
That Was Dangerous ....

[Day 22]

I was sweating a lot, the room was hot, the noise irritated my ears.

*Crowd chattering*

We are holding our welcome party inside the Faction room for everyone who just got admitted to Winter Lily, the processing of their papers had issues and was delayed for about a week.

Niira: "Ahem, attention everyone, good afternoon. There has been a delay in the processing of your applications because the Faction Office said there has been an issue recently but everything is okay now so welcome to Winter Lily. I'm your Leader Niira and these are your officers, guys please introduce yourselves"

Arinael: "Arinael, Deputy Leader, just approach me if you need anything"

Vasi: "I'm Vasilisa the Home Secretary, nice to meet you all"

BaekGi: "BaekGi, a Diplomat, in charge of inter-faction related business"

It was already my turn my hand trembled a bit as I moved to the center of the room. The moment I looked in front of the crowd, I felt a little dizzy so I decided to avert my gaze.

Minzie: "Minzie, also a Diplomat but I'm in charge of the membership"

Niira: "Basically the lot of you were the chosen ones of Min"

Minzie: "Leader-nim please don't put it like that, I'll feel bad for those I did not accept"

Niira: "Aye~ but you have to smile a bit more okay? we're having a party today after all-"

I cut her off before she could say any unnecessary things.

Minzie: "Next will be our elites, Nita and Syane please"

Chubs: "'Hello I'm one of the Elites, my name is Nita but ya'll can call me Chubs"

Syane: "I'm Syane Elite as well, and I aspire to be a harem king"

Minzie: "You already fail, no one here will be your concubine"

Syane: "Why do you always go against me Min!"

Niira: "That's because she already knows who she belongs to, don't you Min? Everyone in Winter Lily belongs to me Syane, so you can't claim my harem"

Syane: "Huh? since when did you declare Winter Lily your harem? can I join?"

Niira: "Of course, as I said, Winter is my harem, and anyone who goes in automatically becomes mine"

Minzie: "You're really adding him in the roster?"

Niira: "Why not? he's a Winter as well"

Syane: "Yes, I humbly grovel in front of you my queen, you deserve the whole campus to serve under you"

BaekGi: "This is fun and all but some might not be able to chime in the conversation, let's switch to normal mode"

Niira: "Oh my, whatever do you mean Baek? This is our normal mode"

Vasi suddenly interrupted them and called out the attention of everyone.

Vasi: "They might seem like a bunch of weirdos but they're good people, you made a good decision to join Winter"

Everyone looked at Vasi as if they saw an angel spreading her wings, even the officers stopped and stared at her.

Arinael: "So~ what do we do now?"

Niira: "I haven't thought of it that far, I was expecting something to happen and will just go with the flow"

Minzie: "Lead can you plan things a bit more next time?"

Niira: "Don't worry everything will be just fine"

Syane: "How about showcasing our magic?"

Chubs: "I like that idea"

Niira: "If there are no objections, let's go and break things- I mean do some magic"

Crowd: "Yeah!"




So we moved outside the faction room and into the empty lot where we usually practice.

Syane: "Ok, I'll go first, don't feel discouraged if you see my skills muahaha"

Chubs: "Do you think he'll use the same one again?"

Minzie: "It's definitely Blazing Spear again"

Syane summoned his spear and flipped it around to show off to the newcomers, amusing but as usual, I hated his proud aura.

Syane: "Blazing Spear!"

As I thought, he charged at the target at top speed and slashed it, the target went on fire, the others tried their best to put it off before it gets out of hand.

Syane: "How's that?"

He said with such a satisfied look on his face.

Arinael: "My turn, anyone wanna help me out?"

???: "Let me volunteer senpai"

Arinael: "Alright thank you for your cooperation, paralyze"

We all were waiting for Arinael to cast her spell, but a few seconds later she still hasn't done anything and the guy who volunteered just stood there.

Minzie: "What did you do?"

Arinael: "In combat you must be always prepared, practicing my magic on fishes let me use my magic more casually, now I can even cast a spell even while we're talking, aren't I awesome?"

The guy who was paralyzed was finally able to move and immediately turned towards Arinael.

???: "Senpai, did you two just cast spells without the proper chants?"

Arinael: "Yes, we just did, Syane started this type of practice and we adopted it according to our abilities"

???: "Cool, I'm Joha by the way, and I want to show my magic is that alright?"

Arinael: "Sure go ahead"

Joha: "I need a test subject, hmm oh, there a squirrel, Vasilisa senpai I'm gonna count on you"

Vasi: "Huh? for what?"

Joha started chanting and aimed at the squirrel, as the chant went on, a shiver went down my spine as I realized what he was trying to do. As if reading my mind, Vasi summoned a shield to separate us from Joha, Minchin and Arinael went on their guard.

Joha: "Form burns and blisters on their skin, slowly take away their breath, Poison"

His attack landed on the squirrel and it started to whimper and run around crazily.

BaekGi cast earth magic to contain the squirrel, Vasi let down the shield and Minchin hurriedly went to Joha.

Minchin: "Do you know what you could've done just now?"

Joha: "Yeah, poison magic, isn't it cool?"

Minchin: "Poison magic is only introduced on the 2nd year and will only be practiced during the 3rd and 4th year, so now tell me how did you learn of it"

Arinael: "Poison magic is unstable, you could've hurt the other students here"

Joha turned around and looked at the scared students.

Joha: "I'm sorry I didn't know"

Minchin: "Where did you learn the magic"

Joha: "I saw a book in the library one day, I'll give it back"

Minchin: "Good, avoid practicing that magic until you reach 3rd year"

Joha: "Alright senpai"

Niira: "Anyway Vasi, that was a good save from you, casting the shield and all"

Vasi: "I just followed my intuition, I saw Min make such a scared face so I had to ensure the safety of the members as the only Gourmet here"

Minchin: "You also know poison magic?"

Minzie: "No, it's my first time hearing the chant, I somehow felt that he was casting something dangerous"

BaekGi: "Guys, the squirrel didn't make it, I'll bury it"

Arinael: "Let me help you"

Syane: "Bro, that move was cowardly don't ever use it again"

Mincy: "Syane he's a Physician, it's what they do, you're like asking a Guard to not use his weapon"

Syane: "But Minch said it's dangerous"

Mincy: "It is, that's why it's not used until the 3rd year, on the 2nd year you will just be briefed about its nature so that you can avoid getting in danger around it"

Syane: "Man, Physicians are scary"

Minzie: "You mean, magic is scary"