

you can't predict what will happen in the future that's for sure .... you don't know when you'll take your last breath .... you don't know what awaits after your death .... but I'm sure something like this isn't supposed to happen , where is the logic here ???!! . yeah sure I dealed with assassins , psychopaths...etc I can say that I'm not the one you can call " normal " but this is just beyond any logic .... sigh okey I give up I think i already lost my sanity a long time ago . let's see what fate will bring to us now shall we ? .

Kojima_Chan · Cómic
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17 Chs

Re:born : between the past and the present

{   Sunday , 13th November 1998,  Namimori Hospital , Namimori town , Japan , 07:00 am  } .

Sawada Sayuri was born  to Sawada Iemitsu and Sawada Nana , the early morning of the 13th November 1998 , in Namimori  hospital , a peaceful town  that  situated in Japan .

The delivery lasted three hours , but at the sunrise the woman known as Sawada  Nana a brown haired woman with a long hair and brown eyes,  can finally rest , before that she asked to hold  her child with her husband ,now   the mother, is laying in the bed exhausted beside her , stood her husband a tall and muscular man, a short blond haired one with golden eyes,waiting to see their baby girl .

The nurse entered the room , she  handed the little  infant to the mother and congratulating them for their new born , then  she left again in order to give  them space and not to ruin their family moment .

" Look Iemitsu isn't she so cute " cooed Nana looking at the sleeping  baby who was in her embrace smiling softly .

" so adorable just like a sleeping angle , so what we gonna name her ? " he asked

" how about sayuri ..." The woman suggested .

"  sayuri , Sawada Sayuri , it has a nice ringing I like it my little angel, sa-chan " the blond man said poking the little baby in her cheek and the later frowned at that still sleeping the two parents smiled at their daughter cuteness  .

The woman laid back in the bed allowing her husband to hold their daughter , and looking at him as he childishness cooing at sayuri , hearts and sparkles appeared behind him , she chuckled at the sight before her .

Suddenly their daughter started crying the father panicked about what to do , the mother guestured him to give it back to her , he did as she said when Nana emraced her daughter She started humming a Melody after a few minutes the little baby finally stopped crying and Iemitsu sighed in relif .

{Thursday ,16 th December 1998 , Sawada household , Namimori town , Japan } 

Sayuri was oddly a quite child , you can even mistake her as mute one if not for her crying once in a while , not like any normal baby who will cry damanding for attention  No she only cries when  needed like if she was hungry or  need  to change That's it , her parents were woried about that , so they took her to the doctor but found nothing was wrong with her , so they just shurg it up .

Iemitsu stayed a month before he was called away for his job , all the past month ,  together they took care of their daughter showing with love and doting on her even if she was like what , one month old baby .

So now the family of three are standing  on the doorstep of the house seeing Iemitsu off , Iemitsu said good bye to his wife who was holding a sleeping sayuri in her arms , Nana was sad and disappointed that her husband have to go and won't see him in months, probably years , but she  also undertand that her husband's job is

important , so she keep smiling even if she was sad the typical Nana we all know and love , looking to the bright side this time she won't stay alone like every time in the past  , she has her daughter Sayuri with her , so no need to be sad .

" Nana I'm sorry I hoped to stay longer with you and sayuri but you know how important my work is " he said to her lowering his head a bit  to avoid her eyes fearing that she might  see the guilty look in it.

" I understand Iemitsu , you don't have to apologize your co-workers need you , beside I'm not alone I have Sa-chan with me " she offered a smile to him , and the other nodded , turning back the smile .

" Thank you for understanding Nana , I'm sure you two will be just fine , I will return as soon as I finished my work  " he told his wife , then kissed the two mother and daughter pair  in the forehead then he left for his job as the head of the CEDEF known as the external  advisor of vongola , the world's largest mafia famiglia also the biggest  crim syndicate worldwide though he told his wife,  that he was going to the construction site . Yeah Nana is extremely a  nice woman but sometimes she can be air headed and gullible , he lied to her about his job thinking that doing that will  protect them from the danger of his enemy But the young lion  didn't know that  his lies will only hurt them in the end .

After he left the wife entered the home , put her little daughter in her crib and stayed there looking at sayuri sleeping face ,a  lone tear slide down her cheek , even so she still smiling  she closed her eyes and begin singing the Melody , unknown to her , her daughter was looking at her , her blue sapphire eyes just flashed a bright orange .


{In another dimension}

{ 01:00 pm , 13 the November 2020 , Lin cooperation , city  , China }

   Lin Mei Xing  isn't amused about what's happening right now , she was just doing her usual  job that assigned for her , to kill a stupid rich man , for her it will be an easy target , well she is not the best assassin in the world for nothing , so it will

be a piece of cake , but a slight mistake had costed her life , trusting who should not be trusted and

It was just a normal day for Mei Xing , well minus the part that  she was fighting her worst enemy ever paperwork , sighing for the hundred time for  today , she brushes a strands that decided to fall themselves from a messy bun , sitting the  signed paper on top of the pile of other papers that she finished reading and signing before ,The pile is big , one pile was completed  two more ones  to go  , sighing again she lays her head on the desk nearly falling asleep .

  Lin Mei Xing is the oldest daughter of the Lin family , and the CEO of the Lin corporation a very known company in Guangzhou City,  adding that she is  also an assassin , and a  very known one in the underworld , when she turned 10 years old  her parents died in a car accident on their way home , even her little sister Yujin who she treasured and loved dearly , that made her much colder to the others  , she only opened to her two  best friend Su Nian Nian and Song Zhao .

She suspected  that it wasn't an accident ,and truth to be told it was  assassins attempt to kill her father who was the founder of the Lin corporation  , in order to find who was the mastermind of the death of her parents she was introduced she begin investigating even though she was only 10 years old back , the investigation had introduced or led  her  to the underworld and  that how she begin her carrier in assassination, the underworld isn't some random place , you have to be strong in order to survive .

after 4 or 5 years she gained herself  the title of the best assassin in the world , known better as black cat,  thanks to her genius brain smooth work.

After a year or so of investigation , she finally tracked who killed her parents , it almost took her a decade to find him , it showed that the culprit  was a Reval  company  of the Lin cooperation and she took her revenge in the end .

A months later she took the Lin cooperation and become it's right owner,  after buying 60℅ of it's shares , so she can achieve her father's wish to make Lin cooperation the best in Guangzhou  city , well she succeed in that , now not only the Lin cooperation become one of the top company in , but also it become famous worldwide .

She studied economy in university ,so it wasn't hard for her to manage a huge company like that , she trusted in her abilities and capacity , without fear she took back her father's company , with  just her lone efforts , and that was a great achievement especially that she was just 20 years old back then .

Suddenly The phone rang , jolting her awake and reminding her that she has a lot of work to do and she can't sleep  , she sighed again like an old lady she took her phone  who was burried under the paperworks , checking who was the caller ID  ,  she smiled at the familiar name and  accepted the call .

" hello Ziao " she greeted .

" I have a  mission for you " a voice of a man come from the other line she smirked at that .

" I'm on my way " she said those words then She hung up , she  was happy finally she can take a break from all the paperwork , freedom.

Song ziao is Mei Xing 's  fiancé they were engaged two years ago , and he was her childhood friend since high school .him and Su Nian Nian were the only two who now about her other profession .

And he is the lone hire to the Song company the second to the Lin corporation and one of its partners in business .

She grabs her jacket with bag and left her study , informing her secretary that she was going out and won't return today ,then she  headed forward to where she will meet her fiancée Song  Ziao .

{  01:30 pm , 13th November 2020 ,Westin Guangzhou HongMian Chinese restaurant ,  Guangzhou city, northwest of Hong Kong,on the pearl river,China }

Lin Mei Xing  arrived to the restaurant that they usually went to ,she headed toward the booked room where she will meet Zhao to know more about her mission .

She opened the door and walked in ,she noticed the tall Song Zhao sitting in his chair  looking at the window expressionless , she took steps toward the table and sit in the chair across from him .

" it's really rare for you to request me to kill someone ,  So who is it that you wanted to be dead this badly  ? " she asked him .

He didn't reply he just kept silent  and didn't say anything ,   handing  her the folder that contains the information of her target she sighted at her lover  antics,  she took the folder from him  opening it , she looked at the files and skipped through

them , Tang Xu , the CEO of the Tang company a 45 years old man , he was suspected about doing shady business , and a drug dealer ,..and the list goes on , and for the best  part he doesn't have any bodyguards so it will be a very easy target for Mei  Xing .

" so this is my target huh it will be a piece of cake "

The mission will be this night  It won't be hard for her after all she is the greatest assassin in the

world .

" ...I will take my leave now "

" good luck " the man said wishing her luck on her mission the other just scuffed at him like I need it but nevertheless she smiled at him , turning around and walked out the room heading to her apartment so she can prepare for her assassination this

night .

Song Zhao still looking at the place where Mei Xing was before she left , lost in thought  , until the the vibration of his phone cut his train of thoughts , he took the phone from the jacket's  pocket ,cheking the name of the  caller then  picked it up.

"Zhao, did she accept the mission?" a woman voice sounded from the other end of line .

" yes ..." He replied shortly .

" that's good we can finally get rid of her , be prepared for tonight "

" I will " Zhao said the hung up the phone , turning his gaze back to the window absently .

{ 12:00 pm , November 13th , Guangzhou W Hotel Guangzhou city , China }

Lin Mei Xing arrived to where her target reside , in Guangzhou hotel ,she took the elevator to the

The 14th floor she sneaked through the hallways avoiding the cameras , soon she arrived to her target's suit room .

Taking her small handgun and putting the silencer on it , then she opened the door , When she entered the room she didn't find anyone looking around the room in hope to find a lead to where her target might be .

' this is weired did Zhao  maybe gave me false

information ? ' she thought frowning slightly then she sighed ' well I can't blame him ... '

She decided to go back to her apartment and possibly  contact Zhao and question him about the information he gave her she turned back and heading toward the exit but before she her fingers touched the handle of the door she felt a sharp pain near her abdomen , like something just went through her , she put her hand to where she felt pain , looking at her bloody hand , she finally realized what's happening , she got shot , she tried to move but she stumbled back loosing her balance , nearly falling , but she didn't , using the wall as a support for her , which resulted her accidentally  to hit the table near her , and  the vase on it  to fall to the ground and chattered into pieces .

Silence , The only sound you can hear in the room is the heavy breathing of the Chinese girl , her feet's gave up on her and she fall to the hard and cold ground leaning on the wall , she tried to stand up but only to fall again and again , she was losing blood every moment that pass .

"_shit I need to get out of here I will get Zhao  if i get alive after this ...." She mumbled to herself .

Then the door of the room swung open she lifted her head to see who it was , she sighed in relief after she recognized the person as Zhao but how wrong she was , he just stared at her without blinking , doing nothing at all , she was about to call him when a familiar figure of a  woman come come  from behind the tall man , closing behind her the door .

" Nian Nian ....?" ' what's the meaning of this ? '

" did you like my surprise " Su Nian Nian said mockingly .

Barely lifting her head Mei Xing spoke in a low voice .

" what's the meaning of this ? "

The other laughed at her clueless ness , Nian Nian  took a step forward and then crouched down to her level , then lifted her chin with her fingers , with a smirk on her face .

" how foolish can you be , for trusting us , thought it made our plan easy, it was all an act from  the very beginning and you bought it , you are so stupid not noticing and they called you the greatest assassin in the world ....."  Mei's eyes widened after what her supposed -to -be -best -friend just told her , not believing in what she hears , she did not want to believe what she just heard .

" w-why ?  "

" pfft ! Why ? You're still asking me why ? , well it won't hurt to tell her , right ? " she glanced at the young man behind her , but he stayed still , then she turned to face back the woman who was now on the ground leaning her back at the wall looking at them waiting an answer for all her questions , just why they decided to betray her like this , just why ?.

" you're too full of yourself !, ugh it really disgusts me ! Why are you always the one getting better things than me ! , why  are you always on the top you stole the Lin coperation from father , it  was supposed that i will be the one who will inheir it in the end but no, you took it from us and we lost everything , yeah my father was Yu Juan who was thrown in   jail ,  On top of this  why did you become the fiancée of my cruch and we loved each other  You ruined my life and it's time to pay it all back,   I was going to shoot you but I don't want to stain my hands with your blood , Zhao "

She gestured for Zhao , the he took his handgun pointing it at his fiancée , thought the other didn't  even flinch at it she just keep looking at Su Nian Nian .

" any last words?" Mei stayed still doing nothing absorbing all the information her friend told her just now , but then she discovered that what Nian  Nian told her  was the truth .

'  I can finally rest, thought I was really stupid but I can't change that now , can I ? '

" do it "

Zhao pulled  the trigger of the gun and the bullet hit her in the heart .

Her vision blurred , she closed her eyes , her body become colder as time passed and and the pain faded away  , then she slipped to darkness , with a soft and weak  smile , without a trace of hatred in her eyes , like she already accepted her fate .

And this is how a Chinese girl born in 1993 had  died  in 2020 , and Sawada sayuri is born .


•nikkocham's note•

Hey Mina San! I hope that you have enjoyed my second watt pad story! Please do not hesitate to give me any advice that you may find necessary. I would also love to read your comments and suggestions, so don't forget to add them!