
SS (A) - Fluffy Hearts

"Music is the shorthand of emotion." 

— Leo Tolstoy


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♦ Topic: Priscilla's First Concert!

In: Boards ► Supers ► Elden Lord ► Priscilla

MusicManiac (Original Poster)

Posted On Dec 1st 2018:



I got three tickets. If you want to go, get them now. They're disappearing quick.

I can't wait. Me, my girlfriend and my sister are huge fans.

What do you think the song list will be? Priscilla's pretty much only done covers on stream, right? Will she have original songs? Songs from other worlds? Will Mikael join her? Any of the rest of her Family? What does a band with The Faerie Queen and Solomon Grundy look like? Does she have other spirits in it? Is this going to be a true thriller?

I have no answers, but I need to know!!!!!

(Showing page 3 of 24)


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Damn it, already sold out. T_T


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

At least you had a shot, I live on the other side of the planet. No way can I get a flight so last minute.

►GreenBeanMachine (Verified Super) (Teen Titan)

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

That sucks, dudes. I hope you'll be turning in to watch it at least.

►Space Zombie

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

BEASTBOY-MAN, how you doing? Will you be there? And how can we watch it?

►GreenBeanMachine (Verified Super) (Teen Titan)

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

All the Titans will be there ;) We were in the audience of the show, and I scored some tickets as soon as I heard. But don't worry, guys. Word from Teach is that the entire thing will be streamed to Priscilla's channel, so you can watch it live as well.

►Space Zombie

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Sweet! And good to hear you all are doing good after that whole mess at the mall.

►Mr. Fabuu

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:


►GreenBeanMachine (Verified Super) (Teen Titan)

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Glynda Goodwitch. She's awesome. I'll ask her if I can post some vids of our training.

@ Thanks, it's been a rough go, but everyone's been so cool that we can't let you guys down.


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Nnnnggggg, the idea of that woman in tight gym clothes.... I need a moment.


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Cease your thirst for another woman in this channel. Can you not tell this is a holy thread dedicated to our pure, floofy dragon princess?

BTW: Priscilla's dress? Wow. Where can I get one and will she wear it during the concert? Probably not, but if that's what she wore to a Super convention, I can't wait to see what she wears for the actual show.

Also, those furry robes did not do her justice.

We thank our Lord and Saviour, Master of Mammarys and Teacher of Thighs, Mikael for this holy image.


End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 22, 23, 24

♦ Topic: Emma Frost said it!

In: Boards ► Supers ► Elden Lord ► General

CatagoryQueen (Original Poster)

Posted On Dec 1st 2018:

She said. That crazy woman actually said it.

I always knew Emma Frost had some serious Girl Boss energy, but to come right out, on national television, and say you want to marry the Elden Lord?

That takes some serious ovaries.

I bow to her majestic majesty, your majesty.

But seriously, I think we've all thought about it. Either being the Elden Lord or marrying his wives. God knows I've seen enough of you all in the NSFW portions of this site, thirsting over that entire family. The question is, will it work?

Mikael explicitly stated, in the video where he brought GG back, that he wasn't looking for other consorts. So far, that has remained true, as far as we can tell.

Does Emma Frost have a shot? Does anyone?

She's hot, but so are his wives. Some of whom are literal goddesses.

She's rich, but he owns his own subcontinent.

She's not a Super, but once she gets those 'benefits' GG spoke of, she will become a dragon.

With a name like Frost, she's gotta be an ice dragon, right? Otherwise, the gods of narrative convenience will never forgive us.

What do you guys think? Can Emma Frost seduce the dragon?

(Showing page 1 of 56)


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Not a chance. Don't get me wrong, Frost is hot. Really hot. But compared to some other women? She just lacks an edge, ya know. Something that puts her above the crowd. A CEO of a billion-dollar corporation isn't really what I see Mikael going for.

►Karolengine (Super Groupie)

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

If Mikael's taking more consorts, I would like to formally put my hat in the ring.

►Mane Magenta

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

@ Karolengine You have a boyfriend.

►Karolengine (Super Groupie)

Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

@ Mane Magenta He's also trying to join. Two for one.


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

IF anyone joins, it's got to be a Super of some sort, right? Like Mikael's a trump, but there's gotta be something there to get his attention in the first place?


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Propsing on national TV won't get his attention? And Priscilla didn't say anything against it when Sally asked her. I don't know, I think Frost has a shot. If nothing else, I have to respect the ambition.


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Instead of arguing against Frost, who do you think should join? I, for one, am an advocate for using Dragon Jesus' Dragon Dick for good. Turn some villainess to the side of good through the power of love. (And sex. Besides, villainesses are hotter anyway)

-Poison Ivy


-Scarlet Witch

-Moord Nag


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Scarlet Witch isn't a villain. She's a former Avenger that decided to go back to living with daddy in his mutant-only country.

... Damn hot though.


Replied On Dec 1st 2018:

Eh~ anti-hero then. But imagine the diplomatic relation- 

"Anything interesting?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around Priscilla's waist and nuzzled at her neck, kissing it gently. 

I was using her size-changing spell to make myself her size since we were in her room, and she wasn't shrunk.

...Ok, I may have made myself a few inches taller than her, but it was for a good cause.

And as soon as I think of one that isn't, 'I like being taller than my wives, ' I will give it.

My floof dragon shivered at my touch, tail wrapping around my leg, as she wined in surprise.

"Sir Bard," Priscilla pouted, but I noticed a hitch in her voice. Her tail continued to run up and down my leg. "Do not surprise me so."

"Hmm," I hummed, pretending to give it some thought. "Nope. I can't stop myself. Your reactions are too cute. I need my fix."

The crossbreed pouted at me, and I couldn't resist the temptation.

I kissed her, her gasp of surprise granting me access to her tongue. Her eyes closed as our kiss deepened, her tail practically drawing hearts on my thigh with its tip.

"You never answered my question," I said, pulling away from the kiss. "Are the netizens saying anything interesting?"

"Ah?" Priscilla, still in a daze, took a second to properly respond. "Ah! Sir Bard!" Her fist pounded fruitlessly against my chest in her embarrassment. "I would have answered had thy lips not claimed mine."

"Weren't you asking for a kiss?" I asked guilelessly. "Your lip was out and everything. I thought it was an invitation."

"This is why I call thee a bard," Priscilla complained, resting her head against my shoulder. Her tail continued to rub images on my thighs. Were those stick figures? It was hard to tell with just touch alone. "Thou shall twist all with thy words to suit thy needs. And without consequence. Thy voice's beauty and charisma is the most unfair advantage in this world or any beyond."

"I thought you called me a bard because I was a jack of all trades, good with magic and swords, and I rolled to seduce everything that moved?"

"While thy skill at the art of seduction is a thing to be feared, what do blades and spells have to do with bards?"

"Remind me to set up game night," I said with a chuckle. "Not only do I think it will be fun, but a lot of my jokes will actually make sense if you all join me in my nerdom."

"What manner of games," Priscilla asked, perking up and staring at me with wide eyes.

"Role-playing," I nodded. "We can do Dungeons and Dragons if we want to be classic about it, but there are a whole host of others. Maybe White Wolf or Powered by the Apocalypse. I'm sure Artoria, Diana, and Ranni will appreciate some classic war gaming, too. Hell, if we tape it and post it, I'm sure you'll get a bunch of fans. The only thing nerds like more than nerd stuff is hot people doing nerd stuff."

"That sounds wonderful," Priscilla shook her head. "But I do not wish the others to overburden themselves to aid me. My music and skills shall carry me forward. Already, no more tickets for my concert are available for purchase."

"Not surprised," I nodded. "But I am glad to hear it. I'm really looking forward to seeing you on the big stage."

"I shall not disappoint thee," Priscilla said firmly, her eyes meeting mine. 

"You won't," I smiled down at her. 

Priscilla had come a long way from the princess in the tower, and while I played a part, it was almost all at her own initiative. 

I would never have encouraged her to start streaming; it had been Victoria who had given her the idea, but it had all been Priscilla's own efforts that got her this far. Sure, my other wives and I put forth our support to ease her path, but her success and failure would all depend on her efforts from here.

My floofy dragon was the perfect example of what I wanted in this world and why I had stayed as long as I had despite the risks and threats.

When you have infinite universes to explore and unlimited copies of the same people in an infinite number of situations, it is easy to drown in it all. To give nothing value because everything and everybody is replaceable.

But there is no joy in that. 

When you can beat a game with a press of a button, what is the point of playing?

When you can sleep with a different woman every day, each more beautiful than the last, sex grows dull. 

When you can conquer a world in an afternoon, when does conquest become a chore instead of a pleasure?

When you can Free yourself of everything, what is the point of anything?

Priscilla had stumbled, perhaps accidentally, on the same solution I had.

In an uncaring multiverse where nothing matters and everything is replaceable, you must assign value to what you care about and hold onto it fiercely. 

It was the only solution to never going mad, growing bored with living, or worse, losing yourself and becoming nothing more than a living machine, carrying out tasks not for joy or pleasure but because it is the only thing to do.

Priscilla had chosen music and made it Hers. Unlike me, she lacked Siren Song to make her voice supernaturally alluring. All she had was Talent, and talent only blooms when you put in the effort. Every day, she practiced, both in private and in front of her fans.

To Priscilla, this world was not her home, but it became important to her because it would be home to her music.

And I couldn't be happier.

The music was Hers.

This Family was Mine.

There were infinite versions of every one of my wives out there. One just had to look at this world to see examples of the sheer vastness of the multiverse.

I could watch a billion other Priscillas die and only feel a twinge of annoyance and melancholy at the sight.

I would torch the entire multiverse rather than watch Priscilla die.

That was what it meant to be Mine.

As I flailed against infinity, I would sink my claws deep into the small slice of the void that I could call my own.

Which made what happened today a particular annoyance to me.

"How are you?" I asked, my smile slipping from a grin to something softer. More genuine. "After the show and... Frost?"

"I am well," Priscilla said with her head tilted in question. "The performance was a success, was it not? No violence occurred, despite Ciara's appearance."

"I meant more about Frost stealing your thunder." When she looked even more confused, I explained the expression. "Today was supposed to be about you, no matter my plans. She made it about herself."

"Ah," Priscilla pursed her lips and nodded. "I understand. Thy fear is that I am displeased she took attention from me. I am not. I knew an incident might occur today, and my only hope was that my fans would not be hurt. Compared to a battle, a wench's desire to become Sir Bard's bride is a paltry annoyance."

While that was good to know Priscilla wasn't jealous, a few things stood out.

Like her use of the word 'wench' and how her tail tightened around my leg when she spoke it.

"So you aren't unhappy that Frost stole attention, and probably a headline or two, but something else," I noted, and when Priscilla went to say something, I simply raised a hand to stop her. "Before you say anything about not being annoyed, I know you well enough to know something has you bothered."

That, and her tail was the gravest traitor to ever sweep the earth if Priscilla wanted to keep her emotions a secret.

"T'is true," Priscilla sighed as if admitting to a crime. "I am vexed by Lady Emma's counterpart. Not because of her 'stealing my thunder,' as thee said, but because of her actions themselves."

"What exactly pissed you off?" I asked curiously. I didn't think my floofy wife was angry, just miffed or annoyed.

Miffed enough that her tail was drawing little daggers into my thigh.

"Her failure to control herself and the repercussions it shall have for thee."

I blinked.

"You're going to need to explain yourself on that one, babe," I said dully. "It will be annoying to not have our connection to Frost remain a secret, sure, but that went out the window when she overtly supported your singing career. She just made the announcement more overt."

"Nay. I speak of the potential for further declarations of courtship," Priscilla said with a frown before hurrying to 'reassure' me. "If thou wish to take Emma Frost as wife or concubine, that is thy right. I know Sir Bard would never accept a lady into our Family without our approval. But what of the other thirsty sluts? How many will I now be forced to slay because of Lady Frost's words? You know I dislike violence."

My mouth literally fell open.

Has... has my floofy dragon been corrupted by the internet? 

To hear words like 'thirsty sluts' from Priscilla... I didn't know what to feel.

Actually, that's not true. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. I just wanted to be the one to corrupt her.

But one question needed to be asked.

"Why would you be forced to kill women?" I asked, genuinely confused. 

As far as I knew, joining my Family wasn't some sort of battle royal. Was my hand in marriage some kind of prize to be won? And if it was, can I get a few tickets to the show? 

I wanted to watch it. 

And make a few bets. 

"How else should one deal with 'the bitches?'"

I don't know what was funnier, the fact that Priscilla used the word 'bitches' or that she used air quotes around it.

"Make no mistake, my Lord," Priscilla said primly. "I shall not harm Frost, nor any other woman deemed worthy to pursue thee. I am not some jealous witch, hoarding thy love to myself. I shall merely defend thy honour from the lascivious women who would press upon thee unwelcome advances."

I couldn't help it. 

I really couldn't. 

I had tried hard, really I had, but I truly, one hundred percent, could not help it anymore.

I laughed.

I laughed loud and long. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I doubled over in mirth, raucous howls escaping me. I laughed so hard my face started to hurt, and then I laughed some more.

"Sir Bard?"

"Ahahaha," I continued to chuckle, desperately sucking down air. Not because I needed to breathe to live, but because you can't keep laughing without air in your lungs. "Oh man, hahaha, oh jeez, haha, I needed that. I really needed that."

"Needed what?" Priscilla looked genuinely confused, even a little pouty. Which I also found funny. "What is so humorous?

"The idea that I'm the princess, heh, and you're my knight in shining armour," I half explained. No need to go over how her word choice affected me.

One of the best parts about Gap Moe is when they don't recognize the Gap Moe.

"Ah," her eyes widened, and she hurried to explain, tail shaking in anxiety. "I meant nothing by it, Sir Bard. Thy capabilities in defending thy own honour are beyond question. I merely suggest that because of Frost's words, thou shall now be inundated by those who seek to use thee for wealth, power, prestige or even thy body. It is our duty as thy wives to filter out the undesirables and deal with the intrigue of the palace."

Despite how cute I found her flustered appearance, I knew Priscilla was genuinely worried she had insulted me. Sometimes old shyness, insecurity, and plain social anxiety would paralyze the crossbreed, and she'd worry about giving offence when there was none.

I did the thing that always calmed her down.

I kissed her.

Priscilla's lips were cool and soft. Like silk left in the night air. She always ran a few degrees colder than humans, likely due to her draconic lineage. 

Her eyes widened for an instant in surprise before she yielded to me. Her lips parted, allowing my tongue entrance. It wasn't a ravishing or a show of dominance but rather a slow exploration. Gentle but unyielding. 

Her tail, wagging in anxiety only a second before, started moving in much happier patterns. It never moved like a dog's or a cat's, instead it slithered and slid along the ground. 

Instead of the base connected to Priscilla moving, it was the tip that was most expressive. Right now, it was thumping out a rhythm in pleasure against my thigh.

I pulled away. My floofy dragon's gaze was glassy and lidded, mouth slightly open.

"You're too damn cute," I said softly, tucking a strand of long white hair behind her ear and brushing over her tiny horn-like eyebrows. Priscilla shivered in delight. "If you want to defend my honour and protect me from 'the bitches,' go right ahead. I just want to make sure you are happy."

"I am, Sir Bard," Priscilla said seriously, eyes refocusing. Her green-yellow draconic slits met my own firey orange. "I have been since I first heard thy music. It was a beauty I never knew existed, and now I shall share that with innumerable worlds. One woman's words shall not dampen my memory of it, my joy of it, nor my love for thee."

Gah. Instant diabetes.

Don't get me wrong, seeing Priscilla going a little yandere was definitely attractive to me. I always had a thing for dangerous women. But when she was full floofy dragon-wife, I lost.

I must spoil this darling creature. Right now.


Priscilla made a cute noise of surprise as I picked her up in a bridal carry, her tail wrapping tightly around my leg in surprise. As reassurance, I gave her a peck between her brows as I carried her to her bed.

"Sir Bard?" Priscilla asked as I set her down gently, angling her so she was face down on the bed. She tilted her head to look at me as I sat beside her, her long white hair fanning out over her back and the bluish silver of her dress. I removed her tail from around my leg, holding it gently as I summoned my weapon of choice. "Hm? AH!"

Priscilla let out a gasping moan as I began to comb her tail.

I started from where the fluffy appendage met her lower back, carefully holding it as it tried to squirm away. It was very sensitive, I knew, but I would not be denied my fluffy time.

With dexterous, supernaturally skilled hands, I set to work.

Priscilla was a crossbreed. Not a dragon turned into a human or vice versa. Her heritage had seen her ostracized and banished, and even to this day, she still felt shy about her appearance. 

Her tail was the most obvious marker of that heritage, that 'deformity' as her people would call it.

When Priscilla was unshrunk, the fluffy appendage was the size of a grown man. The thick fur was incredibly soft and warm to the touch, but below it was skin covered in delicate white and silver scales.

Priscilla blushed and squirmed as I lavished gentle attention on her most inhuman trait. My comb softly glided through the most delicate of fur.

I knew she didn't have much confidence in her form. Knew she still was shy about her draconic traits. She still wore thick, furry robes when possible. Any excuse that she was cold was immediately disproven by the fact she walked around barefoot most of the time. If she wore robes that blended with the scales and fur on her skin, it served to slightly hide the parts of her body she had constantly been mocked for.

Centuries of ridicule and trauma would not go away just because I said I thought she was cute and beautiful or that I considered her draconic traits a bonus rather than a detriment.

I had to show her. Time and time again, I had to prove to Priscilla through my actions that I found her just as beautiful as every one of my other wives.

So we sat on her bed for minutes as I brushed and combed her tail.

Not a word was exchanged, despite my fluffiest wife occasionally letting out gasps or moans of pleasure.

I started to hum.

Not a song, specifically, just a light tune. A string of melodies without words as I worked.

Sticky Fingers guided me along my task. I wasn't using the perk to provide sexual relief or pleasure. That wasn't what this was about. I was using it to keep my hands steady, finding the knots and detangling them in the most relaxing way possible.

Priscilla finally relaxed under the gentle ministration of my hands and music. Her tail stopped squirming as all tension left her.

I kept combing the delicate fur, brushing it softly as I continued my floofy task.

I needed this as much as Priscilla did. Between the Phoenix Force, this shadowy 'Oppressor' figure, whatever Odin was up to, and the ongoing situation with Frost, it was nice to spend a quiet few minutes luxuriating in fluffy tails and their wonder. I'd talk with Frost tomorrow. 

Tonight was all about Priscilla.

I did not pause my hands or voice for over half an hour. I made sure every inch of my wife's tail felt my attention. Not a single strand of fur was unaligned. Not one scale wasn't rubbed gently till it gleamed under the light of the moon streaming through the window.

When I was finally done with the last little part of the sensitive tip, my wife was a puddle of relaxed bliss on the bed, her tail a limp limb of fluffy delight.

I looked upon my work with pride.

But I wasn't done yet.

"Sir... Bard?" Priscilla said slowly, eyes lidded in relaxed pleasure as I moved.

"Shh," I whispered gently into her ear as I gently grabbed her dress and Freed it from her body. 

I was careful not to tear it, as Priscilla really loved the thing, so it just passed through my wife like she wasn't there, and I set it aside on a nearby table.

I looked upon my naked wife with love and desire as she lay prone on her bed.

Her skin was a snow white, matching her fur and scales. Those marks of her crossbreed status only made her more appealing to my eyes. A very thin film of fur-trimmed her sides and lower back, less than a finger thick. Scales, almost imperceptibly small, lined the sides where fur met flesh on her upper back and around her waist. The tiniest of draconic ridges, white and curved, jutted from her spine and shoulders like small little horns.

While Priscilla was gigantic in the absolute sense of the word, her assets fit her frame more modestly than some of my other wives. Her breasts, pressed into the bed as she lay on her stomach so I could only see a hint of a pale nipple, were a handful when I matched her height but nowhere near the mammary mountains of Artoria or Tsunade. Her butt, half covered by her limp tail, was a lovely peach shape but was not the dump truck of an ass like Yoruichi's or the sculpted cheeks of Diana.

Not a warrior queen, a heroine of battle, or a matronly beauty, Priscilla looked like a princess.

Not thin and frail, like so many princesses in towers, but delicate. Lovely. A woman in a dream. Like a painting given life.

She was beautiful.

I stepped Free of my clothes, letting them fall to the ground in a crumpled heap as I rejoined my princess on the bed.

"Hmmmm," Priscilla let out a low hum of pleasure as I kissed along her neck, my hands ghosting through the thin layer of fur along her sides. They fell on her pale breasts as I gently kneaded the delicate flesh without making her move. "Ah! Sir Bard! Please!"

Were this most of the others, I would tease and prod. I'd force them to beg further, winding them up with either the power dynamic, their masochistic or submissive desire, or playing on their various fetishes to heighten their pleasure while also tickling my own sadistic tendencies.

Not with Priscilla.

 I only kissed her gently, lovingly, as I gently ran my fingers down her back ridge, sending shivers along her spine. I carefully grabbed the base of her tail, firmly but delicately moving it up and to the side as I positioned myself.

Then I entered her.

"Mmmmm," Priscilla moaned into my lips as I filled her up, covering her with my body as she lay prone on the bed. One hand held me up, allowing me to kiss her over her shoulder, while the other held her tail safely to the side as it started to really squirm with pleasure.

This was not our first time together, but the feeling of Priscilla around me was as indescribable as ever.

It was slightly cooler than the rest of my wives, just like the rest of her body, but the temperature was the least of the differences. There was a tightness to her that was literally inhuman, a thin layer of scales around her edge that squeezed my base as tightly as a snake. Her insides were equally unique. As if a million tiny fibers worked my length at once instead of a regular woman's kegle muscles.

It was a unique but incredibly pleasurable experience.

It took supernatural strength to slowly pull myself back till only my tip remained within her. Priscilla was wet, incredibly so thanks to so much time floofing her tail, no matter how much I focused on relaxing her instead of giving sexual pleasure. 

It was the tightness of her entrance that made it so difficult as if she would allow anything in the world but my escape.

I sank back into her just as slowly, gritting my teeth from the pressure and the pleasure it brought. Her tail fought to escape my grasp, and I let it. It wrapped around my waist and tried to pull me in faster, to sink deep into Priscilla and never leave.

I didn't allow that.

I bottomed out, my tip kissing the tip of her womb as my hips met her cheeks, distending them as I pressed down with my weight.

"Auuh," Priscilla moaned low, releasing my lips as I held myself in her depths, her body shuddering.

I repeated the process. Slowly. Inevitably. Lovingly. I withdrew myself from her till only the bare minimum remained engulfed before returning my dick to where it belonged, just as slowly.

This was not fucking, the frenetic colliding of bodies and dirty words and actions in the search of pleasurable release.

This was lovemaking. Unifying two bodies, hearts, and souls in as intimate a way as possible.

With my slow movements, I felt every millimetre of her. Priscilla felt every inch of me.

We danced a dance as old as life itself.

It was slow. It was languid. It was wonderful.

Priscilla found her release a half dozen times, her tail letting me know precisely when she achieved orgasm by the way it would go absolutely wild around me. Her body shuddered as she moaned, spasming around me, her fur and scales undulating in hypnotic patterns as she found her release.

Through it all, I remained there. In her. Over her. Around her. 

I engulfed her as she did me, never letting her forget for even a moment that I was there. 

That I loved her.

My own release came when I could bear her shuddering orgasms no longer. When her moans, her skin, her everything became too much for my heart and body to endure any longer.

I kissed her as I came, our lips meeting in a slow, gentle embrace as I flooded her depths. Her tail told me she had once again found her peak as it flailed against me with spasmatic joy.

Our lips separated as I pulled myself from her clenching depths, rolling onto my back and pulling her onto my chest so that her tail wouldn't be pressed into an uncomfortable position.

We didn't say a word, just laying in each other's arms, my hands gently running through her fur and scales as I hummed a low tune.

Priscilla joined me. 

Her melodic voice joined my deeper rumbling as we held each other and made music together.

You thought it was another PHO chapter, but it was I! Lovey dovey smut!

Obviously, this takes place after Obsession 2 and before Obsession 3. I'll place it between them later for future readers, but for now, here they are. I wanted to at least show a bit of the impact of that day for those unaware of the currents below the surface.

As we draw nearer the end and things ramp up, I don't want to lose focus on the quiet moments. The tender touch. Yes, things can reach low points in the story, but I never want it to drown in the darkness. Just like life, there are points of light, small moments of joy, everywhere if we care to look.

Priscilla has half fallen through the cracks of this story, just as few other women have. I try to give them time to shine, but this story already pushes over 600k words. The simple fact is not everybody will get equal screen time. 

I started RR as an attempt to make a whole story out of a half-backed Waifu Catalogue short. My character writing has gotten better over the year and a half, but unless I want the plot to drag on more than it already is, I will have to cut some things out. But I never want to forget the characters themselves, even if I don't show them.

The next few releases will also be Side Stories, and we will be back with the next part of Volume 3 after Christmas. I will see you all next week.

ReadingDangerouslycreators' thoughts