

Chapter 1023 - Escape by Breaking the Bottle


The power of the sea of flames was powerful beyond Wang Lin's imagination. The flames in his eyes gradually disappeared. When the realms within the bottles collapsed, he instantly moved to retrieve the bag and the yellow crystal given to him by the mysterious person that were left in the black tower.

He didn't have time to check the yellow crystal. Just as he put the crystal inside his bag, the sea of flames charged at the last realm of the bottle world!

The sea of flame spread across 98 realms. It gathered the power of those 98 realms into an unstoppable force that collided with the last barrier.

An earth-shattering sound echoed across every part of the bottle, and a powerful heat wave flooded the world! The power of this sea of flames was already stronger than Ming Hai's Burn the Heavens! Wang Lin had only achieved this effect because he had absorbed too much fire and had to release it. The fire underwent a transformation through his body, and it will be impossible for him to display this kind of power again.

Unless someone makes another inextinguishable sea of flames for Wang Lin to absorb until he reaches his limit and then releases it all again.

The red glow on Wang Lin's body gradually faded, but the Vermillion Bird tattoo was scarlet red. This gave him an unspeakable aura.

The tail feathers of the Vermillion Bird were wrapped around his neck and stopped between his eyebrows as if it was fused with his black hair. From a distance, it looked as if there was a purple flame around his black hair.

The Vermillion Bird awakening didn't increase Wang Lin's cultivation level, but it changed the origin energy inside his body. The extreme heat contained within his origin energy made all of Wang Lin's spells terrifying!

His ancient god body had been adapting to the flames, so now he could summon flames with just a wave of his hand!

Although Wang Lin was only at the mid stage of Nirvana Scryer, he was the most powerful Nirvana Scryer cultivator. Combined with his ancient god body, even late Nirvana Cleanser cultivators have a headache dealing with his powerful flame spells and body!

However, his ancient god body was only at five stars, so there was a limit to the power he could bring out. Displaying the power of a mid stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivator was his limit.

Wang Lin wanted the power to battle late stage Nirvana Cleanser cultivators, but he would have to reach the late stage Nirvana Cleanser to do so!

After all, the difference between each small step within the second step was very large. Even though Wang Lin had the power of an ancient god, there were some gaps that couldn't be crossed so easily, like the gap between mid stage and late stage Nirvana Cleanser!

Blood Ancestor had stayed at the mid stage of Nirvana Cleanser for a long time and wasn't able to reach late stage. This shows how difficult it was!

In truth, unless one had great fortune, it was very difficult for cultivators to reach the late stage and the peak of the late stage of Nirvana Cleanser. Aside from an increase in your own domain, you'd have to learn how to control the laws of the world.

Late stage Nirvana Cleanser requires the fusion of law and your domain. This will reach a peak at the peak of the late stage of Nirvana Cleanser until you enter the dream of most cultivators, Nirvana Shatterer… the highest known level of cultivation!

At this moment, the sea of flames rushed within the bottle world and constantly collided with the last realm. Every time it collided with the last realm, the bottle would tremble.





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Endless flames roared as they rushed at the last realm. Popping sounds came from the last realm and then it finally collapsed!

It was as if the sky was broken into pieces. It was like a piece of paper that was torn apart and blown away. Ancient Demon Bei Lou's figure appeared in the last realm!

He was holding a grey scroll in his right hand. Dense celestial spiritual energy came out of the scroll, rushing at Bei Lou. It was as if this scroll had a spirit, and it was unwilling to be controlled by the ancient demon, so it had to struggle.

Bei Lou's cold gaze penetrated the shattered last realm and swept by everyone who was in the bottle until his gaze landed on Wang Lin.

At this moment, the celestial spiritual energy from the scroll became even stronger, and it was as if a roar had come from the scroll. Bei Lou let out a cold snort and his right hand mercilessly squeezed. The seven stars in his right eye flashed and a large amount of demonic energy immediately rushed into the scroll in his right hand.

Popping sounds came from the scroll as if all the seals on it were broken. The scroll let out an unyielding roar, but soon a green light immediately cover the entire scroll.

The roar disappeared, and the scroll that gave off dense celestial spiritual energy lost all its celestial spiritual energy. Instead, it was replaced with endless demonic energy.

Its color changed from grey to green!

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. The sky disappeared and all 99 realms in the bottle world disintegrated. It was as if everyone had returned to the origin of the universe; this place was filled with chaos and mist.

This mist churned and merged with the flames. It seemed like oil was poured into the flame, as it became even more intense and charged for the outside world!

Endless flames filled with mist created an unimaginable heat. This force rumbled through the world and charged toward the top of this void!

The bottle before the person in the black mist above the wooden bridge turned red and emitted a high temperature. The cork at the mouth of the bottle trembled intensely, as if there was a mysterious force that was about to break free.

The person in the fog revealed a cold gaze. He then lifted his dried right hand and pointed at the wooden cork. Devilish energy immediately came out of his finger and entered the bottle through the cork.

However, just as the devilish energy was about to enter the bottle through the cork, a heaven-shaking explosion suddenly appeared within the Celestial Emperor Cave!

As the sound echoed, the cork in the mouth of the white jade bottle shattered into countless pieces and spewed upward like a mountain.

This force was so powerful that it created a huge gust of wind and blew the black mist back three inches!

This revealed a blurred figure!

It was easy to see a set of black armor with complex runes engraved on it. It gave off cold devilish energy into the world.

His dried finger was bounced back, and the cork exploded! Two gloomy eyes flashed behind the helmet and landed on the bottle.

As the cork shattered, a fiery red flame came out of the opening. Along with the flame came the unimaginable heat!



Ordinary people couldn't even imagine what had happened. It was as if the white jade bottle had turned into a volcano, and at this moment, the volcano had erupted. Large amounts of flame were spread everywhere!

The temperature of this flame was too high. The moment it appeared, the wooden bridge began to burn. Even the river below the bridge quickly dried up, revealing the river bed. The ferocious beasts screamed as they turned into a mist of blood.

That wooden bridge suddenly began to burn and turned into ashes!

The person inside the mist was inside a courtyard. There were still many pavilions within the courtyard, and there was some bamboo not far away. This originally refreshing place was suddenly filled with devilish energy and immediately changed. The pavilions became grim, the bamboo turned black, and even the grass changed drastically!

However, it didn't matter if it was the Celestial Realm or a devilish realm. All of it was immediately turned to ashes before the sea of flames!

Even the person inside the mist was affected by the sudden appearance of the sea of flames. The black mist was pushed back hundreds of feet, and his figure was revealed!

His pale hair floated under him blackish purple armor. The moment the flame appeared, he quickly jumped into the air with a gloomy expression.

At this moment, a person suddenly walked out of the entrance of the bottle following the sea of flames. He was bold and holding a green scroll. It was Ancient Demon Bei Lou.

He revealed a smile as he looked the person in the armor and shook his head. "A former member of the Celestial Emperor's four guards, Savage Blade, is now merely a scattered devil for the ancient devil. Pitiful!"

The All-Seer, Ling Tianhou, Master Void, Situ Nan, and the beautiful middle-aged woman appeared one after the other behind Bei Lou!

The old man on the gourd, the man in black with the hidden dragon mark, the three Chen brothers, and Big Head flew out of the bottle as well. Then there was the woman covered in devilish energy and Elder Sun, who had the Star-Marked Sable.

Everyone who had entered the celestial cave aside from Wang Lin and the Celestial Cloud Cultivation Couple had appeared!

At this moment, all of the flames had come out of the white jade bottle. Following that, another heat wave rushed out and Wang Lin jumped out from inside! His eyes were like flames as he looked around.

When Wang Lin appeared, he immediately noticed everyone's gazes land on him like lightning.

Master Void's expression was neutral, but when he saw Wang Lin, his heart filled with killing intent. Ling Tianhou had a complex expression. The more he interacted with Wang Lin, the more he felt like he couldn't underestimate Wang Lin.

The All-Seer's brow wrinkled slightly but soon relaxed.

As for the other people, they all had various expressions. Whether it was the beautiful middle-aged woman or her four disciples or the man in black, they all had different gazes toward Wang Lin.

Even the armored scattered devil looked at Wang Lin with a chilly gaze.

Everyone knew where that shocking sea of flames came from! They now all remembered Wang Lin, who they originally didn't consider worth worrying about.

The flames still surrounded the area and seemed to want to burn everything to ashes. The moment everyone appeared, the man in the devilish armor revealed a bloodthirsty smile. He flew into the air and opened his arms. Rich devilish energy erupted from his armor.

The devilish energy formed two vortexes in his hands and floated upwards.

Chapter 1024 - She, the Buried Celestial


"I have already waited for you all for a long time… I sacrificed my flesh and blood to the ancients. My soul will form the void. I'll become the ancient devil soul. I, ancient devil Ta's scattered devil, use this devilish energy to borrow the power of the Tattoo Clan's holy item to open the Celestial Burial Pool!"

This armored scattered devil revealed a strange smile as his voice echoed. The he raised his feet and ruthlessly stomped down!

when the scattered devil stomped, there was a loud bang. The area around everyone had already been burnt to ruins by the flames. At this moment, cracks began to appear on the ground.

More and more cracks appeared, and they soon linked together. After a series of popping sounds, the ground collapsed!

It was as if the scattered devil's foot had shattered the earth. When the ground collapsed, a powerful suction force came from below. There was unexpectedly another world below the earth!

It was a huge vortex that was large enough to cover the entire ground here. Ghostly wails came from inside the vortex as if this was the nether world!

"Your arrival has already been predicted by lord Ta Jia. Celestial Emperor Qing Lin's burial ground was deliberately prepared for you all! This old man will wait for you down there!" The scattered devil's laugh echoed within the dense, black mist.

The ground collapsed, and the powerful suction force was like a big mouth that devoured everything here!

The scattered devil was the first to be taken in by the vortex. His laughter gradually faded until it disappeared.

Almost everyone was aghast at the situation. No one expected that they would face such a crisis after leaving the bottle world!

Everyone felt their bodies get firmly gripped by a giant hand and dragged down!

The three Chen brothers were the closest. They weren't able to resist the suction force at all and were immediately sucked into the vortex.

Big Head struggled for a bit but was also pulled in.

As for the four female disciples of the beautiful middle-aged woman, they had the lowest cultivation levels. Wang Lin had tried to guess why the beautiful middle-aged woman would bring the four of them here.

Aside from the girl in pink who was suspected to be the Brilliant Void Saintess, the expressions of the remaining three changed. They couldn't resist at all when they were sucked in.

One of the girls' bodies shattered due to the suction force being too strong and turned into a mist of blood.


Her origin soul flew out of the blood mist in terror. However, countless mournful souls flew out from the vortex and surrounding her origin soul. They began to devour her like crazy.

Even her miserable screams seemed to have been sucked away by the vortex and disappeared.

Wang Lin also felt the unimaginable force. Fortunately, he had lived in the depths of the Demon Spirit Land for a long time, where there was also a powerful suction force, so he wasn't shocked. When the suction force surrounded him, his origin energy surrounded his body and he ruthlessly stomped his foot!

Large amounts of flames came from his foot and pushed him up. Although the flames were absorbed the moment they appeared, Wang Lin's body charged up 100 feet.

Ancient Demon Bei Lou chuckled and completely ignored the suction from the vortex. His body flickered and appeared in the distance.

His right eye shined and a powerful demonic force surrounded him. He blew before him and ripples appeared before him. Before he walked into the ripples, he turned around and looked at everyone struggling inside the vortex. He especially looked at Wang Lin and smiled. "Little friend Wang Lin, since you let his old man come in, I won't mistreat you. I'll tell you the way out. This pool was named the Celestial Burial Pool by Celestial Emperor Qing Lin. The amount of celestials that died in there can't be counted. If you are inadvertently sucked in, I'm afraid you will die. The only choice is to break free as soon as possible!"

Bei Lou's swords echoed through the vortex. Wang Lin silently pondered before he slapped his bag of holding and more than 10 big swords flew out. They rotated around him, creating a counter force that worked with his origin energy and the flames to resist the suction force.

However, just at this moment, an angry roar came from inside the vortex. This roar was heaven-shaking, and when it came out, it caused the suction force of the vortex to become even stronger!

This roar contained something that shocked everyone's minds! After the roar was heard, countless tattoos came out from the vortex.

These tattoos were completely blood red, and some were connected to pieces of flesh. It was as if someone had just carved them out of their owners' bodies.

The moment Wang Lin saw these tattoos, he gasped. He recognized all these tattoos as the core tattoo of the Chosen Immortal Clan!

A vague figure slowly appeared from the depths of the vortex along with the angry roar and tattoos. As the figure slowly rose up, a monstrous, evil aura appeared!

This evil aura was so powerful that even Ling Tianhou's body trembled. This vague figure made his scalp tingle! Even the All-Seer never made him feel like this; even Master Void couldn't do this!

This had nothing to do with cultivation, it was a tremble from the soul, as if he had met his natural enemy!

One could only tell that the vague figure was a woman as she slowly rose out of the vortex. Her face gradually revealed two hollow and bloody eye sockets. Two streams of blood flowed out from the eye sockets.

Her eyes had been forcibly removed by someone!

Even the All-Seer revealed a trace of shock when he saw the figure!

"This… Could it be… her!!!"

Master Void's pupils shrank when he looked at the woman in the vortex. He erupted his full cultivation without hesitation and struggled to pull the beautiful middle-aged woman and the girl in pink up.



"It's her!!! It must be her! She was actually sealed here by Celestial Emperor Qing Lin!! Damn it, rumor has it she is dead, but Celestial Emperor Qing Lin actually didn't kill her!!"

Master Void's calmness disappeared completely. After figuring out the identity of the vague figure, he almost lost his wits. The Alliance knew a lot about the matter regarding the Celestial Realm. As one of the Alliance elders, he knew a lot of secrets others didn't know about.

The moment the vague figure appeared, Elder Sun was struggling inside the suction force. However, when the evil aura appeared, even with his cultivation level, he couldn't resist it. His origin energy stopped moving and he was sucked away by the vortex.

His eyes were filled with terror, and just as he was about to be pulled in, the Star-Marked Sable came out of his clothes. Its eyes were cold as it jumped off his body. The Star-Marked Sable was mysterious as it could step in the air to borrow force. It struggled to move upward and stared at Wang Lin with bright eyes.

At this moment, Bei Lou looked at the vague figure that was slowly appearing, and his right eye flashed and he muttered, "Old friend… I originally thought she only disappeared and was hiding somewhere, healing. I didn't think Qing Lin had sealed her here… Qing Lin… He is very strong, very strong! If it wasn't for the fact that he was seriously injured during the collapse of the Celestial Realm, Ta Jia and I wouldn't have dared to have greedy thoughts about him!"

Staring at the vague figure, there was a hint of hesitation in Bei Lou's eyes.

"Should I save her…" His eyes lit up as he carefully looked behind the vague figure, and he was shocked.

"Qing Lin is too vicious! He actually used that thing as the seal. Even if my power was at its peak, like it was back in the day, I might not be able to save her. I might even be caught as well. Forget it!"

After giving up on saving people, Bei Lou's body flickered and slowly disappeared as he used his own unique method to leave this place.

Just at this moment, as the vague figure launched into the air, an evil aura enveloped everyone here. Situ Nan formed many seals and launched spells. However, at this moment, the vague figure raised its right hand and gently waved.

The evil intent here reached a peak and formed a vortex. Ling Tianhou's body trembled and was pulled down.

Along with him was Situ Nan!

Wang Lin was flying up when he suddenly stopped and spread out his origin energy without hesitation, causing a sea of flames to appear around him. As more than a dozen swords rotated around Wang Lin, he charged at Situ Nan.

As the terrifying suction continued and the horrifying figure rose into the air, everyone who wasn't sucked in was struggling to fly up. Only Wang Lin's figure darted downward toward Situ Nan.

All of Situ Nan's origin energy had stopped moving. He had a bitter smile on his face as he saw himself getting closer to the rising figure, and he muttered, "Damn it, this old man has always had good fortune. Am I really going to be stuck here this time?" Just as he spoke, he immediately saw Wang Lin charging at him.

Wang Lin's origin energy moved like crazy, and he was covered in a sea of flames as he rushed down. The suction force immediately swept by and continued to devour the sea of flames around him.

Seeing Situ Nan moving further and further away, Wang Lin revealed a decisive gaze, then his origin energy exploded behind him and he shot down like a meteor.

As a result, his speed doubled and he instantly closed in on Situ Nan. Wang Lin was less than 10,000 feet from the vague figure. He immediately grabbed Situ Nan from a distance and then his origin energy exploded around him. The impact shot Wang Lin upwards.

Black blood came from the empty eyes of the vague figure. The blood entered the vortex and turned into a sea of blood. It gained monstrous momentum in the vortex and then surged upwards!

Chapter 1025 - Tattoo Clan Divine Ancestor


This black sea of blood moved with the vortex. From a distance, it looked like a blood fountain that wanted to devour the heavens, and it gave off a fishy smell.

That blood fountain was like a large, open mouth, and it continued to climb up. More than half of the 10,000 foot distance between it and Wang Lin was crossed in an instant.

Wang Lin held Situ Nan as his origin energy moved like crazy and the endless flames surrounded his body. His hand formed a seal and the dozen large swords entered the flames. The rotation of the swords stirred up the flames to resist the sea of blood and its smell.

As the sea of flames burned, crackling sounds could be heard. The evil aura was constantly being burned by the sea of flames, making it impossible for it to close in.

If the evil aura entered Wang Lin's body, it would stop his origin energy flow. Although Wang Lin's origin energy contained the Vermillion Bird Divine Flame, he didn't dare to risk it.

Using the rotational force and the sea of flames allowed Wang Lin to barely struggle up 1,000 feet. He let out a roar and threw Situ Nan up.

Situ Nan's body was thrown past Wang Lin. At the same time, Wang Lin sent a strand of origin energy into Situ Nan's body.

Wang Lin's origin energy contained the Vermillion Bird Divine Flame and was terrifyingly hot. Situ Nan's cultivation had been affected by the evil aura, which was a powerful cold force that had frozen the movement of his origin energy.

When Wang Lin's origin energy entered, the extreme heat eased the seal on Situ Nan's origin energy. Situ Nan's cultivation was not weak, and thanks to Wang Lin's help, popping sounds came from his body and he forced himself to fly higher into the air.

If the vague figure was at its peak, just one strand of evil aura would've left Situ Nan and Wang Lin no chance to escape. However, the figure had been sealed here for countless years and Wang Lin's Vermillion Bird Divine Flame was very pure, and thus they had a chance to break free.

Situ Nan's long hair flowed and his origin energy resumed operation. Although there were still some issues, this critical moment wasn't the time to heal. As he leaped upwards, his right hand formed a seal without hesitation and he reached down!

Five rays of golden light immediately shot out from his finger toward Wang Lin. The golden light formed a net that caught Wang Lin.

Situ Nan used all the force he could use at this moment and threw Wang Lin upwards!

Wang Lin had risked a lot by charging down to save Situ Nan, and he struggled to fly up. When he tossed Situ Nan, he couldn't help but pause for a moment. This allowed the sea of blood to only be 1,000 feet away from him. The smell of blood rushed into his face and entered his nose.

The sea of blood was filled with mournful souls with elongated bodies stretching out from the vortex. They stared at Wang Lin as if they wanted to pull him into the sea of blood so he could never re-enter the reincarnation cycle.

Wang Lin clearly saw the hideous appearance of those souls, and his scalp tingled. Even more evil aura came from the vortex and spread toward Wang Lin.

Just at this moment, Situ Nan's net arrived and surrounded Wang Lin. Situ Nan let out a roar and pulled up. Wang Lin borrowed this force to escape from the sea of blood. Just like this, the two of them helped each other and gradually gained distance from the sea of blood.

This could only happen between Wang Lin and Situ Nan; it would be impossible for anyone else to do this. Although it looked simple, if they didn't have a complete understanding of each other, complete trust, and a perfect grasp of the timing, then any small mistake would have made it impossible for them to escape.

After all, everyone would mostly think of themselves during a moment of danger. Often times they would have to risk themselves to help another. As a result, not many cultivators were able to do this.

If Situ Nan was in danger, Wang Lin would do whatever he could to help. If Wang Lin was in trouble, Situ Nan would not hesitate to help! Even if this meant they were going to be facing great danger.

As Wang Lin and Situ Nan helped each other, Ling Tianhou's body fell straight down due to the evil aura invading his body.

However, Ling Tianhou's cultivation was stronger than Situ Nan's, so as he fell, his cultivation recovered a bit. However, he was too close to the sea of blood. If he had access to his full cultivation, he could escape, but now his chances were low!

Just at this moment, the All-Seer, who was above the vortex, frowned before letting out a sigh. He waved his sleeves and unexpectedly did the same thing Wang Lin had done. He shot down like a meteor.


He was far faster than Wang Lin, and in an instant, he arrived next to Ling Tianhou. He grabbed Ling Tianhou and flew straight up.

The sea of blood roared and the vague figure emerged from the center. The figure raised its hand and gently reached out.

The All-Seer's expression changed, and without a thought, a ray of grey light came from between his eyebrows. The moment the grey-robed All-Seer appeared, his hand formed a seal and a sharp whistling sound quickly came from within the vortex.

Strands of slaughter energy appeared from the void and surrounded the area. From a distance, there were too many strands of slaughter energy; it was extremely alarming.

The endless strands of slaughter energy gathered from all directions with a point of the grey-robed All-Seer's finger. They condensed into one strand of slaughter energy and charged at the vague figure.

The moment grey-robed All-Seer appeared, the pupils of Master Void, who was carrying the beautiful middle-aged woman and the suspected Brilliant Void Saintess, shrank and he muttered, "Grey robe…"

The grey-robed All-Seer's expression was gloomy and extremely cold. His pointed with his right hand and calmly said one thing.


After he spoke, the one strand of slaughter energy suddenly collapsed! An earth-shattering sound echoed and the collapse of the slaughter energy created a rebound force that sent the All-Seer and Ling Tianhou up.

The sea of blood was pushed back by this powerful explosion. The soul fragments inside let out miserable screams and died.

Ling Tianhou silently pondered. He replied to the All-Seer's help with a cold gaze.

The All-Seer ignored Ling Tianhou as he rushed out a sharp scream came from the vortex. A figure suddenly rushed out at unimaginable speed from the vortex and clawed at the grey-robed All-Seer.

This scream contained a terrifying force. When Wang Lin and Situ Nan were impacted by this force, they immediately coughed out blood and sped up their escape.

As for the others, they had continued to fly up, and they used their origin energy to resist this impact.

The grey-robed All-Seer's eyes narrowed as he stared at the vague figure charging at him. His eyes turned red and he revealed a sneer before pointing down and slowly saying, "Slaughter, become a world!"

After he spoke, a loud rumble came from the void everyone was in. Then a giant crack suddenly appeared above the vortex!

Strands of slaughter energy came out of the crack like crazy. There was simply too much, several times more than before!

In a short instant, as strands of slaughter energy appeared, the entire area was filled with slaughter energy! Ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million, ten million, a hundred million!

100 million strands of slaughter energy appeared above the Celestial Burial Vortex. There was too much slaughter energy. If it wasn't for the fact they could fuse together, it would be impossible to accommodate them all here!

Wang Lin sucked in a breath of cold air when he saw this unimaginable scene. The grey-robed All-Seer's cold and calm voice from back then echoed in his mind.

"If I had 100 million strands of slaughter energy, I would be fine even if a planet exploded!"

Wang Lin had never seen 100 million strands of slaughter energy before. Now that he saw it himself, the shock he felt was indescribable.

Although the Celestial Burial Vortex was large, it was still smaller than the endless slaughter energy. At this moment, the slaughter energy gathered under the control of the grey-robed All-Seer.

The vortex formed by 100 million strands of slaughter energy suddenly appeared before everyone. It had the power to break everything in its path, and as it became compressed, a terrifying aura appeared before everyone.

"Monstrous Slaughter!" the grey-robed All-Seer shouted as the vortex charged at the vague figure inside the Celestial Burial Vortex.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!



Waves of heaven-shaking rumbles echoed non-stop. Under the endless impact, the sea of blood collapsed. Even the Celestial Burial Vortex began to shake.

Borrowing the power of this impact, Wang Lin and Situ Nan sped up. They charged out of the vortex and looked below with pale faces.

Even the eyes of the old man on the gourd were filled with fear. The pupils of the man in black with the dragon mark hidden between his eyebrows shrank.


Master Void took a deep breath and stared at the grey-robed All-Seer. He would never forget how this person had walked into the Alliance and defeated countless powerful cultivators. Even some members of the elder group were not his match.

He had even killed a standing elder back then and became a member of the elder group through force!

"What's even more frightening is that terrifying power of law that allows him to foresee everything. Although he is terrifying when he slaughters, it is his gaze that can see through everything when he isn't slaughtering that caught the Alliance's attention…" Master Void looked at the grey-robed All-Seer and the All-Seer's original body that saved Ling Tianhou.

"It was only because Senior Brother dreaded this person that he sacrificed his life and paid the price of his third Heaven's Blight arriving early that he was able to cast a powerful spell that used Ling Tianhou to break his dao heart. This created a flaw in his dao heart during his second Heaven's Blight. This caused his dao heart to shatter into countless pieces and made it unable to merge!

"Otherwise, the All-Seer would be at a terrifying level today. If he wasn't at the third step yet, he wouldn't be far away!"

Inside the Celestial Burial Vortex, the moment the sea of blood collapsed, the blurred woman inside waved her right hand. A purplish gold tattoo flashed between her eyebrows.

With a wave of her hand, the vicious slaughter vortex suddenly paused and millions of strands of slaughter energy disappeared without a trace.

This sudden change caused everyone's minds to tremble.

The grey-robed All-Seer's eyes lit up. He frowned and was about to use another spell when the original All-Seer that saved Ling Tianhou calmly said, "Come back!"

The grey-robe All-Seer looked back at his original body and revealed a cold stare. However, he retreated while silently pondering and then disappeared between the All-Seer's brows.

Then the All-Seer flew out from the vortex and floated in the air. Aside from the people who were sucked into the vortex earlier, everyone else was still there.

However, no one was speaking, and they were all looking at the woman slowly floating out of the vortex!

As the woman approached, Wang Lin clearly saw that her feet were firmly locked by a scarlet red tendon-like thing. As she flew into the sky, the tendon was pulled straight.

The Star-Marked Sable that had disappeared came out of the vortex and landed on the tendon around the woman's feet. It sniffed a few times before its eyes shined and unexpectedly lied down on top of it.

The woman stopped when she was 2,000 feet from everyone. She looked up with her empty eyes sockets as if she was looking at everyone. There was still black blood coming out of her eye sockets and dripping down from her chin.

"Are there still descendants of the Tattoo clan?" A hoarse voice came out of the woman's mouth, and it contained a mysterious power.

Although this voice was hoarse, it was very pleasant to listen to. It seemed to echo and linger in your ears.

Facing the woman's sudden question, everyone remained silent. After a long time, Master Void revealed a respectful look and said, "There are still a lot of the Tattoo clan alive."

The woman silently pondered and let out a sigh. She struggled to come out from the depths of the Celestial Burial Pool to only ask this and see one person.

Her empty eye sockets seemed to release an invisible gaze that landed on Wang Lin.

"Summon the Celestial Guard in your shadow."

Wang Lin silently pondered and then Ta Shan appeared form his shadow with a thought. He stared coldly at the woman.

"It has been a very long time since I've seen my clan members…" Melancholy filled the woman's eyes. She waved her right hand and Ta Shan flew toward her against his will.

Chapter 1026 - Qing Lin, You Lied to Me


Ta Shan closed in on the woman, but his eyes were still cold. Although as a Celestial Guard he still had his consciousness, all his emotions were gone, leaving him with only indifference.

The woman raised her hand and gently placed it between Ta Shan's eyebrows. A powerful surge of energy entered and shattered the Celestial Guard seal.

In addition, as Ta Shan trembled, large amounts of golden liquid came out of Ta Shan's body. This golden liquid contained all the refined magical treasures that were used to refine Ta Shan's body.

In just a moment, all traces of the Celestial Guard seal on Ta Shan were gone. This kind of forceful removal of the Celestial Guard seal made Wang Lin's scalp tingle. Luckily, he only controlled the Celestial Guard seal through force, so even if it was destroyed, he wouldn't be affected.

After losing the Celestial Guard seal, Ta Shan's eyes began to gradually fade. He was already on the verge of death back then, and if it wasn't for Wang Lin refining him, he would have already died.

Now that the Celestial Guard seal was gone, Ta Shan was filled with death aura. However, how could this woman allow Ta Shan to die? She raised her right hand and began drawing between Ta Shan's eyebrows with the tip of her finger. One stroke, one stroke, one stroke!

A complex tattoo was gradually formed by her fingertip and was engraved deeply between Ta Shan's eyebrows.

"As your Tattoo clan's Holy Ancestor, I activate your clan spirit and gift you the Tattoo clan's Holy Tattoo…" The woman's voice sounded tired. The moment she drew the last stroke, the rune flashed and Ta Shan's eyes lit up. His body no longer trembled and he had calmed down. He looked at the woman before him with eyes filled with confusion.

When the woman was carving the new tattoo on Ta Shan, she looked through his memories without reservation. She saw how Ta Shan's clan had lived inside the Nether Beast and were sacrificed to the celestials. How the celestials had branded them with a slave imprint. How Wang Lin had appeared and taken them out of the Nether Beast to find a new place to live.





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She had seen all of this.

When she saw the slave imprint affecting generations of the Tattoo clan, even more black blood flowed out from her empty eye sockets!

"Qing Lin… You lied to me!!!" The woman raised her head and let out a sharp scream filled with anger. This sound was extremely venomous, and the Celestial Burial Vortex below her suddenly became even more intense. The howling of countless souls could be heard from within the vortex.

As the vortex rotated rapidly, endless evil aura rushed out of vortex until it was about to collapse. The woman had an ugly expression and was filled with unimaginable resentment. It was as if all the years of resentment that had been suppressed within her were going to erupt.

As her scream echoed, the vortex seemed like it was about to be pulled up. However, just at this moment, the red tendon wrapped around her leg shined bright red. The red light seemed to cover her body and locked her in place.

However, the unimaginable resentment that had been sealed for countless years and the anger from after realizing Qing Lin had lied to her caused the light restricting her to immediately collapse!

She raised her right and mercilessly clawed at the vortex below her!

With one claw, the earth trembled and even the vortex trembled. Even the Celestial Emperor Cave trembled as if it was about to collapse!

The vortex formed by the Celestial Burial Pool began to tremble and disintegrate after her claw. It was as if the vortex was torn apart, and it began gathering in the woman's right hand.

It was as if the woman was going to pull the vortex out from the ground!

This drastic change caused the surroundings to change greatly. The All-Seer silently looked at everything, and his expression became slightly gloomy. Master Void revealed a wry smile and shook his head. He had seen the records from the Celestial Realm and knew a few things about the past. Rumors stated that she had died, but after seeing that she was still alive, he made some connections and guessed what had happened back then.

"You lied to me. You promised me you wouldn't harm my clan and would open up a new star system for them to live in. Then your celestials and my clan could live together. Those were things you promised me. Qing Lin, why did you lie to me!?!"



Her mournful voice echoed and was filled with resentment. As her right hand continued to claw, the vortex continued to collapse. As it shrank, it revealed the abyss below, and the vortex gathered in the woman's right hand.

Countless souls flew out. A majority of those souls were celestials Qing Lin had killed. Now they filled the area, and it was a shocking sight to behold.

The red tendon shinned even brighter and layers of red light surrounded her. However, just as the light surrounded her, it would collapse!

Just at this moment, countless runes appeared on the red tendon. Just as the runes appeared, it released a crystal light that floated off from the red tendon. The countless specks of crystal light gathered before the woman and formed an ethereal figure!

This person's body was half-transparent, but he was a middle-aged man. He wore a golden robe and his long hair was tied with a yellow ribbon. He looked very handsome and gave off the aura of a celestial.

His eyes revealed a ruthless and cold gaze, but there was no spirit in his eyes at all.

The moment his shadow appeared, an aura that made it feel like only he could rule the world appeared. At this moment, even the expressions of powerful people like the All-Seer changed! Countless avatars of himself began to appear around him. He didn't do this of his own will, it was due to the the shock caused by this aura!

"He was even stronger than that person!!" The All-Seer sucked in a breath of cold air and fear filled his eyes. He was only ever shocked like this once, and it was before that person back then!

When Wang Lin saw this person, he immediately gasped and his pupils shrank. He immediately recognized that this person looked exactly the same as the carving of Qing Lin back with the Flower Celestial!

"Qing Lin!"

"This isn't the real Qing Lin, just a divine sense avatar he left when he sealed the Tattoo clan's Holy Ancestor. It has no intelligence, no memories, and no spells like his original body. He only has the instinct to stop this Tattoo clan Holy ancestor from escaping!" Master Void's mind was shaken. At his cultivation level, he could affect the law of the world to a certain degree. However, when he saw this figure, he felt like he was a mortal again; so weak, he could perish to a mere breath.

At this moment, far away from the Demon Spirit Land and outside of the Alliance controlled area was a burning star system. The moment Wang Lin walked out of the bottle world after his awakening, a shocking event occurred in the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect!

Everything was because of the Vermillion Bird awakening!

Chapter 1027 - Vermillion Bird Divine Planet


Deep within the Alliance, there were a few places that even the Alliance couldn't control. Even with how big the Cultivation Alliance was, not a single member of them could take half a step inside these places!

One they entered, they would face death without any chance of survival. Even Nirvana Cleanser cultivators wouldn't dare to take half a step inside.

Only those at the Nirvana Shatterer stage had the courage to enter. Even then, they had be extremely careful as one mistake would end in their death.

These areas were called the Forbidden Zones within the Alliance! Everyone who had reached the second step in the Alliance knew some of these places.

There were many rumors about them outside, but not many people knew the real reason.

There was a place within a Forbidden Zone that was always burning. At a glance, the sea of flames covered the entire star field. The terrifying heat from the flames was enough to make people's hearts tremble.

Looking from a distance, it seemed like an endless burning star field. It was an unforgettable scene for anyone who saw it. Even if they reincarnated, they wouldn't erase this profound scene of an entire star field on fire.

This sea of flames was different from Qing Lin's Burn the Heavens. Burn the Heavens was a powerful spell, but this sea of flames had appeared naturally!

Rumors had it that this sea of flames existed when the Celestial Realm was around. If one searched back, it even existed in primordial times.

No one knew how long this sea of flames had burned for. Generations of cultivators went by, the Celestial Realm collapsed, and the ancient cultivation world was gone, but these eternal flames still burned.

No one knew what kind of force, what kind of power allowed this sea of flames to burn forever and to never extinguish even with the passage of time.

The eternal burning made this starfield a world of fire.

All the planets and rocks had dissipated after these countless years of burning. Only nine planets remained, and they formed a circle.

Only these nine planets were able to withstand the unimaginable flames. Even so, these nine planets were no longer intact and were like crescent moons.

Dense flames surrounded the nine planets as if they were constantly trying to burn them to ashes.

The first of the nine plants had no ocean. Even if it did a long time ago, it had evaporated, leaving only the dried seabed.

At first glance, there was no green on the planet. Even if there were any plants, they were all fiery red. Although they were dazzling, there was death hidden underneath them.

The plants that could survive under these conditions weren't simple.

This place had spiritual energy just like normal cultivation planets, but the spiritual energy here contained fire poison. If a mortal sucked in a mouthful of it, their entire body, along with their bones, would instantly turn to black ashes.

Even cultivators can't endure long within the fire poison. This starfield was named the Vermillion Bird Land, and these nine planet were the Vermillion Bird Divine Planets!

The first Divine Planet was the most respected! In the southern part of the planet, there was a giant dark red statue! This was a statue of a soaring Vermillion Bird!

Its tail was opened as if it was an open flame, and it covered five kilometers of land. If the tail was already so large, there was no need to mention the body of this Vermillion Bird!

It occupied hundreds of kilometers, and this giant Vermillion Bird could even be easily seen from space!

The eyes of the Vermillion Bird were formed purely from fire. Every hour, two dense strands of fire would descend from the sky and enter the eyes of the Vermillion bird.

This wasn't the only Divine Vermillion Bird Statue. The other eight planets all had the exact same statue. This was the holy symbol of the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect!





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There were dozens of people wearing crimson robes sitting around the Vermillion Bird statue. There were men and women among them, and they absorbed the flames around them.

The Vermillion Bird's tail was divided into the three parts, and each part had an old man sitting on it. Their hands were in a seal and they were chanting a strange chant. Each of the Vermillion Bird's feathers emitted fire that was absorbed by the surrounding cultivators.

This was a mandatory daily cultivation that occurred in the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect, where they borrowed the power of the holy statue to absorb the power of fire. Aside from those dozens of cultivators next to the statue, there were hundreds more even further away.

If one looked even further, there were far too many cultivators cultivating with the statue as the center. From the dozens next to the statue, to hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of cultivators further away!

Countless cultivators wearing the same clothes silently absorbed the flames from the holy statue.

Time slowly passed, and in the blink of an eye, the flames from the Vermillion Bird statue began to gradually dissipate. The cultivators got ready for their last bit of cultivation. Usually, at this time, their cultivation for the day was about to be complete.

In the outermost edge, people who didn't absorb much of the flames had already opened their eyes. Soon, everyone opened their eyes and regained consciousness.

Even the three elders on the tail all awakened from their trance. One of them stood up and looked at the disciples of the Vermillion Bird Sect and was about to speak.

However, just at this moment, a shocking change occurred!

The Vermillion Bird Holy Statue trembled and the originally dim body suddenly exploded in flames! The Vermillion Bird Holy Statue released a powerful red glow.

The flames from the statue continued to grow and quickly became huge. The expressions of the three elders quickly changed, and they flew off the statue instantly. One of the elders roared, "Disciples of the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect, retreat! Quickly retreat!"

The other two elders waved their sleeves, creating a power gust of wind, and the dozens of disciples near the statue were blow into the air. The disciples' expressions all changed and retreated without hesitation.

In an instant, all the disciples of the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect quickly retreated from the Vermillion Bird statue. From above, the disciples moving away from the statue looked like a retreating tide.

The flames from the Vermillion Bird Holy Statue became even more fierce, and they shot into the air and covered the sky! The dense flames spread out in ring-shaped waves.

This wasn't the only place like this. The same scene was occurring on the other eight planets as well! This sudden change caused the expressions of many people of the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect to change. However, there were some elders who were different. Their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably. This wasn't trembling due to fear, but excitement!

"Vermillion Bird Transformation… Vermillion Bird Transformation!! I didn't think I'd ever see the Vermillion Bird Transformation in my lifetime!" A white-haired old man looked up at the sky and laughed. His eyes revealed an ancient gaze as he looked at the Vermillion Bird statue.

He wasn't the only one. Everyone who knew about the Vermillion Bird Transformation looked at the sky with excitement in their eyes. There weren't many people among the nine planets that knew what it was, but all the ones that did had powerful cultivation!

On the first planet, there was a land to the east that was covered in purplish red flames. The moment this change occurred, the earth suddenly collapsed and a purple figure charged out.

The moment this figure appeared, the surrounding sea of flames began to gather around him. The flickering of the flames allowed you to see that it was an old man covered in wrinkles. He stared at the sky dumbfoundedly and his body trembled once.

"Vermillion Bird Transformation!" Unknowingly, two stream of tears flowed from his eyes and he laughed like crazy. "It really is the Vermillion Bird Transformation!!"

This scene was happening across the remaining eight Vermillion Bird Divine Planets as well!

The Vermillion Bird Holy Statue released dense flames, and as the flame pushed outward, they suddenly reversed. All of the scattered flames began to surge back to the statue.

It wasn't just the flames from nearby, but all the flames in the sky and across the planet were being pulled in. It was as if an unimaginable suction force had appeared within the statue.

From a distance, the planet seemed to have become an ocean as flames gathered from all directions.

At this moment, the sky changed colors and the world changed!

While the Vermillion Bird Holy Statue was absorbing the flames, it looked like a volcano erupted. A pillar of flames shot out of the statues straight into the sky!

It was as if the Vermillion Bird Holy Statue was just a medium to gather all the flames across the planet so that the pillar of flame could pierce the clouds and exit the planet!

As the pillar of fire rumbled, it penetrated the clouds, penetrated the atmosphere, and penetrated the heat wave to appear in the burning starfield!



The moment it charged out, eight more pillars of flame shot out from the other eight planets once their respective statues gathered enough flames! Soon, the nine pillars of flame gathered at the center of the nine planets!

The moment the nine pillars flame gathered, a Vermillion Bird cry countless times louder than the one Wang Lin created and several times more powerful echoed across this burning starfield!

What appeared along with the Vermillion Bird cry was a Vermillion Bird the size of a planet. It was as if it hadn't appeared in countless years. The natural flames that all the cultivators of the Alliance dreaded began to surge toward this location!

The vibrations caused by this made it feel as if the entire starfield was shaking, and a very loud rumble echoed across the starfield!

This was Vermillion Bird Transformation! This was the first Vermillion Bird Transformation since they had lost to the Alliance! The Vermillion Bird Transformation held great importance to the Vermillion Bird Divine Sect!

This meant that a member of the Vermillion Bird Series had awakened their Vermillion Bird Mark and could possibly become the next Vermillion Bird Divine Emperor. This was the only way for the Vermillion Bird Transformation to occur and summon the true Vermillion Bird spirit that hadn't appeared for tens of thousands of years!

At this moment, nine people in rays of purplish red light flew out from the nine planets, and each of them was at the Nirvana Shatterer stage. They had come out for this Vermillion Bird Transformation!

When the nine of them closed in on the Vermillion Bird spirit, it let out another cry. The cry turned into countless ripples that spread across the starfield. It also pushed massive amounts of flame along with it.

At the same time, the Vermillion Bird spirit rapidly rotated and turned into a giant ball of fire. The flame began to twist and then an image appeared!

The person in the image had long, flowing hair, and the Vermillion Bird tattoo covered his body. He gave off large amounts of flame, and from a distance, he looked like a Vermillion Bird!

He was Wang Lin!

In the picture, aside from Wang Lin, there was also the Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor who had a mournful appearance with her empty eye sockets. Before her was Qing Lin formed by the crystal light!

The moment the scene appeared, the woman suddenly looked over. Her empty eyes caused their minds to tremble.

"This woman is…"

"Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor Qiu Yao!"

"The person before her, could he be the Celestial Emperor Qing Lin?!"

Master Void, the All-Seer, and everyone else appeared in the picture!

"Master Void and the All-Seer are there too!"

"The person went through the Vermillion Bird Awakening in such a dangerous place. That Master Void is a key figure in the Alliance. He definitely won't allow my Vermillion Bird Sect to have someone awaken!"

"However, I had never seen the person who awakened. How did he obtain the Vermillion Bird Series?"

The nine people looked at the scene inside the ball of fire. Just at this moment, a powerful divine sense came from the depths of the burning star system. This divine sense was so strong that it even caused the flames within the star system to pause!

"There is no need to doubt this child's identity. His mark was given to him by one of my avatars. Take the force of the entire sect and use the true spirit as a guide. Bring him back safely at all costs!"

After this divine sense swept by, the nine of them immediately revealed fervent respect.

"As the Divine Emperor orders!"

"This old man doesn't have much time left as my injuries from back then have become more serious. This child is the hope of my Vermillion Bird Divine Sect… You all are closer, so no matter the cost, you must ensure his safety!"

At this moment, inside the Celestial Emperor Cave, as Qing Lin appeared, Wang Lin felt heat in his Vermillion Bird tattoo. He didn't even have time to check before several gazes fell on him.

There was a flash of killing intent from Master Void. He immediately noticed the change to the tattoo on Wang Lin's body.

"The Vermillion Bird Sect has noticed his awakening!"

Chapter 1028 - Stop Spell


The Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor also noticed the faint change in Wang Lin's Vermillion Bird tattoo, but she didn't care. She couldn't see Qing Lin's appearance, but she could clearly feel it.

She had been here for tens of thousands of years, so how could she not know of the divine sense left here within the seal? Its sole purpose was to keep her permanently sealed here.

After sensing Qing Lin's avatar, her hatred became even stronger. Her empty eye sockets stared at Qing Lin, and countless memories flashed through her mind.

"Qing Lin!!" the woman said, almost gnashing her teeth. The moment Qing Lin appeared, a complex tattoo flashed between her eyebrows. Then a ferocious red beast bone shot out at Qing Lin!

The moment the beast bone appeared, a monstrous evil aura appeared. The moment the evil aura appeared, the temperature dropped as if it was winter. As the evil aura spread, layers of ice began to appear in the surroundings.

Wang Lin's origin energy rapidly cycled and the heat of his Vermillion Bird Divine Fire filled his body. However, his gaze was locked onto the beast bone, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

"Wither Dao Pair?" Wang Lin looked at the back of his right hand. The ferocious appearance of the Wither Dao Pair was there.

"The spell used by the Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor unexpectedly looks like the Wither Dao Pair. Although, the color is different and the effect is not the same."

Qing Lin's divine sense avatar formed by the specks of light coldly looked at the woman and pointed at her!

With a point of his finger, specks of light began to appear. These specks of light came from Qing Lin and gathered at the tip of his finger. Then a ray of crystal light shot out and surrounded the beast bone like a flowing river.

The moment the light formed a circle, it quickly contracted. It penetrated the beast bone at an unimaginable speed and went inside the beast bone.

The specks of light condensed toward the center of the beast bone. When large amount of light entered the beast bone, the beast bone seemed to have no power to resist. Red gas escaped from the beast bone, and the beast bone seemed to fuse with the specks of light. As more red gas escaped, the beast bone seem to lose its luster.

It only took a few moments for a bright, fist-sized crystal to form inside the beast bone.

The moment the crystal appeared, it released a bright glow. The light was like tens of thousands of swords stabbing outwards. This made everyone gasp.

"What a tyrannical sealing method. It doesn't consume a bit of the divine sense avatar. Instead, it extracts the power of law from the opponent's spell and uses it to completely seal the spell. Not even Senior Brother could do something like this so easily!" Master Void gasped and his pupils shrank. Soon, a trace of greed appeared in his eyes.



















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"Although Qing Lin is very strong, according the Alliance's observations and information, I'm 90% certain he is in his deathbed. If I can capture him and control him through a special method, then the Cultivation Alliance will no longer have any enemies!"

A thunderous rumble echoed and the beast bone trembled as the light pierced out from inside it. when the light pierced out from the beast bone, the beast bone shattered into countless pieces.

Although it seems like a lot has happened, all of this took place in an instant. As the bright light spread, it caused everyone's eyes to feel a stab of pain and forced them to retreat.

Qing Lin coldly looked at the Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor, and he raised his right hand once more and a mysterious rune appeared. The rune whistled through the air until it was above the woman and released a green light.

The moment the rune appeared, a roar-like sound came from the Celestial Burial Vortex that the woman had somewhat pulled up from the ground.

One by one, souls charged out from the Celestial Burial Pool. At first there weren't many, but soon, they were coming out like crazy.

The giant vortex quickly broke free from the woman's control. There was a heaven-shaking rumble and then the vortex began to rotate, and it was even faster than before. There were even tearing sounds that made it seem as if the world was being torn apart.

The unimaginable amount of souls moved with the vortex. Those ferocious gazes and mournful cries made it seem like the gates to hell had been opened.

There were simply too many souls. Wang Lin only took one look before his scalp went numb. There were celestials, Tattoo Clan, ancient Qi cultivators, and even beasts Wang Lin had never seen before.

Every soul inside gave off a terrifying pressure. Although they were long dead, this pressure showed that every single one of these souls were extremely powerful when they were alive!

Only those with certain qualifications would be thrown into the Celestial Burial Pool by Celestial Emperor Qing Lin!

As the countless souls roared, the Celestial Burial Pool surged up like the raging sea. It rotated rapidly below the woman, and a suction force several times stronger than before appeared.

However, what was strange was that the suction force only affected the woman and had no effect on anyone else.

Qing Lin didn't pause. His hands moved and another rune appeared that circled the woman as well. The moment after this rune appeared, the vortex rotated twice as fast, as if it had become the mouth of hell that wanted to devour her completely.

The black blood coming from her eye sockets started to flow even faster, as if she was shedding tears, only these tears were shocking to see.

"Why did you lie to me… Why did you lie to me, why!?!" The woman's voice contained a powerful penetrating force. As her voice spread out, the two runes before her trembled as if they could collapse at any moment.

What was even more terrifying was that the space around her shattered with her sharp voice. The space was about to collapse.

As her voice penetrated through the air, it created a series of sonic booms that swept the area. Soon, it created a storm that swept toward Qing Lin.



Blood came out of Wang Lin's ears. Even though he was constantly cycling his origin energy and had the body of an ancient god, he was still injured.

It was as if a buzz had appeared in his hears, and the same words echoed and lingered in his ears.

"Why… Why…"

Wang Lin was aghast at the situation, and he saw that Situ Nan and the others were almost the same. Only the All-Seer, Master Void, and the man in black had gloomy expressions and weren't affected.

The sound of her voice formed a storm that charged at Qing Lin. Qing Lin still had a cold expression as he lifted his right hand and pointed forward. With that, the incoming storm suddenly paused!

It was as if an unimaginable law had descended from the heavens, and according to the will of the caster, this law stopped everything's right to move. Then it turned into countless strands of law power that entangled it and stopped it from moving.

"The Stop spell!!" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a strange light, and there was even a trace of excitement in them. To him, the Stop spell was a very important celestial spell.

Wang Lin had gotten through many dangers in his life due to the Stop spell. It could be said that the Stop spell was something indispensable in his life.

However, the Stop spell he learned was what he learned from the jade Celestial Emperor Qing Lin left. He had never seen another person use it. No matter how hard he studied it, he had no chance of breaking the limit of this spell.

However, this was the first time he was witnessing someone else use the Stop spell, and the person who used it was Qing Lin!

Just at that moment, others might not have much comprehension about what just happened. However, Wang Lin could be considered an inheritor of the Stop spell, so it was extremely important for him to see Qing Lin use it.

This was no different from Qing Lin personally teaching it to him. It was as if Qing Lin was the teacher and Wang Lin was the student. After the student finished learning, the master would cast the spell once to allow the student to verify and adjust what they learned.

This was a chance Wang Lin could only dream of. It was as if Bai Fan had appeared and used Call the Wind, Summon the Rain, Magic Arsenal, Mountains Crumble, Lands Collapse, and Dark Moon, Clear Skies before him!

However, this wasn't the time to carefully ponder it. Wang Lin could only memorize this scene to study later.

Qing Lin's right hand didn't stop. After he stopped the storm, his hand quickly moved. Then seven more runes immediately flew out and arrived next to the woman.

They fused with the previous two seals and formed a nine-seal formation!

The nine seals circled the woman's body and released a mysterious light. The moment the nine seals appeared, the Celestial Burial Pool below the woman suddenly erupted!

This Celestial Burial Pool formed giant vortex and rotated rapidly. As it continued to expand, countless souls flew out at the woman.

In almost the blink of an eye, she was surrounded by souls. These souls gathered together to form black chains. The black chains locked her down and mercilessly dragged her down.

Chapter 1029 - Scattered Like Birds


The vortex charged into the air and an unimaginable suction force erupted. The Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor wasn't able to struggle at all, and the chain slowly pulled her back into the rising vortex.

The woman revealed a bleak expression, and the tattoo between her eyebrows flickered. Every flicker would cause a loud rumble and one of the chains around her would shatter. The chains would turn back into wailing souls that got sucked into the Celestial Burial Vortex.

The moment the chains collapsed, countless souls came out of the vortex and formed new chains that continued to drag her down.

This caused everyone who saw this to silently ponder. They were shocked and had various thought about this.

The woman bitterly smiled. She had been sealed here for too many years and didn't have the power she used to have. If Qing Lin's divine sense avatar wasn't here, she might've had a chance to break free, but now she had no chance.

She revealed a bitter smile. Although she had no eyes, there seemed to be a hint of light in her empty eye sockets. At this moment, green gas appeared in her eye sockets and seemed to replace her eyes.

She looked at the Qing Lin avatar before her and let out a miserable laugh. "The person I hate the most in my life is you, Qing Lin!!

"Back then, my Tattoo Clan offended Supreme, so we had to escape to the sealed realm, where the Supreme had no control. We just wanted to avoid the dispute and find a place to live far away from death.

"The war with your Celestial Realm was because you celestials were eyeing our Tattoo clan's source origin energy, and you attacked first. Did my Tattoo clan have to obey you?! That war lasted for far too long, and your Celestial Realm used various methods against us. In order to steal my Tattoo Clan's holy bottle, you killed countless powerful members of my clan!

"If that was it, it would have been fine. After all, casualties on both sides are inevitable in a war. However, as one of the four Celestial Emperors and the most powerful person in the Celestial Realm, why did you deceive a woman's fragile heart!?

"You had said that I'd be your Celestial Cave Concubine. I, Qiu Yao, betrayed my clan for you and willingly become your concubine in exchange for a place for my Tattoo clan to live in this sealed realm.

"You said that you liked my eyes, and for you, I willingly dug out my own eyes and gave them to you. These eyes that had been gathering energy for countless years and had condensed an sliver of primordial energy. It was a pair of eyes that every generation of Tattoo Clan Ancestor inherited from the previous generation.

"Do you still remember that scene. My blood stained eyes and the blood that flowed out of my eye sockets…

"You asked so much of me, and I did my best to do fulfill your every demand. Even when you sealed me here to suppress the monstrous amount of souls here, I was willing.

"Beside you, I wasn't the Holy Ancestor, but just your concubine, and I liked you…"

The smile on her face became even more miserable. The black blood flew out from her eye socket like tears. Only they were tears of blood, and memories of the past flashed through her mind.

"Why!? Why did you still lie to me even though I did everything? You promised me you would give my clan a realm to live in. You promised me my clan would live on. You even said that one day you would take my clan outside the sealed realm once more!

"These were all things you told me. I, Qiu Yao, was stupid enough to believe your words. I stayed here suppressing these souls in the Celestial Burial Pool for you even though I was aware that your purpose was to seal me here. However, I still chose to believe in you.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I felt a member of clan and came out at all costs to see him, I would have never know that my clan never got their own realm! That after I was sealed, my clan became slaves to you celestials!!!!

"This made me hate you even more. Qing Lin, are you a heartless person? Do you not have any emotions? Are you a rock?! An ordinary slave seal simply can't seal my Tattoo clan for generations without end. That slave seal was clearly derived from that primordial energy from my eyes. Only that kind of power could seal my clan like this!!

"You obtained my eyes and obtained that sliver of primordial energy. Then you enfused countless slave seals within it so my clan became ant-like slaves within the sealed realm!! They were forced to worship you celestials for generations."



















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Even more black blood came out of her empty eye sockets. It carried the monstrous resentment from having her countless years of anticipation suddenly collapse before her.

"Qing Lin, your avatar is here, which means you're still not dead. Do you dare to appear before me!?!" The woman's mournful voice echoed as she was slowly dragged back into the Celestial Burial Pool with a miserable smile on her face.

When she was about to be pulled completely into the Celestial Burial Pool, her head suddenly jerked up and the tattoo between her eyebrows completely separated from her skin. The tattoo flickered like crazy, and even from where Wang Lin was, he could clearly see the lines of blood connecting to the tattoo. He could imagine how painful it was.

However, this pain couldn't compare to the pain in her heart. She raised her right hand and grabbed the tattoo. She then mercilessly pulled it out from between her eyebrows regardless of the pain and threw it up.

Ta Shan was still close to her. Everything before him made him gain some understanding, but his eyes were still filled with confusion. The tattoo the woman threw flew like light and arrived near Ta Shan. It fused to the spot between his eyebrows along with a stinging pain.

After throwing the tattoo, the woman became very weak and gradually sank into the Celestial Burial Pool. The green gas in her eye sockets flickered as she looked at Wang Lin and muttered, "You have helped my Tattoo clan… I, Qiu Yao, won't forget those that have helped my clan…"

She revealed a miserable smile once more as she mercilessly stabbed her two eye sockets. The green gas was pulled out and she threw it. It turned into two rays of green light that fused into one and then shot toward Wang Lin.

"Aside from my Tattoo Clan's life tattoo, another thing we had that made us famous in the outer realm was the Withered Tattoo spell. This is the method of the Withered Tattoo. Since you helped my Tattoo Clan, then you should be able to get my clan's descendant to help you obtain the power of tattoos."

Wang Lin heard her message immediately after he caught the green light.

She profoundly looked at the cold figure of Qing Lin as she sank into the Celestial Burial Pool. At this moment, the surroundings were completely silent. Even the countless souls also sank into the Celestial Burial Pool with her.

Only the sound of the vortex rotating could still be heard. The vortex slowly sank and was about to disappear into the deep pit below.

Holding the green light, Wang Lin naturally understood what the woman named Qiu Yao wanted. According to her, this Withered Tattoo spell required the help of the Tattoo clan, and it would be an invisible chain that tied Wang Lin and the Tattoo clan together.

"The fact that she is so confident means that the Withered Tattoo can't be ordinary!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he recalled the yellow talisman that could seal origin energy back in Allheaven…

"Could it be…" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed.

Just at this moment, just as the Celestial Burial Pool was about to disappear, a shocking change occurred. Qiu Yao's figure suddenly came out of the sinking vortex and, following a tearing sound, a heaven-shaking rumble came from the vortex.

"Qing Lin, even if I die, I won't let you go!" When this voice echoed, a large amount of souls appeared. The souls didn't charge out but collapsed. As the souls collapsed, the Celestial Burial Pool also trembled.

"Since you used me to suppress these souls, you should know that after countless years, I have become one with the Celestial Burial Pool. They won't let me leave, and you won't let me leave, so let us perish together!!"

As Qiu Yao's venomous words echoed, the Celestial Burial Pool collapsed. Countless souls were torn to pieces and turned into destructive power that entered the vortex. After an immeasurable amount of destructive force entered the vortex, a shocking change occurred.

The vortex suddenly shot up and turned into a huge whirlwind that could destroy anything in its path. It shot straight up into the sky. At this moment, Master Void's expression changed and he took the beautiful middle-aged woman and the girl suspected to the Brilliant Void's Saintess and escaped.

The All-seer and company were the same. At this moment, everyone scattered like birds.

That whirlwind shot out and caused the space here to collapse, loud rumbles echoing as it happened. What collapsed wasn't just the space here, but also the edge of the cave that was sealed by the scattered devil.

The whirlwind charged out in an instant. As the endless resentful screams echoed, something floated out from below.

It was a 100-foot-wide black pool filled with black blood, and it gave off an eerie energy. What was strange was that this eerie energy was celestial spiritual energy!

Celestial Burial Pool!



There were countless ferocious beasts carved around the black pool along with countless twisted faces suffering from pain. The moment it appeared, a terrifying aura came with it. In the Celestial Spirit Heaven Realm, the sky began to change and thunder echoed across the former Demon Spirit Land.

A heaven-shaking change even occurred in the space outside the Demon Spirit Land. The vortex in the East Demon Spirit Sea began to rotate like crazy and began to suck in origin energy. The vortex expanded like crazy, and some of the cultivators passing by where caught inside. Their bodies immediately collapsed, and even their origin souls couldn't escape.

This terrifying change immediately caught the attention of simply too many people!

At this moment, before everyone could get a good look, a crack suddenly appeared on the Celestial Burial Pool.

Shortly after, a series of crackling sounds echoed and even more cracks appeared. The famous Celestial Burial Pool suddenly collapsed and all the souls inside were torn apart. The unimaginable destructive force scattered like crazy.

Qing Lin's avatar didn't dodge. The moment the destructive aura from the Celestial Burial Pool arrived, he closed his eyes and turned into a speck of light that disappeared within the cave.

As the shockwave spread, the entire place was filled with a deafening roar. This shockwave was so powerful that it shattered the seal the scattered devil had placed and revealed the cave's true appearance. Everyone, including Wang Lin, was scattered in all directions by the powerful shockwave.

Everyone was forced to scatter due to the force created by the collapse of the Celestial Burial Pool!

Even Master Void's expression turned pale, as he was injured. He couldn't even bother with the beautiful middle-aged woman and the girl, as he was thrown by the powerful shockwave. He collided with a restriction within the cave and disappeared.

As for the beautiful woman and the girl in pink, they were scattered as well. They both touched a different restriction and disappeared without a trace.

The All-Seer continued to retreat, and his eyes revealed a mysterious light. His foot moved in a strange way and then he rushed into a restriction in a distant pavilion and disappeared.

Almost everyone disappeared while they retreated.

Wang Lin's body also trembled. Under the effect of this shockwave, he felt as if almost all his bones were going to shatter. He felt pain in his body and coughed out blood. Then he fell on the ground next to some flowers and touched a restriction. There was a flash of light and his figure slowly disappeared.

However, just as his body was about to disappear, a ray of light quickly closed in on him from the vortex.

Along the way, the ray of light broke all the restrictions that blocked its path and headed straight for Wang Lin. In an instant, it arrived near Wang Lin, and while Wang Lin was stunned, it penetrated his bag of holding. It went straight for the yellow crystal given to him by the mysterious man in the hall.

"Qing Lin's avatar!!" This was the last thought that appeared in Wang Lin's mind before he disappeared. He clearly saw Qing Lin's avatar within that light.

The collapse of the Celestial Burial Pool caused the Celestial Emperor Cave to shake violently. Everyone was scattered, and they activated different restrictions and were teleported to different locations.

As if the heavens had willed it, the woman surrounded by demonic energy and covered in scars fell close to Wang Lin after the shockwave. She landed in some flowers and triggered a restriction. She was then teleported to the same place Wang Lin was sent to.

After a long time, the shockwave dissipated and the entire place was in ruins, leaving only a deep pit that gave off a chilly aura. The Celestial Burial Pool had shattered into countless fragments that disappeared within various restrictions.

This place was completely silent, and after an unknown amount of time, a person struggled to climb out of the pit. His head was very big and his body was rather small. His eyes were still filled with fear as he climbed out.

Behind him were the three Chen brothers and everyone else that was sucked in, aside from one of the female disciples, whose body collapsed, and Elder Sun, who lost his Star-Marked Sable. Everyone else climbed out.

They silently pondered as they looked around, and fear lingered in their hearts.

No one noticed the Star-Marked Sable fly by, because it was too fast, and everyone was still recovering from the aftermath. The Star-Marked Sable shot straight into the depths of the pit.

Its eyes were filled with intelligence. It could clearly feel an aura within the depths of this pit that would make it go crazy…

Chapter 1030 - The Eternity Between True and False


In the vastness of space, aside from the bright nebula and countless meteorites, there was also endless dust. Each particle of dust was often very small. Though some could be seen by a cultivator's divine sense, most couldn't be clearly detected by cultivators.

In the corner of the universe, there were some dust particles that were so small that not even Nirvana Shatterer cultivators could detect them with their divine sense.

These dust particles were very small, but there were other worlds within them!

The Demon Spirit Land, the former Celestial Spirit Heaven Realm, and Celestial Emperor Qing Lin's cave were here.

Aside from the East Demon Spirit Sea, which was an immeasurable distance away, there was no other entrance to these places. Within the dust, there was a grand palace at the center of the Celestial Emperor Cave.

This grand palace was completely purple and gave off a majestic aura. There were 99 candles placed in a formation on the ground. At this moment, 64 candles had already extinguished…

There was no person inside the hall, only ashes on the ground. The remaining 35 candles flickered, and their light scattered in the hall. It gave the hall a grim aura.

At this moment, it was as if wind had blown in from outside the hall and swept through. The fire flickered violently. Out of the remaining 35 candles, 23 of them shook violently as they struggled to stay burning. However, the wind was too cold, and as it blew by, countless tattoos flickered within the wind.


In the end, the 23 candles extinguished one by one. When the candles went out, the hall became more dark. The smoke released by the candles seemed to form a devilish shadow that was silently laughing.

The smoke dissipated. The moment the 23 candles extinguished, a figure sitting in a large throne in a hall identical to this one violently trembled and coughed out black blood.

Blood also came out of his orifices; it was a shocking sight to behold.

The environment here was exactly the same as the hall above. However, there were no candles here. Instead, there was a huge throne. The man covered in the black mist trembled and then opened his eyes.

His eyes were cloudy. If Wang Lin saw this place, he would recognize it as the place his Nether Guide showed after it was altered!

The mysterious man was the person who gifted him the yellow crystal!

"23 candles have extinguished… Only 12 left. Qiu Yao, even as you die, you must hurt me so… Did I really make you hate me this much…" The bitterness in the man's face was very deep.

"When your Tattoo clan arrived from the outer realm, your clan wanted to forge an alliance with us. I opened up a realm for your clan to live in… However, after your clan arrived, a large amount of celestials went missing. All kinds of signs pointed to your Tattoo clan being responsible for the disappearance of those celestials.

"I didn't believe it at first, but when I went to the Tattoo clan's realm, I saw your clan take the souls of celestials to activate your clan's Holy Tattoo…

"Since you all acted like this, how could we not go to war? How could I, Qing Lin, not be angry? If that hadn't happened, could the most miserable war since I became the Celestial Emperor have occurred? If it wasn't for this, how could the Celestial Realm have lost so much vitality that we weren't able to resist the catastrophe that caused the Celestial Realm to collapse?

"Moreover, the collapse of the Celestial Realm was one of your plans!



"The Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor is only an avatar. Your true identity is the daughter of the Supreme of the outer realm. Your purpose for coming here wasn't what you said at the beginning, it was to destroy all forces within the sealed realm." The man's face became even more bitter. His eyes were cloudy and there was a hint of reminisce in them.

"You became my Celestial Cave Concubine and forced the Flower Imperial Concubine to become a flower soul so she could only exist as a Flower Celestial only because she found out about you. I personally witnessed this after I became suspicious. You failed, but not only did you not repent, you wanted me go to the outer realm with you and become the disciple of your father, the Supreme. I'm the dignified Emperor of the Celestial Realm, a ruler and native of the sealed realm: how could I betray my home?!

"Your eyes contained the primordial force, but it was because you used your time with me to activate it. This primordial force was the seed your father placed to destroy the sealed realm. If it had spread, everyone within the sealed realm would've been destroyed along with countless mortals. This was all so you could make the sealed realm into a ruin so it would make it easier for you all to search for the so-called Heaven's Gate.

"I dug out your eyes, but can the pain you felt even match up to one ten thousandth of the pain I feel!?

"Even then, I couldn't bear to kill you, so I sealed you within the Celestial Burial Pool instead. I told everyone else that you died. Do you know the pain in my heart?

"Qiu Yao, what right do you have to hate me? Even today, you didn't hesitate to destroy your avatar to confuse the people I lured here. You even borrowed the destruction of your avatar to extinguish 23 of my Life Candles!" The man's face was filled with pain, and black gas surrounded his face. The black gas turned into a devilish shadow that seemed like it wanted to devour him.

"You have no right to hate me. The remnants of your Tattoo clan are a danger to the sealed realm, so how could I leave them be and leave endless trouble for the future generation of my sealed realm!? They can exist, but only as eternal slaves to my celestials! I kept them alive as a reminder. To never forget the powerful killing intent from the outer realm."

The black gas around the man's face became even stronger. It gathered between the man's eyebrows as if it wanted to break through. However, just as it was about to break through, 12 points of light appeared, preventing the black gas from breaking in.

"Do I still have enough time…" The man sighed and slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, Wang Lin's eyes were fierce as he looked ahead. He was in an endless ocean where he couldn't see the end, and there were only waves before him. He stood above the surface of the ocean and pondered.

After he triggered the restriction within the flowers, he was teleported here. The first thing he saw was this blue ocean.

"The moment I was teleported here, I vaguely saw another person who also fell in the flowers not far from me… It was the person covered in demonic energy. I felt a familiar feeling from her."

While pondering, Wang Lin's expression suddenly changed and he suddenly raised his head. He could see an angry wave forming almost a wall in the distance.

Chapter 1031 - Wither Tattoo


As the waves raged above the blue ocean, layers of waves merged together to form a large wave. From far away, it was like a blue line that slowly spread toward Wang Lin.

Before it even closed in, the rumbling sounds of the wave could be heard. It was loud enough to make your ears buzz and make you feel very small.

Wang Lin's eyes became serious as he stared at the wave before him. His feet stepped on the ocean and he immediately retreated. As he moved away from the wave, he thought in his heart,

"The place I landed in was only a field of flower. Even though I triggered a restriction, I should not appear in the ocean…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he watched the waves move faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, it was already before him, and it came crashing down on him.

"The shockwave from the collapse of the Celestial Burial Pool injured my body and even shook my origin soul. Right now I need to quickly heal up. Since this strange sea is part of the restriction, then there must be endless follow ups…"

As the wave closed in, dense water vapor filled the area. From afar, it looked like there was mist in front of the wave before it was shattered by the wave.

The wave roared and continued to become taller as it closed in. The wave went higher and higher in the air and then mercilessly slammed down on Wang Lin.

At this instant, Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and with a step, he suddenly sank into the water. He rapidly descended as if he was a heavy piece of metal.

The moment his body disappeared, the wave crashed on the surface of the ocean. An invisible vibration was set off across the sea, causing more waves to appear. The wave swept by.

Wang Lin's body continued to sink, and he avoided the vibration caused by the waves. He ignored the violent waves on the surface and charged toward the bottom of the sea.

As he moved forward, he began to frown.

"This isn't a real ocean. I didn't see a single creature present along the way… Besides, more importantly…" Wang Lin's body stopped. Then his right hand formed a seal and he pointed. A vortex immediately appeared. At first it was not very large, but soon, it spread. In the blink of an eye, it was 100 feet wide and pushed the water away. From a distance, it looked like a huge bubble.

Wang Lin was inside the bubble, and his right hand reached forward. A small, fist-sized ball of water entered the bubble. The bubble trembled as the water entered and landed in Wang Lin's right hand.

Holding the ball of sea water, Wang Lin placed it next to his nose and smelled it. His eyes lit up for a moment.

"It was indeed as I expected. This sea water doesn't smell like the sea!" Wang Lin put the sea water next to his mouth and licked it.

"It's not sea water!" His right hand viciously squeezed, and the ball of sea water immediately collapsed.





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Wang Lin raised his head and pondered. There were flashes of deduction in his eyes.

"This is dew! During my early days of cultivation, I depended on the dew from the heaven defying bead, so I'm extremely familiar with it. This isn't an ocean, it's a drop of dew on a flower petal or a blade of grass!"

Wang Lin's eyes became enlightened as he looked around in admiration.

"What a powerful restriction. To trap someone within a world inside a drop of dew." After seeing through this ocean, not only did Wang Lin not relax, but his expression became more serious.

"Restrictions focus on trapping and attacking; very few focus solely on trapping. This is the Celestial Emperor Cave, and from what the Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor, Qiu Yao, said, Qing Lin is a ruthless person. There is no way the restrictions here would merely just trap someone." While Wang Lin pondered, he couldn't help but look at his bag of holding. Before he entered, he clearly saw Qing Lin's avatar enter the yellow crystal inside his bag of holding.

"From Qiu Yao's expression, it doesn't seem like what she said was false. However, after 1,000 years of cultivation, there is no way I would take people's words at face value. Just like black and white, if one looks at them separately, they are very distinct, but if you mix them, then grey appears!" To Wang Lin, unless he saw it himself or figured it out on his own, then while he would listen to them, he would never thoroughly believe what someone else told him.

This was the experience he had gained after 1,000 years of cultivation. If this was when he was a mortal or when he just joined the Heng Yue Sect, he would have believed it.

"Whether it is true or false, it doesn't matter. At least I was able to gain some of Qing Lin's personality. I can't activate the restrictions here!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he carefully manipulated the bubble to descend further.

After a long time, he landed at the seabed. The seabed was grey and gave off a hazy feeling. Wang Lin sat at the sea bed and closed his eyes to heal.

Although he was healing, he didn't close off his divine sense. His divine sense spread out 100 feet around him and he carefully observed all the changes around him.

Time slowly passed, and in the blink of an eye, seven days passed. On the eighth day, Wang Lin opened his eyes, and there was a flash of flame in his eyes.

He pondered for a bit. At the bottom of the quiet seabed, Wang Lin recalled everything that happened in the Celestial Emperor Cave, like the unexpected Vermillion Bird Awakening that broke the bottle world. Wang Lin's memory locked onto the scroll that appeared in Ancient Demon Bei Lou's hand.

"I presume that was the Lonely Desert Smoke Painting of the Mountain and River Painting.

"The Vermillion Bird awakened at a bad time… I didn't think the Vermillion Bird Awakening would penetrate all 99 realms and allow everyone to know about it. Thanks to that, they all think I'm someone from the Four Divine Sect.

"Although I couldn't see any clues in that Master Void's gaze, I feel like there was a needle pointed at me.

"There was also that beautiful middle-aged woman. She is only at Nirvana Cleanser stage. Although she hid her gaze very well, I still saw a trace of hostility.

"Also, the girl suspected to be the Brilliant Void Saintess was the same."

He had to be even more careful from now on in the Celestial Emperor Cave. Otherwise, it was likely to invite a fatal disaster due to the Vermillion Bird Awakening. Wang Lin touched the Vermillion Bird tattoo, and his expression became gloomy.

Only after recalling what happened to Ta Shan did Wang Lin's expression change once more.



"Ta Shan… He was originally my celestial guard. Unfortunate… However, encountering the Tattoo Clan Holy Ancestor was his fortunate. I just don't know where he is right now or if he still remembers me." Wang Lin let out a sigh. After thinking about Ta Shan, he thought about the green gas Qiu Yao had given him.

Wang Lin raised his right hand, and with a thought, green gas came out from his hand to form a ball of green gas.

This ball of green gas wasn't static but constantly moved. After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin split off a bit of his divine sense and charged straight into the green gas.

Wang Lin's expression changed and he gradually frowned. As he observed the green gas, sometimes he was pleasantly surprised but sometimes he was confused.

After a long time, Wang Lin squeezed his hand and the ball of green gas dissipated.

"Wither Tattoo… It is something that only the Tattoo Clan can make, and if an outsider wants to make it, they will need the help of a Tattoo clan member to activate it. Its power is mainly divided into four different types: seal, collapse, escape, and break!" While pondering, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and a yellow talisman with a complex rune on it appeared. It looked quite old and the color had faded.

Wang Lin originally had two of these talisman he got from Allheaven. He had studied them for a long time but still didn't know how to use them. The only time he used one was when he battled against a member of the Yao family in Allheaven.

After looking at the green gas, Wang Lin could determine that this talisman was the Wither Tattoo!

After carefully looking at the complex rune on the talisman, Wang Lin began to ponder. A moment later, he bit his left index finger and squeezed out a drop of blood. Then his left hand quickly formed the seal recorded in the green gas and pointed at the blood.

The blood immediately paused in the air and countless bumps appeared on the surface of the blood. Then it exploded into a red mist and went toward the talisman.

It was very fast, and it instantly went into the talisman. Wang Lin stared at the talisman. The spell he just used was one to check what kind of Wither Tattoo it was.

A moment later, the talisman suddenly moved and a black whirlwind appeared. The whirlwind was so fast that the moment it appeared, it caused the surrounding sea to change.

The vague shape of a large bird appeared within the whirlwind. This bird was completely black and its eyes were like lightning. It swept through the whirlwind once and disappeared along with it.

"This is an escape-type Wither Tattoo that has already been activated by the Tattoo Clan!" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and he slapped his bag of holding. A big sword flew out. It was one of the 99 swords he obtained from the Slaughter Realm.

Although he had exploded more than 10 of them, Wang Lin still had a lot of them.

Holding the Wither Tattoo, Wang Lin pressed it down on the big sword without hesitation. Then his right hand formed a strange seal and he pointed at the sword. A whirlwind appeared around the sword and then it instantly disappeared.

It disappeared so fast that even Wang Lin only saw a blur. When he took a closer look, the big sword disappeared before him and appeared 100 feet away.

Although it was impossible to see its full speed with only 100 feet, Wang Lin could speculate with this.

"What fast speed!!!" Wang Lin gasped as he stared at the sword 100 feet away. The whirlwind had disappeared and the rune on the talisman had faded a bit.

"Even if I use my full power, it would be difficult for me to achieve this speed. Perhap it can compete with a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator's speed! If it is used with Spatial Bending…" Wang Lin's eyes shined.