

[Day 21]

Vasi: "Min, cook the eggs, I'll prepare the other things"

Minzie: "Okay…"

We are currently in our dorm's kitchen, we asked the caretaker's permission to cook using the tools provided we use our own ingredients.

I opened the stove and added oil on the pan then not even three seconds have passed, it went on fire.

Minzie: "Umm, it's not supposed to do that, is it?"

Vasi: "Hmm? Omg Min turn it off"

I immediately followed her command and distanced myself from the stove.

Vasi: "Are you tired? I'll do the eggs too, you can rest"

Minzie: "Um… okay"

I stepped out of the kitchen and found some of my members snooping around.

BaekGi: "Ahem, what a coincidence"

Niira: "Min you were here too!"

Chubs: "I heard that you're gonna have a picnic"

BaekGI: "...."

Niira: "...."

Chubs: "I already told the others"


Minzie: "We don't have enough ingredients though"

Arinael: "Which is why I came prepared"

Arinael suddenly appeared with Fuza with grocery bags on hand.

Arinael: "Minch and Mincy will be coming soon"

Fuza: "Syane is waiting outside, the caretaker didn't let him in"

Minzie: "How did you even know?"

Vasi: "I accidentally told Niir when we were out to get groceries"

Minzie: "There's no way around it then"

Arianel: "Yay!"

Chubs: "Yay food!"

Vasi: "Those who can not burn a pan please come inside and help me cook"

BaekGi: "Who burns a pan? I'll help"

Arinael: "I'll lend a hand"

Fuza: "Me too"

Minzie: "..."

Chubs: "We'll support you from here"

Niira, Chubs and I waited on the lobby as the others cooked our meal.




Chubs: "I heard Arinael is dating your roommate?"

Niira: "Yeah, she and Fuza are dating"

Chubs: "That's cool, I didn't know you could still find love in this university"

Niira: "What do you mean?"

Chubs: "Pressure to maintain your standing here is scary, one wrong move and everything can crumble"

Minzie: "Which is probably why people like them party and date to suppress the stress even just a bit"

Chubs: "So its not true love?"

Minzie: "I'm not saying it isn't, it is up to them to decide on that, but it's quite obvious when you look at our upperclassmen especially those in there last year, you can see in their eyes that they've gone through a lot"

Niira: "Anyway what do you think they're making? I didn't see what Arinael was bringing when she came"

Minzie: "Vasi is cooking rolled eggs"

Chubs: "It will be good if they cooked pie, kebab, donuts and-"

Minzie: "I think that is too much to handle, maybe some sandwiches or even fried foods"

Chubs: "Well, they're all tasty anyways"




An hour had passed, Minch and Mincy came and joined us while waiting for the others to finish.

Mincy: "I saw Syane outside, poor him must be starving, good thing we brought some snacks"

Minch: "I told him to find us a good spot for the picnic instead of waiting outside and get stared at by everyone passing while staying in front of a girl's dormitory"

Minzie: "I totally forgot about him"

Chubs: "Crap"

Niira: "Haha sorry Syane! I'll give him a part of my portion later"




After a bit more waiting, the others were done cooking and had packed our meals, so we headed to where Syane went to.




As soon as Syane saw us he waved at us happily.

Syane: "Over here guys!"

We laid down a picnic cloth and placed the food in the middle before taking our places.

Vasi: "Eat up everyone"

Chubs: "Thank you for the food!"

Syane: "Time to eat"

Niira: "Wow, this looks tasty Vasi"

Arinael: "Let's eat"

Chubs: "Minzie how's your rank by the way? *Munch*"

Minzie: "It's mediocre, I'm around rank 700"

Chubs: "Mine is on 600s"

Niira: "Also in 700s"

Syane: "What rank?"

Vasi: "Hand me your tablet"

Syane: "Here, what for?"

Vasi: "Hang on, here your rank is 908"

Minzie: "That's not good"

Chubs: "You'll get kicked out if you don't raise your rank in 4 months"

Syane: "What!?"

The others choked on their food as Syane shouted loudly.

BaekGi: "God, you startled me"

Fuza: "What happened Syane?"

Syane: "I thought they're gonna base who gets kicked out on the clan wars?"

Minzie: "No they don't, they also put in your might and grades into calculating your rank"

Chubs: "No wonder you always cut classes to train"

Niira: "He cuts classes?"

BaekGi: "That's the fastest way to get kicked out"

Mincy: "You can't stay in RC just by fighting Syane"

Minch: "Talent is not enough to stay inside these walls"

Syane: "What should I do? I can't get kicked out, I'm too talented to get tossed out just yet!"

Minzie: "....."

Minch: "We can hold a group study"

Arinael: "Oh count me in"

Minch: "It's not for fun Arinael"

Minzie: "Excuse me I have to use the comfort room"

Niira: "Be back soon"

I stood up and walked away from the group, the wind is making my hair fly around.

Minch: "I'll teach you personally, we can't have any winters get kicked out"

Syane: "I bow down to you, just tell me what to do mentor"

Chubs: "You're gonna regret accepting her offer"

Everyone was laughing, they knew how strict Minch was.




As soon as I got in the comfort room, I opened the faucet and splashed water on to my face.

Minzie: "Talent?"

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, and a bitter smile crept into my face.




I went back to the picnic ground after awhile.

Niira: "What took you so long?"

Minzie: "There was a line outside"

I squeezed myself in between Niira and Vasi and grabbed a sandwich.

I noticed Vasi staring at my hand and immediately tried to hide it.

Vasi: "Are you alright Min? How did you get hurt?"

Minzie: "I just slipped, don't worry"

Vasi: "Here I'll heal you"

Vasi: "Envelope them with light, heal what's been hurt, Regenerate"

The warm light enveloped my hand and slowly my wounds healed.