

Drake took longer to pack his bag because of the upkeep needed, due to the amount of rust that had built up on his gear over the years. Though my equipment has seen better days I don't have to take care of as many parts as Drake. Next was his weapons, Drake's arbiters come with Gauntlet attachments to go with his fighting style. The Knuckles have spikes he had welded onto them for extra damage.

After Drake had finished packing, we went over to The Rider's Camp to pick up some bikes for our trip to the wall. The Riders Camp takes up the area behind the Guild Hall used to store all their equipment. The Riders were either hanging around talking or working on their bikes. As we made our way over one of them notices us.

"You two sure took your time getting out here!" he yells.

Most of the Riders were of a smaller build, they don't usually have time to train their bodies. The trade off being, a faster movement speed. In a fight, they mostly rely on their speed advantage. Their leader is different, however; he's a muscle-bound B-Rank. Before being turned he was a bodybuilder. He carried his habits into this new world, continuing to keep up with his routine. His large size fooled everyone into thinking he was slow but being a B-Rank he possessed an ability. It's an enhancement type ability, allowing him to choose what parts of his body get enhanced. His name is Jack Farley. He was turned by an A-Rank from the Royal family Farley who overseas our district.

He'd heard the Rider calling out to us, standing up he waved us over while ducking into the storage room behind him. The storage room was filled wall to wall with extra parts and gear for The Riders. not a single piece of equipment had rust.

"I will be accompanying you on the trip to the wall," he said, his back turned to us while he looked over the equipment.

Jack had a commanding presence, leaving Drake unable to speak. With no such bindings on me, I say.

"With all due respect, we don't need escorting. The only thing on the path to the wall is Rankles and I feel Drake and I are plenty capable."

Turning to look back at me Jack had a stern look on his face.

"Nick, just like your deployment to the wall, this isn't up for debate. The Guild Master is putting as many obstacles between you two and any would-be attackers,"

"That may be so sir, but you leaving your post would arouse suspicion,"

"We've taken that into account, which is why I won't be leaving with you too. I'll be leaving with a team of Riders on a separate recon mission, and once we've covered some distance, I'll cut through a different route to meet up with you,"

Now there isn't any room for me to get out of him coming with us. I've never liked being ordered around like some kind of goon. But at my Rank I have no authority, you'd think after centuries I'd get used to it though.

"Now we're running out of moonlight, so grab one of the spare helmets and banks so we can get going." He says pointing to the corner of the storage room.

After doing as instructed, Drake and I walked out of the storage room. Awaiting us was a fully suited up Riders Squad already on their bikes, With Jack parked directly in front. Behind them are two bikes with no riders. They were the extras just in case a Riders main bike wasn't able to be repaired. Getting on a needle could be seen poking out of where the gas cap would be. Twisting it to the left it unlocked allowing the lead to be pulled out.

The lead is used to send blood into the bike as fuel. It was lined with fiberglass cloth to keep the tube protected from damage on the road. pulling it out I undo some of the buttons on my shirt exposing a bit of my chest. A port on my chest could be seen. The port is a connector for the needle, all Hunters Guild members get them implanted to use heavy machinery around the district as well as the bikes at the guild.

"I always hate this part," Drake whispers to himself, before shoving the needle into the port.

Clenching his teeth you can hear the bike fire up. Doing the same I push the needle into the part, causing a sharp pain in my chest. The port leads straight to the heart allowing for the best blood flow possible. Even though it's painful I can see why the Riders are always so excited when on their bikes. By fueling it with our own blood we become one with the machine, just like are arbiters. This allows for greater control over the bike. A feeling like this couldn't have ever been experienced in the old world.

Turning to his Riders Jack yells over the motors "Launch!"

Kicking up dirt Jack and his squad pull off at full speed, kicking up a massive cloud of dust heading for a ramp attached to the fence surrounding the Guild. After the Last one is out of view I turn to Drake.

"Guess its time for us to go too huh?" Drake says, revving his bike.

Doing the same I twist the handle back maxing out the rev limiter. There's no shifter on the bike only pegs for your feet. Compressing the clutch lever, I feel for the gears using my blood forcing them into high gear. For a split second the rear tire spins out on the dirt before grabbing traction and taking off. Feeling as if it'll vanish right out from under me, I squeeze my legs on the sides of the bike heading straight for the ramp.

Once over the ramp I fly several feet into the air, the first thing to hit the ground is the rear tire. Shifting down and easing up on the accelerator I maintain a wheelie for a few seconds. After shifting down again I set the front wheel on the ground. Once grounded I push the bike to it's limit once again. Quickly leaving the town and entering the wasteland of the outer districts.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, the next one will be longer. Please leave reviews or comments. I apperciate the feed back.

I'll also be uploading the next chapter this week to make up for the missed upload.

Smittyzzcreators' thoughts