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♦Topic: UFO beyond the moon?

In: Boards ► SPACE ► Skywatch

Notprobed (Original Poster) (Veteran Member)

Posted On Sep 21st 2018:

So I was doing my thing tonight, you know, watching for alien warships (we know they're out there people!) and I caught this.


It's pretty far out, but does anyone know what it is? It looks like a giant dragon and, as I'm writing this it is getting closer. Is anyone else seeing this? For reference, I live on a pacific island (I'm not telling you where) It's close to Mars, on the side of Sagitarrius, directly south of Aquila if you want to take a look.

*Edit: Here is a better picture. I think that is the JL? It's pretty blurry but it looks like they're fighting it. *Image*

*Edit: Damn that thing is huge. Definitely a dragon. New Alien species? *Image*

*Edit: Holy fuck! Holy Shit! This is not a joke. I repeat; THIS IS NOT A JOKE! I lost sight of the Dragon when it turned and flew over the horizon towards the west coast of the US. The JL was definitely trying to fight it but it just ignored them. *Image* Anyway, I asked @Lighthose in Nova Scotia to keep an eye out for it since it was heading his way.

He has access to one of Parker Enterprises' super new telescopes so he caught THIS: *Video*

That dragon just ate the Simurgh.



(Showing page 1 of 865)


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

Might be an asteroid?


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

No. My 'scope isn't as good as Notprobed's but I can definitely see limbs. It's getting pretty big, isn't it?


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

Has anyone else noticed the flashing lights? Is it firing space lasers at us?


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

I don't think so. Those look like they are firing AT the thing.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

We'll know pretty soon. It's getting close fast. It's only been a minute since the original posting.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

Got a better image if you want it OP.


I think those are Supers. They are trying to attack it.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

That one's Thor! I recognize that thunder anywhere. I think one of the others is Supergirl. If you squint, you can sort of see her outfit. The lighting makes it blurry.

►Notprobed (Original Poster) (Veteran Member)

Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

So the JL is fighting the thing. Is this another invasion? I have my bugout bag (you all should too) but I am only seeing one.

That 'one' is fucking huge since we can see it all the way from here.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

My bunker is all set. If that thing lands on earth, there's going to be a disaster one way or another. I hope it's not near me. I've dealt with two tsunamis and a villain this year.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

I feel you Aloha. I was on that yacht that Volcana attacked. It sucked. Thankfully Superman got there super quick.

It seems we're in luck. The Dragon turned towards the west. Did the heroes drive it off? And yes, it is totally a dragon. Got its side profile when it turned.


Space Dragon.

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(Showing page 3 of 865)


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:


He swallowed the feather bitch whole! Didn't even chew!


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

That video is clearly fake.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

Since I was the one who took it? It definitely real. I can't believe it either.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

Is she... is she dead? They've faked us out before. Remember when the Supes threw Leviathan into space and the fucker came right back?


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

I mean, she could be faking it. This is the Simurgh after all. But I don't see why she would. The Endbringers react to people disturbing their 'rest' with extreme prejudice. If she was still alive, wouldn't she bust out of his stomach? That she hasn't means its a long con, she's dead or trapped in there.

I don't know which is scarier, to be honest.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

ITS FAKE. This is an illusion created by the Simurgh so she can mind-controll everyone while there guard is down.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

I keep rewatching the video. I'm no expert, but it looks real to me.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

I keep watching it too. I swear, even if this is fake, I am making this a GIF and using it for the rest of my life.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:


Already did.

Every time I see those huge chompers close on her, I hear a deep voice go 'NOM NOM' in the back of my head.


Replied On Sep 21st 2018:

Talk about images you can hear. We'll know tomorrow if its real or not. I am not the only one observing the Simurgh.

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In: Boards ► Endbringers ► Simurgh

Sothoth (Original Poster)

Posted On Sep 22nd 2018:


If you are blind, deaf and stupid let me repeat that.



Ziz bit the bullet. *Pun intended*

I don't know where the fuck off dragon came from or what it's doing here but this one's for you! And this one! This one too! You know what? Every drink I have for the rest of my life is dedicated to you, you gorgeous scally bastard!

(Showing page 12 of 999)


Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:

My cousin was there too. I liked her. What Psylock did... the family hasn't been the same since.

►Xamaniac (Super Groupie)

Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:

@theshewin Psylock was as much a victim as anyone else. She and the other heroes didn't know about Ziz's powers back then. You can't really blame her.


Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:

@Xamanic I know. I was just saying that there are a lot more victims of the Simurgh than just those who were at Dehli, Madison, or Star City. I live on the other side of the world but I would still count as one. My uncle killed himself and that messed my mom up. I think everyone has a story like that. Even if you weren't in one of the cities attacked, you are connected in some way.


Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:

I heard everyone is connected by 6 degrees (don't quote me) to everyone else.

With Ziz, I think it's closer to 3. Just from my experience, I have never met anyone who wasn't messed up in some way by her. Friends, Family, Favorite Heroes, the concept of free will itself, she took everything from us.

I've been accused of being a Ziz bomb six times. It's only been a year and a half and I live in Japan. It doesn't make any fucking sense, but she took the trust humanity had in each other and broke it over her knee.


Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:

84 minutes and 17 seconds. That is the total amount of time the Simurgh spent 'attacking.' Less than an hour and a half to kill hope itself.

►Mainlytrouble (Super Husband)

Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:

She's dead now. My wife was in Star City for work. I am going raise this glass to the Dragon.



Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:



Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:



Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:



Replied On Sep 22nd 2018:

You guys think the Dragon is here for the Endbringers? Like they are its prey or something? It already ate the Simurgh. It could be waiting in the ocean for Leviathan to show itself.

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♦ Topic: New Duo in New York?

In: Boards ► Supers ► New Faces ► New York

Applegate (Original Poster)

Posted On Oct 11th 2018:

Looks like we have a new duo in town.


Does anyone know who they are? They aren't in costume like regular Supes so they might have been on downtime. The tall blonde is a clear telekinetic but the shorted one, with the pointy ears, is probably a Mover of some sort. Maybe limited to shadows?

Anyway, wanted to know if anyone had seen them before.

(Showing page 2 of 97)

►Pedantics (Super Groupie)

Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

@Chilldrizzle The costume is important. Not only is it cool but it also is a quick way to separate a Super from a civilian in a crisis.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

@Pedantics I'm not saying costumes aren't cool. (Looks at poster of Captain Marvel in her black/gold leotard) I just wanted to point out that most Supes are more concerned with the facade. Only a few will fight without the mask. There's a reason for it of course, look what happened to New Wave, but I think its refreshing to see some new heroines willing to do the work without the disguise.

That the blonde repaired the damage gives them huge brownie points in my book.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

They are also super hot.

The blonde is perfect. Seven feet tall. Glasses. Looks like a librarian or secretary. Has a no-nonsense attitude going on. Carries a crop?



Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

The shorter one is more to my taste. Her boobs are a bit too big but I want to lick those ears.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:


►Tinmother (Moderator)

Replied On Oct 11th 2018:


Complimenting a woman is fine.

Making threats is not.

Take a time-out.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

Oooh, H is in horny jail again.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

Stop the fucking presses.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

I want to know where the blonde got the stuffed doll. It's adorable. I want one.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:


What doll?

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(Showing page 42 of 98)

►Avengr-R-us (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

Here's a better video. They talked to spider-man for a bit before peacing out.


►Answer Key

Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

So the blonde is Glynda. Is that her Super name or her real one? She could be going for a whole 'Glynda the Good Witch' thing with her telekinesis.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

I want to know how she separated the Rhino from his armour without killing him. Not that I'd feel bad about him turning into mush, but I thought it wasn't possible.

►Deepview (Unverified Super)

Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

She didn't. It was that mutant squid baby thing. When it touched the Rhino, his armor fell right off.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:


What 'mutant squid baby?'


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

@Deepview Do you mean the doll? It didn't do anything.

►Deepview (Unverified Super)

Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

@CuteisJustice @Ekul

It looks like a doll sure, but it was talking the whole time! It moved! If anything, I would say it's the leader. The others were listening to its instructions for god's sake!


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:


I don't see any doll, squid-like or otherwise.


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

@Deepview @Ekul

I can see it, but it just looks like a stuffed toy to me. Some sort of gradient stranger effect? Do different people see more of it?


Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

I see a doll too. It looks like a Baby Cthulhu for those who can't see it.


►Avengr-R-us (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Oct 11th 2018:

Talked to a few people. The group is a trio, not a duo. The Stranger is strong enough that Spider-man only saw the doll until the end. Not sure of the exact conditions but some people are able to see right through the effect. Conditional ratings are:

Doll: Stranger 3+

Glynda: Shaker 7+

Raven (the long-eared woman. The doll called out the name for those who can't hear it): Mover 5+

All tentative till more is known.

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♦ Topic: PRT Leak

In: Boards ► Supers ► Brockton Bay

SeeingEYE (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Thinker)

Posted On Oct 17th 2018:

For those who don't know me, I am a mutant. My ability is simple. I can access any observation equipment remotely. It also allows me to post here without fear of being taken down.

I have been a member of this forum for the last 15 years. I have made numerous 'leaks' because I believe the public deserves to know what the powers-that-be want to hide.

I am staking my entire reputation on this video. I have quadruple-checked its authenticity, verified it through secondary sources, and called in a bunch of favours from sources in the PRT *who shall remain anonymous* to be on the safe side.

What you are about to watch is the truth. It is a video captured by PRT hidden cameras in the early morning hours of October 17th at the New Wave Memorial in Panacea Park. It is completely unedited, except for the fact that multiple cameras caught different angles.


It is a long video, containing multiple important topics. I will make threads for those I think are most concerning.

Edit: Here are the links: The Red Queen Lives? Glory Girl back from the Dead? X-men rehabilitation?

I would ask the Moderators to make a separate Board for everything related to Mikael (The White Dragon).

Edit: They did, it is already filling up. I posted a few threads on the more important topics: Known Consorts, Known Powers, Blood, and Motivations.

(Showing page 1 of 999)

►Aroundtheblock (Veteran Member)

Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@SeeingEye? This is going to be good. You always have the juicy stuff.

Edit: Just watched the video. Damn!... I don't even know where to start.


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

THE RED QUEEN IS ALIVE!? Didn't the League take care of her? She killed Velocity!


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

You clearly haven't watched the whole video. Panacea being alive is the least surprising thing in it. The League always tried to prioritize capture rather than killing. The fact that they covered up her survival is no surprise. Bringing someone dead for years back to life is the part you should really be concerned about.


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@Addons Or the fact that the afterlife exists at all. Afterlives? Can we get some clarification from Glory Girl on that? As a Pastafarian, I want to know if the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the sky is real or not. I want to go to the great beer volcano in the sky!


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

Guys! You are missing the point!

The Dragon!

It's the one who can bring back the dead. What's to stop it from doing this again?


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@Notparanoid The fact it clearly stated it wouldn't? It also clearly didn't want its involvement getting out. We're lucky it didn't notice the cameras. Imagine Glory Girl showing up one day (if she ever gets out of M/S confinement) and we have no clue what is going on.


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@Char He, not it. He clearly identifies as male. He even has a name. Mikael. It's Hebrew for 'Like God.' I for one welcome our new Dragon Jesus. If we count the Simurgh and the ocean stuff, this is like the third miracle or something. So far, he has only benefited the earth so he's alright in my book.


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

Definitely male.


I totally agree with GG. Those lucky bitches.


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@Affectionstarved Now is not the time to be horny! An alien dragon just got a human body, brought someone back to life, and has an unknown number of powerful Supers at his beck and call. The League couldn't even touch him. What's to stop him from taking over the world? He can just kill everyone and bring back those he wants.

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(Showing page 2 of 999)


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@Notparanoid Its always time to be horny. How has this world survived through alien invasions, supervillains, Justin Beiber, and natural disasters? That's right, through the power of Horny. Why do Supers wear skin-tight costumes? Because Horny is their power source.

Incidentally, I am officially starting a new religion. Our doctrine is sexual liberation. Our god is breasts, buts, and thighs (dicks too if you are into that). Our afterlife is a neverending orgy, filled with the most attractive people imaginable. Mikael and his consorts are our pope and cardinals.



Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@MR.Krew Sign me up!

In all seriousness, what does this mean for us? Like, what does Mikael want? Professor X said he had a Goddess as his Herald (Like Galactus?) so is he some sort of god, like Thor? Why was he a tiny squid baby? Why did he want a human body? He's supposedly been to earth before, so he probably won't destroy the planet. Who's he here to meet? Another 'consort'?

And most importantly: Did he just quote Robin Williams?


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@Addons Yes. Yes, he did.

There comes a point in a man's life where he needs to ask himself a serious question. One all men face one day.

Is Dragon Jesus actually a dork?


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

He can be as dorky as he wants if he holds me in those arms.

►Acree (Super Groupie)

Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

Mikael seems like a nice guy.

Even if we think Glory Girl is biased (or mastered, don't have proof one way or the other) everything in that video showed him as remarkably human. He showed concern for Panacea when she freaked out by touching the blood, even willing to put off getting a body to make sure she wasn't in danger. When the blonde, Artoria, was being all intense, he showed enough empathy to catch on. These are not the typical traits of villains. I don't know if he is a hero, he clearly sicced that redhead on Wolverine because she was bored, but he will heal so it isn't too bad.


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

Does anyone know who the other women are? I am familiar with Medea and Scathach from myth (my useless minor in mythologies finally came in handy) but the other names are unknown. They look pretty human, but they might be aliens or from different worlds like Prof X said. Just want to know if I am missing something obvious.

We only got three names out of ten (Five if you count Glynda from that video in New York. Link. Raven is the one with long ears in the video in New York, she's an umbrakentic and the one who sealed off the park. She is not visible in this one.)

Artoria: The annoyed blonde who pushed the wheelchair. She had a British accent and called the Dragon Sir Mikael so possibly European from the middle ages?

Robin: The name is also European and she looks Russian, maybe? She didn't have an accent I could identify.

Ranni: The Goddess that supposedly fought the League to a standstill. She did no show up here.

Unnamed blonde woman: The one in green who pulled the barrels of blood out of a scroll of paper.

Unnamed Changer/mover: The black woman who turned into a cat and flew off.

Does anyone know who they are?

►SeeingEYE (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know) (Verified Thinker)

Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@Pastothefuture I have already started a thread about the consorts and what we know. You can find it HERE.

Edit: @Acree, I also have a thread on known powers HERE.

►Acree (Super Groupie)

Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

So Mikael is a Trump. The question is to what degree? GG said all the powers were passive but if someone is immune to half the powers out there, and the most dangerous ones, then they are pretty strong. Not counting if they put in the effort to maximize their 'Talent' in combat. That is B lister at least. Avengers level with some training. I would say Trump 8+ at least


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

Prof. X specifically said that the 'Elden Lord' destroyed or conquered other worlds. Early in the video, he mentions two; Bloodborne and Elden Ring. (The latter is probably where he got the title) Why aren't people more worried about this?


Replied On Oct 17th 2018:

@Notparanoid Because there is nothing we can do about it?

The League couldn't do anything to it in space, what makes you think they can fight it in-atmosphere? If the dragon the size of a continent sneezes it will sink the eastern seaboard. If it wanted to destroy the planet for all life, all it would need to do is move half as fast as it did when it ate the Ziz. Its mass and velocity alone would shatter the planet.

All we can do is the same as we've been doing for years. Go about your daily life, try not to think about it too much, hope for the best, and pray the good guys win. All that has changed is we know prayer might actually mean something now.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 997, 998, 999

Pardon any formatting errors; I tried my best. Most spelling errors are intentional, though.

I had to make a judgment call with this one. It would be incredibly easy to write 10K words about Emancipation 3 alone as it is incredibly dense with things the internet would lap up. (Amy being alive, bringing people back from the dead, power speculation etc...) I am sure some of you are disappointed that I didn't go super in-depth.

While I like PHO interludes, they are best treated lightly. They serve as a way for the audience to touch base with the rest of the world in a fic and see how they react to the MC and the plot. Too often, they act as word padding or self-congratulations for the MC and the writer.

Since the 'World' is as much a character in this fic as any of the cast, I don't need to go super in-depth with PHO. Ideally, how the world reacts comes across more organically during the main story. Because of that, I limited myself to 4k words *Realizes the 'limit' is the size of an early chapter and bangs head on desk.*

I will probably only do one or two more PHO Side Stories for the entirety of this fic, so don't expect it to come up too much.

I will see you all next time for Emancipation 4.

ReadingDangerouslycreators' thoughts