
Dragon Heart (Part III)

[Charles POV]

Waking up, I felt drowsy. My head was aching once I stood up. I felt more energetic than usual.

The headache started to subside, and I noticed that the five times gravity had affected me less. I couldn't remember much of the pain, but I felt it was worth it.

I was not a masochist, but the energy I felt inside me was better than sex. I felt like I could run for days and wouldn't get tired.

Now that I'm energized, I want to start with the body enhancement capsule. Leaving the door of my room was the first time I could fully walk around the house. Like my house, this place was ten times the size.

"It's good to see you awake. Would you like to start with your training?"

Agnus then teleported right in front of me. It was convenient that he could freely travel around. I wish I could do the same.

"I would. I never felt this much energy before."

"Then we'll begin the surgery after you use the body enhancement capsule."