
Just a Normal Day

[Day 18]

I open my eyes and see the plain white ceiling of our room. I check the wall clock and it's 5 am my roommates still fast asleep.

After a bit of stretching, I headed to my study desk to get my tablet. A small smile crept to my lips when I saw my schedule for today, it's a normal day.

I had no scheduled meetings with the Faction and there aren't any required activities today. At 10 in the morning I have Magical Ethics, followed by Magic Theory at 11:05 then the next subject is Magical Combat and Defense from 1:15 to 2:45 pm.





After eating breakfast, I took a shower and headed to the dorm's garden. I found a nice spot to sit on and decided to meditate.



*rustle* *rustle*

I quickly summoned my fan and aimed at the direction of the noise.


Out came a rabbit.

Minzie: "Well that definitely startled me, I thought it was another-"

Remembering that incident, I clenched my fist and bit my lip. That day was frightening, I don't want to experience anything like it anymore, I have to get stronger.

I decided to continue my meditation for another 30 minutes.





I was heading back to our room when I bumped into BaekGi.

BaekGi: "Hey Min, you're up early"

Minzie: "I'm actually heading back to sleep"

BaekGi: "Huh? Is it not too early for you to sleep? It's 7 in the morning"

Minzie: "There's no such thing as too early for sleep, see you when I see you BaekGi"

BaekGi: "Okay, say hi to everyone for me"

Minzie: "Sure"




I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. All of them were already awake so I went in flopped to my bed.

Vasi: "Where were you earlier?"

Fuza: "You're up early, that's a surprise"

Niira: "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

Minzie: "Yes and I'd like to sleep some more so please turn off the lights after you've done your grooming"

Vasi: "Min what time is your class?"

Minzie: "Zzz"

Niira: "I'll wake her up later"





??: "Min wake up, wake up it's already noon"

When I heard this my body immediately jumped up.

Minzie: "What! I missed my classes"

Niira: "Haha, relax it's just 9:30 am"

I glared at her and raised my hands ready to hit her.

Niira: "That is not how you thank the person who got left behind just to wake you up, hurry now and get ready"

I just sighed and went to my desk to comb my hair.





[After Magical Ethics]

Niira: "Hey Min, did you take notes on Magical Ethics?"

Minzie: "Yeh, here"

Niira: "Thanks I'll just copy them and give them back to you later"

Minzie: "Okay"

Why do we even need to take notes for Ethics, *sigh* everything will be a case to case basis on tests anyway.





[Magic Theory]

*Ding dong*

Instructor: "Okay class, that is all for today remember to pass the homework on Tuesday"

Students: "Good day ma'am"

Niira: "Min, let's get lunch"

Minzie: "Mm"





The cafeteria was annoyingly crowded, we were standing for a while looking for an available table.

??: "Hey Niir, do you have a place to sit? Want to join us?"

Niira: "Sure, thank you"

Niira: "Ah, this is my classmate Minzie, Min these are my childhood friends, Mavvy and Mimi"

Minzie: "Hi"

Mavvy: "Hello, come sit"

Minzie: "Thanks"

Mimi: "Niira have you met with Ram yet? He is already on his 2nd year here"

Niira: "Oh really? I haven't got the chance to yet, will you be meeting with him later? take me with you I really miss him"

Mavvy: "Yeah we're gonna meet up later at 1:30"

Mimi: "Are you free?"

Niira: "I actually have class, Min won't you cover up for me later? please, just tell the Instructor that I'm not feeling well and stayed in the dorms"

Minzie: "Sure"

I can't stop you anyway.

The three of them chatted happily and I just ate the food on my plate.





Magical Combat and Defense

The instructor told us to pair up with someone for the activity but Niira is not here so we just have 39 students, I don't have someone to pair up with.

Instructor: "Minzie, do you not have a partner?"

Minzie: "Yes sir, is it possible to do this activity just by myself?"

Instructor: "Umm, okay"

And so I did the activity by myself while others had a partner to do it with.






When I got back in our room it was still empty, none of them were here.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my tablet to check on my status, Rank 751 with a might of 51,830.

For now, I'm safe but once I drop down to the 900s it means I could be kicked out any time. Each semester the University will kick out the bottom 10% of each batch, and we have two semesters per school year. The factors that determine your rank is your academic performance, might, and event logs meaning no matter how talented you are, one wrong move and you're out of the game.

Minzie: "I shouldn't be thinking about this, for now let's train"

I gently slapped my face several times to motivate myself and headed out to train.






This training is tiresome even though the spell only consumes a bit of my energy.

I sat down under the shade of a tree and leaned on its trunk when I couldn't bear the pain in my shoulders anymore.

When I looked up I saw two familiar silhouettes coming closer.

???: "Haha you should've seen the face of Ms. Liluo

???: "Wait here I'll just get my things"

???: "Don't take too long"

Is that Fuza and ...