

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

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40 Chs

Among Us

Jason and Trey dashed at the captain in sync, Trey's feet lit up as concentrated fire blew out, launching him into the air.

"Guess I'll take below!" Jason yelled. He created a knife similar to Frisk's, slashing upon the captain's shoulder, It had no effect. Trey came crashing down from above, his hands lighting up with sparks as they reached the captain's face, he shot a blast decimating the area around. The captain smirked, he'd created a barrier around himself protecting him from Trey's blast.

"I didn't-" Trey stopped, as the captain had grabbed his face and kneed him in the gut.

"Don't worry! I'll save you!" Jason screamed as he created another sword and ran towards Trey and the captain. He took Trey and threw him into Jason, both of them tumbling onto the floor.

"Trey! Jason!" Khila screamed, worried. "Frisk, do something!" She yelled. Frisk stood there silently, gazing at the monster papyrus, he glared back, smiling with one of his eyes glowing orange while he was controlling the captain. The captain created a barrier above Jason and Trey trapping them into the ground, squishing them by the second.

"Dammit! we're finished...." Trey grunted. Jason looked around outside the barrier to quickly find the solution, taking small glances at different things around them.

*The soul...

"What...? The soul...?" Jason muttered to himself.

"What about the soul?" Trey asked still struggling. Jason peered at the bright glowing soul hovering beside the captain, in the distance he could see Papyrus standing way behind him on the building, his eye glowing orange too.

"That's it! Trey, we gotta destroy his soul! it'll stop the Pysicikineses" He explained.

"Well, how're we gonna get out of here??" Trey asked again.

"Use yours, you idiot!!!" Jason screamed in pain. Trey's hands lit up again, while they were getting crushed into the ground.

"This is gonna burn!" he shouted. Jason nodded his head briefly as the ground right below them began to glow as it grew hotter and hotter. Jason's cheek and body began to sizzle, as the ground below started melting deeper into the Earth. The captain closed his palm completely, flattening his barrier into the ground. He released it only to be astonished by how the kids were gone and there was no blood. The ground below him began to light as it then crumbled. Jason flew out from below the rocks his sword piercing the soul of the captain, it shattered.

"Gotcha!" Jason yelled with a grin. Frisk, Khila, the captain, and Papyrus were amazed by the action that just happened. The captain's body began to falter and fade as it dispersed into ashes quickly. Jason pulled Trey out of the ground, both of them dusting off their bodies.

"Welp... Looks like we're not finished" Jason grinned. Frisk and Khila walked over to them.

"You guys okay?" Khila asked.

"Nice strategy" Frisk complimented.

"A couple of burns and scratches but yeah we're fine" Trey assured.

"Thanks, Frisk, I don't know but the thought suddenly popped in my head... I didn't even think about it... it was like somebody was telling me what to do" Jason explained.

"hm... how do you feel now?" Frisk asked.

"I feel more confident in myself Like I have more control over my abilities, and like nothing can stop my power now" Jason smiled as he clenched his fist.

"You mean... like you deserve more of a challenge?" Frisk asked again.

"That's about it! With every battle, I get more comfortable with my soul's ability, like the stronger I get the more useful I can be... Now with all this happening it makes me want to be a hero and a symbol for everyone to look up to... I'm gonna eradicate every monster, end this war and be the strongest I can, just to prove that" Jason vouched.

"Great cause... That's why I'm here, to help you out... I'll help you achieve your goal until I fall" Frisk smiled, determined.

"Just hearing that makes my blood boil... Loser's like you don't deserve to be the best... that's why I'll work my ass off just to become a better symbol than you Jason, I'll push my limits as far as they need to be just to be better" Trey smirked confidently.

"Don't forget me... I'm going to awaken my soul on this journey and not be below you guys anymore" Khila smiled.

"You guys... I'm glad to have built a family among us, Frisk, I'm going to take him on" Jason said, pointing at Papyrus.

"I don't thin-"

"This is the only way I can test my strength and become stronger" He claimed.

"Don't worry Frisk... I meant what I said, and I'm not gonna stop here over a couple of bruises and scratches, I'll take him on too and defeat him!" Trey grinned. Frisk stood there silently trying to make a decision, everyone knows the risk of doing this, yet they're still trying anyway.

"Fine... But as soon as things get serious I'm stepping in" Frisk said.

"YA HERE THAT PAPYRUS?!" Jason screamed as he faced him. Papyrus stared down upon them curious on why he was screaming his name.

"WE'RE GONNA TAKE YOU DOWN!!" Jason yelled grinning determined.