything below him, and it was a world of ice. Large ice blocks surrounded the area, making this palce look extremely dangerous.

There was a lifelike corpse inside each ice block. Their bodies were frozen right before they died. This quiet, deep pit where no one could reach caused a chill to arise in Wang Lin's heart.

The people inside the ice weren't enough to shock Wang Lin. What really shocked him was the existence deeper down. It was sealed by all the surrounding ice, leaving only some small gaps.

This was the source of that gaze!

Wang Lin clearly saw what was below through the gaps in the glacier. At this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Below the gaps between the glaciers, down in the depths of the pit, there was something thousands of feet tall!

This giant thing was a skull! The skull of an ancient god! The skull was frozen, but its expression was clear. The eyes, which weren't closed, were filled with regret and anger.

The gaze Wang Lin felt earlier came from this skull.

Although countless years had passed and the ancient god was already dead and without a trace of any ancient god power left, his gaze before he died was still so lifelike that it would startle anyone who saw it! Only traces of eight broken stars remained.

Chapter 1042 - Iron Sword


Looking at the ancient god head filled with regret and anger, Wang Lin silently pondered. After experiencing so much, Wang Lin understood that the ancient gods weren't an eternal existences among the stars. However, they were the strongest clan!

The ancient god clan from back then was almost extinct. Wang Lin didn't believe that it was due to cultivators. Even the powerful Thunder Celestial Realm had to use so much power to fight a weak 8-star ancient god. Only with countless celestials attacking did they manage to win with heavy losses.

What kind of power could still cut off the head of this ancient god after he had shattered all eight stars?

Although shattering eight stars at once wasn't enough to reach the power of a 9-star ancient god, it was still enough to destroy the heavens and earth.

While pondering, Wang Lin slowly descended and arrived next to a block of ice that was blocking the way. Origin energy surged out from his arm and into the ice.

In an instant, fire appeared on the edge of the ice and even inside it. In an instant, the ice turned into white mist and floated up into the sky.

The celestial corpses were immediately turned to dust by the flames and scattered.

After opening a passage, Wang Lin closed in on the giant ancient god head. While he examined the head up close, the pressure of facing a real 8-star ancient god suddenly pressed down.

After letting out a sigh, Wang Lin slowly descended down the ancient god head to where it was cut off. The ancient god head was wrapped in a thick layer of ice. The cut on the neck was extremely clean and smooth.

Staring at the neck of the ancient god, while his expression remained calm, his pupils shrank and shock filled his heart.

From the looks of this wound, this ancient god had his head cut off in an instant. There was no pause and it was an extremely clean cut!

The meaning of this wound made Wang Lin's scalp tingle. He couldn't imagine who had the power to cut off an ancient god's head clean off with one spell!

"Could it have been Qing Lin?" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He was aghast at the situation. If Qing Lin had this kind of power, he was far too strong and already surpassed Wang Lin's imagination.

Wang Lin's expression became gloomy as his divine sense carefully spread out around the head. After a scan, he found nothing abnormal and began to carefully examine the wound. After a long time, Wang Lin exclaimed. He moved closer to the ice, and his eyes were like lightning as he stared at the wound.

Deep within the edge of the wound, there were some dark red crystal particles. If one didn't look carefully, it was easy to confuse it with clogged blood.





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"This is…" Wang Lin silently pondered as he raised his hand and placed it on the ice. He carefully spread out his origin energy and filled his right hand with it. Large amounts of white mist appeared under his right hand. He carefully controlled his origin energy to melt a hole in the ice.

This gap was like a tunnel that extended to the wound on the ancient god's neck. Wang Lin then created a suction force to pull one of the crystal particles into his hand.

His fingers held the dark red crystal particles and his divine sense slowly scanned it. As he carefully observed, Wang Lin was gradually able to see an invisible energy inside. This energy seemed to be slowly moving within the crystal and could dissipate at any time.

Wang Lin's divine sense surrounded the invisible energy, and after pondering a bit, his divine sense moved toward the invisible energy to investigate.

However, just as his divine sense entered, he suddenly felt an indescribable pressure coming from the invisible energy. It was as if Wang Lin had left this world. The entire universe was dark, and only the pressure from this invisible energy existed.

This aura was so strong that just a small sliver had made Wang Lin gasp and almost subconsciously retreat. However, he forced himself to hold on and began to carefully observe it.

The more he observed, the more he frowned. Even after over 1,000 years of cultivation, he had never encountered such a strange invisible energy.

This wasn't celestial spiritual energy or spiritual energy. It didn't even have the slightest connection to origin energy.

However, when he carefully observed it, he could see that it contained celestial spiritual energy, spiritual energy, and origin energy, along with another energy he wasn't able to understand.

It was a pile of things thrown together, yet they were perfectly combined, which caused Wang Lin a lot of confusion.

What terrified Wang Lin even more was that even within this small trace of energy, there was law. It was this law that made Wang Lin's scalp tingle.

There wasn't just one law, but countless laws! Almost all the countless laws Wang Lin had seen with the help of the heaven defying bead was inside. There were many laws Wang Lin hadn't seen within it as well.

Wang Lin carefully withdrew his divine sense. His face was somewhat pale as he stared at the crystal. At this moment, he felt like he wasn't holding an insignificant crystal particle but a powerful bomb.

It was this power that cut the head of the ancient god, and it was not Qing Lin who possessed this power! Wang Lin stared at the crystal in his hand and thought back to planet Suzaku, when he fought against the heavens to save Li Muwan.

The messenger of the heavens was unexpectedly an ancient god, an ancient god with his stars sealed. At that time, although Wang Lin was shocked, his cultivation level was too low to comprehend it. Thinking about it now, it wasn't just shocking, there was a heaven-shattering secret behind this!

What kind of power could seal an ancient god and control him to become a messenger of the heavens? The answer came out almost immediately!

"Heavens' dao!" Wang Lin stared at the crystal in his hand. The moment he felt this invisible energy, his intuition told him that it was related to the seal on the ancient god who was the messenger of the heavens.

However, the heavens' dao was an ethereal thing, so how could it do all of this? Wang Lin silently pondered and recalled what Ancient Demon Bei Lou had said about the Ancient Order's secret and how they defied the heavens.



Closing his eyes, an image seemed to appear within Wang Lin's mind. An 8-star ancient god was rampaging across the endless stars, but at this moment, an indescribable force descended from the heavens. In order to resist, the 8-star ancient god shattered all his stars, but his head was still cut off!

Then the head was obtained by the Celestial Realm and placed here for an unknown reason. The force that cut the head off this ancient god didn't dissipate with time. Instead, it became these crystals.

Wang Lin didn't know if any of this was true or false; he merely speculated from what he knew. He opened his eyes. After pondering a bit, he carefully put the crystal into his bag.

There were still some crystals in the neck inside the ice. Wang Lin carefully pulled the crystals out and put them inside his bag.

He was very careful during this entire process and pulled them one by one. Including the previous one, there was a total of 23.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin stared at the wound at the ancient god's neck. There were no more crystals remaining. After pondering a bit, Wang Lin was about to leave, but his eyes suddenly narrowed and he stared into the wound on the neck. For a moment, he felt liek there was a red flash.

His divine sense spread out but found nothing.

After pondering a bit, origin energy filled Wang Lin's right hand and the fire origin energy reached the ice. There were some cracking sounds as his origin energy tunnelled through the ice and spread toward it.

As the tunnel extended forward, Wang Lin stared forward without blinking. Soon, the tunnel extended deep into the ice block.

At this instant, Wang Lin saw the thing that caused the red flash!

It was an iron sword that was covered by countless red lines. These red lines were moving and entangled around the sword.

This iron sword looked very ordinary; there was nothing abnormal about it. However, when Wang Lin saw the iron sword, he immediately felt like it was very familiar, as if he had seen something like it before.

Before he could remember where he had seen this iron sword, he immediately felt a terrifying danger from the red lines around the iron sword.

Wang Lin's expression changed. When his divine sense swept by with the ice in the way, he couldn't see the iron sword or the red lines. However, now that the ice had melted, they appeared clearly before his eyes.

Due to caution, Wang Lin's divine sense slowly spread out and again he couldn't detect the iron sword or red lines. It was the same as before, and there was no abnormality with the head. However, he could clearly see the iron sword and red lines with his eyes, which made Wang Lin extremely vigilant.

Wang Lin calmly retreated. The iron sword and the red lines around it were too strange. It was best not to mess with them.

While he retreated, his eyes were still on the iron sword. There were some rust on the iron sword, as if it was a mortal object.

"Very familiar…" Wang Lin suddenly stopped and felt as if a bolt of thunder had exploded in his mind. His eyes suddenly widened as he stared at the iron sword and sucked in a breath of cold air. He remembered!

Back on planet Suzaku, inside the Suzaku Tomb, he saw the same iron sword, only the rust markings on it were different! That iron sword was taken by Tuo Sen's messenger. The ecstasy on the messenger's face was something Wang Lin clearly remembered even now!

Chapter 1043 - Obtaining the Sword Through Danger


The moment Wang Lin recognized the iron sword, he stopped moving and revealed a hint of hesitation.

After cultivating to this point, Wang Lin knew that his memory inheritance was incomplete and was missing an extremely important part. It was likely that the information about this iron sword was recorded there. That memory was in Tuo Sen's hands, so perhaps he knew the origin of the iron sword.

However, an iron sword that would even make Tuo Sen reveal ecstasy couldn't be simple!

Although it wasn't the same iron sword as before, it looked exactly the same.

"Should I take it?" Wang Lin hesitated as he moved his gaze from the iron sword to the red lines. A terrifying aura came from the red lines, giving Wang Lin a constant sense of crisis.

Wang Lin didn't know what the red lines were, but he could clearly feel their terrifying power. If he were to leave now, he would not arouse the attention of the red lines and would move on safely.

However, if he were to take the iron sword from them, then it was likely the red lines would attack him.

Given Wang Lin's personality, he would naturally not risk it against the unknown. However, the iron sword before him tempted him greatly.

After struggling for a moment, Wang Lin revealed a decisive gaze. Wealth was obtained in danger. If he were to leave now, although he'd be safe, he would miss out on this iron sword.

Moreover, this was the Celestial Emperor Cave. If he didn't take it now, it might be very difficult to return here later. Wang Lin was unwilling to leave empty-handed after encountering a treasure.

After making a decision, Wang Lin looked up the pit. From here, he could see that the top was sealed by ice glaciers that were densely packed together, leaving only few small, twisted paths for people to pass through.

After calculating the distance, he descended and thought for a moment. Then he suddenly jerked his head and stared at the iron sword deep inside the ice.

He clenched his teeth, his hands formed a seal, and flames appeared in his eyes. At this moment, his full peak Nirvana Scryer cultivation exploded. The five stars between his eyebrows appeared and rotated rapidly and popping sounds came from his body.

The ancient god power entered his limbs and he mercilessly clenched his fist. Feeling as if he controlled the heavens, Wang Lin no longer hesitated. His right arm extended out.

At this instant, the flames in his eyes shot out and his origin energy gathered in his right hand. As he reached out, a monstrous sea of flames appeared before his right hand!

The right hand formed a seal and the sea of flames shot toward the head. The flames covered the head, and the ice immediately began to melt on a massive scale. Flames immediately entered the tunnel in the ice near the wound made by Wang Lin earlier.

The flames instantly arrived near the iron sword.


The red lines immediately shook and stretched straight. Large amounts of branches extended from the red lines, and they sprayed a large amount of red mist at the flames.

There was a heaven-shaking bang as the sea of flames was extinguished by the red mist and pushed back. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he didn't hesitate to spit out a mouthful of essence origin energy.

After the essence origin energy appeared, it was like pouring oil into fire. Large amounts of cracks appeared in the ice and then the ice suddenly collapsed!

Countless burning ice shards scattered in all directions and collided with the ice blocks nearby. Now that the ice was gone, the ancient god head appeared clearly before Wang Lin.

It had been in the ice for so long that the moment the ice was gone, the ancient god head began to rot.

At the same time, the smell of rotting flesh filled the area. The ancient god head rapidly decayed and soon became a giant skull!

This skull was completely black and there was an impressive red mist inside the skull that was constantly swaying. The red lines' origin was inside this red mist, and some of the lines were still wrapped around the iron sword.

The moment the ice collapsed, Wang Lin turned into a shadow and rushed in. He directly grabbed the iron sword.

The moment he grabbed the iron sword, the origin energy inside his body surged out without hesitation. The origin energy immediately turned into a sea of flames around him. The flames also went into the iron sword and immediately surrounded the red lines that were wrapped around the iron sword.

At the same time, Wang Lin's left hand formed a fist and his ancient god power filled his left hand. He immediately threw a punch. As he punched, the ancient god phantom appeared behind him and also threw a punch.

A few of the red lines around the iron sword immediately shattered when they were hit by the ancient god punch and the sea of flames. The other lines also retracted a bit.

With a roar from Wang Lin, he pulled his right hand back and the iron sword escaped the entanglement of the red lines. Wang Lin truly held the sword in his hand now.

There was a flash of light before it disappeared as Wang Lin placed it inside his bag. Wang Lin did all of this without hesitation. Then he kicked off and flew up toward the exit above.

Wang Lin's ancient god punch and sea of flames landed on the red mist. The red mist suddenly expanded to collide with the sea of flames, then a thunderous rumble began to echo.

The red mist completely disappeared, revealing a phantom inside. It was impossible to see if this phantom was male or female, and it was surrounded by countless red lines. The phantom slowly opened its eyes and coldly looked at the escaping Wang Lin before letting out an intimidating roar.

As it roared, countless cracks appeared on the surrounding ice blocks. At this moment, all of the ice crumbled, and the corpses inside them seemed to become alive. They were each surrounded by a red glow.

Pairs of red gazes appeared in this deep pit and locked onto Wang Lin, who was charging out of the pit.


A roar like that of a fierce beast echoed within the pit. It was similar to the roar from the phantom. The roar echoed and formed a storm that swept upwards.

Deep within the pit, the roar echoed violently. All of the celestial corpses that awakened charged at Wang Lin, who was below them.



At this moment, Wang Lin was floating in the air, and the strange phantom below him charged at him. The red lines were all swaying; just looked at them would give you a sense of strangeness.

This strange phantom was half transparent and it had no internal organs; there was just a red vortex inside its body.

It was so fast that it closed in on Wang Lin in a flash.

At this moment, there were countless corpses with red eyes above, and that strange phantom below. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he charged up without hesitation.

The corpses weren't nimble. Although they were ferocious, they were not smart. Their cultivation levels were also limited, only around the Yin and Yang stage.

Wang Lin's could see red lines flicker between their eyebrows with his peak Nirvana Scryer cultivation.

This moment of crisis made it so Wang Lin couldn't think too much. Flying at full speed, he moved like a shadow and instantly crossed path with a few of the corpses coming at him.

When they passed by, Wang Lin's right hand formed a sword and quickly pointed between the eyebrows of these corpses.

Rumbling sounds echoed as the corpse caught on fire and became like fireballs. The red lines between their eyebrows slowly disappeared.

Wang Lin continued to move forward without pausing. His peak Nirvana Scryer cultivation worked at its peak and flames surrounded his body. Whenever he encountered a corpse, he would point at them.

As the sea of flames rushed forward, the corpses were turned into burning corpses. They all shattered and the red lines inside them were destroyed.

As the phantom chased, its eyes became even colder, and it continued to roar. The lines from its body unexpectedly turned into swords that shot at Wang Lin at an even faster speed.

Along the way, Wang Lin moved like water. After destroying dozens of corpses, there were still countless corpses above him. Below, the phantom was chasing like crazy, and those swords were closing in. Even Wang Lin felt his scalp tingle at all of this. As the swords closed in, Wang Lin's right eye flash blue and the azure light shield appeared to block the swords.

Popping sounds echoed like thunderous roars. The azure light shield was pushed back toward Wang Lin. Seeing the phantom closing in, Wang Lin's eyes revealed a trace of madness, and his right hand formed a seal and he shouted, "Call the Wind!"

Black wind suddenly appeared from his right hand. This black wind wasn't as cold as before, but it contained a powerful heat. The black wind turned into five dragons, and up charged upwards with a roar.

These five black dragons were all covered in burning flames as if they became purple. As they charged upwards, thunderous rumbles echoed within the pit.

This place was immediately filled with unimaginable heat, but this heat had no effect on Wang Lin. His eyes seemed to contain fire as he charged out.

As the heat charged up, the five black flame dragon broke through with ease. All of the corpses were torn apart and devoured by them. All of the glaciers melted and waves of white gas floated upwards.

Those corpse that jumped down attempting to stop Wang Lin collapsed under the attack of the five black flaming dragons. The five dragons charged up like crazy, and Wang Lin's speed reached its limit inside the flames.

Wang Lin used his peak Nirvana Scryer cultivation and his ancient god body without holding back. The Star-Marked Sable on his shoulder was clinging to his clothes with its cloth and holding onto Wang Lin's hair with its mouth. There was fear within its intelligent eyes.

The flames continued to charge upward, it came faster and more fierce as it went out. Soon, they became a pillar of flames that pierced through the entire pit.

The flames charged out from the pit like an erupting volcano. Wang Lin's body was surrounded by the five black flame dragons when he left the deep pit and suddenly looked down.

Chapter 1044 - Confusion


The phantom chased closely after Wang Lin. Its cold and ruthless eyes were locked onto Wang Lin as it charged upwards.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, and he raised his right hand and pointed downwards.

The five black flame dragons suddenly let out roars and charged down into the deep pit. At this moment, it looked like the erupting volcano had suddenly reversed. The flames that erupted out were all surging back in.

Dense heat waves charged down. The five black flame dragons charged into the pit in the blink of an eye. They rushed at the phantom and attempted to devour it.


An earth-shattering sound echoed, and the entire cave and the earth shook violently. The five black flame dragons were like five bolts of black thunder. They exploded when they came in contact with the phantom, causing this unimaginable explosion.

The thunderous rumble fused with its own echoes become the only sound that could be heard as it spread.

Large amounts of rocks fell off the walls of the pit, making it seem as if the pit itself was collapsing. Flashes of flames and angry roars came from the pit.

Wang Lin didn't examine the result of the fight. He raised his hand and used Summon the Rain. Raindrops suddenly appeared. The countless rain crystals floating around Wang Lin looked very beautiful.

The drops of rain filled the entire cave and seemed to be everywhere. It made the entire cave feel really damp. They were also able to absorb traces of origin energy, causing each raindrop to become incredibly powerful.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. After the black flame dragons had charged down into the pit, Wang Lin's hand formed a seal and he pointed down. All the raindrops began crashing down like meteors toward the collapsing pit.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!

The violent rumbles reached a peak when Summon the Rain fell down into the pit. Each raindrop contained Wang Lin's origin energy, so they were extremely hot. When each drop landed on the rocks, the rocks would turn red and then be burned to ashes.

Most of the rocks that fell off the pit were pierced by the raindrops. As a result, there were sizzling sounds and large amounts of gas.

This seems like a lot, but it wasn't enough to show Wang Lin's current peak Nirvana Scryer cultivation. When he was at the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer, his spells already contained a certain amount of power. Now that he had reached the peak of the Nirvana Scryer stage, he was able to reveal some of the true strength of the spells that Bai Fan loved to use.






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After he used Summon the Rain, the countless raindrops fell, causing the collapse of the pit to reach a limit. The endless rumbles continued as countless rocks fell in an attempt to fill in the pit!

Along with Call the Wind, these two spells from Bai Fan went through a change. Wang Lin didn't have time to observe this change. After using Summon the Rain, he immediately charged toward the restriction in the palace.

Earlier, Wang Lin had memorized the map. Not only did the map have details of the path to take, even the restrictions were marked.

At this moment, there was a bamboo forest before Wang Lin. The bamboo forest looked very beautiful, but Wang Lin knew that there were tens of thousands of restrictions inside. If one of these restrictions were triggered, the rest would immediately activate and destroy anyone that entered.

Wang Lin moved like lightning and charged into the bamboo forest. Just as he entered, there was a loud bang behind him.

Shortly after, an angry roar echoed. The phantom had broken though everything Wang Lin had thrown at it and charged out from the deep pit.

This phantom was still translucent, but a majority of the red lines around it had been broken. It looked like it was in a sorry state. It seemed Wang Lin's attack earlier had done a number on it.

After charging out from the deep pit, it immediately saw Wang Lin closing in on the bamboo forest. Killing intent filled his eyes and it let out a roar at Wang Lin.


The roar shook the world, and some of the surrounding restrictions were triggered by this roar. However, before their full power could be displayed, they all shattered one by one.

Even the ground began to crack like crazy, and a gust of wind charged into the high heavens.

Twisted ripples appeared before this phantom along with the roar. It stepped into the ripples and then charged at Wang Lin like crazy.

Even until now, Wang Lin didn't know what it was. Although it was human-shaped, it had a strange appearance, especially its eyes. If you looked at its eyes, you wouldn't think it was a person.

Although Wang Lin was escaping, he had never lost track of this phantom with his divine sense. Wang Lin still hadn't seen this phanom use a spell. Even when it fired the red lines from its body, it was more of an instinctual move.

The more he observed, the stranger he found it. What made him really worry was the fact this thing was living inside the head of the ancient god!!

"Did it exist before the ancient god died, or did it enter after the ancient god died? If it entered after the ancient god died, then it won't be much of an issue. But if it was there before, then was it related to the death of the 8-star ancient god? Could the death of the 8-star ancient god not be related to the ethereal heavens' dao like I thought?"

Wang Lin knew that his speculation before was a bit absurd, so much so that even he wasn't sure. After seeing this humanoid phantom, he was even less sure of his previous speculation.

What exactly happened back then? Who killed this 8-star ancient god and cut off the head? Why did the celestials obtain this head? What made Wang Lin doubt himself even more was if the celestials had the head, why didn't they notice the iron sword?



Also, why didn't they take the iron sword?

Many questions filled Wang Lin's head, but he had no time to think about it. The roar of the phantom was closing in. Wang Lin turned around and stared at the phantom that was rapidly closing in before he stepped into the bamboo forest.

All of this was planned by Wang Lin. Even this bamboo forest was something Wang Lin had checked before in the map.

The moment Wang Lin entered the bamboo forest, he suddenly disappeared.

The humanoid phantom's roar echoed and charged at the bamboo forest. However, it suddenly stopped outside the bamboo forest. It coldly stared at the bamboo forest and revealed a hint of caution.

However, a moment later, the caution disappeared and was replaced with anxiety. It let out a few roars as it circled the bamboo forest. The red lines around it began to curve, then it stopped hesitating and charge into the bamboo forest.

With a flash, that humanoid phantom disappeared.

The moment it reappeared, there was a flash of light behind the bamboo forest, and Wang Lin stepped out. He carefully looked at where the humanoid phantom disappeared and then at the bamboo forest before he cautiously took a step to the side.

With one step, his vision suddenly blurred. When he regained his vision, he had already exited this bamboo forest.

Although it was difficult for Wang Lin to break the restrictions here with his current understanding of restrictions, he could enter some of the restrictions without activating them. This was all thanks to the information from the map

For example, the bamboo forest was like this.

"Although this bamboo forest is strong, that humanoid phantom is even stronger. This restriction probably won't be able to trap it for long. It is best I leave as soon as possible and enter the depths of this cave." Wang Lin looked ahead at the many pavilions before him. A dark fog shrouded the area.

From afar, one could see the corner of a palace from within the dark fog.

That was the center of this entire cave, but Wang Lin knew that it was only the entrance to the second floor. Before he saw the map, Wang Lin was somewhat confused by this cave and didn't know where to go.

However, now, aside from the last few floors, he knew the structure of the entire cave. There was a total of nine floors, and each floor had completely different architecture. The restrictions got stronger with each floor as well.

The restrictions on the first floor were already not weak, but as one went deeper, the strength of the restrictions would reach a terrifying level.

"This is the real Celestial Emperor Cave. Originally, when you entered from the outside, you would be transferred here. However, the transfer earlier was interrupted by the scattered devil with the bottle, so everyone was transferred into the bottle world. After we left, he summoned the Celestial Burial Pool and caused it collapse to scatter everyone once more. His purpose was to make us get lost within the Celestial Emperor Cave." Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Although he had a map, it wasn't complete; it only contained the map for the first seven floors. The last two floors seemed to have been wiped out of the jade by someone.

Wang Lin had noticed this when he first obtained the jade, and after comparing it to the Celestial Emperor Cave, he was even more certain.

While pondering, Wang Lin raised his foot and walked forward. After the bamboo forest, there was a small paved road. It was paved with large pieces of celestial jade and gave off a gentle glow.

Standing on the road, Wang Lin carefully looked at the black fog before him before he charged straight ahead.

Chapter 1045 - Pseudo Nirvana Void


There were countless flowers planted on the sides of the path. There were many different types of flowers, and they looked very beautiful. However, they were filled with restrictions, and one touch could activate them. They either attacked, trapped, or transported you to another place.

If one didn't know any of this, they would find it hard to move an inch in the Celestial Emperor Cave. Even the celestial jades on this road were filled with restrictions. If one's feet didn't land in the proper order, depending on the direction they were walking, the restrictions would activate.

However, none of these were too dangerous to Wang Lin. Although the map didn't contain the method to breaking them, it did have detailed explanations about them.

If others obtained this information, it might not be useful. However, Wang Lin was a restriction grandmaster, so with this information, he would be able to find the solution at a glance. This saved a lot of work.

However, with Wang Lin's personality, he didn't completely trust the map in the jade. Although he moved fairy quickly, he constantly checked if the information from the map was accurate.

While he moved, he slapped his bag of holding and the iron sword he had just stolen from the phantom appeared in his hand. His divine sense spread out across the sword. Although it looked normal, Wang Lin's divine sense encountered a powerful resistance.

It was as if there was power hidden inside that prevented any divine sense from penetrating it.

In particular, the resistance from the rust marks was the strongest. After withdrawing his divine sense, Wang Lin pondered.

"What kind of sword is this?" Staring at the rust marks, Wang Lin remembered the expression Tuo Sen's messenger had when he saw the same iron sword. He looked as if he had found a heavenly treasure, but what Tuo Sen's messenger was looking at was not the iron sword itself. He was looking at the rust marks on the sword.

Wang Lin's gaze remained on the rust as lifted his left hand and gently wiped the rust marks. He raised his left hand and found some red rust stains on his hand.

He placed it next to his nose and immediately smelled a faint fishy smell.

"It is only ordinary rust." Wang Lin frowned and lowered his left hand. However, just as his hand moved, there was a tearing sound and a crack appeared where his left hand passed.

What shocked Wang Lin even more was that just as his left hand moved, the sea of flowers near him was suddenly covered in a red glow. Then all the flowers withered and the restrictions on them silently collapsed.

Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly as he stared at the sea of flowers that seemed to have turned to ruins. Then he looked at the rust on his left hand.

After retreating a few steps, Wang Lin's left hand with rust on it pointed at another sea of flowers. That sea of flowers immediately withered and turned into useless soil.

The rust on Wang Lin's finger disappeared.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and stared at the rust on the iron sword. He was completely shocked. After pondering for a bit, he clenched his teeth and the third eye between his eyebrows opened.

When the third eye open, red light came out from inside it and enveloped the iron sword. Source origin energy came out and landed on the rust marks.

Under this gaze, Wang Lin immediately saw the iron sword gradually turn transparent, but the rust marks didn't change at all and remained normal.

There was an invisible energy moving within the iron sword and cycling through it. The moment it came in contact with the source origin in Wang Lin's third eye, it charged out as if it wanted to devour the source origin.

Wang Lin decisively cut off the spell and withdrew the source origin. The third eye closed as well. The invisible energy paused for a moment before slowly retreating back and continuing to flow within the iron sword.


Filled with confusion, Wang Lin was completely baffled. He let out a sigh and was about to put it away when a thought flashed through his mind. He looked at the iron sword, and after looking at its size, his expression became strange.

He slapped his bag of holding and five rays of golden light flew out. Five sword sheaths appeared before Wang Lin. He had obtained them back in planet Suzaku, and their effectiveness was unknown. He only knew that if he stuck a flying sword into one them, the sword's power would become more fierce.

After taking out the five sword sheaths, Wang Lin's right hand reached out and the iron sword went into one of the sword sheaths. The sword fit the sword sheath perfectly without an inch of extra space.

However, after it entered the sword sheath, there was no change. Wang Lin took the iron sword out and tried it with the other sword sheath. When he stuck it into the third sword sheath, the runes carved on the sword sheath emitted a harsh light!

A terrifying aura came from the iron sword and sword sheath. Wang Lin's eyes were filled with joy as he grabbed the sword sheath, took a deep breath, and slowly pulled out the iron sword.

The moment the iron sword was partially pulled out from the sword sheath, the terrifying aura became even stronger, as if some unimaginable power was sealed inside. If the iron sword was pulled out completely, a terrifying force would appear!

Wang Lin felt a similar power from a treasure that belonged to someone else before. The owner of the treasure was dead; it was Esteemed Xuan Bao. His magic treasure was the Pseudo Nirvana Void Arrow!

"Pseudo Nirvana Void…" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a strange light. He didn't pull the sword out. Instead, he put it back in with a trace of excitement. Then he quickly moved forward.

He moved like a ray of light and charged forward along the small path. In an instant, he arrived next to a pavilion. This pavilion wasn't big; it only had two floors. It looked very normal, but according to the map, this was the first restriction eye of the first floor. Only by opening all eight eyes would one have a chance to step into the black fog.

After carefully looking at the pavilion, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he noticed that the restrictions in the pavilion was already broken by someone else.

"From the look of this restriction, it wasn't broken long ago." Wang Lin became very cautious. It was obvious he wasn't the only one who understood the restrictions here.

"When the Celestial Burial Pool collapsed, everyone was scattered. There must be people who broke the restriction earlier than me; I just don't know who it was." Wang Lin looked around. This first floor of the Celestial Emperor Cave was not big and could easily be covered by one's divine sense. However, unless they were crazy, no one would dare to spread out their divine sense in a place with so many restrictions. Even the All-Seer would have a lot of worries, and unless he was forced into a corner, he wouldn't do it.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin moved around the pavilion and stepped into the grass. His eyes flashed with lights of deduction. He didn't stop and continued to charge forward.

The map had explanations of the restrictions on this grass. Wang Lin moved through the grass but didn't activate any of the restrictions. He crossed the grass in the blink of an eye.

In the northeast corner of the first floor, the man in black with the hidden dragon mark was staring at the pavilion with a cold gaze.

Before him, on the other side of the pavilion, stood another person. It was the beautiful middle-aged woman. She stared at the man in black through the pavilion, her expression extremely gloomy.

"Fellow Cultivator, this is a simple restriction; why must you steal it from me?" The woman's voice was a little hoarse but very beautiful.

She had been pushed into a restriction by the collapse of the Celestial Burial Pool. Fortunately, the restriction wasn't very strong, so it didn't take long for her to break out. Then she saw the black fog, and after pondering a bit, she slowly moved forward.

She didn't worry too much about the girl in pink she brought with her. With the treasure that the girl's senior sister had given her, she should be in no danger.

However, there were too many restrictions in the Celestial Emperor Cave. Along the way, she faced many dangerous and finally arrived here after an arduous journey. When she saw the pavilion, she immediately noticed that it was different.

Just as she was about to take a closer look, the man in black to appeared on the other side.

"Since it is only an ordinary restriction, then fellow cultivator should just let me have it." There was a hint of sarcasm in the man's gaze. He took a step forward and was about to enter the pavilion.

A flash of killing intent appeared in the beautiful woman's eyes and she immediately charge forward, leaving behind an afterimage.

The man in black sneered as his right hand formed a seal and he pressed his hand formed. A black fog appeared. It turned into a dragon and attempted to devour the beautiful woman.



The woman reached toward her head and pulled out three strands of hair. She threw them forward and recited a strange chant. The three strands of hair turned into three black pythons with blood red mouths that charged at the dragon-shaped black fog.

They were both powerful cultivators, so when their spells collided, a storm was set off and muffled rumbles echoed. However, none of it spread too far; it all stayed within 1,000 feet.

They both had the same idea. They couldn't make too much noise and catch the attention of everyone else here. This limited the volatility of the battle, and both of them wanted to end this battle as quickly as possible.

"Why don't you go to the palace surrounded by the black fog at the center instead of stealing from me here?" The beautiful woman's hand formed a seal and five-colored light appeared from her body. It turned into five swords that swept forward.

The man in black waved his sleeves and a flying sword shrouded in black gas appeared. It circled him once before it charged out and collided with the five swords, creating crisp collision sounds.

"Nonsense. Why don't you go there? Although this place is a pavilion, there is a transfer array inside. It should lead to a storage space. You know all of this, so why bother hiding it?"

The beautiful woman's expression was neutral, but there was a flash of coldness in her eyes. It was just as the man had said. When she arrived here, she noticed it, and that's how the current conflict occurred.

As their treasures entangled with each other, the crisp sounds increased and began to spread. The beautiful woman's eyes lit up and she quickly said, "Our strength is quite even. Others will notice us before we can finish this fight, so why don't both of us go into the transfer array and split the treasure in half?"

The man in black looked at the beautiful woman and nodded. The two of them didn't waste any words as they both retrieved their treasures and stepped into the pavilion together.

However, just as they stepped in, they both looked toward the same direction. There a person walking out from the pavilions.

This person was Wang Lin!

Wang Lin immediately saw the two people inside the pavilion. His eyes narrowed and he slowly stopped.

After seeing Wang Lin, the man in black revealed a strange smile. It was the beautiful woman who had a strange expression. When her gaze swept past Wang Lin, she was shocked.

"His cultivation is even more strange! When I first saw him, although he had the power of a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator, his cultivation only seemed to be at the early stage of Nirvana Scryer. Then, later on, he was still only at the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer. However, now he has reached the peak of the Nirvana Scryer stage. Is he hiding his cultivation, or did he have a breakthrough recently?"

Wang Lin carefully looked at the two of them. He had obviously seen through the secret of the pavilion. In fact, the map showed that there was a transfer array to a storage space inside that pavilion. Even without the map, Wang Lin could see the transfer array inside.

The beautiful woman pondered for a bit while looking at Wang Lin, then she slowly said, "Fellow Cultivator Wang is here as well. How about the three of us go together and divide the treasures we get?"

Just as Wang Lin was about to speak, the ground trembled and an angry roar came from the distance.

He couldn't see anything when he looked into the distance. There were too many restrictions in the Celestial Emperor Cave, and those restrictions formed great obstacles, as if there were countless worlds. Even when two people were close, if they were in two different restrictions, it would be difficult to find each other.

From a glance, the cave looked very calm, but that was only on the surface. If all the restrictions here were broken, one would immediately find a bamboo forest in the distance. It was shrouded in a monstrous red mist, and the ferocious roar coming from within it was heaven-shaking.

Wang Lin's expression immediately changed. Although the bamboo forest in the distance looked normal at a glance, he understood that the restrictions there had been broken. The humanoid phantom had broken through faster than he expected.

Without replying to the beautiful woman's words, Wang Lin changed straight toward the palace shrouded by black fog. On the way here, he had checked and found that all the restriction eyes had been broken. It seemed someone was one step ahead and had already entered the second floor.

The reason he came to the pavilion was because it was the path with the least restrictions toward the palace at the center.

The expression of the man in black changed when he saw Wang Lin run as if he was escaping for his life the moment the roar came. Without hesitation, he gave up on the transfer array inside the pavilion and chased after Wang Lin.

Only the beautiful woman hesitated, but just as she hesitated, that angry roar came closer and closer as if it was approaching at a rapid speed.

If you were able to see inside the world within each restriction and looked from above, then you would clearly see the humanoid phantom charging toward Wang Lin. It triggered countless restrictions, and there were countless flashes of light as restrictions attacked it. Some restrictions even teleported it away.

However, it didn't take more than few breathes of time before it broke the restrictions and charged out. It seemed to be learning the restrictions, and it broke them faster and faster. In the end, it was charging ahead in a straight line.

Chapter 1046 - Master Void's Killing Intent


Wang Lin moved forward like a meteor, and along the way, he passed countless restrictions. He moved toward the black fog at the center according to the map.

The man in black wasn't any slower than Wang Lin. He stared at Wang Lin's feet and moved in the exact same path closely behind Wang Lin.

Behind them was the beautiful woman. She was a powerful cultivator, so she soon made a choice. Seeing Wang Lin and the man in black leaving in such haste, she clenched her teeth and quickly followed.

However, although the beautiful woman understood restrictions, she wasn't as good as Wang Lin. Adding the fact that she was lagging behind, she was soon blocked by some restrictions.

The angry roar from the distance came closer and closer. There were also popping sounds that were obviously from restrictions being broken. Wang Lin moved even faster and jumped into the air before a pavilion. Flashes of restriction came from the pavilion, and the light filled the area as if it wanted to stop Wang Lin from advancing.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as his body took seven steps to the right at an unimaginable angle. After these seven steps, his body had already sunk into the restrictions in the pavilion and then he penetrated through them in a flash.

Behind him, the man in black followed closely. The man in black stepped exactly as Wang Lin did and unexpectedly got through the restrictions as well.

As for the beautiful woman, when she broke through the restrictions and got here, she could only helplessly look at Wang Lin and the man in black move far away. She could not break the restrictions before in a short period of time.

Just at this moment, the angry roar echoed violently behind her and entered her ears. At the same time, the restrictions behind her trembled and all collapsed as a red shadow rushed out.

The beautiful woman sucked in a breath of cold air. She had never seen this human figure before, but she felt a powerful sense of crisis shroud her body.

That human figure's cold gaze was filled with anger. It let out a roar and charged straight at the beautiful woman. It lifted its right hand and was about to claw at her.

However, just at this moment, a roar echoed.

"You damn beast, you dare!?" As the roar came, a ripple appeared before the beautiful woman and spread out. The beautiful woman was pushed back and the human figure was also knocked back by the impact.

A blue figure came from the distance. He looked old, but his eyes shined brightly. It was Master Void!

Master Void was also shocked greatly. He had long since broken out from the restriction he was sent into from the collapse of the Celestial Burial Pool. He had circled around the first floor for a long time and had quite a good harvest. However, when that angry roar echoed, his mind trembled.

He quickly followed the roar and saw the beautiful woman in danger.





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He was related to the power the beautiful woman belonged to, so he couldn't just stand by and not help. After using a spell to knock the human figure away, he took the beautiful woman and charged into the restrictions in the pavilion with his powerful cultivation.

The restrictions flashed violently above the pavilion, but as Master Void crashed through, they immediately collapsed. Master Void took the beautiful woman and charged ahead.

The human figure looked at Master Void, then it let out a roar and chased after him.

Along the way, Wang Lin quickly rushed through several restrictions without touching any of them. Soon, he closed in on the black fog in the center of the floor.

This black fog was very strange; it was filled with devilish energy. However, with the roar closing in behind him, Wang Lin didn't have time to think before he stepped into the black fog.

The man in black's pupils shrank, but he also entered without hesitation after Wang Lin.

The man in black followed Wang Lin while maintaining a certain distance and slowly said, "The devilish energy here is strong; it is best for Fellow Cultivator Wang to be careful.

"Also, can Fellow Cultivator Wang give me an explanation on the thing chasing us?"

"That is a beast from the Celestial Burial Pool!" Wang Lin said one line as he moved like lightning within the black fog toward the palace.

This palace was very large, far larger than any of the pavilions. Looking at it from the outside, it was filled pressure, and the dark fog gave off an eerie feeling. It was like a fierce beast coldly staring at the small cultivator at its feet.

When standing inside the hall, if one looked up, they would see just how large the palace was. There was a gap in the gate to the palace. Although the gap was small, it was enough for 10 people to go in at once.

Wang Lin moved like lightning. When he got close, he directly entered the door and stepped into the palace on the first floor of the Celestial Emperor Cave!

The moment Wang Lin entered the palace, he was startled for a moment.

There were two huge statues inside the hall. Both were forming a seal and seemed to be pointing at the void with glaring eyes. The statues gave off a powerful pressure, as if the heavens' might filled the hall. This sight would shock the mind of anyone who saw it.

Staring at the statues, Wang Lin took a deep breath and quickly recovered. He had a similar experience with the Flower Imperial Concubine, so although he was shocked, it wasn't too much.

Wang Lin's gaze quickly swept the hall, but he didn't find the entrance to the second floor.

At this moment, the man in black also entered. When he saw the two large statues, he was startled, and the black dragon mark between his eyebrows instantly appeared.

Wang Lin's pupils suddenly shrank as he stared at the dragon mark between the man in black's eyebrows. However, he quickly withdrew his gaze and didn't reveal anything in his expression.

The man in black recovered in an instant. The moment he recovered, his expression became gloomy and he looked at Wang Lin. When he saw that Wang Lin wasn't looking toward him, he couldn't help but frown.



He knew that his secret had appeared for an instant; he just wasn't sure if Wang Lin had noticed it.

Just at this moment, a rumbling sound came from the hall. It was obvious the restrictions were being forced open by someone. Master Void brought the beautiful woman and entered the hall.

The moment he entered, even he was startled by the two statues, but quickly he recovered. Unless you were carefully observing, it would be impossible to see that pause from Master Void.

As for the beautiful woman next to him, confusion filled her eyes. However, with the help of Master Void, she quickly returned to normal.

As soon as Master Void saw Wang Lin, killing intent filled his eyes. Just as he was about to step forward, the roar from outside the hall got closer.

The beautiful woman's face was a bit pale. When she saw Wang Lin, she quickly said, "Wang Lin, what did you do to cause that human-shaped thing to pursue you all the way here?"

After experiencing the danger from before, the beautiful woman broke down all pretense with Wang Lin. She no longer called him "fellow cultivator" and instead directly called his name.

Wang Lin had already searched the entire hall. Although he had not found the entrance to the second floor, his eyes fell on the two statues, and he had some guesses. After hearing the beautiful woman's words, his eyes lit up and he calmly said, "How do you know it was me who attracted that human-like thing?" As Wang Lin spoke, he retreated back a few steps toward the statues as if he was afraid of the beautiful woman suddenly attacking him.

The beautiful woman angrily said, "If it wasn't because of you, then why did you head straight for this place the moment you heard that roar?!"

"That human-like thing is a beast that was buried under the Celestial Burial Pool. When I left the restriction, I encountered it. After I fought it and found I was no match, I ran. Should I have not escaped and allowed it kill me?" As Wang Lin spoke, he retreated a few more steps, and he was almost next to the statues. His hand was on his bag, but his gaze was not on the beautiful woman. Instead, it was on Master Void.

Master Void's power was too much pressure on Wang Lin!

Even though he had reached the peak of the Nirvana Scryer stage and had an ancient god body, he was no match for Master Void. After all, Master Void was a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator!

The beautiful woman let out a cold snort. She was about to speak, but Master Void interrupted as he stepped toward Wang Lin and slowly said, "Junior, I don't care if it is your fault or not; there is no need to explain. I will give you one chance. Go outside and lure away the human-like thing!"

Although Master Void's words sounded calm, but they contained a spell. Along with that step, a ripple spread between him and Wang Lin. However, it wasn't just one invisible ripple, countless invisible ripples had appeared.

The ripples appeared very quickly. The moment they appeared, they released the power of a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator. They moved at an unimaginable speed toward Wang Lin's chest.

Just at this instant, a flash of blue light came from Wang Lin's right eye and the azure light shield appeared before him. The ripples collided with the shield, and there was an earth-shattering explosion before him.

The azure light shield wasn't able to resist at all and was pushed back into Wang Lin's chest. Crackling sounds came from Wang Lin's body as he coughed out blood and flew back like a kite with a broken string.

As the azure light shield was being pushed back, a ripple entered his body. The ripple was extremely powerful, and it frantically tried to tear Wang Lin's meridians apart. This unimaginable force charged directly through Wang Lin's body in an attempt to destroy his body and origin soul.

All of this happened too fast and finished in an instant. So fast that even the beautiful woman was startled and the man in black's pupils shrank.

The moment Wang Lin's body was mercilessly pushed back, Master Void was surprised. Although that attack just now wasn't his full power, it could have easily killed a Nirvana Scryer cultivator!

He thought that with that attack, the possible future Vermillion Bird Divine Emperor would surely die and the Vermillion Bird would die with it.

Chapter 1047 - Resistance


However, what shocked him was that not only did Wang Lin's body not collapse, but he didn't even immediately die. That shield that suddenly appeared had cancelled out 70% of his power.

However, just the remaining 30% was enough to kill this Wang Lin, and what shocked Master Void was that this 30% portion only made Wang Lin cough out blood. Wang Lin only ended up seriously injured and not dead!

Wang Lin floated in the air as the ripple raged inside his body and charged at his origin soul. Although Wang Lin's origin soul had the Ancient God Leather Armor, the vibrations still caused his origin soul to become bleak. He coughed out another large mouthful of blood and his body was violently thrown back.

The pain from his body showed that even with his ancient god body, he was seriously injured. However, Wang Lin's gaze was still calm as he stared at Master Void.

When he was thrown again, he landed at the center of the gaze of the two statues in the hall.

"You didn't die? Let me let me fix that!" Killing intent appeared in Master Void's eyes. He vaguely felt like there was something wrong with the location Wang Lin was in. He lifted his right hand and mercilessly slammed down toward Wang Lin!

In his mind, he would definitely kill Wang Lin with this attack. A rumble echoed within the hall when Master Void attacked Wang Lin. A yellow sandstorm appeared and charged at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was still calm, and there was even a hint of ridicule in it. He knew that he was not Master Void's opponent. Wang Lin felt that this person had ill intent toward him back at the Celestial Burial Pool. After learning about his Vermillion Bird awakening, Wang Lin was 80% sure this person had the intention to kill him.





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Now that they were so close within the hall, Master Void would definitely reveal his killing intent. Wang Lin understood that it was futile to resist with his current strength. Fortunately, he had vaguely found the entrance to the second floor. He simply borrowed the attack to be thrown to this position. In addition, he had built a killing formation in this short period of time. The target was Master Void!

If others don't mess with him, he won't mess with them! If Master Void hadn't attacked, Wang Lin wouldn't have used this killing formation. But since the other party had attacked, then Wang Lin wouldn't simply do nothing!

"Even if I can't kill you, I must leave behind a deep impression!"

Wang Lin's hand formed the same seal as the two statues. At this moment, purple light came from the gazes of the two statues.

The two rays of purple light charged out and circled Wang Lin, forming a vortex. Wang Lin's body was dragged toward the vortex.

However, Master Void had cultivated for a very long time, so he naturally had strong intuition and immediately realized that there was something wrong with were Wang Lin landed, so he immediately added an attack. The sand storm formed by his spell charged at Wang Lin inside the vortex.

If Wang Lin moved according to the speed of the vortex, then the sandstorm would arrive and Wang Lin would die before he could enter.

Master Void charged at Wang Lin.

There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes. The moment the sandstorm closed in, his third eye opened up. Wang Lin's third eye was his strongest spell, and it was something he wouldn't dare to casually use. However, with Master Void closing in and facing this life and death crisis, he opened it without hesitation.

"Master Void!!!" Killing intent filled Wang Lin's eyes as he let out a roar. The vertical third eye opened and the red light from within opened up like a fan.

The moment Wang Lin's third eye opened, Master Void's calm expression changed for the first time! It wasn't just a small change, it looked like his world had just been flipped upside down!



"Source origin!!!" Master Void's eyes were filled with disbelief, but were then filled with ecstasy. At this moment, he forgot about the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect and the Cultivation Alliance. The only thing in front of him was the source origin that came out of Wang Lin's third eye.

Not only his, but even the expression of the man in black changed greatly. He stared at Wang Lin with shining eyes filled with disbelief.

Only the beautiful woman revealed a strange expression that didn't contain any greed. She looked at Wang Lin and frowned.

The source origin filled the red light, and the red light collided with the sandstorm. The sandstorm trembled, and even though it contained the power of a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator, it rapidly dissipated.

Wang Lin felt pain from between his eyebrows. He originally didn't have much source origin left, and it was rapidly dissipating when facing off against the sandstorm. However, he didn't withdraw it, and instead, with eyes filled with killing intent, the source origin poured out from his third eye.

Wang Lin knew in his heart how important source origin was to people who were seeking the third step, so he know that Master Void would take the bait!

The red light expanded greatly and the sandstorm immediately collapsed. The source origin shot out from the red light and went straight at Master Void.

Master Void's expression changed, but the greed in his eyes became even stronger. He wanted to dodge it, but he was unwilling to give up a 1 in 10,000 chance to feel source origin personally.

With this hesitation, the red light from Wang Lin's third eye surrounded Master Void. At this moment, Master Void's body seemed to be peeled away layer by layer and turned half-transparent.

"Source origin… source origin!!" Master Void's eyes were filled with greed, and his divine sense spread out and observed the source origin. He completely ignored the fact that he was in a battle right now, as Wang Lin was simply too insignificant in his eyes. He was confident he could understand this source origin, and once he did… His old heart suddenly felt like he was in the prime of his youth and his face became even more agitated.

He could had never dreamed that that he would encounter the legendary source origin that was rumored to be the key to reaching the third step, and it happened when he was only trying to eradicate a possible future danger!

Wang Lin's body slowly sank into the purple vortex, but the killing intent in his eyes increased greatly. He had already laid out the killing formation, and Master Void had entered it. Now the only thing left was for him to act!

He slapped his bag of holding and a sword sheath appeared in his hand, and inside the sheath was an iron sword! Wang Lin's eyes became very cold as he held the sword's handle.

Chapter 1048 - Precious Treasure


The moment Wang Lin held the iron sword, all the killing intent from his eyes completely disappeared and his eyes were as calm as water.

It was as if all this killing intent he had toward Master Void was absorbed by the iron sword. However, this gaze without any killing intent was several times more terrifying than the gaze with monstrous killing intent.

Wang Lin vaguely felt that the iron sword had its own spirit, and it was about awaken at this moment. When it awakened, it was going to release a power that could destroy the world.

The beautiful woman was still staring at Wang Lin. The moment Wang Lin took out the sword sheath, she frowned, still not recognizing what it was. However, the moment Wang Lin's gaze became calm, her eyes suddenly widened and filled with disbelief as a trace of her memory was jogged.

There was also the man in black. His gaze also landed on the sword sheath in Wang Lin's hand, and his pupils violently shrank.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he held the sword handle and suddenly pulled it out. When the iron sword left the sword sheath, a terrifying aura surged out.

This aura was very strong. The moment it appeared, even crackling sounds came from the hall, as if it was going to collapse. Countless cracks appeared on the two statues next to Wang Lin in the blink of an eye, making it seem like they were going to shatter at any moment.

In just an instant, the iron sword came out from the sword sheath completely. Wang Lin didn't hesitate to raise the iron sword and mercilessly chop down at Master Void, who was still immersed in comprehending the source origin!

Master Void originally didn't consider Wang Lin a threat at all. In his eyes, Wang Lin was merely an ant. His divine sense quickly spread out around the source origin and attempted to find out the secret of creating source origin.

His intuition told him that if he could find the answer, that meant he could find the right path to the third step. The more he thought about this, the more excited he became.

He could even hear his own heartbeat accelerating. However, just as he was rapidly comprehending and was just about to find a clue, his body immediately went cold and the feeling of a life and death crisis was upon him.

This feeling of a life and death crisis was no weaker than than the collapse of the Celestial Burial Pool. In fact, it was several times stronger than that collapse. Master Void even felt like this aura was a bit familiar. His pupils shrank as he stared at the iron sword in Wang Lin's hand.





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"Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure!!!"

Although the sword didn't leave Wang Lin's hand, the illusion of an giant, 100,000-foot-long silver sword appeared between Wang Li and Master Void.

This large sword was completely made of silver light and gave off a harsh glow. The moment it appeared, it mercilessly smashed down on Master Void. Master Void sucked in a breath of cold air and his eyes filled with shock.

He didn't have time to dodge at all. Wang Lin's timing was very good, and that was the key of this killing formation. The silver sword was too fast, far faster than a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator could cast a spell. The silver light smashed into Master Void's chest.

Just at this instant, Master Void's origin soul came out of his body at an unimaginable speed and surrounded his body. Master Void's body shined purple, and his origin soul was completely purple.

An ordinary cultivator's origin soul was very fragile, so they relied on their physical body. However, when you reach a high cultivation level like Master Void, your origin soul will be far stronger than your body. Master Void surrounded his body with his origin soul to block the silver sword!

The silver light flashed violently and Master Void's body trembled, and his face turned red before coughed out blood. His origin soul trembled before returning into his body.

Master Void's revealed a hideous expression he had never revealed before and popping sounds came from inside his body. He was pushed back, but he forced himself to stop, so he stayed within the source origin. This allowed the source origin to invade his body, making his injuries even worse.

"Little bastard, even with a Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure, you don't have the qualifications to kill me!" Master Void's eyes narrowed as he mercilessly clawed at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's face was pale as his origin energy had left his body and went into the iron sword like crazy. He had already checked the iron sword before and knew that he could use it without refining it.

This iron sword that was very different from traditional treasures confused Wang Lin. However, to complete the killing formation, he set used he it without any hesitation.

Wang Lin was already prepared for it to absorb his origin energy. Although a large amount of origin energy was leaving his body, he didn't panic and remained calm.

The moment Master Void clawed at Wang Lin, Wang Lin lifted the iron sword once more and took a deep breath. Origin energy surged out from his body as the sword was covered in a silver light once more and he slashed down.

The silver light was bright when Master Void's right hand violently waved backward and his expression became extremely gloomy. He was a bit anxious now as being inside the source origin meant he would constantly be attacked by it even though it didn't hurt much. In comparison, this amount of source origin wasn't even one ten thousandth of his origin energy, but just this small amount of source origin required a majority of his origin energy to resist.

He also had to immerse his entire mind to comprehend it while resisting it. Before, Master Void didn't consider Wang Lin a threat, but he never expected Wang Lin to have a Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure!



As a result, he had to pay attention, but he was unwilling to give up this chance to comprehend source origin. His killing intent toward Wang Lin had reached a limit.

"I only need seven more minutes and I'm confident I can understand the mystery behind this source origin!" Master Void slapped his bag of holding and a purple ice cube appeared in his hand. The moment the ice cube appeared, the entire hall was enveloped in an icy chill.

Feeling his heart ache, a portion of Master Void's origin soul split to form another Master Void. Then that body swallowed the purple ice cube and charged at Wang Lin like a bolt of lightning.

Wang Lin waved the iron sword, and with a flash of silver light, the illusion of the giant silver sword appeared once more. The sword shot toward Master Void's origin soul avatar. The avatar formed a seal and pointed at the giant sword. There was a loud bang and the avatar was pushed back. The avatar dimmed greatly, but the illusionary sword also collapsed.

The moment the purple ice cube appeared, Wang Lin felt an aura similar to that of his iron sword and Esteemed Xuan Bao's arrow. It was obvious that the purple ice cube was also a Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure.

At this moment, Wang Lin had lost a large amount of origin energy in his body, but right now it wasn't the time to worry about his origin energy. The killing formation had already begun, and Wang Lin was unwilling to give it up. He had used the source origin as bait to set up this killing formation. If he couldn't kill or cause some serious injuries to Master Void, it would be considered a failure on his planning.

Not only did he expose his source origin, but he even exposed his Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure. However, if he could seriously injury or kill Master Void, it would be enough to deter the beautiful woman and the man in black.

After taking a deep breath, Wang Lind decided to close his eyes. When he used this iron sword, he had a feeling that this iron sword had its own spirit. Wang Lin wasn't able to display its true power due to his cultivation level, but since this iron sword required no refining to use, there was a way to display its true strength. He only needed to treat the treasure like a person.

The moment Wang Lin closed his eyes and gave up control of the iron sword, the iron sword let out a sword hymn. Master Void's avatar charged out once more. The purple ice cube inside the avatar emitted endless chill. Before it even got close, powerful cold energy was already closing on Wang Lin.

The iron sword in Wang Lin's hand suddenly rose up, but that wasn't Wang Lin who moved, it was the iron sword who pulled Wang Lin's hand. Wang Lin's origin energy left his body like crazy, and the iron sword released heaven-shaking sword hymns as if it was happy. Just as Master Void's avatar closed in, another giant silver sword appeared.

However, this silver sword was different; it looked like a real sword. It was impossible to tell it was an illusion at all. The moment it appeared, the giant silver sword immediately slashed down!

With a bang, Master Void's avatar collided with the large sword and retreated a few steps. However, the large sword didn't disappear, and its silver light shined even brighter. Then it moved in an arc and attacked from the left side.

The second attack connected with the first attack as if it was a mortal using sword martial arts. If that was it, it wouldn't be shocking, but as soon as the silver sword collided with Master Void's avatar a second time, it immediately moved and attacked from below.

There was no pause at all; the large silver sword turned into a ray of silver light and continued to attack Master Void's avatar like a silver dragon. Strike after strike, the silver sword attacked Master Void's avatar.

Its speed became faster and faster. The first strike was a bit slow, but the second strike was a bit faster. Now, in the blink of an eye, seven strikes connected into one.

All of Wang Lin's origin energy had disappeared in the sixth strike. As for the seventh strike, it absorbed his body's essence. Fortunately, his ancient god body was very strong and was able to endure it.

After the seventh strike, the eighth strike struck like a silver dragon, and following that were the ninth, tenth, and eleventh strikes!

Chapter 1049 - If You Want My Treasure, Then Feel Free to Come at Me!


Almost all the gazes in the hall were focused on Master Void's avatar. The continuous strike from the treasure shocked everyone's hearts greatly.

All of this happened too quickly. The silver light became faster and faster, then came the 19th strike, the 22nd strike!

Wang Lin's skin withered on a large scale and his eyes became dim. Not even his ancient god body could withstand this kind of absorption.

After the 17th strike, each strike took several times more than the last, and 23 strikes was Wang Lin's limit. After the 23rd strike, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes!

Like a ray of lightning flashing across the sky, the silver light attacking Master Void's avatar suddenly stopped. The moment it stopped, the silver shined like it had never shined before and lit up the entire hall.

Under the flash of the silver light, 23 large silver swords appeared next to Master Void's avatar. The moment they appeared, they all pierced through the avatar.

The 23 large swords were like 23 silver meteors that fell at an unimaginable speed. A series of rumbles echoed when all 23 swords pierced through Master Void's avatar.

The avatar didn't even have the chance to dodge. When the 23 large swords penetrated the avatar, the purple ice cube inside cracked and began to collapse.

Along with the ice cube, Master Void's avatar was split into countless pieces when the 23 swords penetrated it.

This didn't end here. The 23 large swords seemed to form a net, and they charged at Master Void. Master Void was still comprehending the source origin when his face turned pale and he coughed out blood. He was aghast at the situation.

"This… This isn't an ordinary Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure!!" He didn't expect Wang Lin to have such a powerful treasure and be so difficult to kill. Now that his origin soul avatar was destroyed, he sustained serious injuries.

His scalp went numb when he saw the 23 swords that destroyed his origin soul avatar and his own Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure charge at him. However, he only needed a few more breaths of time to fully comprehend the mysteries of the source origin. If you wanted to make him dodge, then you might as well just kill him instead.

"Screw it!" Master Void had cultivated for countless years and had naturally guessed that Wang Lin had used the source origin as bait and forced him into a situation where he couldn't use his full power. This forced him to place most of his effort into comprehending the source origin and thus created a killing formation that made it hard him to advance or retreat!

He didn't retreat and instead slapped his bag of holding. A black tortoise shell the size of his fist appeared in his hand. It was completely black and released a powerful pressure. It was unknown where the shell was removed from.






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This tortoise shell was also a Pseudo Nirvana Void treasure. As an important member of the Cultivation Alliance, he was naturally not short on treasures! After throwing the tortoise shell, Master Void clenched his teeth and no longer paid any attention to any of this. His divine sense spread out like crazy as he comprehend the source origin. He could feel that he was only a sliver away from finding the path to the third step that he had been dreaming of for countless years!

The tortoise shell flew out and floated before Master Void. It released a large amount of black light, but just when the black light started shining, the 23 large swords came crashing down on the tortoise shell. A thunderous rumble echoed, and while the tortoise shell was pushed back, it was able to resist the attack.

However, this attack didn't stop. After the third sword dissipated, the fourth and fifth swords quickly followed… This went on until the 21st sword smashed down as a ray of silver light.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!!

The black tortoise shell continued to retreat, and countless cracks had appeared on it. It only lasted three breaths of time before it shattered into countless pieces and scattered in all directions!

When it collapsed and lost the power to block, the 22nd and 23rd swords shot directly at Master Void.

These last two large swords contained the most destructive power. In the blink of an eye, they shot toward Master Void's chest.

He didn't have time to use any spell at this distance, and it was impossible for him to give up this chance to comprehend the source origin. Although this sounds slow, it all happened in an instant. At this moment of crisis, Master Void waved his hand and his clothes began to move as if they were being blown by the wind. A purple wind suddenly appeared and formed a whirlwind around him.

However, the moment the whirlwind appeared, it collided with the 22nd sword. There was a loud bang and the whirlwind collapsed!

The moment it collapsed, the last sword directly went through and landed on Master Void's chest!

At the same time, Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly. He was waiting for this moment, which was the final moment of this killing formation!

He raised his sore left hand and rubbed the rust marks on the iron sword. Once his left hand had rust on it, he flicked his finger!

When Master Void was hit by the 23rd sword, he coughed out a mouthful of blood. His face was pale, his clothes were in tatters, and his chest was a bloody mess.

"Almost there!!!" Master Void seemed to have gone crazy. He completely ignored his body's injuries and focused on comprehending the source origin. He had a feeling that he was very close to the path to the third step and was about to be completely enlightened!

However, at this moment, the strange power from the rust entered the void when Wang Lin flicked his finger. Just as Master Void was about to comprehend the path to the third step, the rust flew by like a gentle breeze.

Master Void's body trembled and a large amount of blood sprayed out from his chest. Blood came out of all his orifices, forcing him to retreat. This made him leave the red light the source origin was in, and everything he worked for was ruined!

"No!!!" Master Void's eyes were red like a beast's, but his body was thrown back away from the source origin, and there was nothing he could do about it. At the same time, a large amount of blood gushed out from his body.



Wang Lin's third eye flashed and the red light returned. Almost all the source origin was gone, only a sliver remained.

Wang Lin held the iron sword as his cold gaze shifted toward the beautiful woman. The beautiful woman's mind trembled at the gaze. Wang Lin's spell and treasure had shocked her greatly. She unexpectedly didn't dare to meet his gaze and lowered her head.

As for the man in black, when Wang Lin looked over, the man in black's eyes revealed shock and fear. He unexpectedly also didn't dare to face Wang Lin. The aura Wang Lin currently had was the strongest it had ever been in his life!

Whether it was through a scheme or deception, he was able to beat a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator. No one was willing to provoke someone like this!

"If you want my source origin, if you want my treasure, then quickly come and take them!" Killing intent flashed across Wang Lin's eyes and he revealed a sneer. His body gradually disappeared into the purple vortex formed by the two statues.

Although he disappeared, the shock he left the beautiful woman, the man in black, and Master Void lingered for a long time.

The fear in the man in black's eyes couldn't dissipate. Just thinking about the 23 swords Wang Lin had summoned made his heart feel a chill. Although he knew that Wang Lin had probably spent all his power summoning those 23 swords and was just putting up a front, he didn't dare to gamble.

That 23 sword attack made him lose some confidence.

"The Vermillion Bird Divine Sect will revive once more because of this person. Not only will they return to their former glory, they will reach a new height! This person… has source origin! Who gave him the source origin…" The man in black trembled and the fear in his eyes became even stronger.

Master Void's body landed on the ground. His face was pale and he was in a miserable state. His eyes were filled with frustration!

"Only a sliver more! Only sliver more, ah!" Master Void clenched his fist. The pain from his body and having half of his origin soul destroyed caused his cultivation level to fall greatly. The hope he had when he was about to comprehend the source origin followed by the irreconcilable disappointment caused him to let out a roar.

However, he was someone who had cultivated for countless years. After letting out a roar, he calmed down and even more intense killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"That child is far too cunning; he is also bold and decisive. I must not allow him to become the future Vermillion Bird Divine Emperor! In order to kill him, I'm willing to risk having my first Heaven's Blight arrive 3,000 years early to use this chance to kill him and seize the source origin!"

The shock in the beautiful woman's heart was no less intense than that of the man in black or Master Void. In fact, because she knew more, she was even more shocked than the other two.

What shocked her beside Wang Lin's source origin was that iron sword! She had only heard of powerful treasures like this once in her life.

She remembered back in the Brilliant Void Realm, when the elders were talking about treasures in the world, they once said this one thing. Although the treasures in the world were split into Spirit, Mysterious, Celestial, Void, and Nirvana, they weren't the only five types. There were treasures even above those five ranks, but the even the elder talking about it had only encountered Nirvana level treasures.

There were many Spirit and Mysterious treasures; most treasures used by first step cultivators were within these two ranks. There were also some first step cultivators with Celestial treasures.

However, for second step cultivators, Celestial treasures weren't strong enough to meet their requirements. For Nirvana Shatterer old monsters, unless the celestial treasure was of top quality, then it was often not as useful as celestial spells.

At this time, these Nirvana Shatterer old monsters would search for a higher rank of treasure. Ignoring the commonly used Celestial treasures of the ancient refiners, they looked for treasures that dated back to even older times. The relics from those ancient times were Void treasures!