
SS (A) - Cat Scratch Fever

"The backbone of surprise is fusing speed with secrecy."

-Carl von Clausewitz


"Mikael?!" Yoruichi's yell echoed through the mansion.

"In the living room," I called back, nowhere near as loud.

It didn't even take a second for my lap to be filled with the dark-skinned Shinigami. I set aside my tea and my book, my alone time obviously over, as Yoruichi lay on top of me on the couch, rubbing her face aggressively against my abs.

"Sooo," I asked with a bemused smile. "How'd it go with Queen Bee?"

"Hm?" Yoruichi looked up from rubbing her face on me to look me in the eyes. "Oh, she's dead. And I found a rebel group using the blood, so I dealt with them too."

"Good job," I nodded. "I appreciate you helping me with the hunt."

"It's nothing," Yoruichi sighed, laying her chin on my chest.

"But something happened, didn't it?"

"I stuck around to pass your message to the Bat on," the former captain explained with a grumpy pout. "It was that Captain Marvel girl that showed up."

"Was she a problem," I asked with a frown. 

I hadn't dealt with that heroine in any particular fashion since arriving; she had been off-world for most of my time on Earth. If she had tried to pull something with one of my wives I would need to have a... talk with her.

"Not really," Yoruichi sighed again. "Just got me frustrated, is all."

"How come?"

"It just... She's naive. Way more naive than she should be for having so much power. Like a captain who's never dealt with a hollow."

"One of your captains was a centuries-old child," I deadpanned. "A few others acted like children. Hell, one even had a bankai around children's games, and another's lieutenant was a literal child spirit. Why is a hero being naive frustrating?"

"That's different," Yoruichi denied. "Everyone has their quirks, but the captains did what needed to be done. But I've met so many heroes here that are just... ignorant. Like they think everything is black and white, or should be at least."

"And Captain Marvel was like that?"

"She said we 'wouldn't get away with this,'" Yoruichi drawled sarcastically. "Like killing a mind-controlling rapist and tyrant was a great crime, or that removing people who are willingly working with a plague was a bad thing. It was practically written on her face that anyone who kills is automatically evil. That would be like saying all Shinigami should do was purify Pluses and not kill hollows because they were once people, too."

"To be fair," I said, playing devil's advocate as I hugged my wife. "We have been killing a lot of people, and they don't know what we know. Even a pragmatic mind would see our body count and flinch a bit."

"We're doing what needs to be done," Yoruichi scowled. "It's not about good and evil, life and death. It's about maintaining a balance so the world can keep turning. Reality does not care about a hero's morality."

"It doesn't care about anyone's morality," I agreed with a nod, trailing my fingers down her side gently. "But you also must realize that people do not see life and death as you or I do. Not only are we much older and have more experience with death, but we also know that there are systems in place for most of the people we kill. An afterlife or reincarnation. To most, death is just that. The End."

"That's not a bad thing," Yoruichi argued back. "Some things need to end."

"I agree," I nodded again, understanding she wasn't arguing with me but with the people who weren't there. "But an ending goes against the fundamental conceit these words are based on. Nothing can end, good or bad. When someone is killed, they lose any possibility of being redeemed, of living up to their potential for the betterment of others. A core philosophy of many heroes is that anyone has the potential to do good. It kind of has to be that way for many because otherwise, they won't be able to put themselves in the line of fire for people who they think will make the world a worse place. No hero knows everyone they save, but all good heroes try to save everyone."

"I suppose," Yoruichi snuggled into my hug. "I guess I just expected more of them to be like Diana. Heroic, but practical. She hates that we must do this but knows it needs to be done and can accept it."

"When I first chose all of you, I made sure everyone was at least compatible enough that such small issues wouldn't crop up," I reminded her.

"Yes," Yoruichi drawled, but there was a slight smile on her face. "Your choice of 'waifus' has absolutely no downsides."

"I don't regret a single one of my choices," I admitted honestly. "Especially not you." Yorucihi's eyes widened a tiny fraction, and her face gained the smallest of blushes at my blunt honesty. "I know I've thanked you before, but I will thank you again. Thank you, Yoruichi, for helping me with my hunt. The night might be long, but I am not alone, thanks to you."

"Like I said," Yoruichi said, trying to feign casualness as she rested her head against my chest again. "It's nothing."

"No," I denied. "It's something. It means a lot to me that you and the others are willing to get your hands dirty to help."

"Well..." Yoruichi decided to hide her embarrassment with her usual defence. Teasing. "If you want to thank me, you can make me feel better. A nice welcome home quickly sounds good, don't you think?"

Too bad for Yoruichi I had already been thinking about how to reward her for the last few hours.

"Tell you what," I said with a grin, rolling her off me to stand up. I made a show of starting to stretch. "Let's have a race. That will make you feel better."

"A race?" Yoruichi asked, looking more amused at the thought than anything else. "You? With me?"

"Ouch," I deadpanned. "Right in my ego. Try not to sound too confident. I might win."

"No," the Goddess of Flash stood with a light laugh. "You won't. If I gave you a few days headstart, sure. But a plain race? You won't win."

"We'll see," I answered back smugly.

Technically, she was telling the truth. None of my powers from my time in prison gave me any speed boost. Nor did my Elements. I could Free myself from the slowing forces like air drag, the conservation of momentum, or even the limit of the speed of light, but that just raised the cap on my theoretical speed infinitely. My base remained the same. Theoretically, I could accelerate without end, but the ramp-up took time.

And a race with clear limits of start, end, and path? I was almost guaranteed to lose.

My enhanced strength allowed me to propel myself at superhuman speeds, but that was nowhere near Speedforce levels. Yoruichi wasn't there yet either, but as a Dragon of Speed, she was getting closer and closer every day. Maybe once she raised another Tier. But even when she had been first summoned, she had been faster than I was now.

In combat, I could cheat. My burgeoning Observation Haki, still in its infancy, could allow me to keep up with those faster than me, combined with any number of traps I could lay out to slow them down.

I was making up for my deficiencies slowly. Whether it was learning to channel Aura with Glynda, learning Primordial Runes with Scathach, Reinforcement with Medea, or a type of Mana Burst from Artoria, I was shoring up my lack of speed, my greatest combat weakness in a world of heroes.

That still put me months away from being able to catch Yoruichi when she was first summoned, let alone now.

We both knew it.

And we both knew I had something planned. 

I wasn't the type to make a challenge I couldn't win, even if it was to make Yoruichi feel better.

"You're up to something." Cat-like eyes were narrowed in suspicion, but her mouth was quirked into a grin. The curiosity alone had her metaphorical tail wagging.

"I'd never!" I gasped, scandalized at the implications on my honour.

"Uh huh," Yoruichi nodded sassily. "This race totally isn't some sort of scheme of yours. You definitely just want to cheer me up with a run. Nothing else."

"I admit, there is a tiny hint of a secondary motive, but it is just because I remembered something I needed to do," I answered guilessly, my smile as innocent as could be. "But that's harmless. Unless you mean to tell me you don't want to have some fun?"

Just as she knew I was planning something, I also knew she'd accept anyway. Maybe at any other sort of contest, she'd reject, but the Goddess of Flash turning down a race?

It'd be like Artoria turning down food. (That wasn't mashed potatoes. The heathen.)

"You're on," Yoruichi answered, dropping her orange overshirt to leave her only in her leotard. Then she started stretching, making sure to be as distracting as possible while doing so. "What are the rules?"

I almost didn't answer, too caught up in the sight of her cat-like movements.

"The first stop is the northernmost point of the Island. Once I beat you there, you'll call out different targets. I'll beat you to all of them. I win when you give up. You win if you beat me once."

Dark skin rippled as she bent and twisted, her skintight clothing not doing even a passable job of concealing her form. 

The material clung so tightly that I could see the defined muscles of her legs flex as she lifted one foot to the ceiling in a split that had nothing to do with stretching and everything to do with showing off the camel toe of her crotch.

While my eyes had zeroed in on that area, they didn't remain there for long. 

Yoruichi, with arms clasped behind her back, bent forward. The sleeveless black tights held her bust in place so it didn't bounce, but it did nothing in this position, letting me watch her hefty breasts dangle low enough that her nipples, erect from my eyes watching her, brushed the ground as she stretched her lower back. 

Then, those breasts were facing the ceiling again as she bent backwards. In another demonstration of her flexibility, Yoruichi grasped the back of her ankles, bending her back in a C-shape to do so.

Which, again, emphasized her breasts.

And her wonderfully toned stomach flexing beneath the thin fabric.

Must. Not. Lick.

But... Mmm, chocolate.

"You know," I said conversationally, pretending she wasn't having any effect on me. "If you are trying to distract me, it's probably because you are afraid of losing."

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Yoruichi grinned like the cat who got the canary.

She kept that grin as she bent forward once again but made sure she was facing away from me.

How'd I know she was still grinning?

Because her face peeked through her legs as she folded herself in half, toned ass facing me.

She wiggled her hips.

It bounced, flesh rippling like a wave.

I was only human... err, I was only a man. 

I smacked dat ass, sending it jingling and bouncing some more.

Yoruichi stood up, triumphantly looking over her shoulder and up at me.

She was way too smug for someone bite-sized. 

Yoruichi was the shortest of my wives at only 156 centimetres, or five foot and an inch and a half.

She made up for it by being the most smug and overtly sexual of my wives. While a few of them were not shy about their desires, such as Scathach, Pride, or Emma, Yoruichi was the only one to actively tease me sexually. 

Taunting, prodding, and with an exhibitionist streak a mile long, she often made people forget how small she really was by having the force of personality of a much larger woman.

Not to say parts of her weren't large. The tits and ass on the Shinigami would make any other woman jealous, but on her tiny frame, they were positively obscene.

And she knew it.

I spanked her ass again, harder this time.

"Just for that, I am giving you a head start," I said tauntingly as I watched her eyes narrow in hunger as she looked up at me. 

I made sure to loom as much as possible, my frame blocking the light completely, my shadow engulfing her entirely.

I was over a foot and a half taller than her and twice as wide, and I made sure she knew it.

My draconic eyes bore into her feline orbs, both pairs hungry. My smirk was all fangs as I projected my Conquoror's Haki to weigh her spirit down.

Her Reiatsu tried to flex in response, but I didn't allow it.

My Will crushed her spirit, wiping it from the world.

Yoruichi's breath hitched. 

Her nipples, already beaded in arousal, twitched as her breasts heaved with desire. Her thighs twitched, an unconscious spasm.

I read her body like a book.

I saw her realize what I was doing here. Why I had challenged her to a race.

Yoruichi had realized that the race was but a part of my plan to cheer her up and thank her for the effort. 

The race was just the precursor, the qualification.

The real gift came later.

She knew I had remembered.

A conversation so long ago that I had forgotten it among all the rest of what followed. A promise I made and hadn't kept.

Well, I intended to keep it now.

But I had to prove I deserved it, just like I promised.

And she had to make it challenging, or it wouldn't matter.

I smacked her ass a third time.

"What are you waiting for," I taunted. "Run Kitty!"

Yoruichi ran.

I paused, then I chased, laughing all the while.

I caught up as Yoruichi left the manor's front door, blasting through the glass without care.

I passed her with another smack on her ass, my laugh swallowed by the distance.

At the speeds we were going, it took less than a second to reach the northern tip of my Island.

"How'd you do that?" Yoruichi asked, looking up at me with narrowed eyes of suspicion. "You're not that fast. Not without a lead-up."

She was panting, but it had nothing to do with being out of breath.

I just smiled hungrily.

"Where to? ...Kitty."

"Out of your little world," Yoruichi challenged with a grin of her own. "Top of the Daily Planet."

"After you," I said, sketching a sarcastic bow.

She left while I was still folded in half.

I caught up right before we reached land. This time the spank was on the other ass cheek. 

Needed to make sure they were balanced, after all.

Again, despite the distance travelled, it hadn't even taken us more than one second before we stood right above one of the tallest buildings in Metropolis.

"Are you going to give up," I asked, knowing we were nowhere near done yet.

"No way. You might have passed me in a burst, but let's see if you can go the distance."

"Then where to, oh Goddess of Flash?"

"Tokyo Tower." And Yoruichi was gone.

I gave chase to my teasing, chocolate, short-stack, death god, catgirl wife.

...Maybe I should write a light novel?

It took us a full two seconds this time. Partly because of the distance, partly because instead of spanking her tight ass, I surpassed her and turned around to tweak a nipple lightly.

"South Pole!" Yoruichi, with a faint blush on her face, shouted into the night.

The snow posed me no problem as I tweaked the other nipple.

"North Pole!"

I kissed her on the neck as I surpassed her.

Santa wasn't there, which was a shame. I guess he wasn't real in this comic world.

This was also the time Yoruichi started getting serious.

The snow melted as lightning surrounded her body as she engaged her Shunko, a technique to enhance her speed and power.

I pecked her on the lips as we raced towards Kathmandu.

I trailed my fingers across her toned stomach before overtaking her on our way to Santiago.

I yanked her ponytail roughly right before she reached Bangkok.

Over and over again, Yoruichi would declare some city or landmark and take off. I'd race after her, tauntingly playing with her body as I passed.

We must have circumnavigated the globe a few dozen times, Yoruichi growing increasingly flustered at each stop before she finally snapped.

"One last race," Yoruichi panted. Her eyes were dilated as wide as I had ever seen them. Her chest heaved, sweat beading it. Her crotch was absolutely soaked, her arousal leaking down her shivering legs and leaving a large damp spot on her groin. "One last race, and you win."

She didn't care that she looked like a hot mess in the middle of a plaza of Luxembourg, her lightning not hiding her frazzled state, and people were staring and taking pictures of us.

No, that wasn't true.

Yoruichi did care about the eyes on her. They were turning her on more.

Not that she needed much help. She was already in this state, and we had only left the mansion five minutes before.

My last teasing touch had been a fingernail scraping along the cloth outside her cunt for the briefest of seconds.

"I do like the sound of that," I said conversationally as I made a show of licking my finger clean. I saw her thighs twitch with desire once more. "So? Where to, Pet?"

"Up there," Yoruichi smirked, pointing up at the sky. The cockiness on her face was ruined by the way her thighs rubbed together.

"The moon?" I asked with a raised brow.

"No. Not far enough to stretch my legs," Yoruichi denied, lowering herself till she was on all fours. Like a tiger ready to pounce. "Mars."

Lightning exploded, and thunder boomed. Yoruichi's clothes disintegrated as she half-transformed into her feline form. A physical tail grew from her lower back, and lighting shaped itself around cat ears on her head and claws on her hands and legs.

The crowd stumbled and shouted in a panic at the transformation.

Her eyes were only on me, her lightning Reiatsu shifting with her every fickle thought in a chaotic mess. All more profound thoughts had left her. 

Yoruichi was little more than a violent beast at the moment, moving according to her whims.

And those whims were focused wholly on me.

I wasn't worried. I was staring at her naked ass.

Yoruichi disappeared too fast for anyone to track.

"Bad kitty," I murmured with a smile as I raced into the sky after her.

It takes light around three minutes to reach Mars from Earth.

We made it in less than two.

That's what happens when a Dragon of Speed goes all out, even if she hasn't cracked the Speedforce.

I didn't even tease the poor Shinigami as I passed her. I just waited upon the red surface of Earth's nearest planet.

Caught up in her thunder beast form, she had no plans of stopping to congratulate me on my win.

Yoruichi crashed into me with the force of a meteor, the planet's rocky surface cratering around us and sending dust high into the sky. 

Immediately, she tried to tear my pants to ribbons.

I didn't let her.

I caught her nude body with one hand; with the other, I delivered on a promise long overdue.


The collar closed around a dark skin clad in lighting.

It wasn't one of those designed for bondage, like I used with Diana or Glynda, with their buckles and loops. 

It was a simple strip of leather holding a circular tag.

"Gack!" Yorucihi choked and froze, dangling from my arm as her muddled brain tried to process what had happened.

I spent that time admiring the woman in my hands, her body tight and plump in equal measure. The lighting shifted and arced around Yoruichi, her tail swaying and curling.

The cat collar was the only piece of clothing on her.

Finally realizing what had happened, since she couldn't see her neck, Yoruichi redoubled her effort to tear the clothes from my body, kicking, clawing and squirming for freedom. 

When I didn't let go, her growls turned to animalistic whimpers, bucking her naked hips at me, trying to entice me to fuck her.

I didn't. 

I still had to make this... memorable.

"Now, Kitty," I said kindly as I ran the hand, not holding her tight, through her scalp to scratch at the base of her cat ears. Yorucihi went limp in my hand, all fight to leave her as her chest rumbled in a purr that should have been impossible, but damn if it didn't turn me on. "I'm not going to have sex with you on Mars."

Her tail dropped. 

I was going to hell. 

"The sand will get everywhere. Instead, we're going for one last run. Back to Earth. I am giving you a headstart. But this time, when I catch you, I am going to fuck you. Right there. No matter where you are. Do you understand? Slow blink for yes."

Her tail swished. Lighting crashed around us in her excitement, turning the surface of Mars into glass. Her tongue lolled out, its tip sparking with electricity.

Wide golden eyes stared at me and blinked.

I dropped her, and she took off.

I gave Yorucihi a full ten seconds of a head start this time since it would actually be our last race.


I laughed lightly, looking around the area. An enormous crater in the ground, half of it glassed from her lighting. We were only on the red planet for like two seconds, so it would give anyone looking a connection as they tried to figure out what happened.


Man, she had made a mess. I hadn't planned to leave Earth, so that had thrown off my plan. I'd save having sex on another planet for a later day when we were really on Mars.


I had intended to only give Yoruichi the collar at the end, but she was so keyed up that I needed to do something to coral her.


Besides, this could turn her on even more. And that was the entire purpose of foreplay.


Good sex was a mostly mental thing anyway, unlike what most thought. If you knew your partner's fetishes and knew how to play them, you didn't need some sort of donkey dick or dextrous muscle control. The sex magic helped make things more convenient, but it wasn't necessary.


I blasted off of Mars in my best Dragon Ball takeoff, careening through space after my sex pet.

I caught up to her in a heartbeat.

Yoruichi knew it too, cat-like eyes looking over her shoulder to meet mine, wide in fear and desire.

Not fear of being caught, but of being caught too soon.

My Shinigami doubled down, running faster and faster and faster toward Earth.

I was right behind her the entire way. 

On her tail, you could say.

This wasn't about catching her or getting back to Earth.

This was about her choosing how she wanted to do this.

In her Thunder Beast form, Yoruichi operated on pure instinct and whim. No consideration for anything but what she wanted or felt.

In other words, Yoruichi was operating on pure Horni Brain.

And I knew how this would go.

Like most fetishes, hers lay in the complete contrast to her day-to-day life.

If she had wanted to fuck as soon as possible, Yoruichi would have opened a portal to the Island, but I knew she wouldn't. She got off on the adrenaline line of the race. She got off on the chase, the hunt. She got off on trying to escape and failing.

And, more than anything else, Yoruichi got off on having eyes on her.

The taboo of a Noble, of the captain of the Onmitsukidou, the equivalent of a ghost-ninja. 

Yoruichi wanted to be seen at her lowest and be laid bare before the world. To be nothing but a drooling sex pet and have everyone know.

And any place I chose to give her that wish would be worse than what she chose for herself in her most primal state.

So I dogged her heels, right over her shoulder the entire race back.

I wasn't idle as we ran.

My hands lashed out, smacking her ass, twitching the tip of her tail, yanking her hair, or twisting a nipple. Little reminders that I was right behind her.

A conscious mind would have realized I could capture her at any point, but in her state, Yorucihi just ran harder and faster.

I knew it was time when we reached Earth, and less than an eyeblink later, Yoruichi's foot fumbled for the tiniest of instants.

On anyone else, it could have been an accident,

On Yoruichi, it was her body screaming to me, 'Here! Catch me here! Fuck me right here!"

So I did.

On a busy street in an upper-class neighbourhood in Kyoto, Japan, a place very similar to the noble districts of the Seireitei, I caught a naked Yoruichi Shihouin by the waist.

The road shattered as we crashed, a massive divot in the street appearing with the 'Boom' of our landing.

People froze. Traffic stopped.

All eyes zeroed in on the crater, as long-honed instincts from living in a comic-based world told them to evaluate the situation for fight or flight.

They saw me balls deep in Yoruichi.

"MRRROOOWWWW!" Yoruichi yowled, a feral sound of lust and satisfaction as I finally took her.

She was on all fours, head pressed into the ground and ass arched to the sky as I rammed into her soaking pussy. Her claws scrapped along the rubble of the street, carving furrows in the ground as I pounded away.

The 'Smack. Smack. Smack.' of my hips smashing her ass cheeks was audible over the buzzing of electricity and her desperate, keening mewls of pleasure.

Her dark-skinned butt jiggled and clapped with my every thrust, her tail twitching and turning, cat ears bent back in submission as I fucked my new pet into the street.

Without anything to conceal our nudity, without any of the drapery of civilization or the pretention of nobility. 

It was raw. It was brutal.

It was animalistic fucking at its most primal. Two beasts mating, uncaring for who saw, who watched, and what they thought.

And Yoruichi loved it.

Her tail wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me deeper, tugging me to fuck her harder, to take her, to breed her, to make her my pet like I had promised so long ago. 

To fuck her so hard and so good that even a free-spirited cat like her would have no choice but to continually return to me.

She threw herself into the mating with wild abandon, her pussy squeezing, twisting, and milking me for all I was worth as her ass bounced, her nipples rubbed themselves raw on the cement, and her mouth an unending tide of mewls, yowls, and growls of pleasure.

The crowd was starting to recover from the shock. Some fled, but they were the rare few. Most simply stared in confusion, arousal, and fear. One or two on the younger side thought of pulling out their phones to take pictures or a video.

"What's happening?"

"Who is that?"

"Elden Lord."


"Are they... having sex!?"

"In public!"


"Lucky bitch."

"This is the hottest thing I've ever seen."

"They can't!"


When the shouting started, all it did was send Yoruichi into a frenzied clamour, redoubling her efforts to fuck herself against me as hard and fast as possible.

Then I really started laying into her.

My thrusts picked up speed, one hand holding her neck down as the other smacked her ass cheeks in an alternating pattern, turning the dark skin red from the bruising. I considered it a personal insult if her cheeks weren't clapping every moment of our brutal fucking.

Her pussy spasmed and contracted, the lighting heating us up to deadly levels for a regular human, but just increasing our pleasure as we let out a caterwaul of bliss.

People watched, recorded, shouted, jeered, insulted, and cried all manner of obscenities. Our lack of shame, our raw passion, was rilling up the crowd into a frenzy. If this were a less repressive culture, I imagine an orgy might have broken out, but this was still Japan. A very traditional part of Japan at that. We received far more scandalized scoffs than lust-filled catcalls.

It didn't matter what they said or did; it all just went into fueling Yoruichi's animalistic lust further.

She finally reached a breaking point when we were finally accosted.

"Halt!" An imperious female voice shouted as a heroine in a red costume flew down in front of us. I didn't recognize her, and I didn't stop. Yoruichi growled at the intruder, but as soon as I thrust back into her wet folds, she returned to mewling. "Cease this lurid act!"

I waved my hand, and crystal encased the heroine from her neck to her feet.

"Stay there and watch," I growled, lost in my own beast-like frenzy. "Like everyone else."

That was what finally did it for my black cat, the vocalization of what was happening, the confirmation that the entire world was watching her get fucked into the ground.

"RRRRRAAAAAOOOOOOOO!!!!" Yoruichi howled, the continual bombardment of stimuli too much for her. 

This entire session of animalistic rutting had been one long series of micro-orgasms for her, but my words sent her over the edge into a full-body release. 

Her orgasmic roar shook the air, her tail puffing up and standing straight, and her ears twitching madly as she shuddered and bucked. Her pussy contracting so tightly that I had to use reinforcement on my dick to keep it from being squished.

Then Yoruichi sagged, collapsing to the ground in a limp pile as the lightning dissipated around us. My dick was still in her, holding her waist up by our connection, but the rest of her was a puddle of flesh on the ground, shuddering in the after-effects of her orgasm.

The world seemed to hold its breath at that moment, the crowd wondering what would happen next as the heroine I didn't know looked at us with wide eyes.

I was debating whether to bring us home to continue, to fuck the unconscious woman until she woke up, or to simply let her rest when Yoruichi made the choice for me.

Moving as fast as I'd ever seen her move, the Shinigami pushed herself off the ground with her arms. Legs locking around my thighs at just the right time to hold them straight, as she bent her body with nothing but her core muscles until both her arms were wrapped around my neck, back pressed against my chest, and legs around my waist.

In one move, Yoruichi had made us go from practically prone boning to me standing straight and her much smaller frame wrapping backwards around me like I was some sort of draconic strip-pole. 

All without taking my dick out of her tight pussy.

"I thought you'd forgotten," she said, voice husky as she leaned her head back to stare up at me, one hand leaving the back of my head to trail along her new collar.

I realized she still had the cat ears, as well as the tail and fur around her arms and legs that led to claws. Yoruichi was still half transformed but without the lightning or the mental pollution.

Had I fucked her back into sanity?

"I did," I admitted, leaning down for a kiss. "When I was finally free, I tried to lock my memories of my time in those worlds in place. I was successful, for the most part, but only what I remembered at that point. Even after millions of years, I still remember Bloodborne perfectly, but the further I go back, the hazier they get. I made that promise centuries before I was free, right when I left the cell, if I am remembering correctly."

"You are," Yorucihi kissed me gently. Her teeth, tiny fangs, nibbled on my lip. In response, my hands reached down for her chocolate breasts, the generous bust looking outrageously large on such a small girl. I kneaded them, twisting, pinching, and mauling them as Yoruichi held herself against me. "Ooooohhh, yesssss," she hissed in pleasure. "Use your pet. I've been waiting over a year for this."

"I'm sorry," I drawled, pinching her nipples between my fingers and yanking. Yoruichi mewled in pleasure, and her pussy clenched again. "I didn't know I was dissapointing you in bed until now."

"You, ah, weren't. Nngggg. But, I, grr, I was waiting, ah, for my, AAHH, my collar."

"I hope the wait was worth it." I kept my hands squeezing those magnificent breasts, tit-flesh spilling out between my fingers as I gave Yoruichi a thrust. Her arms clamped tight around the back of my neck as her legs seized my thighs, holding me fast.

"It, mmmm, it was," the Shinigami panted, eyes hazy. "What about... what about them?" The watching crowd had not been silent as we talked, watching, yelling, jeering, and catcalling. The more prudish types had already fled, but the crowd had only grown as more and more eyes came to rest on our naked bodies. "Is this annnnnggggg illusion?"

"No," I denied, giving another experimental thrust. She clenched again, but I wasn't able to get much leverage with her limbs locking me down. "These are real people. They are really watching you. No, I won't have Emma erase their memories. And yes, they will remember you. Remember us fucking in public, of seeing you naked."

Yorucihi shuddered out a low, keening wail as she came again.

"Hooooowwwww?!" She demanded as her body shuddered against me.

"A few hundred thousand sleeping people I chose at random to pull into the Dream with you," I admitted casually, my hands lowering to the deathgod's thighs and pulling them apart so she was no longer clamping on my waist. Her tail wrapped around my wrist, but I didn't let it stop me. "We've been in one since you joined me on the couch. When these fine folks wake up from a good night's rest, they will remember this as nothing more than a vivid dream. But they will remember it."

I couldn't do something like this in real life, not when I still needed the appeal to the court of public opinion, but it also required to be as real as possible for Yorucihi. This was as close a workaround as I could get.

My arms lifted her thighs, blocking her arms with her legs as my hands locked behind her head. With careless ease, I lifted Yoruichi, her breasts smushed between my forearms as I held her in place.

Then I started fucking her again.

"Fuuuuuccccckkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeee," Yoruichi groaned as I pounded her in a full nelson. Her tits and nipples, her pussy, my dick plunging into it, and her blissed-out face were all visible for everyone to see. "They can seeeeee meeeeeeeeee."

"They can," I grunted, my hips thrusting upward in a fast passed rhythm as she bounced, ass clapping and tits trembling as I fucked her in front of hundreds of people. "They can see all of you. They're watching me fuck my new Kitty."

Her dark chocolate skin contrasted with the pink of her pussy, which stood out against my lightly tanned dick. Her nipples pink nipples swayed and bounced as her breasts rolled. Her face was a mask of pleasure, golden feline eyes wide, teeth clenched, and drool dribbling down her lips.

It was a depraved image. One of wanton sluttishness and sexual desire. As far a cry from the stuck-up noble of her youth as Yoruichi could get.

Yoruichi came again. Explosively. Pussy spasming violently as she squirted hard enough that drops landed on the unnamed heroine's face.

I kept bouncing her, my dick digging deep into the folds of her cunt from this angle.

I intended this show to last as long as possible.

I should have known Yoruichi wouldn't be the type to be down and out for long. She had realized I hadn't cum yet and took it as a personal insult.

"You crazy bastard," Yoruichi panted with lust, eyes clouded but voice remarkably clear despite her body still shuddering from her most recent release. "All this. All this just so you can put a collar around my neck?"

"All this so my horny cat will come crawling back for more," I grit out. 

Thanks to Sticky Fingers, I could hold my release off indefinitely, but the longer I spent on the edge, the more the pressure built. And I had been on the edge for the last ten minutes.

So, of course, that was when Yoruichi started playing dirty. She hadn't been passive this entire time, but nor had she been as teasing or seductive as I knew she could be.

"You did it," the Shinigami mewled. "I'm collared. I'm never leaving. I'm just a sex kitten now, aren't I? Your sex kitten." 

I slammed upwards, over and over again, making sure to drag the crown of my dick through her folds as roughly as possible. Yoruichi didn't even pause for breath, her words coming out faster and in a panting voice. 

"That's what you wanted, isn't it? A pet? A naughty pussy you can rub and pet and fuck whenever you want? A slutty cat you can fuck in front of the whole world to show who owns this stray cat?" 

The woman knew how to push my buttons. I wasn't an exhibitionist like her, but I was possessive, and she had no problems trying to work me over just like I did her.

The sights, the sounds, the smells, it was all mounting. The pressure was building, and it needed a release.

"That's what you want. To own me. To claim me. And to make sure everyone knows it. So fuck me. Fuck your pet. Dump your cum deep in me and give me kittens. Make sure everyone watching knows exactly who owns this pussy!"

Brown breasts with pink nipples bouncing roughly.

A muscled abdomen clenching and twitching in a hypnotic ripple.

The 'Clap, clap, clap,' of bouncing asscheeks against my hips.

Her tight pussy clamping on my dick, ensuring every thrust was a battle.

The eyes of the crowd, the flash of cameras, the eyes of some random heroine watching us, Sticky Fingers allowing me to read her desire for it to be her, not my wife, that I was fucking in public.

And Yoruichi's teasing, taunting words.

I released with an animalistic roar of my own, blowing load after load of pearlescent cum into Yoruichi's waiting womb without ever stopping my thrusts.

I pounded and pounded and pounded, savouring the tight wetness of Yoruichi's spasming cunt, the squeal of delight that escaped her clenched teeth. I came so much that great strands of it escaped our point of contact, white lines trailing down chocolate thighs in stark contrast.

Eventually, my orgasm tapered out, and my thrusting slowed as I heaved deep breaths.

Yoruichi purred in my arms, a vibration throughout her entire body.

I savoured the moment, the closeness despite the sheer amount of depravity we had just engaged in.

But we weren't alone.

"Can... Can you let me go now," the red-faced heroine asked in embarrassment.

"No," Yoruichi denied, twisting her body in a display of acrobatic flexibility that boggled the mind as she practically flowed from my arms to fall to her knees at my feet. 

Immediately, she took my fluid-covered dick in her mouth, cleaning it up as she spoke. 

"'Ou are 'oing to 'atch." Yoruichi's lips left the tip of my cock with a wet 'Pop' as she looked at the heroine, then at everyone else surrounding us. "You all are going to watch as Master fucks his new pet. This is going to be the wettest dream of your life." 

Then she took my dick all the way into her throat, lips reaching my hips as she deep-throated me.

The poor heroine looked at me in hope, but I just shrugged with a smile as one hand reached down to scratch Yoruichi behind the ears as she continued to try and suck out my soul through my cock.

What a naughty kitty I have.

This might be the most depraved thing I've written yet... Ehhhh, I'm sure I'll top it eventually.

For those curious, the promise Mikael was talking about was what he and Yoruichi talked about all the way back in Confinement 2. I get the tingles when I tie things back to when I first planned them, and I have had this one on the back burner for a long time.

The next chapter will be another lewd, though probably more wholesome, and then we will be back onto the main story as we ride this fic right to the end.

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