
Altered Fate

A maiden stands beneath the top of the dead bodies of soldiers, her hands were bathed in blood and so does her sword is.

She doesn't know how many people has she killed already. Every day, they sent countless soldiers just to kill her. Not just soldiers, there are also adventurers, generals, and mages.

Don't they know? No, they do know. Whoever she fought, they will only die in her hands. After all, she is the Witch of Death.

Her tired eyes look at the person stands before her.

'Another one to kill', she thought

But this time, the person they sent is strong enough to fight her. After all, this is the person whom she helped to kill the demon king.

The person in front of her is none other than the Hero.

She wondered how have things come to this. She just helped, just that. Is her magic is dangerous enough for people to point their swords at her?

Bit by bit, she remembers the past. How those normal days turn into despair at the same time hope. She remembers how her friend died, how she ended up like this, and etc.

Supposedly, she wasn't supposed to stand here. The one who is supposed to stand here is 'her'. But fate has changed everything. She herself strays off the path she should and so does 'she'. This ended both of them switching their roles, their fate.

But... she is still happy...

She rather dies than to live the original path that is intended to her. She is much more willing to take this role.

At first, she thought she could live the way she wanted. But who would have thought, she just ended up taking her role instead.

'This must be her retribution', she thought

She took up her sword and readied herself to fight the hero. Her tired eyes turn serious as she unleashes a series of spells towards the hero.

She rushes forwards and fights him.

It is such an irony. The one whom she sees as a student suddenly turns into a hero. And this hero has come to kill her.

She once remembered what the hero says to her sword fight. 'Beautiful. It's like you are dancing', this student of hers said.

She is like a flower in the battlefield. A rose that cannot be touch by anyone. She dances around as she fought everything at ease.

And now, she fought this student of hers who has now become a hero. She knew she will lose in this sword fight since this student of hers had surpassed her already. But when it came to magic, she will not lose.

She really wants to tell him why she helps them.

'Do you know? That I never did this for the world? That I never did this for honor? That I never did this out of kindness?

Do you know? That I only helped you, just for me to live?'

But she knows she will never be able to tell these thoughts of hers. For the person in front of her is now her enemy.

Not an ally, not a student and not even a friend.

Just an enemy.

And she has to kill this enemy for her to live.

Cause if she dies, everything will end.

Their swords clashes as he evades her magic. She rushes back as far as possible from the hero just to cast large series of spells.

'Please hit', this words repeatedly appeared in her mind

But the reality is not kind enough for her. The hero evades all of her magic and rushes forward and hit her heart with the sword that she gave.

"This is the end..." she faintly muttered. She looks at the hero with tired expression but with a tint of sadness, "You... must have suffered a lot...."

The hero looks at her with expressionless eyes.

She smiled. She knew this student of hers has suffered a lot more than herself.

"Sorry... I wasn't able to help you..."

For she knew, that the hero she is facing now, is being controlled.